Statistics Sentence Examples
The most recent statistics show the disease to be diminishing.
The statistics are very imperfect.
For manufactures and trade statistics see Hamburg (city).
Geography And Statistics The kingdom of Hungary (Magyarbiradolorn) is one of the two states which constitute the monarchy of Austria-Hungary, and occupies 51.8% of the total area of the monarchy.
The dedication of the church of Lourdes, in 1876, took place in the presence of 30 bishops, 3000 priests and roo,000 pilgrims. In 1877 the number rose to 250,000; and similar statistics are given of the German and Austrian devotional resorts.
An excellent compilation, entitled Johannesburg Statistics, dealing with almost every phase of the city's life, is issued monthly (since January 1905) by the town council.
The following statistics show the growth of population in and since the 19th century.
The statistics given above for 1900 in comparison with 1905 are for factory products.
The state library and museum are a part of the Department of Banking, Statistics, History and Insurance.
No record is kept of this, and we can trace it only through the census statistics of birthplace.
AdvertisementVital Statistics, 1900.The median age of the aggregate population of 1900that is, the age that divides the population into halveswas 22.85 years.
The statistics of communicants or members are defective, and because of the different organization in this respect of different bcdies, notably of the Protestants and Roman Catholics, comparisons are more or less misleading.
No attempt was made in the census enumerations of 1790 and 1800 to obtain statistics of manufactures.
Since 1850, however, provision has been made on an ample scale for their collection, although the constant modifications of the schedules under which the statistics were arranged makes very difficult comparisons of the latest with the earlier censuses.
From 1850 to 1900 fairly full industrial statistics were gathered as a part of each decennial census.
AdvertisementThe population of Georgia in 1880 was 1,542,180; in 1890 it was 1,837,353, an increase of 19.1%; in 1900 it was 1 The manufacturing statistics for 1900 which follow are not those given in the Twelfth Census, but are taken from the Census of Manufactures, 1905, the 1900 figures here given being only for " establishments on a factory basis," and thus being comparable with those of 1905.
Petty's Irish survey was based on a collection of social data which entitles him to be considered a real pioneer in the science of comparative statistics.
At the moment these statistics appear to show that we devote approximately 5% of our entire national income to benefits for pensioners.
Statistics show that certain ethnic minority groups are currently underachieving in terms of school standards.
Although there are no good statistics on how many children suffer from the condition, an estimated 1 to 2 million Americans of all ages are binge eaters.
AdvertisementMost waitressing jobs people expect to be abundant through 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
It contains, in addition to the ancient national records, adequate accommodation, in fireproof chambers, for all Scottish title-deeds, entails, contracts and mortgages, and for general statistics, including those of births, deaths and marriages.
The Lima Geographical Society (founded in 1888) is perhaps the best and most active scientific organization in the republic. Its special work covers national geographical exploration and study, archaeology, statistics and climatology, and its quarterly bulletins contain invaluable information.
Owing to the export tax on rubber (8 cents per kilogram on jebe and 5 cents on caucho) it is probable that the official statistics do not cover the total production, which was returned as 2539 metric tons in 1905, valued at £913,989.
The administrative details of government were minutely and carefully organized, and accurate statistics were kept by means of the " quipus " or system of knots.
AdvertisementThe average number of employes in 1850 was 20,967; in 1890, 81,111; and in 1 The 1905 census of manufactures gives statistics only for establishments under the factory system, excluding the hand trades, and gives factory statistics for 1905 and for 1900.
Reference should be made to the reports of these committees for a full account of the use, manufacture and statistics of "denaturized" spirits in various European countries.
The relative movement of nationalities is best presented by the statistics of the United States.
In the United States' statistics we cannot distinguish in the outgoing passenger movement emigrants from other persons.
Thus he objects to the use of statistics because they favour that tendency to regard all men as mentally and morally equal which is so unhappily strong in modern times.
The completeness of the ruin which threatened them may be illustrated by the statistics for a single commune, that of Graveson, whose average annual production of wine in the years1865-1867was about 220,000 gallons.
The work of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, of the Bureau of Health, of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, and of the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, and the progress of civil service, have been remarkable for value and efficiency.
For cities of above 8000 inhabitants (for which alone comparative statistics are annually available), in 1902-1903 the ratio of average attendance to school enrolment, the average number of days' attendance of each pupil enrolled, and the value of school property per capita of pupils in average attendance were higher than in any other state; the average length of the school term was slightly exceeded in eight states; and the total cost of the schools per capita of pupils in average attendance ($39.05) was exceeded in six other states.
Post office statistics indicate a similarly high average of intelligence.
The statistics of the order (1905) show that of Black Benedictines there are over 4000 choir-monks and nearly 2000 lay brothers - figures that have more than doubled since 1880.
Unfortunately the statistics of population thus collected were subordinated to the fiscal interests of the inquiry, and no record has been handed down relating to the population of the city and its neighbourhood.
The census of 1850 was taken on six schedules, one for free inhabitants, one for slaves, one for deaths during the preceding year, one for agriculture, one for manufactures and one for social statistics.
The law has allowed the Federal census office in its discretion to compile and publish the birth statistics of divisions in which they are accurately kept; one Federal report on the statistics of marriages and divorces throughout the country from 1867 to 1886 inclusive was published in 1889, and a second for the succeeding twenty-year period was published in part in 1908; an annual volume gives the statistics of deaths for about half the population of the country, including all the states and cities which have approximately complete records of deaths; Federal agencies like the bureau of labour and the bureau of corporations have been created for the purpose of gathering certain social and industrial statistics, and the bureau of the census has been made a permanent statistical office.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
Each census gives statistics on what was going on in the country at that time, as well as important insight into individuals and families.
Decision after decision of individual instances has made it a settled practice for the Federal government to co-operate with or to supplement the state governments in the gathering of statistics that may furnish a basis for state or Federal legislation.
Holiday shopping statistics change every year.
The Swiss, owing to their peculiar geographical position and to certain political circumstances, early manifested independence in ecclesiastical matters, and became accustomed to the Statistics.
Grain is shipped to and from Jersey City in large quantities, and in general the city is an important shipping port; being included, however, in the port of New York, no separate statistics are available.
Since 1898 special statistics have been drawn up respecting their trade also with Austria and Hungary.
According to these statistics the most important articles of export are coal and turf, fruit, minerals, soda, iron and steel, and cattle.
Full and fairly accurate statistics are available for a considerable portion of Asiatic Turkey.
After pointing out the immense difficulties which he had had to encounter owing to the absence of any regular accounts, and above all of any of " those statistics which constitute the soul, indeed the very life of a public administration," and that it was therefore impossible for him to pretend that he had been able to free himself altogether from the effects of the past, the minister continues, " every time we have endeavoured to have recourse to the previous elements of appreciation, we found ourselves faced by the chaos which characterized former years.
The statistics of South Greenland, however, do not seem to demonstrate any such decrease.
In 1908 its statistics showed 2343 chapels with accommodation for 714,793 persons, 848 ministers and 5621 local preachers, 165,463 church members and 332,756 Sunday scholars; there were 55 foreign missionaries, and about 30,000 church members and probationers in the foreign field.
