Squirrel Sentence Examples
What did she have that a squirrel would eat?
The grey squirrel is plentiful in wooded districts.
Several of the species are considerably larger than an ordinary squirrel.
You need to have mojo meet a sock squirrel!
The scheme will also be able to monitor the rate of gray incursion into red squirrel areas.
Books gave us recipes from the wild, like squirrel tail soup and rook pie.
The species without a parachute constitutes the genus Zenkerella, and looks very like an ordinary squirrel (see Rodentia).
You may also see gray squirrels scampering up the trees, but the red squirrel is extinct here.
Squirrel Monkeys - The seven squirrel monkeys love their new enclosure.
Just do n't encourage them into the garden by hanging out non squirrel proof bird feeders.
AdvertisementWill you be hunting small animals like squirrel or rabbits or will you be aiming for deer?
Other unique features included flower, butterfly and even squirrel cutouts.
Tweens especially dig the toilet humor the show contains plenty of, as well as the random characters and storylines involving a squirrel living underwater with a scuba mask, and an emotionally fragile starfish named Patrick.
You just might get the best photo you've ever had while your dog focuses intently on a squirrel.
The Asiatic elephant; the seladang, a bison of a larger type than the Indian gaur; two varieties of rhinoceros; the honey bear (bruang), the tapir, the sambhur (rusa); the speckled deer (kijang), three varieties of mouse-deer (napoh, plandok and kanchil); the gibbon (ungka or wawa'), the siamang, another species of anthropoid ape, the brok or coco-nut monkey, so called because it is trained by the Malays to gather the nuts from the coco-nut trees, the lotong, kra, and at least twenty other kinds of monkey; the binturong (arctictis binturong), the lemur; the Asiatic tiger, the black panther, the leopard, the large wild cat (harimau akar), several varieties of jungle cat; the wild boar, the wild dog; the flying squirrel,.
AdvertisementShe has a really bushy tail similar to that of a squirrel!
Local Action Since the early 1990's, regional campaigns to prevent the extinction of red squirrel in Northern England have been in operation.
This fact sheet includes the construction and use of bat boxes, hedgehog homes, red squirrel feeding hoppers and bumblebee homes.
New peanuts & some seeds put out today Only saw one red squirrel myself the whole time.
But I scorn to take advantage of such a squirrel.
AdvertisementHe laid the sleeping squirrel on the bench, listened, then instinctively stood up and walked to the thicket 's edge.
The squirrel ran up the bough of the tree in an attempt to reach the cluster of acorns.
He was off on a "squirrel mission", but we started hitting the bowls and calling "At a boy Cappy!"
You can use a bone shaped cutter if you can find one (I happen to have a squirrel shaped cutter that I found in an arts and crafts store).
The game starts with our hero, Conker the squirrel, binge drinking with his buddies at the bar.
AdvertisementOf course, anybody who's actually tried to stumble home from the bar at one in the morning to break off a piece of squirrel tail knows that getting from point A to point B is never that easy.
Animal lovers might like to make a bird or squirrel feeder to place outside in the winter.
The only thing more touching than the popular holiday song featured on the card is the delightful squirrel running around your computer screen collecting jingle bells like they were acorns.
She's a dare-devil squirrel who loves participating in adventures with SpongeBob.
Soon Hammie, the squirrel (Steve Carell), finds a mysterious hedge that wasn't there before hibernation.
The 10,000 sq.ft. rainforest exhibit, complete with tree-filled paths and swinging ropes, takes visitors inside the real-life habitat of the zoo's Squirrel Monkeys.
The Cribs' first single was released on Squirrel Records, another independent Leeds record label which endeavors to be the mediator for Yorkshire's finest musical talent.
The snow seems to trap me, as it does with the small squirrel I am watching from my window.
They sat in comfortable silence, watching a couple of squirrel's frolic in the warm spring sun.
An occasional sharp high bark soon revealed the source as a little gray squirrel.
Among the mammals are the opossum, raccoon, star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata), grey fox and fox squirrel.
Only one species of hare is found in Brazil, the Lepus brasiliensis, and but one also of the squirrel (Scyurus).
There is also a great seasonal change in appearance and colour in this squirrel, owing to the ears losing their tufts of hair and to the bleaching of the tail.
The pairing time of the squirrel is from February to April; and after a period of gestation of about thirty days the female brings forth from three to nine young.
