Standardized Sentence Examples
A standardized solution of ammonium molybdate is then added from a burette.
The permanganate or bichromate solution is standardized by dissolving o.
This length has been standardized to a measure of 6 ft., and as such is used mainly in soundings as a unit for measuring the depth of the sea.
For the testing of the viscosity of lubricating oils the Boverton Redwood standardized viscometer is generally employed in Great Britain.
When medical records leave the paper folders of the doctor's office and become highly standardized, more analysis can be done.
The ferrocyanide solution is standardized by dissolving i gramme of pure zinc in 6 cc. of hydrochloric acid, adding ammonium chloride, and titrating as before.
It is standardized by dissolving a weighed amount of lead sulphate in ammonium acetate and proceeding as described above.
At present this otherwise excellent preparation is not standardized, but the suggestion has been made that it should be standardized to contain o 1% of colchicine.
The potassium cyanide solution is standardized by dissolving 0.5 gramme o£ pure copper in 5 cc. of nitric acid, diluting, adding io cc. of ammonia, and titrating exactly as described above.
Since Verdet's constant is somewhat uncertain for different batches of glass even of the same quality, each plate should be standardized in a field of known intensity.
AdvertisementProspective students do not need to submit standardized test scores.
No standardized adventures or canned ideas in this game.
Through the adoption of standardized treaties, they can enter into economic agreements, adopt the same weights and measures, and agree to honor the intellectual property of the others.
Education, in those parts of Latvia where it was standardized by the Protestant Church and Baltic regime, remained on a higher level than in Latgalia with only 38% able to read.
The standardized operational bindings do not have to be established via the Operational Binding management protocol (the DOP ).
AdvertisementThis standardized test scores responses to 33 specific neurological stimuli to estimate the infant's neural development.
In addition, pre-flight passenger briefings need to be comprehensive and standardized.
Thus, stations along the cut-off line were, unsurprisingly, built to a standardized conservative design, utilizing clapboard throughout.
The FOA's set of standardized customer documentation for Energy and Oil Market Participants has now been finalized.
In laboratories with highly standardized testing and quality assurance procedures, this protocol appears highly effective.
AdvertisementSince these are not standardized, you'll need to experiment to see what size works best.
Herbal remedies for the most part are not as standardized as prescription medications.
However, herbal remedies should be standardized and regulated because like any drug, they can have nasty and even deadly side effects.
The application forms are so standardized that it would be difficult to rely solely on them to make admissions decisions.
Our admissions process does not rely on standardized test scores or previous GPAs to guide our decision making.
AdvertisementThe Princeton Review has come to understand that highly qualified, hard-working students can still struggle when taking standardized tests, and that testing is as much a skill as anything else.
The Princeton Review specifically works with underprivileged communities to help bridge the gap between wealthy and impoverished children and their ability to take standardized tests and test well enough to enter into college.
The dog training profession is not standardized, so anybody can hang out a shingle and clain they are a professional dog trainer.
One manufacturer's size 20W may be another's size 16W and vice versa, because there is no standardized sizing for women's apparel.
Although there is no standardized labeling for plus size clothing, most are marked as women's sizes (W) or plus (X).
Keep in mind that there are no standardized guidelines for measurements in the garment industry so you may notice a discrepancy in the fit between different brand labels.
Senior centers don't follow a standardized template.
The policies offered by the insurance companies are standardized and the companies themselves are regulated by the federal government.
All of these agencies operate under diverse sets of regulations, which results in fees that are not standardized.
However, standardized research data for many of these supplements is lacking; much of the information that is known about these alternative medicines is based on small studies or incidental findings.
It wasn't until Super Mario Bros. 3 that his look was standardized as what we see today.
Seed downplays the usual MMORPG elements of combat, character classes and standardized quests.
Even though we now have a standardized video games rating system, there are still individuals like Jack Thompson who decry the violence and mature themes found in many video games.
In 1891, the Marklin Company made toy train history with the introduction of train tracks made of tinplate in sections that were standardized.
He or she should also receive standardized instructions for taking the test and any information on the confidentiality of the results.
The CAT is a standardized test, meaning that norms were established during the design phase of the test by administering the test to a large, representative sample of the test population (in the case of the CAT, over 300,000 students).
For students who are unfamiliar with the mechanics of taking a standardized test, a practice test session given by a teacher shortly before the CAT testing session begins may be appropriate.
What Every Parent Needs to Know About Standardized Tests.
