Stating Sentence Examples
No doubt, it was a letter stating that there were no openings.
I'm simply stating that I'm not leaving my destiny to the whim of a man.
I was simply stating that I agree with the man.
There was an old treadle sewing machine with carved drawers and even a grandfathers' clock, stating the permanent time of three p.m.
The gradient or grade of a line is the rate at which it rises or falls, above or below the horizontal, and is expressed by stating either the horizontal distance in which the change of level amounts to r ft., or the amount of change that would occur in some selected distance, such as roo ft., r000 ft.
In Great Britain the curvature is defined by stating the length of the radius, expressed in chains (i chain=66 ft.), in America by stating the angle subtended by a chord ioo ft.
His views were not, however, adopted at once by all, for we find Charles Alston stating arguments against them in his Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants.
Expert opinions have been advanced stating that gold-mining in Uruguay is capable of development into an important industry.
A base on which stood a statue of Herodes' wife, Regilla, was found close to the facade, inscribed with fulsome praise, stating that the statue was "set up by order of the Sisyphaean Senate at the outpouring of the streams."
This had been followed by an intimation from the governor of the Cape (MajorGeneral Sir George Napier) inviting the emigrants to return to the colony, and stating that whenever he thought it desirable he should take military possession of the port.
AdvertisementThis act called forth a protest from the 15th Lord Derby (now secretary of state for the colonies), stating that he could not recognize the right of Boer freebooters to set up governments of their own on the Transvaal borders.
At the beginning of the 5th century the Roman legions left Britain, and the Saxon Chronicle gives the exact date, stating that never since A.D.
There can be no doubt about the identity of the building, for the basis on which it stands bears the remains of the dedicatory inscription, stating that it was erected from the spoils of Marathon.
President Kruger, however, soon brushed these propositions aside, and responded by stating that, in consideration of the common enemy and the dangers which threatened the Republic, an offensive and defensive alliance must be preliminary to any closer union.
The ferret was well known to the Romans, Strabo stating that it, was brought from Africa into Spain, and Pliny that it was employed in his time in rabbithunting, under the name Viverra.
AdvertisementBesides this, all their evidence is but approximate, often only stating quantities to a half or quarter of the amount, and seldom nearer than 5 or 10%; hence they are entirely worthless for all the closer questions of the approximation or original identity of standards in different countries; and it is just in this line that the imagination of writers has led them into the greatest speculations, unchecked by accurate evidence of the original standards.
Epiphanius stating great hin = 18 xestes, and holy hin = 9, must refer to Syrian xestes, equal to 24 and 12 Roman; this makes holy hin as above, and great hin a double hin, i.e.
Longomontanus, in his Astronomia Danica (1622), gives an account of the method, stating that it is not to be found in the writings of the Arabs or Regiomontanus.
None of these may be sold to any person who is unknown to the seller, unless introduced by a person known to the seller, and not until after an entry is made in a book kept for the purpose, stating, in the prescribed form, the date of sale, name and address of purchaser, the name and quantity of the article sold, and the purpose for which it is stated by the purchaser to be required.
But here something (probably the examiner) was at fault, for a note was attached to Pasteur's diploma stating that he was only "mediocre" in chemistry.
AdvertisementIn stating the position of economics during this time we cannot ignore all writers, except those who belonged to one group, however eminent that group may have been, simply because they did not represent the dominant ideas of the period, and exercised no immediate and direct influence on the movement of economic thought.
His name first came before the public in 1683, when a prospectus was published in Edinburgh entitled An Account of the Scottish Atlas, stating that "the Privy Council of Scotland has appointed John Adair, mathematician and skilfull mechanick, to survey the shires."
Monumental epitaphs record the purchase of a grave from the fossores, in many cases during the lifetime of the individual, not unfrequently stating the price.
Epitaphs of members of the Flavian family have been found here, and others stating that they are put up " Ex Indulgentia Flaviae Domitillae Vespasiani Neptis."
In America he was defended by John Jay and John Adams, and after stating his case to Congress was allowed to return to Paris (1781) to settle his affairs.
AdvertisementBut having failed, he allowed the paper, and also a second by Chevenix of the same tenor in 1805, to be read without avowing that it was he himself who had originally detected the metal, although he had an excellent opportunity of stating the fact in 1804 when he discussed the substance in the paper which announced the discovery of rhodium.
It is not likely that such a result will ever be fully attained in practice; but the case is worth stating, in order to show that there is no theoretical limit to the concentration FIG.
On the 18th of December 1895 a message was sent to the United States Congress by President Cleveland practically stating that any attempt on the part of the British Government to enforce its claims upon Venezuela as regards the boundary between that country and Guiana without resort to arbitration would be considered as a casus belli by his government.
The Praefatio begins by stating that the emperor Ludwig the Pious, desirous that his subjects should possess the word of God in their own tongue, commanded a certain Saxon, who was esteemed among his countrymen as an eminent poet, to translate poetically into the German language the Old and New Testaments.
This was late in 1402, and in 1403 Hotspur issued a proclamation in Cheshire stating that Richard II.
On the r7th of December an anonymous paragraph was published, stating that if Mr Gladstone returned to office he was prepared to " deal in a liberal spirit with the demand for Home Rule."
Being next asked to make an unqualified submission to the council, he expressed himself as unable to do so, while stating his willingness to amend his teaching wherever it had been shown to be false.
On June 15 Grant wrote to Wellington stating that the French were advancing, and that French officers spoke freely about a decisive action being fought within three days.
