Storage Sentence Examples
She'd been in the large storage room once while playing hide and seek long ago.
It is obliged also to form entrepots for the storage of the crops at reasonable distances from each other, and, on certain conditions, to grant advances to cultivators to aid them in raising the leaf.
I'll check further on that storage facility ownership, too.
Do you own that storage facility where they were kept?
She took it, and he Transported them to the small storage room.
They were covered with dust in the storage rooms.
The construction of large storage reservoirs was recommended, and this work was put in hand jointly by the New River, West Middlesex and Grand Junction companies at Staines on the Thames.
They started the storage business as an investment.
He strapped on his weapons and strode into the storage area, looking with admiration at the boxes of medical supplies.
They left everything in storage.
AdvertisementFrom the reverberatory furnace or the kettle the refined lead is siphoned off into a storage (market) kettle after it has cooled somewhat, and from this it is siphoned off into moulds placed in a semicircle on the floor.
What will change is the amount of data that will be recorded, the speed of the processors, and the cost of storage and computation.
He glanced back at Fred, who had again closed his eyes and was prattling on about the best ways to "case" the storage facility.
Immortals and death-dealers battled the remaining demons at the warehouse-sized storage facility where the demons had been gathering the human dead.
One of the three owners of the storage building is named Fitzgerald!
AdvertisementTo harvest their crops, they need equipment and suitable storage facilities.
Katie braced herself for a storage room full of military uniforms and was surprised to see what looked much like a women's department section.
In addition to the storage buildings, he owns an insurance agency, a bank and a bunch of commercial real estate.
I'll ask Fred to try and run down who owns that storage place.
There was when the wreck was hauled into storage.
AdvertisementI knew where it was located when it was in storage, but they all looked the same outside at the auction.
Everything this side of the Mississippi is working on solar energy, but not all the facilities are equipped with energy storage, and because it's fall, our energy collection is limited.
The reactor area, the storage and logistical areas, and the hazardous waste areas appeared untouched.
Darian opened the door and slid into the storage room.
In the higher forms a storage and a mechanically-strengthening system may also be developed, and in some aerial Fungi an external protective tissue.
AdvertisementIn the former case the formation of phelloderm is trivial in amount; in the latter, considerable, since this tissue has to replace the cast-off cortex, as a metabolic and particularly a storage tissue.
In Canada, means of transport similar to those already described are employed, but the reservoirs for storage often consist of excavations in the soft Erie clay of the oil district, the sides of which are supported by planks.
In other countries the flash-point standards differ considerably, as do the storage regulations.
These prairies are traversed by ridges, which facilitate irrigation, and are underlaid by an impervious subsoil, which facilitates both effective storage and drainage.
The importance of storage reservoirs is manifest under such conditions of flow, especially bearing in mind the growth of population in the London district and of its increasing needs.
In the Amazon valley fish is a principal article of food, and large quantities of pirarucu (Sudis gigas) are caught during the season of low water and prepared for storage or market by drying in the sun.
The climatic conditions are not so favourable as in Argentina, but these are counterbalanced to some extent by the great river system of the Orinoco, whose large navigable tributaries cross the plains from end to end, and whose smaller streams from the surrounding highlands provide superior opportunities for water storage and irrigation.
Electric locomotives usually work on the trolley system, though a few storage battery locomotives have been successfully employed.
When the mineral is transported by rail or water to concentration or metallurgical works for treatment, or to near or distant markets for sale, provision must be made for the economical loading of railway wagons or vessels, and for the temporary storage of the mineral product.
Dean could picture him and the old man breaking into the storage building in the dead of night.
And while he isn't sure exactly where it was staged, there's a possibility he might have been in the same theatrical company that played Ouray, went broke and left their gear in storage.
There was a biography on him from some local storage shed association that made him some kind of muck a muck a few years back.
He's back in Virginia, playing with his storage garages and probably chasing every skirt he hasn't already lifted.
True to his word, he'd removed little from the storage facility.
Dan asked quietly, joining him in the storage room.
The radiation treatments we found in the feds' storage facility worked.
The one-room shack was neat, with pallets on one side, a fire at its center, a small area to prepare food and crates lining one wall that acted both as storage and seating.
Cisterns were also used for the storage of rain water, and aqueducts, of which the remains still exist, were constructed for the conveyance of water from a distance.
