Stained Sentence Examples
Color stained his neck and spewed up into his face.
My fingertips are still stained a bit blue.
The cloak they spread under him was wet with blood which stained his breeches and arm.
They are stained deep red in dilute solution of alkanin.
She turned to see him motion her towards the jungle surrounding the lake. His clothing was torn, and blood stained his skin. He appeared to have been running; his boots were covered in mud that had splashed to his thighs, and his face was flushed.
Aren't they afraid of sinning?... said the same mob now, looking with pained distress at the dead body with its long, thin, half-severed neck and its livid face stained with blood and dust.
Staying at the bed and breakfast was a dramatic change of scene for Martha from Aunt Janet's cigarette stained trailer.
I want assurances from you and that horrid old Mr. O'Connor that the integrity of my family name will not be stained with unproven lies!
He needed a shave and his clothes were stained with something.
The walls were of stained pine, shellacked to a glow that reflected every ray of light that entered the large windows.
AdvertisementIt was not completed, however, till the 19th century, when the west portal and towers and two bays of the nave were added, according to the plans of Violletle-Duc. The fine stained glass of the windows dates from the 13th to the 15th centuries.
She felt vindicated by the color that stained his dark cheeks.
The metal lair was much cooler than the air above ground, and water stained the walls on one side of the tunnel.
At once, she wished she'd told him to change into a new one and bring her the stained shirt.
The architecture of the department is chiefly displayed in its churches, many of which possess stained glass of the 16th century.
AdvertisementWhen fixed and stained this granular mass is resolved into a more or less distinct granular network which consists of a substance called Linin, only slightly stained by the ordinary nuclear stains, and, embedded in it, a more deeply stainable substance called Chromatin.
It was begun by Ugolino Vieri of Siena in 1337, and was made to contain the Holy Corporal from Bolsena, which, according to the legend, became miraculously stained with blood during the celebration of mass to convince a sceptical priest of the truth of the doctrine of transubstantiation.
The church of St Martin, dating from the i 5th century, has good stained glass.
Finally, in April 1995, a small group was assembled for full-time stained glasswork.
The timber system is available in clear lacquer, stained or colored finish.
AdvertisementThe hardwood floor had not been stained.
It is remarkable for a porch ornamented in the richest Gothic style, and for its stained windows of the 16th century.
Fragments of Norman work areleft; the interior is elaborately adorned with sculptures and stained glass.
Make your jeans look faded, bleached, or tea stained just like the designer brands that cost so much money.
Accordingly, David is not to be condemned for failing to subdue the sensuality which is the chief stain on his character, but should rather be judged by his habitual recognition of a generous standard of conduct, by the undoubted purity and lofty justice of an administration which was never stained by selfish considerations or motives of personal rancour, 5 and finally by the calm 3 See Hebrew Religion, Messiah, Prophet.
AdvertisementThe abbey church contained famous stained glass, and some of this is preserved in the neighbouring church at Morley.
The parish churches of Dronfield, Hathersage (with some notable stained glass), Sandiacre and Tideswell exemplify the Decorated period; the last is a particularly stately and beautiful building, with a lofty and ornate western tower and some good early brasses.
The art of making stained xxv11.3 2 a glass windows was not practised by the Venetians; almost the only fine glass in Venice is that in a south transept window in the Dominican church, which, though designed by able Venetian painters, is obviously the work of foreigners.
He left his retirement, secured the support of the army and marched upon Constantinople, where his advent was stained by a cruel massacre of the Latin inhabitants.
The central tower and the south portal (13th century) are the chief features of its simple exterior; in the interior, the decorative work, notably the chapel-screens and some fine stained glass, is remarkable.
The churches of St Etienne and St Jean, both of the Renaissance period with later additions, preserve stained glass of the 16th century.
The stained glass both in the cathedral and in other churches of the city is particularly noteworthy; its survival may be traced to the stipulation made by the citizens when surrendering to parliament in the civil wars that it should not be damaged.
The statuary of the lateral portals, the stained glass of the 13th century, and the choir-screen of the Renaissance are all unique from the artistic standpoint.
The abbey church of St Pierre, dating chiefly from the 1 3 th century, contains, besides some fine stained glass, twelve representations of the apostles in enamel, executed about 1 547 by Leonard Limosin.
The game-pies and other delicacies of Chartres are well known, and the industries also include flour-milling, brewing, distilling, iron-founding, leather manufacture, dyeing, and the manufacture of stained glass, billiard requisites, hosiery, &c.
The church of St Martin is ancient, and contains stained glass from Cartmel priory in Furness.
The modern stained glass in the chancel is reckoned amongst the finest in Scotland.