It is largely due to the overlooking of this phase of the question that an American statistician has fallen into the error of stating that about 16s.
In order to refer back to the Physics, the De Coelo, and the De Generatione, this work begins by stating that the first causes of all nature and all natural motion, the stars ordered according to celestial motion and the bodily elements with their transmutations, and generation and corruption have all been discussed; and by adding that there remains to complete this investigation, what previous investigators called meteorology.
A further development in the common efforts which have been made by different powers to assure the reign of justice and judicial methods among the states of the world was the proposal of Secretary Knox of the United States to insert in the instrument of ratification of the International Prize Court Convention (adopted at the Hague in 1897) a clause stating that the International Prize Court shall be invested with the duties and functions of a court of arbitral justice, such as recommended by the first Voeu of the Final Act of the conference.
Of these the most important is cause, of which his theory, in short, is that by this a priori category and the process of reason we go on from sequence to consequence; first stating that an effect may be caused by several alternatives, then negating all but one, next concluding that this one as sufficient reason is cause, and finally attaining the necessity of the causal nexus by converting causality into identity, e.g.
Ray's translation of that work (p. 334), stating that it is "a Sea-fowl, which fishermen observe to resort to their vessels in some numbers, swimming 1 swiftly to and fro, backward, forward and about them, and doth as it were radere aquam, shear the water, from whence perhaps it had its name."
Another way of stating the same thing is to say that we introduce, as a correction for the earth's rotation, a force called "centrifugal force," which combined with gravitation gives the weight of the body.
On the 24th Bismarck in his turn issued a circular note stating that, in view of the Austrian war preparations, Prussia must take measures for her defence; at the same time he laid before the princes the outline of the Prussian scheme for the reform of the Confederation, a scheme which included a national parliament to be elected by universal suffrage, as offering surer guarantees for conservative action than lilnitations that seek to determine the majority befprehand.
He is industrious in collecting facts, careful and impartial in stating them; his judgment is sound, his reflections generally acute, his conceptions of the general march and movement of things not unworthy of the great events he has recorded.
A distinctively late Egyptian use of glass was for weights and vase-stamps, to receive an impress stating the amount of the weight or measure.
And there are numerous instances of the introductory story stating how, and when, and to whom the sutta was enunciated - a sort of narrative framework in which the sutta is set - recurring also.
And even then they are so difficult to understand, so much like puzzles, that they were probably accompanied from the first by a sort of comment in prose, stating when, and why, and by whom they were supposed to have been uttered.
He made a strong speech in support of the Labour amendment to the Address in 1919, stating that he stood both against Bolshevists and against profiteers.
After two years he took the degree of Ph.D., and in the autumn of 1793 received his theological certificate, stating him to be of good abilities, but of middling industry and knowledge, and especially deficient in philosophy.
But, as has been remarked by Dr Robert Grant (History of Physical Astronomy, p. 515), we are no more warranted in drawing so important a conclusion from casual remarks, however sagacious, than we should be justified in stating that Seneca was in possession of the discoveries of Newton because he predicted that comets would one day be found to revolve in periodic orbits.
We have the authority of Otto Struve for stating that in practice they are all that can be desired.
On April 2 1 at Cadorna's request Brusati sent a report upon the defensive system between the Val Lagarina and the Val Sugana, accompanied by a map showing the various lines, stating that the conditions were " re-assuring," and that the third line of defence upon which Cadorna had laid special emphasis could be considered as being in a satisfactory state of efficiency.
In the same way, to infer a machine from hearing the regular tick of a clock, to infer a player from finding a pack of cards arranged in suits, to infer a human origin of stone implements, and all such inferences from patent effects to latent causes, though they appear to Jevons to be typical inductions, are really deductions which, besides the minor premise stating the particular effects, require a major premise discovered by a previous induction and stating the general kind of effects of a general kind of cause.
And to qualify for registration after 1904 one must have paid all state poll taxes assessed against him for the three years immediately preceding his application, unless he is a veteran of the Civil War; and unless physically unable he must "make application in his own handwriting, without aid, suggestion or memorandum, in the presence of the registration officers, stating therein his name, age, date and place of birth, residence and occupation at the time and for two years next preceding, whether he has previously voted, and, if so, the state, county and precinct in which he voted last"; and must answer questions relating to his qualifications.
Still another way of stating the matter is to say that, if any one link in the chain be fixed, any point in the chain must have only one degree of freedom.
In the early part of 1616, when Thomas, Egerton, Baron Ellesmere (c. 1540-1617), the lord chancellor, was dangerously ill, Bacon wrote a long and careful letter to the king, proposing himself for the office, should it fall vacant, and stating as frankly as possible of what value he considered his services would be.
All writers agree in stating that the mass of the Welsh people at the close of the 17th century were illiterate, and many divines of Cymric nationality charge their countrymen also with immorality and religious apathy.
The Storthing thereupon unanimously adopted a resolution stating that, as the king had declared himself unable to form a government, the constitutional royal power " ceased to be operative," whereupon the ministers were requested, until further instructions, to exercise the power vested in the king, and as King Oscar thus had ceased to act as " the king of Norway," the union with Sweden was in consequence dissolved.
As protest against the action of President P P g Balmaceda, the vice-president of the senate, Senor Waldo Silva, and the president of the chamber of deputies, Senor Ramon Barros Luco, issued a proclamation appointing Captain Jorje Montt in command of the squadron, and stating that the navy could not recognize the authority of Balmaceda so long as he did not administer public affairs in accordance with the constitutional law of Chile.
