Spreading Sentence Examples
He grabbed a butter knife and began spreading jelly on a biscuit.
The right to representation is spreading around the world.
He looked at her closely, a slow smile spreading across his face.
Water seeped from the opening, spreading out in a sticky ooze that was quickly eaten by the thirsty ground.
He didn't share the encroaching baldness or the spreading waistline of the others.
He took paternal pride in the achievements of his pupils, and delighted to see, through them, his influence spreading in every university.
Presently they came to a low plant which had broad, spreading leaves, in the center of which grew a single fruit about as large as a peach.
Darkyn cupped her cheek with one hand, the cool energy spreading as his thumb rubbed her cheek lightly.
Balfour put forward the view that the polyp was the more primitive type, and that the medusa is a special modification of the polyp for reproductive purposes, the result of division of labour in a polypcolony, whereby special reproductive persons become detached and acquire organs of locomotion for spreading the species.
I took down this dwelling the same morning, drawing the nails, and removed it to the pond-side by small cartloads, spreading the boards on the grass there to bleach and warp back again in the sun.
AdvertisementHe proceeded to Auxerre - a place which seems to have had a close connexion with Britain and Ireland - and was ordained deacon by Bishop Amator, along with two others who were afterwards associated with him in spreading the faith in Ireland.
He glided silently on one foot half across the room, and seeming not to notice the chairs was dashing straight at them, when suddenly, clinking his spurs and spreading out his legs, he stopped short on his heels, stood so a second, stamped on the spot clanking his spurs, whirled rapidly round, and, striking his left heel against his right, flew round again in a circle.
The flood water brought down by the Shari in December and January causes the lake to rise to a maximum of 24 ft., the water spreading over low-lying ground, left dry again in May or June.
At this period the religion of Mahomet was spreading over the east, and in 637 the caliph Omar marched on Jerusalem, which capitulated after a siege of four months.
As the friars became more and more numerous their missionary labours extended wider and wider, spreading first over Italy, and then to other countries.
AdvertisementFrom this time the spreading genealogy of the Howards drew its origins from most of the illustrious names of the houses founded after the Norman Conquest.
Since the days of Adolf of Holstein and Henry the Lion, a movement of German colonization, in which farmers from the Low Countries, merchants from Lubeck, and monks of the Cistercian Order all played their parts, had been spreading German influence from the Oder to the Vistula, from the Vistula to the Dwina - to Prague, to Gnesen, and even to Novgorod the Great.
When young its spreading boughs form good cover for game.
They can be killed by spreading about cabbage leaves, &c., poisoned with Paris green.
In its long course it varies greatly both in depth and width, in some parts being only a few feet deep and spreading out to a width of more than a mile, while in other and mountainous portions of its course its channel is narrowed to 300 or 400 ft., and its depth is increased in inverse ratio.
AdvertisementThe meetings for business further concern themselves with arrangements for spreading the Quaker doctrine, and for carrying out various religious, philanthropic and social activities not neces sarily confined to the Society of Friends.
Dram-drinking was spreading like an epidemic. Freethinkers' clubs flourished.
The fore-foot is fivetoed and spreading; indicating that the members of the family were swamp-dwelling animals.
He had joined the Social Democratic movement which in those days was spreading widely in Russia.
It often begins in the tissues of the end of the gullet, spreading downwards to the stomach.
AdvertisementIn the earlier accepted notion of direct segmentation, usually known as the schema of Remak, division was described as commencing in the nucleolus, as thereafter spreading to the nucleus, and as ultimately implicating the cell-substance.
He could see puffs of musketry smoke that seemed to chase one another down the hillsides, and clouds of cannon smoke rolling, spreading, and mingling with one another.
The old oak, quite transfigured, spreading out a canopy of sappy dark-green foliage, stood rapt and slightly trembling in the rays of the evening sun.
They sang together and everyone in the theater began clapping and shouting, while the man and woman on the stage--who represented lovers-- began smiling, spreading out their arms, and bowing.
If you see that the area is getting red, it is important to watch for any spreading of redness outward to the rest of the body.
Robur than any other species, forming a thick trunk with spreading base and, when growing in glades or other open places, huge spreading boughs, less twisted and gnarled than those of the English oak, and covered with a whitish bark that gives a marked character to the tree.
On each side of that great chain are found extensive Tertiary deposits, sometimes, as in Tuscany, the district of Monferrat, &c., forming a broken, hilly country, at others spreading into broad plains or undulating downs, such as the Tavoliere of Puglia, and the tract that forms the spur of Italy from Bari to Otranto.
At present such chambers exist in many Italian cities, while leagues of improvement,, or of resistance, are rapidly spreading in the country districts.
Meanwhile a conviction was spreading that the only way of escape from the dangerous isolation of Italy lay in closer agreement with Austria and Germany.
In the first place, buds may be produced only from the hydrorhiza, which grows out and branches to form a basal stolon, typically net-like, spreading over the substratum to which the founderpolyp attached itself.
For the world as a whole, however, he postulated a beginning in time (whence his use of the word creation), and further supposed that the impulse of organization which was conveyed to chaotic matter by the Creator issued from a central point in the infinite space spreading gradually outwards.
The common or tall variety of C. sempervirens is known as C. fastigiate; the other variety, C. horizontalis, which is little planted in England, is distinguished by its horizontally spreading branches, and its likeness to the cedar.
The stout horizontally spreading branches give a cedar-like appearance; the foliage is light and feathery; the leaves and the slender shoots which bear them fall in the autumn.
Thus arose the society of the Friends of God (Gottesfreunde) in the south and west of Germany, spreading as far as Switzerland on the one side and the Netherlands on the other.
Phajinae, includes 15 genera chiefly tropical Asiatic, some- Phajus and Calanthe - spreading northwards into China and Japan.
Henry then demanded his surrender from the emperor as one who was spreading sedition in England, and Tyndale left Antwerp for two years, returning in 1533 and busying himself with revising his translations.
It maybe assumed as desirable that the demand for cotton should be so spread as to keep its price as steady as possible - " steadiness " will be defined more exactly later - and that to this end it is essential that specialists should devote themselves to the task of spreading it.
In the Malay Peninsula itself there is abundant evidence, ethnological and philological, of at least two distinct immigrations of people of the Malayan stock, the earlier incursions, it is probable, taking place from the eastern archipelago to the south, the later invasion spreading across the Straits of Malacca from Sumatra at a comparatively recent date.
There are no Malay manuscripts extant, no monumental records with inscriptions in Malay, dating from before the spreading of Islam in the archipelago, about the end of the 13th century.
Most commonly Ariadne is represented asleep on the shore at Naxos, while Dionysus, attended by satyrs and bacchanals, gazes admiringly upon her; sometimes they are seated side by side under a spreading vine.
The ordinary macintosh or waterproof cloth is prepared by spreading on the textile fabric layer after layer of indiarubber paste or solution made with benzol or coal-naphtha.
Air goods, such as cushions, beds, gas bags, and so forth, are made of textile fabrics which have been coated with mixed rubber either by the spreading process above described, or by means of heated rollers, the curing being then effected by steam heat.
On the whole, we may say that the arctic and boreal faunas of Europe extend over Siberia, with a few additional species in the Ural and Baraba region - a number of new species also appearing in East Siberia, some spreading along the high plateau and others along the lower plateau from the steppes of the Gobi.