Among its characteristic mammals and birds are the lynx, marten, porcupine, northern red squirrel, Beldings and Kennicotts ground squirrels, varyin and snowshoe rabbits, northern jumping mouse, white-throate sparrow, Blackburnian warbler, Audubon.
The back of the Russian squirrel has an even close fur varying from a clear bluish-grey to a reddishbrown, the bellies in the former being of a flat quality and white, in the latter yellowish.
In Weissenfels, near Leipzig, the dressing of Russian grey squirrel and the making it into linings is a gigantic industry, and is the principal support of the place.
Few other rodents have been designedly naturalized, but the North American grey squirrel (Sciurus cinereus) appears to be established as a wild animal in Woburn Park, Bedfordshire, England, and may probably spread thence.
The porcupine, the squirrel, the civet cat, the ichneumon and the otter are common.
Rather smaller than a squirrel, with dusky brown fur, the tarsier has immense eyes, large ears, a long thin tail, tufted at the end, a greatly elongated tarsal portion of the foot, and disk-like adhesive surfaces on the fingers, which doubtless assist the animal in maintaining its position on the boughs.
The wild animals include the elephant, still found in large numbers, the leopard, panther, chimpanzee, grey monkeys, antelope of various kinds, the buffalo, wild hog, bush goat, bush pig, sloth, civet and squirrel.
The only facts in natural history which appear even indirectly to countenance the flotation theory are the presence of a swimming bladder in some fishes, and the existence of membranous expansions or pseudowings in certain animals, such as the flying fish, flying dragon and flying squirrel.
The black bear, wolf, catamount, wolverine, wild cat, fox, beaver, racoon, marten, sable, woodchuck, skunk, otter, mink, rabbit and squirrel are also found.
The speculations as to primitive man connected with these stories diverted the British public, headed by Dr Johnson, who said that Monboddo was " as jealous of his tail as a squirrel."
There are deer in the forests and on the open savannahs, the rabbit and squirrel are to be seen on the eastern slopes of the Andes, and partly amphibious rodents, the "capybara" (Hydrochoerus) and "guagua" (Coelogenys subniger), are very numerous along the wooded watercourses.
Fauna and Flora.-Of wild animals the most characteristic are the black bear, puma, prairie wolf, timber wolf, fox, deer, antelope, squirrel, rabbit and prairie dog.
The species, Spermophilus (or Citillus) citillus, is rather smaller than an ordinary squirrel, with minute ears, and the tail reduced to a stump of less than an inch in length.
In this rank he served twice on the North American station as captain of the "Scarborough" and the "Squirrel" from 1724 to 1730 and from 1733 to 1735.
White not only notes the homes and ways, the times and seasons, of plants and animals - comparing, for instance, the different ways in which the squirrel, the fieldmouse and the nuthatch eat their hazel-nuts - or watches the migrations of birds, which were then only beginning to be properly recorded or understood, but he knows more than any other observer until Charles Darwin about the habits and the usefulness of the earthworms, and is certain that plants distil dew and do not merely condense it.
She looked the other way and made a fuss over a chattering squirrel until they had passed the building.
The outstanding wildlife interest includes aspen, juniper, capercaillie, red squirrel, crested tit, blood red slave maker ants and otter.
Out of 127 woodlands around the country selected for priority red squirrel conservation, 36 are in Grampian.
Often they will use holes in trees as nests rather than building their own, sometimes using old squirrel drays.
An attempt to determine population dynamics of introduced alien squirrel species.
I saw some pale blue parrot fish and red squirrel fish with their V-shaped tail fins, each about fourteen inches long.
The magnitude of threat to red squirrels is the threat from gray squirrel incursion.
All work in kanban areas must be under kanban control, no " squirrel " stores.
Leatherette swivel chair, stroking the bushy tail of a gray squirrel.
Crab-eating macaques from Asia are by far the most heavily traded monkeys, followed by rhesus and squirrel monkeys.
It's down to our heroes, the animated moose and squirrel, Rocky and Bullwinkle, to save the day.
Perhaps the most important is this - you're assuming people have made a real effort to save the red squirrel before now!
To protect the Scottish red squirrel, a mass cull in excess of the original planned cull has been suggested.
My room looks out onto a large garden with lots of wildlife, including the red squirrel which features in the Airy Fairy books.
The native red squirrel is no longer seen in the woodland, presumably driven out by its larger American cousin.
Red Squirrels in South of Scotland Information about work protecting the endangered red squirrels in South of Scotland Information about work protecting the endangered red squirrel in Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders.