In dressing mica the "books" are split along the cleavage into sheets of the required thickness, and the sheets trimmed into rectangles with a sharp knife, shears or guillotine, stained and damaged portions being rejected.
The cathedral contains some fine stained glass, the largest organ in Germany (1856), and a number of interesting old paintings and carvings by Jorg Syrlin the elder, Jorg Syrlin the younger, Burkhard Engelberger, and other masters of the Swabian school.
Leather-working and the manufacture of stained glass are leading industries.
The certainty with which tissues can now be fixed in the state they were in when living, and the delicacy with which they can be stained differentially, have been the means of opening up a new world of exploration.
Fragments of coal, or soil stained black with coal, will be found near the outcrop tif coal beds.
The outcrop of a metalliferous vein frequently manifests itself as a line of rocks stained with oxide of iron, often honeycombed and porous, the " gossan " or " eisen-hut," the iron oxide of which results from the decomposition of the pyrites, usually present as a constituent of such veins.
Its west portal, the decoration of the spire of the tower, and its stained glass are among the features which make it one of the finest churches of the Rouen diocese.
The central vent displays considerable activity, while the rocky walls are stained with red, yellow and white deposits from numerous minor vents.
Maria del Calcinaio, a fine early Renaissance building by Francesco di Giorgio Martini of Siena, with fine stained glass windows.
Among the public institutions of the city should be mentioned the public library, picture gallery, botanical garden, and the institute for the making of stained glass.
His successor succeeded in further aggrandizing the Bundela state, but he is represented to have been a notorious plunderer, and his character is further stained by the assassination of the celebrated Abul Fazl, the prime minister and historian of Akbar.
In her haste she dropped her veil, which the lion tore to pieces with jaws stained with the blood of an ox.
The choir-stalls and screen (1510) are finely carved, and of further interest are the ancient pulpit sounding-board (1432), some old stained glass, and the small models of ships, copies dating from 1638 of yet earlier models originally presented by the Dutch-Swedish Trading Company.
The church of Argues, a building of the 16th century, preserves a fine stone rood screen, statuary, stained glass and other relics of the Renaissance period.
The lips are usually deep red and the teeth stained black from the habit of betel-chewing.
Some of the stained glass is very rich, dating from the 13th to the 15th century.
Its principal building is the church of St Etienne, of the 16th and 17th centuries, which contains some fine stained glass.
It has an interesting Evangelical church, containing some old wood-carving and stained glass, a Roman Catholic church, several schools and a training college for schoolmasters.
Judged by the florists' rules, they are either good or bad in form, and pure or stained (white or yellow) at the base; the badly formed and stained flowers are thrown away, while the good and pure are grown on, these being known as "breeder" tulips.
His government was a military despotism resting upon a well-appointed army; it was administered through officials absolutely subservient to an inflexible will and controlled by a widespread system of espionage; while the exercise of his personal authority was too often stained by acts of unnecessary cruelty.
The rivalry of these towns is intimately connected with the struggles and insurrections which have stained the land with blood.
The windows were to be plain and undivided, and it was forbidden to decorate them with stained glass.
Of the churches, St Antoine (13th and 16th centuries) with some fine Renaissance stained glass, and St Jacques (13th and 15th centuries), need alone be mentioned.
It contains some fine stained glass and carved woodwork of this period.
All cocoons stained by the premature death of the chrysalides (chiques), pierced cocoons, and any from other causes rendered unreelable, are put aside for the spun-silk manufacture.
It has a Romanesque church, with a carved altar of 1523, and stained glass of the 14th and 15th centuries; and there is a 16th century town hall.
In the interior of the church are some beautiful stained glass windows, both ancient and modern, the tombstones of several of the dukes of Zahringen, statues of archbishops of Freiburg, and paintings by Holbein and by Hans Baldung (c. 1 47 0 - 1 545), commonly called Griin.
Within are monuments to the Glanville and Bourchier families, besides some good stained glass, one window being the work of William Morris.
Its stained glass windows are among the finest in Spain, and it possesses archives of great value.
The roof is supported by fifty-two pillars with canopied niches for statues instead of capitals; the great windows of the choir, reputed to be the largest in the world, are filled with stained glass of 1844.
The paler skins from all districts in Siberia are now cleverly coloured or "topped," that is, just the tips of the hair are stained dark, and it is only an expert who can detect them from perfectly natural shades.
The opportunities for cheating in the fur trade are very considerable, and most serious frauds have been perpetrated in the selling of sables that have been coloured or "topped"; that is, just the tips of the hairs stained dark to represent more expensive skins.
Spencer, has versified the tale of Llewelyn, king of Wales, leaving Gelert and the baby prince at home, returning to find Gelert stained with,the blood of a wolf, and killing the hound because he thought his child was slain.
