Step-back Sentence Examples
She took a step back from him.
She took a quick step back and he dropped his hands.
She flushed and looked him over, then took a step back in to the living room.
The woman took a step back.
She faced the speaker and took a step back.
Jackson took a step back.
Stunned, Deidre took a step back.
One of the pens in his hands snapped, and she took a step back.
She took another hasty step back as he grabbed it once more.
Talal gasped, as if she'd never seen anyone cry, and took a step back.
AdvertisementRomas whirled at the name, and she ran into him before taking a quick step back.
Elisabeth took a step back and looked at him quizzically.
Jackson took a step back in shock, then noticed Connor and Sarah across the room laughing hysterically.
Stuffing trembling hands into her pockets, she took a step back from him.
The water looked … black in the moonlight. She took a step back and looked up towards the moons. As Gabriel indicated, one moon was lower than the other.
AdvertisementCarmen took a step back and reached for the door.
He flinched visibly and took a step back.
Carmen caught her breath and took a step back.
What she'd done—and been about to do—made her step back.
Jonny took a step back then gazed at her in silent surprise.
AdvertisementThe Watcher took a step back at his lethal tone.
She took a step back at the flash of heat.
She didn't wait for him to step back but kicked his knee as hard as she could.
I'll step back and give you room.
She came up too close to him and took a step back.
AdvertisementShe caught her breath and took a step back.
One of you step back before I lose it.
A tranquil season that demands you step back a bit and accept the beauty life gives you.
The water looked … black in the moonlight. She took a step back and looked up towards the moons. As Gabriel indicated, one moon was lower than the other.
What she'd done—and been about to do—made her step back.
Follow the turf right then step back left into a shallow gully which leads to the top.
The step back from measurement to judgment about the welfare state of the animal involves an interpretation, which is not value-free.
Take a step back in time and visit a recreation of a typical 1940s wartime home.
The paradox is that if government really wanted to encourage innovation in healthcare and other fields, they would step back and allow a free market to flourish.
You know you should take lots of baby pictures, but sometimes it is hard to step back and get the camera to capture those special moments.
Once you have your breakfast nook cushions in place and add the pillows, you can step back and admire your creative work.
Next, you step back in and turn around to even out the product on both sides.
For those looking to take a step back in time to the natural beauty style of the Egyptians, the following products are perfect recommendations.
It's much easier to step back and become upset over something difficult than standing up to it and dealing with it.
Let people help you so you can step back and create some fond memories for yourself.
The goal of anger management relaxation techniques is to calm you both emotionally and physically, enabling you to step back from the situation and see it from a new, clearer perspective.
If these statements sound familiar, it is time for you to step back and see what you are doing to fuel the situation.
If you feel a situation is starting to get beyond your control, step back as soon as you realize it and adjust what you are doing.
So, Tiger admits to his extra-marital sins, he's publicly repented, he's taken a step back from his career for the sake of trying to save his family and now he's gone to rehab.
Sailing ships invite guests to step back in time and experience a true cruising sensation under the powers of currents, tides, and wind.
Cruises along the Mighty Mississippi cater to individuals who want to step back in time and explore one of the country's most treasured landmarks.
On the bright side, the historic vessels which call the Mighty Mississippi home allow cruisers the unique opportunity to step back in time to the glory days of riverboat travel.
I think your best course of action is to take a step back and learn more about dog breeding before you make a firm decision to breed your bitch.
When learning how to install a ceramic tile floor, simply follow the above instructions and then step back and admire your handiwork.
If a place seems too good to be true or if you are unsure about the decision, take a step back and make sure all your questions have been answered.
So take a step back in time, and relive the memories of playing games that didn't require complex instructions or multiple button combinations.
Take a step back in time and relive the moments when games at the arcade only cost a quarter to play.
Go inside, then step back out again and dig for 20 more.
For example, in a kick ball change, you might kick forward with your right foot, then step back with your right foot.
To close the box, you step back with your right foot and then to the side with your left foot, and then close with the right foot.
Take a step back in time by visiting the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
Spend an afternoon taking a step back into history and learn about your ancestors at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.
I think when I am finished with the sport, I will be able to take a step back and look at these athletes as having been more than just my competitors.
For modern settings, you can step back a decade or two to the main character's past and dress the character accordingly.
When that red flag comes up, it is prudent to step back and set a strong boundary between you and this individual.
I do ask you to step back a moment and see your current situation from an outsider's perspective.
To determine someone's personal space, you can try to approach the person slowly and notice when he or she takes a step back.
Take a step back from your insecurity and observe his involvement with his ex.
When you apply logic to your relationship, you can step back from the emotion and see that you and your boyfriend have been together since high school.
Learn to take a step back and reassess situations.
Then step back quickly unless you want to get wet!
Take a step back in time and watch your favorite classic movie trailers.
Frugal is learning to live within your means, to take a step back and say, "You know, I don't need that newest gadget just yet."
A Charleston family vacation allows you to take a step back in time to explore beautiful beaches, stately mansions, historic landmarks and sprawling plantations.
Eventually, you will be able to step back and analyze the way you've behaved.
You should step back from the busyness and consider the direction you want your company to take.
Unrack the bar, take a small step back and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
For example, step forward with one jump and then step back with the next step.
Don't overanalyze the gown shopping process - remember to step back and enjoy the day, and the beautiful gown you have chosen.
If you're wondering how to get a flawless complexion, you may want to take a step back and analyze both your beauty regime and lifestyle.
Before you embark on a potentially expensive business journey identifying and negotiating a purchase, take a step back and think about the options.
Sure, you're familiar with it and see it every day, but try to take a step back and look at it as a newcomer would.
He had been perfectly content to step back and let her bear the brunt of Giddon's anger, even knowing that he had arrived uninvited.
His horse snorted and took a step back.
He stepped forward and reached for her, but she took a step back.
She took a quick step back.
She took a step back.
He approached her, and she took a step back.
He left the corner and approached her, stopping when she took a step back.
Sofia took a step back and silently urged Pierre to hurry.
Gabe took a step back.
She took an involuntary step back into the hall.