Stalin Sentence Examples
In Russia, Joseph Stalin had thousands of writers, intellectuals, and scientists arrested and put into concentration camps.
They discussed the internal conflictsin the communist party of the Soviet Union, between Stalin and Trotsky.
Stalin was quickly depicted as an evil despot, out to conquer the world.
Have we all been victims of Trotskii's damning verdicts on Stalin?
That they were East European was compounded by the fact that Russia was communist and led by Joseph Stalin.
He held a principled objection to Stalin or Hitler.
Stalin was asked that Allied air crews be allowed to use Russian air bases.
Over 800 British fighter aircraft were sent to help Stalin against the German onslaught?
On the 12th May 1949 Stalin admitted defeat and lifted the blockade.
Stalin -- ironically the Bolshevik's first commissar of nationalities -- was more guilty than most of reviving old tsarist ways.
AdvertisementStalin and his faction personified the bureaucracy, and their victory represented the consummation of the bureaucracy's transformation into an elite.
Throughout the Stalin era, Gramsci's memory was deliberately effaced.
Tragically the CP, at Stalin's behest, adopted a sectarian, ultra-left line, labeling the SPD ' social fascists ' .
Historians argue that it was the political ineptitude of his opponents which allowed Stalin to gain power.
Churchill had completely miscalculated, but so had Stalin, Hitler and Roosevelt.
AdvertisementIn either case, I scarcely need say, she would be hard put to raise any principled objection to Stalin or Hitler.
By far the most important such amendment was the theory of socialism in one country, first promulgated by Stalin in autumn 1924.
The same thing holds for the intelligence service in which Stalin sees the quintessence of the state.
By the mid - 1920s Stalin's bureaucratic reaction had triumphed in the Bolshevik party and the Comintern underwent a sea change.
Stalin was a murderous thug who had destroyed the revolution.
AdvertisementIn 1923 Kamenev joined Stalin and Zinoviev forming the triumvirate (troika) against Trotskyism.
So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and every bloodthirsty tyrant in the history of the world.
With the inability to refute the lies and slanders within the Soviet Union, the cult of Stalin became unassailable.
Stalin was totally unscrupulous, whereas Trotsky was loyal to certain ideals which he would not betray Trotsky was considered ambitious and arrogant.
Stalin used anti-semitism to fuel Great Russian xenophobia after 1947.
AdvertisementBy the mid - 1920s Stalin 's bureaucratic reaction had triumphed in the Bolshevik party and the Comintern underwent a sea change.
To this nightmare, Stalin also added the specter of long-prepared partisan warfare.
During the last few years, Stalin has shot hundreds of real or supposed friends of mine.
It was Stalin, the most odious tyrant of the century.
Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party, was determined to find a natural source of diamonds on Soviet soil.
Stalin wanted to find and cultivate domestic diamonds to secure Soviet independence from Western Democratic powers and establish the Soviet Union as an industrial world leader.
By 1947, Stalin regularly sent out expeditions of geologists and diamond hunters to search for kimberlite in hopes of discovering diamond-rich land.
Even though Stalin created Mirny Mine to harvest domestic industrial-grade diamonds, the mine also produced large quantities of gem-grade diamonds.
After his death, many claim that his prophecies predicted the reign of Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, the two World Wars and many other major world events.
Indeed, he again averred that so long as the wise and prudent Stalin was alive Russia would adhere to her treaties.