No exact statistics of Siberian exile were kept before 1823.
In Croatia-Slavonia no crop statistics were compiled before 1885.
Hungary forms together with Austria one customs and commercial territory, and the statistics for the foreign trade is given under Austria-Hungary.
Among the later writers on statistics, moreover, have been Konek, Keleti, Lang, Foldes, Jekelfalussy, Vorgha, Korbsy, Rath and Vizaknai.
The theory of probabilities, which Laplace described as common sense expressed in mathematical language, engaged his attention from its importance in physics and astronomy; and he applied his theory, not only to the ordinary problems of chances, but also to the inquiry into the causes of phenomena, vital statistics and future events.
The department of fomento is charged with the supervision of all matters relating to agriculture, stock-raising, mines, industries, commerce, statistics, immigration, public lands, posts, telegraphs and telephones.
The publications of the London County Council, especially the tramways accounts, the annual estimates, London Statistics, and the Financial Abstract (to years ended 31st March 1908) have much valuable information.
But, imperfect as such statistics may be, they give us at any rate some insight into the direction of governmental legislation.
The table has been adapted from the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States, January 1907, prepared in the Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department, Washington Government Printing Office, 1902.
It contains many valuable articles on history, topography, botany, mining, commerce and statistics.
Natives heavily predominated in agriculture and the professions, slightly in trade, and held barely more than half of all governmental positions; but in transportation, personal service, manufactures, labour and domestic service, the predominance of the foreign element warranted the assertion of the state Bureau of Statistics of Labour that " the strong industrial condition of Massachusetts has been secured and is held not by the labour of what is called the 'native stock,' but by that of the immigrants."
There is, however, a certain set of cases, occurring in statistics, in which the data are not a series of ordinates, but the areas A I, A I,.
Congregational statistics are very uncertain before 1832, when the Union began to make such matters its concern.
He advocated a republic under the dominion of the French in a pamphlet I Tedeschi, i Francesi, ed i Russi in Lombardia, and under the Cisalpine Republic he was named historiographer and director of statistics.
Gioja's fundamental idea is the value of statistics or the collection of facts.
Meteorological statistics are collected at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin and eight other stations; and observations of rainfall, temperature, and wind-directions are received from eighteen stations of the second class.
He recognizes political economy and statistics as alike sciences, and represents the distinction between them as having never been made before him, though he quotes what Smith had said of political arithmetic. While deserving the praise of honesty, sincerity and independence, he is inferior to his predecessor in breadth of view on moral and political questions.
Cleveland, in editing A Political Text-book (1860), and supervised for many years the annual issues of The Whig Almanac and The Tribune Almanac, comprising extensive political statistics.
The Commercial, Labour and Statistical Department is the real remains of the original board of trade, as it combines the charge of the trade statistics with the general consultative duties with which King Charles II.'s board was originally entrusted.
The statistical work includes compiling abstracts, memoranda, tables and charts relating to the trade and industrial conditions of the United Kingdom, the colonies and foreign countries, the supervision of the trade accounts, the preparation of monthly and annual accounts of shipping and navigation, statistics as to labour, cotton, emigration and foreign and colonial customs, tariffs and regulations.
The labour statistics published by the department are exhaustive, dealing with hours of labour, the state of the labour market, the condition of the working classes and the prices of commodities; annual reports are also ' Since 1882 there have been only two occasions on which the president of the board was not included in the cabinet.
The staff comprises a controller-general (salary £1200 rising to £1500), a deputy controller-general and labour commissioner, a principal for statistics, a principal of the commercial department, an assistant labour commissioner, a chief staff officer for commercial intelligence, a chief labour correspondent, a special inquiry officer, and a staff of investigators and labour correspondents.
The Italians and Ladins, treated as separate in Switzerland, were in the Austrian official statistics treated as a single national group (like the Czecho-Slovaks and Serbo-Croats), but even then only totalled together 2.75% of the population of the empire.
The building was finished in 1832, and the instruments were ready for work in 1835, from which date the observations were published in 4to volumes (Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles), but Quetelet chiefly devoted himself to meteorology and statistics.
Two points as to these statistics deserve to be noted.
One result of this foreign immigration, particularly from France and Italy, has been the rapid increase of Romanists, who now form the majority in the canton, while in the city they were still slightly less numerous than the Protestants in 1900; later (local) statistics give in the Canton 75,400 Romanists to 64,200 Protestants, and in the city 52,638 Romanists to 51,221 Protestants.
This adherence was, and still is, often only nominal, for the statistics take no note of the great mass of indifferentism and liberalism which prevails in the ranks of the Church.
Some important statistics as to the number studying Latin and Greek in the secondary schools were collected in 1900 by a ‘committee of twelve educational experts representing all parts of the Union, with a view to a uniform course of instruction being pursued in all classical schools.
The chief of the bureau of labour statistics is directed in case of danger of a strike or lockout to seek to mediate between the parties and if unsuccessful in that, then to endeavour to secure their consent to the formation of a board of arbitration.
Quite accurate statistics on this subject are scarcely attainable.
Other important manufactures (each with a product value in 1905 of more than one million dollars) were cotton-seed oil and cake (in 1900 Kentucky was fifth and in 1905 sixth among the states in the value of cotton-seed oil and cake), cooperage, agricultural implements, boots and shoes, cigars 1 In the census of 1905 statistics for other than factory-made products, such as those of the hand trades, were not included.
The executive is composed of a governor, a lieutenant-governor, a treasurer, an auditor of public accounts, a register of the land office, a commissioner of agriculture, labour, and statistics, a secretary of state, an attorney-general and a superintendent of public instruction.
Fordescriptionsof physical featuresand accounts of natural resources see Reports of the Kentucky Geological Survey, the Biennial Reports of the Bureau of Agriculture, Labor and Statistics, the Reports of the United States Census and various publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, and other publications listed in Bulletin 301 (Bibliography and Index of North American Geology for 1901-1905) and other bibliographies of the Survey.
As nearly as can be estimated from imperfect statistics, frirn the total ore production of the country rose steadily from 2,873,400 long tons in, 1860 to 51,720,619 tons in 1907.
The department of commerce and labor controls the bureaus which deal with the mercantile marine, the lighthouse and lifesaving service, commercial statistics, immigration, and the coast and geodetic survey, and the census is also under its charge.
The census and statistics office, reorganized as a branch of the department of agriculture in 1905, undertakes a complete census of population, of agriculture, of manufactures and of all the natural products of the Dominion every ten years, a census of the population and agriculture of the three North-West Provinces every five years, and various supplemental statistical inquiries at shorter intervals.
Religious statistics show that 84% of the inhabitants belong to the EvangelicalLutheran Church, 17 to the Roman Catholic and less than 1% to the Jewish communities.
China and Japan, both of which contribute so largely to the supplies that appear in European and American statistics, only export their excess growth, silk-weaving being carried on and native silk worn to an enormous extent in both countries.
In order to form a relative idea of the importance of the various countries engaged in silk manufacture, a tabulation of the number of looms employed in each country would prove an inadequate guide, owing to the variations from time to time of the fabrics woven, as also to the difficulty in obtaining trustworthy statistics of the number in active operation.
