Staple Sentence Examples
The staple crop is rice, which is grown on 77 per cent.
In the north the staple products for export are salt, grain, wool and cotton, in the south opium and cotton; while the imports consist of sugar, hardware and piece goods.
The staple articles of export are hides, wool and dates.
The staple crop is rice.
Wheat is the staple food over the greater part of the country.
Poncho's was a staple for the twenty-something crowd.
The agriculturists and herdsmen who had been left in Palestine formed, as always, the staple population, and it is impossible to imagine either Judah or Israel as denuded of its inhabitants.
It is only by such careful and con tinuous selection that the staple of these high-bred strains can be kept up to its present superiority, and if for any reason the selection is interrupted there is a general and rapid decline in quality."
Of the former Inns of Chancery attached to these Inns of Court the most noteworthy buildings remaining are those of Staple Inn, of which the timbered and gabled Elizabethan front upon High Holborn is a unique survival of its character in a London thoroughfare; and of Barnard's Inn, occupied by the Mercer's School.
Egyptian cotton in length of staple is intermediate between average Sea Island and average Upland.
AdvertisementThe Indian cottons are usually of short staple (about 4 in.), but are probably capable of improvement.
The following table, summarized from the Handbook to the Imperial Institute Cotton Exhibition, 1905, giving the length of staple and value on one date (January 16, 1905), will serve to indicate the comparative values of some of the principal commercial cottons.
United States of America.-The cultivation of cotton as a staple crop in the United States dates from about 1770, 1 although efforts appear to have been made in Virginia as far back as 1621.
The longer the staple above the minimum the higher the counts that can be spun.
The staple silk industry (which dates from the 16th century) has declined, the number both of filande (establishments wherein the cocoons are unwound) and of filatoje (those wherein the silk is spun) having diminished.
AdvertisementJowaree is displacing rice as the staple food of the Somali.
The staple export is raw cotton, the value of which is about 80% of all the exports.
It enjoyed a brief existence as a staple town from 1327 to 1332.
In 1549, too, the English merchant adventurers removed their staple from Antwerp to Hamburg.
In Arabia it is the chief source of national wealth, and its fruit forms the staple article of food in that country.
AdvertisementEdward III., by the Statute Staple of 1353, declared Carmarthen the sole staple for Wales, ordering that every bale of Welsh wool should be sealed or "cocketed" here before it left the Principality.
Although the coast and river fisheries of Brazil are numerous and valuable, cured fish is one of the staple imports, and foreign products are to be found even along the Amazon.
Leather and rubber goods, gold, silver and aluminium wares, machinery, wall-paper, and stained glass are also among other of its staple products.
When the spinner has informed the dealer exactly what quality of cotton he needs, the dealer quotes so many " points on or off " the " future " quotations prevailing in Liverpool at the time of the purchase, which refer to Upland cotton of " middling grade," of " no staple " and of the worst growth.
Behind their villages the rice-fields usually spread, and rice, which is the staple food of the people, is the principal article of agriculture among them.
AdvertisementMaize is the staple food of the Kaffirs.
It is the staple food everywhere, and little is exported.
The valleys and slopes are carefully cultivated in fields divided by stone walls, and produce beans, peas, sweet potatoes, "Russian turnip radish," barley, a little rice and millet, the last being the staple article of diet.
Corn was the staple produce of Egypt and may have been exported regularly, and especially when there was famine in other countries.
Small fruits, orchard fruits, hay, garden products and grains are decreasingly dependent on irrigation; wheat, which was once California's great staple, is (for good, but not for best results) comparatively independent of it, - hence its early predominance in Californian agriculture, due to this success on arid lands since taken over for more remunerative irrigated crops.
The monthly grocery program, in which people purchase from a wide selection of food products, is the main staple of the fundraising program.
The staple crop of the province in both Upper and Lower Burma is rice.
At the Hanseatic assembly of 1469, Dantzig, Hamburg and Breslau opposed the maintenance of a compulsory staple at Bruges in the face of the new conditions produced by a widening commerce and more advantageous markets.
But while it was found impossible to enforce the staple or to close the Sound against the Dutch, other features of the monopolistic system of trade regulations were still upheld.
The province produces much grain and a fine quality of cotton with a very long staple.
The staple productions are machinery, railway engines and carriages, steel, tin and bronze wares, pottery, bent and carved wood furniture, textiles and chemicals.
Barley and oats are grown for forage, but for this purpose alfalfa has become the staple, and without it the mountain packtrains could not be maintained.
For edible purposes the most valuable of the Japanese echinoderms is the sea-slug or bche de mer (namako), which is greatly appreciated and forms an important staple of export to China.
The staple type has black glaze showing little lustre, and in choice varieties this is curiously speckled and pitted with red.
In the time of the counts the wealth of Gouda was mainly derived from brewing and cloth-weaving; but at a later date the making of clay tobacco pipes became the staple trade, and, although this industry has somewhat declined, the churchwarden pipes of Gouda are still well known and largely manufactured.