The latter regarded dogmatic as stating in scientific connexion "the doctrine prevailing in a (single) Christian church at a given time" - as "not merely historical (geschichtlich)," but containing an "apologetic element" - as "not confined to the symbolical books, but" including all - even local expressions of the common faith which produce no breach of harmony - and as having for its "very business and task" to "purify and perfect" doctrine (Der christliche Glaube, § 19).
He concluded by stating that they would be excluded unless they subscribed a recognition to be true to the protector and the 'commonwealth, and to respect the terms of clause XII.
A clause was inserted in the Bloemfontein Convention stating that Great Britain had no alliance with any native chiefs or tribes to the north of the Orange, with the exception of the Griqua chief Adam Kok.
When a great fire broke out at Prague in 1541, which destroyed all the state documents, Ferdinand obtained the consent of the estates to the substitution of a charter stating that he had been recognized as king in consequence of the hereditary rights of his wife Anna, in the place of the former one, which had stated that he had become king by election.
The Bohemians indeed consented to send their representatives to Vienna, but they left the parliament in 1863, stating that the assembly had encroached on the power which constitutionally belonged to the diet of Prague.
They did so, after stating that they took this step without prejudice to their view that Bohemia with Moravia and Silesia constituted a separate state under the rule of the same sovereign as Austria and Hungary.
An inscription on the gun recording that fact was erased by Aurangzeb, who substituted the present inscription stating that he conquered Bijapur in 1686.
Kirchhoff's contributions to mathematical physics were numerous and important, his strength lying in his powers of stating a new physical problem in terms of mathematics, not merely in working out the solution after it had been so formulated.
It may be prefaced by stating that, according to returns made in 1905, the Church of England provided sitting accommodation in parish and other churches for 7,177,144 people; had an estimated number of 2, 0 53,455 communicants, 206,873 Sunday-school teachers, and 2,538,240 Sunday scholars.
Meetings are convened by notices sent to members stating the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted.
Under the laws of Maine a householder owning and occupying a house and lot may hold the same, or such part of it as does not exceed $500 in value, as a homestead exempt from attachment, except for the satisfaction of liens for labour or material, by filing in the registry of deeds a certificate stating his desire for such an exemption, provided he is not the owner of an exempted lot purchased from the state; and the exemption may be continued during the widowhood of his widow or the minority of his children.
In accordance with this request the 5th marquess of Lansdowne, then secretary of state for foreign affairs, issued a despatch on the 8th of August 1903 to the British representatives at the courts of the powers which signed the Berlin Act, drawing attention to the alleged cases of ill-treatment of natives and to the existence of trade monopolies in the Congo Free State, and in conclusion stating that His Majesty's government would This concession was asserted by traders who had previously dealt direct with the natives, and by traders who hoped so to do, to contravene the provision of the Act of Berlin prohibiting any commercial monopoly in the Congo basin.
Neither to this nor a subsequent application was any answer returned till August 1865, when a curt note was received, stating that Consul Cameron had been released, and if Mr Rassam still desired to visit the king, he was to proceed by the route of Gallabat.
With a view if possible to effect the release of the prisoners by conciliatory measures, Mr Flad was sent back, with some artisans and machinery, and a letter from the queen, stating that these would be handed over to his majesty on the release of the prisoners and their return to Massawa.
And yet we find Polychronius, early in the 5th century, stating that this song was not found in the Syriac version.
Seeing Kassapa, who as the chronicle puts it, was as well known to them as the banner of the city, the people at first doubted who was the teacher and who the disciple, but Kassapa put an end to their hesitation by stating that he had now given up his belief in the efficacy of sacrifices either great or small; that Nirvana was a state of rest to be attained only by a change of heart; and that he had become a disciple of the Buddha.
A resolution was passed (June 11, 1875) stating that any scheme in favour of confederation must in its opinion originate within South Africa itself.
P. Schreiner was one, and a protest was then sent by Mr Chamberlain stating that the government would regard the closing of the drifts as a breach of the London Convention, and as an unfriendly action calling for the gravest remonstrance.
His life was one of incessant eager questioning of nature on all sides, and his many and varied works all bear the stamp of a fresh and original genius, capable of stating and solving problems in all departments of science - at one time finding the true explanation of "ducks and drakes" (formerly attributed to the elasticity of water) and at another helping to lay the foundations of our modern vulcanology and meteorology.
At a meeting of the Royal Society on the 11th of January 1672, Oldenburg the secretary read a letter from Paris describing the method followed by Picard in measuring a degree, and specifically stating the precise length that he calculated it to be.
In the other letters written in 1685 and 1686 he applies to Flamsteed for information respecting the orbits of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, respecting the rise and fall of the spring and neap tides at the solstices and the equinoxes, respecting the flattening of Jupiter at the poles (which, if certain, he says, would conduce much to the stating the reasons of the precession of the equinoxes), and respecting the difference between the observed places of Saturn and those computed from Kepler's tables about the time of his conjunction with Jupiter.
And so, in stating this business, I do pretend to have done as much for the proportion as for the ellipsis, and to have as much right to the one from Mr Hooke and all men, as to the other from Kepler; and therefore on this account also he must at least moderate his pretences.
On the 14th of July 1686 Newton wrote to Halley approving of his proposal to introduce woodcuts among the letterpress, stating clearly the different things which he had from Hooke, and adding, " And now having sincerely told you the case between Mr Hooke and me, I hope I shall be free for the future from the prejudice of his letters.
