Standards Sentence Examples
Your standards are low.
You people have the lowest standards when it comes to quality of life.
This might be the adoption of commercial standards as well as the creation and operation of a civil court system and laws.
Pilate inaugurated his term of office by ordering his troops to enter Jerusalem at night and to take their standards with them.
He'd begun to think their recruitment standards were slipping until Jake mentioned the operation.
In the United States, various methods of testing and various minimum standards have been adopted.
In spite of him being the school jock, I still had my standards.
The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms are recognized and venerated standards in all the lands where British Presbyterianism, with its sturdy characteristics, has taken root.
Dedicated to supplying only proven quality slates, all SSQ products are tested to meet a range of international standards.
In the absence of the actual standards of ancient times the units of measure and of weight have to be inferred from the other remains; hence unit in this division is used for any more or less closely defined amount of length or weight in terms of which matter was measured.
AdvertisementHe mapped 324, chose out nine, which he designated by the letters of the alphabet, to be standards of measurement for the rest, and ascertained the coincidence in position between the double yellow ray derived from the flame of burning sodium and the pair of dark lines named by him " D " in the solar spectrum.
I'm a reasonably observant Catholic (by European standards anyway ).
It has even outdone their own usual low standards.
We will integrate aspects of these standards and extend them for numerical computing on massively parallel systems.
Textiles were also tangible standards of value that were used as currency, as payment of taxes, and as symbols of imperial patronage.
AdvertisementMany ranges are available as complete sets with wall lights, ceiling pendants, table lamps and floor standards to match.
The Council's Executive Members monitor the performance of the Environmental Health Unit against set standards.
All previous Rules and Standards for judging perpetual Flowering Carnations are hereby rescinded.
Standards of practice are set out for physicians in all specialties in Good Medical Practice for physicians in all specialties in Good Medical Practice for Physicians.
In the Libra, as in most other standards, the value which happened to be first at hand for the coinage was not the mean of the whole of the weights in the country; the Phoenician coin weight is below the trade average, the Assyrian is above, the Aeginetan is below, but the Roman coinage is above the average of trade weights, or the mean standard.
AdvertisementInstruction in the principles of the metric system, and in the advantages to be gained from uniformity in the method of forming multiples and sub-multiples of the unit, are, under this Code, to be given to the scholars in Standards IV., V., VI.
These works, which did much to mould the character of the German people, were set among the doctrinal standards of the Lutheran Church and powerfully influenced other compilations.
Calvin came to see this, and in 1542, after his experience in Strassburg, drafted a new one which was much more suitable for teaching purposes, though, judged by modern standards, still far beyond the theological range of childhood.
But such is not the view of the Church of England in her doctrinal standards, and there is an express rubric directing that any that remains of that which was consecrated is not to be carried out of the church, but reverently consumed.
The metric system of weights and measures has been adopted, but the old Spanish standards remain in general use.
AdvertisementJudged by modern standards, his description of the direction of rivers and mountain-chains seems defective, but allowance must be made for difficulties in procuring information, and for want of accurate instruments.
Above all we must avoid applying our own standards of taste, style and morality to the judgment of the text before us.
Amongst the legitimate reasons for suspecting the correctness of a text are patent contradictions in a passage or its immediate neighbourhood, proved and inexplicable deviations from the standards for forms, constructions and usages (mere rarity or singularity is not enough), weak and purposeless repetitions of a word (if there is no reason for attributing these to the writer), violations of the laws of metre and rhythm as observed by the author, obvious breaks in the thought (incoherence) or disorderly sequence in the same (double or multiple incoherence).
On Prospect Hill on the, 8th of July 1775 Israel Putnam raised the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, and here also is said to have been raised on the 1st of January 1776 one of the earliest of the Continental standards, the Union Jack and Stripes.
Spectroscopic Measurements and Standards of Wave-Length.- All spectroscopic measurement should be reduced to wavelengths or wave-frequencies, by a process of interpolation between lines the wave-lengths of which are known with sufficient accuracy.
A number of secondary standards separated by about 50 A, and tertiary standards at intervals of from 5 to 10 A have also been determined.
The last event recorded by the epitomator Justin (q.v.) is the recovery of the Roman standards captured by the Parthians (20 B.C.).
They retain their Armenian liturgies and rites, pruned to suit the Vatican standards of orthodoxy, and they recognize the pope as head of the church.
They kept the keys of the treasury and had charge of its contents, including not only coin and bullion but also the military standards and a large number of public documents, which in later times comprised all the laws as well as the decrees of the senate.
Standards from which galvanized wire is tightly strained from one end to the other are preferable and very convenient.
They may be supported by iron standards or brick piers, back and front, bearing up a flat bar of iron on which the slates may rest; the use of the bar will give wider intervals between the supports, which will be found convenient for filling and emptying the beds.
Very durable trellises for greenhouse climbers are made of slender round iron rods for standards, having a series of hooks on the inner edge, into which rings of similar metal are dropped; the rings may be graduated so as to form a broad open top, or may be all of the same size, when the trellis will assume the cylindrical form.