All of them couple the transmitting antenna directly or inductively to a capacity-inductive circuit serving as a storage of energy, and all of them create thereby electric waves of the same type moving over the earth's surface with the magnetic force of the wave parallel to it.
The guard-cells contain chlorophyll, which is absent from typical epidermal cells, the latter acting as a tissue for water storage.
The value of the fish has much increased owing to the introduction of cold storage; as a result of the employment of this method of packing, fish is now exported in a fresh state from the Black Sea to all parts of S.W.
It extended the meaning of the term " railroad " to include switches, spurs and terminal facilities, and the term " transportation " to include private cars, and all collateral services, such as refrigeration, elevation and storage.
Under the republic, and until modern times, the water supply of Venice was furnished by the storage of rain-water supplemented by water brought from the Brenta in boats.
The metropolitan system as planned in 1905 for the near future contemplated storage for 80,000,000,000 gallons, it is only part of a system planned for the service of the metropolitan area.
Natural gas is largely used in the United States, and for some time, owing to defective methods of storage, delivery and consumption, great waste occurred.
Moreover the chief object of the Petroleum Acts passed in the United Kingdom has hitherto been to regulate storage, and it has always been possible to obtain oils either of higher or lower flash-point, when such are preferred, irrespective of the legal standard, in addition to which it may be asserted that in a properly constructed lamp used with reasonable care the ordinary oil of commerce is a safe illuminant.
Because of Moore's Law, computers will get faster and storage will be cheaper.
In some twentieth-century science fiction visions of the future, humans created friendly robot sidekicks with data storage capacity and computational speed the human brain lacked.
Many of our houses, both public and private, with their almost innumerable apartments, their huge halls and their cellars for the storage of wines and other munitions of peace, appear to be extravagantly large for their inhabitants.
Cars, however, are too valuable to be used in this way for more than a few hours, and it is usual to erect large storage bins at the mine, at concentration works and metallurgical establishments, in which the mineral may be stored, permitting cars, wagons and vessels to be quickly emptied or loaded.
In coal mining the market demand varies in different seasons, and surface storage is sometimes necessary to permit regular work at the mines.
As he is called upon to construct lines of transport, both underground and on the surface, works for water-supply and drainage, and buildings for the handling, storage and treatment of ore, he must be trained to some extent as a civil engineer.
The city owns a fine water-supply and a filtration plant covering 20 acres, with a capacity of 30,000,000 gallons daily and storage reservoirs with a capacity of 2 2 7,000,000 gallons.
Cold storage for a period of over three weeks is said to kill the cysticercus.
After filtration the water is pumped to the storage tanks.
We have next to consider the energy storage which takes place when electric charge is created, i.e.
The reservoirs have a storage capacity of 8,000,000 gal.
A considerable trade has been established in the exportation of dressed beef in cold storage, and also in the exportation of meat and other foods in hermetically sealed receptacles.
About 1892 the idea occurred to him of using vacuum-jacketed vessels for the storage of liquid gases, and so efficient did this device prove in preventing the influx of external heat that it is found possible not only to preserve the liquids for comparatively long periods, but also to keep them so free from ebullition that examination of their optical properties becomes possible.
Storage for eight months did not disturb the density of the chemically extracted gas, nor had the silent electric discharge any influence upon either quality.
From 1873 the work of extension and improvement was carried on systematically, with the addition of new quays, greater storage room, and better means for handling cargo.
The length and breadth of these stores should be governed by the amount and character of the storage accommodation to be provided.
If intended for storage only, a width of 9 ft.
By this means the storage accommodation is nearly doubled and the fruit is more easily manipulated.
When thus artificially compounded, unless for immediate use, they should be made strong for convenience of storage, and applied as required much diluted.
The same functions of storage in advance of fructification are also exercised by the stromata so common in Ascomycetes.
Many tropical plants present on the upper surface of their leaves several layers of compressed cells beneath the epidermis which serve for storage of water and are known as aqueous tissue.
Reservoirs for storage, or for equalizing the flow, are rarely resorted to in England; but they are of absolute necessity in those countries in which it is just when there is least water that it is most wanted.
These works, as well as that in Lower Egypt, are intended to raise the water-surface above it, and to control the distribution of its supply, but in Storage.