The manufacture of woollen cloth has been established since the 15th century, Frome being the only Somerset town in which this staple industry has flourished continuously.
Sugar, formerly its staple, has been succeeded by salt.
Rice forms the staple product of the district; its three chief varieties are biali or early rice, sarad or winter rice, and dalua or spring rice.
Reichenberg is one of the most important centres of trade and industry in Bohemia, its staple industry being the cloth manufacture.
Salomon Reinach, guided by the analogy of similar practices among the aborigines of Australia, and noticing that these primitive pictures represent none but animals that formed the staple food of the age and place, and that they are usually found in the deepest and darkest recesses of the caves where they could only be drawn and seen by torchlight, has argued that they were not intended for artistic gratification (a late motive in human art), but were magical representations destined to influence and perhaps attract the hunter's quarry.
Coffee is the staple production, though Indian corn, mandioca and fruit are produced largely for local consumption.
The staple imports are piece goods, tobacco, cotton, earthenware, tea and sugar.
This composite art reached its climax in Peru, the llama wool affording the finest staple on the whole hemisphere.
The staple industries of Haarlem have been greatly modified in the course of time.
The chief crop is mealies, the staple food of the natives; wheat, oathay, Kaffir corn and oats coming next.
It is situated in the centre of the Yazoo Delta, a rich cotton-producing region, and its industries are almost exclusively connected with that staple.
Salt raking is the staple industry.
Agriculture is by far the most important industry of the state, and, owing to climatic conditions, it is rigidly limited to a few staple crops.
Among the chief productions of the plains are rice (the staple export of the country); pepper (chiefly from Chantabun); sirih, sago, sugar-cane, coco-nut and betel, Palmyra or sugar and attap palms; many forms of banana and other fruit, such as durian, orange-pommelo, guava, bread-fruit, mango, jack fruit, pine-apple, custard-apple and mangosteen.
The staple food of the Siamese is rice and fish.
From time immemorial the isle of Gotland had been the staple of the Baltic trade, and its capital, Visby, whose burgesses were more than half German, the commercial intermediary between east and west, was the wealthiest city in northern Europe.
Until after the middle of the 18th century tobacco was the staple crop of Maryland, and the total yield did not reach its maximum until 1860 when the crop amounted to 51,000 hhds.; from this it decreased to 14,000 hhds., or 12,356,838 lb in 1889; in 1899 it rose again to 24,589,480 lb, in 1907 the crop was only 56,962,000 lb, less than that of nine other states.
Its fruit forms one of the staple articles of food among the Kabyles.
As it is a staple food with the poorer classes, the deficiency is made up through importation.
Its fruit, called " tuna " by the natives, is refreshing and wholesome and is a staple food in spite of its spiny covering.
The staple food of the Mexicans before the conquest has continued with comparatively little change among the native race, and has even been adopted by those of European blood.
The town is of some importance as a centre of agricultural trade; but the staple industry is in leather.
The first named with some forty of its varieties, formed until recent times the staple basket-making material in England.
The trade of Bradford, according to an official estimate, advanced between 1836 and 1884 from a total of five to at least thirty-five millions sterling, and from not more than six to at least fifty staple articles.
The annual turn-over in the staple trade is estimated at about one hundred millions sterling.
Aristotle in his Ethics stigmatizes as "extremely unloving" (Xiav a4xXov) the denial that ancestors are interested in or affected by the fortunes of their descendants; and in effect ancestor-worship is the staple of most religions, ancient or modern, civilized or savage.
Maize, beans and bananas, varied occasionally with dried meat and fresh pork, form their staple diet; drunkenness is common on pay-days and festivals, when large quantities of a fiery brandy called chicha are consumed.
Rice, which shares with millet the distinction of being the principal food-stuff of the greatest number of human beings, is not grown nearly as widely as is wheat, the staple food of the white races.
Bath brick, manufactured only here, and made of the mingled sand and clay deposited by every tide, is the staple article of commerce; iron-founding is also carried on.
The principal article of export continues to be black tea, of which staple Hankow has always been the central market.
The chief staple is cotton, of which a valuable hybrid called the Floradora, a cross of long and short staple, has been singularly successful.
The cause of this extensive cultivation of cotton is not a high average yield per acre, but the fact that before 1860 " Cotton was King," and that the market value of the staple when the Civil War closed was so high that farmers began to cultivate it to the exclusion of the cereals, whose production, Indian corn excepted,.
There are wharves on both sides of the river, and the staple exports are sugar, golden-syrup and timber.
The principal China market for shirtings and other staple goods is Shanghai, which holds a large stock and distributes to minor markets.
They now make one of the principal staple trades of Lancashire with India.
The staple industry is linenweaving.
Four different sources have been suggested; the classical myth of the voyage of Jason and the Argonauts for the golden fleece, the scriptural story of Gideon, the staple trade of Flanders in wool, and the fleece of golden hair of Marie de Rambrugge, the duke's mistress.
