Squares Sentence Examples
After the great fire of 1872 it became possible, in the reconstruction of the business district, to widen and straighten its streets and create squares, and so provide for the traffic that had long outgrown the narrow, crooked ways of the older city.
The orchestra is paved with marble squares.
Moonlight spilled over large buildings with triangular roofs into community squares abutting stacked parking lots.
The central and older portion of the city is laid out in squares surrounding a public Green of 16 acres, which was in former days the centre of religious and social life.
It is sometimes assumed that this is measured perfectly by the standard deviation,' which is obtained by taking the squares of the differences between the average and the individual prices, summing them and extracting the square root.
He solved quadratic equations both geometrically and algebraically, and also equations of the form x 2 "+ax n +b=o; he also proved certain relations between the sum of the first n natural numbers, and the sums of their squares and cubes.
Many of the names of the rich residential streets and squares in the west have associations with the various owners of the properties; but Mayfair is so called from a fair held on this ground in May as early as the reign of Charles II.
Thus the class of rational numbers whose squares are less than 2 has no upper limit among the rational numbers.
The town has been built without the slightest regard to regularity; the streets are even more intricate and winding than those in most other Eastern towns, and with the exception of the bazaars and some open squares, the interior is little else than a labyrinth of alleys and passages.
Leonardo gave as solution the numbers 11 i 4 4, 16, 9 4 - 7 4 and 6197 T, - the squares of 3,, 41'v and 2, 7; and the method of finding them is given in the Liber quadratorum.
AdvertisementThe battle is chiefly notable for the steadi- donor, ness with which the allied right, covered by the Light Division in squares, changed position in presence of the French cavalry; and for the extraordinary feat of arms of Captain Norman Ramsay, R.H.A., in charging through the French cavalry with his guns.
The largest of the public squares in Hamburg is the Hopfenmarkt, which contains the church of St Nicholas (Nikolaikirche) and is the principal market for vegetables and fruit.
The opening up of the wide thoroughfare of Chambers Street, on the site of College Wynd and Brown and Argyll Squares, cleared the precincts of unsightly obstructions and unsavoury neighbours.
The device known as the method of least squares, for reducing numerous equations of condition to the number of unknown quantities to be determined, had been adopted as a practically convenient rule by Gauss and Legendre; but Laplace first treated it as a problem in probabilities, and proved by an intricate and difficult course of reasoning that it was also the most advantageous, the mean of the probabilities of error in the determination of the elements being thereby reduced to a minimum.
Usually they were formed in each country on the squares of the long measures.
AdvertisementThe valleys and lower portions of the town were gradually filled up so as to form a series of squares, of which those of Riponne and of St Francois are the finest, the latter now being the real centre of the town.
Eisenstein, who had also given without demonstration some of the results for five squares.
Smith, at the request of a member of the commission by which the prize was proposed, undertook in 1882 to write out the demonstration of his general theorems so far as was required to prove the results for the special case of five squares.
Many of the propositions contained in his dissertation are general; but the demonstrations are not supplied for the case of seven squares.
They fortified their houses, retained their military habits, defied the consuls, and carried on feuds in the streets and squares.
AdvertisementThus Diophantus knew that no number of the form 8n-1-7 can be the sum of three squares.
Apart from the old quarter lying on the Mulde, the town is well built, is surrounded by pleasant gardens and contains many handsome streets and spacious squares.
Thus a comparison of numbers occurring in a table of squares 1 2 =1 112=121 2 2= 4 122=144 3 2 =9 132=169 suggests the formula (A+a)2=A2+2Aa+a2.
There are many beautiful private buildings, broad and well-paved streets, numerous squares and public gardens.
If we put for shortness 7 for the quantity under the last circular function in (I), the expressions (i), (2) may be put under the forms u sin T, v sin (T - a) respectively; and, if I be the intensity, I will be measured by the sum of the squares of the coefficients of sin T and cos T in the expression u sin T +v sin (T - a), so that I =u 2 +v 2 +2uv cos a, which becomes on putting for u, v, and a their values, and putting f =Q .
AdvertisementIt is mainly a rich residential quarter; the most fashionable part is found in the south, in the vicinity of Cavendish and Portman Squares, but there are numerous fine houses surrounding Regent's Park and in the north-western district of St John's Wood.
In one of the public squares is a Dominican church built in 1538.
The city is laid out in the rectangular plan, with broad streets and large squares.
The town is roughly but substantially built, with broad streets and large squares.
The outlying parts of the county to east, south and north are not lacking in open spaces, but there is an extensive inner area where at most only small gardens and squares break the continuity of buildings, and where in some cases old churchyards serve as public grounds.
A remarkable feature is the bare statement of a number of very close approximations to the square roots of numbers which are not complete squares.
Hero's expressions for the areas of regular polygons of from 5 to 12 sides in terms of the squares of the sides show interesting approximations to the values of trigonometrical ratios.
Vienna possesses both in the inner city and the outlying districts numerous squares adorned with artistic monuments.
One of the finest squares in the world for the beauty of the buildings which encircle it is the Rathausplatz, adjoining the Ring-Strasse.
There are several small parks and squares, including Central Square, Beacon Square, about which the business portion of the township is centred, and Saltonstall Park, in which is a monument to the memory of Watertown's soldiers who died in the Civil War, and near which are the Town House and the Free Public Library, containing a valuable collection of 60,000 books and pamphlets and historical memorials.