The Jesse window in the choir of Dorchester Abbey, Oxfordshire, is remarkable in that the tree forms the central mullion, and many of the figures are represented as statuettes on the branches of the upper tracery; other figures are in the stained glass; the whole gives a beautiful example of the combination of glass and carved stonework in one design.
The nave was begun in 1096 and is Romanesque in style; the transept and choir, which contain magnificent stained glass of the Renaissance period, are of Gothic architecture.
The Eastern warfare of the Good is stained by the frightful sack of Thessalonica; it is marked also by the formation of an Eastern state under Sicilian supremacy (1186).
While the houses of the poorer classes are mean and too often dirty, in marked contrast are the houses of the wealthier citizens, built generally in a style of elaborate arabesque, the windows shaded with projecting cornices of graceful woodwork (mushrebiya) and ornamented with stained glass.
The principal apartment is generally paved with marble; in the centre a decorated lantern is suspended over a fountain, while round the sides are richly inlaid cabinets and windows of stained glass; and in a recess is the divan, a low, narrow, cushioned seat.
There are numerous saw-mills, shipbuilding yards, engineering works, distilleries, sugar refineries, tobacco factories, linen bleacheries and stained glass, salt and white lead works.
The prospectus set forth that the firm would undertake church decoration, carving, stained glass, metal-work, paper-hangings, chintzes and carpets.
The chief of the other churches of Amiens is St Germain (15th century), which has some good stained glass.
He had already in bonds one leader of revolution, whose hands were stained with blood - a striking contrast to the calm and silent figure who stood before him.
This last statement has reference to the bishops who had left Maximus no peace till he had stained his hands with the blood of Priscillian and his followers.
Sobriety and hardiness characterize the bulk of the people, though the higher classes are too often stained with deep and degrading debauchery.
Foremost among its buildings must be mentioned its five chief churches, stately Gothic edifices in glazed brick, with lofty spires and replete with medieval works of art - pictures, stained glass and tombs.
The west front contains a magnificent rose-window, and some of the stained glass dates from the 15th and 16th centuries.
The latter victory, obtained with but trifling loss, was stained by the massacre of a third of the Mahommedan population.
Markham, however, states that both Ali Mirza and Hasan Ali were allowed to retire with a small pension, and that no atrocities stained the beginning of the reign of Mahommed Shah.
The Round Tower, called the High Tower in Wykeham's day, is the Norman Keep. It was being refitted for apartments for the king and queen a little before Wykeham's time, and his first accounts include the last items for its internal decoration, including 28 stained glass windows.
The chief treasures of the church are its rich stained glass (12th, 13th and 15th centuries) and valuable tapestry (14th to 18th centuries).
The main Jewish synagogue, a fine building in oriental style, erected in 1866, stands in a commanding position in the Oranienburger-strasse and is remarkable for its stained glass.
The oldest nunnery is that founded on the Nonnberg by St Rupert, the Gothic church of which dates from 1423 and contains some fine stained glass and some old frescoes.
In the cathedral choir is good stained glass of 1485.
But, though those who opposed annexation formed a numerous body, all political parties were agreed that in case of annexation the excesses which had stained the record of the Free State should cease.
A custom prevails among the coast tribes of placing their marriageable maidens on view in little bowers specially built for the purpose - the skin of the girls being stained red.
In 1862 he made a second expedition against the Gallas, which was stained with atrocious cruelties.
Of the churches the Lutheran Jakobskirche (called the cathedral), a Gothic building with some fine old stained glass, is noteworthy.
The Oude Kerk (St Nicholaas), so called, was built about the year 1300, and contains some beautiful stained glass of the 16th and 17th centuries, by Pieter Aertsen of Amsterdam (1508-1575) and others.
The interior is fitted with magnificent wood carvings and stained glass windows illustrating the principal scenes of "Carmen Sylva's" writings.
It is a beautiful room, with open timber roof, windows partly of stained glass, and walls tapestried and panelled.
On the same bench of a Calcutta college sit youths trained up in the strictest theism, others indoctrinated in the mysteries of the Hindu trinity and pantheon, with representatives of every link in the chain of superstition - from the harmless offering of flowers before the family god to the cruel rites of Kali, whose altars in the most civilized districts of Bengal, as lately as the famine of 1866, were stained with human blood.
The carved wooden doors of both the north and the south portals are masterpieces respectively of Gothic and Renaissance workmanship. The church possesses an elaborate astronomical clock (1866) and tapestries of the 15th and 17th centuries; but its chief artistic treasures are stained glass windows of the 13th, 14th and 16th centuries, the most beautiful of them from the hand of the Renaissance artist, Engrand Le Prince, a native of Beauvais.
To him also is due some of the stained glass in St.
The church has some fine stained glass and many pictures and other works of art.