Loam is the staple soil for the gardener; it is not only used extensively in the pure and simple state, but enters into most of the composts prepared specially for his plants.
Regarded as useful for felt it is denominated staple fur, while with respect to its use with and on the pelt it is called fancy fur.
Rice is the staple crop; there are promising plantations of coffee and rubber.
Besides this staple trade, there are various textile manufactures and extensive breweries; while stone and slate quarries, as well as coal-mines, are worked in the neighbourhood.
The staple export trade is in fish and their products; other exports are butter, copper ore and hides.
The staple diet of the Paraguayans is still, as when the Spaniards first came, maize and mandioca (the chief ingredient in the excellent chipa or, Paraguayan bread), varied, it may be, with the seeds of the Victoria regia, whose magnificent blossoms are the great feature of several of the lakes and rivers.
Fruit, indeed, besides being largely exported, forms the chief staple of the food supply of the inhabitants throughout Afghanistan.
The falls in the river afford motive power to the cloth and cotton mills (spinning and weaving)-the staple industries-and to factories for sugar, paper, lithography, tobacco and carpets, joinery works and breweries.
Cloth was formerly a staple of trade, but manufactures of nails and buttons are now pre-eminent, while the river Salwarpe works a number of mills in the neighbourhood, and near the town are carriage works belonging to the Midland railway.
Soon after his death, while the public curiosity was strongly excited about his extraordinary character and his not less extraordinary adventures, a life of him appeared widely different from the catchpenny lives of eminent men which were then a staple article of manufacture in Grub Street.
Great quantities of thalers, which hitherto had been the staple of the currency, were sold.
Deep-sea fishing is carried on; but the staple trade consists in the export of china clay and minerals, coal being imported.
Wheat, barley, oats, peas, potatoes and other roots are staple crops, the average yield of wheat being about 20 bushels an acre; cattle are increasing in number and improving in quality, and all branches of dairy farming prosper.
In Essex and Kent, and along the shore of Lake Erie, tobacco and grapes form a staple crop, and wine of fair quality is produced.
The staple industry is the spinning and weaving of cotton, and there are also foundries and machine-works.
Rice and wheat are cultivated in many parts, though the staple food is guinea corn.
After the abolition of the slave-trade in the 19th century palm oil formed the staple article of commerce, and the various streams which drain the Niger coast near the mouth of the great river became known as the " Oil Rivers."
Maize in Lower Egypt and millet (of which there are several varieties) in Upper Egypt are largely grown for home consumption, these grains forming a staple food of the peasantry.
The original municipal rights of the city had been confirmed and extended by a succession of sovereigns, and in 1609 it received a charter constituting it a county of a city, and also incorporating a society of merchants of the staple, with the same privileges as the merchants of the staple of Dublin and Waterford.
At one time almost the whole of the salt in commerce was produced from the evaporation of sea water, and indeed salt so made still forms a staple commodity in many countries possessing a seaboard, especially those where the climate is dry and the summer of long duration.
These, together with pigs, wool, butter, and (in small quantities) cheese, form the staple of a considerable trade with the Midlands and the industrial districts to the south and southwest.
Oats remain the staple grain crop, and barley, though fluctuating from year to year, is steadied by the demands of the distillers.
The allied industry of jute is the staple industry of Dundee.
Owing to the lack of railway communication Jerez is of little commercial importance; its staple trade is in agricultural produce, especially in ham and bacon from the large herds of swine which are reared in the surrounding oak forests.
Bacon-curing is the staple industry, and there are flour, flax and paper mills.
It is the staple product of the country.
The staple foods for the common people are potatoes on the plateau (which are chiefly consumed in the form of locro, or potato-soup) and yuccaor cassava-meal in the warmer regions.
The staple crop is rice, but a good deal of tobacco also is grown.
Until 1853 wine was the staple product, and although even the finest brand (known as Vidonia) never equalled the best Madeira vintages, it was largely consumed abroad, especially in England.
The culture of the vine - formerly an important staple, as is proved by the countless ancient wine-presses scattered over the rocky hillsides of the whole country - fell to some extent into desuetude, no doubt owing to the Moslem prohibition of wine-drinking.
All over the country are olive-trees, the fruit and oil of which are a staple product of the country; the trade is however hampered by an excessive tax on trees, which not only discourages plantation, but has the unfortunate effect of encouraging destruction.
The two staple articles of export are sugar and tobacco-wares.
Launceston has never had a staple industry.
It is the most common crop throughout South Africa, where it is known as mealies, being the staple food of the natives.
The staple crop is barley, but wheat, lentils, vetches, flax and gourds are also cultivated.
Horses form a staple export to India.
Rice forms the staple agricultural product.
Cotton goods and felt hats are the staple products of the flourishing Monza industry; then dyeing, organ-building, and a publishing trade.
But though agriculture thus forms the staple industry of the country, its practice is pursued in different provinces with infinite variety of detail.
Taking India as a whole, the staple food grain is neither rice nor wheat, but millets, which are probably the most prolific grain in the world, and the best adapted to the vicissitudes of a tropical climate.