In 1906 the statistics showed 218 ministers, 32,549 members and 652 chapels, with 47,301 scholars in Sunday-schools.
They rejected Mr Chamberlain's food-taxes, discredited his statistics, and, while admitting the theoretical orthodoxy of retaliation, criticized Mr Balfour's attitude and repudiated his assumption that retaliation would be desirable.
It was plain indeed that the fiscal question itself was ripe for the polls; Board of Trade statistics had been issued in profusion, and the whole case was before the country.
Horses increased in number 1 Statistics for 1909 and 1910 are from the Year Book of the United States Department of Agriculture.
For the statistics of the death-rate of the United Kingdom as compared with that of the various European countries see UNITED KINGDOM.
The establishment of a strong native church is far from being the only fruit of the enterprise, but it is a fruit that can be gauged by statistics, and these are sufficiently striking.
Again, on the hypothesis that Christianity is true, the statistics at a particular period are no test of success at all.
Appointed in 1862 actuary to the United States sanitary commission, he issued in 1869 an important volume of Military and Anthropological Statistics.
Statistics are furnished b y the annual publication of the Society for Statistics in the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Statistics of recent years show a slight increase in legitimate and a slight decrease in illegitimate births.
Trade statistics of late years show a gradual increase of exports to India from Kandahar and the countries adjacent thereto, but a curious falling-off in imports.
Germany, and the Germanic peoples, take slightly more per person, but the statistics are rather indefinite.
The statistics given are taken as far as possible from official returns, and where such are unavailable they have been carefully compiled from reliable data.
Such are the general statistics of outlay, revenue and irrigated area up to the end of 1896-1897.
In connection with suicides, it is interesting to observe that the highest rates prevail in some of the smaller and more prosperous states of the empire for example, in Saxe-Weimar, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and SaxeAltenhurg (on a three years average of figures), while the Roman Catholic country Bavaria, and the impoverished Prussian province of Posen show the most favorable statistics.
Statistics relating to the foreign trade of the Empire are necessarily confined -to comparatively recent times.
There are no statistics of posts and telegraphs before 1867, for it was only when the North German union was formed that the lesser states resigned their right of carrying mails in favor of the central authority.
This office is divided into four departments, dealing with (i.) the business of the Bundesrat, the Rcichstag, the elections, citizenship, passports, the press, and military and naval matters, so far as the last concern the civil authorities; (ii.) purely social matters, such as old age pensions, accident insurance, migration, settlement, poor law administration, &c.; (iii.) sanitary matters, patents, canals, steamship lines, weights and measures; and (iv.) commercial and economic relationssuch as agriculture, industry, commercial treaties and statistics.
According to the statistics furnished in the Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Reiches for 9o5, the receipts amounted to upwards of Io,000,000 for 1903, and the expenditure to somewhat less than this sum.
For trade statistics see Senegal.
In 1894 (the last year for which accurate statistics have been issued) 350 fishing smacks were,in active service, giving a catch of 2480 tons of fish.
Criminal statistics, though slowly diminishing, are still high - murders, which are the most frequent crimes, having been 27 per 100,000 inhabitants in1897-1898and 25'23 per 100,000 in 1903, as against 2.57 in Lombardy, 2.00 in the district of Venetia, 4.50 in Tuscany and 5.24 in Piedmont.
The Remonstrants, that is, the clerical fanatics to whom toleration was more especially abominable, are reckoned (Hume Brown) as the majority of the preachers, but exact statistics cannot be obtained.
Amongst the numerous scientific associations are the central statistical department, and the Budapest communal bureau of statistics, which under the directorship of Dr Joseph de KiirOsy has gained a European reputation.
The official publications of the Budapest Communal Bureau of Statistics have acquired a European repute for their completeness, and their fearless exposure of shortcomings has been an element in the progress of the town.
It would be very wrong, however, to look only at these bare statistics quod vide school exam results and league tables.
The Center will pioneer an emerging field that brings together statistics and the recent extensive advances in theoretically well-founded machine learning.
The Green paper plea for integrity of official statistics indicates a wish by government statisticians to distance themselves from the statistics they produce.
According to the statistics for 1903, based on several hundred stations, the average number of days of thunder throughout six subdivisions of the country, some wholly plain, others mainly mountainous, varied only from 21.1 to 26.5, the mean for the whole of Hungary being 23.5.
From statistics of 1895 it appears that in each I 000 of population 991 are Roman Catholics, 7 Protestants, and 2 Jews, the Jews being entirely of Russian origin, sent into the republic since 1891 by the Jewish Colonization Association under the provisions of the Hirsch legacy; from 1895 to 1908 the number of Jews in Argentina increased from 6085 to about 30,000.
On the other hand, the banker, the government official and the economist use railway statistics to obtain information which may be characterized as static rather than dynamic. Both uses ultimately rest upon comparison of the observed data from a certain property with the observed data from other properties, or with predetermined standards of performance.
Both the British manager and the American manager, however, are supplied with a considerable number of daily, weekly and monthly reports, varying on different railways, which are not made public. The daily sheets usually include a summarized statement of the performance of every train on the line, covering the amount of business done, the destination of the loads, &c. For a number of years there has been a movement in Great Britain to require the inclusion of ton-mile statistics in the stated returns to the Board of Trade, but most railway managers have objected to the change on the ground that their own confidential information was already adequate for purposes of control, and that ton-mile statistics would require additional clerical force to a costly extent.
In addition to the executive officials mentioned above there are a lieutenant-governor, an attorney-general, a Bureau of Labor Statistics, established in 1887, and a Corporation Commission, which in 1899 superseded the Railroad Commission, established in 1891.
The applications of mathematics to statistics (see Statistics and Probability) should not be lost sight of; the leading fields for these applications are insurance, sociology, variation in zoology and economics.
As compilers and authors of works in various scientific branches allied to history, may be particularly mentioned-in statistics and geography, Alexius Fenyes, Emeric Palugyay, Alexander Konek, John Hunfalvy, Charles Galgoczy, Charles Keleti, Leo Beothy, Joseph Korosi, Charles Ballagi and Paul Kiraly, and, as regards Transylvania, Ladislaus Kovary; in travel, Arminius Vambery, Ignatius Goldziher, Ladislaus Magyar, John Xantus, John Jerney, Count Andrassy, Ladislaus Podmaniczky, Paul Hunfalvy; in astronomy, Nicholas Konkoly; in archaeology, Bishop Arnold Ipolyi, Florian Romer, Emeric Henszlmann, John Erdy, Baron Albert Nyary, Francis Pulszky and Francis Kiss; in Hungarian mythology, Bishop Ipolyi, Anthony Csengery,' and Arpad Kerekgyarto; in numismatics, John Erdy and Jacob Rupp; and in jurisprudence, Augustus Karvassy, Theodore Pauler, Gustavus Wenczel, Emeric Csacsk6, John Fogarasi and Ignatius Frank.
Among its important lines of work may be mentioned frequent reports during the cotton ginning season upon the amount of cotton ginned, supplemental census reports upon occupations, on employees and wages, and on further interpretation of various population tables, reports on street and electric railways, on mines and quarries, on electric light and power plants, on deaths in the registration area 1900-1904, on benevolent institutions, on the insane, on paupers in almshouses, on the social statistics of cities and on the census of manufactures in 1905.