You can still see the rare red squirrel at Brownsea Island.
This week I visited one of the few remaining red squirrel strong holds in England.
Other red squirrel refuges are in Kielder Forest, in Northumberland, and Penrith, in Cumbria.
He took the other end of the seat, lifting the still slumbering squirrel to his knee.
A gray squirrel is busy digging in the lawn near the feeder.
The future of the red squirrel in Scotland is also far from secure.
A gray squirrel runs away from a group of mushrooms.
Squirrel pox was found last summer by the Moredun Research Institute near Edinburgh in gray squirrel pox was found last summer by the Moredun Research Institute near Edinburgh in gray squirrels coming across the border from Cumbria.
Squirrel monkeys - The seven squirrel monkeys - The seven squirrel monkeys love their new enclosure.
On one of the faces there was the remains of a ground squirrel nest, with a squirrel skeleton still curled up inside.
At almost any time of the year the red squirrel has ear tufts, not present in the gray.
Red squirrel and common woodland birds, including tree creepers and great-spotted woodpeckers, visit our feeders daily.
In addition to all sorts of vegetables and fruits, the squirrel is exceedingly fond of animal food, greedily devouring mice, small birds and eggs.
That they are essential is evident from the circumstance that the African spiny squirrels Xerus (see SPINY SQUIRREL) come between Sciurus and some of the other African genera.
It is the northernmost home of the opossum, grey fox, fox squirrel, cardinal bird, Carolina wren, tufted tit, gnat catcher, summer tanager and yellow-breasted chat.
In Xerus itself, which is represented by the terrestrial African spiny squirrels, the ears are short, there are only two teats, and flat spines are mingled with the fur; while the skull, and more especially the frontals, is elongated, with a very short post-orbital process, and the crowns of the molars are taller than usual (see Spiny Squirrel).
Squirrels of this and the' other arboreal groups have the bodily form slender and agile, the tail long and bushy, the ears well developed, pointed and often tufted; the feet adapted for 1 ' climbing, the anterior pair with four toes and a rudimentary thumb, and the posterior pair with five toes, all the toes having long, curved and short-pointed claws (see Squirrel).
It includes Sciuropterus, represented by small species from the northern parts of both hemispheres; Pteromys, comprising large flying-squirrels, ranging from India and the Malay countries to Japan, characterized by the long cylindrical tail and large inter-femoral membrane; and Eupetaurus, represented by one very large dark grey, long-tailed and longhaired species from Astor and Gilgit, which differs from all other members of the family by its tall-crowned cheek-teeth (see Flying Squirrel).
Perhaps the most important is this - you 're assuming people have made a real effort to save the red squirrel before now !
Red Squirrels in South of Scotland Information about work protecting the endangered red squirrel in Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders.
The main topic of the day was the behavior patterns and population dynamics of the European red squirrel in different habitats.
They also have elegant streamlined heads that allow them to easily slip out of a collar during a walk to run a few extra laps, or to get the last word in with that squirrel that has been taunting them.
The lynx, wolverine, porcupine, skunk, hare, squirrel and mouse are met.
Its home is sometimes a den under ground or beneath rocks, but oftener the hollow of a tree, and it is said to take possession of a squirrel's nest, driving off or devouring the rightful proprietor.
Only a few animals are common to the entire country, such as the hare (Lepus timidus) and the weasel; although certain others may be added if the high mountain region be left out of consideration, such as the squirrel, fox and various shrews.
The red, or Virginia, deer and the grey fox are still found in circumscribed localities; and of the smaller mammals, the squirrel, chipmunk, rabbit, raccoon and opossum are still numerous.
Very noteworthy is the fact that, with the exception of Madagascar (and of course Australia) the squirrel family (Sciuridae) is also found in all parts of the world.
Typical mountain steppe mammals include Altai pika Ochotona alpina, arctic ground squirrel Citellus undulatus and Siberian chipmunk Tamias sibiricus.
It also allows the squirrel to reduce the level of parasite infestation they suffer by leaving parasite infestation they suffer by leaving parasites behind in the nest.
Gray squirrels are also a potential host to the disease, squirrel poxvirus which is normally fatal in reds.
Do you know how to fix squirrel and dumplings?
Arboreal species include the well-known opossums (Phalanger); the extraordinary tree-kangaroo of the Queensland tropics; the flying squirrel, which expands a membrane between the legs and arms, and by its aid makes long sailing jumps from tree to tree; and the native bear (Phascolarctos), an animal with no affinities to the bear, and having a long soft fur and no tail.