The sorghum or great millet, generally known as jowar or cholum, is the staple grain crop of southern India.
The coco-nut, which loves a sandy soil and a moist climate, is found in greatest perfection along the strip of coast-line that fringes the west of the peninsula, where it ranks next to rice as the staple product.
Cotton is the staple article of clothing in Eastern countries, and Indian cotton and other piece goods used to find a ready market in Europe before the English cotton manufacturer had arisen.
The fact is that Indian cotton has a short staple, and cannot compete with the best American cotton for spinning the finer qualities of yarn.
Rice is the staple food of the natives.
In some districts Indian corn is the staple food instead of rice, and the production of this cereal in small quantities for livestock is general.
The staple article of manufacture and commerce is beer, which is exported to all parts of the world.
The great agricultural staple is wheat, but millets and rice are also largely cultivated.
For all the other staple agricultural products of the central states the showing of Arkansas is uniformly good, but not noteworthy.
The chief grain raised is millet, the staple food of the people.
Staple products have changed with increasing knowledge of climatic conditions, of life-zones and of the fitness of crops; first hides and tallow, then wool, wheat, grapes (which in the early eighteen-nineties were the leading fruit), deciduous orchard fruits, and semi-tropical citrus fruits successively.
Depending mainly for food on the seeds of conifers, the movements of crossbills are irregular beyond those of most birds, and they would seem to rove in any direction and at any season in quest of their staple sustenance.
The staple crop of the province is rice, along with cotton, tobacco, sugar, hemp and indigo.
Their influence in the foreign relations of the country was likewise great, it being in their interest to keep up friendly relations with England, on whose wool the flourishing state of the staple industry of Flanders depended.
The harbour, enclosed by two piers, accommodates the herring fleet, but the fisheries, the staple industry, have declined.
At the close of the century the knowledge of Greece and Rome had been reappropriated and placed beyond the possibility of destruction; the chasm between the old and new world had been bridged; medieval modes of thinking and discussing had been superseded; the staple of education, the common culture which has brought all Europe into intellectual agreement, was already in existence.
Opium in large quantities is produced in its vicinity and forms the staple article of its commerce; and there are, besides, manufactures of black felts, carpets, arms and saddlery.
The celebrated Courtrai flax of Belgium is the most valuable staple in the market, on account of its fineness, strength and particularly bright colour.
In all operations the greatest care is taken, and the cultivators being peculiarly favoured as to soil, climate and water, Courtrai flax is a staple of unapproached excellence.
Coal, copper, timber, iron, and especially wool, were exported from the Principality, and by the Statute Staple of 1353 Carmarthen was declared the sole staple for the whole Welsh wool trade, every bale of wool having first to be sealed or " cocketed " at this important town, which during the 14th century may almost be accounted as the English capital of the Principality, so greatly was it favoured by the Plantagenet monarchs.
The staple was united at the top and bottom, but the neck and body were left open, the former for the mechanism and the latter for the platen and the bed when run in preparatory to taking the impression.
The upper part of the staple, called the nut, answered the same purpose as the head in the older kind of wooden press, and was in fact a box with a female screw in which the screw of the spindle worked.
On the near side of the staple was a vertical pillar, termed the arbor, the lower end of which was inserted into the staple at the top of the shoulder - the upper end passing through a top-plate, which being screwed on to the upper part of the staple held it firmly.
It is still used where hand printing prevails, and it was this form of press which was employed by William Morris at his famous, but short-lived, Kelmscott Press, the upright frame or staple, of iron; the feet of this staple rested upon two pieces of substantial timber dovetailed into a cross, which formed a base or foundation for the in the production of many sumptuous books, the most celebrated of which was the Chaucer, a large folio volume, illustrated by Sir Edward Burne-Jones.
This power is acquired by a very massive lever, moving on a pivot bolt in the top of the near side of the staple, and passing across the press to the further side of the frame, at which end the power is applied through the coupling-bar by a bar-handle working from the near side.
The production of this staple is carried on generally under the same conditions as in Bengal; but the times of sowing and reaping and the names given to the several crops vary much in different parts of the province.
This last is the staple crop in Norrland, becoming the only grain-crop in the extreme north; in the richer agricultural lands of the midlands and south rye is predominant in the east, oats in the west.
A peculiar vegetable product of this inclement region is a small globular fungus growing on the bark of the beech, which is a staple article of food among the Fuegians - probably the only instance where a fungus is the bread of a people.
Among the many economic plants which have been introduced into Chile and have become important additions to her resources, the more prominent are wheat, barley, hemp and alfalfa (Medicago sativa), together with the staple European fruits, such as the apple, pear, peach, nectarine, grape, fig, olive and orange.
The kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is another staple product in every part of the country, and is perhaps the most popular article of food among all classes of Chileans.
The prices of the staple articles of food and all necessaries of life have risen considerably since 1880, and, particularly in the large cities, are now very high.