Accordingly, when it was determined to construct a dam, it was decided that it should be supplied with sluices large enough to discharge unchecked the whole volume of the river as it comes down until the middle of November, and then to begin the storage.
The storage capacity of the reservoir is about 3,750,000 millions of cub.
Had the natives of Egypt been asked to choose between the preservation of Ptolemy's famed temple and the benefit to be derived from a considerable additional depth of water storage, there can be no question that they would have preferred the latter; but they were not consulted, and the classical sentiment and artistic beauty of the place, skilfully pleaded by archaeologists and artists, prevailed.
This would increase the storage capacity 22 times, or to about 9,375,000 millions of cubic feet.
The cost of storage works is very great.
All we ' ad for secondary storage was a paper tape puncher left over from the Crimean war.
The SAN disk storage subsystem connects to the server through a Fiber Channel.
Are you wondering how to buy self storage warehouses?
The biggest tip on buying a personal computer is that hard drive space is storage for what you put on the computer, like documents, music, photos and movies.
At that point you should invest in an external drive for backup and other storage.
With things ranging from storage capacity and types of formats players can support, the amount of mp3 players is daunting.
Brookstone has portable laptop desks like the e-Pad® one that has a storage pouch as well.
Portability and storage options are what will drive your desk choice.
If you thought that metal roofing was only for specialized buildings such as those found on farms or storage rental places, then the next time you take a trip or venture through your town, notice check out some of the houses.
You can choose from two options which are physical possession of your own gold, or third party storage.
When learning how to buy gold the safest way you will probably hear about third party storage.
Third party storage will involve you purchasing the gold through a reputable seller and then having the third party take possession of the bars after the physical delivery.
If you choose third party storage you should avoid encumbered gold or silver.
If your gold is unencumbered it means that the gold is subject to physical delivery at any time and is not influenced by the financial abilities of the storage provider.
If you choose third party storage for your gold you should consider purchasing insurance.
Additionally, you should look into the insurance, governing bodies, audits, and compliance with regulation in relation to the reputation of the storage entity.
You need to know how much space is on the computer for storage, what kind of hard drive that you have and any other amenities that the computer offers.
Computers come with vast amounts of storage now days, but you always have the option to add an external drive for extra storage or to use as backup.
A single-stage electric snow blower is designed for convenience and easy storage.
Most netbook comparisons include price, memory, hard drive storage, screen type and size, keyboard comfort and ease of typing, processor, USB ports, and battery life.
Hard drive storage can either come as an SSD (Solid State Drive) or a standard hard drive.
However, SSD storage is more expensive and could drive up the price.
You can keep it in storage and then take it out when it comes time to wrap it and put it under the tree.
Most Macs begin around $899 for their entry-level model (unless you go for a refurbished one) and go up depending on memory, processor and storage.
It has a touch screen and a glossy finish and much more storage space- approximately eight times more- than the iPod Touch.
However, there is a place for an SD memory card which makes up for the small amount of storage.
Storage on the iPad is 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB and is not expandable.
If you need even more space, the Nook offers the ability to expand your storage simply by inserting a memory card.
Currently, even though laptops come with a decent amount of storage, many computer users use external drives to save data in case the laptop crashes.
However, it’s still a good idea to get enough storage on the computer itself since some data takes up a lot of initial space.
Storage is very important, as you’ll want a lot on the laptop and an external for backup.
From gaming, to editing, to running multiple power-hungry programs at once, you’ll want the best processor and graphics card, the most memory you can afford and lots of storage.
A computer with low processing power, average amounts of memory and a small amount of hard drive storage will suffice.
You need a laptop with lots of memory, a high-end processor as well as a mid-range to high-end graphics card and lots of storage.
The silver plan offers 100MB of storage with 6GB transfer capacity, and the gold plan offers a 150MB storage plan with 8GB per month of data transfer.
There remained large rivers and opportunities for water storage which could be brought under irrigation at considerable expense.
Great storage works are necessary to equalize the flow of the streams and to save the flood waters.
It is as right for the National Government to make the streams and rivers of the arid regions useful by engineering works for water storage, as to make useful the rivers and harbours of the humid regions by engineering works of another kind.
Owing to tariff restrictions, the United States' market is being more and more abandoned, and improvements in cold storage are making it possible to export to Great Britain increasing quantities of butter and cheese.
