Squill Sentence Examples
Among the land plants may be noted the blue anemone; the ranunculus along the road-sides, with a strong perfume of violets; the Malta heath, which flowers at all seasons; Cynomorium coccineum, the curious " Malta fungus," formerly so valued for medicinal purposes that a guard was set for its preservation under the rule of the Knights; the pheasant's-eye; three species of mallow and geranium; Oxalis cernua, a very troublesome imported weed; Lotus edulis; Scorpiurus subvillosa, wild and cultivated as forage; two species of the horseshoe-vetch; the opium poppy; the yellow and claret-coloured poppy; wild rose; Cartaegus azarolus, of which the fruit is delicious preserved; the ice-plant; squirting cucumber; many species of Umbelliferae; Labiatae, to which the spicy flavour of the honey (equal to that of Mt Hymettus) is ascribed; snapdragons; broom-rape; glass-wort; Salsola soda, which produces when burnt a considerable amount of alkali; there are fifteen species of orchids; the gladiolus and iris are also found; Urginia scilla, the medicinal squill, abounds with its large bulbous roots near the sea; seventeen species of sedges and seventy-seven grasses have been recorded.
Spring squill has blue anthers, these are the parts on the ends of the stamens which carry the pollen grains.
Among the short turf, fine grasses, sea plantain, buck's-horn plantain, sea pink and spring squill are prominent.
The flowers were lovely -lots of pale blue spring squill, and the brilliant yellow of the birds ' foot trefoil.
Nationally scarce plants found in London's acid grassland include clustered clover, upright chickweed and autumn squill.
Nationally scarce plants found in London 's acid grassland include clustered clover, upright chickweed and autumn squill.
Striped Squill (Puschkinia) - P. scilloides is one of the most beautiful of spring bulbous flowers.