The church of St Mary, with the exception of the tower a modern reconstruction, contains some French stained glass of the 16th century.
Modern writers describe the place as windowless, but Ibn Jubair mentions five windows of rich stained glass from Irak.
The chapel, with fine oak choir-stalls, mosaic pavements, marble altars and stained glass, and with adjoining cloisters, was dedicated in 1890.
The Groote Kerk of St James (15th and 16th centuries) hasafine vaulted interior, and contains some old stained glass, a carved wooden pulpit (1550), a large organ and interesting sepulchral monuments, and some escutcheons of the knights of the Golden Fleece, placed here after the chapter of 1456.
Peter and Paul, dating from the 13th century, contains some fine early stained glass.
The cathedral has some fine stained glass, a sculptured pulpit and the famous astronomical clock in the south transept; this contains some fragments of the clock built by the mathematician, Conrad Dasypodius, in 1574.
The town hall dates from 1844, and contains a beautiful hall with rich stained glass windows.
They are also often stained with iron oxide and organic substances, and in consequence their true nature is almost impossible to determine.
It contained only stained and wrinkled sheets.
She wiped a hand across her tear stained face, smudging an abundance of makeup.
Doors are intricately carved with Mayan motifs; stained glass windows set the rooms aglow with understated colors.
A stained glass window, left, depicts poets and musicians, and there is a carved wood altar and mosaic screen.
I noticed both the index and middle fingers of his hand were tobacco stained to dark amber.
The center of the particle appears amorphous in negatively stained EM preps, the nucleocapsid being in a loosely wound rather disordered state.
His second level leather armor stained with the blood of his enemy hugs him like a long lost lover.
This would be of serious interest to stained glass artisans.
The original staircase banister has been reinstated, treated and stained to match its original color.
The huge basilica has magnificent stained glass windows which are awe inspiring for both the believer and the non believer.
A few years ago people had beige, purely functional computers... hidden under desks, stained with the office smoker's exhalation.
Les Moonves in a loincloth, collar and tie, waving a broadsword stained with the blood of failed sitcoms.
The flint artifacts found in the ancient river gravels are frequently rolled, battered, and stained brown by iron oxides.
She wears a vivid red cape over a delicately silver stained tunic.
Original and elegant features have been lovingly restored with ornate cornices and stained glass windows.
The east window is of stained glass, representing the crucifixion of Our Lord.
Recent cancer diagnosis & minor stroke have forced me to give up my stained glass business.
Carved into the inglenook fireplace are the letters ' ell ' and in the stained glass window lovers ' swans.
The chancel window is of beautifully stained glass, on which are represented the four evangelists, and the crucifixion.
The Abbey contains some particularly fine stained glass, and superb fan vaulting.
Our concepts of knowing and loving are necessarily dimmed with our own finitude, stained with our nothingness.
And, as a result, His robe is stained with the blood of His defeated foes.
Only Long Melford can compete with its stained glass.
It is housed in an attractive modern building well lit due to it's stained glass ceiling.
The timber has a rich red heartwood similar in color to mahogany and is seldom stained.
In fact it is tin, stained to resemble wood a fine example of Victorian ingenuity.
Attractive stained glass windows are an interesting feature of a simple recently renovated and decorated interior.
Stained cellulose lacquer peel, examined under PPL illumination.
Some areas showed accumulation of neutral lipid in fibers that stained positively for succinate dehydrogenase.
And when things got hard they could always go back into that warm dark room with the stained lumpy mattresses.
The apartment has stained glass windows and wooden paneling while being fully modernized in 2005.
Music written on greased stained menus rather than table napkins.
Nesfield kept the church's great medieval treasure, the stained glass in the east window of the north nave.
His third major opus, on The Stained Glass of New College, Oxford, appeared in 1951.
If the chromosomes of such cells are selectively stained with a dye such as acetic orcein, stages in mitosis can be observed.
Research Staff Dr. Tim Ayers Medieval stained glass in England; architectural and artistic patronage in the medieval universities.
It is part of a stained cellulose lacquer rock peel.
These bacteria can cause a reoccurring cough, which produces phlegm, often blood stained.
This page contains an epi-fluorescence photomicrograph of a pine cone stained thin section taken.. .
Truth rather than fancy was that much of his much, much older skeleton was stained by blood tinted ochre pigment.
She lives in Budapest, where apart from writing and translating poetry, she designs and produces stained glass windows.
It has been recently new roofed, and the east window contains a profusion of old stained glass.
There is an interesting Bee and Butterfly stained glass window, stone carvings and a splendid 17th century pulpit and canopy.
Once, the windows were full of stained glass images of Saints, but they were all destroyed, probably by 17th century Puritans.
