Stared Sentence Examples
Alex stared at her, his expression sour.
Lisa stared at her.
She stared up at his face, but he ignored her.
Pulling the contents out, she stared at the ultra sound.
Carmen stopped washing the dish in her hand and stared at Mary in mute silence.
Lisa stared in mute horror.
Carmen caught her breath and stared at him.
He stared at the picture.
Carmen stared at her in surprise.
She stared at his broad back, testing a hand full of his Jacket gingerly.
AdvertisementThey all stared in timid bewilderment at the strange, long-haired commander dressed up in feathers and gold.
Lisa stared at Connie.
Alex stared at him.
Sonya stared open-eyed at Natasha, unable to believe her ears.
Lisa stared out the window.
AdvertisementShe stared after him.
Lisa stared at him, too frightened to move.
Felipa stared at the wall, deep in thought for a few minutes.
Dulce stared at her for a moment, as if considering it for the first time.
Carmen stared after him.
AdvertisementShe stared at the stick.
Connie stared up at him in amazement.
Lisa stared at the floor, consumed by loneliness.
Josh stared at her.
A deep furrow ran across his forehead, and standing by a window he stared over his spectacles seeing no one.
AdvertisementShe stared into the early darkness of a thick cloud cover.
She stared at his profile and tried to make her voice cool and commanding.
Lisa stared after him; unsure which was more intriguing, the man or the path.
Lisa stared up at him, the blood draining from her face.
The Sawhorse stopped at the same time and stared at the other with its queer protruding eyes, which were mere knots in the log that formed its body.
Almost all of them stared with naive, childlike curiosity at Pierre's white hat and green swallow-tail coat.
She jerked her head up and stared at him, letting the nightgown fall loosely around her body.
Carmen stared at her.
She stared at him for a moment.
For a moment he merely stared at her, his expression unreadable.
For a moment she stared at it.
He stared at her blankly.
She stared at him.
He jerked his head around and stared at her.
Lisa stared at Allen in disbelief.
She stared at him coldly.
She sobered and stared down at her hands.
She stared at him, but he didn't look at her.
She stared at her glass.
She stared at his back.
He stared at her long and hard, his expression intent.
She stared out the window at the colorless winter landscape.
She stared at Darcie, clenching her hands so tight that her fingernails bit into her palms.
Darcie leaned back and stared out the window.
She turned and stared out the window.
Tammy stared at her.
Prince Vasili stared at her and at Boris questioningly and perplexed.
Dulce stared at her expressionlessly.
Felipa and Alondra both stopped and stared as Dulce snapped at him.
Adrienne opened the refrigerator door and stared inside absently.
She stared up at him, waiting.
Darcie folded her hands in her lap and stared at them.
Cassie stared at her.
Cynthia removed the rag from her face and stared at her friend.
She stared at the floor.
He stared into his coffee cup and shook his head.
He stared at it incredulously for a moment before turning to her.
Carmen caught her breath and stared at Katie.
She stared up at him, struggling over her next move.
Distraught, she lay down on the bed and stared at the flame in the lantern.
Carmen stared after him and then shrugged.
Katie stared at her for a moment and then shook her head.
He pushed away his breakfast dishes and stared out the patio doors at the low hanging clouds.
Leaning against the wall, she stared out into the storm.
She stared up at the clouds angrily.
For a moment they stared at each other, and then she shrugged.
She went to the window and stared down at the flowers.
Like throwing that kiss from the airplane window — and I just stared.
She stared at his hand and shook her head.
He stared down at her.
For a moment he stared at her in disbelief — and then his eyes flared with renewed fury.
A calmness washed over her and she stared up at him coldly.
The handprint was a bright red blotch on his pale face as he stared down at her.
She tugged the torn sleeve up on her shoulder and stared after him numbly.
His chest felt warm against her back as she stared blindly out the window.
She wandered into the living room and stared out the bay window.
She stared into the pool, remembering a lonely childhood.
Alex stepped to the door of the bathroom, a toothbrush in one hand, and stared at her.
She jerked her head around and stared at him.
He pulled the towel from his face and stared down at her, but she didn't give him time to verbally attack her again.
Carmen stared after him, tears burning her eyes and her stomach twisting in knots.
He stared down at her, his eyes full of pain.
She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling.
The nurse stared at her.
The nurse left the room and Carmen stared up at him.
She stared up at him, dry-eyed.
She went to the window seat and stared past the old tree at the Farmstead, but it no longer beckoned.
