Stocktaking Sentence Examples
Episode 3 (4 MAR 85) The Hold Up The staff have to work late to finish stocktaking.
This includes all aspects of staff management, maintaining accurate accounts, menu planning, ordering, stocktaking and budget control.
The office is closed for annual stocktaking in the last two weeks of November.
Future Developments A stocktaking exercise is being conducted by the ODPM, looking at the future of the LGPS.
The aim of the company is to give the ultimate stocktaking service, which includes being cost effective and accurate.
Eurostop 's RF system will enable Ann Summers to bring its stocktaking operation in house, cutting cost, due to increased efficiency.
Management of stocktaking staff will be much more efficient as RF enables the stock auditor to see the exact location of stock.
Stock Taking A wide range of options enables you to tailor your stocktaking report to your individual requirements.
There is a presumption that the annual stocktaking program must cover the great majority (by value) of the stocks.