The Myrmecobius of Western Australia is a bushy-tailed ant-eater about the size of a squirrel, and from its lineage and structure of more than passing interest.
The rodents are represented by an abundance of rats, with comparatively few mice, and by the ordinary squirrel, to which the people give the name of tree-rat (ki-nezumi), as well as the flying squirrel, known as the momo-dori (peach-bird) in the north, where it hides from the light in hollow tree-trunks, and in the south as the ban-tori (or bird of evening).
The common squirrel, whose habits are too well known to need special description, ranges over the whole of Europe and Northern Asia, from Ireland to Japan, and from Lapland to North Italy; but specimens from different parts of this wide range differ so much in colour as to constitute distinct races.
It is the home of the Columbia black-tail deer, western raccoon, Oregon spotted skunk, Douglas red squirrel, Townsends chipmunk, tailless sewellel (Haplodcn rufus), peculiar species of pocket gophers and voles, Pacific coast forms of the great-horned, spotted, screech and pigmy owls, sooty grouse, Oregon ruffed grouse, Stellers jay, chestnutbacked chickadee and Pacific winter wren.
The smallest is the slender loris (Loris gracilis) of the forests of Madras and Ceylon, a creature smaller than a squirrel.
The Douglas red squirrel is ubiquitous in the Sierran forests and their most conspicuous inhabitant.
The Virginia deer is common in the bottomlands; a few beaver still frequent the remoter streams; in the higher portions are still a few black bears and pumas, besides the lynx, the Virginia varying hare, the woodchuck, the red and the fox squirrel and flying squirrels.
He looked eagerly around, but saw only a squirrel frisking among the trees and a rabbit hopping across the road.
It could readily ascend the sides of the room by short impulses, like a squirrel, which it resembled in its motions.
But cogent thoughts were few and he began to feel like an empty-nested squirrel facing a long, tough winter.
Usually the red squirrel (Sciurus Hudsonius) waked me in the dawn, coursing over the roof and up and down the sides of the house, as if sent out of the woods for this purpose.
In the ante-steppe the forest species proper, such as Pteromys volans and Tamias striatus, disappear, but common squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), weasel and bear are still met with in the forests.
The mammals of the Mountain Region include the cotton-tail rabbit, red squirrel, lynx and woodchuck; and there is a considerable variety of migratory song-birds, which are common to the more northern states.
On its topmost bough sits an eagle, between whom and Nidhug the squirrel Ratatbskr runs to and fro trying to provoke strife.
Although the English squirrel is a beautiful little animal, it is surpassed by many of the tropical members of the group, and especially by those of the Malay countries, where nearly all the species are brilliantly marked, and many are ornamented The Burmese Red-bellied Squirrel (Sciurus pygerythrus).
The single species, which is a native of western and southern Australia, is about the size of an English squirrel, to which its long bushy tail gives it some resemblance; but it lives entirely on the ground, especially in sterile sandy districts, feeding on ants.
I learned how the sun and the rain make to grow out of the ground every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, how birds build their nests and live and thrive from land to land, how the squirrel, the deer, the lion and every other creature finds food and shelter.
She has felt dead squirrels and rabbits and other wild animals, and is anxious to see a "walk-squirrel," which interpreted, means, I think, a "live squirrel."
As illustrative of this, it may be explained that any brown tone of fur such as sable, marten, mink, black marten, beaver, nutria, &c., will go well upon black or very dark-brown furs, while those of a white or grey nature, such as ermine, white lamb, chinchilla, blue fox, silver fox, opossum, grey squirrel, grey lamb, will set well upon seal or black furs, as Persian lamb, broadtail, astrachan, caracul lamb, &c. White is also permissible upon some light browns and greys, but brown motley colours and greys should never be in contrast.
The first class includes the isabelline bear, badger, pole-cat, ermine, roe and fallow deer, wild ass, Syrian squirrel, pouched marmoset, gerbill and leopard.
The ordinary potto (P. potto) is about the size of a squirrel, but with Poultry And Poultry-Farming large staring eyes, and a mere stump of a tail; its general colour is rufous brown.
The bait is any kind of meat, a mouse, squirrel, piece of fish or bird's head.
A Red Tailed Hawk soared overhead, banking off to the left and then right, searching for a rabbit or squirrel bold enough to show itself.
If I had a gun with me, we could have some squirrel for supper.