She lowered her hands and stared at the completed buggy.
He stared across the field.
She sobered and stared at her hands.
He stared at her for a moment.
He stood and stared down at her.
As the truck came to a halt in front of the house, she stared up at it in awe.
She swung around and stared at him.
She stared into the flames, wondering why none of the windows had curtains, and why so many things were left to gather dust in the attic.
She stared at the kitchen doorway, waiting breathlessly for the person to appear.
He stared at her suspiciously.
He stared at her intently while he chewed a mouthful of food.
She stared down at her sandwich, shocked that the thought had crossed her mind.
He stared at her and frowned.
She stared at him, shocked by his bitter tone.
She stared at him in surprise.
She stared at him, too surprised to respond immediately.
She stared down into the sink, feeling violated.
His absence sucked the energy from the room and she stared down at the dishwater.
She glanced up as they entered, and then stared.
Cynthia jerked her head around and stared at Claudette.
Claudette stared at her.
Cade wandered across the room and stared out the patio doors, sipping from the coffee mug.
He stared down at his coffee sourly.
She stared at the paper.
Cade was beside her, resting on one elbow – while he stared down at her.
She stared at the fire, shocked by the enormity of what she had done.
She moved away from him and stared down at his relaxed features.
He rubbed his jaw and stared absently at the spot.
He stared at her with a perplexed expression and finally shook his head.
She stared at the door after he left.
He stared out across the field.
She folded her hands in her lap and stared at them.
She stared down at the seat.
He popped the glove compartment shut and stared at her.
He stared absently out the window and continued.
He nodded and crossed to the window and stared out at the rain.
She stared at her brother, who seemed unaware of where he was or what he did.
Darian held up his hand and stared at it.
He dropped his hands to his sides and stared at himself.
He disappeared, and she stared at the place where he'd been, wondering why he was so upset with himself.
She stared in the space he'd occupied and looked at the phone.
He stared down at her, and she wondered what else she might have done to piss him off.
Bianca stared, horrified, as the blonde dropped.
Dusty stared hard at the wall.
She stared at him through listless eyes, the gaze of a human awaiting only the final step in the transformation process.
They stared for a long moment then Talon shoved her towards the water.
Jonny stopped in front of him and stared.
Speck stared, and Jenn frowned.
As if noticing him for the first time, Darian stared at Bianca's brother, an odd look crossing his face.
They stared towards a hallway too dark for her to see into.
Damian stared at him.
She stared at him, not sure what to say or think about finding a man chained to her basement wall.
He disappeared, and she stared after him for a long moment before grabbing as many weapons as she could carry and returning to her room.
The vamp stared at Damian.
He sat and stared out the window while nibbling on a piece of cheese from the plate of cheese and crackers on a small table at his side.
She stared at the towering man with red eyes, not sensing him at all.
She stared at him then shook her head and punched again.
Stunned, Sofia stared at her.
She stared at her reflection, caught by something else that didn't seem right.
As she stared, the silver seemed to flare into a deep glow and swirl around her irises like cars around a racetrack.
Sofia hung up and stared at the number on the paper, wondering if Jake had lied to her or if he flat out screwed up the number.
Damian Bylun stared at the phone.
Jake turned and stared at him, dropped an awkward bow, and straightened, his mouth lax.
Moonlight drifted in through a window, and she stared in confusion.
She pulled her arm from his grip and stared at it, twisting it left and right before lowering it.
Heat rose to her face as she stared openly.
Startled, Damian stared at her.
She stared at him and edged around the kitchen island.
She stared at the sunbeams moving across the ceiling, not remembering where she was or how she arrived.
She stared at his chest, afraid again to look up.
She eyed him and then looked to Damian, who stared at her with an intensity she'd last seen aimed at Claire.
She stared at the embroidered tablecloth, tormented by the scent of food she couldn't eat and the visions of death and betrayal that left an acrid taste in her mouth.
The four stared at her.
To Sofia's surprise, Rainy obeyed, though he sat across the room and stared at her.
She stared at him, her surprise the first genuine emotion he'd seen.
She scrambled up and stared at him, terrified.
Two sat down on his bed and stared into the darkness, unable to sleep when she cried.
He hung up, and she stared at the cell then looked to her car.
Panic and tears soon drained her of energy, and she stared listlessly at the bloodied ceiling until the man in the corner stirred.
Sofia stared up at him, not daring to hope he'd help her.