The six months elapsed without any solution being produced; but he received a letter from Leibnitz, stating that he had "cut the knot of the most beautiful of these problems," and requesting that the period for their solution should be extended to Christmas next, that the French and Italian mathematicians might have no reason to complain of the shortness of the period.
In stating that the sum of I rd.
In 1886 the governor of Natal received a paper from Umbandine (Mbandini), the paramount chief of the Swazis, stating that Piet Joubert had called on him and requested him to sign a paper saying that "he and all the Swazis agreed to go over and recognize the authority of the Boer government, and have nothing more to do with the English."
In a case where a wife's confession was obtained by falsely stating to her that the suspected co-respondent had confessed, such confession was held admissible.
He wrote to Rome to beg the pope to annul the charter, stating that all his troubles had come upon him in consequence of his dutiful conduct to the Holy See.
Lord Palmerston, however, with some tact postponed the controversy for the time by obtaining the appointment of a committee to search for precedents; and, after the report of the committee, he moved a series of resolutions affirming the right of the Commons to grant aids and supplies as their exclusive privilege, stating that the occasional rejection of financial measures by the Lords had always been regarded with peculiar jealousy, but declaring that the Comnions had the remedy in their own hands by so framing bills of supply as to secure their acceptance.
Stating the theorem in regard to a conic, we have a real point P (called the pole) and a real line XY (called the polar), the line joining the two (real or imaginary) points of contact of the (real or imaginary) tangents drawn from the point to the conic; and the theorem is that when the point describes a line the line passes through a point, this line and point being polar and pole to each other.
After her marriage she made the acquaintance of the most eminent scientific men of the time, among whom her talents had attracted attention before she had acquired general fame, Laplace paying her the compliment of stating that she was the only woman who understood his works.
The great schoolmen were transmitters - putting in order, stating clearly and consecutively, conclusions reached by wiser and holier men in earlier times.
Gregory of Nyssa's Great Catechesis is an instruction to catechists how they should proceed - though of course stating the writer's theology and apologetic, with his belief in universal salvation.
Napoleon expressed his regret, stating that the execution had been carried out against his wishes, having been hurried on by the zeal of his generals.
The disciple certainly takes a step in advance by stating definitely, as an essential characteristic of virtuous action, that it is chosen for its own sake, for the beauty of virtue alone; but herein he merely formulates the conviction that his master inspires.
We may observe that, in stating the principle of benevolence, " since the greater good is always most fit and reasonable to be done, every rational creature ought to do all the good it can to its.
The KonungabOk is preserved under the Heimskringla of Snorri Sturloson, parts of it almost as they came from Ari's hands, for example Ynglinga and Harald Fairhair's Saga, and the prefaces stating the plan and critical foundations of the work, parts of it only used as a framework for the magnificent superstructure of the lives of the two Olafs, and of Harald Hardrada and his nephew Magnus the Good.
In astronomy, as in analytical geometry, the position of a point is defined by stating its distance and its direction from a point of reference taken as known.
During his residence in Wales a hyper-Calvinistic work entitled A Body of Divinity; or the Sum and Substance of the Christian Religion, was published under his name by John Downham; and, although he repudiated the authorship in a letter to the editor, stating that the manuscript from which it was printed was merely a commonplace-book into which he had transcribed the opinions of Cartwright and other English divines, often disapproving of them and finding them dissonant from his own judgment, yet it has been persistently cited ever since as Usher's genuine work, and as lending his authority to positions which he had long abandoned, if he ever maintained them.
It is usual with mythologists to say that Zeus is the " All-Father," and that his amours are only a poetic way of stating that he is the parent of men.
Another way of stating this law, which, though apparently quite different, is really equivalent in effect, is the following.
We have also the relations dE/dt = b+2ct and d 2 E/dt 2 =2C. The first relation gives the thermoelectric power p at any temperature, and is probably the most convenient method of stating results in all cases in which this formula is applicable.
It sent General Weyler to keep Barcelona in order, caused the release of most of the prisoners in Monjuich, reduced the forces in Morocco, reopened negotiations with Rome for a modification of the concordat, and on the 31st of December, the end of the financial year, was responsible for the issue of a royal decree stating that the budget would remain in force until the Cortes could pass a new one.
An absolutely new conception of experience was necessary, if the fact of cognition was to be explained at all, and the various modes in which Kant expresses the business of his critical philosophy were merely different fashions of stating the one ultimate problem, differing according to the particular aspect of knowledge which he happened to have in view.
I'm not saying exposure to a unique power load might not somehow intensify his imagination and perhaps cause heightened awareness; I'm simply stating there isn't some time machine or magical forest upstairs.
Of course, stating so would be an admission the he was taking a risk as well.
There is no point stating rubbish like this if you can't provide decent evidence to back up your rash and completely baseless statements.
There were no notices on or near the main concourse at Kings cross stating you were running busses.
There is another slightly different version, stating that Broadway musical directors would do the same test on an aging hotel doorman.
A message stating " You have achieved enlightenment " will appear.
To apply for a position please send your CV together with a covering letter or email stating your salary expectations to the person indicated.
I think I may have been a little too forthright in stating the channel's case and Kate looks slightly taken aback.
James is stating unequivocally that it is wrong to admit gentiles into the church contrary to the law.
She had a daily housekeeper stating that she " always hated housework " .
Devlin rejected this individualism, stating that society must be founded upon shared moral foundations.
Patient Education A person who has adrenal insufficiency should always carry identification stating his or her condition in case of an emergency.