It has a romanesque crypt, twelfth century quire and thirteenth century stained glass windows.
I would accept nothing, not even bread rations, from the hands stained with the blood of the brave Kronstadt sailors.
The decorative schemes have been meticulously researched and missing elements stained glass panels, stencils and soft furnishings painstakingly recreated.
Evidence of the damage can still be seen on the lower stonework, which was stained deep red by the fire.
The reconstructions are in accord with previous images of stained virions and shows tremendous similarity with the human reovirus.
Unfit foods were stained in accordance with the appropriate sterilization and staining regulations, prior to leaving the slaughterhouse.
This crude test compared well to analysis of a stained smear of the same blood back in the laboratory.
It is written in silver letters, in very narrow columns, on extremely thin vellum stained with purple.
Fabulous stained glass windows dating back to the twelfth century.
A truly beautiful environment in which to discover the wonder of stained glass.
Walls throughout are white with dark stained woodwork around the doors.
Milan was invested in 1161, starved into capitulation after nine months resistance, and given up to total destruction by the Italian imperialists of Fredericks army, so stained and tarnished with the vindictive passions of municipal rivalry was even this, the one great glorious strife of Italian annals.
In the interior, which comprises the nave with aisles, transept and choir with ambulatory and side chapels, there are fine rose-windows with stained glass of the r4th century, and other works of art.
A bill to provide compensation for tenants who had been evicted by Irish landlords passed the Commons, but was shipwrecked in the Lords, and a ghastly record of outrage and murder stained the following winter.
The wounded man was shown his amputated leg stained with clotted blood and with the boot still on.
The blood- stained smith stood beside him with a gloomy face.
Once, the windows were full of stained glass images of Saints, but they were all destroyed, probably by 17th century puritans.
You can see how the bricks are pointed with a stained mortar and then a line of putty mortar set in.
Within, high stained glass windows of shimmering beauty throw rainbow shards of light down the aisle.
Some of the stained glass in York Minster dates back to the twelfth century.
He had a pale completion and yellow stained teeth, he was wearing a blue tracksuit top, white tracksuit bottoms and black trainers.
Here we have images of Dinoflagellate 5 cysts from a stained cellulose lacquer peel.
Tissue specimens collected during routine endoscopic or surgical procedures were cut and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
Chromosomes are large enough to be seen under a microscope once they have been stained with certain dyes.
The cave contains a large amount of stalactite formations, much of which is stained by various other minerals.
Bleaching, if successful, can take longer on tetracycline stained teeth.
No virus particles were observed in EM of leaf extracts stained with uranyl acetate.
These include crosses, christening gowns, stained glass windows, churches, doves, lambs, and others.
Shades, like bases and columns, can be made of a wide range of materials, including metal, cloth, stained glass, synthetic materials or some combination of these.
But if you like a more traditional style, choose oak bookcases or pine bookcases that can be stained or painted to your liking.
Lamps Plus has a great selection of desk lamps with really innovative designs in stained glass, stainless steel and so on.
Nylon is the most often used fiber and is easy to clean if it gets stained or dirty.
This product will remove odor from carpets, padding and the floor underneath the stained area.
If chair problems go beyond cracked casters or stained upholstery, proceed with caution.
You can go with paint or stained finishes on your wood furniture selections.
If your couch cushions become torn, fall apart, or get stained, you'll face a tough decision when looking for couch replacement cushions.
However, since the desk is going to be painted instead of stained if you go this route, you will usually want a paint-grade desk or a desk made of less expensive wood.
Discard bruised, stained, or discolored leaves and stems.
This small company has a big selection of furniture, and most pieces can be painted or stained to your specifications.
Most country French style furniture is stained a natural color, such as honey brown or light natural pine.
Stained glass windows were featured throughout the house, including a 64 square foot stained glass skylight on the second story.
The stained glass featured, divided staircase, octagonal shaped rooms and towers are all indicative of Gothic design.
These hardwoods are hand carved, sanded, burnished and stained to a lustrous finish that is low maintenance, yet extremely beautiful.
Allow the stained sections to dry completely before moving them and staining the other half.
Many Mexican furniture pieces have intricately carved motifs and designs and are stained in the warm honey tones of sunny Mexico.
The Art of Patrizia has an interesting selection of handmade stained glass nightlights in a variety of patriotic designs, including angels, eagles, flags, patriotic ribbons and other designs.
The current trend towards hand-scraped, dark stained wood floors is perfect for this design motif because the rustic textures are a nice complement to neutral stucco or plaster walls.
French country furniture can range in appearance from sturdy, rustic looking traditional wood furniture with natural or light stained finishes to painted, cottage wood furniture in pastel shades with a distressed finish.
Replace them with stained or painted shelves.