In tidal seas a " jas " (or storage reservoir) is constructed alongside, similarly rendered impervious, in which the water is allowed to settle and concentrate to a certain extent.
In non-tidal seas this storage basin is not required.
According to a Spanish authority of about 1345, the anonymous Franciscan's Conoscimiento de todos los reinos, " Lancarote" was killed by the Canarian natives; but the castle built by him was standing in 1402-1404, when it was utilized for the storage of grain by the French conquerors under Gadifer de la Salle.
The wonderfully productive halibut fisheries of Hecate Strait, which separates these islands from the mainland and its adjacent islands, have attracted the attention of fishing companies, and great quantities of this fish are taken regularly and shipped across the continent in cold storage.
Along this channel the nectar is drawn into the pharynx and passes, mixed with saliva, into the crop or "honey-bag"; the action of the saliva changes the saccharose into dextrose and levulose, and the nectar becomes honey, which the bee regurgitates for storage in the cells or for the feeding of the grubs.
The young females (" workers ") that develop from the eggs laid in these early cells assist the queen by building fresh cells and gathering food for storage therein.
Some of these cells are used for storage, others for the rearing of brood.
If the capacity C is reckoned in microfarads then the energy storage is equal to CV 2 /2 X 19 6 joules or 0.737 CV 2 / 2 X 10 6 foot-pounds.
Of its large commerce, grain is the chief commodity; it is estimated that about four-fifths of that exported from the port of New York is shipped from here, and the borough's grain elevators have an estimated storage capacity of about 20,000,000 bushels.
This provides for a storage reservoir, controlled by Shoshone dam on Shoshone river, about 8 m.
But when the ship is condemned or does not proceed on her original voyage, no storage expenses incurred after the date of the ship's condemnation or of the abandonment of the voyage shall be admitted as G.A.
The Rio Grande project was planned in 1907 for the storage of the flood waters of the Rio Grande near Engle, New Mexico, in order to reclaim about 155,000 acres of land in New Mexico and Texas, and to deliver to Mexico above the city of Juarez 60,000 acre-feet of water per year, as provided by a treaty (proclaimed on the 16th of January 1907) between that republic and the United States.
A dam erected a few miles below that lake, with a storage of nearly io,000 million cub.
The water supply is derived from a storage lake on Flat Creek, 3 m.
Huge warehouses and sheds have been erected along the quays for the storage of freight.
There are also extensive lairages for live-stock, and cold storage for dead meat.
The city's arms were in storage and no resistance was possible.
The storage capacity is exceeded by probably but one reservoir in the world - the Wachusett reservoir near Boston.
Whaling retains a remnant of its old importance, and there are also mackerel and shore fisheries, oil-works, cold storage establishments for preserving fish for food and bait, and canning works for herring.
The fuel used was refined gasoline, and the extreme end of the tail of the fish was utilized for a storage tank with a capacity of one quart.
There is a coaling jetty and camber for the storage of both sea-borne and land-borne coal, with hydraulic appliances for handling it.
In the case of factories and buildings used for storage purposes the maximum variable load which can be imposed for any serious length of time on each floor must be used without reduction in computing the loads of the lower column, and proper allowances must be made for vibrating loads.
Among the wine-producing countries of Europe, Rumania stood fifth in 1900, despite the ravages of phylloxera, old-fashioned culture, lack of storage and other drawbacks.
This article is confined to the collection and storage of water for domestic and industrial uses and irrigation, and its purification on a large scale.
In both these cases the natural maximum discharge is somewhat diminished by the storage produced by artificial canalization of the rivers.
We have hitherto dealt only with the collection and storage of that portion of the rainfall which flows over the surface of nearly impermeable areas.
These elevators have a storage capacity of from 100,000 to 2,500,000 bushels.
Here petroleum tanks have been constructed for the storage of Rumanian petroleum, the first consignment of which in 1898, conveyed in tank boats, took six weeks on the voyage up from Giurgevo.
The horizontal section (B) with equal clearness demonstrates the bee's ingenuity in economizing space, showing how the outer combs are used exclusively for stores, and, as such, may be built of varying thickness as more or less storage room is required.
That its storage has very greatly increased as cultivation has been extended (the prairie sod sheds water like a roof) is true; moreover, the spread of scientific principles of farming has increased the advantage derived from the ground-water stored.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the Susquehanna Coal Company have coal docks here and the latter has great storage yards.