Shallow planting, whether of wall trees or standards, is generally to be preferred, a covering of a few inches of soil being sufficient for the roots, but a surface of at least equal size to, the surface of the hole should be covered with dung or litter so as to restrain evaporation and preserve moisture.
Plums are propagated chiefly by budding on stocks of the Mussel, Brussels, St Julien and Pear plums. The damson, wine-sour and other varieties, planted as standards, are generally increased by suckers.
From 1855 to 1859 he acted as director of the Dudley observatory at Albany, New York; and published in 1859 a discussion of the places and proper motions of circumpolar stars to be used as standards by the United States coast survey.
Five thousand Spaniards were killed; seven hundred taken, and one hundred and five standards.
Gathering around them many of the Covenanters who clung tenaciously to their standards of faith, these ministers began to preach in the fields, and a period of persecution marked by savage hatred and great brutality began.
They renounced their allegiance to King James and were greatly disappointed when their standards found no place in the religious settlement of 1689, continuing to hold the belief that the covenants should be made obligatory upon the entire nation.
They had lost some 2 500 killed, amongst them Gournay and Berbier du Metz, the chief of artillery, the Allies twice as many, as well as 48 guns, and Luxemburg was able to send 150 colours and standards to decorate NotreDame.
His use of this material was not always according to accepted standards.
Here again success attended the rebel standards.
On the 1st of January 1861 the standards of the new regiments were solemnly blessed; on the next day Frederick William IV.
Under the New Empire, when Egypt was almost a military stte, the army was a more specialized institution, the art of war in siege and strategy had developed, divisions were formed with special standards, there were regiments armed with battle-axes and scimitars, and chariots formed an essential part of the host.
Rings of metal, gold, silver and bronze played some part in exchange, and from the Hyksos period onwards formed the usual standards by which articles of all kinds might be valued.
Nur-el-Kanzi was killed and ten standards taken.
Since that date the most important changes effected in the elementary education system were the abolition, in 1886, of individual inspection of the lower standards - afterwards extended to the whole of the standards, the inspectors applying a collective test, the " block-grant " system, to the efficiency of a school - and the abolition of school fees (1889) for the compulsory standards, the loss being made up principally by a parliamentary grant, and partly by a proportion, earmarked for the purpose, of the proceeds of the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act 1890, and the Education and Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act 1892.
The committee were of opinion that a central board, consisting of representatives of the Board of Education and the different examining bodies, should be established, to co-ordinate and control the standards of the examinations, and to secure interchangeability of certificates, &c., as soon as a sufficient number of such bodies signified their willingness to be represented on the board.
The Absolute Value Of The Specific Heat Deduced Necessarily Depends On The Absolute Values Of The Electrical Standards Employed In The Investigation.
But For The Determination Of Relative Values Of Specific Heats In Terms Of A Standard Liquid, Or Of The Variations Of Specific Heat Of A Liquid, The Method Depends Only On The Constancy Of The Standards, Which Can Be Readily And Accurately Tested.
All this hand-work was reckoned according to customary standards as day-work and week-work.
It was during his stay in Asia (20 B.C.) that the Parthian king Phraates voluntarily restored the Roman prisoners and standards taken at Carrhae (53 B.C.), a welcome tribute to the respect inspired by Augustus, and a happy augury for the future.
The mother-idea of his poems, he says, is democracy, and democracy "carried far beyond politics into the region of taste, the standards of manners and beauty, and even into philosophy and theology" His Leaves certainly radiates democracy as no other modern literary work does, and brings the reader into intimate and enlarged relations with fundamental human qualities - with sex, manly love, charity, faith, self-esteem, candour, purity of body, sanity of mind.
Tried by current standards his poems lack form and structure, but they undoubtedly have in full measure the qualities and merits that the poet sought to give them.
The heroes of the Reformation, judged by modern standards, were reactionaries.
It need not be infinitely small, or even small compared with ordinary standards; thus in astronomy such vast bodies as the sun, the earth, and the other planets can for many purposes be treated merely as points endowed with mass.
It is only when we come to consider such delicate questions as the influence of tidal friction that other standards become necessary.
Nor was he much more respectful towards the official standards of the Church.
The wines of these vineyards are sold every year by auction early in November, and the prices they make serve as standards for the valuation of the other growths.
In the Westminster Standards also, which were the fruit of the Scottish desire for a religious uniformity, Scotland did not obtain by any means all it desired in its church documents.
The Scottish Church Society was founded in 18 2 with of y 9 Dr John Macleod of Govan as president, " to defend and advance catholic doctrine as set forth in the ancient creeds and embodied in the standards of the Church of Scotland."
It must be confessed that, judged by Western standards, the poems of Ephraim are prolix and wearisome in the extreme, and are distinguished by few striking poetic beauties.
The Talmud discusses and formulates rules upon points which other religions leave to the individual; it inculcates both ceremonial and spiritual ideas, and often sets up most lofty ethical standards.
This brings with it new standards independent of clan-customs or tribeusage.
The metric system of weights and measures is the legal standard in Chile, but the old Spanish standards are still widely used, especially in handling mining and farm produce.