I make no apologies for stating that the main priority for me on these trips is to see lifers.
Off A quick way of stating that the last price quoted by a market maker is no longer valid.
In both cases, neither Benigno nor Marco gets melodramatic about it, they're simply stating a fact.
The Opus Dei site denies this latter claim stating " The Da Vinci Code makes it appear that Opus Dei members practice bloody mortifications.
If you claim that it is Mecca, can you produce a single verse stating that the sacred mosque is located there?
On 6th December 1909 the company stating operating it's first gasoline motorbuses to areas of the town not covered by the tramways.
Robbin's text on pathology also contains sections on mitochondrial myopathy, stating that this kind of muscle wasting results in severe weakness.
He begins by stating that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
The vet checked Sioux's liver and shocked me stating she had ingested poison!
Each action has a precondition stating the BMI range value that allows that action to run.
It was decided that MAB should publish a comprehensive rebuttal stating its stand on a number of crucial issues.
The parapet at the apex carries an inscribed slab stating ' The Reverend John Adams Minister 1732 ' .
Each copy is housed in a black slipcase, again with gilt lettering to the front, stating ' Limited Edition.
Mohammad is enjoying his time on the MBA stating, " one of the best things is that the tutors very much encourage teamwork.
She should supply you with a written and dated letter stating that she hereby agrees to surrender the tenancy forthwith.
Either you are stating the truism that we cannot absolutely disprove anything.
Simply stating ' shooting vermin ' or ' shooting deer ' is not sufficient.
He was received by the Pope with marked courtesy, and was appointed " Grand Penitentiary of England," but his argument, if he ever had the opportunity of stating it, did not lead to any practical decision of the question.
The method of stating the rational constitution of bodies by comparison with water he believed capable of wide extension, and that one type, he thought, would suffice for all inorganic compounds, as well as for the best-known organic ones, the formula of water being taken in certain cases as doubled or tripled.
The suit was brought to break the will, and Webster, for the plaintiffs, after stating that the devise could stand only on condition that it was a charity, argued that it was not a charity because no teaching was such except Christian teaching.
On behalf of the Liberal government an amendment was moved, stating that "This House, while recording its condemnation of the flogging of Chinese coolies in breach of the law, desires, in the interests of peace and conciliation in South Africa, to refrain from passing censure upon individuals."
The method which Fichte first adopted for stating these axioms is not calculated to throw full light upon them, and tends to exaggerate the apparent airiness and unsubstantiality of his deduction.
After the disruption of the league of Cambray, Maximilian, like Louis XII., was thrown into a violent anti-curial reaction, and in 1510 he sent to the well-known humanist, Joseph Wimpheling, a copy of the French Pragmatic Sanction, asking his advice and stating that he had determined to free Germany from the yoke of the Curia and prevent the great sums of money from going to Rome.
For example, even many months after the beginning of the war advertisements were to be read in all the papers, in which English and French people offered to teach languages or instruct children even in English and French, stating their nationality and address - a proof that the authorities did not put any particular difficulties in the way of these foreign ers, and that the people did not take advantage of knowing their addresses to molest them.
The ferret was well known to the Romans, Strabo stating that it, was brought from Africa into Spain, and Pliny that it was employed in his time in rabbithunting, under the name Viverra; the English name is not derived from this, but from Fr.
Thus the volume which had been begun in Paris in 1538 was completed in London, the colophon stating that it was " Fynisshed in Apryll, Anno M.Ccccc.Xxxix."
With regard to variation, Darwin was urgent in stating his opinion that the laws of variation were not understood and that the phrase "chance" variation was a wholly incorrect expression.
Stating it in another way, all the schwas in a word are equally likely to be deleted.
Mohammad is enjoying his time on the MBA stating, one of the best things is that the tutors very much encourage teamwork.
Thieving scouser (cultural stereotype, no accusations intended) Steve Gerrard picks up the all things footie award for stating the obvious....
The Secretary shall thereupon convene such special meeting by a notice in writing, stating the business to be transacted thereat.
Even the home player stating her undying love to the referee did n't seem to work.
By stating the above, I was trying to warn of the possible consequences of violating the contract with the cable company.
Sources differ on her exact gestational age, with some stating that she was 21 weeks and 6 days at birth.
They don't take up much space and can be functional while stating your passion for the past.
Advertise on sites like Craig's List stating you will haul away old or unused lumber.
If you don't feel that you can speak about the problem without losing your temper, write a letter to them instead stating your intentions.
Reportedly, cashiers at some stores will not allow consumers to use the gift card stating that the store is just too busy.
Some sellers on eBay that are selling Rachel Ashwell fabric are stating that these items are no longer being produced so certain Rachel Ashwell products will become very rare and hard to find.
Not surprisingly, the packaging is memorable, featuring tattooed roses and a skull, along with a banner stating "Love Kills Slowly" and several smaller banners proclaiming "Life," "Love" and "Luck" against a pink backdrop.
Do things that promote feeling good, such as lighting candles, reading a page from a book, visiting a store or coffee shop, stating a positive affirmation, or whatever else resonates with you.
Changing his perspective on health with the show stating that "he's also made exercise a priority, admitting that what he once considered "torture" is now actually "fun."
There's really no rule stating how much to spend or the type of wedding party gift to buy, so just use your best judgment.
There have been rumors of certain celebrities who have agreements stating they can leave their spouses if they gain weight or fall below a certain income level.
Early on in the divorce there was a court order stating that I could only see my children supervised by family services.