The potato, not yet a staple article of food, tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, artichokes and other vegetables are now niuch more grown than formerly, chiefly in consequence of the great influx of Europeans, who are the principal consumers.
Fisheries.Fish is a staple food along the shores of the Persian Gulf, but the Crown derives no revenue from fisheries there.
The staple is the currant, in the production of which the island surpasses Zante.
The quantity of nitrogen in its composition is small, and hence it should not be relied on to constitute the staple article of diet.
The dye was introduced into Europe from Mexico, where it had been in use long before the entrance of the Spaniards in the year 1518, and where it formed one of the staple tributes to the crown for certain districts.
The staple diet of the labouring classes and small farmers is fish, especially the dried codfish called bacalhdo, rice, beans, maize bread and meal, olive oil, fruit and vegetables.
Seeking for commercial profit, not in the exchange of commodities, but solely in the acquisition of actual gold and silver, and realizing that the home market could not absorb a tithe of the merchandise imported, the Lisbon capitalists sent their ships to discharge in Antwerp (where a Portuguese staple was established in 1503), or in some other port near the central markets of Europe.
Agriculture is the staple, but there are chemical, aerated waters, bricks, terra-cotta and other manufactures.
The alpaca is highly prized for its fine wool, which is a staple export from Bolivia, but the animal is reared with difficulty and the product cannot be largely increased.
Quinoa is grown in large quantities, and is a staple article of food among the natives.
The old staple trade of the making of crown glass, begun in 1777, lapsed some 70 years afterwards when the glass duty was abolished.
The potato crop, which forms the staple food of the people, is great; the Saaz district is celebrated for hops, and the flax is also of a good quality.
In the 18th century the staple industry was the making of chapes and shoe-buckles, and the town suffered when the latter went out of fashion.
Wool is the staple export, and represents, in most years, one-third the value of the exports.
The staple industries are shipbuilding (established in 1760) and sugar refining (1765).
Taken as a whole, the Western Division depends for its prosperity on mineral products and manufactures rather than on farming; and the staple of the farmers is live-stock rather than agriculture.
The staple industry of the district in ancient times was sheep-rearing, and the villages in nearly all the dales carried on a small manufacture of woollen cloth.
In the south-west of the Pennine region the coal-field of North Staffordshire supports the group of small but active towns known collectively from the staple of their trade as " The Potteries."
The industrial population is employed in boot and shoe making, the local staple.
The manufacture of woollen cloths has long been the staple trade of Trowbridge.
The making of cloth, particularly Hampshire kerseys, was the staple industry of Godalming in the middle ages, but it began to decay early in the 17th century and by 1850 was practically extinct.
The staple industry is the production of boots and shoes; but musical instruments, leather and machines are also manufactured.
The staple crop of the province is rice, to which about 66% of the cropped area is devoted.
Wheat forms an important food staple in Behar, whence there is a considerable export to Calcutta.
Jute (pat or kosta) forms a very important commercial staple of Bengal.
The staple manufacture is cotton-spinning, but in addition to this there are flour mills and workshops to supply local needs.
The woollen manufacture was the staple industry of the town from the reign of Edward III.
For months together a Ruman will subsist on vegetables and mamaliga, the maize porridge that forms his staple diet.
The staple product is short, but experiments have been initiated in the Santa Marta region to improve it.
Proof of this is supplied by the marriage festivities in 1430, when Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, wedded Isabel of Portugal, and founded the famous order of the Golden Fleece out of compliment to the staple industry of Bruges.
The staple exports are diamonds, gold (from the Witwatersrand mines), wool, copper ore, ostrich feathers, mohair, hides and skins.
The change from slave to free labour proved to be advantageous to the farmers in the western provinces; an efficient educational system, which owed its initiation to Sir John Herschel, the astronomer (who lived in Cape Colony from 1834 to 1838), was adopted; Road Boards were established and did much good work; to the staple industries - the growing of wheat, the rearing of cattle and the making of wine - was added sheepraising; and by 1846 wool became the most valuable export from the country.
Formerly paper and cloth were the staple industries of the district, but the inhabitants of the various hamlets are now occupied chiefly in iron and brass foundries, cotton mills and print-works.
The town has a statue of a Persian, Jean Althen, who in 1765 introduced the culture of the madder plant, which long formed the staple and is still an important branch of local trade.
The chief are the Sardab-rud, Chalus, Herhaz (Lar in its upper course), Babul, Tejen and Nika, and all are well stocked with trout, salmon (azad-mahi), perch (safid-mahi), carp (kupur), bream (subulu), sturgeon (sag-mahi) and other fish, which with rice form the staple food of the inhabitants; the sturgeon supplies the caviare for the Russian market.
Besides cloth, which forms its staple article of commerce, it has manufactories of various linen and woollen wares, machines, railway wagons, glass, sago, tobacco, leather, chemicals and tiles.
The skin of the body is sometimes blue, whilst the wool has a bright lustre, is curled in small distinct pirls, and is of uniform staple.