Consequently in 20 B.C., h restored the standards captured in the victories over Crassus and Antony, and recognized the Roman suzerainty over Osroeni and Armenia.
If the view of the satirist is owing to this circumstance more limited in some directions, and his taste and temper less conformable to the best ancient standards of propriety, he is also saved by it from prejudices to which the traditions of his class exposed the historian.
In 1634 he took part in the convocation which drafted the code of canons that formed the basis of Irish ecclesiastical law till the disestablishment of the Irish Church in 1869, and defeated the attempt of John Bramhall, then bishop of Derry and later his own successor in Armagh, to conform the Irish Church exactly to the doctrinal standards of the English.
Several mints had been established since Richard of York's time; the standards varied and imitation was easy.
In the United States of America Langstroth's frame and hive are the acknowledged " standards " among the great body of bee-keepers, although about a dozen different frames, Size of varying more or less in size, have their adherents.
But even in this case allowance must be made for the difference between modern and medieval standards of decorum.
After the brilliant victory of Roccasecca (May 19, 1411) he had the satisfaction of dragging the standards of Pope Gregory and King Ladislaus through the streets of Rome.
He delivered the Roman hostages who were held in captivity in the town, recovered the standards lost at Caudium, and made 7000 of the enemy pass under the yoke.
The WGR614 provides WEP or WPA-PSK (free upgrade available) wireless encryption standards to protect your network from eavesdroppers and bandwidth pinchers.
The level of pressure in the pipeline will be three times the typical international standards set for onshore pipelines.
If you make playpens you should obtain a copy of the standard from The British Standards Institute and have your products tested.
Overall the performance of British public services remains poor by Continental standards.
By the standards of such philosophers as Husserl, Natorp, and Frege, Wundt appears committed to a logical psychologism.
Now renovated to modern standards the house retains a special atmosphere reminiscent of its rustic origins.
Originally two farm cottages dating back to 1750 AD the property has been sympathetically renovated to meet present day standards.
This Code sets out standards of best practice for gilt repo.
This Code sets out standards of best practice for equity repo.
And at that moment, though the day was still, a light gust of wind blowing over the army slightly stirred the streamers on the lances and the unfolded standards fluttered against their staffs.
You have earned the St. George's standards and will be worthy of them.
He could not look calmly at the standards of the passing battalions.
Not that sort of victory which is defined by the capture of pieces of material fastened to sticks, called standards, and of the ground on which the troops had stood and were standing, but a moral victory that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his opponent and of his own impotence was gained by the Russians at Borodino.
Fifteen hundred prisoners and thirty-eight guns were taken on the spot, besides standards and (what seemed most important to the Cossacks) horses, saddles, horsecloths, and the like.
Some schools, however, are well-recognized for their high standards of quality and classic culinary educational programs.
The USDA has placed national standards for foods labeled organic.
There were no government standards to adhere to and they didn't need anyone to tell them much less penalize them for not treating their animals humanely.
Vegetables are cooked over low heat for long periods and traditionally include some type of meat (salt pork, or bacon) as an additional seasoning and by some standards this makes them void of all nutritional value.
There aren't really any specific steps on how to be a good friend, as every friendship is unique and standards for a good friend are different for each individual person.
However, this group of schools is more often seen in light of its stringent admission standards than its sports accomplishments.
The menu contains all the Indian standards including curry, kebabs and samosas.
The menu features traditional standards, such as red beans and rice, jambalaya and crawfish, mixed in with more exotic choices, such as alligator, frog legs, and various etouffee.
Alex was a wealthy man - rich by her standards.
It may be awhile by earth standards.
Even on this holiday, one of the busiest days of the year, traffic remained modest by urban standards.
Everyone was fascinated by something so exotic compared to their standards.
Just as they had reversed their direction, Edith Shipton passed them, driving down the mountain, not speeding but too fast by Dean's conservative standards.
It wasn't really a mountain by most people's standards.
Their betrothal was short by White God standards, a matter of six days.
The synod seems to have remained without a constitution and without subscription until 1729, when it adopted the Westminster standards.
Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso, Venice entered into a compact to defend their liberties; and when he came again in 1163 with a brilliant staff of German knights, the imperial cities refused to join his standards.
The method, though tedious in operation, is very accurate, and is largely employed for determining the magnetic quality of bars intended to serve .as standards.
For such standards a relative accuracy of at least one part in a million seems now to be attainable.
The medium of instruction in the lower standards is the mother tongue of the children.
Primitive adornment in its earliest stages may be divided into three classes; first the moulding of the body itself to certain local standards of beauty.
Raumer's style is direct, lucid and vigorous, and in his day he was a popular historian, but judged by strictly scientific standards he does not rank among the first men of his time.
In conjunction with Josiah Latimer Clark, with whom he entered into partnership in 1861, he invented improved methods of insulating submarine cables, and a paper on electrical standards read by them before the British Association in the same year led to the establishment of the British Association committee on that subject, whose work formed the foundations of the system still in use.
But if the Japanese sculptor adopted such standards in working for foreign patrons, his market would be reduced to very narrow dimensions.
