Sterling Sentence Examples
A sum of 20 millions sterling was voted as compensation to the planters.
The currency of the colony, which had formerly twelve shillings to the pound sterling, was assimilated to that of England in 1842.
Both were admirable civil servants, and they had a mutual admiration for each other's sterling qualities.
A loss of £120,000,000 sterling within 13 years, falling on a limited area, and on one class within these two countries, constituted indeed a calamity on a national scale, calling for national effort to contend with its devastating action.
Irrigation protects large tracts against famine, and has immensely increased the wheat output of the Punjab; the Irrigation Commission of 1903 recommended the addition of 62 million acres to the irrigated area of India, and that recommendation is being carried out at an annual cost of 12 millions sterling for twenty years, but at the end of that time the list of works that will return a lucrative interest on capital will be practically exhausted.
The revenue of the state is about one million sterling; and large reserves have been accumulated, from which two millions were lent to the government of India in 1887, and later on another million for the construction of the Gwalior-Agra and Indore-Neemuch railways.
For seven years, from 1611 to 1618, he was ambassador at the Turkish court, where he amassed a fortune of some 16,000 sterling by doubtful means, and was bastinadoed by order of the sultan for his frauds.
In 1900 it exported watches to the value of nearly £3,000,000 sterling.
The output in 1905 exceeded 34 million tons, valued at £12,500,000 sterling, and equal to more than a quarter of the entire yield of Germany.
Eight hundred houses were burnt down, and over two millions sterling of damage was wrought in the town on that occasion.
AdvertisementThe following is a fairly typical statement of the budget estimates (1902-1903), in marks (=1 shilling sterling) Receipts.
The large ship canals to Rotterdam and Amsterdam, called the New Waterway and the North Sea canal respectively, were constructed in 1866-1872 and 1865-1876 at a cost of 21 and 3 million pounds sterling, the former by widening the channel of the Scheur north of Rozenburg, and cutting across the Hook of Holland, the latter by utilizing the bed of the Y and cutting through the dunes at Ymuiden.
The length of the course as prescribed by law is two years, but it is usually extended to three or four years, and the instruction, though mainly theoretical, has regard to the special local industries; the fees, if any, may not exceed one pound sterling per annum.
The sum which he named was a large one, 4000 pounds of gold (about f160,000 sterling), but under strong pressure from Stilicho the Roman senate consented to promise its payment.
After much bargaining, the famine-stricken citizens agreed to pay a ransom of more than a quarter of a million sterling, besides precious garments of silk and leather and three thousand pounds of pepper.
AdvertisementThe total debt in English money may be put at 126 millions sterling, which requires for interest, sinking fund and service about 5-1 millions sterling annually.
Other minerals are iron, manganese, lead and zinc. The iron mines produce much less than formerly, and the want of iron is a grave defect in Belgian prosperity, as about £5,000,eoo sterling worth of iron has to be imported annually, chiefly from French Lorraine.
Whereas in 1864 the annual production of all factories in Poland was valued at not more than 54 millions sterling, in 1875, when the workers numbered 27,000, the output was estimated at even less; but in 1905 the value of the industrial production reached 53 millions sterling.
The Ostend Company was formed in 1722-1723, and with a capital of less than a million sterling founded two settlements, one at Coblom (Covelong) on the Madras coast between the English Madras and the Dutch Sadras, and the other on the Hugh between the English Calcutta and the Dutch Chinsura.
The annual value of imports and exports exceeds seven and nine millions sterling respectively.
AdvertisementThe annual catch of the entire sea is valued at an average of one million sterling.
There were 1020 mills in operation in 1895, and the exports in 1905 amounted to more than 3,700,000 sterling, as Paper.
In 1903 371,084,000 metric tons of goods, including animals, were conveyed by the German railways, yielding 68,085,000 sterling, and the number of passengers carried was 957,684,000, yielding 29,300,000.
Besides these ten-mark pieces, there are Doppclkronen (double crowns), about equivalent in value to an English sovereign (the average rate of exchange being 20 marks 40 pfennige per LI sterling), and, formerly, half-crowns (halbe Kronen =5 marks) in gold were also issued, hut they have been withdrawn from circulation.
The total turnover of the Imperial Bank was, in the first year of its foundation, 13/4 milliards pounds sterling; and, in 1899, 90 milliards.
AdvertisementThe legal currency, and that in general use, is British sterling.
In finance his administration was very successful, as notwithstanding the expenses of his wars he showed an annual surplus of two millions sterling.
I The figures of the debt are always given in sterling.
After paying out of the capital the sums required for the indemnities due for the burning of Alexandria and the deficits of the years 1882 and 1883, it still had a million sterling, and boldly invested it in the improvement of irrigation.
In modern times the value of Danish commerce greatly increased, being doubled in the last twenty years of the 19th century, and exceeding a total of fifty millions sterling.
He went once to see Coleridge, who was then delivering his oracular utterances at Highgate, and the only result was the singularly vivid portrait given in a famous chapter in his life of Sterling.
Young disciples, among whom John Sterling was the most accepted, were gathering round him, and he became an object of social curiosity.
No one was more devoted to such congenial friends as Irving and Sterling.
The value of the aggregate trade amounts to an average of seven to nine millions sterling annually.
The " navy was so augmented as it is a thing almost incredible," but none the less £ioo sterling was worth as much, Drury wrote from Berwick, as £1000 Scots.
This canal provides, with the Illinois & Michigan canal and the Illinois river, an improved waterway from Chicago to the Mississippi river, and greatly increases the commercial and industrial importance of the "twin cities" of Sterling and Rock Falls, where the Rock river is dammed by a dam nearly 1500 ft.
Another period of want followed, and it was only by persistent solicitation that Heyne was able to obtain the post of under-clerk in the count's library, with a salary of somewhat less than twenty pounds sterling.
The infectious joyousness of his nature, his sterling character, his solid, if not brilliant, intellect, and his prowess at games gave him an undisputed lead among his contemporaries.
Its revenues (about which no trustworthy information is available) are subject to great fluctuations, and probably never exceed the value of one million sterling per annum.
Pierre de Breze and Antoine de Chabannes were captured and imprisoned, as well as men of sterling worth like Etienne Chevalier.
In1905-1906the export of rice from India was valued at 122 millions sterling.
The total value of oils and oil-seeds exported in1905-1906was over 72 millions sterling.
In the early years of the 19th century there were colonies of English planters in many districts of Bengal, and it was calculated that the planters of North Behar alone had a turnover of a million sterling.
Prior to 1860 the exports of raw cotton from India used to average less than 3 millions sterling a year, mostly to China; but after that date they rose by leaps, until in 1866 they reached the enormous total of 37 millions.
The total imports for1905-1906were valued at 822 millions sterling, including 14 millions of gold and silver, which are continually hoarded by the people of India.
The Irrigation Commission of 1901 advised an expenditure of 30 millions sterling, spread over a term of twenty years, and irrigating 62 million acres in addition to the 47 millions already irrigated at that time; but it was estimated that that programme would practically exhaust the irrigable land in India, and that some of the later works would be merely protective against the danger of famine, and would not be financially productive.
The total land revenue received by Akbar amounted to about 161 millions sterling.
The central authority never recovered from the invasion of Nadir Shah in 1 739, who carried off plunder variously estimated at from 8 to 30 millions sterling.
On that occasion, besides private donations, the British received a grant of the three districts of Burdwan, Midnapur and Chittagong, estimated to yield a net revenue of half a million sterling.