The wool has a broad staple, and is denser and longer, and the fleece heavier, than in any other British breed.
The South Devons have a fairly fine silky fleece of long staple, heavier than that of the Devon Longwool, which it also excels in size.
The burgesses were licensed in 1433 to fortify the town; this was renewed in 1462, when the mayor was given cognisance of the staple.
Other important staple crops are oats, rye and potatoes, of which the crops in 1907 were respectively 36,683,000 bushels, 961,000 bushels, and 7,3 08, 000 bushels.
Internal commerce was evidently developing in a satisfactory style, despite of the wars; in especial raw wool was going out of England in less bulk than of old, because cloth woven at home was becoming the staple export.
Yet there was still a large export of wool to Flanders, and the long pack-trains of the Cotswold flockmastcrs still wound eastward to the sea for the benefit of the merchants of the staple and the continental manufacturer.
The staple industries are linen and jute manufactures, but brewing, tanning, bleaching, ropemaking and iron-founding are also carried on.
Its staple industry is the manufacture of table linen.
There are excellent cotton lands in the state and the production of this staple was largely developed during the American Civil War, but it has since declined.
Indian corn is the principal crop, for corncake forms the staple diet of the peasantry, while the grain is also used for feeding pigs, the heads for feeding cattle and the stubble for manure.
Yams, taro and sweet potatoes constitute in some districts the main food of the people, while in others sago is the staple diet.
The chief staple of life is the yam, the names of several months in the calendar having reference to its cultivation and ripening.
Their staple consists of Byzantine erudition; and their value depends chiefly on what they have preserved of older criticism.
Oats has always been the staple cereal crop in Ireland, but since 1847 its cultivation has declined by over 50%.
In the Staple Act of Edward III., Dublin, Waterford, Cork and Drogheda are mentioned as among the towns where staple goods could be purchased by foreign merchants.
Wool was the natural staple of the south.
About 1870 india-rubber began to be exported in considerable quantities, and cattle, rubber and hides continue staple products.
Millet and rice are the staple food of the people.
About 150 boats are employed in the fisheries, and herrings form the staple of an active trade.
With this may be contrasted the culture of the Bantu peoples to the south and east, also agriculturists, but in addition, where possible, great cattle-breeders, whose staple food is millet and milk.
Wheat or barley is perhaps the staple cultivation; but pease, beans, oil-seeds and cotton are also grown.
Cotton is now cultivated only here and there in the south; but sugar-cane is, with sugar-beet, becoming more and more of a staple Sugar in the provinces of Granada, Malaga and Almeria.
The esparto is twisted into cords and ropes and the staple matting so common on the floors of Spanish houses of all classes, the estera.
Grenada, with cocoa as its staple, has not experienced similar depression to that which overtook the sugar-growing islands of the West Indies.
The chief grain crop is durra, the staple food of the Sudanese.
Dates are also a staple produce in Darfur and Kordofan.
The principal crop is cotton, and the staple grain millet.
The staple article of trade from the island has always been the ubiquitous coconut, of which it is computed that 15 million are produced annually.
The ancient industry was woollen, but soon after the invention of the spinning frame the cotton trade was introduced, and as early as 1769 the weaving of ginghams, nankeens and calicoes was carried on, and the weaving of cotton yarn by machinery soon became the staple industry.
The origin of all English trading companies is to be sought in the Merchants of the Staple.
This primitive process is still being carried out in Manchuria, in the production of soja bean cake and soja bean oil, one of the staple industries of that country.
The staple industries are mills for husking rice and for sawing timber, and petroleum refineries.
For example, rice is produced here in smaller quantity and of inferior quality to that in the western part of the archipelago, but superior to that in the eastern section, where sago and sorghum form the staple articles of food.
Today it's canola, tomorrow it could be the staple food crops of the poor.
Hedge laying This traditional form of boundary management would have once been the staple diet of any farm worker during the winter months.
Around Scotland, sand eels form the seals ' staple diet for most of the year.
Of course some Arabic influence remains with plenty of themed restaurants & indeed more staple dishes that carry more exotic flavors.
The price of corn - a staple foodstuff - rose by 250% during the same time.
Black bread and thin gruel twice daily was the staple diet.
There, poor families consume rice as a staple; babies are often weaned on rice gruel.
It's best to bolt the hasp and staple to the door and frame for extra strength.
Nathan Cottrell admitted the manslaughter of his elder brother Daniel at his mother's house in Staple Hill.
Dealers weigh out teff, barley and finger millet which form the staple diet.
A good example is the endangered giant panda, whose staple diet is bamboo.
Karen's research is concentrated on the chick pea plant, which is a staple of the Indian diet.
Placing well-spaced staples at an angle, the staple remover can be inserted without damaging the show wood.
Remember not to staple your pages together, keep everything secure with a paper clip.
Emails have already become a staple of court cases.
His best known work in English - The Poetics of Space - remains a staple on architecture courses everywhere today.
Maize (or corn) is also an important dietary staple in much of the third world.