A large number of specimens of a species are usually found together, since their only mode of spreading is during the ciliated larval stage, which although it swims vigorously can only cover a few millimetres an hour; still it may be carried some little distance by currents.
The dolmen-builders of the New Stone Age are now known to have long occupied both Korea and Japan, from which advanced Asiatic lands they may have found little difficulty in spreading over the Polynesian world, just as in the extreme west they were able to range over Scandinavia, Great Britain and Ireland.
The plan, spreading from the centre over three hills, closely resembles that of Perugia.
The invasion of the lymphatic glands and the spreading of the growth into neighbouring organs, render the successful operative treatment of gastric cancer hazardous and disappointing.
The meroola (sclerocarya caffra) a medium sized deciduous tree with a rounded spreading top is found in the low veld and up the slopes to a height of 4500 ft.
Gull and Sutton asserted that in particular states of body, and more especially in the condition associated with cirrhotic kidney, such a fibrosis becomes general, running, as they alleged it does, along the adventitia of arteries and spreading to their capillaries.
Zumalacarregui had no sympathy with the liberal principles which were spreading in Spain, and became noted as what was called a Servil or strong Royalist.
The process consisted in spreading the leaf on a thin film of blown glass and pressing molten glass on to the leaf so that the molten glass cohered with the film of glass through the pores of the metallic leaf.
The best known and longest cultivated species is the old-world grape-vine, Vitis vinifera; a variety of this, silvestris, occurs wild in the Mediterranean region, spreading eastwards towards the Caucasus and northwards into southern Germany, and may be regarded as the parent of the cultivated vine.
They are unbranched and bear in the upper portion numerous long narrow grass-like leaves arranged in two rows; the leaf springs from a large sheath and has a more or less spreading blade 3 ft.
The services rendered by Nicot in spreading a knowledge of the plant have been commemorated in the scientific name of the genus Nicotiana.
The roasting is most simply effected by spreading it on heated slabs, on which it is constantly turned, or a roasting machine is used, consisting of a revolving drum in which the tobacco is rotated, gradually passing from one end to the other, and all the time under the influence of a current of heated air.
The receptacle is, in consequence, extended more or less horizontally so that the flowers appear to be placed on the upper surface of horizontally spreading stalks.
The plants are bulbous herbs, with flat or rounded radical leaves, and a central naked or leafy stem, bearing a head or umbel of small flowers, with a spreading or bell-shaped white, pink, red, yellow or blue perianth.
Oxycedrus, a common plant in the Mediterranean region, forming a shrub or low tree with spreading branches and short, stiff, prickly leaves.
The flowers are regular, with a perianth springing from above the ovary, tubular below, with spreading segments and a central corona; the six stamens are inserted within the tube.
The resulting pebble and quartz-sand is very unproductive, and supports chiefly a poor underwood and crippled pines with widely spreading roots which seek their nourishment afar.
Amongst the finest of his classical pictures were - "Syracusan Bride leading Wild Beasts in Procession to the Temple of Diana" (1866), "Venus disrobing for the Bath" (1867), "Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon," and "Helios and Rhodos" (1869), "Hercules wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis" (1871), "Clytemnestra" (1874), "The Daphnephoria" (1876), "Nausicaa" (1878), "An Idyll" (1881), two lovers under a spreading oak listening to the piping of a shepherd and gazing on the rich plain below; "Phryne" (1882), a nude figure standing in the sun; "Cymon and Iphigenia" (1884), "Captive Andromache" (1888), now in the Manchester Art Gallery; with the "Last Watch of Hero" (1887), "The Bath of Psyche" (1890), now in the Chantrey Bequest collection; "The Garden of the Hesperides" (1892), "Perseus and Andromeda" and "The Return of Persephone," now in the Leeds Gallery (1891); and "Clytie," his last work (1896).
If, however, the insect were content with this method of reproduction the disease could be isolated by surrounding the infected patches with a deep ditch full of some such substance as coal-tar, which would prevent the insects spreading on to the roots of healthy vines.
Down, Ireland, about 1836, and appeared in England in 1841, spreading through the country in ponds, ditches' and streams, which were often choked with its rank growth.
The best remedy in such cases is to prevent the air from gaining access to the coal by building a wall round the burning portion, which can in this way be isolated from the remainder of the working, and the fire prevented from spreading, even if it cannot be extinguished.
Nearly all the stucco-fronted brick houses, with flat roofs and cornices and wide spreading stoeps, of the early Dutch settlers have been replaced by shops, warehouses and offices in styles common to English towns.
As the sphere of the census operations in Canada has been gradually spreading from the small beginnings on the east coast to the immense territories of the north-west, so, in the island continent, colonization, first concentrated in the south-east, has extended along the coasts and thence into the interior, except in the northern region.
The legislature appointed an arbitration commission, but this was unsuccessful, and the trouble, spreading to other counties, culminated (1845) in the murder of the deputy-sheriff of Delaware county.
He was educated at Toul, where he successively became canon and (1026) bishop; in the latter capacity he rendered important political services to his relative Conrad II., and afterwards to Henry III., and at the same time he became widely known as an earnest and reforming ecclesiastic by the zeal he showed in spreading the rule of the order of Cluny.
Meanwhile his reputation was spreading throughout Europe.
Meanwhile the waves are spreading out and the value of u is falling in inverse proportion to the distance from the source, so that very soon its effect must become negligible.
Hence all rays between =0 will be confined in the space between the outer dome and a circle of radius OP cos 0, and the weakening of intensity will be chiefly due to vertical spreading.
The bombardment began on the 19th of August and continued for three days, while the infantry was spreading along the front and gaining ground where it could.
Less frequently it consisted of a stack of brushwood or fascines built up from the bottom and' strengthened by stakes penetrating the mass so as to keep it from spreading.
The main watershed follows a tortuous course which crosses the mountainous belt just north of New river in Virginia; south of this the rivers head in the Blue Ridge, cross the higher Unakas, receive important tributaries from the Great Valley, and traversing the Cumberland Plateau in spreading gorges, escape by way of the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers to the Ohio and Mississippi, and thus to the Gulf of Mexico; in the central section the rivers, rising in or beyond the Valley Ridges, flow through great gorges (water gaps) to the Great Valley, and by southeasterly courses across the Blue Ridge to tidal estuaries penetrating the coastal plain; in the northern section the water-parting lies on the inland side of the mountainous belt, the main lines of drainage running from north to south.
The spores formed on the delicate grey mould are carried during the summer from one plant to another, thus spreading the disease, and also germinate in the soil where the fungus may remain passive during the winter producing a new crop of spores next spring, or sometimes attacking the scales of the bulbs forming small black hard bodies embedded in the flesh.
Nevertheless, the extremely severe penal edicts issued during the reign of Sigismund I., though seldom applied, seem to point to the fact that heresy was spreading widely throughout the country.
It synchronized with, and was partly determined by, the new political system which was spreading all over Europe, the system of dynastic diplomatic competition and the unscrupulous employment of unlimited secret service funds.
B, male flowers; I before; 2, after spreading of the petals...