She stopped and stared, throat tightening.
The two brothers stared at each other, and she choked back a sob, joy and horror flying through her.
He stared into Darian's gold eyes, seeking some sign of the man he'd known.
He opened his eyes and stared at her, a tortured look on his face.
She snapped her hand back and stared at him, overwhelmed.
Deidre stared at it.
She pushed open the door with the mirror and stared.
She stared into the hearth.
As she stared out at the deserts of Hell, she figured out what she felt.
Darkyn turned his other side to her, and Deidre stared.
The panicked teen stared pleadingly at Deidre.
Harmony stared at her then at the teen girl.
She bent down and stared at him.
Fitzgerald stared at it for a ten count.
She stared at him, trying to understand.
She turned and stared.
Billy Langstrom's body stared out from beneath the overturned Jeep, eyes open, a look of mixed surprise and horror on his young face as he lay in a pool of darkening blood.
Others turned around and stared at the pair.
When he'd finished, she simply stared at him.
She stared at him, ignoring his humor.
Dean stared at the woman's near crumpled figure.
He stared at Dean.
Dean just stared at her, not knowing how to respond to her matter-of-fact attitude.
The demon lord stared down at her.
His fangs lengthened, and she stared at them, the reality of her situation beginning to sink in.
Deidre stared at him, not remembering him to be as big as he was.
She stared at him and sat up quickly.
Gabriel stared at him.
The death dealer stared at him.
She moved once more to the edge of the lake and stared at the souls.
Cora stared at her then out at the lake.
Deidre stared at him as if deciding whether she wanted to be angry or disappointed.
Her attention shifted to her hands, and he stared at her as she focused on moving them.
Death and the Dark One stared at each other, assessing one another.
Deidre stared at her then gave a startled laugh.
Deidre stared with renewed interest at the woman she created.
Her eyes settled on a familiar form, and she stared at him.
They stared at each other.
Heart pounding, she stared at the woman and man before her.
Destiny stared up at her with big gray eyes that questioned her motive.
Destiny drew back, clutching Alex around the neck possessively as she stared at Lori.
He stared at her for a moment before the creases disappeared.
Carmen stared at the track.
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
Shaking her head, she stared at the steering wheel.
Seconds ticked by as she stared at him in shocked silence.
She opened them in front of her face and stared at the blood.
I'll take you to the hospital, She wiped her eyes with her shirtsleeve and stared up at him.
Lori stared at her, a horrified expression on her face.
Carmen stared at her coldly.
Destiny stared up at her.
Jonathan stared at her, obviously confused.
Lori stared at the table and mumbled.
Lori stared at her sullenly.
Carmen stared at her plate.
Carmen stared at the spot, her heart going out to it as if Alex still lay there.
Gabriel stared at her stonily.
He stared back, mirroring her surprise.
Her hand paused as she stared in bewilderment at what sat in the bottom of the bath tub.
She stared at the door.
Seating herself on the bed, she stared at a wall for a long time before pulling herself out of the trance.
She stared at the ceiling.
Deidre stared down at the curious kids gathering around her.
The door opened, and she stared at him.
Deidre stared into the forest where he'd disappeared.
For a long moment, she stared.
Gabriel stared, surprised, then dismayed, at her conditions.
Rhyn stared hard into Gabriel's dark corner and shook his head.
The cry startled those around her, and she glanced back at the kid, who stared in her direction.
The officer stared at her then held up an ID card with the boy's picture.
She set the paper on her lap and stared at it.
She turned and stared at him.
She stared at the walls, wondering who'd had the time to repaint her guest room.
Her cell rang, and she stared at it briefly through bleary eyes.
Katie drew the phone away from her head and stared at it, willing herself to wake up.
Katie set the phone on the table and stared at the kid's drawings on the fridge.
Katie stared at the picture for a long moment, then emptied her pockets on the table.
The death dealer stared at her, much larger in her small living room than he was in the middle of the street.
She swiped the hand away, blinking to clear her gaze as she stared into a fire.
She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering when she'd started looking like a pound dog.
She stared at the back of his head, a chill running through her.
She stared at him, backing out of his reach until the back of her knees hit a chair and she dropped into it.
Any other day, she'd have stared at his hard body and the way his jeans hugged his muscular thighs and the round globes of his backside, or the T-shirt that fit so well.
The four stared at him.
He rose and left, and she stared after him, excited.
She stared at the broken glass before her and then at the men nearing on the ledge.
