Squirm Sentence Examples
It was her turn to squirm in her chair.
She finally managed to squirm from his embrace.
He knew it was not, but wanted to make her squirm a little for breaking her promise.
His arms tightened around her as she tried to squirm away.
She managed to squirm free of his arms for a second and started to scream, but he clamped a grimy hand over her mouth.
It made her want to laugh and squirm uncomfortably.
She saw it coming too late, and he had her pinned to the floor on her back before she could squirm away.
As I parked in my barn, the beautiful little girl I've dreamt about began to squirm and awaken.
I squirm impotently when people write to ask me to recommend a Sea of Faith church in their area.
It makes you squirm the way he praises himself so highly.
AdvertisementKiera was near tears and began to squirm when the six-legged creature came into sight again.
There is nothing better than watching celebrities squirm or panic and Ashton and his team have a real gift for doing it.
She has to be picked up to be put in there, and she'll wiggle and squirm just like the cat.
Charlie 's pointing out the way Ian Blair is trying to squirm out of a situation of his own making.
He grabs 'em where he can find 'em, she answered as she began to coo and squirm.
AdvertisementMichael Crawford never made an audience squirm quite like Eddie did.
However, Widdowson with another moment to forget saw the ball squirm through his hands and into the net.
Give the smelly object some time to become really aromatic and then make a point of calling the victim of the prank or having someone else call them and watch them squirm while they try to locate the source of the odor.
We remained in place, trying not to squirm, for nearly an hour before Howie surrendered to sleep.
But for this one, he recommended it as a " first date " movie to see the fella squirm.
AdvertisementSince this was a blockbuster summer flick, the effects are breathtaking and the action is enough to make you squirm in your seat.
Anything that itches or scratches will make your girls squirm.