As of 2004, these diseases are not cured, and control is achieved by standardized treatment options.
There is no standardized procedure or set of cards for administering the TAT, except that it is a one-on-one test.
The TAT has been criticized for its lack of a standardized method of administration as well as a lack of standard norms for interpretation.
Intellectual functioning level is defined by standardized tests that measure the ability to reason in terms of mental age (intelligence quotient or IQ).
Adaptive behavior scales are standardized tests used to describe and evaluate the behavior of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, especially those at risk for communication delays and behavior impairments.
The current standardized version for adults 18 and over, the MMPI-2, was released in 1989, with a subsequent revision of certain test elements in early 2001.
The CAT, as well as other projective measures, has been criticized for its lack of a standardized method of administration as well as the lack of standard norms for interpretation.
At 12 hours after the start of the fast, the person is given 75 grams of glucose to ingest in the form of a drink or standardized jelly beans.
A mentally retarded child is defined as one who falls in the lower end of the range of intelligence, usually with an IQ (intelligence quotient) below 80 on some standardized IQ tests.
Vocabulary size is one of the primary components of standardized tests of verbal intelligence, and it grows slowly in retarded children.
Grade retention has become increasingly controversial as early 2000s education initiatives such as No Child Left Behind have pressed schools to meet certain standards defined by scores on standardized tests.
The difficulty with this test is that the noises used are not standardized in frequency or intensity.
A student's academic record and scores on standardized tests form the core of his or her college application profile.
The Sheshore Measures of Musical Talent is a widely used standardized test for measuring musical abilities in students applying to music programs, conservatories, and colleges and universities.
One procedure for diagnosing children aged 24 to 36 months asks parents to complete a standardized questionnaire in which they check off the vocabulary the child knows and write down examples of the child's two-word sentences.
The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale is a standardized test that assesses intelligence and cognitive abilities in children, beginning at age two, and in adults.
School-aged children who are abused typically have problems academically and have poorer grades and performance on standardized achievement tests.
Although most research indicates that it often takes seven years for ELLs to attain full English fluency, the new federal law allows these children only three years before they must take standardized tests in English.
A 2003 survey by the National Education Association found that 22,000 schools in 44 states failed to make the required yearly progress on standardized tests, primarily because of low test scores by ELLs and disabled students.
Standardized tests for infants and toddlers may be used to assess social, emotional, and intellectual development.
The Bayley Scales of Mental and Motor Development are used worldwide as standardized measures of infant development at eight months of age.
Standardized test-A test that follows a regimented structure, and each individual's scores may be compared with those of groups of people.
The BSID was standardized on 1,700 infants, toddlers, and preschoolers between one and 42 months of age.
Skin prick tests or intra dermal tests to demonstrate IgE allergies are standardized for very few medications.
Penicillin testing is standardized and can be used in extreme situations.
Most achievement and ability tests are standardized, meaning that norms were established during the design phase of the test by administering the test to a large representative sample of the test population.
In the early 2000s standardized tests are increasingly used to evaluate performance in U.S. schools.
Thus, states and the federal government have adopted standardized tests for evaluating knowledge and skills on the assumption that testing is an effective way to measure outcomes of education.
The use of this type of standardized tests is controversial.
Standardized tests allow researchers to compare data from large numbers of students or subgroups of students.
Standardized tests reveal little about the test-taker's thought process during testing.
Individual interviews require a much greater time commitment on the part of the teacher than the administration of a standardized test to the entire class at one time.
Traditional standardized tests rely on specific, structured procedures, which with young children presents some problems.
One shortcoming of standardized testing is that it assumes that the same instrument can evaluate all students.
Standardized test-A test that follows a regimented structure, and each individuals scores may be compared with those of groups of people.
Most school districts have standardized programs to screen large numbers of children between kindergarten and third grade.
Standardized growth charts and wrist radiographs can assess normal skeletal growth and determine whether there are problems concerning growth that is too fast or too slow.
Standardized tests place them well below their IQ range in their area of difficulty.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scales are standardized tests, meaning that as part of the test design, they were administered to a large representative sample of the target population, and norms were determined from the results.
However, as people traveled more, they wanted to have a more standardized form of dance, and in the Renaissance dance masters created the first dance steps "feet diagram" charts.
The original form developed by Prado was eventually replaced by a more standardized version developed by Puerto Rican dance teacher Eddie Torres in the 1970s.