I.n 1918 he was appointed chief of the division of purchase, storage and traffic, and he was also a member of the War Industries Board.
The oil flowing from the presses is caught in reservoirs placed under the level of the floor, from which it is pumped into storage tanks for settling and clarifying.
Apart from the economical working of the machine itself, whatever system may be adopted, it is of importance that cold once produced should not be wasted, and it is therefore necessary to use some form of insulation to protect the vessels in which liquids are being cooled, or the rooms of ships' holds in which the freezing or storage processes are being carried on.
Whether pipes in the rooms or air circulation give the best results is to some extent a matter of opinion, but at the present time the tendency is decidedly in favour of air circulation, at any rate for general cold storage purposes.
The mock bones had been in storage for a couple of years—since the theater group went bust—in an unmarked trunk.
Or perhaps the theater props were kept somewhere just before the auction— after they were hauled out of the storage quarters.
It's the base for a state-wide business of storage buildings named—get this, 'Shipton Storage!'
When he reached the waterfall at the base of the storage pond, the mist rose up from the cascade, creating a myriad of icy fingers of crystal in the cold air.
Storage space was at a premium and no one was making any signs of making claim to the stuff.
Both companies operate considerable tank storage facilities which are fully integrated with the adjacent petrochemical complexes at Billingham and Wilton.
Three modes of operation and storage, optimum portability, and image storage are critical requirements for the professional photographer.
This storage space will probably suffice for the coming year.
On the hoof california quarterback Aaron says two days free storage at.
Topics covered include agronomy, physiology, genetics, crop protection, postharvest storage, product processing, and marketing.
The dominance of sodium formate suggests corrosion was influenced by organic acids and/or aldehydes emitted by the old wooden storage cases.
The alignment keyword specifies the storage alignment required for the data type.
The white storage elements consist of a highly heat resistant material based on special fused alumina which has very high heat capacity and conductivity.
There is also ample storage space within the cottage.
Neurological storage disease has been reported in this breed and renal amyloidosis, a form of kidney disease, has also been seen.
Also a full service and maintenance facility which includes, slipping, antifouling, refinishing, inboard and outboard servicing, repairs and storage.
The storage and query systems that expose such Apis exploit a wide variety of implementation strategies.
The largest storage space available is in deep saltwater bearing rocks, called saline aquifers.
Additionally, a large storage attic is found above the garage.
More sophisticated automation will be required for the management of data and its storage.
It can also be used for off-site backups at remote storage sites.
The timber-framed barn from Cowfold dates from 1536, its main use was for the storage of crops.
A full range of accessories is available from roll storage carts to roll bags and straps, floor tapes and ballet barres.
This has resulted in some of the College's best accommodation being used for the storage of students ' belongings for extended periods.
Storage areas should be sealed with an acid-resistant material and have a containment berm.
She put them all on a durable plastic template that fits into a standard 3-ring binder for easy storage.
When I'm feeling bionic, I need isotonic When practical storage is needed, a locker bag's top seeded.
The gall bladder is a storage site for bile.
Elstow Storage Dept, in the outskirts of Bedford, had a massive blaze which took more than twenty-four hours to contain.
Made from a single piece of folding boxboard, these are pre-scored and only require careful folding to form a clamshell storage box.
To achieve a breakthrough requires a suitable storage material of 6-7 weight percent hydrogen.
The cleaning operation must leave no residues on the cleaned surface and any wet storage staining should be removed using a stiff brush.
For advice on the construction of bunds please read our Masonry Bunds for oil storage tanks and Concrete Bunds for oil storage tanks guidelines.
But the industry has the potential for accidental radiation releases and produces radioactive byproducts that require safe storage for decades.
Out for collection in the large storage bin, not in the small kitchen caddie, as the caddie is not securable against animals.
Plus you have a handy storage caddy to keep your Tulip designs safe and ready for the next time.
Food waste from the kitchen caddy should be emptied into the larger storage bin for collection.
Is there enough storage capacity for the growing amount of data?
The major capital expenditure was for storage heaters, compensated for by a gratifying rise in our portfolio valuation.
Until new, advanced technologies are developed for energy production, carbon capture and storage technologies are required.
Another possibility is that women don't ingest carbohydrate in sufficient quantities to facilitate muscle glycogen storage.