The towns of the coast region are usually built on the same general plan, the streets crossing each other at right angles and enclosing squares, or quadras.
Among the numerous monuments with which the squares and streets are adorned, the most important are the colossal statue of Maximilian II.
The new town, which lies on the flat expanse adjoining the crescent-shaped bay, partly on ground that has been reclaimed from the sea, has large and regularly built streets, and several large squares adorned with artistic monuments.
The French horsemen, gallantly led, drove off the guns, rode round Hohenzollern's infantry squares, and routed the cavalry of Lichtenstein, but they were unable to do more, and in the end they retired to their old position.
One of the public squares contains a martyrs' monument, erected in memory of the thirteen Hungarian generals shot here on the 6th of October 1849, by order of the Austrian general Haynau.
Like most Slavonic towns, it contains several large squares, the chief of which is adorned with a trinity column, 115 ft.
The fortifications which partly surrounded the old and central portion of the city have disappeared to make way for tree-lined boulevards with fine squares at intervals.
The town is modernized, has broad streets and large squares, and a particularly handsome bazaar.
With its numerous palaces, substantial houses, broad streets, and spacious squares, Trent presents the aspect of a thoroughly Italian city, and its inhabitants (24,868 in 1900, including a garrison of over 2000 men) speak Italian only - it is the centre of the region called Italia Irredenta by fervent Italian patriots.
A new town was laid out in squares, the mudiria repaired and barracks built.
The order in which the coal is cut is shown in the dotted and numbered squares in the figure.
The new town, surrounding the old on the north and east, and lying between it and the woods referred to, has wide streets, handsome buildings and beautiful squares.
The cavalry gradually became hopelessly entangled among the squares they were unable to break, and at last they were driven down the face of the ridge and the most dramatic part of the battle came to an end.
There are also traces of the division of the lands in the immediate vicinity of the town into squares by parallel paths (decumani and cardines) at regular intervals of 1111 - Roman feet, postulating as the basis of the division a square with a side of 10,000 Roman feet, divided into 81 smaller squares - an arrangement which could not have existed at Puteoli, and must have arisen elsewhere.
It is remarkable as being contrary to Roman surveyors' practice, according to which the basis of division is the intersection at right angles of the cardo and decumanus, which would give an even (not an odd) number of smaller squares.
Kb(30s, a cube), in geometry, a solid bounded by six equal squares, so placed that the angle between any pair of adjacent faces is a right angle.
Taking the squares of the amplitude to represent the intensity or loudness of the sound which would be heard by an ear at the point, this is 4a 2 cos t ir(ni - n2)t =2a 2 {1 -cos 27r(n l - n2)t}, a value which ranges between o and 4a 2 with frequency .n1 - n2.
The city has many beautiful parks and squares, the most picturesque of which is Juneau Park, along the lake bluff.
The Grand Place is by its associations one of the most interesting public squares in Europe.
The principal palace of Mexico consisted of hundreds of rooms ranged round three open squares, of such extent that one of the companions of Cortes records having four times wandered about till he was tired, without seeing the whole.
The city has several squares and public parks, one of them, City Park, having an area of about 300 acres.
P. Ellmore of Leicester, the most experienced and enterprising of Midland cultivators, preferred to plant his sets in squares, 18 to 20 in.
A statue of General Henri Bertrand (1773-1844) stands in one of the principal squares.
The church here is of the Cistercian t e YP with a short chancel of two squares, and transepts with three eastward chapels to each, divided by solid walls (222).
The park system comprises more than fifty parks and squares, with a total area of 278 acres.
The Federal District is represented in Congress by 2 senators and 10 deputies, and is credited with the rights and privileges of citizenship. On the other hand, the city is a garrison town and a district under the direct administration of the national executive, who appoints its chief executive, controls its police force, and exercises part control over its streets, squares and water front.
There are several public squares and gardens, the more important being the Praca Harmonia, the Pra9a d'Alfandega, Pra9a da Independencia and the Parque, where an exposition was held in 1901.
Buffalo to-day has broad and spacious streets, most of which are lined by trees, and many small parks and squares.
The town is for the most part well built, having several wide and handsome streets and a number of spacious squares.
The quadratic mean of n quantities is the square root of the arithmetical mean of their squares.
The importance of a study of the changes of the vis viva depending on squares of velocities, or what is now called the "kinetic energy" of a system, was recognized in Newton's time, especially by Leibnitz; and it was perceived (at any rate for special cases) that an increase in this quantity in the course of any motion of the system was otherwise expressible by what we now call the "work" done by the forces.
In one of the public squares stands the Austrian monument, executed by Pekary and erected in 1875 to commemorate the centenary of Austria's possession of Bukovina.
The theorem, then, seems to have been arrived at by induction, and may have been suggested by the contemplation of floors or walls covered with tiles of the form of equilateral triangles, or squares, or hexagons.
When the disturbance of the roots incidental to all transplanting is sought to be avoided, the seed or plant is started in some cases in squares of turf (used grassy-side downwards), which can when ready be transferred to the place the plant is to occupy.
Of these, the Altstadt is closely built and has only a few fine streets and squares, while the Neustadt possesses numerous broad streets and a handsome frontage to the Rhine.
The most important squares are the Domhof, the Heumarkt, Neumarkt, Alte Markt and Waidmarkt in the old inner, and the Hansa-platz in the new inner town.
