Stat Sentence Examples
What is thus suggested is not a rash departure from the general point of view of idealism (by its achievements in every field to which it has been applied, " stat mole sua ") but a cautious inquiry into the possibility of reaching a conception of the world ' The most striking statement of this argument is to be found in Boutroux's treatise De la contingence des lois de la nature, first published in 1874 and reprinted without alteration in 1905.
The following information is included in the stat sheets.
Considering the vastness of the stat interests involved, there is much cause for satisfaction in the fact that these differences have been settled by peaceful arbitrament rather than by that recourse to force which has so often marked the delimitation of rights and territory on other continents.
For systems without a tank stat, it is vital to insulate the pipes adjacent to the tank that feed the heating coil.
The problem is getting each horse, trainer, jockey stat to tie up with the relevant info from the card.
Use the existing stat in the hall to control a new motorized valve supplying the hall rad only.
Improved supplemental online features, such as buddy lists and stat tracking.
The game rewards you with added defense and stat bonuses for picking the right character and costume combination, so keep it balanced for best results.
For example, you can play Madden 09 on the PS3, then continue your season and play games on the PSP and transfer the schedule, wins, losses, and stat updates back and forth.
Handplane Central provides pictures, information and stat sheets for a number of Stanley wood planes.
AdvertisementSome important services are free profile services, online testimonials and a current stat manager.
Bats, catching gloves, starting blocks, soccer stat keeping electronics, and more can be found to help improve your child's game.
With a GF equipped you can junction spells onto your character's stats, thereby increasing your strength, speed, luck, etc. The higher number of those spells you have, the more that stat is increased.