They can turn Uncle Harry's old stained loveseat into stylish seating when friends come over to hang out.
Stained glass lamp shades lend a sense of drama to any room.
The original lamps have an intricately carved base and equally complex stained glass lamp shade design.
In a recent auction, an original Tiffany stained glass lamp shade and base were sold for $8 million.
If you're a stained glass enthusiast, you can learn to make your own lamp shades much more easily than you might imagine.
Most community colleges offer art classes in stained glass techniques that you can take for a very small fee that will teach you the basics you need to churn out your own personalized lamp shade designs.
By learning the methods, you can turn out stained glass that looks like it costs thousands for a couple of dollars.
Stained glass is an extremely popular medium, and you may be able to commission a lamp shade in your local area with an artist who can produce a unique piece for you for very little.
Dedicated lighting shops often have an extensive selection of stained glass lamp shades in a wide range of prices.
They may also be able to put you in touch with someone who can personalize a stained glass design just for you.
Touch of Class Lamps - Stained glass lamps for every taste and décor.
Stained Glass-Whether you purchase stained glass as a picture or a sun-catcher, you can find beautiful pieces of art in this genre.
Hang tapestry and stained glass on opposite walls to complete the effect.
Stained concrete floors are increasing in popularity.
For example, use an unexpected woven sea grass upholstered armchair paired with a tea stained slip-covered sofa accompanied by a white washed pickled wood floor and a multi colored cowhide area rug.
Dark stained wooden furniture is important to a Bohemian look along with chunky, substantial pieces.
A stained wood finish on beadboard material can also be used as a warmer alternative.
Louis Comfort Tiffany, renowned, stained glass, window designer and the Associated Artists created the interior with carved woodwork, marble herringbone-patterned foyer and stenciled walls.
Hardwood floors stained dark give contrast against the white woodwork.
Chairs can be painted or stained and always have colorful thick cushions to make them more comfortable.
Maple can be stained to match other furniture, or painted a solid color picked up from within the pattern.
The top half of the door leading from the bathroom into the hallway was often made out of glass either in a dense textured glass, or a higher design of custom-made stained glass.
Stained glass and the use of mosaics were often very popular Art Deco design features.
Curves and angles were popular shapes as well and easily adapted for stained glasswork.
If you want a more rustic look, then you can opt for hand-hewn doors that are intentionally finished with a weathered or distressed look, but stained in a natural or dark finish.
Truffle and Hush are lighter, neutral shades of understated brown while Classic Brown really makes a statement with the look of dark stained wood.
Usually, cherry and walnut wood varieties aren't stained.
Often the pegs used in the tenons are dark wood or stained black for a striking effect.
In 1997, the Tiffany Collection was introduced featuring hand made, multicolored stained glass finials and Arts and Crafts inspired holdbacks.
Maple is a naturally light colored wood with little grain; it can be stained darker in a number of shades.
Rough-hewed ceiling beams stained a dark color will lend authenticity to your design.
When you're doing laundry, you'll need to be able to check whether garments are stained and need pre-treating.
Blown glass, stained glass, fabric and mosaic shades, with chains of varying color and length bring these lamps into modern design.
Swag lamps come in a variety of styles, from Old World stained glass to 60s style fabric.
Tiffany wall lamps are just as decorative and beautiful as the traditional stained glass Tiffany table lamps that are so well known.
The famous Tiffany style stained glass lamps were the innovative design started by Louis Comfort Tiffany, a designer and artist who was born in New York City in 1848.
Tiffany & Co., which produced stained glass windows.
Tiffany was inspired by his artistic creations of beautiful stained glass windows.
Tiffany collaborated with other designers, such as Carol Driscoll, to produce a variety of artistic designs for his stained glass lamps.
The stained glass shades, which can point upwards or downwards, are handcrafted from hundreds of pieces of individually cut art glass.
The Aspen wood used to make Aspen log lamps is left natural or lightly stained with clear a varnish applied to the finish.
French country furniture will consist of sturdy wood pieces with a distressed finish, a natural finish or a stained or painted finish.
Semi-permanent window clings are meant to resemble stained glass.
Advertised as ensuring no stained hands or uneven coverage, it includes a cocoa butter scent for that fresh from the beach smell.
I am a coffee drinker, so my teeth are stained too.
People with gum and mouth disease, women who are pregnant, and those whose teeth are stained by a medication should not use over-the-counter bleaching products.
Some of my favorite lip stains are Benefit Cosmetics Benetint Lip and Cheek Stain, or try their Pocket Pal (lip stain and gloss in one), or try Sebastian Trucco's sheer lipstick in Revived or Stained.
Over time, cosmetics have evolved from their natural roots and have expanded to include phenomenal products that boast added length, erase fine lines and wrinkles, and keep lips stained for hours of wear.
