Step-forward Sentence Examples
Lydia Larkin moved a step forward.
He had the courage to step forward and take chances, and the ability to persuade others to follow.
Sarah took a timorous step forward and spilled the details of their plight in one long ramble, barely stopping for breath.
Surprise registered across his chiseled features, and he took a step forward.
But, like all the vicissitudes, of the Italian race, while it was a decided step forward in one direction, it introduced a new source of discord.
In Germany the work of Martin Ohm (System der Mathematik, 1822) marks a step forward.
Besides writing Tell, Schiller had found time in 1803 and 1804 to translate two French comedies by Picard, and to prepare a German version of Racine's Phedre; and in the last months of his life he began a new tragedy, Demetrius, which gave every promise of being another step forward in his poetic achievement.
To allow, however, that abstraction admits of degrees, and that it never obliterates all reference to that from which it is abstracted, is to take a step forward in the direction of the correlation of logical forms with the concrete processes of actual thinking.
He had the courage to step forward and take chances, and the ability to persuade her to follow.
This signified the furtherance of Taiwan's democracy and a great step forward in democratic reform.
AdvertisementThis is a significant step forward in the fight against a major African livestock disease, which currently devastates the livelihoods of many.
The default is to step forward to the next memory location.
We see the time as now opportune for a major step forward in the field of Health and Prevention.
These new schemes are an important step forward in ensuring that the healthcare professions better reflect the wider population through widening participation.
China took another substantial step forward on the road of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
AdvertisementA taxpayers ' revolt is in full swing, but no senior politician dares to step forward to lead it.
It marks a step forward in the long-running saga of the film, which has spent years in development hell.
The Chancellor's proposals to increase opportunities for community work for young people represents a positive step forward.
King described the decisions at the spring meetings in Washington to focus the IMF on multilateral surveillance as a " big step forward.
Thus a step forward was made in securing the freedom of conscience proclaimed in the October manifesto and denounced by a synod of Orthodox bishops at Kiev in 1908, though the rights granted by the Duma were seriously curtailed in the Imperial Council, and have been largely rendered a dead letter by the action of the administration.
AdvertisementAnd not only was Napoleon not afraid to extend his line, but he welcomed every step forward as a triumph and did not seek battle as eagerly as in former campaigns, but very lazily.
The Chancellor 's proposals to increase opportunities for community work for young people represents a positive step forward.
Our health is too vitally important for us to wait silently like wallflowers at the dance until our doctors take the first step forward.
We want something that will result in a step forward.
Each time you take a step forward and undertake a new stage in the completion of your design, create a backup system in the way of a checklist.
AdvertisementIt can also give you a great step forward in understanding money management, which you will need to know for the rest of your life.
In 2007, there was a major step forward in treatment of CHF occurred when the Federal Drug Administration approved a new drug for canine CHF.
The suits all had a retro-vintage flair, so it made sense that they used a model who echoed the 1950s with her curves, but the fact that she was not thin was a giant step forward.
Still, it represented a monumental step forward for Palm, a company that had been struggling to recapture its former prominence in the smartphone and PDA market.
If you feel like getting closer, you can simply take a step forward and let your hands meet behind your partner - either at the back of the waist or the neck.
This translates into "step forward on your right foot for count 1, hold in place for count 2, step forward on your left foot for count 3, and then hold the 4th count."
Turn your gaze toward the floor and step forward with your back foot so that your feet are parallel at the front of the mat.
Take a small step forward and place the barbell across your shoulders, spacing your hands wide apart for good balance.
Take a big step forward with one leg, lunging down until your "rear" knee almost touches the ground.
Take a large step forward bending both your knees.
Grab the upper-pulley handles so that you resemble a big T, then take one big step forward with your left leg so you get a good backwards/upwards stretch in your entire pec region.
The space in front of you should be large enough for you to move one full step forward.
Next, step forward with your right leg as you lower your body toward the floor.
For example, step forward with one jump and then step back with the next step.
Think of it as one step back, two steps forward -- but where do you end up if you always jump the gun and skip that second step forward?
Bring your leg and arm down at the same time and repeat with your opposing limbs, taking a step forward each time you switch legs.
The Kymaro Bodyshaper (more commonly spelled as "Body Shaper") is touted as a great step forward in shapewear, smoothing bulges and reducing inches while also being comfortable to wear.
It looked clunkier than the well-known Lost in Space robot, but Shakey's introduction was a big step forward in robotics and eventually led to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI).
Alex took a step forward and she turned away from him, throwing her arms around Carmen.
This legislation marks another step forward.
A step forward - the fusion of Dumas' type theory and the radical theory - was made by Laurent and Charles Gerhardt.
And though the Stoic doctrine of determinism did not, when applied to moral problems, advance much beyond the reiteration of arguments derived from the universal validity of the principles of causality, nor the Epicurean counter-assertion of freedom avoid the error of regarding chance as a real cause and universal contingency as an explanation of the universe, it was nevertheless a real step forward to perceive the existence of the problem.
King described the decisions at the spring meetings in Washington to focus the IMF on multilateral surveillance as a big step forward.