Oudh was given back to the nawab wazir, on condition of his paying half a million sterling towards the expenses of the war.
A puppet nawab was still maintained at Murshidabad, who received an annual allowance of about half a million sterling; and half that amount was paid to the emperor as tribute from Bengal.
The total assessment amounted to sikka Rs.26,800,989, or about 24 millions sterling.
He agreed to yield one-half of his dominions to be divided among the allies, and to pay three millions sterling towards the cost of the war.
This he effected by reductions in permanent expenditure, amounting in the aggregate to 12 millions sterling, as well as by augmenting the revenue from land that had escaped assessment, and from the opium of Malwa.
The suppression of the Mutiny increased the debt of India by about 40 millions sterling, and the military changes that ensued augmented the annual expenditure by about 10 millions.
Despite unparalleled importations of grain by sea and rail, despite the most strenuous exertions of the government, which incurred a total expenditure on this account of 11 millions sterling, the loss of life from actual starvation and its attendant train of diseases was lamentable.
The total strength of the army was raised by ro,000 British and 20,000 native troops, at an annual cost of about two millions sterling; and the frontier post of Quetta, in the neighbourhood of Kandahar, was connected with the Indian railway system by a line that involved very expensive tunnelling.
In 445 Bleda died, and two years afterwards Attila, now sole ruler, undertook one of his most important expeditions against the Eastern empire; on this occasion he pushed southwards as far as Thermopylae, Gallipoli and the walls of Constantinople; peace was cheaply purchased by tripling the yearly tribute (which accordingly now stood at 2 100 pounds of gold, or £84,000 sterling) and by the payment of a heavy indemnity.
Down to 1910 the sum expended by Japan on Korean reforms was estimated to approach fifteen millions sterling.
The total turnover of goods sold and "ordered" amounts to nearly 362 millions sterling annually.
Since 1888, when Altona joined the imperial Zollverein, approximately half a million sterling has been spent upon harbour improvement works.
It is probable that the English capital locked up in the port industry amounts to some 2 millions sterling.
The value of the port taken by the United Kingdom was in the year 1906 over one million sterling, that is, rather less than half of the total value of all the French wines imported, but more than double the value of the total of Spanish wines.
The trade with the United Kingdom is now a very considerable one, amounting in 1906 to roughly i million gallons to the value of three-quarters of a million sterling.
The manufacturing industries (wood-products, metallurgy, machinery, textiles, paper and leather) are of modern development, but the aggregate production approaches one and a half millions sterling in value.
Sedalia was a Union military post throughout the Civil War; on the r 5th of October 1864 a detachment from Sterling Price's raiding column dislodged a small Union force that was occupying the town, but the Confederate occupation lasted only one day.
In 1895 a conversion law was passed in which the sterling value of the peso was reduced to 18d., at which rate the outstanding paper should be redeemed.
In the various engagements throughout the conflict more than r o,000 lives were lost, and the joint expenditure of the two governments on military preparations and the purchase of war material exceeded 10,000,000 sterling.
In 1880 a laborer earning 25 krans, or LI sterling a month, could afford to keep a family; by 1908, in krans, he earned double what he did in 1880, but his wage, expressed in sterling, was the same, and wherever the prices of food have risen more than his wages he could not afford to keep a family.
A new assessment of the maliat, based upon the present value of the produce of lands and actual profits of artisans and tradesmen, has frequently been spoken of, and government, aided by a strong minister of the interior and an able minister of finance, ought to have no difficulty in raising the maliat to its proper level and the total revenues of the country to about two millions sterling.
However, in November 1907, when the national assembly or council demanded a budget and made inquiries as to the financial position, it was found that the expenditure foz some years past had been half a million sterling per annum in excess of the receipts and that considerable sums were owing to banks and commercial firms who had lent money.
The authorized capital was four millions sterling, but the bank started with a capital of one million, and began its business in Persia in October 1889.
During the first two years the bank remitted the greater part of its capital to Persia at the then prevailing exchange, and received for every pound sterling 32 t0 34 krans; but in consequence of the great fall in silver in I893 and 1894, the exchange rose to 50 krans per pound sterling and more, and the banks capital employed in Persia being reduced in value by more than one-thirdIO0 krans, which at the beginning represented 3 then being worth only 2 or lessthe original capital of one million sterling was reduced to 650,000 in December 1894.
Trade in other commodities, however, is on the increase, exports now amounting to nearly half a million sterling and imports to half that figure.
As Carlyle has told in his Life of Sterling, the poet's distinction, in the eyes of the younger churchmen with philosophic interests, lay in his having recovered and preserved his Christian faith after having passed through periods of rationalism and Unitarianism, and faced the full results of German criticism and philosophy.
Its length is 12 m., the total cost 34 millions sterling.
The imports average between four and five millions sterling annually, and consist largely of agricultural machinery.
For fifty-eight days Nadir Shah remained in Delhi, and when he left he carried with him a treasure in money amounting, at the lowest computation, to eight or nine millions sterling, besides jewels of inestimable value, and other property to the amount of several millions more.
Wheat, barley, eggs, butter, oilcake, hides, tallow, leather, tobacco, rugs, feathers and other items add considerably to the total value of the exports, which increased from 14 million sterling in 1851-1860 to 8-14 millions sterling in 1901-1905.
Theodosia has gained much of the trade of Sevastopol since that town was made a military port in 1894, and the value of its exports (1z-22 millions sterling annually), principally grain and oil-seeds, is increasing year by year.
The value of the exports and imports from and into the whole province is a little under a million sterling a year.
New docks were opened in 1892, which cost upwards of two millions sterling.
Its inland trade is carried on by country boat, inland steamer, rail and road, and amounted in 1904-1905 to about four and three-quarter millions sterling.
The Bank of Commerce has its headquarters here, as have also the Bank of Nova Scotia, the Bank of Toronto, the Standard Traders, Imperial, Sovereign, Dominion, Crown, United Empire, Sterling and other banks.
Yet, apart from its sterling excellence, it is not without beauties, for it is marked by loftiness of thought, a love of purity and truth, and refinement in taste and feeling.
In 1840 the building of the New Palace, or Houses of Parliament, began, and it was completed in 1867, at a cost of about three millions sterling.
The value of cereals exported in 1898 was about 9 millions sterling, in 1899 only 31 millions.
In the autumn of 1864 Sterling Price led a brilliant but rather bootless Confederate raid across the state, along the Missouri River, and was only forced to retreat southward by defeat at Westport (Kansas City).
For the two years 1905 and 1906 the revenues were estimated to produce (at $5 to the £i sterling) £4,203,823, the expenditures being fixed at the same amount.
It is worthy of note that this debt, principal and accumulated interest, exceeded six and a half millions sterling in 1873, and that the bondholders surrendered about 60% of the claim in the hope of securing the payment of the balance.
For 1900-1901 the total expenditure on famine relief was nearly 3 crores (say, £2,000,000 sterling); and a continuance of drought necessitated an estimate of 1 crore in the budget of the following year.
The beds, which are exploited by the brine method at Hutchinson, at Ellsworth (Ellsworth county), at Anthony (Harper county) and at Sterling (Rice county), lie from 400 to 1200 ft.
In the autumn of 1864 the Confederate general, Sterling Price, aiming to enter Kansas from Missouri but defeated by General Pleasanton's cavalry, retreated southward, zigzagging on both sides of the Missouri-Kansas line.
He then proceeded to float a company, and in 1807 the first public street gas lighting took place in Pall Mall, whilst in 1809 he applied to parliament to incorporate the National Heat and Light Company with a capital of half a million sterling.