However, homeschooling has shown to be more effective for many children than public school, with the average scores on standardized achievement tests consistently higher for homeschoolers than those of public school students.
Students who are home schooled tend to perform better on standardized achievement tests, and substantially so, with scores averaging 30 points higher than their public schooled peers.
Children homeschooled in Georgia must complete a national standardized achievement test at least once every three years, beginning at the end of the third grade.
Georgia does not require parents to submit standardized test scores to the public school authorities.
Mean scores on every subtest on standardized academic achievement far surpass those scores of publicly schooled students.
Homeschool students tend to score above the national percentile on standardized achievement tests such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.
These cases are tragic and many states have used such cases to point to the need for standardized regulations to help stop abuse.
One "issue" with homeschooling that has many public educators in particular up in arms, is the lack of standardized regulations for homeschoolers.
Standardized tests always offer scores in percentiles.
State Tests - Most states have their own standardized tests that measure specific benchmarks.
Call your local public school or your homeschooling liaison if you want your child to take one of the state's standardized tests.
Standardized testing keeps parents clued in to how their children are learning and what areas might need more focus.
Colonial candle history is credited with making the first standardized candles as a direct result of the discovery of spermaceti wax.
In 1952, she designed the Apgar Score, a standardized method of evaluating a newborn’s transition from the womb to the outside world.
The use of her scoring method would become standardized for neo-natal physicians and pediatricians in the decades following its creation.
These are all important parts of a person's identity, but there aren't really any places in the profiles of these standardized dating sites to list them.
When the history of carat weight adjusted to the standardized measurement, additional quantifiable measures were needed to compare stones of different weights and partial carats.
Stronger Academics - Studies have shown that homeschoolers tend to outperform their publicly-schooled peers on nationally standardized tests.
There was one minor indication (.05%) that the use of uniforms might improve standardized tests, but even that was inconclusive.
There are many different dialects of spoken Chinese used throughout the world, but written Chinese has been standardized (first as Classical Chinese and since 1919, Vernacular Chinese).
Since body piercing is passed from master piercer to apprentice, aftercare knowledge is not standardized across the piercing industry.
The Association of Professional Piercers is a body of piercing professionals that have a standardized regimen for body piercing aftercare comprised of the latest developments in wound care techniques.
Removing watch band links is largely a standardized procedure.
Through research studies the developers of the assessment test that is standardized to measure the following in babies as young as six months old.
Colors are matched to a standardized color palette with manufacturers producing inks to match a particular palette color, assigning a particular ink a number matching the palette's number.
Standardized system that works Proven methods that provide assistance in hiring, training, marketing and advertising.
Standardized financial and accounting systems greatly reduces errors and streamlines accounting.
There are currently ten standardized Medicare supplemental policies, or Medigap plans, that can be purchased from private insurance companies and agents.
The plans are standardized so you can compare them easily.
Insurance companies and agents can only sell you one of these standardized Medigap plans and must follow all of the Federal and State laws that have been put into place to govern Medicare supplemental coverage.
Though the plans are standardized, and will be the same no matter who you purchase them from, insurance companies are allowed to set the cost for coverage and costs may vary greatly.
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) allow you to choose your dentist from the network of dentists who accept standardized payments from the insurance company.
It's a standardized format that is meant to offer uniformity, so people know what to expect no matter whose page they are visiting.
Though you can't actually change things like backgrounds, colors, and standardized text on your Facebook profile, there are certain things you can do to make your profile more suited to your own personality.
After the first Battle of Bull Run in 1861, the War Department standardized the Union uniform.
By the second year of the war, almost every Union regiment was equipped with the standardized Union soldier uniform.
Even though helmets are standardized for safety, you can still put your own individual style on your headgear.
As Shelley Doll wrote in her Tech Republic tutorial on the process, it is a "...method to present data sets in a standardized way.
The "web address" is a standardized way for the web browsers to find these files.
When purchasing green tea make sure the label states that the green tea used is standardized for caffeine and EGCG.
But the materials for his biography are so controversial and so personal - his own Confessions and the memoirs of associates whose accuracy and honesty are disputed - that the correct historical view can hardly be said yet to be standardized.
The advantage of a standardized extract is that the quality control is more assured than for most preparations of the raw herb.
So what is a whole plant standardized extract as opposed to an isolated plant constituent and what is a tincture?
HealthAid fenugreek is a standardized extract of 200mg with 400mg of raw fenugreek powder.