The socialism of this body was not, however, advanced enough for his views, and after studying the programme of the, more violent Jura Federation at Neuchatel and spending some time in the company of the leading members, he definitely adopted the creed of anarchism and, on returning to Russia, took an active part in spreading the nihilist propaganda.
They did not greatly differ from the 1550 edition of Stephanus, but historically are important for the great part they played in spreading a knowledge of the Greek text, and as supplying the text which the Elzevirs made the standard on the continent.
At this time there were not more than 20 parishes north of the Forth and Clyde where there was a compulsory assessment for the poor, but the English method of assessment was rapidly spreading.
In the one case they are entirely restricted to the neighbourhood of the boil or ulcer, whereas in the other there is a general infection of the body, the organisms spreading to all parts and being met with in the spleen, liver, bone-marrow, &c., and (rarely) in the peripheral circulation.
After spreading terror through Calabria, he crossed over to Sicily, where he concerted further attacks on the French.
The twigs are densely clothed with flat spreading linear leaves of a fine glossy green above and glaucous beneath; in the old trees they become shorter and more rigid and partly lose their distichous habit.
Mani did not remain long in Persia, but undertook long journeys for the purpose of spreading his religion, and also sent forth disciples.
In the first decades after the establishment of independence the resources and energies of the nation were absorbed in the task of occupying the vacant spaces of a continent, and sub-, duing it to agriculture; and so long as land was so abundant that the spreading population easily sustained itself upon the fruits of the soil, and satisfied the tastes of a simple society with the products of neighborhood handicrafts, there was no incentive to any real development of a factory economy.
All these three institutions are in operation in some Western states and are spreading to some of the Eastern cities.
The Chinese and Japanese numbered in 1906 about 20,000, of whom, three-quarters were in British Columbia, though they were spreading through the other provinces, chiefly as laundrymen.
When springing up among rocks or on ledges, the stem sometimes becomes much curved, and, with its spreading boughs and pendent branchlets, often forms a striking and picturesque object in alpine passes and steep ravines.
Another disease which is sometimes confused with that caused by the Peziza is " heart-rot "; it occasionally attacks larches only ten years old or less, but is more common when the trees have acquired a considerable size, sometimes spreading in a short time through a whole plantation.
Whatever value may attach to the consolidation of the British Empire itself as a factor in spreading the peace which reigns within it, it is also a great contribution to the peace of the world that the British race should have founded practically independent states like the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the South African Union and the Dominion of New Zealand.
It is allowable to deceive an enemy by fabricated despatches purporting to come from his own side; by tampering with telegraph 1112Ssages; by spreading false intelligence in newspapers; by sending pretended spies and deserters to give him untrue reports of the numbers or movements of the troops; by employing false signals to lure him into an ambuscade.
Facing the plaza is the old Governor's Palace, a low, spreading, adobe structure, erected early in the 17th century, but partially destroyed in the Pueblo revolt of 1680 and later restored.
The understanding, however, between the two contracting parties was very far from being clear and complete, as each party still sought to attain its own aim by spreading in the Christian world divergent interpretations of the concordat and widely-differing plans for reducing it to its final form.
Her foreign admirers amused her, and were useful in spreading her reputation.
To prevent these rods from spreading apart they must be tied together at frequent intervals.
In arctic regions lichens form by far the largest portion of the vegetation, occurring everywhere on the ground and on rocks, and fruiting freely; while terrestrial species of Cladonia and Stereocaulon are seen in the greatest luxuriance and abundance spreading over extensive tracts almost to the entire exclusion of other vegetation.
His beauty, and the splendid ceremonials at which he presided, made him a great favourite with the troops stationed in that part of Syria, and Maesa increased his popularity by spreading reports that he was in reality the illegitimate son of Caracalla.
The Candytuft, of which several dwarf spreading subshrubby species are amongst the best of rock plants, clothing the surface with tufts of green shoots, and flowering in masses during May and June.
Mussinii, i ft., is a compactly spreading greyishleaved labiate, with lavender-blue flowers, and is sometimes used for bedding or for marginal lines in large compound beds.
At least as early as the 3rd century B.C. the custom was introduced of spreading the peplus like a sail on the mast of a ship, which was rolled on a machine in the procession.
Everywhere, save in staunch and steadfast Holland and Zeeland, a feeling of wavering and hesitation was spreading through the land.
After spreading desolation through North Italy and striking terror into the citizens of Rome, Alaric was met by Stilicho at Pollentia (a Roman municipality in what is now Piedmont), and the battle which then followed on the 6th of April 402 (Easter-day) was a victory, though a costly one for Rome, and effectually barred the further progress of the barbarians.
Demophon was burnt to death, and Demeter, to console his parents, took upon herself the care of Triptolemus, instructed him in everything connected with agriculture, and presented him with a wonderful chariot, in which he travelled all over the world, spreading the knowledge of the precious art and the blessings of civilization.
But meanwhile the movement was spreading through Franconia to northern Germany and was especially formidable in Thuringia, where it was led by Thomas Munzer.
Spreading their advanced religious views, these settlers were partly responsible for two serious outbreaks of disorder, At Aix-laChapelle the Protestants, not being allowed freedom of worship, took possession of the city in 1581.
The whole organization of newspapers, societies and trades unions was at once broken up. Almost every political newspaper supported by the party was suppressed; almost all the pamphlets and books issued by them were forbidden; they were thereby at once deprived of the only legitimate means which they had for spreading their opinions.
It has gained rapidly in popularity since the beginning of this century, and is spreading to other centres.
It might have been expected that they would then cease to use their own language and become Germanized; but, on the contrary, the movement of population is spreading their language and they claim that special schools should be provided for them, and that men of their own nationality should be appointed to government offices to deal with their business.
The dominion of the freebooters was spreading.
The revolt assumed large proportions, and became the more dangerous to Abdullah, the khalifa, by reason of its religious character, wild rumours spreading over the country and reaching to Egypt and Suakin of the advent to power of an opposition mahdi.
Education was spreading.
Emerson's interest showed that Carlyle's fame was already spreading in America.
It grows rapidly to a great height, often exceeding 150 ft., with a straight trunk and spreading branches.
The sepals are leafy and persistent; the corolla is generally divided into a longer or shorter tube and a limb which is spreading, as in primrose, or reflexed, as in Cyclamen; in Soldanella it is bell-shaped; in Lysimachia the tube is often very short, the petals appearing almost free; in Glaux the petals are absent.
The suggestion was made, and seems to be the true explanation, that what was actually witnessed was the wave of light due to the outburst of the nova, spreading outwards with its velocity of 186,000 m.
In bands they came from the provinces to Medina to wring concessions from Othman, who, though his armies were spreading terror from the Indus and Oxus to the Atlantic, had no troops at hand in Medina.
The interesting point to be noticed is that, without any formal break, leasing land for life and for term of years is seen to be rapidly spreading from the end of the 13th century, and numberless small tenancies are created in the 14th century which break up the disposition of the holdings.
Thus the declaration of Paris, 1856 (to which, however, the United States, Venezuela and Bolivia have not yet formally acceded), prohibits the use of privateers and protects the commerce of neutrals; the Geneva conventions, 1864 and 1906, give protection to the wounded and to those in attendance upon them; the St Petersburg declaration, 1868, prohibits the employment of explosive bullets weighing less than 400 grammes; and the three Hague declarations of 1899 prohibit respectively (I) the launching of projectiles from balloons, (2) the use of projectiles for spreading harmful gases, and (3) the use of expanding bullets.