Here the statistics of literacy need only be considered.
It is true that for practical use in connexion with vital statistics for a given period, the aggregate age-distribution of the countries concerned would be a more accurate basis of comparison, but the wide period covered by the Swedish observations has the advantage of eliminating temporary disturbances of the balance of ages, and may thus be held to compensate for the comparatively narrow geographical extent of the field to which it relates.
It is impossible to give more than approximately accurate statistics of the resultant depopulation of Portugal; but it seems probable that the inhabitants of the kingdom decreased from about 1,800,000 or 2,000,000 in 1500 to The Slave thus discredited; the peasants sold their farms and p emigrated or flocked to the towns; and small holdings were merged into vast estates, unscientifically cultivated by slaves and comparable with the latifundia which caused so many agrarian evils during the last two centuries of the Roman republic. The decadence of agriculture partly explains the prevalence of famine at a time when Portuguese maritime commerce was most prosperous.
Harting, in his and De Mosenthal's Ostriches and Ostrich Farming, from which the woodcut here introduced is by permission copied, gives (pp. 67-72) some portentous statistics of the destruction of rheas for the sake of their feathers, which, he says, are known in the trade as "Vautour" to distinguish them from those of the African bird.
The actions of men are subject to general immutable laws expressed in statistics.
Government statistics indicate that there has been decreasing reliance in the primary phase on separate provision (in special schools or units).
We have California DUI statistics; bail amounts, the range of fines, restitution amounts, penalty assessments, jail time and more !
The statistics that we have on wood availability show that there is already tightness in the supply of sawmill product.
Some of the report 's statistics reveal a fascinating snapshot of life in Horsham today.
Official government statistics show that over a quarter of a million UK households now have a second home abroad.
Some are remotely hosted live statistics packages which require you to place a link on your pages.
Summary statistics reports can also be received by e-mail daily, weekly or monthly.
Perhaps the most telling statistics are those involving cyclist accident rates quoted on page 10.
The indexes to the usage statistics pages are provide by the Project Office.
In the face of this welter of depressing statistics, any hope of improvement might seem misplaced.
Statistics out there wraparound shades pull ps s for phones to travelers.
Zemstvo Statistics for Perm Gubernia Data concerning the farms of the different groups.
According to the March of Dimes and the National Center for Health Statistics, the past 20 years has shown a dramatic increase in the occurrence of multiple births in the United States.
The baby's statistics are usually given out in weight and length.
The National Center for Health Statistics publishes the data used to create the United States Growth Charts.
Even when you know this, it can be disheartening to see where your baby falls within the statistics plotted on the growth charts.
Although the threat of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is always worrisome for parents, the statistics have plummeted significantly since the early eighties.
When you are searching for SIDS statistics, you will want to make sure you are looking at statistics that are pertinent to your country and your child's age category.
The same numbers that represent a category of infants between 0 to 4 months of age should not equal the statistics of children between 18 to 24 months.
Although direct causes have not been identified by medical professionals, SIDS statistics have dropped since the early eighties due to certain preventative measures that may increase an infant's chances of survival.
Have reports done on radon, hazardous materials, crime statistics and dry rot.
Indoor pets tend to live markedly longer than outdoor animals, so a pet owner can always rest on the support of statistics and safety issues when making the decision to keep their pets indoors.
Statistics state that one in two workers will actually get the promotion and raise they request with the proper research and approach.
Despite the sobering statistics on identity theft, there are many common-sense ways to prevent identity theft.
You may have a higher or a lower figure, or you may be right in line with the statistics.
If you are interested in the latest statistics about identity theft and how consumers recover from having their identity stolen, Javelin Strategy and Research provides recent information from comprehensive studies.
When obtaining information from these companies, find out what sources they utilize as well as how recent the information is because you may find that some of the data touted as recent statistics is actually from a few years ago.
If couples educate themselves about the causes of divorce, perhaps they will be less likely to become divorce statistics themselves.
The Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics maintains a Divorce Index for all divorce actions occurring within its borders from 1968-2008.
The Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics provides free online access to its Divorce Indexes.
Divorce rate statistics are commonly alleged to show that as much as half of all American marriages end in divorce.
Divorce statistics include annulment filings.
The most common reported divorce rate statistics discuss how the age of the spouses, the number of previous marriages and the presence of children in the marriage affect a couple's chances of getting divorced.
Although its fuel economy statistics are lower than many other hybrid vehicles, the Highlander delivers all the power and performance consumers expect from a SUV.
There are more statistics on production emissions.
The usage and production emission statistics are recorded over a longer period of time.
Recycling statistics are an excellent way to learn the positive effects of recycling.
Interesting recycling facts can help to turn dry statistics into fun information that is easy to understand and remember.
According to Green Energy Efficient Homes, hybrid car sales statistics have been affected just as much as the sales of standard gasoline and diesel vehicles on the road.
In December of 2008, hybrid car sales dropped a whopping 43 percent but does that really represent true hybrid car sales statistics?
Hybrid car sales statistics show that consumers are more interested in foreign hybrids.
Hybrid car sales statistics in the next few years will rise in the US, but the real question is, will they benefit the US economy or a foreign economy.
It's a good bet that hybrid car sales statistics will rise well into the future.
These statistics show that the potential for solar energy is significant.
With sports fans checking out scores and statistics online, it was only a matter of time before they designed online fantasy sports games.
Instead of actually directing the team, they base the results on the statistics of an individual player, sometimes even entire teams.
It is all managed by a "league commissioner" who checks all of the statistics and awards the points to each team.
Fantasy owners within the fantasy hockey leagues compete against each other, using hockey statistics based on individual players.
Points are not scored by individual goals, but by assists, saves and other statistics that can be counted.
You can also check out statistics daily from the sport news pages.
The CIA World Factbook - Constantly maintained by the US CIA, this is an up-to-date reference on current statistics and maps for all countries.
Combination sites are those that offer some free information, along with more-detailed statistics and advice for pay; most combination sites also host leagues of some kind.
For fantasy football enthusiasts who want league play, statistics, chat and more, ESPN offers the total package.
The difference is that Fantasy Football Premium Add-ons focus mainly on statistics and draft preparation instead of articles.
Additionally, FFC provides fantasy football owners with links to several other Fantasy Football Web Sites, so you can play for free, while still getting all of the necessary statistics.
Instead, you track your players' total statistics throughout the season and use these numbers at the end of the year.
This way, you can change your lineup from time to time and use the cumulative statistics of these players during each period of play.
When playing fantasy NBA, NBA player statistics are critical to your success.
Although, the most important statistics may vary based on the style of play your league employs.
In a head-to-head league with categories scoring, your players' statistics will be used for one week.
Your team will be matched with another team in your league, whose statistics will be used to tally their score.
As you become involved in the Pokemon community, these statistics will soon seem quite familiar.
In addition, you'll find the dealership information along with the typical statistics such as color, options, seating, and more.
All fields of math are represented, from algebra to chemistry to geometry and from finance to fractions to statistics.