In France three alloys of the following standards are used for jewelry, 920, 840 and 750.
Now again he maintained with great warmth of conviction that his views were in close accordance with Scripture and the Anglican standards, but the council, without specifying any distinct "heresy" and declining to submit the case to the judgment of competent theologians, ruled otherwise, and he was deprived of his professorships.
These are common school education and the adoption of one language (English); participation in political life, which is granted to all adult males after five years' residence; and the general influence of social standards embodied in laws, institutions and customs already established.
But, however short his orthodoxy might fall if tried by the standards of any particular church, his temperament was pre-eminently religious.
Other standards of reference may be used in special connexions; for example, the Earth is the usual unit for expressing the relative density of the other members of the solar system.
He was still felt by many of his clergy and by candidates for ordination to be a rather terrifying person, and to enforce almost impossible standards of diligence, accuracy and preaching efficiency, but his manifest devotion to his work and his zeal for the good of the people rooted him deeply in the general confidence.
When the king went forth to war thirteen great crosses made of gold and jewels were carried in wagons before him as his standards, and each was followed by 10,000 knights and 100,000 footmen.
Of the French and Bavarians 11,000 men, roo guns and 200 colours and standards were taken; besides the killed and wounded, the numbers of which were large but uncertain - many were drowned in the Danube.
Tertullian (c. 160-240) uses it in both senses, of an oath, as in the passage of his treatise About Spectacles, where he says that no Christian " passes over to the enemy's camp without throwing away his arms, without abandoning the standards and sacraments of his chief."
He was recklessly impetuous in his temperament, coarse and grossly superstitious according to modern standards.
Toothed gearing connected with the gun mountings actuates a rack attached to the standards carrying the sights, so that any movement of the gun mounting is communicated to the sights.
It is difficult for a generation which has witnessed another complete revolution in the standards of artistic taste to realize the secret of David's immense popularity in his own day.
Judged by European standards the cost of the American census is very great.
Beneath his fun-making we can discern a man who is fundamentally serious, and whose ethical standards are ever lofty.
The very sensation created by the novelty of his methods set standards and started reforms which have greatly improved the morale of the entire force.
The effect of his exhortations, as well as of his personal character and public acts, upon the standards and spirit of official life in the United States, was a pronounced one in attracting to the federal service a group o men who took up their work of public office with the same spirit of enthusiasm and self-sacrifice that actuates the military volunteer in time of war.
In the specification for bridge material, drawn up by the British Engineering Standards Committee, it is provided that the steel shall be acid or basic open-hearth steel, containing not more than o.
A good many years later he was entrusted by the committee of the British Association on standards of electric resist ance with the task of deducing the mechanical equivalent of heat from the thermal effects of electric currents.
Individual theologians have sought to define more exactly the points on which the standards are vague.
But these standards proved inadequate to the emergency, for it was possible, especially by the use of the allegorical method, to interpret them in more than one way, and their apostolic origin and authority were not everywhere admitted.
They opened the doors of their schools to the Greek and Latin classics, but they represented the ancient masterpieces dissevered from their original historic environment, as impersonal models of taste, as isolated standards of style.
Other voltaic standards of electromotive force are in use, such as the Weston cadmium cell, the Helmholtz calomel cell, and the standard Daniell cell.
The two standards, the cubic inch and the cubic decimetre, may not be strictly comparable owing to a difference in the normal temperature (Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales) of the two units of extension, the metre and the yard.
In all countries the national standards of weights and measures are in the custody of the state, or of some authority administering the government of the country.
The standards of the British Empire, so far as they relate to the imperial and metric systems, are in the custody of the Board of Trade.
Scientific research is not, of course, bound by official standards.
The forms of the four primary standards representing the four units of extension and mass are shown in figs.
With reference to the materials of which standards of length are made, it appears that the Matthey alloy iridio-platinum (90% platinum, 10% iridium) is probably of all substances the least affected by time or circumstance, and of this costly alloy, therefore, a new copy of the imperial yard has been made.
For ordinary standards of length Guillaume's alloy (invar) of nickel (35.7%) and steel (64.3%) is used, as it is a metal that can be highly polished, and is capable of receiving fine graduations.
Authoritative standards and instruments for the measurement of electricity, based on the fundamental units of the metric system, have been placed in the Electrical Laboratory of the Board of Trade.
In the measurement of temperature the Fahrenheit scale is still followed for imperial standards, and the Centigrade scale for metric standards.
A descriptive list of the verifying instruments of the Standards Department, London, has been published.
A "troy pound " and a new standard yard, as well as secondary standards, were constructed by direction of parliament in 1758-1760, and were deposited with the Clerk of the House of Commons.
Besides this, all their evidence is but approximate, often only stating quantities to a half or quarter of the amount, and seldom nearer than 5 or 10%; hence they are entirely worthless for all the closer questions of the approximation or original identity of standards in different countries; and it is just in this line that the imagination of writers has led them into the greatest speculations, unchecked by accurate evidence of the original standards.
The number of published weights did not exceed 600 of all standards in 1880; but the collections from Naucratis (28), Defenneh (29) and Memphis (44) have supplied over six times this quantity, and of an earlier age than most other examples, while existing collections have been more thoroughly examined.
