Starfishes Sentence Examples
Lime is, in fact, absorbed to an enormous extent by fishes, molluscs, crustacea, calcareous algae and sponges, starfishes, sea-urchins and feather stars, many polyzoa and a multitude of protozoa (mainly the foraminifera).
Corals, Archaeocyathus, Spirocyathus, &c., lived in the Cambrian seas along with starfishes (Palaeasterina), Cystideans, Protocystiles, Trochocystites and possibly Crinoids, Dendrocrinus.
Starfishes devour large numbers; they are able to pull the valves of the shell apart and then to digest the body of the oyster by their everted stomach.
Aldrovandi in De animalibus insectis (1602) almost contemporaneously distinguished between "terrestrial insects," including woodlice, earthworms and slugs, and "aquatic insects," comprising annelids and starfishes.
If you're interested in a marine life tattoo, consider adding other elements such as other animals or starfishes to create a more fleshed out look.