Stannary Sentence Examples
Ashburton (Essebretona, Asperton, Ashperton) is a borough by prescription and an ancient stannary town.
The shire hall includes remains of a building, called the Stannary prison, dating from the 13th century.
Tavistock was one of the four stannary towns appointed by charter of Edward I., at which tin was stamped and weighed, and monthly courts were held for the regulation of mining affairs.
It was also the site of one of the earliest printing-presses, and copies of the stannary laws and of a translation of Boethius issued from the Tavistock press in the reign of Henry VIII.
The ancient stannary market town of Tavistock is 6 miles to the east.
The most common connects it with Crockern Tor stannary court which existed on Dartmoor by 1630.
Devon 's tin miners enjoyed a substantial degree of independence through Devon 's stannary parliament, which dates back to the twelfth century.
The stannary prison was a miserable dungeon at Lidford Castle.
Looking for a Dartmoor fishing base, with a monastic and stannary history.
Tavistock, like Ashburton, was one of the key stannary power bases on the outskirts of Dartmoor.