That this mode of originating standards was greatly promoted, if not started, by the use of coinage we may see by the rarity of the Persian silver weight (derived from the Assyrian standard), soon after the introduction of coinage, as shown in the weights of Defenneh (29).
The distinction of the use of standards for trade in general, or for silver or gold in particular, should be noted.
The Hebrew "shekel of the sanctuary" is familiar; the standard volume of the apet was secured in the dromus of Anubis at Memphis (35); in Athens, besides the standard weight, twelve copies for public comparison were kept in the city; also standard volume measures in several places (2); at Pompeii the block with standard volumes cut in it was found in the portico of the forum (33); other such standards are known in Greek cities (Gythium, Panidum and Trajanopolis) (11, 33); at Rome the standards were kept in the Capitol, and weights also in the temple of Hercules (2); the standard cubit of the Nilometer was before Constantine in the Serapaeum, but was removed by him to the church (2).
In England the Saxon standards were kept at Winchester before A.D.
The oldest English standards remaining are those of Henry VII.
Many weights have been found in the temenos of Demeter at Cnidus, the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, and in a temple of Aphrodite at Byblus (44); and the making or sale of weights may have been a business of the custodians of the temple standards.
There is great uncertainty as to the exact values of all ancient standards of volume -- the only precise data being those resulting from the theories of volumes derived from the cubes of feet and cubits.
Thus these three different reckonings agree closely, but all equally depend on the Greek and Roman standards, which are not well fixed.
The main series on which we shall rely here are those -- (1) from Assyria (38) about 800 B.C.; (2) from the eastern Delta of Egypt (29) (Defenneh); (3) from western Delta (28) (Naucratis); (4) from Memphis (44) -- all these about the 6th century B.C., and therefore before much interference from the decreasing coin standards; (5) from Cnidus; (6) from Athens; (7) from Corfu; and (8) from Italy (British Museum) (44).
But we are now able to prove that it was an independent system -- (1) by its not ranging usually over 200 grains in Egypt before it passed to Greece; (2) by its earliest example, perhaps before the 224 unit existed, not being over 208; and (3) by there being no intermediate linking on of this to the Phoenician unit in the large number of Egyptian weights, nor in the Ptolemaic coinage, in which both standards are used.
The Attic and Assyrian standards were used indifferently for either gold or silver.
In the case of a prism some caution is necessary unless the standards used are very close together.
The main divisions of the army were distributed under the royal and other principal standards, smaller divisions under the banners of some of the greater nobility or of knights banneret, and smaller divisions still under the pennons of knights or, as in distinction from knights banneret they came to be called, knights bachelors.
Hence it came about that the provincial districts or nomes, as they were called, often derived their pames from the gods of tribes that settled in them, these names being hieroglyphically written with the sign for district surmounted by standards of the type above described, e.g.
The paintings on the vases show boats driven by oars and sails rudely figured, and the boats bear emblematic standards or ensigns.
Wad en Nejumi, most of his amirs, and more than I 200 Arabs were killed; 4000 prisoners and 147 standards were taken, and the dervish army practically destroyed.
Spain again imposed its literary standards and models in the 17th century, France in the 18th, while the Romantic movement reached Portugal by way of England and France; and those countries, and in less degree Germany, have done much to shape the literature of the 10th century.
The league prescribed uniform laws, standards and coinage; it summoned contingents, imposed taxes and fined or coerced refractory members.
Ciliary movements, which undoubtedly contribute in bringing the surface into contact with larger supplies of oxygen and other fluids in unity of time, are not so rapid or so extensive when compared with other standards than the apparent dimensions of the microscopic field.
In this office he was in constant intercourse with Pepys, whose diary frequently mentions him; but the insinuations of Pepys against him must not be taken too seriously, as there is no evidence to show that Batten in making a profit from his office fell below the standards of the time.
The Pharisees, who pruned and fed the tree of Judaism so that it might bear fruit for the healing of the Nation - and the nations in the latter days - gave them the opportunity of posing as the champions of the primitive standards.
Criticism no longer judges by absolute standards; it applies the standards of the author's own environment.
In ethics, again, the revolt against absolute standards limits us to the relative, and morals are investigated on the basis of history, as largely conditioned by economic environment and the growth of intellectual freedom.
Like these our author holds himself so far aloof from current debate of ceremonial or doctrine as to escape our principal standards of measurement regarding place and time.
Still, some adherents of the old Israelitish moral and religious standards must have survived, only they were not to be found in the chief places of concourse, but as a rule in coteries which handed on the traditions of Amos and Isaiah in sorrowful retirement.
There are a few well-marked types of wood which serve as convenient standards of comparison, but these cannot be used except in a few cases to distinguish individual genera.
The French decimal system is in use for weights and measures, together with Turkish standards.
Unfortunately his writings, with a few exceptions, are still in MS. He is the author of the first history of the Rumanians in Dacia written according to the standards of Western science.
In making such comparisons, it is always desirable, if possible, to select as standards longperiod gauges which are so situated that the short-period district lies.
