Stewardship Sentence Examples
Meanwhile the stewardship had increased in importance.
A sign informed them that they were entering the Canyon Creek Stewardship Project.
Labor 's stewardship of the countryside has been a sorry tale of indifference, neglect and contempt.
Why not hold your parish stewardship renewal event this year in the midweek, rather than on a Sunday?
The show continued much in the same manner as it had under Bell's stewardship.
In the spring of 1560, conscious of an ominous decline of his powers, Gustavus summoned his last diet, to give an account of his stewardship. On the 16th of June 1560 the assembly met at Stockholm.
She has dedicated her life to educating others about good earth stewardship and healthy green lifestyle choices through the everyday task of cleaning their homes.
Both views are in support of responsible stewardship of the land.
Meeting their mission-to increase opportunity and equity for those most in need-requires great stewardship of the money they have available.
Under his stewardship, Celine quickly grew in stature, in no small part due to Kors' bold accessories and critically acclaimed ready-to-wear line.
AdvertisementThe group states that the mission of the zoo is to improve the relationship between humans and animals by promoting responsible stewardship of wildlife.
Playing one arm bandits every evening is clearly not an example of responsible stewardship of either your money or your time.
If proven, the backroom dealing could have severe implications both for ICANN and for the US government's stewardship of the Internet.
Product Stewardship for Roundup Ready corn Roundup Ready corn hybrids are marketed as part of the Market Choices program.
The farm is also under Arable Stewardship which entails leaving over-wintered stubbles for ground-nesting birds.
AdvertisementThe office of steward in France, then recently suppressed, had for some time been the highest office of state in that kingdom, and Simon de Montfort appears to have considered that his hereditary stewardship entitled him to high official position in England; and after his victory at Lewes he repeatedly figures as steward of England in official documents under the great seal.
Edmund was succeeded by Thomas, earl of Lancaster, who received a fresh grant of the stewardship to himself and the heirs of his body from Edward II.; and this earl it was who, during the weak administration of the lastmentioned king, first put forward in a celebrated tract the claim of the steward to be the second personage in the realm and supreme judge in parliament, a claim which finds some slight recognition in the preamble to the statute passed against the Despencers in the first year of Edward III.
Thus, when the king summoned the estates to assemble at Stockholm on the 3rd of September 1778, he could give a brilliant account of his six years' stewardship. Never was a parliament more obsequious or a king more gracious.
The wise stewardship of environmental resources is a key issue facing us in the 21st Century.
It doesn't matter how good the finance rate might appear to be, because proper financial stewardship is always necessary in these decisions.
AdvertisementThe company strives to be environmentally responsible, and you can find out more details on their environmental policies by visiting their environmental stewardship page.
The domes are built out of wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
One group, the Carolina Stewardship Association in North Carolina, partnered with the USDA, NCDA and the North Carolina State University in the latter's project, North Carolina Organic Bread Flour Project.
Demand, under the stewardship of sister Donatella Versace, has only grown.
During the crisis of 1760-1762, when the Hats were at last compelled to give an account of their stewardship, Hopken was sacrificed to party exigencies and retired from the senate as well as from the premiership. On the 22nd of June 1762, however, he was created a count.
AdvertisementIn February 1883 Mr Trevelyan gave an account of his stewardship at Hawick, and said that all law-abiding Irishmen, whether Conservative or Liberal, were on one side, while on the other were those who " planned and executed the Galway and Dublin murders, the boycotting and firing into houses, the mutilation of cattle and intimidation of every sort."
The United States has its $ 4 billion ' scientific based stockpile stewardship ' plans.
In 1349, at the Landsting of Ringsted, Valdemar proudly rendered an account of his stewardship to the Estates of Zealand, and the bishop of Roskilde congratulated him on having so miraculously delivered his people from foreign thraldom.
After Simon's death at Evesham his forfeited estates were conferred on his son Edmund of Lancaster, who also obtained a grant of the stewardship, but only for life.
Nor did Valdemar hesitate to meet his people in public and periodically render an account of his stewardship. He voluntarily resorted to the old practice of summoning national assemblies, the so-called Danehof.
Walpole bent before the storm and abandoned the measure; but Chesterfield was summarily dismissed from his stewardship. For the next two years he led the opposition in the Upper House, leaving no stone unturned to effect Walpole's downfall.
The churchwardens, who are representative officers of the parishes, are also executive officers of the bishops in all matters touching the decency and order of the churches and of the churchyards, and they are responsible to the bishops for the due discharge of their duties; but the abolition of church rates has relieved the churchwardens of the most onerous part of their duties, which was connected with the stewardship of the church funds of their parishes.