The most interesting quarter lies in the east of the town, where the lofty houses which border the spacious squares known as the Grande and the Petite Place are in the Flemish style.
They are built with their upper storeys projecting over the footway and supported on columns so as to form arcades; beneath these are deep cellars extending under the squares themselves.
Besides the large Maximir park and botanical gardens, many of the squares are planted with trees and adorned with statues; while the whole city is surrounded by vineyards and country houses.
It is surrounded by boulevards occupying the site of its ramparts, and is well provided with fountains, public squares and gardens planted with fine plane-trees.
Large portions of the town are inaccessible to ordinary carriages, and many of the important streets have very little room for traffic. In modern times, however, a number of fine streets and squares with beautiful gardens have been laid out.
The town is well built, has many spacious squares and attractive public grounds, and contains a castle, a handsome town-hall, a gymnasium, &c. The old palace of the abbots of Kempten, dating from the end of the 17th century, is now partly used as barracks, and near to it is the fine abbey church.
The town has four gates, one of them dating from the 14th century, and some fine squares, among them the Blucher Platz, with a statue of Blucher, who was born here, and the Neue Markt.
Below lies the city with its ancient walls and lofty towers, its gardens and squares, its palaces and its mosques, with their delicately-carved domes and minarets covered with fantastic tracery, the port of Bulak, the gardens and palace of Shubra, the broad river studded with islands, the valley of the Nile dotted with groups of trees, with the pyramids on the north horizon, and on the east the barren cliffs, backed by a waste of sand.
The dirty streets full of petty traders, the gloomy bazaar with its multitude of tiny shops, the market squares, the blind alleys, the little gates in the dead courtyard walls, all give the place the stamp of a Tatar or Turkish town.
The schiltrons, or squares of Scottish spearmen, were unbroken by Edward's cavalry, till their ranks were thinned by the English bowmen and could no longer keep out the charging horse.
The broad macadamized streets and regular squares bordered with trees give the town an attractive appearance; and it has the advantage, a rare one in Egypt, of being surrounded on three sides by flourishing gardens.
That which is inscribed with the name of "Midas the King" is the most remarkable example of one class, in which a large perpendicular surface of rock is covered with a geometrical pattern of squares, crosses and maeanders, surmounted by a pediment supported in the centre by a pilaster in low relief.
Recife has few public squares or gardens, and its streets are not usually well cared for.
Budapest possesses numerous squares, generally ornamented with monuments of prominent Hungarians, usually the work of Hungarian artists.
Besides its boulevards Amiens has the ample park or Promenade de la Hotoie to the west and several fine squares, notably the Place Longueville and the Place St Denis, in which stands the statue of the famous 17th-century scholar Charles Ducange.
It has also a Gothic town-hall, a castle, now used as barracks, and two fine squares.
In 1876 a statue of Thorbecke was unveiled in one of the squares of Amsterdam.
The reflecting surface is first ground to a spherical form, the parabolic figure being given in the final process by regulating the size of the pitch squares and the stroke of the polishing machine.
A striking contrast exists between the Moorish quarter, with its tortuous lanes and Oriental architecture, and the modern quarter, with its rectangular streets and wide open squares, frequently bordered with trees and adorned with fountains.
Of the squares the place de Nemours is the centre of the commercial and social life of the city.
The general plan is that of rectangular squares, except at the western extremity of the old city and its union with the newer or extra-mural city, on the line of the old ramparts, known as Calle de la Ciudadela.
Newton did indeed first show synthetically what kind of motions by mechanical laws have their ground in a centripetal force varying inversely as the square of the distance (all P is M); but his next step was, not to deduce synthetically the planetary motions, but to make a new start from the planetary motions as facts established by Kepler's laws and as examples of the kind of motions in question (all S is P); and then, by combining these two premises, one mechanical and the other astronomical, he analytically deduced that these facts of planetary motion have their ground in a centripetal force varying inversely as the squares of the distances of the planets from the sun (all S is M).
Hamilton at once found that the Law of the Norms holds, - not being aware that Euler had long before decomposed the product of two sums of four squares into this very set of four squares.
A few squares north-west of it are the General Land Office, the headquarters of the Department of the Interior (commonly called the Patent Office), with Doric portico; the Pension Office, in which the Inauguration Ball is held on the evening of each president's taking office; the Government Printing Office (twelve storeys - one of the few tall office-buildings in the city); the City Hall, or District Court House; and the District Building (1908), another building of the local government.
The squares of the radii of gyration about the principal axes at P may be denoted by k,i+k32, k,f + ki2, k12 + k,2 hence by (32) and (35), they are rfOi, r2Oi, r20s, respectively.
By a suitable choice of the generalized co-ordinates it is possible to reduce T and V simultaneously to sums of squares.
The new town, however, which includes the greater part of the city, contains broad streets and several fine squares.
The rest of the city is in squares, the streets forming the design of the union jack.
It is now one of the handsomest towns of Hungary, and has several large squares, broad avenues, boulevards and many palatial buildings.
Berlin is essentially a modern city, the quaint two-storied houses, which formerly characterized it, having given place to palatial business blocks, which somewhat dwarf the streets and squares, which once had an air of stately spaciousness.
