Steeping Sentence Examples
The larvae are killed and hardened by steeping some hours in strong acetic acid; the silk glands are then separated from the bodies, and the vis cous fluid drawn out to the condition of a fine uniform line, which is stretched between pins at the extremity of a board.
As the steeping is such a critical operation, it is essential that the stalks be frequently examined and tested as the process nears completion.
Claussen's process consisted in steeping flax fibre or tow for twenty-four hours in a weak solution of caustic soda, next boiling it for about two hours in a similar solution, and then saturating it in a solution containing 5% of carbonate of soda, after which it was immersed in a vat containing water acidulated with z% of sulphuric acid.
Since these results appear to be satisfactory, it is natural to expect further attempts with the same object of supplanting the ordinary steeping.
It is thereafter once more tied up, placed in the crates, and sunk in the river to complete the retting process; but this double steeping is not invariably practised.
The 5824 lb (52 cwt.) of flax straw remaining lost in steeping 13 cwt., leaving 39 cwt.
One hundred tons treated by Schenck's method gave 33 tons bolls, with 27.50 tons of loss in steeping; 32.13 tons were separated in scutching, leaving 5.90 tons of finished fibre, with 1.47 tons of tow and pluckings.
Deer readily eat them, and, after a preliminary steeping in lime-water, pigs also.
Among the subjects deserving notice may be mentioned the practice of steeping and liming seed corn as a preventive of smut; changing every year the species of grain, and bringing seed corn from a distance; ploughing down green crops as manure; and feeding horses with broken oats and chaff.
When the flowers form, however, the mycelium sends hyphae into the young ovaries and rapidly replaces the stores of sugar and starch, &c., which would have gone to make the grain, by the soot-like mass of spores so well known as smut, &c. These spores adhere to the grain, and unless destroyed, by "steeping" or other treatment, are sown with it, and again produce sporidia and yeast-conidia which infect the seedlings.
AdvertisementTea leaves are full of oils and chemicals which combine with the hot water during steeping to create the flavor.
Blooming Tea - these may be either white or green teas that are hand tied into a bundle that opens up during steeping to reveal a "flower".
Natural herbal remedies are typically prepared by steeping the dried leaves of the herb in hot water to make herbal tea.
After a few days of steeping take the old flavoring ingredient out and replace it with fresh ingredients.
Steeping time varies depending on the type of tea, the other ingredients in the tea, and how strong you like your tea to taste.
AdvertisementTypically, the tea will take about a week to prepare, steeping in tea and sugar and producing what can be called a baby mushroom, which can be used for brewing in its turn.
Steeping green tea too long will make it bitter, so use this strategy when deciding how hot you water should be and how long to steep the leaves.
Each type of tea has a different temperature requirement and steeping time.
Mix the oil and Castile soap into the mixture once it's done steeping.
Create special herbal cooking oils and vinegars by steeping spices and herbs in plain olive oil or vinegar.
AdvertisementErysiphe, or the steeping in hot water of thoroughly ripe hard grains to which spores are attached, e.g.
By this method the operation of steeping is entirely dispensed with, and the flax is, immediately after pulling, spread on the grass where it is under the influence of air, sunlight, night-dews and rain.