The romance expert continues, stating, "This did not go over well with most people.
Attorneys for Burnett and CBS cried foul however, stating they purchased the rights to the name fair and square from the person who holds the trademark.
A Los Angeles County Superior Court spokesperson confirmed the filing of divorce paperwork, stating "irreconcilable differences" were cited as the reason for divorce.
They did give a formal statement to their fans stating, "We happily remain committed and caring friends with great love and admiration for one another."
After the voicemail message was released April 21, 2007, Baldwin issued a public apology via the guestbook on his Web site stating, "I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now.
A "pal" of the band reportedly told OK! magazine the Fall Out Boy's Grammy pass-over was due to Wentz's relationship with Simpson, stating that the band believes that "everything Ashlee touches is poison."
Having an African American father and Caucasian mother, Halle recognized racial dynamics at an early age, once stating that "Blackness is a state of mind and I identify with the black community.
After the baby was born, Aguilera and Bratman sent a text message to family and friends stating that mom and baby were doing just fine.
Rosie went on to complain that the media was making her look like a bully, stating that every time she tried to defend herself that it was "…poor little Elisabeth I'm picking on."
Miley's camp struck back, stating that "over 70,000 MileyWorld members got tickets to the fan club."
Authorities are not releasing the concentration amounts of each medication, nor are they stating any drug in particular as the major cause of death.
Audrina stands by her photos stating that she "has no regrets."
Apparently, Josh and his wife got into an argument and she called the police stating that Brolin had hit her.
In an interview with American Songwriter Magazine, John Rich said that he carefully matched each contestant personally with their Nashville songwriting team, stating "It's like the Chuch Woolery of songwriting hookups."
Representatives for both Ashlee and Pete declined to comment stating that they had no additional news outside of the fact that the two are "happily engaged."
A mutual friend of ex-wife VonTeese and Marilyn Manson thinks that he just may be going through a mid-life crisis, stating, "He's with a younger version of Dita."
Electra has denied being pregnant, but the 36 year old has expressed the desire to have children with Patterson, stating, "I have pictured myself as a mother for years and look forward to fulfilling that strong desire."
You see, those that watched the show believed that Adam himself may be a little autistic, so his mom jumped on the bandwagon stating that she believes her son "…has a little Rain Man in him."
A "family friend" of Cannon's confirmed to the press that the two had said their vows but refused to give any further details, stating that if Nick was happy, the family was happy for him.
Mr. Simpson, of course, denies all allegations, stating they are "simply not true."
After appearing on the cover of US magazine in January along with son Max, Sutter announced that she and husband Ryan have already begun trying to have another child stating, "I'd love to have babies close in age.
Once stating "When you look at life, it could be better.
Williams then struck back, stating that Omarosa should look into getting some Botox for her wrinkles and that "Omarosa wished she had my career…," adding that she was a "…delusional, D-List, pathetic woman."
At the finale, upon learning that she had won the affections of Miss Tequila, Miss Morgan declined her advances stating she "…wasn't ready for a relationship with a woman."
Biel never took the stage as Annie, stating that the star "never missed a show."
Last year, Newman announced that he was retiring from acting, stating that "I am not able to work anymore at the level I would want to."
His wife of 11 years now, Tea Leoni, also addressed the issue with jokes, stating that the notion of her then new husband being a sex addict "very exciting."
Paula Abdul has responded to the "extreme fan's" death by publicly stating that she is "…deeply shocked and saddened" and that her "…heart and prayers go out to her family."
The police had given Locklear a breathalyzer, which she presumably passed due to the police stating that alcohol wasn't a factor in Locklear's behavior.
Don't worry Paris fans, she isn't letting the robbery get her down and mom Kathy had some words of advice stating "…you can't be possessed by your possessions.
Hasselbeck agreed, stating that it would lead to fewer abortions as the women would have the babies in order to "keep" the money.
Wrigley reportedly stopped airing their ads featuring the 19-year old and the NBA stated that they would no longer use Brown for appearances at special events, stating that Brown no longer "projects the image" the NBA endorses.
Producer Christian Colson and director Danny Boyle are also trying to get at the truth, stating they have friends in Bombay that have been trying to get in touch with Rubina's father.
Brandy, who has most recently worked with Kanye West, has made public statements stating that the accident "…changed her life forever."
Mays' family has responded to the release of the autopsy reports, stating the report contains "…extremely speculative conclusions" regarding Mays' cause of death.
Medical experts have commented numerous times on Swayze's form of pancreatic cancer, stating that of those who have received the same diagnosis as Swayze's, only one percent survives past five years.
At first wind of the alleged sex tape, Tiger's team of lawyers issued curt letters stating that there will be repercussions for anyone who attempts to release any sort of alleged sex tape or nude photos (those exist too?) of the golf pro.
Again, ringing very similar to Tiger Woods' ongoing ordeal, Jesse James issued a strange public apology stating that although most of the allegations were untrue, he was "...sorry for the grief" he has caused his wife and children.
The former Police front man responded to the harsh criticism stating that he knew about Karimov's "…appalling reputation," but decided to go ahead and play anyway.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon Anthony Youn disagrees, stating after Bullock's Oscar win, "I don't think Sandra's had any plastic surgery."
Many people find humor in stating the obvious; you may be able to figure out a funny name for your dog simply by looking at him.
The university released a study stating that 50 percent of their female student population dropped out.
A free living will can include provisions stating the types of treatment you do not want to receive if you are terminally ill.