From the Notice issued by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, by permission of the Controller of H.M.
But at the same instant that the cut - off takes place the rider weight is lifted off the end of the balance by a From the Notice issued by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, by permission of the Controller of H.M.
The knife-edges on which the hopper rests are on two hori - zontal levers, one on each side of the hop From the Notice issued by the Standards Department per.
By the second part of the drop the motion of the poise is reversed and the poise is run back to the zero From the Notice issued by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, by permission of the Controller of H.M.
By its constitution of that year the English Church in South Africa adopts the laws and usages of the Church of England, as far as they are applicable to an unestablished church, accepts the three creeds, the ThirtyNine Articles, the Book of Common Prayer, the decisions of the undisputed general councils, the Authorized English Version of the Scriptures, disclaims the right of altering any of these standards of faith and doctrine, except in agreement with such alterations as may be adopted by a general synod of the Anglican Communion.
But in interpreting these standards of faith and doctrine, the Church of the Province of South Africa is not bound by decisions other than those of its own Church courts, or such court as the Provincial Synod may recognize as a tribunal of appeal.
But there was a danger behind this revival; for the reformers of the 11th century, in their zeal for establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, were not content with raising the moral and intellectual standards prevailing in Christendom, but sought to bring the whole scheme of life under the church, by asserting the absolute supremacy of the spiritual over the temporal power, wherever the two came in contact or overlapped.
Its standards have also been upheld with varying success in great co-operative undertakings, such as the Dictionary of National Biography, the Cambridge Modern History, and Messrs Longmans Political History of England.
All these various changes in the opening of the valves and dampers are automatically performed in the proper order by means of a hand-wheel H, the shaft m resting on the standards t and shaft v.
In 1705 the Belfast Society was founded for theological discussion by Presbyterian ministers in the north, with the result of creating a body of opinion adverse to subscription to the Westminster standards.
But when such criticism passes into the attempt to find a universal criterion of morality - such an attempt being in effect an effort to make morality scientific - and especially when the attempt is seen, as it must in the end be seen, to fail (the moral consciousness being superior to all standards of morality and realizing itself wholly in particular judgments), then ethics as a process of reflection upon the nature of the moral consciousness may be said to begin.
The ultimate superiority of the moral consciousness over all other standards is recognized, even by those who impugn its authority, whenever they claim that all men ought to recognize the superior value of the standards which they themselves wish to substitute.
In fact, no acceptable scientific criterion emerges, and the outcome of Spencer's attempt to ascertain the laws of life and the conditions of existence is either a restatement of the dictates of the moral consciousness in vague and cumbrous quasi-scientific phraseology, or the substitution of the meaningless test of " survivability " as a standard of perfection for the usual and intelligible standards of " good " and " right."
The need is urgent of fixing a scale, and defining standards of actinic brightness; but it has not yet been successfully met.
Dean could picture a cluster of children, pinafored girls and overalled boys, playing by the now-leaning wooden fence, part of a family of too many children by today's standards, in a household existing more on unbridled hope and a large measure of love than material possessions.
Some of the men were exotic even by Anshan standards.
Sometimes her old fashioned moral standards were a point of contention, but her integrity was never under question.
There were commensurate rises in standards.
They hold disdain for ordinary people who want to raise their living standards.
The goal is to integrate existing standards, rather than create new specifications.
Strong design and high standards are not a luxury to be employed in the hope of awards, accreditations or design community kudos.
Meticulous design standards were built into IMX studio players.
The guidelines were paramount in order to ensure that the academic standards of awards are maintained.
All opening door locks, cardan shafts and wheel sets are certified to group standards.
That includes abiding by the highest standards of human rights set by the European Convention of Human Rights.
They could assume a framework of widely agreed absolutes and standards which are alien to so many now.
International accounting Standards (IASs) at present recognize both merger accounting and acquisition accounting.
The appropriate standards must be rigorously adhered to in achieving the highest quality.
What academic standards are set for postgraduate admissions in law?
The old question of Driving Standards was given a good airing, needless to say there was no clear cut answer.
Tests by the Food Standards Agency found the bug present in organic alfalfa produced by Aconbury Sprouts.
Having this approval provides you with the guarantee that it comes from Poultry farms, which follow the highest standards of humane animal husbandry.
Globally, two standards have taken on particular importance in the area of sustainability assurance.
An attestation made under this section shall be in accordance with standards for attestation made under this section shall be in accordance with standards for attestation engagements issued or adopted by the Board.
I've just checked out's fantasy baseball game which by UK standards is pretty poor.
What then of Clarke's other comments, about the need to include biometrics to meet US standards for its visa waiver scheme.
University courses are very specialized, yet in certain respects they are also extraordinarily broad by British standards.
As with all parks, Victoria Park has original bylaws some of which by today's standards would be seen as quirky.
It will provide the caddie with a better understanding of the standards required to become a good caddie.
Meets airline carry-on size standards with the front day pack removed.
To achieve this standards, small amounts of a reducing agent are added where necessary to control the quantity of soluble chromium.
These regulations prescribe the circumstances in which standards committees of relevant authorities may grant such dispensations.