Three years later these and various other engagements were consolidated into a systematic plan for the administration of the Baroda territory, under a prince with a revenue of three-quarters of a million sterling, perfectly independent in all internal matters, but practically kept on his throne by subsidiary British troops.
The gross revenue of the state is more than a million sterling.
Earlier forms of the name of Stirling are Strivilen, Estriuelen, Striviling and Sterling, besides the Gaelic Struithla.
The total returns amount to 16 to 20 millions sterling a year, representing about one-ninth of the entire Russian foreign trade, and 14% if the coast trade be included as well.
The total exports are valued at 10 to II millions sterling annually, and the imports at 6 to 9 millions sterling, about 81% of all the imports into Russia.
To these must be added wine (mostly of excellent quality) of an annual value of about one million sterling, peas and beans, maize, fruit, chiefly cherries and apples, beets and tobacco, and garden and dairy produce.
There is a lively trade with St Petersburg, and the sea-borne exports, which consist chiefly of timber, flax, linseed, oats, flour, pitch, tar, skins and mats, amount in value to about 12 millions sterling annually (822% for timber), but the imports (mostly fish) are worth only about £ 200,000.
In the winter of 325-324 Harpalus, the receiver-general of Alexander in Asia, fled to Greece, taking with him 8000 mercenaries, and treasure equivalent to about a million and a quarter sterling.
Fifty millions sterling in three years was proposed as payment for what had been officially undervalued at 113 millions.
The value of the sales considerably exceeds £10,000,000 sterling per annum.
The estimated cost, borne by Prussia, Saxony and the city of Leipzig, is estimated at 6 million pounds sterling.
In carrying out these works the Hungarian government between 1867 and 1895 spent seven millions sterling, and a further expenditure of three and a half millions was provided for up to 1907.
Austria-Hungary subsequently conferred its rights on Hungary, by which country the works were carried out at a cost of about one and a half millions sterling.
The normal annual expenditure amounts to about L56,000, while 24,000 is generally allotted to extraordinary works, such as new cuttings, &c. Between 1857 and 1905 a sum of about one and three quarter millions sterling was spent on engineering works, including the construction of quays, lighthouses, workshops and buildings, &c. Sulina from being a collection of mud hovels has developed into a town with 5000 inhabitants; a well-found hospital has been established where all merchant sailors receive gratuitous treatment; lighthouses, quays, floating elevators and an efficient pilot service all combine to make it a first-class port.
He left a fortune of some two millions sterling to his daughter, who married first a son of the Marquis di Rudini, and secondly Prince Gyalma Odescalchi.
The lighthouse is at the end of the breakwater, of which the whole cost was nearly 12 million sterling.
This argument to the pocket quickly had its effect, and licences were applied for in such numbers that, in royalties for the use of his process, Bessemer received a sum in all considerably exceeding a million sterling.
The exports of Spanish Cotton goods were, until the close of the 19th century, hardly worth mentioning outside the colonial markets, which took an average of two millions sterling in the decade 1888-1898.
The debts of Spain were further increased in 1891 by a consolidation of Io,ooo,000 of floating debt turned into 4% redeemable stock similar to that of 1882; and this did not prevent a fresh growth of floating debts out of annual deficits averaging two to three millions sterling during the last quarter of the 19th century.
Spain could not help assenting to a treaty by which she renounced unconditionally all her rights of sovereignty over Cuba and Porto Rico and ceded the Philippine and Sulu Islands and the largest of the Marianne Islands in consideration of the payment of four millions sterling by America.
He resolutely reformed all existing taxation, as well as the system of assessment and collection, and before he left office he was able to place on record an increase of close upon three millions sterling in the ordinary sources of revenue.
The chief items of export are figs, tobacco, valonia, carpets, raisins and silk, to the value of some three million sterling.
When she was three-and-twenty, she inherited practically the whole of the immense wealth of her grandfather Thomas Coutts (approaching two millions sterling, a fabulous sum in those days), by the will of the duchess of St Albans, who, as the actress Henrietta Mellon, had been his second wife and had been left it on his death in 1821.
Large grain elevators have been built, and a new commercial town has grown up. Besides cereals, which amount to 69% of the whole, the exports consist of petroleum and petroleum waste, oilcake, linseed, timber, bran, millet seed, wool, potash, zinc ore and liquorice, the total annual value ranging between 32 and 54 millions sterling.
The town is connected by rail with the main Transcaucasian railway to Tiflis, and is the chief port for the export of naphtha and paraffin oil, carried hither in great part through pipes laid down from Baku, but partly also in tank railway-cars; other exports are wheat, manganese, wool, silkworm-cocoons, liquorice, maize and timber (total value of exports nearly 52 millions sterling annually).
The Mount Bischoff mine, which is worked as an open quarry, is the largest producer of tin, and (with an original capital of £30,000) has paid over two millions sterling in dividends.
The Master will then make an order for the sterling equivalent of the judgment expressed in foreign currency as verified by such affidavit.
The only thing that could be said was for the sterling consistency twixt both shows - they were equally appalling.
See this example of a sterling silver perfume atomizer made by an English silversmith.
Please note that the College only accepts checks drawn on a UK clearing bank, sterling drafts or postal orders.
There were also £ 301 million short-term commercial paper borrowings, all sterling denominated.
There are many different types of boxes including beautiful sterling silver boxes, a traditional carved wooden box or pretty cardboard boxes.
Sterling silver christening Bangle This beautiful silver Christening bangle from Kitted Out is sure to be well recieved.
It remarked upon Clarke's " Damascene conversion to the joys of sterling " .
All prices are in pounds sterling - use the currency convertor to convert to your local currency.
Quoted Companies UK-based companies with sterling denominated ordinary shares which have a full listing on the London Stock Exchange.
Many of the businessmen who were campaigning to join the euro really meant that they wanted a sterling devaluation.
For two or three pounds sterling you will have great fun, a sort of real life dodgems.
Matching earrings have the same baroque nuggets of Smokey Quartz, hung from sterling silver earwires for pierced ears.
All of our hoop earrings are made from 925 Sterling Silver.
A handcrafted pendant made using sterling silver from Bali, freshwater pearls and precious stones of natural emerald or ruby.
For example, one pound sterling might buy 300 Portuguese escudos.
John and Olga, the proprietors of Glencroft, also did a sterling job of keeping us warm, fed and sane.
Hatton Garden Online offers classic and contemporary jewelry in sterling silver, 9k and 18k gold, platinum and titanium.
Rocky Mountain gemstones Genuine gemstone jewelry set in solid 925 sterling silver or gold.
Magickal jewelry Online We offer fine quality sterling silver jewelry.
The Bank will be particularly alert to the need to supply an adequate amount of sterling liquidity through the millenium period.
A handmade necklace featuring coral beads, lapis lazuli beads and sterling silver beads and fittings.
After sterling efforts Petty was eventually ousted, with the aid of a bag full of money.
This beautiful pendant comes boxed, complete with an 18 " sterling silver curb chain.
Prices All prices quoted on our pages are in GB pounds sterling and include VAT.
Payments must be in sterling, otherwise bank charges will reduce the amount receivable by the Society.
I shall convert British pounds sterling into gold roubles at a rate of ten gold roubles to one pound sterling.
All check payments must be made in £ ' s s must be made in £ ' s sterling.
Silver clay can therefore be worn by people normally sensitive to sterling silver clay can therefore be worn by people normally sensitive to sterling silver!
Model Type Price Sterling CX500 Exchange (send your old stator) £ 110 + about £ 5 for UK postage.