Rice is the staple on most of the islands although other traditional staples include corn, sago, cassava and sweet potatoes.
Citrus was the classic staple of the country's modern agriculture.
A staple gun is still a staple gun is still a staple gun, with or without a supply of staples.
They have been a wardrobe staple for centuries, and a wedding attire tradition.
Beer was the staple drink, as water was not always so wholesome and many guests may have had to be catered for.
The salt industry, still the staple of several towns lower down the vale of the Weaver, was so important here in the time of Henry VIII.
The town with its suburbs, Orival, Caudebec-les-Elbeuf, St Aubin and St Pierre, is one of the principal and most ancient seats of the woollen manufacture in France; more than half the inhabitants are directly maintained by the staple industry and numbers more by the auxiliary crafts.
By 1477 even Lubeck had become convinced that a continuance of the effort to maintain the compulsory staple against Holland was futile and should be abandoned.
Woollen manufactures (carpets, tartans, shawls) are the staple industry, and tanning, iron-founding, carriage-building and agricultural implement-making are also carried, on, in addition to furniture factories, cooperage and rubber works.
The staple article of trade has always been the ubiquitous coco-nut, of which it is computed that 15 million are produced annually, so million being taken by the people, and 5 million exported about equally from Car Nicobar and the rest of the islands.
These pull-on trousers should be a staple of every cloth bottomed baby wardrobe !
Citrus was the classic staple of the country 's modern agriculture.
Pasta is part of the staple diet in Southern Italy.
Free trade in a staple crop looks rational from an economic point of view.
The staple food, maize meal, cannot be found.
A staple gun is still a staple gun, with or without a supply of staples.
Elliptical trainers have long been a staple of fitness facilities around the globe.
This lovely bag is a vintage wardrobe staple and would make a wonderful addition to your collection.
One interesting aspect of cultural diffusion is when the culture that was influenced in turn influences the original culture. Apparently, a staple of American sushi, avocado, is now making its way into Japanese sushi.
Breast milk or formula should still be the main staple of your baby's diet, but you can begin introducing solid foods, one food at a time to rule out food allergies.
Since that time, rockers have been a staple in many family homes.
You can also purchase inexpensive plywood, draw jungle animal shapes, cut them out, paint, and staple to the wall.
Playtex is a lingerie staple, and one of the cheaper brands of nursing bras.
The skirt is a staple of every woman's wardrobe and a necessity of feminine expression.
The Chinese buffet is a staple of eating out.
Cat food is one staple every cat household requires.
Staple this in place on the underside of the wood board, pulling smooth and tight before you do.
Move to the opposite side, pull the fabric up tight and completely staple this side as well, but you'll want to overlap the staples from the other side.
Tuck the fabric in from each short end, making sure it is snug and then staple it securely.
While an occasional treat of these foods is probably fine, using them as your cat's staple diet is probably not a good idea if you want your pet to live a long and disease-free life.
Good staple juices include orange, pineapple, cranberry, grapefruit, carrot, and tomato.
Early key lime martini recipes used simple syrup, a bar staple, to balance the bite of the key lime juice.
Webbed aluminum folding lawn chairs used to be a staple on patios, balconies, and backyards all over North America.
Glue the vinyl, and then staple to secure.
They are a staple of emergency lighting (done with caution and protection), regularly used in many different kinds of religious ceremonies, and of course, where would we be without candle lit dinners?
A staple of many natural first aid kits, ichthammol salve provides a time-honored treatment for minor skin irritations.
This root is a staple of traditional South Pacific Islander medicine.
This popular show has become a staple on HGTV and has returned for multiple seasons.
Mexican-style wood furniture is a staple in Southwestern design.
To finish the vanity, you can cover the top with fabric, pulling it taut and securing it with a staple gun.
Create a hemmed and gathered skirt with a sewing machine and secure it with the staple gun around the outside of the top piece.
Buy genuine leather coats at yard sales, cut into random shapes, and then staple the expensive looking leather pieces to a cornice board.
You'll want a minimal thickness of ¾" so you can staple fabric and batting to the wood without splitting the sheet of plywood.
Staple the foam or batting to the back of the headboard.
Secure the fabric by placing it face down on top of the headboard staple the edge to the headboard and then pull the material up and over the backside of the headboard.
Make sure the material is taut and staple the material to the back of the headboard.
Staple fabric to the wood and then pull the material up and over the headboard.
Staple up ceiling tiles attach to the studs.
Red lipstick is the staple product of the Geisha look.
Never line inside the lash line - pulling the lower lid down to apply eyeliner to the lower lash area was a staple of the 80s, but today the inside eyeliner is a definite no-no.
Lighted makeup mirrors are a staple in a society where appearances matter.
Again once you determine what your style is, or what you want it to be, you can get a few staple pieces of makeup to use daily and then a few pieces for "going out" so you can change your look when needed.
A staple in mass market retailers, drugstores and specialty beauty boutiques, this scent is available in several different formulations for men and women.
