Steadfastly Sentence Examples
She agreed, but steadfastly refused to adopt on that issue.
As he had said, his right hand was steadfastly exposed to the flames.
She believes that her kind-hearted father will consent to the union, but her mother Augusta is steadfastly opposed.
For instance, if you're steadfastly pro-life, taking a position at Planned Parenthood may not work out very well.
Their adoptions started rumors that Tom was infertile, an allegation he steadfastly denied.
While Dean had wandered up to the area with Cynthia's son Randy on a few occasions, she had steadfastly stayed away.
He continued steadfastly to oppose the taxation of the American colonists, and signed, in 1778, the protest of the Lords in favour of an address to the king on the subject of the manifesto of the American commissioners.
Sensier at this date (1850) Millet expressed his resolve to break once and for all with mythological and undraped subjects, and the names of the principal works painted subsequently will show how steadfastly this resolution was kept.
Even those who do not sympathize with the cause which Athanasius steadfastly defended cannot but admire his magnanimous and heroic character.
All these men adhered steadfastly to the principles laid down by Antisthenes.
AdvertisementEven in the department of natural science he shows the same inability steadfastly to retain principles and to work from them; he wavers between the systems of Brahe and Copernicus.
The papal prohibition of lay investiture was renewed at synods in 1078 and 1080, and although Gregory's death in exile (1085) prevented him from realizing his aim in the matter, his policy was steadfastly maintained by his successors.
Lubeck, however, supported by the Bruges counter, despite the disaffection and jealousy on all sides hampering and sometimes thwarting its efforts, stood steadfastly for union and the necessity of obedience to the decrees of the assemblies.
No extremity of torture could make him recant or extract a syllable to Savonarola's hurt; he steadfastly repeated his belief in the divinity of the prior's mission.
During the next four weeks no effort was spared to shake the determination of Huss; but he steadfastly refused to swerve from the path which conscience had once made clear.
AdvertisementShe revived that faith; she consolidated her throne; she not only captivated the affections of the multitude, but won the respect of thoughtful men; and all this she achieved by methods which to her predecessors would have seemed impracticable - methods which it required no less shrewdness to discover than force of character and honesty of heart to adopt steadfastly.
I had to blend very steadfastly in order to feel comfortable with the way it looked.
Focusing intently on setting a standard of excellence that all other companies would strive to achieve, Carhartt worked steadfastly through good and bad times alike.
The sentence was not carried out, but by the capitulation of Wittenberg (Ma .y 1547) he renounced the electoral dignity and a part of his lands in favour of Maurice, steadfastly refusing however to make any concessions on religious matters, and remained in captivity until May 1552, when he returned to the Thuringian lands which his sons had been allowed to retain, his return being hailed with wild enthusiasm.
Leach steadfastly refused to pitch the idea to the BBC, as they would require a controlling stake in the project.
AdvertisementThey steadfastly sought to eliminate the miraculous from theological belief, and to expel from the system of religious truth all debatable, difficult or mysterious articles.
The Arabs endeavoured to induce Geronimo to renounce Christianity, but as he steadfastly refused to do so he was condemned to death.
Abdur Rahman and his successor Habibullah steadfastly refused the offer of British engineers to strengthen its defences; and though the Afghans themselves have occasionally undertaken repairs, it is doubtful whether the old walls of Herat are maintained in a state of efficiency.
On the 8th of June the propositions extracted from the De Ecclesia were again taken up with some fulness of detail; some of these he repudiated as incorrectly given, others he defended; but when asked to make a general recantation he steadfastly declined, on the ground that to do so would be a dishonest admission of previous guilt.
The Hero, Left At The Head Of A Fatherless Family Of Twelve When Nearly Through College, Turns From The Glut Of Graduates Swarming Round The Prospects Of Professional City Bred Careers, Steadfastly Wrests A Home From The Wilderness, Helps His Brothers And Sisters, Marries A Habitante Fit For The Wife Of A Pioneer,.