Stockholders Sentence Examples
Although the state of North Carolina owns 70.3% of the stock (besides this Craven county holds 7.7%; Lenoir, 2.8%; and Pamlico county, 1.13%), the state casts only 35 o votes to the 700 of the private stockholders.
Next came the crowd of stockholders and creditors of the state, who, in face of the governments extravagant anarchy, no longer felt safe from partial or total bankruptcy.
Stockholders also have the right to adopt, amend and repeal the corporation's bylaws and to inspect books and records.
The main benefit to owning preferred stock is that you have a greater claim on the company's assets than common stockholders.
Preferred stockholders typically surrender voting rights in return for priority in dividend payout.
Overhead Cranes These are only found in fairly specialized warehousing operations such as metal stockholders.
The main benefit to owning preferred stock is that you have a greater claim on the company 's assets than common stockholders.
Including stockholders irc policy puts a on terror extends.
Exposure and in stockholders employees as concert hall and auditorium he 's no longer.
Over the years we have achieved a total return on stockholders ' funds well in excess of the annual cost of this new borrowing.
AdvertisementIn practice the directors and stockholders of a failed limited company simply lost their original investment.
Our unlisted portfolio remained stable at 6.4% of stockholders ' funds.
F. Finch, entrepreneurs and majority company stockholders, knew wood and appreciated quality construction and attention to detail.
Lender Obligations - No lender wants to foreclose on a home, but financial institutions do have investors and stockholders who want to make profits.
Unpaid mortgages can decrease profits so lenders do have an obligation to their stockholders.
AdvertisementPresented reports to Board of Directors and annual Stockholders meeting.
In addition, stockholders are not part of the public record.
With Enron stocks plummeting from $90(USD) to $0.10 per share, stockholders were left holding the bag for a loss of $11 billion.
If you mistreat your employees or stockholders, you run the risk that a couple million people may know about it before nightfall, thanks to Twitter, MySpace, Facebook and citizen journalists.
As a wholly mutual insurance provider, Guardian has no stockholders or private owners.
AdvertisementWithout private owners or stockholders, the company's strength comes from the fact that policyholders own the company, with any profits disbursed to policyholders in the form of dividends.
Instead of being owned by stockholders, mutual insurance companies are collectively owned by the members.
In the case of all quasi-public corporations rigid laws exist prohibiting the issue of stock or bonds unless the par value is first paid in; prohibiting the declaration of any stock or scrip dividend, and requiring that new stock shall be offered to stockholders at not less than its market value, to be determined by the proper state officials, any shares not so subscribed for to be sold by public auction.
The suggestions that votes should be conferred on graduates and stockholders were laughed at as fancy franchises.