Our business case was centered on the costs and savings rather than the wider open standards issues, and ultimately this proved compelling.
The Advisory Panel on Standards requires the Inspectorate's work to be 99% free of justified complaints.
Anybody claiming conformance to all of the POSIX standards (or drafts) is having you on.
An initiative to set up a new e-learning standards conformance authority for the UK has been launched.
Standards are not the only means of demonstrating conformity - codes of practice, empirical design or other suitable methods are acceptable equivalents.
Iraq earlier this year rejected three wheat consignments from India, saying they did not meet quality standards.
The optimum standards for tracing inorganic contaminants in soil, sediment, water, oil, plants and food materials.
There may also be grounds for discussing the present standards of equipment and whether they need to be altered to cause less strenuous contortions.
Recently rewired thoughout to modern standards and a stunning attic conversion with en-suite.
New cribs sold in the United States (including all cribs sold in our Store) comply with modern safety standards.
Standards are 19 x 9 mm and are compatible with 10 mm path length cuvette holders.
However, few patients were treated by current standards, with nearly half receiving single-agent cyclophosphamide or no chemotherapy.
See the Guidance Notes on Food Labeling produced by the Food Standards Agency 11.4 What are the exceptions to allergen declarations on labels?
This can only result in contempt for the law and a further diminution of driving standards.
Notes Working for someone with very high standards can be quite discouraging.
As part of a teaching program for staff to implement these standards, it is designed to provoke discussion.
The first question is whether a defendant's behavior would be regarded as dishonest by the ordinary standards of reasonable and honest people.
Get advice from Trading Standards and the Police if you suspect dishonesty.
A wonderful hand-crafted doll, bubbling with personality and lovingly made to the highest standards.
The .xxx domain would force pornographers to abide by certain standards, and would make the filtering of unwanted material much easier.
At the end raised its standards worded dramatization please.
By increasing coaching standards increase participation and reduce dropout of young players.
To achieve better diagnostic standards it is necessary to have open access echocardiography.
Actual fluid intake in the institutionalized elderly was compared with three established standards to determine adequacy of fluid intake.
However, it may be argued that these are examples of relatively elementary quality standards in project management.
In the paradoxical encomium, however, he demonstrates that before God wholly different standards apply.
We must want a similar ringing endorsement for International Standards of Auditing.
Portals are aimed at human end-users using common Web ' standards ' such as HTTP, HTML, Java and JavaScript ' .
By securely overwriting files numerous times MadeSafe Shred meets and exceeds rigorous international standards for the permanent erasure of digital information.
Hygiene ratings for more than 500 catering establishments in the town will be displayed in a bid to drive up standards in the town.
We have all done wrong by His standards, so we are all estranged from God.
Compression standards are in a state of continual change so anything written today will be overtaken by events.
His own standards of research were so exacting that he published far less than he should have done.
The standards expected should be made explicit in a policy for medical records.
He/she will then recommend the correct extinguishers needed according to the relevant British Standards.
For any accounting or measurement issue that is not addressed in the SME standards, the IASB proposes mandatory fallback to IFRS.
California Assemblyman proposes building standards that promote feng shui.
Brian Mitchell, trading standards officer, described the story as " totally fictitious.
For the most popular artifacts such as ceramic color standards and neutral density filters, streamlined procedures give a fast turn-around.
In addition Riddles added a wide firebox (similar to those he later fitted to the large BR Standards ).
Hotels in some countries may be built to poor standards and have inadequate fire escapes.
Reducing vehicle speeds Work is required to develop harmonized standards for Intelligent Speed Adaptation systems with the aim of eventual universal fitment.
All units come fully fitted to the highest standards for comfortable modern living.
Checks on standards at large users of metalworking fluids have resulted in the serving of Notices requiring improvements.
To reach parts per million quality standards, jobs have to be made foolproof.
Global WiFi Plus gas forklift Completes Another Multi User industry standards forklift Wi-Fi Installation FT.
Using the best album makers and bespoke framers Martyn and Jo strive for simple but excellent standards in their finished pieces.
The stand will also include fan-trained fuchsias, standards and bush plants.
Eateries in Siem Reap marry high Gallic culinary standards with the very best in local gastronomy.
The Web is already having its first, fairly genteel, row over who sets standards.
Whilst the study underlines the gravity of the situation it indicates that standards of protection can and should be improved under all scenarios.
On first reading it appears to be a laudable attempt to establish good water quality standards and protect groundwater.
In order to maintain their high standards and meet strict planning guidelines, the company specified dry mix mortar in white and plain colors.
This is of course in addition to evaluating the web site for conformance to usability design guidelines and standards.
On this day we also hold a gymkhana where children of all standards of riding ability are encouraged to compete.
None of the failures of the standards in 2001 were considered harmful to consumers ' health.
Firstly that they are produced to the highest standards using only high-grade ingredients.
These issues remain at the forefront of concern among teachers, and remain also a hindrance to improving standards in schools.
By any standards, it's an exhausting program of races that would challenge the most carefully honed athlete.