You can go as far as deciding their color and statistics.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, photography fields in general are expected to experience moderate growth in the future.
You'll want to include a head shot image, statistics about the star and maybe a log of career roles and highlights.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that the leading cause of death for 15 to 20-year olds is motor vehicle crashes.
Can teen drivers' education really change those statistics?
They offer help in Math, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Physics, Programming, Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology.
A 2009 federal report shows the following statistics regarding youth (ages 12 to 17) drug and alcohol use.
It's considered one of the most reliable lists because it is based on other factors aside from statistics.
Rankings are based on statistics, just as rankings within the state would be.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2002 and Worldwide Learn, individuals that finished high school made on average $717 more each month compared to those who did not finish.
The rankings are based only on what coaches turn in to the NSCAA and they are based purely on statistics without taking into account the high school team's competition, number of games (which varies widely), or level of play.
However, the NSCAA takes raw numbers for their statistics without complete consideration to division levels, strength of competition in the area and other factors.
The statistics speak volumes about what is going on with today's young people.
According to the same study, statistics say 64 percent of teens worry that their parents would lose respect for them if they were caught drinking.
Spewing statistics rarely works with making an impact on dangers to young people.
There are numerous teenager car accident statistics out there.
Wondering about some of the teenager car accident statistics out there?
The National Center for Health Statistics designed a growth chart which is used by professionals to determine whether or not a teenager's weight falls within normal range.
According to the Bullying Statistics organization, preventing bullying is important because of the fact that kids who are bullied can be more inclined toward violence directed at the school, such as school shootings or bombings.
Read on to discover some hard drinking and driving statistics and truths you would do well to remember.
The statistics say that only 5-10% of newcomers stay sober for a year.
Statistics posted by the Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) show that underage drinkers made up more than 16% of alcohol sales in the United States in 2001.
I don't have hard statistics, but I can tell you that by working with teens and their families who have experienced this issue firsthand, it is much more commonplace than parents might want to believe.
The statistics on drinking and driving crashes are surprising.
Viewing the statistics on drunk driving may help you make a better decision the next time you decide to get into your car after consuming a few alcoholic beverages.
Holiday drinking and driving statistics may be numbers on a page, but they represent a lot more than that to the people whose lives have been affected by people who combine alcohol and/or drug use with operating a motor vehicle.
According to statistics provided by the Ontario Provincial Police, impaired driving is the leading criminal cause of death in all of Canada.
According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 12,998 people lost their lives in car crashes where drinking and driving was a factor.
Ask about the drop out rate or statistics for long-term success.
With such a long history of Oscar winners, many interesting statistics have come to light regarding the winners.
He is the top goal scorer of all time, and was named Football Player of the Century by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics.
Cultural weight statistics have led to a sizing inflation within the United States.
Studies and statistics indicate college graduates make much more per year than those with only a high school diploma.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the average college tuition has been rising for quite some time.
The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau offered the following statistics on the average annual earnings of workers with bachelor's, master's and doctoral level degrees.
Distance learning graduates of public health who seek employment in related fields can earn up to about $160,000 or more yearly, depending on their area of expertise, according to 2010 research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
As of 2010, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics indicates that the job outlook for someone choosing to earn an instructional design master's degree is very promising.
Yes, 2006 marked the "Year of the Yorkie," as the tiny Yorkshire Terrier overtook the Golden Retriever and German Shepherd Dog in registration statistics to become the second most popular dog in the nation.
With such staggering statistics, it's easy to understand the danger these parasites pose to your pet.
While these statistics can be a cause for significant concern, Pitbull owners can do a lot to reduce the chance of their animal biting a person.
Current cyber bullying statistics show that all individuals can be cyber bullied -- even adults, but teens are at the most risk.
Make sure they know the statistics about cyber bullying.
When you consider unlicensed and unmonitored small-food businesses, the statistics for food illnesses increase.
The 2007 Internet safety statistics for children are in.
One of the more interesting statistics taken from the 2007 Internet safety statistics for children report was the very slight increase (1 percent) in the number of online solicitations leading to meetings in person with children.
While it may seem frivolous to some, a quick glance at some national safety statistics bear out the need for this very important week; a week that highlights keeping our children safe, no matter where they play.
Take a look at the 2007 Internet Safety Statistics for Children report; some of it is shocking.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, this condition was responsible for 652,091 deaths in 2005.
The Life Alert Company statistics show that more than two million emergency calls are handled each year by their well-trained emergency response staff.
According to statistics of the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, known as OSHA, each year approximately 5,800 workers are killed in work related accidents.
They respond to the scene, investigate the cause, maintain records and prepare statistics on the findings.
To make comparisons easier to understand, the statistics are sometimes given as the number of incidents per one million takeoffs.
Statistics can vary when different time periods are looked at, but the best airline safety record usually belongs to American companies.
Statistics gathered by the World Health Organization show that each year more than 76 million people in the United States become ill from eating or drinking contaminated food or liquids.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than four million workers in the United States suffered a workplace injury in 2009.
Do not become one of the many workplace injury statistics.
The National Center on Elder Abuse provides information, articles, and statistics about senior abuse.
Statistics indicate that the typical caregiver is a married woman in her mid-40s who has children living at home, as well as a full-time job.
So looking at the Baby Boom from the viewpoint of a demographer, a person that studies vital statistics and human populations, Baby Boomers are simply a number of people born during a specific span of years.
Generally, if a housing unit becomes available, statistics show that at least 10 seniors are waiting hopefully for the rental to be theirs.
The organization offers insight into the statistics and the problems associated with persistent nightly snores.
Resmed understands the statistics that suggest as many as 90% of sleep apnea patients are unaware they have sleep apnea.
These statistics don't sound too exciting, but numbers don't tell the whole story.
While the ride statistics of any roller coaster do not give a complete picture of the ride experience, knowing the facts about Disaster Transport can help riders create realistic expectations about the ride.
Its $25 million price tag was well worth it, however, and ever since riders have flocked to challenge the Kingda Ka roller coaster and to tame its impressive statistics.
Your character is also defined by abilities and secondary statistics.
Your secondary statistics are Experience, Health, Magic Energy, Armor Base Attack and Damage.
These statistics represent the amount of points you have.
To do this effectively, build up your statistics in dexterity, vitality and strength.
When you start a new game, the Bard's character statistics for Strength, Vitality, Charisma, Luck, Dexterity can be adjusted with a set number of points.
Your only options for more difficult gameplay are to start with a lower level of character statistics, which will make combat more difficult initially, or play the game through (while still saving your progress) without dying once.
When you gain levels you will continue to put points into these statistics and select new skills or spells to enhance your character.
If the statistics show green in the categories displayed on screen means it is better in that area.
Goku and his fellow fighters each level up by defeating foes and wild animals, but there are only five total statistics per character.
Defeating foes gains both gold and experience points for the player and increase the characters' statistics to make them much stronger.
Using an extensive menu system, players equip/unequip characters with various items that strengthen certain statistics or add special abilities.
Levels seem to be gained quickly, and you can put points into your statistics including Strength, Spirit, Constitution, Speed and Dexterity.
Upgrade your characters statistics and learn new skills.
