Stiffened Sentence Examples
Alex stiffened and stopped translating.
She stiffened and avoided his gaze.
His command was weak, yet the air around her stiffened until she hit an invisible wall.
Alex stiffened with the first word.
Adrienne stiffened, her heart lurching into frenzied activity at the sound of his voice.
Claire stiffened and turned away.
She stiffened and brushed his hand away.
She stiffened as he stepped closer and placed a gentle hand on each of her shoulders.
When she stiffened, he grinned.
She stiffened, her voice gaining an edge.
AdvertisementShe stiffened at the reality and couldn't decide if it were good to keep the distance between them or if she really wanted more.
She stiffened, resisting an urge to tell him to remove his hand.
Lothairs rebuff in Bohemia stiffened the backs of Frederick and Conrad, and in order to contend with them the king secured a powerful ally by marrying his daughter Gertrude to Henry the Proud, a grandson of Welf, whom Henry IV.
She felt his breath on the back of her neck and stiffened as one arm slipped around her waist.
Carmen stiffened and dropped her fork.
AdvertisementShe stiffened and peered into the forest.
The graduated land-tax, which has since been stiffened, rises from nothing at all upon the smaller holdings to 3d.
It can be stiffened by girders and bracing and is then of mixed type, when it loses much of its advantage in economy.
Destiny stiffened with a fit of coughing and then drug a deep rattling breath.
Gabriel stiffened, and Rhyn.s suspicion ignited.
AdvertisementTo her surprise, Evelyn stiffened and gave an oh-so-casual, "Oh?"
She stiffened and glanced around.
For stiffened suspension bridges with wire cables, if the dip is 310th of the span the limiting span is 2700 to 3600 ft., and if the dip is *th of the span, 3250 to 4250 ft., according to the factor of safety allowed.
Every muscle in her body stiffened as he shut the door and walked across the room to her.
When he cupped her breast in his hand outside her blouse, she stiffened instinctively.
AdvertisementThe GRP hull is built using a composite lay-up and the decks incorporate a non-skid surface, and are stiffened by a balsa core.
This charming vintage evening bag has a stiffened cloth body, totally covered in tiny faux pearls, in a wonderful swirling design.
The base of the tetrahedron is a stiffened steel grillage that will incorporate the connection to the bearing below.
In the earlier part of the period dresses were given shape by stiffened petticoats but by mid century the characteristic mode was the crinoline.
He shares this predicament with many in the UK but it has only stiffened his resolve to carry on with the trading regardless.
This was a coarse fabric of silk, wool, or silk mixed with wool or mohair, often stiffened with gum.
A host of modifications including stiffened, lowered suspension, tweaked power steering and up-rated brakes will ensure the car cuts the mustard dynamically.
It seems to have stiffened resolve against the idea of the town 's becoming England 's club capital.
The stiffened peak is okay, tho a wired one would be better.
He stiffened suddenly, barely hearing the cry from an area generally to his right.
It is usual for the petticoat of a court dress to be supported by a substantial hoop stiffened with whalebone.
When the frosting has stiffened, fill in the plain rounded section with black buttercream.
Although sitting up straight may indicate that a person is attentive and eager to participate, some people sit with a stiffened back because it is comfortable and takes pressure off the lower back.
It wasn't until 1915 when Bullard added stiffened canvas helmets to his inventory that miners and construction workers began using them.
Instead of the practical, loose-fitting garment that kept soldiers cool and gave them good range of motion, the Army had slowly tightened and stiffened the outfits, with high starched collars and fancy insignia.
Carmen stiffened and looked up at Alex, but he found something interesting outside to look at.
She stiffened briefly as she realized what had happened, but before she could even raise a hand to resist; his venom had produced a surge of euphoria.
She nodded, and then stiffened as Ed came out of the hills, riderless.
She stiffened, once again the leader, and gazed up at him.
When his gaze shifted to Candice, he stiffened, his expression becoming wary.
He stiffened and didn't respond.
He stiffened a moment, eyeing her critically.
The Czechs and Yugosla y s, finding the door thus shut in the face of their national aspirations, even in the modified Habsburg form, naturally stiffened in their opposition.
Nevertheless, the stiffened suspension bridge will probably be the type adopted in future for very great spans.
It consists of a pair of tubular girders with solid or plate sides stiffened by angle irons, one line of rails passing through each tube.
The vertical sides of the girders are stiffened so that they amount to 40% of the whole weight.
The cantilevers can stiffened suspension bridge, but atter the fall of the Tay bridge in 1879 this was abandoned.
In any stiffened suspension bridge the action of the pier will be analogous to that of a pier between two arches.
In such rolling operations the girder is subjected to straining actions different from those which it is intended to resist, and parts intended for tension may be in compression; hence it may need to be stiffened by timber during rolling.
The defeat of the Turkish army at Nizib (Nezeeb or Nisib), in the second Syrian War (1839), showed that it was possible to obtain favorable military results with Egyptianswhen stiffened by foreigners and well commanded.
The attitude of the government on the Afghan question and generally in regard to Russia was held by many to have been perceptibly stiffened owing to Lord Rosebery's influence.
In the treatment of stiffened joints, massage under water is very serviceable, and in the so-called Aix douche a nozzle from which water continuously streams is fastened to the wrist of the masseur, so that a current of water is constantly playing upon the joint which he is rubbing.
This he did with an industry stiffened by matchless self-confidence and by ambitions fully mature before he was eighteen.
She stiffened, wondering if the job was genuine - or was he was simply looking for a mistress?
His grip on her arm loosened and she stiffened as his hand slid up to her throat.
He stiffened, oblivious to Roxanne.
These sides are stiffened, and when the mitre is worn, they rise in front and behind like two horns pointed at the tips (cornua mitrae).
What is not quite so generally known is the fact that Leopold slackened at once and would have been quite content with the results of these earlier victories had not the pope stiffened his resistance by forming a Holy League between the Emperor, Poland, Venice, Muscovy and the papacy, with the avowed object of dealing the Turk the coup de grace (March 5, 1684).
The principles involved in it were lost sight of under the mass of spurious maxims on social order which had slowly grown up and stiffened into system.
Nearer and nearer... now she was ahead of it; but the wolf turned its head to face her, and instead of putting on speed as she usually did Milka suddenly raised her tail and stiffened her forelegs.
Just as horses shy and snort and gather about a dead horse, so the inmates of the house and strangers crowded into the drawing room round the coffin--the Marshal, the village Elder, peasant women--and all with fixed and frightened eyes, crossing themselves, bowed and kissed the old prince's cold and stiffened hand.
In 1902 her position was strengthened by the alliance with England; in 1903 her army, though in the event it proved almost too small, was considered by the military authorities as sufficiently numerous and well prepared, and the arguments of the Japanese diplomatists stiffened with menaces.
As railway loads increased and greater spans were demanded, the Howe truss was stiffened by timber arches on each side of each girder.
Callosities, or bare patches covered with hardened and thickened epidermis, are found on the buttocks of many apes, the breast of camels, the inner side of the limbs of Equidae, the grasping under-surface of the tail of prehensile-tailed monkeys, opossums; &c. The greater part of the skin of the onehorned Asiatic rhinoceros is immensely thickened and stiffened by an increase of the tissue of both the skin and epidermis, constituting the well-known jointed " armour-plated " hide of those animals.
He has Augustine's Predestinarianism, stiffened (according to Loofs) by Arab philosophical determinism, and he has much of Augustine's doctrine of the grace of God, though it is flanked with doctrines of human merit which might have astonished Augustine.