After all, no glamour girl likes to deal with stained pillowcases and clogged pores the morning after a night wearing heavy makeup.
Bald and overweight, Carl dresses casually in a stained wifebeater and sweats, while sporting a gold chain and green flip flops.
Other brides only engaged in TDD sessions if their dress was stained or ripped during the actual wedding, therefore making it difficult to donate or resell.
If you're looking for more on the tipping habits of the rich and famous, the blog Stained Apron has a long list of both the good and the bad.
A budding fashionista might disagree, but young girls should feel free to run and play as they like without worrying about getting their clothes dirty or stained.
Creative crafters can turn any outgrown, stained, or ripped piece of clothing into something else.
The blossoms are funnel-shaped, 1 inch to 1 1/4 inches long, dividing at the mouth into five rounded divisions and measuring there 1 inch across; they are pale pink, stained with yellow in the throat, and fragrant.
The leaves are of a rich bronzy-green stained with deep brown on the upper side and reddish-brown on the under side.
Unfinished furniture shops sell quality pieces at a discount because the cabinets haven't been stained or painted.
Wood - Wood can be easily painted or stained, is easy to work with and very strong.
Wood needs to be inspected regularly, and painted or stained when needed.
It can also be stained to look like real wood with water-based gel stains.
Apply the mixture to the stained area with a sponge.
Sprinkle baking soda directly onto the stained grout, add vinegar to produce a fizz.
If your existing toilet seat is stained, cracked or broken, it detracts from the overall look of the bathroom, not to mention hinders functionality.
You can also cut away and remove old grout and caulk that's been stained with mold and mildew in the bathroom to keep it from spreading.
To avoid issues with your stained deck surface, Sikkens advises consumers to prepare their decks properly before applying stain.
To keep your stained deck looking fresh and new, it is important to inspect your deck visually on a regular basis.
While real wood decks need to be stained and properly maintained on a regular basis, composite decks are low maintenance and have a reputation as being longer lasting.
If a carpet tile was to absorb water and become stained or mildewed, it is possible to pull it up for cleaning and either replace it again, or throw it away and replace it with a new one.
The concrete can also be stained with different textures colors, and patterns and can be sealed with a slip resistant finish.
Gothic cathedrals feature round stained glass windows within entrances, which are known as rose windows, and the prayer aid, the rosary, is attributed to Mary.
Shorts, flip flops and anything soiled or stained do not work for the workplace.
Think about how your new purchases will go with the pants and other clothing your child has from the summer rather than trying to build a bunch of cute outfits that will cost you more money and just get stained or grown out of rapidly.
If the robe is stained, never use bleach to remove it; you will burn the silk.
The Pompeii Side Tie swimsuit by Longitude looks like a stained glass window and features a cross-over front, shaped bust and a Powernet full-frontal lining control panel.
Unlike clothing worn close to the body that become soiled or stained with perspiration, plus size pea coats do not need to be cleaned frequently.
Patients who require help with personal hygiene but who aren't getting the care they need may have stained clothing, smell bad from lack of bathing, or have knotted or matted hair.
Senior Ark includes dozens of fun craft projects for seniors, including faux stained glass, decorative containers and card-making.
He did so because he loved red wines, but they stained his beard, which his wife found unacceptable.
This Latin phrase is found on the Manor's dining room stained glass door.
Racks can be made of various woods and stained to match the surrounding cabinets.
Avoid the temptation to set the stained tablecloth aside or to only partially remove a stain on a rug and then waiting until your guests leave to finish the stain removal process.
Put a dry towel behind the stained fabric and blot the stain with the sponge.
It won't be stained or dirty and will not have any postmarks from being mailed.
Because the shades did not need to be a certain shape many designers became more creative and even began using art glass and stained glass.
Doing this can help keep the roof from becoming stained, resulting in a more attractive appearance and easier periodic cleanings.
Eosinophil-A type of white blood cell containing granules that can be stained by eosin (a chemical that produces a red stain).
Under blue cobalt light, the part of the cornea abraded will be stained by the dye and is easily seen by the examiner.
Chromosomes are separated from cells, stained, and arranged in order from largest to smallest so that their number and structure can be studied under a microscope.
The muscle tissue can also be stained to detect the presence or absence of particular proteins, including dystrophin.
Laboratory diagnostic tests may include staining sputum samples on a glass slide and looking at the stained specimen under a microscope to determine if white cells, red cells, or bacteria are present.
Melena-The passage of dark stools stained with blood pigments or with altered blood.
In the microscopic examination of a stained blood smear (differential), red cells may appear smaller than normal.
These cells are then stained and examined under a microscope.
Material from the swab is put on a microscope slide and stained using a procedure called Gram's stain.