However, its latest incarnations feature experience points, items, equipment and character statistics that can be increased through exploration and defeating enemies.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics asserts that there were about 7.4 million waitresses and other food servers working in the United States.
Then of course, there are the issues of different sales tracking and reporting methods in various countries and questions about the reliability of the statistics.
That averages to about one per week, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Viewer statistics were lower than most VH1 series, with about 1 million tuning in for each episode.
With all of the different formats for shows, a wide variety of reality TV statistics exist.
As reality TV continues to grow, it is expected that reality TV statistics will change and become more exact.
Keep track of who is visiting your blog quickly and easily by checking your blog statistics. reported 2008 internet statistics that indicate that North America is no longer the one leader in terms of internet use.
This is because every crop that you grow has an entire list of statistics that go along with it, and keeping track of those stats can be overwhelming for players who reach higher Farm Town levels.
A typical spreadsheet for Farm Town lists all of the crops that you can grow at each level, their associated costs and related statistics such as harvesting information and how much experience you can get for growing them.
Luckily, there are players who have leveled up before you in Farm Town and they took the time to gather statistics and information about each level.
In other cases, some people created blank spreadsheets that you can use to fill in as you advance and keep track of all of your own specific statistics.
Avid "farmers" can create a much more efficient farm this way by carefully choosing which crops to grow based on cost and time to harvest and many other statistics within the game.
Advertising networks have ample statistics showing that the topic of debt reduction is very popular on the Internet, and that translates into significant advertising money that bloggers can tap into.
ChirpStats allows you to track your followers' information and view graphs and statistics that show you more about your follower base.
Templates to change the appearance of your entries, statistics on who is following you, even ways to "make money with AdSense."
A survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) regarding accidents and injuries noted that most workers who suffered impact injuries to the head were not wearing head protection.
Use that to your advantage -- counter an unreasonable asking price with facts and statistics to explain why www. might not be worth a quarter million dollars.
Very often, the web host also offers website statistics tools that are part of your hosting package.
So it is worthwhile to consider this and either take a close look in your control panel for logging/statistics tools, or ask the web host whether they provide website statistics tools for free as part of their normal web hosting plan.
Statistics and SEO - if you are interested in promoting your site, these tools are essential in making it seen by the internet.
Services provided for free includes 1 to 6 designed page, free web graphics, navigation bar and free layout, free forms, and free website statistics.
Dental Web Services is a very high quality service with dental websites that even include interactive driving maps, and weekly website statistics updates.
Be sure to check with the server that hosts your website, and see if they offer a guestbook package along with other common options such as hit counters, forums, and site statistics.
For example, in a 2004 University of Michigan study, researchers found the following statistics for Michigan Internet users.
For corporations accustomed to exact statistics, impressions, and an exact calculation of return on investment, the vagueness and uncertainty of social media as part of an SEO strategy can be maddening.
Then switch to the statistics menu by using the L and R triggers using the D-pad, and enter the appropriate code.
Gain enough points to upgrade your statistics.
The sales statistics show a history of success - an average of 800 to 1,000 are sold each year, adding up to more than 17,600 RVs in all.
From their experiences and from statistics and studies of bear behavior, we can predict bear behavior in particular situations.
Although the Airstreams have been produced continuously since the 1930s, it is estimated that up to 70 percent of the units ever made are still on the road according to company statistics.
According to statistics, more than 60 percent of the patients with leukemia survive for at least a year after diagnosis.
Some statistics quote one in 200 infections as leading to paralysis, while others state that one in 1,000 cases reach the central nervous system (CNS).
The U.S. government maintains statistics on toy-related injuries and deaths.
Across genders, cancer death rates for African Americans are 35 percent higher when compared to statistics for Caucasians.
According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, choking rates in 2001 were highest in infants.
According to statistics from the United States Census Bureau and the Stepfamily Foundation, one in three Americans is involved in a stepfamily situation, and 1,300 new stepfamilies form each day.
According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, the average marriage in the United States only lasts seven years, and one of every two marriages ends in divorce.
According to statistics made available by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the 1990s, mental retardation occurs in 2.5 to 3 percent of the general population.
Because the underlying cause of the fever is usually recorded as the diagnosis, accurate statistics for those presenting with FUO are not available.
Formal statistics on coughs are not maintained.
According to statistics for 1964-1965, prior to routine rubella immunization in the United States, there were 2,100 newborn deaths and 11,250 miscarriages attributed to rubella infection of pregnant women.
The statistics indicate that parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals need to begin educating children as early as possible regarding the risks involved in alcohol use.
Statistics compiled by the Women's Sports Foundation also demonstrate that young female athletes receive substantial benefits from participation in sports.
Vegetarians have a huge number of statistics in their favor when it comes to presenting persuasive arguments in favor of their eating habits.
Many statistics show significantly smaller risks for vegetarians contracting certain conditions.
Exact statistics on human bite wounds are difficult to establish, although one figure for closed-fist bites in the United States is 11.8 per 100,000 persons per year.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 2,234 infants in the United States died of SIDS in 2001, or 8.1 percent of total infant deaths.
Children with savant syndrome may be able to memorize extensive amounts of data in such areas as sports statistics, population figures, and historical or biographical data.
The statistics given for tics and tic disorders vary from source to source, in part because tics vary considerably in severity, and many children with mild tics may never come to a doctor's attention.
Both Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy are thought to be rare, but there are no solid statistics on the frequency of either diagnosis.
Statistics show that more than 90 percent of abusing parents have neither psychotic nor criminal personalities.
According to statistics, in chronic lymphoid leukemia, the overall survival for all stages of the disease is nine years.
In statistics it also refers to the rate at which a disease or abnormality occurs.
However, statistics show that infants in colder climates have a higher incidence.
Studies and statistics have shown that adolescence is the riskiest life stage for sexual assault, and the time when the most psychological trauma can result.
Similar statistics were gathered by the NCJJ regarding the perpetrators of rape and sexual assault.
As hives is not a reportable event, no accurate prevalence statistics are available.
According to U.S. Department of Education statistics, approximately 600,000 children aged three to five years were served by special education services in 2001.
Emotionally disturbed students have the highest drop-out rate (35%), according to Department of Education statistics, while deaf-blind students have the lowest rate (4%).
Statistics are not available for most individual mineral deficiencies, most likely because such deficiencies are rare in the United States.
Bullying appears to be rapidly increasing, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Although these epidemiological statistics on AIDS in the United States provide a descriptive overview of the prevalence and patterns of HIV exposure in adolescents, the extent of asymptomatic HIV infection remains largely unknown.
No formal statistics are kept on such attacks.
If you don't know all of the vital statistics for an individual, make a note for future research.
Land offices, pension boards, bureaus of vital statistics and licensing boards may have information for a genealogist.
Look for the sites that have census information or vital statistics, such as birth, marriage or death records.
The sheet contains the vital statistics on both parents and any children.
Therefore, the office of Vital Statistics consists of approximately 21.5 million official vital records for birth, death, fetal death, marriage, and dissolution of marriage (divorce).
In the United States, the registry of vital statistics is a responsibility of the state governments.