Among the most important public squares are the Opern-platz, around or near which stand the opera house, the royal library, the university and the armoury; the Gendarmenmarkt, with the royal theatre in its centre, the Schloss-platz; the Lustgarten, between the north side of the royal palace, the cathedral and the old and new museums; the Pariser-platz with the French embassy, at the Brandenburg Gate; the KBnigs-platz, with the column of Victory, the Reichstagsgebaude and the Bismarck and Moltke monuments; the Wilhelms-platz; the circular Belle-Alliance-platz, with a column commemorating the battle of Waterloo; and, in the western district, the spacious Liitzow-platz.
Other squares are the Paradeplatz, and the Rathausplatz with a beautiful fountain.
From the style of the houses, the numerous open squares, and the abundant fountains which give an Italian aspect to the town, Salzburg has received the name of "the German Rome."
The only open spaces are the market-place and two other squares, one of which, facing the citadel, is adorned with a granite column erected (1818) in commemoration of the defeat of Napoleon I.
Schering the Disquisitiones arithmeticae, (2) Theory of Numbers, (3) Analysis, (4) Geometry and Method of Least Squares, (5) Mathematical Physics, (6) Astronomy, and (7) the Theoria motus corporum coelestium.
The Aragonese castle and the Genoese walls have been demolished in recent times, and the town has a modern aspect, with spacious streets and squares.
It is prettily situated on an open plain and is laid out regularly with broad straight streets with seven large squares.
The city is the see of a Greek Catholic archbishop and of an Armenian archbishop, and contains a Lamaist monastery, as well as technical schools, an ichthyological museum, the Peter museum, with ethnographical, archaeological and natural history collections, a botanical garden, an ecclesiastical seminary, and good squares and public gardens, one of which is adorned with a statue (1884) of Alexander II.
In the Plaza Morazan, the largest of many shady squares, is a handsome bronze and marble monument to the last president of united Central America, from whom the plaza takes its name.
The theory refers to radiation homogeneous at all points within a single closed boundary maintained at uniform temperature; in the actual case we have a double boundary, one the sun's surface, and the other infinitely remote, or say, non-existent, and at zero temperature; and it is assumed that the density of radiation in the free space varies inversely as the squares of the distance from the sun.
Dotted about the town are open squares, with tanks or ponds overhung by trees.
Its older parts, Moorish in many features and with narrow irregular streets, contrast with the modern parts, which have broad streets and squares, and many fine public buildings - theatre, town hall, hospitals, courts of justice and a bridge over the Sangonera.
It consists of small squares and narrow streets, with a free grammar school (1665), market hall, assize hall, county gaol, &c. The so-called parliament house (1404) of Owen Glendower's members has been demolished.
In 1908 there were in the city under the jurisdiction of the department of public parks and squares 13 parks of Io acres or more each and 33 squares, and the total acreage of parks was 2188 acres and of squares 86.53 acres.
Johann Kepler had proved by an elaborate series of measurements that each planet revolves in an elliptical orbit round the sun, whose centre occupies one of the foci of the orbit, that the radius vector of each planet drawn from the sun describes equal areas in equal times, and that the squares of the periodic times of the planets are in the same proportion as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun.
Halley only communicated to Newton the fact " that Hooke had some pretensions to the invention of the rule for the decrease of gravity being reciprocally as the squares of the distances from the centre," acknowledging at the same time that, though Newton had the notion from him, " yet the demonstration of the curves generated thereby belonged wholly to Newton."
The town is essentially a residence suburb of the capital, and has some rather pretty streets and squares and some old and interesting churches (including Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion, 1714 - 1721).
Karlsruhe has several fine public squares, the principal of which are the Schlosspiatz, with Schwanthaler's statue of the grand duke Karl Friedrich in the centre, and market square (Marktplatz), with a fountain and a statue of Louis, grand duke of Baden.
The main features in a plan of the town are its fine streets and houses and extensive avenues and wellplanted squares; while, as a city, the neighbourhood of an attractive seaside resort, combined with the advantages and importance of a large town, and the possession of beautiful and wooded surroundings, give it a distinction all its own.
The cities of Path and Manaos have excellent tramways, many fine public buildings and private residences, gardens and public squares, all of which give evidence of artistic taste and great prosperity.
Upon these follow special methods of induction applicable to quantity, viz., the method of curves, the method of means, the method of least squares and the method of residues, and special methods depending on resemblance (to which the transition is made through the law of continuity), viz.
The Alameda, one of many fine avenues, was laid out on the site of the chief landward wall, and separates the old town from the new - in which the houses are uniformly modern, and built in straight streets or regular series of squares.
I know what I mean when I say I believe in the law of the inverse squares, and I will not rest my life and my hopes upon weaker convictions.
Ward in his Gifford lectures for 1896-1898 (Naturalism and Agnosticism, 1899), Huxley's challenge ("I know what I mean when I say I believe in the law of the inverse squares, and I will not rest my life and my hopes upon weaker convictions") is one which a spiritualistic philosophy need not shrink from accepting at the hands of naturalistic agnosticism.
The central parts of the city have broad streets and squares, bordered with fine buildings and mansions in the Italian style, and with good shops.
The preachers were picturesque figures in long russet dress down to the heels, who, staff in hand, preached in the mother tongue to the people in churches and graveyards, in squares, streets and houses, in gardens and pleasure grounds, and then talked privately with those who had been impressed.