Prices Our base prices are quoted in £ s sterling, Euros or US dollars.
The prices displayed on are web site are in £ GBP British pound sterling.
These additional securities will also be eligible as sterling stock liquidity under the FSA sterling stock liquidity under the FSA sterling stock liquidity regime.
Of use pay pounds sterling country you're visiting.
Prices All prices quoted on our pages are in Gb pounds sterling and include VAT.
Rates for pc users are shown in pounds and pence sterling per hour, and rates for Mac users are shown in US dollars.
Me over the would be dead chance to play in UK sterling.
The last major depreciation in the value of sterling came in the early-mid 1990s following sterling's departure from the exchange rate mechanism.
Forward Book the difference between aggregate forward commitments to sell sterling for foreign currency and forward commitments to buy sterling for foreign currency and forward commitments to buy sterling with foreign currency.
Ocean Pool Pendant & Matching stud earrings Hypnotic pendant with matching stud earrings in Sterling Silver inset with oceanic enamels.
The necklace is fastened with a sterling silver toggle.
The balance sheets of overseas subsidiary undertakings are expressed in sterling at year end exchange rates.
Australia is one of the great gold producers of the world, and its yield in 1905 was about £16,000,000 sterling, or one-fourth of the gold output of the world; and the total value of its mineral production was approximately £25,000,000.
The coin and bullion held by the banks varies between 20 and 24 millions sterling and the note circulation is almost stationary at about 34 millions.
In 1831 the friends established the Philological Museum, which lived through only six numbers, though among Thirlwall's contributions was his masterly paper on the irony of Sophocles - "the most exquisite criticism I ever read," says Sterling.
The reply to this indictment is that the British land revenue is L16,000,000 annually, whereas Aurangzeb's over a smaller area, allowing for the difference in the value of the rupee, was X110,000,000; though the Indian Civil Service is expensive, its cost is more than covered by the fact that India, under British guarantee, obtains her loans at 31% as against 10% or more paid by native rulers; though India has a heavy military burden, she pays no contribution to the British navy, which protects her seaboard from invasion; the drain of the home charges cannot be very great, as India annually absorbs 6 millions sterling of the precious metals; in 1899-1900, a year of famine, the net imports of gold and silver were 1 3 o millions.
Sterling Morton, later secretary of agriculture of the United States (see Arbor Day).
Prices All prices are quoted in pounds sterling and are inclusive of UK VAT.
Anyway security author Bruce Sterling reckons its likely Phrack will be revived in some form.
All check payments must be made in £ ' s sterling.
Possibly self-serving sterling we found six do away with.
Silver clay can therefore be worn by people normally sensitive to sterling silver !
Payments from overseas must be in sterling drawn on a UK clearing bank.
The evidence is the sharp rise in sterling against the euro over the past three years.
Prices Our base prices are quoted in £ s Sterling, Euros or US dollars.
The prices displayed on are web site are in £ GBP British pound Sterling.
These additional securities will also be eligible as sterling stock liquidity under the FSA sterling stock liquidity regime.
And what could be more beautiful than these enchanting sterling silver bracelets for generations of girls everywhere.
Me over the would be dead chance to play in uk sterling.
The report notes that current price comparisons are influenced by sterling 's appreciation (which makes overseas prices appear cheaper).
The last major depreciation in the value of sterling came in the early-mid 1990s following sterling 's departure from the exchange rate mechanism.
Forward Book the difference between aggregate forward commitments to sell sterling for foreign currency and forward commitments to buy sterling with foreign currency.
Payment must be made in UK sterling by check or banker 's draft.
The strength of sterling continues to take its toll on export orders.
Ocean Pool Pendant & Matching Stud Earrings Hypnotic pendant with matching stud earrings in Sterling Silver inset with oceanic enamels.
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction.
Sterling has been very volatile against the other currencies this week, in particular the Australian Dollar.
Payments to the Inland Revenue of tax withheld should be made in sterling.
Nonetheless, they had a sterling reputation for high quality writing about the tech industry and as a result, eventually received $20 million in venture capital money.
You could also buy sterling silver items, such as frames, birth certificate holders, cup and plate set, and a brush/comb set.
Searching for the perfect sterling jewelry?
Sterling Silver is silver with a purity of 92.5 %.
This means that in every 100 grams of sterling silver, there are 92.5 grams of pure silver and the remaining 7.5 % is made up of the other metal alloys.
Good quality silver jewelry will always be made form sterling silver.
The cost of a silver bracelet of a specific weight in sterling silver with some engraving can fluctuate significantly depending upon whether the object has been made by machines or crafted by hand.
Most sterling silver jewelry will have a coating of a lacquer to protect it from tarnishing.
Sterling silver has the same cost everywhere subject to some basic differences due to local duties or levies.
The only justification of a sterling silver item costing significantly more than another of similar weight can be that it is "hand made".
Besides sterling silver and silver used to make jewelry, silver for investing comes in several varieties.
Clients that sign up for the "Pampered Pet" or "Royal Treatment" packages will receive a sterling silver collar charm and are able to order featured products on our website for 30% off retail prices.
Wrought-iron, pewter, sterling silver and copper are also commonly found in rustic furnishings.
Napkins rings made of silver stars and strands of silver glitter wire decorations and streamers combined with small snowflake ornaments are just the right touch to offset sterling silver tableware and silverware.
Sterling silver candelabra and white taper candles make a bold formal and elegant statement for any tabletop decoration or mantle.
Elegant, simple, and stunning, classic favorites for gifting jewelry to bridesmaids include pearls, sterling silver, and rhinestone or crystal pieces.
Serving sets are typically sterling chrome, steel, silver, or silver or gold plated.
Due to the cost of silver in the market, many couples are opting for stainless flatware instead of sterling silver.
If purchasing sterling, a five-piece place setting, which includes a salad fork, dinner fork, knife, teaspoon, and tablespoon is the most common choice.
Mad Men centers around the character Don Draper, who works for advertising agency Sterling Cooper in New York City, New York.
Eventually, Draper becomes a full partner in the revamped agency Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, and must juggle his professional career with his home life and the rapidly changing times.
John Slattery plays Roger Sterling Jr. on Mad Men, one of the partners at the agency.
There are numerous supporting cast members who round out the staff at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, and the family members of the main characters.
If you're looking for a new sound from your guitar, consider experimenting with sterling silver guitar picks.
Besides sound, there are many other interesting reasons why you might like to try out some sterling silver guitar picks.
There are several reasons why you might want to give a sterling guitar pick a try.
Sound - As mentioned before, playing with a pick made from a soft metal like sterling silver creates a totally different sound than playing with a plastic or a nylon pick.
Sterling silver also offers guitar players a nice feel that can positively influence their playing.
Sterling silver guitar picks can provide a level of durability and dependability that other picks can't match.
The only thing you have to worry about is making sure you don't lose your sterling pick!
Using a sterling guitar pick can give you a certain je ne se qua that other players don't have.
In addition, sterling picks are great for engraving, so you can further personalize your guitar picks with your own special style.
Check out the following sites where you can buy sterling guitar picks.
Sterling Guitar Picks - This website offers simple, elegant sterling picks for an affordable price.
Sterling Picks - Sterling Picks is another great website that sells sterling silver picks at a competitive price.
They have several options available including a plain sterling pick, one that comes with a ring so you can wear the pick as a necklace, and one that comes with a ring and a diamond for those who really want to make a stylish statement.
If you're still reading this article, you're obviously interested in trying a sterling silver pick.