Between 1900 and 1946 the U.S. Census Bureau designed standard birth certificates and collected these statistics on a national basis.
The State of Ohio Office of Vital Statistics maintains an abstract index for marriages beginning in 1954.
You can obtain copies from the Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics.
The Nevada Office of Vital Statistics can verify marriages in Nevada after 1968.
A pedigree chart simply records the names of direct ancestors with their vital statistics.
If your ancestor died after 1954, you can use the lookup service from the Ohio Office of Vital Statistics to find a death certificate for that individual.
The Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Office is located at 1100 West 49th Street in Austin, Texas.
The statistics on homeschooling in the United States may help to convince some people that this method of teaching is beneficial for some students.
If you're wondering how these children stack up against peers in a traditional environment, the following statistics will show where and how they succeed.
Various statistics have been printed about parents and children who homeschool in the U.S. Researchers are only just beginning to understand this schooling movement, which to some, threatens to undermine the public school system.
The statistics on homeschooling in the United States show that children who are homeschooled appear to achieve higher test scores on average than their traditionally schooled counterparts.
So what do all of these statistics point to?
Numerous studies on the statistics on public school versus homeschooling have shown that homeschooled kids develop the necessary social and academic skills to be successful and productive members of society.
If you are considering homeschooling, you may be looking for academic statistics on homeschooling.
Academic statistics can tell you a variety of things by measuring different variables that affect academic achievement.
Statistics are very telling about the state of homeschooling in the United States and provide and interesting look at the academic achievement of homeschoolers.
There are in fact, statistics that deal directly with academic aspects of homeschooling and for the most part, they are overwhelmingly in support of homeschooling.
With that said, the source does not automatically discount the statistics.
Moreover, for homeschooling parents and children who have received criticism for their methods, Kim's RelaxedHomeskool blog is a resource for support, statistics, and quality arguments in favor of homeschooling.
When a country faces a deepening recession, more workers find themselves included in the rising numbers of job loss statistics.
As past job loss statistics show, the effects of a tightening job market are felt throughout all industries and job sectors.
It is known that when the number of unemployed workers increases, the number of personal bankruptcies also increases as shown by the following statistics.
Statistics gathered during 2008 show that home foreclosures reached a record high as 2.3 million homeowners faced the loss of their homes due to job loss and other economic strains.
When there is a downturn in the economy, as shown by past job loss statistics, many workers find themselves in a position where they never foresaw themselves.
It's a quick guide to medical professions that can give you statistics and a few details about each job.
For more information about jobs on the medical career list, check the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
If you're curious about unemployment rates, how they compare to the national unemployment rates, and other statistics for your state, you can often find them on your state's website.
In September of 2009, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that there were over 43,200 people employed within this line of work at some level.
Both salaried and hourly-compensated jobs in the medical field together amounted to about 14.3 million during 2008, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In addition, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, advancements in technology may lead to a higher demand for home healthcare services.
For more information on top career choices, visit the website for Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that every state and the District of Columbia require licensure to practice in this field.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants may take different roles, depending on the work environment.
Criminologists analyze patterns, statistics and behaviors of criminals to predict future behaviors and help prevent future crimes.
This resource provides current market statistics and mortgage rates.
According to U.S. Census statistics, nearly five percent of California residents live in mobile homes.
Statistics show that midwife-attended births are as safe as physician-assisted births.
If your child is born at home, contact your state's department of vital statistics for registration instructions.
It is also an important legal document for vital statistics in the United States and other countries.
Statistics show that hiring a doula decreases the need for cesareans.
According to these statistics they claim that women who eat two or more low-fat dairy products per day increased their chances for anovulatory infertility by two.
According to statistics, between 15 to 20 percent of couples won't be able to conceive.
Statistics show that teen pregnancy is a problem in the United States, with approximately 34 percent of women having been pregnant at least once before they turn 20.
While it's hard to pinpoint statistics indicating the exact success rate for this treatment, acupressure may be useful simply because it can relieve some of the stress and anxiety that is possibly affecting your ability to get pregnant.
The CDC gathers IVF statistics and publishes them on its web site.
When considering IVF statistics as part of choosing a fertility clinic, keep in mind that the numbers only tell part of the story.
Another factor to consider is that the IVF statistics report on success rates per cycle, not per patient.
Statistics are only one consideration when choosing a fertility clinic.
Statistics reveal approximately 70,000 of women in America undergo this procedure yearly.
If you're having trouble conceiving, you may find yourself looking for statistics regarding the percentage of miscarriages in first trimester.
It is certainly scary to have a very quick and unassisted labor and childbirth, but remind yourself that your child and you, are, according to the statistics, likely to come through the event healthy and happy.
When making the choice of where to give birth to a child, home birth statistics can be used to evaluate the safety of giving birth at home.
Home birth statistics looking at the percentage of births that occur at home show differences in the evolution of home births around the world.
Statistics are similar in the UK, Japan, Canada, and Australia.
Many women want to see the statistics themselves before deciding whether or not home birth might be the right choice for them.
Statistics concerning the incidence of infant mortality in home birth sometimes reveal an increased risk of infant mortality at home, while other studies reveal the exact opposite.
Doctors and scientists who evaluate the statistics associated with infant mortality in home births advocate seriously considering this issue of transportation and medical facilities when planning a home birth.
That being said, the statistics regarding survival rates of a 32 week fetus are fairly promising.
Littered with statistics and resources, you will be given options on how to find out more about each different stage in this book.
The manufacturer of Acyclovir does not recommend using the drug during pregnancy, but informal statistics have been kept and data suggest that there has not been an increase in birth defects to babies born to moms who were taking it.
Your bio - Include your basic statistics such as height, weight and age, and move on to some more interesting facts about yourself.
Just contact the company, share your vision, as well as your vital statistics (measurements), and their talented crew will turn your dream into reality.
Given these statistics it's easy to see why you should consider giving your child swim lessons sooner rather than later.
These models can be configured by the user to match the individual's own unique statistics.
The game keeps track of some statistics for you, like games played and won, win percentage and games drawn.
Each level has its own statistics so you can see how well you've done on each level.
The website also has statistics of interest to the Minnesota nonprofit community.
The MCN Facebook page offers discounts to some events for its fans, as well as information on staff activities and statistics on nonprofits.
You can present a dollar amount of how much you need to earn to meet your current needs, or share what exactly a donating party will be contributing to, including statistics or testimonies/quotes from past beneficiaries.
Dating sites such as boast high success statistics when it comes to marriage, but many other relationships fizzle.
Even given these statistics, getting noticed and finding the perfect partner can be two different beasts.
A site willing to share relationship success statistics, it is heavily advertised and offers extensive services for the price.
Statistics show you are five times as likely to be sexually assaulted by an acquaintance then a stranger.
A dating service called the Social Grid is doing something remarkable; they're taking scientific principles like probability and statistics, and applying them to the dating world.
While there are no statistics on the number of multiracial relationships amongst unmarried couples, it has surely grown even more than the marriage rate.
Statistics indicate that 20 percent of all men who have ED due to psychological reasons.
Statistics indicate that an open conversation about this is taken better than trying to take your medicine secretly.
Some statistics say that twenty percent of people meet their spouses at work.