The straight canals running at right angles to the river, the broad, straight treeplanted streets, the spacious squares, and the solid plain public buildings would not be unworthy of a town in the Netherlands.
The streets of the former are narrow and irregular, but the latter, founded at the end of the 16th century by fugitive Walloons and Netherlanders, is built in the form of a pentagon with broad streets crossing at right angles, and possesses several fine squares, among which may be mentioned the marketplace, adorned with handsome fountains at the four corners.
Central Park occupies the space of two city squares in the old fashionable residence districts.
The principal squares of the town are the Kaiserplatz, the Broglieplatz, the Schlossplatz and the Kleberplatz.
The reason for taking the elements as the variables is that they vary very slowly, a property which facilitates their determination, since the variations may be treated as small quantities, of which the squares and products may be neglected in a first solution.
In a second solution the squares and products may be taken account of, and so on as far as necessary.
It states that the squares of the periods of circulation round the sun of the several planets are in the same ratio as the cubes of their mean distances.
Between the inner town and the latter lies the magnificent Augustusplatz, one of the most spacious squares in Europe.
The figure shows two of the commonest designs which are used for these cloths, design A being what is often termed the "perfect honeycomb"; in the figure it will be seen that the highest number of successive white squares is seven, while the corresponding highest number of successive black squares is five.
An important metrical property of conjugate diameters is the sum of their squares equals the sum of the squares of the major and minor axis.
The cube may have originated by placing three equal squares at a common vertex, so as to form a trihedral angle.
In the " great rhombicosidodecahedron " the dodecahedral faces are decagons, the icosahedral hexagons and the triacontahedral squares; this solid is sometimes called the " truncated icosidodecahedron."
In intermediate cases the intensities of the two beams are proportional to the squares of the cosines of the angles that the principal plane of the second rhomb makes with the positions in which they have the greatest intensity.
The intensities of the incident, reflected and refracted streams are then measured in the same way, and we have merely to express that the square of the amplitude of the incident vibrations is equal to the sum of the squares of the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted vibrations.
When closed, the ten frames, together with the two outside ones (fitted with squares of glass for inspection), which represent the covers of the book, were tied together with a couple of stout strings.
Campeche was one of the three open ports of this coast under the Spanish regime, and its walls, general plan, fine public edifices, shady squares and comfortable stone residences are evidence of the wealth it once possessed.
In the case of the brightness of large objects obviously the whole pencil is involved, and hence the clearness is the squares of these values, i.e.
The pseudo-classicism of the period of Marietta's foundation is indicated by the names - Capitolium for one of the public squares, Sacra Via for one of the principal streets, and Campus Martius for the fortification.
The city is in great part laid out in rectangular squares, the streets running nearly with the cardinal points of the compass.
Over 100 different blanket squares can be knitted up to create a dozen unique Afghans in a variety of styles.
Clear, step-by-step instructions show you how to piece the squares together to create your finished Afghan.
With its winding alleys intricately laced between cool squares, stepping in to Middle Temple really is like stepping back in time.
Wandering through the city's charming boulevards and squares is a pleasant way to spend a day.
These were rough squares and circles of rough local stone, shot with sprouts of green bracken.
These are added to the return value from the c subroutine discussed earlier which results in the squares in the c subroutine discussed earlier which results in the squares in the current grid being selected.
The large squares of pikemen and archers which had earlier overcome mounted cavalry, now became targets for artillery and musket fire.
If we had a few more squares and open spaces they would greatly conduce to the healthfulness of the lieges.
Now we are looking for squares of all numbers divisible by 4, hence squares of even numbers.
They began by throwing two beanbag dolls onto the mat so that they landed in different number squares.
Position of equilibrium In the example we've used, the equilibrium mixture contained more orange squares than blue ones.
The city welcomes visitors with wide esplanades paved in russet marble, which stroll to courtly squares graced with artistic buildings.
Predation losses were determined by lightly gluing giant foxtail and velvetleaf weed seeds onto squares of sandpaper.
Everyone enjoyed weaving squares of textured yarns which were then sewn into a colorful hanging.
The red squares denote the mean heuristic for the final heuristics of this run Figure 2.
Then with a sharp knife cut smaller squares off with the blade at an angle.
Allow ten minutes to absorb, then remove excess with damp cotton squares or toning lotion.
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Master of the Queen's Music, has used magic squares in several of his compositions.
At the center of the micromouse maze shall be an opening composed of 4 unit squares.
In the middle are lines of squares surrounded by pink petals.
The sound rotates in the horizontal plane, three squares away starting directly to the left of the listener.
The squares, moreover, are not nearly so crowded or so populous as the streets and the other parts of the city.
I use terry squares with plastic pants and sometimes with a plastic diaper wrap for when I'm feeling posh.
The final probability of an event is then obtained by the sum of the squares of the two numbers describing the resultant probability amplitude.
It is common to use a 50 x 50 cm quadrat, divided into 25 smaller squares.
This may be done by fitting the offset model through sample points using least squares regression fitting.
Use 12 - 14 quarters of lemon slices dependant upon size of squares to be cut once baked.
Italian german Spanish a bunch of only for squares.
To get them for the starting model for the least squares do zero cycles.
The third element was a field study of habitats, flora and fauna on a random sample of paired 1 km squares.
How do I count the number of species present in separate grid squares?