His groove-based riffs, complicated arrangements and his blisteringly fast licks contributed to this sterling reputation, but it was the sound of his guitar that fans really fell in love with.
The bracelet itself is a 7.25 inch long strand of sterling silver marcasite links with a standard clasp, but as always with charm bracelets, it's the charms themselves that garner all the attention.
Since Judith Jack works almost exclusively with sterling silver and marcasite, it's good to know a little about these metals and how to care for them.
Marcasite and sterling silver charms and jewelry require extra care to preserve their finish and luster.
Zulu Moon, maker of fine sterling silver jewelry, offers many looks similar to what you'll find in fine jewelry stores, such as a pink crystal heart ring and a simple but elegant October eternity ring.
For years sterling silver mood rings have been associated with the groovy 1970s, but no more.
As mentioned before, sterling silver mood rings change color to reflect changes in a person's body temperature.
Because these rings are made from sterling silver, they are subject to tarnish.
The line includes rings made from sterling silver set with plenty of rhinestones to create Kitty's face.
Heavenly Treasures offers this ring in sterling silver for around $45 or 14K gold for around $300.
Celtic cross necklaces are often made of sterling silver, but are also seen in pewter and sometimes gold.
Foster and Bros, however it used the same "F&B Sterling" hallmark on its silver as Foster and Bailey, which can make it difficult to determine when a piece was made.
The firm was based in Providence, Rhode Island and made small sterling silver, silver plate and gold items for the home and personal use, such as hair brushes, compacts, hat brushes, hand mirrors, dresser jars, shoe horns and button hooks.
There are many beautiful native design bracelets made from sterling silver and embedded with that favorite southwestern stone, turquoise.
The chain features larger links of 3 mm sterling silver, and the bracelet retails for $188.00.
Full silver and sterling silver has a tendency to tarnish when it reacts with elements in the air and our own body chemistry.
Her jewelry is made with sterling silver and semi-precious stones and beads.
Precious or semi-precious stones may be set in high-quality sterling silver, while synthetic gems may be used in silver plated rings for fashion jewelry often purchased by teens.
Sterling silver is a popular metal rings due to both its versatile nature and its durability.
Sterling silver is composed on 92.5 percent silver, and the remaining percentage of other metals such as copper for strength and durability.
A vintage sterling silver saint bracelet is not only a wonderful item of jewelry, but is also representative of faith and tradition.
In addition to sterling silver, these bracelets are also available in gold, wood, wood beads, pearl, gem stones or birthstones, porcelain, and enamel medals, discs, or images.
However, you can find settings in white gold as well as platinum and sterling silver if you find these metals more pleasing.
The ring's setting is sterling silver, but it has a rhodium finish that gives the setting the appearance of white gold at a fraction of the cost.
Favorite Jewelry has a beautiful selection of sterling silver mothers' pins of classic designs that were created decades ago.
Each sterling silver pin can be set with simulated or genuine birth month stones.
Sterling silver is the perfect precious metal for trendy necklaces.
Novelty bracelets, either sterling silver or silver plated, offer the wearer the chance to have fun with their unique designs without the high price tags of other precious metals.
The hanging hearts are made of sleek sterling silver that can be personalized with a special phrase or the wearer's name or initials.
The shimmering, liquid effect of a multi strand novelty bracelet is shown in this twenty strand sterling silver square snake bracelet.
An elegant sterling silver slim curved band with diamond accents can be set with up to 7 birthstones.
Made in France, each earring is carefully mounted on gold, platinum or sterling silver.
Pampille Earrings from the B Mine Collection are created using octagon clear full lead crystals hanging from a delicate sterling silver rhodium plated link chain.
The B Mine Collection was created to combine modern and traditional aspects of the Baccarat Company's history in its unique blend of sterling silver with full lead crystal.
A simple yet elegant sterling silver bracelet set is a wonderful way to express the pure and beautiful love between a mother and daughter is available from Family Bracelets Direct.
Delicately constructed from sterling silver beads, tapering from larger in the middle to smaller at the ends, each bracelet holds half of a beautiful heart charm.
Each lovely bracelet created from 12 sterling silver beads and 16 exquisite freshwater pearls holds a beautiful sterling silver engraved heart charm with a genuine solitaire diamond.
Bracelets of fresh water pearls and sterling silver beads make a delicate combination in this beautiful mother and daughter set.
Hand constructed form turquoise, coral, Chinese porcelain, freshwater pearls, sterling silver, abalone pearl, Czech glass and Austrian crystal, these special bracelets each have half of an interlocking heart.
Distinctive Designs offers an exquisite bracelet set of rose quartz, handcrafted Balinese sterling silver caps and rose aurora borealis Swarovski crystals with a delicate silver hanging charm.
Mother's bracelets vary in metals, but most are made from sterling silver.
The better pieces are made from precious metals like sterling silver and gold.
Upon further inspection, though, you'll see that there is a pair of Sterling Silver Hawaiian Sand Dollar White Mother of Pearl Pierced Earrings available.
The dangling sand dollar is made of sterling silver.
These, however, have the sand dollar at the top (sterling silver) and pearl (coin style) at the bottom.
Custom made photo charms from Pictures on Gold are photo color laser or photo laser engraved directly onto the charms of 14k gold or sterling silver.
Kathy Lo offers a lovely selection of charms and bracelets in 14k and sterling silver.
The modern moonstone brooch is usually made with sterling silver, copper or gold.
People with more classic tastes may prefer a simple gold or sterling silver charm.
Charms are manufactured from quality materials such as precious metals like platinum, gold or sterling silver or from low cost materials such as plastic or acrylic which are perfect for fashion jewelry.
She created several styles of the necklace in sterling silver, yellow gold and white gold.
In fact, Tiffany was the first American company to use 925/1000 sterling standard for their silver.
This sterling quality later became the US sterling standard.
Most children's mood rings are made of sterling silver, plated metal or pewter.
Alan K. creates colorful designs with Millefiori's bright floral patterns, scratch-resistant resin and nickel-free .925 sterling silver.
Purity rings were traditionally sterling silver rings but today they are made out of many different materials.
The threading material is often silver plated, gold plated, sterling silver or nylon thread.
Protect your metal and sterling silver chunky jewelry from tarnishing too soon.
Twilight charms come in materials such as sterling silver, wood and crystal.
A sterling silver link bracelet works best as the base for the charm bracelet.
This bracelet is done in sterling silver and has a braided leather strap.
Another bracelet is the Sterling Silver Corinthians Bangle.
Behr creates both fashion and fine jewelry with materials such as sterling silver, stainless steel, rubies and other gem stones.
Einhorn's all metal fang-shaped jewelry designs are made out of sterling silver, yellow gold, white gold, red gold and platinum.
Designs come in many materials - yellow gold, white gold, pewter, wood, platinum and sterling silver.
The Montebello Collections Prayer Cross is a lovely sterling silver and crystal necklace that features a unique center stone that, when viewed, reveals the entire Lord's prayer.
A 3 strand sterling silver ball necklace is an attractive piece of jewelry for someone who loves contemporary styles.
Sterling silver necklaces have been a popular choice throughout history.
Sterling silver combines a beautiful cool white color with hard-wearing qualities which makes sterling silver jewelry ideal for every day wear.
Sterling silver is also a more affordable option than gold or other precious metals and this makes it a good choice for high fashion jewelry.
Sterling silver is also a good choice for large or heavy jewelry which may be too expensive to form from other precious metals.
If you are interested in a multiple or 3 strand sterling silver ball necklace there are some important things to consider.