You will hear story after story from athletes stating that living a healthy, active lifestyle has improved their quality of life and has enabled them to enjoy their children and grandchildren.
If not available, submit a note stating where and when you purchased the glasses.
Most Internet sites that sell these flash carts will display a disclaimer stating that Nintendo does not license or approve these products, nor is the sale of such products authorized or endorsed.
Before using the medicine, they will be asked to sign a consent form stating that they understand the danger of taking isotretinoin during pregnancy and that they agree to use effective birth control.
By dividing the classroom into groups and explicitly stating procedures for group interactions, teachers can create opportunities for positive interaction between antisocial and other students.
In order to get exactly what you want, it's a good idea to take pictures of the hairstyle you like to your stylist rather than simply stating a celebrity's name when you have a seat in the salon chair.
He has turned down several lucrative buy-out offers, stating that he wishes to remain true to the original vision of selling exclusively through salons.
Tassels generally include a charm stating the graduation year.
Your employer will need to provide you with an official letter stating that you no longer work for him or her.
Those who receive approval to file benefits will also receive a notice stating how much they will receive in the mail.
If you miss a major problem with the house and then sign your name to an inspection report stating that everything is fine you may find yourself in legal trouble.
A minimum of 10 percent down is often required to be paid either in cashier's check or through a letter stating funding availability.
Most consumers complain that the company is difficult to reach, stating that despite operating approximately eight phone numbers, it is very difficult to speak to an ASC representative.
You must have documentation from your doctor stating that you truly need to be off early.
To that end, they go to great pains to ensure that they retain their sterling reputation by stating, very clearly, that their contest is above board in all aspects.
Mattel filed a lawsuit against Bratz, stating that the creator worked for Mattel when the doll was originally created.
While stating that most of us are exposed in very small amounts to these chemicals as they are used for water treatment purposes, this site certainly does not recommend seeking larger doses of them.
Though there's no official study stating this, it's safe to say that black dresses are probably the most popular of evening garments for women.
The rules were also changed from the original stating that cards that could make a character go in reverse can be ignored but going in reverse allows for longer play.
When donating a vehicle, ensure the organization provides proper documentation stating the value of the vehicle at the time of its sale.
After the wedding, he called me about a week after and keeps calling stating we are "friends".
Try doing this in a non-judgmental way by just stating what you need.
Unfortunately, rather than being more direct with you and clearly stating that his interest is to have a friendly relationship with you, he avoided that conversation, leaving you wondering what's going on.
Avoid the obvious - As in the "Looks like rain!" example above, stating the obvious is not sweet - it implies that either you or the person you're talking to is an idiot.
While most extroverts will not shy away from stating they are interested in casual sexual encounters only, the more reserved will shy away from stating it so boldly.
Read the terms and conditions and check the box stating you read them.
By stating it out loud and talking, there is a greater chance that both people will be able to move on.
Google stood firm on their decision, however, stating in an email to the company that the problem was "around the concept of 'cougar dating' as a whole."
Will this vendor offer the proper documentation, including an accurate appraisal and a certificate stating the diamondhas not been treated?
You can avoid this situation entirely by clearly stating no gifts are expected at the party.
With a little bit of preparation and knowledge, mothers can now respond to the whines of their children by stating, "Why don't you play one of the free kids' games available on the internet?"
For most of pre-production, they were considering letting Taylor Lautner go, further stating that it was difficult to find Native American actors to fill the roles of his werewolf clan.
Simpson claimed they weren't his, stating that he'd never worn Bruno Magli shoes in his life.
A review on Minimalist Shoes & Fitness Gear describes Rockport's truWALKzero shoes as "one of the lightest shoes that Rockport has ever designed," stating that they provide "comfort all day long."
The reviewer did note that that these shoes are not ideal for spin class, stating that she could feel the spinning bike's pedal a little too much while wearing these shoes.
Burrescia agrees, stating, "The most important features to look for when shopping for a lightweight athletic shoe are fit, function and overall comfort."
Heigl won the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2007 and withdrew her name from consideration in 2008 stating she didn't believe her work in that season was Emmy-worthy.
Writers often use this as a reason for writing out a beloved character, stating that the role has run its course.
If you want a larger gauge for your facial piercing, most experts recommended stating with a 1.2mm gauge and then increasing it to 1.6mm.
All airlines require that the luggage you check be identified with a luggage tag, stating your name, address, and telephone number.
Breitling has a warning on the website stating that, in their opinion, 95 percent of watches sold as 'Breitling' are in fact fakes.
Follow-up with a card or e-mail afterward, stating your employment interest and purpose.
While experts on one side of the debate are convinced that there are various links between the administration of vaccines and the onset of autism, the CDC disagrees, stating that here is no indication of a cause and effect relationship.
Among the latest of these is one funded by the CDC and the National Institute of Health, published on September 4, 2008, stating that the results provide strong evidence against any association between MMR exposure and autism.
By clearly stating the task steps and the goal, as well as visually showing the student how much work is to be done, the autistic child can grasp the full scope of a task and accomplish it.
Checking each word from right to left on every line will help you to spot errors and also helps you think of better ways of stating your case.
Instead, finish the letter by stating that you feel contacting this person or company will be a positive move for the addressee.
You do not want to use this as a place for stating every employer you have worked with.
The letter should also specifically state the length of notice you are providing to the employer, expressly stating the last date you will be available to work for the company.
Resignation letters should be brief and to the point, simply stating your intention to terminate your employment and the date of the last day you are available to work.