These include making pottery or stained glass, refinishing furniture, doing home repairs, and using indoor firing ranges.
Windowpane cookies, sometimes called stained glass cookies, are not only delicious cookies but they can be used as Christmas tree decorations as well.
For a stained glass effect, use different colored candies in each window.
In 1978, four stained glass windows were donated by a university alumnus.
Even when it isn't stained, you should soak it in plain white vinegar after every wearing to help maintain its freshness.
The 100% cotton fabric cannot be washed if it gets dirty or stained.
After they are "stained", they are not designed to be washed.
Apply the paste onto any white areas that are deeply stained and let it sit overnight.
Over time, the inside of the pot can get dirty and stained and you may want to get a new one.
This part is made from plastic that may warp in the dishwasher or become permanently stained over time.
Many reviews of immersion blenders feature complaints about the stainless steel shaft becoming stained over time.
The freezer tub reflects an authentic old-fashioned image and is constructed of stained, sealed and lacquered New England pine secured with durable galvanized metal hoops.
In addition to single colored glass globes, some have a variety of colors and are intricately patterned or given stained glass effects.
If you use colored soap or wax chunks and pour a clear base over them, you'll get a kind of see-through, stained glass effect that is very pretty and playful, but incredibly easy to do.
Some candle holders are multi colored and the candle light reflects through the colors giving an almost stained glass effect.
Dramatic wrought iron, delicate bone china and sparkling stained glass are a few of the beautiful materials used to make dragonfly votive holders.
Types of candle holder kits available include stained glass kits and these contain precut pieces of glass and step by step instructions.
They provide stained glass styled votive holders in jeweled tones.
Votive holders come in a wide array of shapes and styles, from simple glass globes or basic blue pots to ceramic pottery, beaded candle holders, designer candelabras, stained glass holders, or etched enamel designs.
Clothes should be washed and folded before dropped off, and anything that is stained and torn to the point where you feel guilty donating it - probably shouldn't be donated.
Besides the unique shopping options, be sure to view the stained glass windows at the Canterbury Toy Shop and the Canterbury Castle Banquet Center.
In the office or on the go, place your bag where it is less likely to get stuffed, stained, or abused.
Cloth purses can be easily cleaned by throwing them into the washer for a quick freshening or can be covered with a new cloth for a new look or to cover up a stained purse.
If your kids thrive on order and symmetry, consider the Mandalas Stained Glass Coloring Book.
Then, if your sheets or pillowcases are accidentally stained, ripped, or damaged, you won't have to redecorate your entire room or run all over town searching for matching replacements.
New clothes become a necessity if you are job interviewing and need a professional look, or are wearing worn, faded and stained clothing.
Although purchasing a completely new wardrobe for your child at the beginning of the school year is probably not necessary, you will likely need to replace items that have been outgrown, ripped, or stained.
In the event that your suede shoes do get stained (and, of course, eventually they will), simply brush the shoes with a dry sponge.
Some reports state that as much as a shocking 80 percent of the entertainment industry has tattoos; a mere 20 percent of the general public are stained.
A sloppy business card, like wearing a stained business shirt and an outdated tie, conveys an "I don't care about myself and I don't care about you or your project" notion.
No one wants to buy a vehicle with a stained, ripped or otherwise ruined floor.
Place an absorbent towel or pad over the stained area and wet it with the cleaning solution prepared for step two.
Allow the solution to set on the stained area for 15-20 minutes, rinse well and dry.
It can damage no-wax floors or wood floors that are not stained or finished.
The towel may become permanently stained.
When laundering stained clothing, be sure to check that the stain has been completely removed before putting the garment in the dryer.
Once the garment has been pre-cleaned by blotting or scraping, lay the garment on a paper towel or old towel that can be stained without worry, stain side down on the towel.
Get rid of things that are stained, worn out, or nor longer used.
While hardwood flooring is popular because of its beauty and durability, it can still be stained and damaged from improper care.
If your hardwood floor has been stained, it may be possible to remove the stain with a cleaner formulated for hardwood flooring, but always read the label carefully and test the cleaner in an inconspicuous area first.
If necessary, use a fine wool pad and buff the stained area carefully - this will remove the top layer of finish on the floor, but it will also remove minor stains.
If you are using a lemon, cut one in half and squeeze juice on the stained area.
Soak a sponge in a mixture of dish detergent and water and squeeze it over the stained carpet until the affected area is thoroughly soaked.
For delicate fabrics, soak stained items in a sink filled with cool water mixed with a quarter cup of Woolite.
Do not put any stained fabrics you are treating in the dryer until you are certain the stain is gone as drying may set the stain permanently.
Treating Blood Stained Sheets Sheets are liable to be left with untreated or unseen blood stains until they have been dried for several days.