Its occupant stared back at her with glowing silver eyes.
She stared at the beast across the hall staring at her and soon heard Lankha's snores.
She stared with surprise at the low growl from the darkened cell across from her.
She stared at the silver eyes staring at her, slowly falling into an exhausted, restless slumber.
She stared, knowing no amount of counseling would fix her when this was over.
The robed man didn't fall to her feet unconsciously as she planned but stared at her in surprise.
She napped, paced, and stared up at the ceiling.
She stared at him dumbly until the crowd forced her toward the exit.
She stared in horror and launched forward.
They grew silent as Rhyn entered and stared her down as well.
He stared at her, and she flung the plate at him, furious at his lack of reaction.
He looked her over intently while she stared speechlessly at Jade.
He stared past her.
She flung herself onto her back and stared at the ceiling.
She stared at Rhyn.
Gabriel crossed to the window and stared at where the dark ocean and night sky met in the distance.
She reached the top of the stairs and stared at a similar scene leading past the Arch and all the way up the park toward the city.
Rhyn stared at her still body, uncertain what to do.
Kiki stared, even more stunned.
Kiki ceased pacing and stared at the walls.
She stared at him, astonished.
The woman he assumed was Hannah stared at him, her mouth dropping open.
Stunned, she stared up at him.
It stared at her through green eyes, and she frowned, uncertain why the sight of the creature bothered her.
Mercifully, he said nothing, only stood close to her and stared into the same sky.
She stared at him, surprised.
Sasha still stared into the fire.
Hannah stood close to her, and Katie stared at the door, willing their fire to keep the demons at bay.
She stared at the discovery in her hands.
She stared at him hard, recognizing the brown eyes but not the lean face and body.
Gabriel stared at the portal in front of him.
He stared into the dark night, watching the snow fall.
He stared at the ground in front of him, heartsick.
Kris stared at him.
She stared at the blood-colored letters as the snow buried them.
Daniela.s little legs moved fast, and she was across the courtyard while Kris stared toward the room where Rhyn assumed his mate was.
Her eyes flew open, and she stared at the men battling.
Kiera stared at him.
She fell silent and stared at him, her striking, large eyes even larger.
She sat very still on the dark grey bed, her legs folded and hands in her lap, and stared at Evelyn.
On the seventh morning-- if there were such a thing in space-- she lay in bed and stared at the dark grey ceiling.
She stared at a tray of meat for a long moment.
She stopped and stared at the door, then began pacing again.
He stared at her, considering and wary, in a way that made her uncomfortably fevered.
He stared at her with his head cocked, and she judged the words had not translated.
Still he stared until her face grew warm again.
Evelyn stared at the prisoner, then at her, then back.
A'Ran stared at her hard, surprised.
They straightened again and stared at her.
Kiera stared at him, struggling to focus on his face when all she wanted to do was study every inch of his perfect body.
Stone-faced, he stared at it, and her face grew warm at his lack of response.
She stared after him, uncertain what to think.
She stared at the ceiling, enjoying the breeze skating through the windows.
She stared at it, then at him.
Kiera stared, unable to fathom she'd been ejected into the middle of space to die.
Swearing at him, she stared hard at the configuration panels.
Almost unable to believe she'd survived, she stared for a long moment, pushed the door open, and tumbled onto the ground.
Mansr and Leyon both stared at her, and she rubbed her face.
She paused and stared at him, unable to comprehend an entire planet that depended on her.
She stared at him, then at the water.
Kiera lay down in the dark and stared at the ceiling.
She stared at it, as irritated by its unwitting acknowledgment of her housekeeping prowess as she was about having this of all creatures in her house.
Only a few people looked long enough to take in her armband, and she shied away from one who stared at her in alarm.
He led her through the men, who stared at her warily, and down several halls.
Dean stared at the notebook.
Dean caught sight of its bearded driver who stared in the direction of the retreating woman.
They both stared at her.
Edith stared straight ahead, looking as zonked as Gladys was well on her way to becoming.
Dean stared at the lawman, who said nothing.
Dean stared back at him.
He stared the others away while he spoke with her.
Dean stared at him, but was lost for a snippy response.
Corday stared at Dean as if he were something on his shoe, utter disgust written on his unshaven face.
Claire Quincy turned and stared at him, as if waiting for the quid pro quo of an if-you-don't-tell, I-won't-tell agreement of some sort.
Connor stared straight ahead for a moment, picked up his glass and drained it.