The Chairs of the resources and the standards committees are paid a small monthly honorarium.
The GLA is also working toward getting minimum standards in temporary accommodation for homeless households extended to asylum seekers.
A distinguished scholar from elsewhere gave an imprimatur regarding standards.
Clinical Governance is a framework which helps staff to continuously improve and safeguard standards of patient care.
In fact, on the early records, he worked with almost indecent haste by today's standards.
The Committee reviews the auditors ' independence annually and ensures that they comply with the APB's Ethical Standards.
For example, in Wales, in the automotive components industry, 78 per cent of firms have attained ISO 9000 standards or higher.
It is trading standards ' aim to keep business informed and successful.. .
There has also been much initial anxiety about the interpretation of new standards and how to manage the flexibility available in the assessment regime.
By today's standards she had a pretty good innings, given the life expectancy of the times.
To support work on improving housing conditions, the ODPM will establish a single housing inspectorate to drive up standards in housing provision.
B2 Health visiting intended learning outcomes 20 The course is designed to meet the standards of key stakeholders, including the NMC.
The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent body that awards the FAIRTRADE Mark to products which meet international Fairtrade standards.
With a wonderfully intimate style, Stacey has charmed audiences with a remarkable repertoire of standards.
Expect students to achieve these standards irregardless of ability, background, or prior knowledge.
Surely the new standards won't matter a jot for cash flows, only profits.
During the consumer choice study, the AEBC will need to maintain close liaison with the Food Standards Agency.
Members expressed concerns that the in-vivo rat liver UDS assay had not been conducted to modern standards.
The very moral standards of the Church were seen as a severe reproach of the pagan way of life.
To protect nearby residents from any undue disturbance, proposals to install wind turbines are required to meet strict noise standards.
The coatings also meet or exceed military standards for moderate abrasion resistance.
To comment or make suggestions on these or other ISO standards on polymer melt rheology please contact Martin Rides.
Our approach to raising standards for all children will remain absolutely rigorous.
Posted in accessibility web standards, WaSP ATF, Snakeoil salesman | 1 Comment Back to navigation Muggle me!
Local guidelines regarding the setting and standards of intrapartum fetal and maternal surveillance in women with uterine scar.
Even by the standards of Italian late 1970s sci-fi movies - which are not high - this is bobbins.
It's true that Mozart never lowered his standards, even when writing background music; the two preceding wind serenades are proof of that.
The Cabinet Office Better Public services - Striving to improve standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK.
The modem setup allows you to pick between the various standards of ADSL used.
Also, some way of ensuring the food shacks are adhering to suitable hygeine standards would be nice.
In the 1890's a Professor of the Belgian School of Veterinary Sciences recorded standards for the various types of Belgian sheepdogs.
For export-approved slaughterhouses, 71 per cent had satisfactory hygiene standards.
The standards of decent modern society were set by the Enlightenment.
The general squalor which I was apt to cultivate was also a symbol of revolt against Henry's standards.
Efforts to raise educational standards have had limited success on their own.
We will strive to meet these standards in everything we do.
There is a specific lack of the children's nurses required to maintain standards in acute children's services.
We believe there is great scope to improve design standards on new build for the benefit of all.
In 2002 almost 90% of Scotland's shellfish growing waters complied with the minimum environmental quality standards.
What real freedom is there for NHS Foundation Trusts within these national standards?
I particularly welcome plans to extend direct enforcement powers to trading standards authorities.
The rules about company accounting are spread across various pieces of legislation and accounting standards - which makes it all rather complicated.
The book is durable, robust and tested to the most vigorous of European and British safety standards.
All Rights Reserved | Crown Copyright This site has been built to comply with the W3C AA accessibility standards.
These standards are likely to be adopted by the QAA as the subject benchmark statements for engineering.
Sure, you can opt for the boring standards like monogrammed stationery, handkerchiefs and jewelry---and be like every other bride on the block.
The style or presentation is also being revised to hopefully make the standards less sterile, or putting it plainly - boring.
A real stickler for good service, you're someone who constantly wants to raise standards in your work.
However there needs to be awareness that too many standards may create a straightjacket for service providers and may restrict innovation in service delivery.
This hybrid approach combines the strength of a standards based model with that of continuous quality improvement.
However, member states must also work toward achieving guideline quality standards which are more stringent than the minimum standards.
The works introduce new meanings and messages; forge technical and esthetic innovations and sometimes subvert the standards imposed by the mainstream gaming industry.
There are also supplementary planning guidance notes which set out certain policies and standards in more detail.
The British Standards Organization, for example, specifies graphical symbols for process measurement and control.
From 1961 to 2001, Alan Ross made the magazine synonymous with the highest standards in all the arts.
Solo is built to last, manufactured to exacting traditional standards and finished in superb maple or cherry veneers and solid woods.
Posted in accessibility web standards, WaSP ATF, Snakeoil salesman | 1 Comment Back to navigation Muggle me !
The Citibank offer of unsecured debt consolidation loans is available to creditworthy applicants who also qualify based on the additional standards set by Citibank.
New York's Child Support Standards Act provides child support guidelines and enforcement.