According to the Brighton website, the only sterling silver jewelry available are the rings.
As for earrings, the posts, lever backs and French wires are all made out of sterling silver.
The True Faith company takes pride in delivering the highest quality sterling silver and gold jewelry designed with sentiment in mind.
Crosses can be made of white and yellow gold or sterling silver and adored with any number of gemstones and diamonds.
In addition to a very broad selection of religious jewelry, True Faith offers a variety of sports jewelry, military jewelry, and beautiful chain necklaces in sterling silver and gold.
These beautiful pendant necklaces in sterling silver or gold are designed for the true hero of the family or for his or her loved ones.
A great alternative for those who can't wear gold or prefer a lighter metal is sterling silver.
The two most common precious metals used for lockets are gold and sterling silver.
Sometimes, you'll also find a combination of more than one color of gold, and a few lockets have gold or sterling silver accents.
At the Things Remembered website, you can find a sterling silver heart-shaped locket with a birthstone set in the face.
The Loving Family mothers' birthstone locket is heart-shaped and created out of sterling silver in a filigree design.
When you order this locket, you also receive a 20-inch sterling silver chain and 12 Swarovski crystals that represent each birth month.
The Lifetime Mother's Floral Locket is a sterling silver heart-shaped locket in a flower filigree design that has a clear zirconium crystal in the center.
An 18-inch sterling silver Rolo chain is included.
Much of this jewelry was either sterling silver or pewter with a gemstone.
Pearl spider jewelry comes in many materials, such as sterling silver, yellow gold, pewter, and resin.
The Silpada Sterling Silver and Garnet Heart Bracelet is a popular choice for women of all ages.
Silpada makes a range of handcrafted sterling silver jewelry that is both high quality and unique.
Some contain gemstones, while others are simply designed from sterling silver and etched with ornamental detail.
One popular bracelet is the Silpada Sterling Silver and Garnet Heart Bracelet.
It contains garnet and sterling beads along with a heart charm and toggle clasp.
Another version of this bracelet is simply garnet beads accented by a sterling silver heart charm along with a toggle clasp.
Silpada has other garnet bracelets, as well as sterling silver bracelets, in its collection.
Yellow gold, white gold, platinum, and sterling silver are commonly used in designs.
Some are created simply in a metal such as gold or sterling silver.
Each pendant is crafted in sterling silver and finished in rhodium.
Both necklaces are created in sterling silver and plated with rhodium.
They feature pendants such as the CRISLU Cubic Zirconia Circle Pendant and the Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Pendant.
Pearl and cubic zirconia sterling silver stud earrings can be the perfect complement to any outfit.
Sterling Silver White Pearl Earrings with Diamond CZs are an elegant option that will add a special touch to whatever you are wearing.
They feature a 10 mm faux white pearl and three cubic zirconia accents set in rhodium plated sterling silver.
Often sold out, the Black Tahitian Pearl and Cubic Zirconia Earrings are set in sterling silver and feature a faux black Tahitian pearl and accents of cubic zirconia.
For instance, a somewhat included garnet may be cut in a cabochon shape and featured in a sterling silver bezel setting.
If jewelry is classified as sterling silver, it should be marked with a "925."
Sterling silver owners are always happy to learn inexpensive ideas about how to clean silver jewelry.
Since sterling silver will tarnish, especially if you live where there is high humidity, you may need to clean those pieces you don't wear regularly.
There are several cleaning methods you can use to keep your sterling silver jewelry pieces bright and shiny.
You can also purchase polishing silvercloth that's typically used to polish silverware as well as sterling silver jewelry.
Some silver isn't sterling and is mixed with lesser metals.
David Yurman Tahitian pearl and gold earrings bear the former sculptor's aesthetic and signature trademark of sterling silver and 18KT or 22KT gold designs.
A sterling silver cable cord is wrapped around the center of the cone in typical Yurman signature style.
Most black pearl studs are set in gold of varying quality, although platinum, sterling silver and other metals are also popular.
Many of the Celtic rings offer you the choice of several precious metals, such as white, yellow, or rose gold, platinum, or sterling silver.
If you want to transform an old watch, you might enjoy the signature Native American styled watch bands of sterling silver with blue turquoise and coral.
If sterling silver isn't your choice of precious metal, you're in luck.
Brooches can be crafted from metals such as gold or sterling silver or made from silver or gold-plated materials.
The Judith Ripka Sterling Cultured Freshwater Pearl and Gemstone Pin has simulated diamonds, garnet, amethyst and pearls set in sterling silver.
Another brooch by Judith Ripka is the Sterling Gemstone Pin with Carnelian Doublet Enhancer.
Her Sterling Indian Summer Gemstone Pin/Pendant can be found on QVC.
It is crafted in sterling silver and has gemstones such as tiger's eye, red jasper and malachite.
The rings are made of materials like brass, pewter, gold, gold-plated metal, and sterling silver.
Usually, sterling silver jewelry is stamped ".925," and gold jewelry is stamped with the karat.
They specialize in sterling silver jewelry and employ independent representatives to sell their products.
The containers come in leather, glass, ceramic, porcelain, sterling silver, resins, and pewter.
You might find 1970s glass hand-shaped ring holders right next to Edwardian sterling silver ring trays with heavy scrollwork or highly detailed tree-shaped holders.
Sterling silver options are more affordable than gold or platinum.
Sterling silver Christian jewelry shopping can be a little overwhelming since there are so many websites offering this type of jewelry.
All of these and more are available in sterling silver.
Most people think of gold when it comes to diamonds and precious gemstones, but you can find sterling silver crosses with both types of stones.
Silver jewelry is highly affordable, and since there are so many choices, you may decide to purchase more than one piece of sterling silver Christian jewelry.
Stainless steel is a hard metal that doesn't scratch or chip, unlike sterling silver or gold.
A sterling silver bracelet can offer the same look as a 14KT white gold bracelet for a fraction of the cost.
The Euro is used in the Republic of Ireland and sterling is used in Northern Ireland.
Sterling refers to the British Pound and is the same currency that is used in the UK.
FreshLook ColorBlends are available in a range of colors such as amethyst, brilliant blue, gemstone green, pure hazel, sterling grey and turquoise.
Some of the latest colors available on this site include Sterling Grey, Brilliant Blue and Gemstone Green.
Many sterling silver cases can be engraved.
Their colors, Brilliant Blue, Sterling Gray, and Gemstone Green, are far more vivid than other colored contacts and readily recognizable as something entirely different.
The wines are popular selections from major wineries such as Sterling and Rodney Strong.
Dazzling gemstones set in shimmering sterling silver, faux pearls gathered in clusters or delicate filigree set with stunning cabochons are all exquisite examples of Avon collectible jewelry.
The rate is published in pounds sterling, U.S. dollars and eight other currencies.
To that end, they go to great pains to ensure that they retain their sterling reputation by stating, very clearly, that their contest is above board in all aspects.
Pair this with small hoop earrings in sterling silver and a silver cuff bracelet to match.
Simple gold-tone accessories work well with leopard and giraffe prints, while sterling silver will set off zebra print in a flattering way.
You can find affordably priced sterling silver jewelry on a number of online sites.
Hairpins, bracelets, necklaces, and brooches are available in sterling sliver with a variety of gemstones, pearls, and Swarovski crystals to complement any wedding attire.
Unlike pure metals, sterling silver will not typically cause allergic reactions, such as turning skin colors or excessive itching.
Platinum and titanium are the most expensive metals, while silver, sterling silver, and yellow gold are far more common and less expensive.