The storage bins are easy to move about and have locking castors for extra safety.
For the purposes of the e-Innovation Center this is extended to include CD-ROM, dvd or any other computer data storage media.
They may be coated to increase their storage life, using maize protein or vegetable cellulose.
The wide range of on-site facilities includes chandlery, technical and engineering services, lift-out, hard standing storage, and approved training courses.
For some reason, Solaris's USB drivers are quite choosy about what storage devices they will accept.
It describes a suggested colostrum diet for newborns, looks at how to feed colostrum diet for newborns, looks at how to feed colostrum, and storage by freezing and fermenting.
What we'd assumed was an acronym for " Windows File System " was actually the less committal " Windows Future Storage " .
In addition Fortran array storage is directly comparable to the array storage conventions used in Excel.
An elegant roller shutter conceals an illuminated compartment for storage that also includes improved cupholders.
A second, lockable storage compartment is housed in the rear of the leg shield.
The second, under-seat compartment provides a generous amount of storage space.
These chrome plated storage baskets simply stick to your tiles with the use of cleverly concealed suction pads - no holes needed!
When the spark igniter is made conductive, the storage capacitor discharges the remainder of its accumulated energy.
This is crucially important for storage with liquid nitrogen owing to the high levels of accumulated microbial contaminants in liquid nitrogen storage vessels.
Massive data volume growth is increasing the importance of near-line and off-line storage for disaster recovery and business continuance.
Fusarium rot, which usually causes the corm to disintegrate in the soil or during storage, shows itself as corrugated surface lesions.
Water Storage Most Indian kitchens have a terra cotta pot used to keep water cool.
This player has more storage and more battery life, but it's the same old crud.
There is also a very large secure storage cupboard at the end of the terrace.
Blu-ray promises disks with 50GB of storage, which means nine hours of high-definition storage or 23 hours of standard definition storage or 23 hours of standard def.
Can be inflated with in minutes and are quickly deflated for easy storage.
Due to the volatile nature of all types of video and film the environmental storage conditions must be strictly controlled to minimize degradation.
Before leaving the storage room, he also grabbed a can of aerosol deodorizer.
We offer the modern containerised method of furniture storage within a purpose built storage depository.
Even these difficulties could be managed with remote storage, or even home storage devices that are not in the machine.
Dewar (flask)nning the cryostat, liquid helium is transferred from a storage dewar into the bath reservoir.
The gym folds flat for easy storage and travel and features an outside pocket that holds diapers and bottles.
Pullman dinette with storage under seats converts to double berth.
Kitchen - 4m x 4m, recently restored with new units including dishwasher, small fridge, storage.
In each model the top draw has removable dividers to enhance storage.
The French-style design includes shaped legs and a handy storage drawer.
The storage drawers in the Sedgwick Museum are full of objects which tell us fantastic stories about the past.
It has a drying room with dehumidifier, storage heater and spin dryer and a cold water sluice room for washing caving gear.
Unfortunately firebox problems led to premature withdrawal and a further period of storage as a static exhibit at Carnforth.
The fermion field storage order is not the canonical one but it is particular to the fermion type.
A common method of iron storage in the body is via a protein called ferritin.
The matrix itself is not flammable, giving you a much more stable storage system than a high-pressure cylinder.
Assess the storage setting for your two-cycle equipment to eliminate wood, grass clippings or any other potentially flammable materials.
They have fleshy, waxy leaves with a high capacity for water storage.
A charge may also be made for storage media for information requested in electronic formation requested in electronic format.
I'm looking for storage space - about the size of a lockup garage.
Gmail Gmail, which was launched in April 2004 is a free, search-based webmail service that includes 1 gigabyte of storage.
Display packed in individual storage hanger with barcode on reverse.
Each user will be allocated storage space on the file server's hard disk.
Bedroom 3. Bunk beds, pine wardrobe, shelving for storage, wicker chair, electric flame effect fire in granite hearth.
Heated by storage heated by storage heaters, with extra electric fi... .
There are storage heaters throughout the cottage except for the bathroom which has a electric wall mounted heater.
Amenities Electric heating from night storage heaters and additional heating from open fire in sitting room and wall-mounted fan heaters in bathroom and kitchen.
Kitchen has built-in oven with separate grill, hot water gas heater, 4-ring hob, fridge a lots of storage.