About this time, during the interregnum, a federation of more than a hundred towns was formed, beginning on the Rhine, but spreading as far as Bremen in the north, Zurich in the south, and Regensburg in the east, with the object of helping to preserve the peace.
Another form of the Aramaic alphabet, namely, the so-called Estrangela writing which was in use amongst the Christians of northern Syria, was carried by Nestorian missionaries into Central Asia and became the ancestor of a multitude of alphabets spreading through the Turkomans as far east as Manchuria.
The ship and cargo were burnt, but soon after cases of a suspicious form of disease were observed in the hospital and in the poorest parts of the town; and in the summer a fearful epidemic of plague developed itself which destroyed 40,000 or 50,000 persons, and then became extinct without spreading to other parts of Sicily.
He was accused of spreading Wycliffe's doctrines, and his general conduct at Oxford, Paris, Cologne, Prague and Ofen was censured.
In the flood season it usually leaves its banks and inundates the lowlands, spreading over the sands a rich deposit of silt; and on account of this characteristic it is sometimes called " the Nile of New Mexico."
While still a young man he had been affected by the wave of liberalism then spreading all over Italy, and soon after his marriage he began to conspire mildly against the Bourbon government.
In 1852 he produced "Girls Sewing," "Man Spreading Manure"; 1853, "The Reapers"; 1854, "Church at Greville"; 1855 - the year of the International Exhibition, at which he received a medal of second class - "Peasant Grafting a Tree"; 1857, "The Gleaners"; 1859, "The Angelus," "The Woodcutter and Death"; 1860, "Sheep Shearing"; 1861, "Woman Shearing Sheep," "Woman Feeding Child"; 1862, "Potato Planters," "Winter and the Crows"; 1863, "Man with Hoe," "Woman Carding"; 1864, "Shepherds and Flock, Peasants Bringing Home a Calf Born in the Fields"; 1869, "Knitting Lesson"; 1870, "Buttermaking"; 1871, "November - recollection of Gruchy."
The houses are principally of wood, and the streets are wide, as a precaution against the spreading of fire.
The tiger has no mane, but in old males the hair on the cheeks is rather long and spreading.
After a rapid course westwards down the whole length of the Assam valley, the Brahmaputra turns sharply to the south, spreading itself over the alluvial districts of the Bengal delta, and, after several changes of name, ends its course of 1800 m.
When growing in perfection it is one of the finest of the group, and perhaps the most picturesque of forest trees; attaining a height of from 70 to 120 ft., it is of conical growth when young, but in maturity acquires a spreading cedar or mushroom-like top, with a straight trunk of from 2 to 4 ft.
The tree is conical when young, but when old forms a spreading head; it often attains a large size.
P. Pinea is the stone pine of "Italy; its spreading rounded canopy of light green foliage, supported on a tall and often branchless trunk, forms a striking feature of the landscape in that country, as well as in some other Mediterranean lands.
P. Taeda, the " loblolly pine " of the backwoodsman, a tall tree with straight trunk and spreading top, covers great tracts of the " pine-barrens " of the southern states, but also frequently spreads over deserted arable lands that have been impoverished by long and bad farming; hence the woodsmen call it the " old-field " pine, while, from the fragrance of its abundant resin, it is also known as the frankincense pine.
Unoccupied territory may, however, be prepared for the reception of new beds, by spreading sand, gravel and shells over muddy bottoms, or, indeed, beds may be kept up in locations for permanent natural beds, by putting down mature oysters and cultch just before the time of breeding, thus giving the young a chance to fix themselves before the currents and enemies have had time to accomplish much in the way of destruction.
The next three or four years were employed by Emin in various journeys through his province, and in the initiation of schemes for its development, until in 1882, on his return from a visit to Khartum, he became aware that the Mandist rising, which had originated in Kordofan, was spreading southward.
Among the leading agents in spreading civilization were the missionaries sent out from 1804 onwards by the Church Missionary Society.
Among more ideal work are "Eve" (1880), "Diana" (1882 and 1891), "Woman and Peacock," and "The Poet," astride his Pegasus spreading wings for flight.
It is a lofty tree (from 40 to 70 ft.), resembling the sycamore, but with yellow flowers, appearing before the leaves, and more spreading wings to the fruit.
The spreading of drops on the surface of a liquid has formed the subject of a very extensive series of experiments by Charles Tomlinson; van der Mensbrugghe has also written a very complete memoir on this subject (Sur la tension superficielle des liquides, Bruxelles, 1873).
So far from spreading over the surface, as according to its lower surface-tension it ought to do, it remains suspended in the form of a lens.
The carbon bisulphide is really spreading all the while, but on account of its volatility is unable to reach any considerable distance.
The mesquite varies in size from a tangled thorny shrub to a spreading tree as much as 3 ft.
Long before any clear ideas as to the relations of Schizomycetes to fermentation and disease were possible, various thinkers at different times had suggested that resemblances existed between the phenomena of certain diseases and those of fermentation, and the idea that a virus or contagium might be something of the nature of a minute organism capable of spreading and 1 Cladothrix dichotoma, for example, which is ordinarily a branched, filamentous, sheathed form, at certain seasons breaks up into a number of separate cells which develop a tuft of cilia and escape from the sheath.
Its boughs are strong and spreading.
It lives very long, and attains a large size, spreading its branches widely.
These are made by heating a circular-ridged earthen plate over a slow fire, and spreading the petals, a few at a time, over its surface.
Agriculture is spreading but slowly among them; they still prefer to plunder the stores of bulbs of Lilium Martagon, Paeonia, and Erythronium Dens canis laid up by the steppe mouse (Mus socialis).
At the same time his renown, continually spreading, opened to him ever fresh relations with Italian despots.
Whether we regard him as a priest who published poem after poem in praise of an adored mistress, as a plebeian man of letters who conversed on equal terms with kings and princes, as a solitary dedicated to the love of nature, as an amateur diplomatist treating affairs of state with pompous eloquence in missives sent to popes and emperors, or again as a traveller eager for change of scene, ready to climb mountains for the enjoyment of broad prospects over spreading champaigns; in all these divers manifestations of his peculiar genius we trace some contrast with the manners of the, 4th century, some emphatic anticipation of the 16th.
Any person who knows he is suffering from an infectious disease must not carry on any trade or business unless he can do so without risk of spreading the disease.
But on the death of the master he was away in Egypt for the practice of magic, and one Dositheus, by spreading a false report of Simon's death, succeeded in installing himself as head of the sect.
In many bamboos they are long and spreading or drooping and copiously ramified, in others they are reduced to hooked spines.
Lawrence saw that the surest way to prevent the Mutiny from spreading from the sepoy army of Bengal to the recently conquered fighting races of the Punjab was to hurl the Sikh at the Hindu; instead of taking measures for the defence of the Punjab, he acted on the old principle that the best defence is attack, and promptly organized a force for the reduction of Delhi, with the ardent co-operation of born leaders like John Nicholson, Neville Chamberlain and Herbert Edwardes.