Extract standardized to 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones.
In most cases, they adhere to a standardized format and are remarkably inexpensive.
The weighted standardized impact sound pressure level is calculated according to a similar procedure to that of the airborne sound insulation.
However, the value and usability of human-readable Web pages will be enhanced when they are made machine-readable with standardized semantic tags.
The students worked collectively on the section introducing the normal curve and standardized scores.
There's an active literary scene, there's been discussions and proposals for a standardized orthography.
The Disability Co-ordinator follows a standardized protocol in processing a PIN form.
Confidence intervals are shown only on the graphs of standardized mortality ratios for deaths in the local areas.
This allows shippers to perform standardized shipment transactions, over a common platform, with all the participating carriers.
To some extent they were standardized - a weaver's shuttle was a weaver's shuttle be it from Edinburgh or Haddington.
Each Senokot Tablet contains standardized senna equivalent to 7.5mg total sennosides.
To some extent they were standardized - a weaver 's shuttle was a weaver 's shuttle be it from Edinburgh or Haddington.
The vaccine, in the form of standardized doses of sporulated oocysts, is normally administered in water during the first two weeks.
Thus it is claimed that it was Muhammad who standardized what is in the Qur'an.
The recommended dosage is 500mg of standardized turmeric extract once a day.
Standardized testing is an unreliable way to measure students' intelligence and cognitive ablility.
Do not assume that one single portfolio will work for all and every artwork, unless your artwork is very, very standardized.
Go for a printing calculator that is more standardized in its accessories since it will be more economical and convenient for you in the long run.
All calculator models do not offer the same standardized functions.
At that time, lending practices were not standardized and lenders based their decisions of whether or not to lend on various criteria including personal relationships with the borrower.
This type of turmeric has been standardized for use as a dietary supplement and may be safer overall for regular consumption.
Because herbs can vary so widely in potency, the directive seeks to force manufacturers to test, measure and create more standardized products.
Taking a standardized supplement formula will ensure that you are getting the proper dosage.
Instead, they are only being taught bits and pieces of a curriculum, or "teaching to the test," so that they will score high on standardized tests.
A good first step is to see how the existing students are scoring on standardized tests.
These scores are calculated based on the results of CST California Standardized Test (CST) scores in both Mathematics and English-Language Arts.
When looking at the best California middle schools based on standardized test score rankings, don't forget to take that next step.
In treating an actual and present attack of asthma, it is advisable to give the standardized tincture of belladonna - unless expense is no consideration, in which case atropine may itself be used - in doses of twenty minims every quarter of an hour as long as no evil effects appear.
The amount of iodine liberated is therefore a measure of the copper in the solution, and when the sodium thiosulphate has been carefully standardized the method is extremely accurate.
It is necessary in the first place, after the ore is in solution, to reduce all the iron to the ferrous condition; then the carefully standardized solution of the oxidizing reagent is added until all the iron is in the ferric state, the volume of the standard solution used being the measure of the iron contained in the ore.
This bulwark against the encroachments of the Jesuits and the Reformed Church was standardized by the synod of Jerusalem in 1672.
In the same year the gold and silver coinage of Paraguay were legally standardized as identical with those of Argentina (5 gold dollars or pesos = £ 1); but paper money is about the only circulating medium, and gold commands a high premium (1600% in December 1908).
For example, various sugars - lactose, glucose, saccharose, &c. - are added to test the fermentative action of the bacterium on these substances; litmus is added to show changes in reaction, specially standardized media being used for estimating such changes; peptone solution is commonly employed for testing whether or not the bacterium forms indol; sterilized milk is used as a culture medium to determine whether or not it is curdled by the growth.
A few drops of starch solution are then added, and when the blue colour has nearly vanished a drop or two of methyl orange makes the end reaction very sharp. The thiosulphate solution is standardized by dissolving o 3 to o 5 gramme of pure copper in 3 cc. of nitric acid, adding 50 cc. of water and 5 cc. of ammonia, and titrating as above after the addition of 5 cc. of glacial acetic acid and 5 cc. of the potassium iodide solution.
In due time the horse is bled, the serum is filtered free of blood corpuscles, and then constitutes the antitoxic serum, which can be standardized to a certain potency.
In 1905 was taken the first of a new series of special decennial censuses of manufactures, in which only true factoriesthat is, establishments producing standardized products intended for the general marketwere included, and mere neighborhood (local) establishments of the hand trades were excluded.