The Jaques walnut and sycamore Chessboard (6,3 cm squares) is a remarkable replica of the 19th century design!
The squares were mounted on 12mm diameter sticky carbon tabs which in turn were mounted on 10mm diameter aluminum tabs.
These are large squares of cream material bordered with black stripes and with long tassels at the four corners.
The carved picture squares can be sandblasted or painted white again for future art projects.
Word domination Global claims have as much chance as getting ' archeology ' on three triple word squares.
At the focus of his telescope he placed fine silver wires at right angles to each other, which, by their intersection, formed a network of small squares.
This method of numeration dates from the time of Guzman Blanco, but the common people adhere to the names bestowed upon the city squares in earlier times.
As corollaries to the general formulae he adds the formulae relating to the representation of a number as a sum of five squares and also of seven squares.
Fourteen years later the Academie Frangaise, in ignorance of Smith's work, set the demonstration and completion of Eisenstein's theorems for five squares as the subject of their "Grand Prix des Sciences Mathematiques."
Resuming the inquiry into the invariability of mean motions, Poisson carried the approximation, with Lagrange's formulae, as far as the squares of the disturbing forces, hitherto neglected, with the same result as to the stability of the system.
As a mathematician he devised various elaborate magic squares and novel magic circles, of which he speaks apologetically, because they are of no practical use.
Entering politics at the dreariest and least profitable stage in Canadian history, he took the foremost part in the movement which made of Canada a nation; he guided that nation through the nebulous stages of its existence, and left it united, strong and vigorous, a monument to his patriotic and far-sighted statesmanship. His statue adorns the squares of the principal Canadian towns.
In 1806 appeared Legendre's Nouvelles Methodes pour la determination des orbites des cometes, which is memorable as containing the first published suggestion of the method of least squares (see Probability).
Thus, although the method of least squares was first formally proposed by Legendre, the theory and algorithm and mathematical foundation of the process are due to Gauss and Laplace.
Furthermore it is seen that AB is perpendicular to the line joining the centres, and divides it in the ratio of the squares of the radii.
The city is laid out in regular squares, with shady streets and plazas.
Fine broad streets, splendid squares and public gardens, hotels, villas, palatial new public buildings and numerous schools came into existence.
The " method of least squares," by which the most probable result can be educed from a body of observational data, was published by Adrien Marie Legendre in 1806, by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his Theoria Motus (1809), which described also a mode of calculating the orbit of a planet from three complete observations, afterwards turned to important account for the recapture of Ceres, the first discovered asteroid (see Planets, Minor).
Two of each of these maximum floats form the top or highest edges of the cell, and the number of sucA B cessive like squares decreases as the bottom of the cell is reached when the floats are one of black and one of white (see middle of design, &c.).
In her own words, they were "good boards overhead, good boards all around, and a good window"--of two whole squares originally, only the cat had passed out that way lately.
It's a rectangle filled with colored squares upon which perch some strange animals.
She devised a puzzle based on the idea of filling in squares on a rectangular grid to create a picture.
This could include village greens, market squares and seaside promenades, for example, on which many cultural and traditional events take place.
Figure 4. Locations of temporary seismograph stations (red squares) deployed around Manchester.
They include growth curve modeling, sequential acceptance sampling and partial least squares regression.
Small squares of soundproofing mat can also be used behind the resilient bars where they are attached to the joists.
The second stage smoothes these oscillations by performing a least squares cubic spline fit to the data.
The Jaques walnut and sycamore Chessboard (6,3 cm squares) is a remarkable replica of the 19th century design !
The National Grid defines a series of 100km squares, each of which is further subdivided into 10km squares.
Four out of the 7 squares (in Area 5) which were positive for water vole signs in 1999/2000 remain positive in 2005.
It looked like two squares of worn Turkish carpet, stitched together at the edges.
Some parents like to make a row of the days of the week and out beside each day draw several squares, triangles, or circles for each time their child uses the potty.
Baby Blocks Cake - Cut rectangular cakes into squares (two layers high) and frost on five sides.
For proper presentation, remove the crust from the sandwiches and cut them neatly into small squares or triangles.
Cut several squares of cloth, stack them on top of each other, and sew one side together to create a book.
Take a sheet of cardboard and tape down large squares of four different colors.
These diapers are flat squares of cotton (or bamboo, hemp, or wool) folded into a kind of pad that gets inserted into a diaper cover.
The display uses a backlight and several thousand red, green, and blue pixels or light squares that open or close to let light pass through them.
If you want to measure yourself, the best thing you can do is to cordon the room or rooms into perfect squares.
Carefully cut the dough into bite-sized squares.
Recycled glass, polished granite squares, metal and a mixture of ceramic, glass or stone mosaics are the perfect choices for the backsplash.
I chose pine 15-light (those are the squares) doors (one of which is pictured at left) in a honey stain to give the rooms that warm Mediterranean feel.
Panels are generally 24" squares and run from $15 to $75 per panel.
Draw the shape of your office space and use squares or rectangles to represent furniture.
The object with selecting tile size is not to overpower the space with too big tile squares.
You can place small tile squares as spacer between the larger tiles turned to at an angle for a diamond shape.
They aren't just patchwork squares anymore, either.
Known for its 21 squares, delicious food and Southern charm, Savannah, Georgia offers exquisite examples of early American residential architecture.
Savannah's shady streets and squares are lined with beautifully restored homes.
