Ssdi Sentence Examples
The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a database of social security death records.
Computerization of the SSDI did not happen until that time, which is why there are not many names included before that time.
Many people use the SSDI for genealogical reasons.
For all other individuals, one of the most popular sites to search the SSDI is the rootsweb website.
If you can't find someone in the SSDI, don't give up until you've tried a few different things.
Some of the search engines for the SSDI will allow you to place a '*' after a person's name which will give different variations of a name.
The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is a database of reported deaths to the Social Security Administration (SSA).
The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) provides a record of individuals who had social security numbers.
The SSDI is completely searchable and is available on several paid subscription genealogy sites.
You can also search the SSDI for free on