If you write that, someone tried to accomplish a goal, it is not as effective as stating that the individual developed a goal to accomplish.
Letters of invitation or stating the purpose of your visit to China must be included with the visa.
If you don't have such a letter, you'll need something from your employer stating the purpose of your visit to China.
Begin by stating that you are leaving your job at the company on this date.
U.S. News rated the 2011 Genesis at 9.1 out of 10, and concluded the review stating that the Hyundai Genesis " no slouch."
The company advises against using saturated or jet mops, stating that they may make the floor too wet, thereby causing damage.
Some studies claim obesity is a risk factor for asthma stating that nearly 75 percent of emergency room visits for asthma attacks are among obese individuals and that obesity pre-dates the onset of asthma.
For items containing 95 percent or more of organically produced ingredients, a round, green and white sticker stating "USDA Organic" can be attached to the front of the package.
Respected medical institutions like the British Heart Foundation have spoken out against this type of dieting, stating it is both dangerous and ineffective.
Seminar participants offer testimonials stating that they crave healthier foods, exercise more, and are losing weight.
Nationwide is known for its greatcustomer satisfaction, with over 95 percent of customers stating that they would recommend the company.
The company will send a letter to the insured stating that the policy has lapsed.
She has also moved away from her conservative Christian roots, stating in interviews that show business has opened her eyes to new philosophies.
This type of vibe continues through the lyrics of the song where Lady Gaga wants everything but keeps stating she's caught in this bad romance.
This might include telling them when "lights out" will be, explaining that they can't leave the house either by themselves or with someone else, and stating when they need to be picked up the next day.
The person who does not have a chair begins the game by stating something like, "I am thankful for everyone who has blonde hair."
Start the video off by stating your details, including your name, age, hometown, height, and weight.
When the Kreiders brought these items to Kate, she reportedly became agitated and refused them, stating that she wanted new, matching cribs for her babies.
People have criticized the large families that come from following QuiverFull, stating that children do not enjoy any individual attention.
Suhr ran into a small bit of controversy when she gave an interview on BlogTalkRadio stating that parents need to stop holding on to the things that their children leave when the kids have moved out.
The sisters have had a rocky relationship, and Kyle is quite blunt in stating her issues with her sister.
The poem itself can be considered propaganda for the ruler of the country by plainly stating that Queen Elizabeth I, and the Tudor line, is directly connected to Arthurian lore.
Due to this, you'll have to include a disclaimer stating that you don't own Twilight and that you do not and will not make money from writing your fan fiction.
All of their products contain a label stating that the ingredients are 100 percent natural.
They cite studies stating that there 20 million bloggers in the United States, and 1.7 million of these bloggers make a profit from their work.
Lance posted a photo of the bike in a Twitter "twitpic," with a caption stating "There is only one like it in the world therefore hard to pawn it off.
In June of 2009, an article was published on the gaming website Gamasutra stating that the Farm Town game, which was developed by Slashkey, has close to 10 million users.
When you've shopped online, you may have noticed a small lock icon in the bottom right corner of the screen stating the website's security and how it has taken measures to protect your personal information.
In 2007 the Australian Sports Commission issued a report on the "sexploitation" of athletics, stating that the volleyball uniforms were not chosen "...for any technological, practical or performance-enhancing reasons."
For example, to set a "dimension variable" one would first use the code "Dim" (stating that a dimension variable is coming) and then naming the variable itself (something intuitive to the designer, such as "simpleVar").
Mary, on the other hand, was vocal about her opinion of Cade, even to the point of stating that he would be the greatest catch of the century - no doubt, even an exaggeration in Mary's mind.
I need you to bring in some sort of paperwork from your doctor stating what's wrong.
Ethel looked at him as if he'd proposed a trip to the moon, stating emphatically the only activity worthy of sweat would take place in her king size bed.
Beyond stating that in colour it conforms very closely to the striped phase of domesticated tabby, it will be unnecessary to describe the species.
In stating constructively the doctrine of immortality we must assign altogether secondary importance to the metaphysical arguments from the nature of the soul.
Accounts differ as to his conduct at the execution, some stating that he ordered a roll of drums to drown the king's voice.
It was given about the end of the 18th century as based on some experiments, but with a footnote stating that little reliance could be placed on it.
He was to draw up a written treatise, stating the course he proposed, and defending it by arguments from scripture, the fathers and the decrees of general councils.
His reply, while stating that his government would safeguard the interests of the Mussulmans, left open the question of the attitude of the powers, complicated now by sympathy with reformed Turkey.
P g P P ment a royal autograph letter stating the reasons which had actuated the king in taking this course, and giving as the task of the new ministry the continuance of negotiations with the Coalition on the basis of the exclusion of the language question.
As liquidity might be looked upon as the ne plus ultra of softness, this is the right place for stating that, while most metals, when heated up to their melting points, pass pretty abruptly from the solid to the liquid state, platinum and iron first assume, and throughout a long range of temperatures retain, a condition of viscous semi-solidity which enables two pieces of them to be "welded" together by pressure into one continuous mass.
On the Fuglenaes or Birds' Cape, which protects the harbour on the north, there stands a column with an inscription in Norse and Latin, stating that Hammerfest was one of the stations of the XII.
The second part of the critical apparatus was devoted to a consideration of the various readings, and here Bengel adopted the plan of stating the evidence both against and in favour of a particular reading, thus placing before the reader the materials for forming a judgment.
He again vividly recalled the details of the battle, no longer dim, but definite and in the concise form in which he imagined himself stating them to the Emperor Francis.