Most Tiffany jewelry pieces are available in a range of metals, including platinum, white gold, titanium, and sterling silver.
All of this store's jewelry is of the highest quality, using only certified diamonds and superior metals, including platinum, 18k gold, white gold, and sterling silver.
At the same time, much of this fashion jewelry is set in sterling silver, making it affordable and suitable for anyone, whether or not they are a celebrity.
If you're interested in how the price of that yellow gold setting you're considering came to be, the Shop Sterling Jewelers website has some interesting reading on the subject.
Many couples are choosing rings made of titanium, sterling silver, tungsten carbide, and other alternatives.
If you are looking for something a little different from your engagement ring, but without breaking the bank, why not consider a sterling silver cubic zirconia engagement ring.
Sterling silver is less costly than gold or platinum therefore a cubic zirconia set in silver can be very competitively priced.
A sterling silver engagement ring is one way of breaking with convention and doing something a little different.
Buying a sterling silver cubic zirconia engagement ring is an interesting choice and can present a great opportunity to own the perfect ring while also saving money.
Because most purity rings are worn by teens, they are often made from either sterling silver or an inexpensive gold for better durability.
Eve's Addiction - This store specializes in simple, yet elegant, engravable sterling silver promise rings.
However, you may pay more for a set of gold bands than you would for a triple set made with sterling silver and cubic zirconia.
Will you proudly give (or wear) sterling silver jewelry as your wedding set?
Eve's Addiction features bridal sets of cubic zirconia and sterling silver.
Inspired Silver has bridal sets of cubic zirconia and sterling silver.
Gonna Luv It has several ring sets featuring colored stones on sterling silver settings.
Keep in mind that these are not genuine diamonds (they're cubic zirconia), nor are they gold or platinum (they're sterling silver).
Fred Leighton Inspired Sterling Silver Princess-Cut Blue Sapphire CZ Pave Three-Sided Band Ring-This is perfect for those who love the look of sapphires and diamonds.
Inspired by Designer Sterling Silver Diamond CZ Journey Bridal Wedding Band Ring-This isn't the traditional wedding band style.
It seems to swirl upward on the finger a bit, with cubic zirconias that graduate in size along a sterling silver band.
Sterling silver is a less expensive choice.
Earrings set in sterling silver are also less expensive, or the couple could substitute cubic zirconia or treated diamonds instead of natural diamonds.
Sterling silver is a hard wearing metal with a cool white color that is similar to white gold.
The cost of sterling silver, however, is much less than gold making it a cheaper alternative.
The most affordable Edwardian style rings are made out of brass, copper or sterling silver.
Arthur Loose creates knives, swords and rings in Damascus stainless steel with a choice of gold or sterling silver linings.
Jewelry is available in white gold, yellow gold and sterling silver or two-tone mixed metals.
The collection also comes in a variety of precious metals, including yellow gold, sterling silver, and white gold.
Some items in the collection are made from sterling silver.
They are often made of sterling silver or 14k gold, and some rings feature gemstones or small diamonds.
Generally much less expensive than an engagement ring, a promise ring is often made of sterling silver or white or yellow gold.
Bella's Twilight engagement ring made from cubic zirconia, sterling silver and marcasite is a popular item for engagement and promise rings among Twilight fans.
The cubic zirconia, sterling silver and marcasite version of Bella's engagement ring is a beautiful but affordable reproduction of the Twilight engagement ring.
Bella's Twilight engagement ring made from cubic zirconia, sterling silver and Marcasite is a popular fashion version of the Twilight engagement ring.
The CZ, sterling silver and marcasite is one of the many variations of the Twilight engagement ring.
Bella's engagement ring made from CZ and marcasite stones set in a sterling silver band is a lovely version that presents as well as CZ and white gold rings.
Sterling silver has an appealing shine that can be maintained with periodic cleanings.
It is difficult to find Bella's Twilight engagement ring made from cubic zirconia, sterling silver and marcasite cubic zirconia.
However, there are many versions of the Twilight ring in CZ and sterling silver.
A CZ, marcasite and sterling silver version of Bella's ring may be in the right price range for young couples who want a promise ring or a pre-engagement ring.
The stone is surrounded with lolite and set in sterling silver.
It has a 15 millimeter moonstone and a sterling silver setting. has a very inexpensive ring, which is a round cut moonstone set in sterling silver.
Another good choice is a sterling silver or titanium band with hearts or the word love engraved on the outside of it.
Sterling silver combines silver with 7.5 percent stronger metals to enhance durability.
Quality sterling silver usually bears a .925 hallmark (925/1000 of silver), sometimes with the word sterling or the abbreviation for sterling (STER) inside the ring band for American jewelry.
Mexican sterling silver may have markings in percentage of per 1000 of silver content, such as .830, .800 or .950.
While novelty puzzle rings are often crafted from base metal or sterling silver, wedding bands in this style usually incorporated precious metals like platinum.
Many special diamond wedding rings are crafted from platinum or white or yellow gold, but you'll also find options made of combinations of metals, titanium, sterling silver, and other choices.
As you consider your options, you'll see rings in white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, sterling silver, and platinum.
The rings come in both sterling silver and gold, with sterling silver being the most widely available in ring designs.
Rings typically come in sterling silver or gold.
Many masculine designs are crafted from sterling silver, making them an affordable choice over gold or platinum rings.
These rings can be crafted from yellow gold, white gold, rose gold, platinum, sterling silver, or any combination of metals.
You can have these messages engraved on the inside of a plain yellow gold, white gold, or sterling silver band.
Often, you'll pay more for these custom designs, but if you stick to sterling silver and semi-precious stones, this option can still be quite affordable.
With colors like "Super Pink", "Haze", "Sterling Blue", and "Stem", you're sure to find a beach bag that matches your favorite swimwear!
Try this purse featuring a tan straw body, and sterling silver and leather detailing.
The hardware on the handbags is made of brass or zinc that has been dipped in sterling silver and then sealed with a protectant to prevent tarnish.
Walmart coupon codes will help you save on everything from sweatshirts to sterling silver necklaces and everything in between.
With a tremendous selection of footwear for men and women and top name shoe-manufactures like Steve Madden, you'll be sure to find a sterling pair of high-heeled.
Because the majority of Ravel owners live in England or anywhere else near Great Britain, the prices are generally in British Pound Sterling.
Whether you choose a felt tipped clog or a sterling white pair of Birkenstock Arizona Sandals, you'll be sure to find a great price.
Jill's other relationships included Blade Bladeson, Rex Sterling and Tucker McCall.
Body jewelry should not be made out of sterling silver.
Sterling Silver - this metal is sometimes used for earrings and nose studs, but is not recommended for fresh piercings or for people who have metal sensitivities.
It is a rectangular sterling silver watch with blue leather band, white dial and blue roman numerals, water resistant, and the crown decorated with cabochon, calendar to look up for dates and folding clasp.
The Coin Charm Watch features a sterling silver faceplate, and bracelet.
The heart locket offers the durability of sterling silver with the additional classiness of a white mother of pearl dial.
These watches are manufactured with many different materials, including Swarovski crystal and sterling silver.Stauer also sell cases for storing watches.
The pendants are attached to chains that are made from materials such as sterling silver and stainless steel.
The resin watch is black and guitar shaped, dangling from a sterling silver chain.
However, watch enthusiasts across the world seek out the beautiful sterling silver or gold cased designer pocket watches with the signature "rack and lever" movement that Robert Roskell was famous for.