Designs ranged from 6-inch embossed squares, to interlocking designs that scrolled across the ceiling.
While this wall paper is sold in rolls, like traditional wall paper, you may have an easier time cutting it into squares.
Since tin ceilings are typically in 6-inch, 12-inch or 24-inch panels, you can easily cut the paper to 6-inch or 12-inch squares for easier installation.
They can be arranged in simple rows or squares, or they can be installed in more intricate patterns and designs.
They can be made of any material, and can come in squares, rectangles or circles, as well as in murals.
Choose from 1-inch squares, circles or diamond shapes and use a variety of colors.
For example, the Craftsman style was often married to many Art Deco influenced motifs, such as the geometric shapes of squares and rectangles.
Stylized flowers, geometric shapes, especially squares and circles reflect the style of Cubism in the pattern designs.
Although the kit comes with double-faced adhesive squares, these are only used to hold the frame strips in place while the glue dries.
Granted, this is nothing new in a day and age when mascara brushes are fashioned into everything from squares to circles.
Typically, free online crossword puzzles use Java or Flash programming that allows you to enter letters in separate squares.
This is useful to help fill in large blank squares in a crossword as you don't have to worry about knowing any of the letters or trying to guess at the meaning.
By doing so, you will be left with nine imaginary equal-shaped squares as you look through your camera's viewfinder.
Stir until the chocolate squares are melted.
Then the chef takes a few sheets of the pre-made puff pastry and cuts them into 3-inch squares and places a few tablespoons of the sweet potato mixture in one corner of the pastry, folding the pastry over to form a filled triangle.
Tags, borders, photo mats, and serendipity squares can easily be made from leftover paper scraps.
When you're making a layout based on a published scrapbooking sketch, use a large sticker to replace one or more of the photo squares.
Floating stickers look awkward, so avoid potential problems by mounting tiny embellishments onto small chipboard squares or cardstock strips.
Replace some of the photo squares with extra journaling blocks or embellishments cut from your favorite patterned paper.
Punch squares from scraps of coordinating patterned paper, then arrange the squares to make a frame for a special photo.
These sharp edged wheels significantly reduce the time required to cut out the fabric squares, which allows the quilter to spend more time quilting and less time cutting.
Print two copies of the same sticker design, then layer one on top of the other with small foam adhesive squares for a bit of dimension.
Print multiple copies of the same sticker, then layer them on top of each other with foam adhesive squares to create dimension.
Use a square punch to create a grid of uniform squares from patterned paper.
Wrap scraps of embroidery floss or ribbon around the squares before adhering them to your layout.
For example, if you wish to purchase adhesive squares, you may end up having to buy twelve dozen packages of adhesive squares in order to get the special pricing.
Make it more feminine with big red flowers or more masculine with a few red squares on the walls.Polka dots are in style right now for girls and can incorporate a teen's favorite colors.
Why not try painting squares in bright colors slightly larger than the posters?
Draw 12 squares on a piece of poster board and number them randomly from one to twelve.
Gentlemen will use cufflinks or pocket squares on the big day.
Round truffles are the most common, but flat-based ovals, hearts, squares, and bells are also popular choices for weddings.
I heard in the military, they were about $7 for a carton of 20 packs of squares back then, in the early 80's.
Black-and-white small squares can make a strong statement in a larger bathroom, but in a small one can create headaches.
Cosmo, with seemingly randomly placed squares in shades of pink, yellow, and green.
Like the circle, the squares were repeated across the entire expanse of material.
Circles and squares were often used together.
Circles and squares in different sizes and colors are commonly used to create interesting designs.
John Mayer become popular in 2002, when his album, Room for Squares, produced hits such as Your Body is a Wonderland and No Such Thing.
He's worked on the reality TV series Big Brother as a health and human relations expert, and made appearances on fun shows like Hollywood Squares and Celebrity Fit Club.
She went on to appear as a celebrity guest on several other game shows, including The Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour and Super Password.
As many popular actors did at the time, Blake popped up in a variety of game shows as a celebrity panelist, including Hollywood Squares and Match Game.
From 1970 to 1977 she was a regular panelist on the celebrity game show The Hollywood Squares.
Roll the dough out approximately 1/2 inch thick and cut into rectangles or squares.
Cut out shapes from the dough using your favorite cutters or simply cut the dough into equal size squares or bars.
If you prefer, you can roll the dough out in a rectangle and simply cut it into squares or rectangles.
Cut the rolled dough into squares or rectangles.
They don't even have to be round; as decorations they are common in a variety of shapes, from squares to half-moons.
The inside square is then sectioned into individual one foot squares by string or thin wooden slats.
The resulting 16 squares in the grid are then planted with various vegetable varieties specifically suited to small space gardening.
This patterned wood is sold in 12" x 12" squares, like tile, and is installed tongue-and-groove, and then held in place with adhesive.
It's a peel 'n stick solution that is available in traditional 12" x 12" squares as well as planks for a wood flooring look, and larger formats.
Available in 12" x 12" squares, these tiles affix to your existing ceiling.
Most glass tile is made into small squares for mosaic patterns.
These designs are then made into tile rugs, where the glass squares are glued to are screen mats.
These tiles are uniform in color and design than are smalti tiles and usually come in one-inch × one-inch squares.
This recycling method is very labor-intensive as the molten glass with color already added, is poured into a pancake on a metal table and then pressed with a cookie cutter-like form to create the squares.