From the lower part of a carpel are produced several laterally placed ovules, which become bright red or orange on ripening; the bright fleshy seeds, which in some species are as large as a goose's egg, and the tawny spreading carpels produce a pleasing combination of colour in the midst of the long dark-green fronds, which curve gracefully upwards and outwards from the summit of the columnar stem.
The common cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), as found wild in the mountains of Crete and Cyprus, is characterized by long and spreading branches, which give it a cedar-like habit.
One of the best known examples is the Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis), in which branches with spinous leaves, longer and more spreading than the ordinary adult leaf, are often found associated with the normal type of branch.
Sequoia sempervirens, the fertile branches bear leaves which are less spreading than those on the vegetative shoots.
Kirkii of New Zealand, in which some branches bear small and appressed leaves, while in others the leaves are much longer and more spreading.
Damasonium derives its popular name, star-fruit, from the fruits spreading when ripe in the form of a star.
When Bunyan removed to Bedford in 1655, he became a deacon of this church, and two years later he was formally recognized as a preacher, his fame soon spreading through the neighbouring counties.
Slight differences in the method of budding produce great variations in the form of the colonies, which may be distinguished in a general way as spreading, massive or arborescent.
The woollen manufactures which had begun in the eastern counties in the 14th century were now spreading all over the land, taking root especially in Somersetshire, Yorkshire and some districts of the Manufac- Midlands.
The nation had striven against the arbitrary government of the king; but it was not prepared to shake off the predominance of that widely spreading aristocracy which, under the name of country gentlemen, had rooted itself too deeply to be easily passed by.
A previous statute, the Ccrporation kct (1661), ordered that all members of corporations should renounce the Covenant and the doctrine that subjects might as this danger was believed to exist, every effort would be made to keep dissent from spreading.
The leaves are usually articulated at the base, spreading, sharp-pointed and needle-like in form, destitute of oil-glands, and arranged in alternating whorls of three; but in some the leaves are minute and scale-like, closely adhering to the branches, the apex only being free, and furnished with an oil-gland on the back.
Juniperus Sabina is the savin, abundant on the mountains of central Europe, an irregularly spreading muchbranched shrub with scale-like glandular leaves, and emitting a disagreeable odour when bruised.
In Great Britain it is usually a shrub with spreading branches, less frequently a low tree.
Ephorus, relying on Hesiodic tradition of an aboriginal Pelasgian type in Arcadia, elaborated a theory of the Pelasgians as a warrior-people spreading (like "Aryans") from a "Pelasgian home," and annexing and colonizing all the parts of Greece where earlier writers had found allusions to them, from Dodona to Crete and the Troad, and even as far as Italy, where again their settlements had been recognized as early as the time of Hellanicus, in close connexion once more with "Tyrrhenians."
The Ust-Urt plateau and the Mugojar Mountains prevented it from spreading north-westward, and a narrow channel connected it along the Uzboi with the Caspian, which sent a broad gulf to the east, spread up to the Volga, and was connected by the Manych with the Black Sea basin.
Meanwhile Russian influence had been spreading westward; and in 1809, when Alexander I.
There is no more curious episode in German history than the success with which Bismarck acquired the services of many of the men of 1848, but Liebknecht remained faithful to his principles and resigned his editorship. He became a member of the Arbeiterverein, and after the death of Ferdinand Lassalle he was the chief mouthpiece in Germany of Karl Marx, and was instrumental in spreading the influence of the newlyfounded International.
Sympathy with the French Revolution was at this time rapidly spreading in Ireland.
The ecclesiastical colonies that went forth from a parent family generally remained in subordination to it, in the same way that the spreading branches of a ruling family remained in general subordinate to it.
Gold is found almost all over the region of crystalline rocks, except in and around the Antsihanaka province, the richest auriferous districts being a band of country parallel with the east coast and spreading at its southern end into the interior; and another tract, whose centre is about 100 m.
In the north and west of Africa, however, the Arab has had a less destructive but more extensive and permanent influence in spreading the Mahommedan religion throughout the whole of the Sudan.
Finally began a movement hitherto unparalleled in the history of African migration; certain peoples of Zulu blood began to press north, spreading destruction in their wake.
His unbridled prodigality, by spreading a belief in unlimited resources, augmented the confidence necessary for the success of perpetual CniOIlflC, loans; until the day came when, having exhausted the 1787.
Whilst the insurrection in La Vende was spreading, and Dumouriez falling back upon Neerwinden, sentence of death was laid upon migrs and refractory priests; the treachery of Dumouriez, disappointed in his Belgian projects, gave grounds First corn- for all kinds of suspicion, as that of Mirabeau had mittee ot formerly done, and led the Gironde to propose the public new government which they had refused to Danton.
At Bamba it is shut in by steep banks and narrows to 600 to 700 yds., again spreading out some distance down.
A noteworthy feature of the Seistan lagoon is that in times of excessive flood it overspreads a vast area of country, both to the north and south, shutting off the capital of Seistan (Nusretabad) from surrounding districts, and spreading through a channel southwards, known as Shelag, to another great depression, called the Gaud-i-Zirreh.
The new ministry, confronted by a rapidly spreading revolu.tionary agitation and by a rising provoked by a crop failure and famine in Andalusia, survived scarcely a month.
The conifers are spreading naturally.
The property of the semi-drying oils to absorb oxygen is accelerated by spreading such oils over a large surface, notably over woollen or cotton fibres, when absorption proceeds so rapidly that frequently spontaneous combustion will ensue.
An Equisetaceous plant, which Brongniart named Phyllotheca in 1828, is another member of the same flora; this type bears a close resemblance to Equisetum in the long internodes and the whorled leaves encircling the nodes, but differs in the looser leaf-sheaths and in the long spreading filiform leaf-segments, as also in the structure of the cones.
Similarly, the genus Sagenopteris, characterized by a habit like that of Marsilia, and represented by fronds consisting of a few spreading broadly oval or narrow segments, with anastomosing veins, borne on the apex of a common petiole, is abundant in rocks ranging from the Rhaetic to the Wealden, but has not so far been satisfactorily placed.
His hands traveled up her legs with the expertise and gentleness of a doctor, all the while spreading the soft coolness through her.
He couldn't help hoping he saw this strange, new mortal world again, and the rumors spreading throughout the ranks of guardsmen were just that—rumors.
It tells that Kaunitz, with whom Candy was imprisoned in South Africa, is spreading black propaganda about English tactics in South Africa.
These particles become dust like when they dry out and therefore easily airborne, spreading around the house.
There is widespread anger building up on the estates, which is spreading into support for the Defend Council Housing campaign.
Spreading growth, hardy, and sometimes biennial bearing.
The Committee again reviewed the practice of spreading condensate from rendering plants on farmland.
The barons are now spreading the contagion to the developing world.
But we should not rely on inter-imperialist contradictions to prevent the ' war against terrorism ' spreading.
A close, careful visual check in good light may reveal the tiny hairline cracks spreading out like a spider-web over the tire walls.
Bell's George W Bush is the unholy innocent, a literal dumb ape, a chimpanzee spreading gleeful mass destruction.
The spreading branches of the wild crab apple often have a slightly drooping habit.
Sunday night Cooler weather will be spreading eastwards through all areas during the evening and overnight.
