Stomping Sentence Examples
She entered, stomping her feet to clear her legs of snow.
Make turtle stomping sounds when the Mario Bros.
Systems such as the Neo-Geo were havens for Japanese fighting games, while the Super Nintendo was a stomping ground for the heavy hitters in the industry.
It also became a stomping ground for nostalgic favorites and sequels to cult hits.
You can then kill them by stomping on them, or try the beer trick (you could also use a bucket of water since you're not trying to lure them) if you're too timid to squish them yourself.
These tunes bring back fond memories of goomba stomping, power-up collecting, high scores and more.
But this race won't be about muscle power or stomping the competition.
Burke also recently opened her own dance studio in her Bay Area stomping grounds, called Cheryl Burke Dance.
More importantly, these boots are made with water resistant suede; so should you find yourself wading through a brook and stomping through cheery puddles, you needn't fear the wildnerness!
Chants are generally accompanied by clapping and stomping, but some squads are known to do a little kick step just to add some fun and variety to what they're doing.
AdvertisementNo more searching for frozen half-tires in the snow and stomping the water out of them.
There were stern looks exchanged and then the group was gone, stomping and snapping their way up the stairs.
This sermon was better than most, but I really dig the rowdy stomping ones you get in the black churches.
Stomping harder, he tried to plant the spikes, as if gravity would bow to so meager a hold against its forces.
The stomping baseline is nicely juxtaposed with samples from The Blues Brothers film.
AdvertisementIt's a stomping tune and the young whipper snappers have already brought out an album ' Shades of Black ' last year.
If you watch the video you can see him looking straight at the guy and then stomping.
Contra II or Super Probotector in the UK is a classic shooter just stomping from start to finish.
It 's a stomping tune and the young whipper snappers have already brought out an album ' Shades of Black ' last year.
White Collar Boy is a stomping tune with bubblegum riffs plucked from the 1970s.
AdvertisementIt was the stomping ground of many players that went on to become members of the most dominant squads that DF has seen.
Check out ' Reggae Rocker ' a light hearted stomping number, a little repetitive at times but fun nonetheless.
The largest dance floor in Nashville will see you stomping away to the sound of live music into the wee hours of the morning.
Stomping down to the downstream pitches was very pleasant - no sign of any surveying instruments of torture yet.
The most famous one of these includes a woman falling on her face off a platform after trying to cheat at a grape stomping competition.
AdvertisementAnother fun variation to help keep it funky and fun is to have each girl make up her own rhythm by stomping, clapping or slapping her thighs.
Start by slowly stomping twice, clapping your hands twice, slapping your lap twice and clapping the hands of your neighbors.
Next, add two beats by slapping your right foot, and then stomping it down.
Add in long hisses, use monosyllables like "Ho!" and "Yeah!" or establish a stomping and clapping rhythm like the classic Queen song We are the Champions.
Step shows are elaborate performances in which sororities and fraternities create elaborately choreographed routines that feature a combination of clapping, stomping, and chanting.
If you're wondering what to add to a cheer that seems to have the right words but not quite enough for the crowd, try adding some stomping or clapping.
You can make them more fun by adding clapping and stomping elements.
Amid a banging door and stomping feet, Gladys Turnbull entered the kitchen.
But their wayward helper finally arrived, stomping off snow and apologizing profusely as the others began gathering their mountain of gear and leaving.
Stomping on everyone in his way, I guess.