With that, Jackson left the room, locking the door behind him while Connor stared after him, mouth agape.
A beautiful woman walking along the bar stared at him.
Sarah stared at him as if to say, are you out of your mind?
She stared down at her plate for what seemed an eternity.
He sat and stared straight ahead without a word.
Jackson stared straight ahead for a moment then, without a word, grabbed another bottle and skulked upstairs.
He stared ahead for a while then slowly stood.
Elisabeth stared straight ahead, then picked up her cell phone and walked out of the kitchen.
Elisabeth and Jackson still stared at the diamond.
Jackson stared at Elisabeth, who still avoided eye contact.
Elisabeth stared at him, wide eyed and shaking.
She stared straight ahead.
Connor stared at two deep gashes in his palm.
Jackson stared at her, slack jawed.
Jackson stared straight ahead for a moment.
Elisabeth stared straight ahead with wide eyes for a long while.
Sarah and Connor heard the conversation and both stared at him.
They paused in front of the dairy door and Katie stared down at Carmen in surprise.
She stared at Carmen.
Three pair of blue eyes stared back at her from the first stall, and tiny pink cleft muzzles lifted in a cute imitation of their mother's broken cry of joy.
She stared sourly at Carmen a moment.
Carmen stared at him, warmth flooding up her neck again.
Alex stared in amazed appreciation.
In her room she ran a comb threw her curls and stared back at the violet eyes haunting her from the mirror.
She stared at her plate.
He stared at her for a moment and then shook his head.
Alex stared after Josh, obviously surprised by the unnecessary surrender.
He stared at her, his expression going sober.
She stared after him as he strode away from her.
He stared at her in surprise.
She paused in the doorway and stared at the floor.
She stared after him as he strode down the path to the porch.
Josh stared at him.
Josh jerked his head around and stared at Lori accusingly.
Josh stared down the road doubtfully.
Josh stared stupidly at the trooper and then scowled at Alex.
Alex stared down at him.
She walked into the living room and stared at the chair.
He stared at her, the dark eyes mirroring her agony.
Carmen stared at her, shocked and horrified.
He stared at her and shook his head.
He pulled up his knees and encircled them with his arms as he stared at her, his expression somewhere between anger and perplexed.
She stared, numbed, as her father joined them.
Claire stared after him then looked back at the stranger in black.
She stared at it.
Jenn stared, the image of her lifeless daughter falling into the chasm replaying over and over in her mind.
Jenn stared at them numbly then dug a hole in front of the monument with shaking fingers.
Darian stared at the portal, memories swirling through him.
Surprised, Darian stared at the motionless body, waiting for it to spring up and attack him.
When it didn't, he looked to the remaining two Others, who stared at him in shock.
She stared at the ground in the center of the circle, emotions building within her.
Jonny stared at him.
The two women stared at him quizzically.
Yully stared into space, troubled, while Bianca stacked more cookies on the plate before Darian, unstacked them, then restacked.
Darian stared at the names.
Jenn stared at it.
Jonny planted his hands on his hips and stared at the ceiling.
She looked at her shoe then back up, straightening as she stared at her reflection.
Darian stared at him.
They stared at her.
Xander stared at her.
Jenn stared at it then at him.
Jenn stared as they fell.
The guardsmen stared past her, and Jenn turned at last, horrified to see the obelisk teetering.
Sprawled on the ground, Jenn stared at the pillar of roaring magic that replaced the obelisk, as if a cork had been loosened from the core of the immortal world.
He sat back and stared at the portal listlessly, knowing the immortal world was no more.
Furious at his own weakness, Darian lay back and stared at the sky.
He lowered his hand and stared at her.
His response made her turn, and he stared.
She landed on her backside and stared at him, a familiar fury within the teal depths of her eyes.
His tone quieted her, and she stared up at him, breathing heavily.
The youth flinched at his movement, then stared at him suspiciously.
Rissa stared at him, unnerved by his complete lack of empathy.
She stared into the cup, alerted by his look.
Vara's hand dropped from his sword hilt, and he stared hard at her.
He was too surprised to speak, just stared at her through piercing green eyes.
Instead, he stared at the map on the table between them.
The leaders of his armies, his harem with their bruised faces and arms, and his guards stared at her with increasing intensity.
She stared at the twisted man before her.
When he'd finished, Vara stared at him, then said,
She feared what she'd see in Memon's eyes and stared instead at his chest plate.