According to recent statistics, one out of every five single people have dated someone they met at an online dating site.
With some statistics showing that one out of every five couples meet on the Internet first, the dating site business is booming.
In fact, statistics show that one out of every five relationships in the U.S. today started out with an online connection.
Health statistics from the CDC show that close to 10 percent of all adults between the ages of 20-29 have genital herpes.
Carefully read all the information included in the auction, such as the ring's characteristics and any notable traits such as flaws and inclusions, treatments, and grading statistics.
Writers will benefit from the tips, information and industry statistics that the site provides.
For example, a white paper on freelance writing should include the pros and cons of freelance writing, links to the Bureau of Labor Statistics on writers and editors as well as other comprehensive data for the reader to learn.
Finding statistics regarding technical writer salaries can be tricky, as the numbers will vary according to the source of the data.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics lumps technical writing into the general category of authors, writers, and editors, but reports median annual wages of $53,070 as of May 2008.
He'll not only have heard of the remote location, but will be able to recite various statistics about the country, politics, economy and the best places to eat.
Statistics prove that American children are more at risk from firearm death or injury than children of any other industrialized nation.
Statistics show that more and more children feel unsafe while attending school.
Statistics show there has been little improvement in student math performance and almost no improvement in reading.
Statistics prove that the number of overweight kids is climbing.
According to US statistics, autism is the most increasing developmental disability, increasing 172 percent since the 1990s.
Despite these common issues related to implementing policies for school uniforms, the statistics on school uniforms show that more and more U.S. schools are making school uniforms part of their school policy.
Kids can read about their favorite sports figures, discover information and statistics on their favorite sport, and learn about lots of other information as well.
School officials feel that they have statistics on their side.
This psychic test uses statistics to determine the level of your gift.
Do yourself and your friends a favor; there are enough tales of Ouija board stories gone wrong; do not add to the statistics by playing with or messing around with the spirit board.
Their income statistics are deliberately misleading.
A 2006 survey done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the average American spends $16.74 a day on food.
According to statistics on the price of gas as computed by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, on December 7, 2008, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the U.S. was approximately $0.94.
Visual Economics has a fascinating graph that reveals how the typical household spends money based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor.
If you want to compare trends in consumer spending over time, you can look at complete statistical tables on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
Although statistics can be valuable tools in many circumstances, it’s important to make sure you understand a few basic math terms before relying too heavily on this information.
Like most roller coasters statistics, the official count can be misleading.
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 88,590 travel agencies in the US in May of 2005.
It provides autism statistics information and recommended autism screening tests.
For example, a savant may have ability to recall every detail of the National Football League sports statistics for the last five years.
This may include facts, statistics, examples and reasons for the memo.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics research indicates strong job growth in tech-related services by 27.8% through 2012.
Hackers want to hijack your computer and redirect it to a particular Web site to artificially inflate advertiser web traffic statistics, which means so much money per click.
Comparing popular search engine statistics will reveal how much importance different search engines put on these three criteria.
Naturally, accounting is the standard background, but because there are so many possible specialties, some forensic accountants began in the legal, business management, statistics, loss prevention, or criminal studies fields.
With these statistics in mind, you can see why the home-based doggie day care business is a thriving market for entrepreneurs.
To see what other businesses are doing, you can check with your professional association for available statistics to help you make an informed comparison.
It's critically important to research the market for your idea and test it against economic indicators and marketplace statistics to see if it's viable.
In fact, a look at 2009 car buying statistics indicates that it was one of the worst years for the auto industry in recent history.
According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2009 saw fewer new vehicle leases and sales than any year since 1990.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the unemployment rate in October 2009 was 10.1%.
According to the car buying statistics for 2009, consumers were beginning to question the wisdom of purchasing these vehicles.
Auto manufacturer researchers from Automobile Magazine tallied 2008 car sales statistics and found some surprises as well as a few disappointments.
Car sales statistics and their highs and lows are often blamed on the finance market.
If you're buying a car, you may be wondering about car sales trends and statistics for used and new vehicles.
When it comes to buying a used car, it helps to know current car sales trends and statistics.
For many car enthusiasts, auto industry reports are the only way to keep up to speed on the latest automotive trends and statistics.
Automotive industry statistics can provide a fascinating look at the ups and downs of this important industry, and they may even help predict the future for car companies and other automotive businesses.
Total vehicle production statistics are broken down by country and by year, and you can find information going back to 1998.
If you're interested in learning about automotive industry employment in the United States, you can find up-to-date information on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Automotive Industry website.
While the information on this site is only available to subscribers, you will likely find the articles and statistics very helpful and well-researched.
If you study the historical ups and downs in automotive industry statistics and the current health of the economy, you may get some insights into coming trends in the auto industry.
You can find out about everything from worldwide automotive statistics to trends in the automotive industry.
Unemployment data, sales figures, and production statistics can change quickly.
Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
Take a look at current health statistics.
For the sake of this chart, female statistics are for a woman 5' 4" and for a man 5' 9".
It is also easier to have all of the workout heart rate statistics in one place to use as a reference.
It also features adjustable resistance for both upper and lower body, as well as a lighted console that allows you to track your statistics.
Here again, insurance companies have statistics guiding them about the chances of an accident occurring in the zip code where the vehicle remains when not in use as well as the frequency and length of the vehicle's use.
The candidate should have a degree in a related field, such as mathematics or statistics.
Agents and brokers can turn to this department when they have questions regarding the state regulations pertaining to insurance, as well as for researching insurance studies and statistics from within the state.
Statistics, once again, are the basis for the higher rates, because these male drivers have been shown to cause more frequent and more costly accidents.
Statistics show that teens that perform well in their academics also perform well on the road.
Even if your teen is usually a very safe driver, insurance companies simply cannot ignore the alarming statistics that point to an increased chance of automobile collisions among teenagers.
These statistics usually originate from reliable sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC.
These statistics make it clear that, when insurance is a private matter, visits to the doctor's office, prescription medications, and emergency care are unavailable to many families.
Insurance coverage certainly seems like a no-brainer, but statistics have shown that a large number of Americans remain without coverage.
Statistics suggest that 80 percent of women are wearing an incorrect size.
It used to be that even the most masculine football player didn't want to talk about wearing hose for warmth and so statistics about how many men wore them were impossible to come by.
At the time of writing, fundraising statistics were not available.
All the assumptions we require are furnished by observation of people in the mass and the larger generalizations of statistics.
Exact statistics are not available as regards either race or religion.
In the present article the kingdom is treated mainly as a whole, especially as regards statistics.
No statistics of the community are published.
Nor should it be forgotten that the internal classification and the combinations of the above subjects are also matters to be treated upon some uniform plan, if the full value of the statistics is to be extracted from the raw material.
The very large mass of detail collected at these inquiries entails an unusually long time spent in compilation; the statistics of population, accordingly, are available considerably in advance of those relating to production and industries.
In connexion with the census of 1810 an attempt, perhaps the earliest in any country, was made to gather certain industrial statistics showing "the number, nature, extent, situation and value of the arts and manufactures of the United States."
The inquiry into industrial statistics begun in 181o was also repeated and extended.