Perhaps today you have an antagonist spreading falsehood about you.
Both these steps will stop you spreading germs onto cooked food.
I am starting a bit late due to my charming young children spreading nasty germs around the family.
Goodwill to All - 21/12/05 Leeds Met staff have been busy spreading seasonal goodwill to All - 21/12/05 Leeds Met staff have been busy spreading seasonal goodwill throughout and beyond the university.
They all carve deep gorges through the mountains before spreading into wide flood plains in the lowlands.
Students who have benefited from interprofessional education should be spreading the word home schooling Added value?
Your help in spreading the word about the Fund is therefore invaluable.
The capture clearly shows the libration spreading widening the signal (a clear tone would show up as a narrow line ).
Spreading trace elements and magnesium limestone is limited to my few improved pastures.
Not bad, they say, spreading marmalade on another slice.
If it gets dry enough we will start spreading muck and plowing for the early crops.
From then Paul's life was dedicated to spreading the good news about Jesus.
Tiarella cordifolia Vigorously spreading, hairy green leaves and dainty panicles or white flowers.
And in spreading the pestilence of posh tedium, opera has been the worst offender.
Bipolar lobes many planetary nebulae have a pronounced spreading along an axis.
Painted dark red, it stood majestic and aloof behind its elaborate Baroque railing, an old, shady garden spreading in its background.
Yet scientists have estimated that about three quarters of the material erupted on Earth each year originates at spreading mid-ocean ridges.
Many of the features I have described are spreading rapidly across the secondary school system.
By 1531 the king was demanding the surrender of Tyndale by the Emperor, on the charge that he was spreading sedition in England.
And how Dahl, who believed passionately in spreading secular sedition, would have enjoyed it.
Sunny spells and prolonged wintry showers spreading from the north, with longer spells of rain in central regions.
An accident occurred in my constituency where a farmer, who was spreading slurry, crossed a railroad line.
The combine picks up the rows and harvests the seed, chopping the stalks and spreading them as it goes along.
The experiments involve loading and spreading glass gobs on flat metallic substrates.
The tactic chosen by renegade loyalist Billy Wright of spreading terror by randomly choosing a victim had paid off.
Around the edges of the border, Nick hopes to include some spreading plants including some thyme.
The first pallid hues of daybreak where spreading across the distant tors which signaled the urgency to get off the moor.
To reverse the previous trend of spreading fewer productions over longer runs.
The taint of Darkness spreading through their realm is guaranteed to arouse the wrath of these dragons.
So long, however, as India held the monopoly of the clove, the Malay Peninsula was ignored,'the Hindus spreading their influence through the islands of the archipelago and leaving traces thereof even to this day.
Robur, but in old age the boughs generally curve downwards, and the tree acquires a wide spreading head; the bark is dark brown, becoming grey and furrowed in large trees; the foliage varies much, but in the prevailing kinds the leaves are very deeply sinuated, with pointed, often irregular lobes, the footstalks short, and furnished at the base with long linear stipules that do not fall with the leaf, but remain attached to the bud till the following spring, giving a marked feature to the young shoots.
Of the European kinds one of the most important and best marked forms is the white poplar or abele, P. alba, a tree of large size, with rounded spreading head and curved branches, which, like the trunk, are covered with a greyish white bark, becoming much furrowed on old stems. The leaves are ovate or nearly round in general outline, but with deeply waved, more or less lobed and indented margins and cordate base; the upper side is of a dark green tint, but the lower surface is clothed with a dense white down, which likewise covers the young shoots - giving, with the bark, a hoary aspect to the whole tree.
From the morphological point of view it is more important to distinguish the associations of forms, such as the mountain mass or group of mountains radiating from a centre, with the valleys furrowing their flanks spreading towards every direction; the mountain chain or line of heights, forming a long narrow ridge or series of ridges separated by parallel valleys; the dissected plateau or highland, divided into mountains of circumdenudation by a system of deeply-cut valleys; and the isolated peak, usually a volcanic cone or a hard rock mass left projecting after the softer strata which embedded it have been worn away (Monadnock of Professor Davis).
We thus see in the Scandinavian settlers in Gaul, after they had put on the outward garb of their adopted country, a people restless and enterprising above all others, adopting and spreading abroad all that they could make their own in their new land and everywhere else - a people in many ways highly gifted, greatly affecting and of Sicily modifying at the time every land in which they settled, but, wherever they settled, gradually losing themselves among the people of the land.
If this pressure is not relieved in some way, the train may be derailed either (I) by " climbing " the outer rail, with injury to that rail and, generally, to the corresponding wheel-flanges; (2) by overturning about the outer rail as a hinge, possibly without injury to rails or wheels; or (3) by forcing the outer rail outwards, occasionally to the extent of shearing the spikes that hold it down at the curve, thus spreading or destroying the track.
Attaching himself with enthusiasm to Hegel's system, Vera (who wrote fluently both in French and in English as well as in Italian) became widely influential in spreading a knowledge of the Hegelian doctrine, and became the chief representative of Italian Hegelianism.
In spreading gangrene, in which acute sepsis is present, and in which no line of demarcation forms, the best chance for the patient is promptly to amputate high up in sound tissues.
The epithet rrpovoia (" forethought") is due, according to Farnell, to a confusion with irpovaLa, referring to a statue of the goddess standing "before a shrine," and arose later (probably spreading from Delphi), some time after the Persian wars, in which she repelled a Persian attack on the temples "by divine forethought"; another legend attributes the name to her skill in assisting Leto at the birth of Apollo and Artemis.
The class of humanists which had grown up in Italy during the 5th century, and whose influence had been spreading into Germany, France and England during the generation immediately preceding the opening of the Protestant revolt, represented every phase of religious feeling from mystic piety to cynical indifference, but there were very few anti-clericals among them.
Glaciation has strongly scoured away the deeply-weathered soils that presumably existed here in preglacial time, revealing firm and rugged ledges in the low hills and swells of the ground, and spreading an irregular drift cover over the lower parts, whereby the drainage is often much disordered; here being detained in lakes and swamps (muskegs) and there rushing down rocky rapids.
For many years this southern projection of the northern wilderness was spanned by only one railway, and offered a serious hindrance to the development of the regions beyond; but settlements are now spreading to the north and rapidly filling up the gap between east and west.
Sphaerotheca Humuli is the well known hop-mildew, Sphaerotheca MorsUvae is the gooseberry mildefv, the recent advent of which has led to special legislation in Great Britain to prevent its spreading, as when rampant it makes the culture of gooseberries impossible.
Is not the hand a spreading palm leaf with its lobes and veins?
The little princess went round the table with quick, short, swaying steps, her workbag on her arm, and gaily spreading out her dress sat down on a sofa near the silver samovar, as if all she was doing was a pleasure to herself and to all around her.
The French were putting out the fire which the wind was spreading, and thus gave us time to retreat.
The fire, fanned by the breeze, was rapidly spreading.
On moving to the drawing room he handed the letter to Princess Mary and, spreading out before him the plan of the new building and fixing his eyes upon it, told her to read the letter aloud.
No one replied to this remark and for some time they all gazed silently at the spreading flames of the second fire in the distance.
Delmer 's propaganda stories included spreading rumors that foreign workers were sleeping with the wives of German soldiers serving overseas.