Keep the color palette similar throughout the layers, and mix circles, with thin rectangles, squares and abstract shapes.
Vinyl tiles are most commonly in 12 x 12 inch squares, however other sizes are available as well.
Tape up a few paint selection squares onto the wall of the room and leave them for a few days to help decide between two colors.
Formed of large sheets of carpeting, squares of varying sizes are stamped out to from "tiles" of carpet.
Carpets, like many building materials, are frequently dyed in lots, so purchasing more tiles after the installation is complete may mean mismatched squares down the road.
Mark your layout; your drawing will come in handy on installation day and it will also help you evaluate how many carpet squares of each color you'll need.
As you shop, you'll see a variety of traditional locket shapes, such as hearts, round designs, squares, ovals, and rectangles.
This type of jewelry box comes in various shapes, including octagons, circles, squares, and rectangles.
Classic prints include paisley, stripes, herringbone and checkered squares.
You can use any length that fits well in your garden area, but four foot by four foot squares and four foot by six foot rectangles seem to be the easiest to manage.
Use the shovel to plant the nut no more than 10 squares away from the sea.
The Shining Force series is a turned-based RPG that utilizes squares to make your movements.
Just like before, match your blocks to form color squares into one color, while trying to prevent unmatched blocks from getting to the top.
The bonus squares allow you to get double or triple value for particular letters and also to get double or triple value for entire words.
However, the bonus squares are positioned differently.
The goal is to create matching squares (or rectangles) that are at least two blocks by two blocks.
The matching squares that you created will only be cleared from the screen when this line passes over it, adding in an extra little bit of strategy.
You see, the more squares that you clear in one pass (these square can be overlapping), the more points you will receive.
The main mode was and always will be "Challenge", wherein you are given an empty slate and you must make as many squares as you can before the screen fills up.
The game field is split in half and by creating squares, you can push the dividing line toward your opponent's side.
When the CPU makes squares, it gets pushed back.
This is not your older sister's Tetris game; squares of four blocks have never been so challenging to stack on screen.
All you do all day long is stack and restack boxes, but unlike real life in Lumines all of the boxes are perfectly square; however grouping squares of the same types of colors and patterns can be tricky.
Mines are randomly distributed throughout the field, and it is your job to mark which squares they inhabit.
You do so based on the numbers found in non-mine squares that indicate how many explosives are in its immediate vicinity.
Each 9x9 grid is subdivided into larger 3x3 squares.
Basically, you drop 2-by-2 squares that contain two colors in different patterns onto the screen.
The graphics of Cubis 2 aren't anything amazing, since the game is played with multicolored squares.
The guests are just multicolored sticks and the different terrain is multicolored squares.
Children may also draw a series of pictures, like cartoon squares, to show action sequences over time.
These steps will be described in the dance instructions by phrases such as "do a grapevine to the left for 8 beats," or "two jazz squares, starting with the left foot, then a ball change and step-hop on the left."
As its name suggests, the Aires de Verbena comes from Spanish roots and is often traditionally danced on the steps and courtyard of town squares and government centers.
Next, you want to take a piece of drawing paper and using a ruler, divide the paper into nine even squares.
Then label and assign the corresponding colors to the squares.
You can then print it out on iron-on transfer sheets to make t-shirts for a family reunion or quilt squares for a family quilt.
Simply click the "print" button below the animal and everything you need, including the paper squares, are printed.
To make origami animals, you'll need sheets of origami paper or other types of paper cut in perfect squares.
Children as young as three understand basic hearts, stars and squares.
Asian themed gift-wrap paper may be an appropriate weight for origami, but it needs to be hand-cut in exact squares.
A paper cutter is very helpful for preparing squares with clean, straight edges.
You may want to use 12x12 scrapbook paper or cut squares from a roll of wrapping paper in order to create larger envelopes.
Decide how many squares you want on each playing board.
This will help you make uniform squares, triangles, and strips with ease.
Abstract patterns involving geometric shapes (squares, wavy lines, etc.) are also popular, particularly in blues and greens reminiscent of water.
Using your ravioli maker, you can make perfectly formed squares of ravioli to impress guests and your family alike.
Instead, they have fun and learn from simple game activities like throwing dice and counting off squares as they move their marker ever closer to the goal.
For very young children, fill the twenty-five squares with blue, red, yellow, green, and orange.
Shapes - Younger children will want to start with squares, circles, triangles, rectangles and ovals but older children could use more advanced geometric shapes to reinforce their geometry lessons.
The best way to do this is to give the children their parameters for what should be found in their squares such as letters, numbers, colors, shapes, etc., and then have them create their own unique boards.
This means it moves two squares straight ahead then either one square to the left or right.
The voice will tell you what to do, like "Stand on two squares".
The knight is a special piece and is allowed to move in the shape of an 'L' the equivalent of three squares.
There are two colors and they are set up on alternating squares, leaving three rows open between the two colors.
If you are just starting out with Reversi, stick with keeping control of the middle and the squares surrounding the middle.
After downloading the template, you just add your clipart or photos and edit the squares on the board to include things that are relevant to the game you are making and then print out.
You can glue it onto an old game board then you have lying around or you can purchase pre-cut cardboard squares at your local craft shop.
Design - The board consists of 64 squares lined-up eight in a row with eight rows.