Explore the fashionable world of Citizen today and introduce yourself to the company's sterling reputation for precision timepieces.
Springing from a fertile pool of consumer electronic expertise, Zenith clock radios bring reliable timekeeping and sterling sound to the homes of America.
When compared with the offerings manufactured by the company's more costly competitors, Seiko watches for diving emerge as sterling examples of craftsmanship and style at an affordable price.
One of their most revered and now vintage creations entered the market in 1902 sporting a unique angled dial with large Arabic numerals and a case made from sterling silver.
Sterling silver is one of the most accessible mediums for yoga jewelry.
The Shanti Boutique offers numerous asana image pieces in sterling silver.
The om pendant is sterling silver, and the necklace is a ring of luxurious tourmaline stones.
The alloy of silver and copper is called sterling silver.
Most bead stores will have base metal beads, gold-filled beads, 18K gold beads, sterling silver beads, and vermeil beads.
Transactions take place in pound sterling but the site will show approximate dollar conversions.
Stories that speculate on the effects on society of inventions appearing before their time (such as The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, that posited computers in the Victorian era) are certainly science fiction.
Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel, It's About Time, none of them sterling examples of science fiction's more thought-provoking aspects.
Authors such as William Gibson and Bruce Sterling helped define the genre.
Dean rose and wandered out to the front porch but in spite of his sterling speech, and overwhelming wish that he could forget the Shiptons and all the grief they had brought him, he couldn't quite chase the unfinished business from his churning mind.
The begum was charged with having abetted Chait Sing in his rebellion; and after the severest pressure applied to herself and her attendant eunuchs, a fine of more than a million sterling was exacted from her.
The upset (reserve) price was go sterling per square league of 6669 acres, and, as the lands were quickly sold, an expansion of the pastoral industry immediately ensued.
The respective shares of the leading customs in the tfade of the country is approximately shown in the following table, which gives the value of their exports and imports (general trade) in 1905 in millions sterling.
The chief item of expenditure (which totalled 148 million pounds in 1905) is the service of the public debt, which in 1905 cost 483/4 million pounds sterling.
The export of timber is in ordinary years valued at a million sterling and the total production at £ 2,250,000.
In Queensland waters there are about 300 vessels, and on the Western Australian coast about 450 licensed craft engaged in the industry, the annual value of pearl-shell and pearls raised being nearly half a million sterling.
The dividends paid by these mines amounted to about £1,750,000 sterling.
The gross revenue of all the states is estimated at 24 millions sterling.
In such cases the immediate damage done may be slight; but the effects of prolonged action and the summation of numerous attacks at numerous points are often enormotis, certain of these leafdiseases costing millions sterling annually to some planting and agricultural communities.
The wheat-rtist costs Australia 2,000,000 to L3,000,000 annually, and in 1891 alone the loss which Prussia suffered from grain-rusts was estimated at 20,000,000 sterling.
There is a trade with China, valued at less than half a million sterling annually.
Altogether raw silk and silk yarn to an annual value exceeding 1-1 millions sterling are exported from Russia.
Those of Nizhniy-Novgorod, with a return of 20 millions sterling, of Irbit and Kharkov, of Menzelinsk in Ufa, and Omsk and Ishim in Siberia, have considerable importance both for trade and for home manufactures.
The annual average value maybe put at not quite £2,000,000, machinery and tin-plate being a long way the most important items. There is further a small transit trade through Transcaucasia from Persia to the value of less than half a million sterling annually, and chiefly in carpets, cocoons and silk, wool, rice and boxwood; and further a sea-borne trade between Persia and Caucasian.
Sterling is served by the Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railways, and by inter-urban electric railway to Dixon, 12 m.
Across the river is Rock Falls (pop. in 1900, 2176), practically a suburb of Sterling, with foundries and machine-shops and manufactories of agricultural implements, barbed wire and bolts and rivets.
Sterling was formed in 1839 by the consolidation of two towns, Harrisburg and Chatham, founded here in 1836 and 1837 respectively; it was chartered as a city in 1857.
The latter are estimated at some 22 millions sterling; the former at 4 millions.
During the three years 1899-1902 the total expenditure on famine relief amounted to about four millions sterling.
Thus the total value of the silk tithe in Turkey increased in the period named from about £T20,000 to £T276,500, and the total annual value of the crop from about £T200,000 to £T2,765,000, or by nearly 22 millions pounds sterling.
All these docks were constructed by the Bute family at a cost approaching three millions sterling.
He decided in favour of Spain, but gave Germany free trading rights; and in 1899 Germany took over the administration of the islands from Spain, paying 25,000,000 pesetas (nearly £1,000,000 sterling).
In 1888, a year before the republic was proclaimed, the internal and external national debts amounted to £74,000,000 sterling, with the currency at par.
Negotiations were opened in London between the Brazilian and Portuguese plenipotentiaries, treating for the recognition of the independence of Brazil; and on the 25th of August 1825 a treaty was signed by which the Portuguese king, Dom John VI., assumed the title of emperor of Brazil, and immediately abdicated in favour of his son, acknowledging Brazil as an independent empire, but the treaty obliged Brazil to take upon herself the Portuguese debt, amounting to nearly two millions sterling.
From its duration and frequent battles and sieges this war involved an immense sacrifice of life to Brazil, the army in the field having been constantly maintained at between 20,000 and 30,000 men, and the expenditure in maintaining it was very great, having been calculated at upwards of fifty millions sterling.
It was carried on more effectively by the Metropolitan Board of Works (1856-1888) which expended over six-and-a-half millions sterling on the work.
This involved impounding the headwaters of the Wye, the Towey and the Usk, and the total cost was estimated to exceed fifteen millions sterling.
The estimated cost was between three and four millions sterling, to be met by a toll, and it was urged that a uniform depth, independent of tides, would be ensured above the dam, that delay of large vessels wishing to proceed up river would thus be obviated, that the river would be relieved of pollution by the tides, and the necessity for constant dredging would be abolished.
The majority of the banks are members of the Clearing House, Post Office Court, where a daily exchange of drafts representing millions of pounds sterling is effected.
When Shuja-ud-Dowlah died he left two million pounds sterling buried in the vaults of the zenana.
A committee, chiefly promoted by the Wurttemberg government and the Stuttgart chamber of commerce, reported in 1901 that it was both desirable and practicable to dredge the river and to canalize it, from Esslingen down to Mannheim, and that the cost would probably be between 2 and 22 millions sterling.
The monetary unit is the Peruvian pound (libra) which is uniform in weight and fineness with the British pound sterling.
The change from the double standard was effected without any noticeable disturbance in commercial affairs, but this was in part due to the precaution of making the British pound sterling legal tender in the republic and establishing the legal equivalent between gold and silver at 10 soles to the pound.
The public debt, which originated in 1752, amounted to £70,000 sterling in 1764, to £400o in 1775 and to $698,000 in 1783.
The total loss, including cost of repairs, was estimated at nearly 3 millions sterling, which may be regarded as an annual average.
The gross earnings of all the lines during the fiscal year I 9051906 were 7 millions sterling, approximately, and the gross expenses (including the payment of interest on loans and debentures) were under 31/8 millions, so that there remained a net profit of 31/8 millions, being at the rate of a little over 81/8% on the invested capital.
It enacted that, within a period of 10 years from 1906 to 1915, the state should purchase the 17 principal private roads, which had a length of 2812 m., and whose cost of construction and equipment had been 231/8 millions sterling.
It was calculated that this redemption would be effected in a period of 32 years, after which the annual profit accruing to the state from the lines would be 51/8 millions sterling.