A sunny start to the morning then a stratocumulus sheet spreading in by 0900 UTC.
Toast painting is what happens when, instead of spreading toast with butter or marmalade, you spread it with paint.
So what would happen, if a new, transmissible influenza virus begins spreading through Vietnam or China?
With the ubiquity of computers, networks, email and the World Wide Web, news about JSTOR is spreading through the scholarly community.
Now the sense of beauty was spreading to a multitude of hitherto unsuspected aspects of the world about her.
By the summer of 1800 the news of the voltaic pile was spreading across Europe.
A financial crisis in Southeast Asia spreading like wildfire around the globe to Russia and then South America.
The epidemic is predicted to surpass the country's medical capability soon because it is spreading so rapidly.
Rumors were spreading that Mr. Montague was seeking retribution for the murder of his wife.
If a household member has a cold, cough or tummy bug, then attention to general hygiene practices could help avoid the risk of spreading unwanted germs.
Uneven swelling, such as in her neck and chest area indicate that she may have a local infection that is spreading.
In addition to this, one of the best ways to prevent identity theft from spreading is to report any instances of it to the proper authorities.
The police may take steps to prevent identity theft from spreading.
While simply making a pile of your compost is certainly an option, keeping it contained within some sort of bin, box or fencing material is neater and keeps the wind from spreading it about your property.
Spreading an awareness of problems is a big first step toward combating them.
Air pollution can be difficult to monitor because it comes from so many different sources, including factories, cars and trucks, fires, and spreading dust or chemicals.
There are also a number of spreads available specifically developed to replace saturated fats for cooking and spreading.
Try grouping elements together-such as a gallery of paintings on one wall, or a collection of family photographs on the fireplace mantel-rather than spreading knick-knacks around the room.
Spreading the furniture out to fill the entire space is extremely impractical in rectangular living rooms.
Sometimes to avoid spreading the furniture out too far, another mistake is made.
This procedure is done in the cosmetic dentistry office and involves spreading a bleaching gel over the teeth and utilizing a laser to activate the bleach.
Line your lips to keep lipstick from spreading.
With its self-blending and the light air-induced spreading, it comes out cleanly and naturally.
These feelings are spreading past our teens and into the adult scene as well.
The generation of that decade were spreading their cultural wings, wrapping their minds around concepts like "equality", "equal pay for equal work" and grappling with large numbers of women in the workforce.
It will also alleviate dry eyelids, which can prevent MAC eyeshadow from spreading evenly over the lid.
Ideally you would find this out by getting all your scrapbooking supplies out of the closets, bags and bookshelves where they normally hide and spreading them out on a table, the floor, or some similarly large, flat surface.
Instead of adding your page title to one particular spot, consider spreading it out over some of the page elements.
Instead of bringing people into your latest crisis, it's time to take your stress under control without spreading it.
Layer the cheese mixture on top, spreading about ¼ inch thick.
Traditional ways of spreading the word include letting the bridal party and immediate family members know where you are registered, or waiting for guests to ask.
By spreading out and driving to each destination in comfort, the bride and groom, and even the bridal party, can arrive at each event looking fresh and pressed.
What emerges is a graceful, delicate, and beautiful butterfly, spreading its wings and venturing forth with excitement and delight, just as the newlywed couple will spread their wings and begin their beautiful new life together.
Fill in the design by spreading more green frosting with a flat spatula.
Few people will turn away a cupcake, and spreading the word about your product or serve through a dessert is a great way to get people talking about what you have to offer.
It involves more work than spreading a layer of buttercream, but the end effect is far more impressive.
Winfrey is well-known for sharing her wealth and spreading the word to people about helping others in their communities and beyond.
When the show ended in 2004, rumors began spreading like wildfire about a planned Sex and the City movie.
The flight took a hard and fast landing at Tampa International Airport, blowing out the front tires and spreading debris on the runway.
The 12th step, if you didn't already know, is basically spreading the word of recovery to other addicts and putting the other 11 steps learned into everyday practice.
She has endorsed Christian homeschooling academies, travels around the country spreading her testimony, and wrote a column for Christian Women Online.
Humane societies and breeders will often use qualified "foster parents" to administer to sick animals and prevent spreading the disease to other individuals.
Spreading the word among family members, coworkers, and friends may help your dog find a new home where you will be able to visit.
Leave about two-and-a-half inches between drops to allow for spreading during baking.
The tall Ae. grandiflorum forms a spreading bush about a foot high, from which springs racemes of pink and lilac flowers.
It is a spreading evergreen, flowering sparsely on heavy and cold soil, but on light soils often blooming freely in May; the flowers yellow, about 1 1/2 inches across, but not pretty.
Blue Daisy (Agathaea) - A. caelestis is a tender spreading Daisy-like plant, with blue flowers useful for the margins of beds.
The growth is spreading and bushy, with creamy white flowers in dense plumy spikes.
Its flowers are large and blue-purple, the leaves broad, spreading flat upon the rock or soil.
Where a very dwarf evergreen edging is required for a shrubbery, or for beds of shrubs, it is one of the best plants known, as on any soil it quickly forms spreading masses almost as low as the lawn-grass.
The Rocket Candytuft (I. coronaria) in good soil grows 12 to 16 inches high, with pure white flowers in long dense heads, and there is a dwarf variety of it (pumila), 4 to 6 inches high, forming spreading tufts 1 foot or more across.
Silene Schafta - A spreading hardy plant from the Caucasus forming very neat tufts, 4 to 6 inches high, covered with large purplish-rose flowers.
It grows 12 feet or more high, and has a spreading head of fan-like leaves, and is hardy.
If small plants are procured, grow them on freely for a year or two in the greenhouse, and then plant out in April, spreading the roots a little and giving them a deep loamy soil.
A fine hybrid has been obtained by crossing it with H. guttatus, the result being a form with large spreading flower slighter than in H. colchicus, and profusely marked with dark carmine streaks.
C. caroliniana is a spreading dwarf species bearing in spring loose racemes of pretty rose flowers, and C. virginica (Spring Beauty) is a slender erect plant, with pink blossoms.
It does not form a main stem like most of the Dracaena family, but remains as a bold spreading tuft, which sends up graceful arching spikes of ivory-white flowers every year from near the ground to a height of 4 to 6 feet.
Creeping Vervain (Zapania) - Z. nodiflora is a pretty, spreading trailer, with prostrate stems 2 or 3 feet in length, which late in summer bear small round heads of little purplish flowers.
It makes a large club-shaped bulb 2 to 3 feet long, with spreading leaves many feet in length and massive spikes of fragrant flowers during August.
D. glabrata is a beautiful plant of dwarf spreading growth, more slender than any of the other species.
Though mostly treated as a half-hardy annual, the roots are perennial in the warm soils of southern gardens, spreading by stolons into handsome tufts.
Eastern Cork Tree (Phellodendron) - Hardy summer-leafing trees about 50 feet high, from China and Japan, spreading in habit, and with large leaves cut into many leaflets.
The spreading leaves lie horizontally, while in the others they are more erect.
One foot high, tufted, and spreading, the thin, wiry stems each carry two pairs of leaves on pedicels an inch long, and a terminal leaflet, all deeply notched.