You will be given access to a locker, which has room for storage of a large holdall.
Areas where the Talyllyn has to improve include housekeeping, stacking and storage.
She was acquired by the company in 1880 for use as a tobacco and general storage hulk at Penang.
The main problem with the metal hydride storage system is their high cost.
However, no password-protected system of data storage and retrieval can be made entirely impenetrable.
Through this program, we have also formed strong relationships with global systems integrators, management consultants, and industry leaders in storage technology.
It is secluded from roads, tranquil, well irrigated and the dwellings offer stables and hay storage.
Debris storage is influenced by the relatively narrow shoreface, with the 10m isobath approaching to within 200 m of the coastline in places.
A proper CD and DVD storage unit will also prevent your desk resembling a junkyard.
The buttons marked P and T are used to provide the facilities of 10 telephone number storage and repeat last manually keyed number.
The engine then languished in the open air, slowly deteriorating until under cover storage was provided about 15 years later.
Second floor Loft bedroom 4 about 14'5 x 13'10 maximum (4.39m x 4.22m) with inset lighting and eaves storage.
Conventional storage solutions include liquefaction or compression, however there are energy efficiency and major safety concerns associated with both these options.
Similarly, petroleum driven vehicles and inflammable liquids should not be kept in storage cupboards, as these too are fire risks.
From the passage there is access to the not liveable attic very useful as storage.
Similarly, processing, storage and sale premises were reminded of minimum sizes and to look out for V-notched lobsters.
There are secure cycle storage lockers nearby, at Trinity Square.
In the basement of the chalet you will find a secure ski locker for safe storage of any equipment you bring or hire.
With high-density PCM thermal storage technology, it may be possible for a condensing fireless steam locomotive to be developed for extended operating range.
In dry storage seed longevity is over 15 years.
Bitucrete Bitucrete is a cold applied, deferred set, storage grade macadam - ideal for instant, high quality temporary repairs to.. .
The large vaulted kitchen, once the stables, retains its rustic charm, with the original manger now used for storage.
However, Legionella can also colonize man-made recirculating hot and water systems such as storage tanks, calorifiers and air conditioning systems.
Advisory notes Approved products containing methyl bromide are available for agricultural, horticultural, food storage and space spray use.
Social scientists gained much more access to computers and computer storage for data, including microcomputers.
The system also allows each microcomputer in the network to access a central data storage and retrieval device, the file server.
Both rooms also had an absolute minimum of storage space.
The ratio of loss and storage modulus, tan d, is also reported.
The book remains a very convenient medium for the storage of text, despite its rather one-dimensional nature.
The camera's generous 56MB internal memory is complemented by storage using optional Memory Stick Duo or Memory Stick PRO Duo media.
The first is what can be called the " power quality digital storage oscilloscope " .
The purpose of the scheme is to provide additional storage capacity to the existing system to reduce foul sewer overflow.
Dictionary class implemented as a B-tree, for the storage and retrieval of key-value pairs.
The butlers pantry once glistened with silver, and crockery, but was now bare, except for a few storage boxes.
But the reclaimed parquet will need cleaning before laying n The double trunk heavy wooden coffee table, below, opens up for storage.
The grass paviors provide limited infiltration, with excess water draining to the storage tank located at the southern end of the site.
Business planned to build gas terminal, which would be linked by an undersea pipeline to underground storage facilities.
Then there are the larger, outdoor playhouses which generally do not come to pieces for storage and cannot be used indoors.
Mind you, there are also log cabins, storage sheds, metal sheds, summerhouses and childrens playhouses to knock around in.
On some displays, for instance storage tubes or pen plotters, the whole picture would have to be redrawn.
More than 50 tons of separated plutonium is still in storage at Sellafield.
In basement reservoirs matrix porosity is effectively close to zero and most of the storage capacity and permeability is due to fractures.
Simple short, strong folding legs for easy storage Attractive ash finish 12 month guarantee includes puck, pushers and a fitted UK plug.
Early storage tanks were rum puncheons or cisterns made of cedar.
On the hoof California quarterback aaron says two days free storage at.
Memory allocation is very much in keeping with the price group, with 55MB of the 64MB ram available for storage.
They keep it from going rancid, thus allowing a storage life of up to five years.
Storage Due to their high oil content, the seeds will quickly become rancid.