Of course, there's always space for a magazine cover staple like Paris Hilton.
One of my holy grail blushes and a staple in my makeup kit, Canyon is one of those colors that very easily suits most skin tones.
Many rave reviews and years later, the product is now a staple in the lineup and is available in seven different shades!
If ultra-sensitive skin is your foe, make Labo Labo Milky-Gel Cleanser a staple in your regimen.
If you're wondering who invented lip gloss, you'll find that a major American cosmetic manufacturer played a role in the birth of this slick and shiny cosmetic staple.
Women seeking quick and easy application, fail proof results and a sexy shine, may consider lip gloss as an everyday staple in their makeup routine.
Long-lasting and available in a number of flattering colors, the NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil has been a staple since the day I first tried it.
Breezy and bold, the packaging is instantly recognizable as a staple at men's fragrance counters all over the world.
It's definitely a staple in my makeup bag at the moment!
Available at drugstores world wide, this German beauty staple will provide a thick barrier of protection that will have skin glowing come morning, without the risk of breakouts.
Perfect for the cooler months and a staple for sultry summer evenings, maroon shadow is a striking cosmetic color that can add the perfect dose of romance!
Praised for their intense pigments and impressive staying power, MAC eye makeup is the most popular cosmetic staple in the entire makeup line.
Dramatic thick black eyeliner remains a staple of Gothic makeup.
While blush is a cosmetic staple that is normally used to lightly enhance your features, you can apply it with a more generous hand for dress-up to create more of a stage presence.
Cosmetics giant CoverGirl has long been a staple in women's cosmetic cases because it is extremely affordable, is high quality and can be found at any drugstore.
A staple of Louisiana cooking, crab Creole shrimp is a delightful dinner and very easy to make.
Place salmon on a large piece of parchment, skin side down, then wrap up the ends of the paper like a bag and staple them.
Be adventurous and try making something you've never made before; maybe you'll discover a new staple for your future summer dinner feasts.
Coconut milk is as much a staple as is rice.
Seafood is as much a staple as rice; fish is so much a part of Korean fare that is sometimes stirred into breakfast porridge.
With these lunch box ideas, you can stock up on staple items each time you make a trip to the grocery store.
Three to five dishes usually accompany the staple rice dish.
Green bean casserole is a Thanksgiving staple in many American households.
Cardstock is a staple of color blocking, but you can use subtly patterned paper if you're feeling creative.
Staple the sheets together to make a book.
In addition, these products are also an essential staple for those who would rather make their own party, card, or gift essentials.
Die cut paper shapes are a scrapbook staple.
The classic zip-up hooded sweatshirt has been in style for several years, and it's a staple of most teens' wardrobes.
While the main staple of a track team is running, you will have to choose at least two other events.
Seven for All Mankind jeans are a staple in the teen fashion scene.
Seventeen Magazine has been a staple in most teen girls' mail boxes for years, but this pop culture and fashion phenom now offers a digital version as well.
Alcohol - Drinking has become an unfortunate staple at many teen celebrations.
Tanks are the ultimate summer staple and because of all the different colors and styles, you can never have too many.
Remember what we said about boots being a staple of any fall fashion wardrobe?
Not only are they back in style, they're the basic staple in an emo wardrobe.
By having a staple of easy, last minute youth group games to fall back on, you can spend that hour counseling the student and helping him take his faith to a new level.
Animal print, such as zebra, is a timeless staple that should be in every woman's wardrobe whether it's in the form of accessories or dresses.
A long, flowy maxi dress is an absolute summer staple for any fashion-savvy tween.
Tofu is a staple in Asian countries such as Japan and China.
Fortunately for those looking to eliminate the Easter time staple from their diets, there are a number of excellent egg substitutes available.
It does include many other staple items, though, such as sprouted seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains, seaweed, dried fruit, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, purified water and various oils.
Smoothies have long been a staple for vegetarians and vegans, and green smoothies are a perfect way for people to change over to a raw food diet.
People who follow plant-based diets are smart to keep around staple ingredients and recipes for a few healthy, easy-to-make vegetarian meals that can be whipped up at a moment's notice.
Stir fry is a staple dish in countless meal plans because it takes only a few minutes to make and can include almost any ingredient, spice, or sauce.
Pancakes are an American staple breakfast treat.
Soup is a vegetarian staple that's actually not that easy to find in stores and restaurants, since many commercial varieties are made with bases of chicken or beef broth.
If you have some kitchen common sense and a few tasty staple ingredients, it's always possible to throw together a decent meal.
Things Remembered a mall staple best known for selling bridal party and other engraved gifts can now be found on the web.
Its lengthy fibers are generically known as extra-long staple (ELS) cotton.
Retro towels are usually made from some type of cotton fiber; however, there are several types you may want to consider.The cotton fiber length and fineness is called a staple.
The longer thestaple cotton is, the higher the quality.
You can find many vintage style bath towels made from Egyptian cotton, which has an extra long staple and isconsidered a higher quality.