Jonathan stared out the window for a while.
Natalie shoved a thumb in her mouth and stared at the book.
He shifted his attention to the window and stared out into the moonlit night.
Candice had started to lift her hand, but it froze as she stared at him.
She stared absently at her glass of punch.
Carmen swung around and stared at him.
She stared at him for a moment, unconsciously holding her breath.
He stared at her a moment and then smiled.
Felipa held the coffee cup between her hands and stared into it.
Gerald stared at her for a moment.
Carmen stared at him in horror, remembering the two shots she heard.
She stared at him, squelched by the truth.
She stared at her feet, gnawing on her lower lip.
Carmen stared at her and nodded mutely.
Finally he lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.
For a few minutes he stared into the cup, absently swirling it around.
For a moment she stared at him stupidly.
He stared at the table reflectively.
Carmen sobered and stared at him.
She stared at him, digesting the idea that they were back to square one.
When Felipa returned a few hours later with the children, she stared at Carmen.
For a moment he stared at her, his expression difficult to read, but obviously he was upset.
Rob stared at him a moment.
He froze halfway down to the chair and stared at her, his startled gaze roving over her face.
He stared at her, his mouth hanging open for a moment.
Carmen dropped the rag and stared at him.
Alondra stopped crying and stared at him, obviously considering that for the first time.
For a moment Senor Medena stared at his daughter while her words soaked in.
Senor Medena jerked his head up and stared at her as if he couldn't believe what she was saying.
After a few moments of silence, he stopped and stared at her again.
She stared at the closed door.
Gray eyes stared at her coldly from a bronzed face.
She took a step backward and stared mutely up at his face.
She swallowed hard and stared at him.
He stared at her and for a second she thought there was a glimmer of the old compassion - but then it was gone.
She stared at his retreating back, relief mingling with a new ache.
She nibbled on her lower lip and stared at the papers in her hand, avoiding his probing gaze.
She stared boldly at him as he read from the book in his lap.
The dog stopped and stared at her.
He dodged the spray of dry earth and stared at the clump that fell at his feet.
She stared, fascinated as they bounced off the open windowsill and one fell into the sink.
She stared at the pattern of sunlight on the floor.
He swung around and stared at her, his amber gaze growing cool.
She stared down at her shirt and absently tried to straighten the wrinkles.
She stared at her food.
Justin stared at him, realization slowly bringing a flush to his face.
Denton dabbed at his mouth with the cloth and stared sourly at the blood.
She stared at him numbly.
Denton stared after her.
She stared at the door, a confused jumble of emotions burning her eyes.
He stared absently at his hand, as if he was mulling that idea over.
The world stood still as they stared at each other.
Mr. O'Hara stared at her, the cogs of thought turning.
His arm slipped around her waist, drawing her close, and she stared up into those unusual amber eyes.
He stopped dancing and stared down at her.
She stared at him, puzzled.
He stared down at Megan, eyes dancing with humor.
She stared at him in amazement.
Xander stared after her then crept closer to his mother.
She stared at him for a moment before registering that his canines were growing.
She jerked away and stared.
He stared at the flowers, a sign of disorder in his otherwise sterile condo.
Toni stared at her.
The woman stared at her, eyes glazed.
She met his gaze, and they stared at each other quietly for a long moment.
Jessi stared at the picture, a chill working through her.
Frustrated, Jessi sat and stared into space, trying to come up with a plan.
She whirled and stared.
Jessi stared at him.
Jessi stared out the window.
Movement on the beach caught her attention, and she stared.
She stared at him, horrified.
She stared at the wall across from her, angry and frustrated.
Jessi stared at him in surprise.
Jessi stared at her.
Pensive, she stared at the dark sky.
She stared at the pillow clutched in her arms, suddenly understanding the other side of Xander, the one that remained beyond loyal to a woman who had died tens of thousands of years ago.
It sat at her feet and stared at the llama approaching the fence.
Jonny stared at her, no less stunned than Darian.
Groggily, she rolled onto her back and stared at a wood ceiling.
Jessi stared at him, unable to determine if he was messing with her.
Ruin stared him in the face; and, to make matters worse, he was implicated in the conspiracy of Pier Paolo Boscoli in February 1513.
Lifting her chin, she stared absently at the old house and let out a long sigh.
Destiny stared at her, gray eyes large with wonder.
Destiny stared up at Alex, obviously startled.
She turned off the computer and stared blindly out the window.