After closure the owners sought and gained planning permission for rail served car storage and extensive land reclamation.
She then regurgitates all of the nectar into storage cells.
This magnetic remanence, therefore, is a major vulnerability of any OA System employing magnetic storage media.
Off-Site Storage - The process of storing vital records in a facility that is physically remote from the normal site.
No matter who's the leaders insurance renters storage in receive benefits only high service charges.
The Department of Trade and Industry considered either reprocessing the fuel at Sellafield, or leaving the spent fuel in long-term storage without reprocessing.
Package includes resuscitator With Patient Valve, Valve Controlled Oxygen Resevoir Bag, Oxygen Supply Tube And A Transparent Plastic Bag For Storage.
The gas network consists of collection points, storage depots, pipelines and the offshore drilling rigs.
These processes will also sanitize secondary bulk storage media.
This information needs supplementary data, but suggests a possible storage volume of intertidal sediment of between 55 and 400 x 106m 3.
Growth of magnetic semiconductors for spintronics, which may be used in future information storage devices.
Work is currently under way on the construction of an ovoid trunk sewer which will increase the storage capacity of the present sewerage system.
They each have one double and one single bed and ample shelving and storage.
The archive is stored on mobile storage shelving for easy location of samples.
The cryo storage kit range includes dry shippers, intermediate Dewars, canes, sleeves and vials among others.
Today it makes an ideal sideboard in the dining room, or a stylish cabinet for bedroom or living room storage.
Storage is usually in steel silos (heat could damage concrete silos ).
Less obvious are the storage silos on farms, usually blue or green; they tower over the surrounding countryside.
Convenient storage space may require strengthened floors, shelving, a loft ladder, and roof skylight.
The proposed Severn Barrage has sluices to allow water to enter the storage basin behind the dam.
The amazingly simple idea utilizes wasted space within a door to create a stylish storage solution.
The ' U ' shaped main cabin has ample storage space with two large side lockers, a cupboard & two drawers.
Low profile pour spout for compact packing, Stay-put lid won't budge during pouring, Wire handles fold down for compact storage.
Pumpkins and winter squash intended for storage will benefit from maximum exposure to sunlight to help the skin to mature.
The fuel stabilizer helps maintain the octane of the fuel, and reduces the gum and varnish buildup that can otherwise occur during storage.
It's an all stainless steel case, highly polished with only storage marks on the cases.
In the base is a compartment, with a swing door, for incense stick storage.
The farmstead had storage pits, drying frames and granaries, and was surrounded by a stockade.
The string argument to XrmStringToQuark need not be permanently allocated storage.
Bedrooms will usually have ample storage and hanging space but not always in each bedroom.
These bowls provide a safe solution for capture or temporary storage of your prize Koi.
Special areas of secure, school-based storage may need to be set aside.
These refills are made from inert, clear polypropylene and are safe and suitable for long-term archival storage of documents.
Having internal and removable storage may prove extremely useful.
In short, there's ample room for all your data storage needs.
Electronically operated up and over door, double glazed window, eaves storage space, power and light.
The program's most difficult long-term challenge is hydrogen storage in vehicles, the report says.
Each processor (or node) must have access to the same shared disk storage.
Studies show that glutamine supplementation after exercise stimulates anabolism and increases glycogen storage [8] .
Quot this has them and insurance renters storage we disaster strike to reduce dependency.
There is color television and radio, dressing table and storage space, chairs and bedside tables with lamps.
Fuel Most resorts use large underground storage tanks to fuel lifts, which poses a risk to the environment through a potential for leakage.
New storage tanks were installed at numerous points around the city.
Lastly, some of the Urie bogie tenders and all of the straight-sided bogie ones had vacuum storage cylinders behind the coal space.
Another priority is the systematic recording, development and storage of terminology in terminology databases.
All except the Soil Scoop come complete with a sturdy leather thong for easy storage.
Off-line storage of the digital images will be as 24-bit uncompressed tiff and on original Photo-CD.
For example, the project now collects increased tonnage from kerbside collections, which brings challenges in terms of storage, transport to markets.
The addition of a large toroid provides local energy storage at the top of the secondary.
Since all components are only small-volume components, the storage in re-usable totes is the ideal solution.
Monkeys sloths toucans sailing vessel's storage who will be last bus to.
It will join a few others in cold storage