Giant Parsnip (Heracleum) - Umbelliferous perennials, mostly of gigantic growth, having huge spreading leaves and tall flower-stems, with umbelled clusters of small white flowers 1 foot or more across.
One of the finest is L. prostratum, a spreading little evergreen having flowers of a lovely blue, with faint reddish-violet stripes, in great profusion when the plant is well grown.
Viburnum Cotinifolium - A spreading shrub or low tree of 20 feet, found high on the Himalayas, yet so tender as to need shelter or a place on a warm wall during our winters.
Viburnum Dahuricum - A spreading shrub of 5 to 8 feet, with grey stems and small woolly leaves.
Of spreading habit, the leaves are large, thick, and rounded, coarsely toothed, and finely tinted with scarlet and ruddy-purple on fading, and its large fruits are brilliant in their early stages.
Gypsophila - Plants of the Stitchwort family, the larger kinds usually very elegant, and bearing myriads of tiny white blossoms on slender spreading panicles.
It grows in spreading masses, and from midsummer to September has loose graceful panicles of small white or pink flowers on slender stems.
It takes more of the character of a large and dense spreading bush than of a tree, and is useful for grouping with other conifers.
The spathe bracts resemble a corolla, and consist of four large pure white spreading leaves from the base of the spadix or cone of flowers.
This is a low evergreen with the spreading and freely-branched habit of a Cotoneaster, with small leathery leaves and inconspicuous flowers, followed by small berries covered with tiny black specks.
Here it makes a good plant, sometimes spreading so rapidly as to become a weed.
It is a low, spreading bush, somewhat open and straggling, and should not be crowded with other shrubs.
P. latifolia reaches the size of a small tree of 30 feet, with rigidly spreading branches, a compact habit of growth, and broad deep green leaves.
It makes a bold spreading mass of 2 to 3 feet, with hairy green or purple stems, and long green leaves which are rough on the upper side and hoary beneath; flowers violet-purple, from July to September.
Koelreuteria - K. paniculata is a small tree, beautiful when in flower; the long divided leaves, elegant throughout summer, in autumn die off a rich yellow, and the yellow flowers form large clusters over the spreading mass of foliage.
L. palustre is commoner than L. latifolium, but being smaller in every part is not so good; it is dwarf and spreading, and its flowers are white.
Indeed, they grow almost anywhere, but in a border they must have a place to themselves, as by their spreading they soon destroy weaker subjects.
A. montanum is a dwarf plant, spreading into compact tufts, 3 inches high.
It is dwarf and spreading, and bears numerous lilac bell-shaped flowers.
The stem is furnished from top to bottom with spreading whorls of slender branches, slightly drooping, the whole forming a graceful pyramid.
P. pleianthum is from China, its spreading leaves rising to nearly 2 feet in height, with large drooping bunches of purple flowers and heavy grey-green fruits turning purple when fully ripe.
United States, which grows even taller in damp places, with fine spreading clusters of white flowers in July.
Melanoselinum Decipiens - An umbelliferous shrub from Madeira, with a round simple stem, bare below, and large, spreading compound leaves.
It forms large spreading rosettes of leaves and produces pale blue flowers.
Europe and Siberia (in some varieties spreading, and in others about 18 inches high), with racemes of purplish-crimson flowers in June.
Mountain Avens (Dryas) - Mountain plants of the Rose family, containing two or three dwarf alpine plants of spreading growth and neat evergreen foliage.
There are fourteen ray-florets, each half an inch across, spreading, and then curving elegantly downwards, their color being brilliant orange.
P. Colensoi is another fairly hardy kind from the mountains of New Zealand, with a spreading and graceful way of growth and narrow leaves.
The largest specimen at Kew is 9 feet high, with a spreading base and foliage of the deepest and glossiest green.
Tall, spreading, gracefully plumed with foliage, which for richness and beauty of color is without a rival.
They succeed well, however, in stiffer soils, such as clay and limestone marl, especially if given a little good soil at the outset, and soon make dense masses, spreading by suckers.
Camassia Cusicki - rom the Blue Mountains of Oregon, has been described as the most vigorous species yet found with large broad leaves, a stout flower-stem growing 3 feet high, and flowers of a pale delicate blue, large and spreading.
Rhododendron Campanulatum - Among the hardiest of the Himalayan species, flowering in April and forming a widely spreading bush.
Ribbon Grass (Phalaris) - Garden grasses useful in the wild garden or beside water, where the spreading roots can do no harm.
This kind thrives in the south-west of Britain, spreading fast and flowering freely in spring.
In the open ground it makes a thick spreading bush.
The flowers come in July as spreading clusters of pure white with a yellow centre, thirty or more blossoms being often crowded into one mass, with nine or a dozen open at once.
J. effusus spiralis is a very singular plant, whose spreading tufts of leaves, instead of growing straight, are twisted in a cork-screw form.
S. Rudolphiana has a more spreading habit of growth, and its rosy-purple flowers are sometimes borne singly and sometimes (though rarely) in pairs.
Maries Silver Fir (Abies Mariesi) - A tall, pyramidal tree with spreading branches and dark purple cones, 4 to 5 inches long.
The alpine Skullcap (S. alpina) is a spreading plant with all the vigour of the coarsest weeds of its natural order, but neat in habit and ornamental in flower.
Calceolaria Plantaginea - A low-growing plant spreading by means of short side growths; the leaves, formed in rosettes, are broadly ovate, with toothed margins and attain a considerable size in moist positions.
If admitted to the garden the clumps should be cut to the ground every spring to encourage young free-flowering shoots, and the roots trimmed deeply with a spade to prevent their spreading unduly.
It grows about 1 foot high, forming a dense spreading tuft, and covering the ground in California, its native country.
T. alpinum is a stout spreading kind, 3 to 6 inches high, bearing large, but not brilliant, flowers in summer, the upper petal flesh-colored and streaked with purple.
Turkeys Beard (Xerophyllum) - X. asphodeloides is a beautiful tuberous-rooted plant with the aspect of an Asphodel, forming a spreading tuft of grassy leaves, its tall flowerstem terminated by a raceme of numerous white blossoms.
The growth outwards is almost equal to that in height, and this spreading tendency is fostered when stock is grown from cuttings instead of seed.
Venidium - V. calendulaceum is a beautiful half-hardy plant of dwarf spreading growth, with in summer showy yellow Marigold-like blossoms, 2 inches across and good for cutting.
This kind and its forms thrive well in tanks, forming no offsets and spreading slowly, though free to flower from May to the end of September.
Nymphaea Alba Tuberosa - The vigorous Water-Lily of the United States, thriving in deep water, lifting its flowers high out of the water, and spreading rapidly by long tuberous offsets.
It forms a dwarf, spreading, cushion-like tuft, which is spring is covered with bright yellow blossoms.
It makes spreading tufts of a good size, but does not bear its purplish plumes freely in this country.
Alkekengi, spreading strongly by underground stems.
Common Zelkowa (Zelkowa Crenata) - A quickgrowing, handsome tree of marked characteristics, the main branches rising erect from one point, and spreading so slightly as to give an easily recognised form, each branch a tiny tree in miniature.
Try spreading a thick organic mulch over the garden to make it hard for emerging beetles to reach plants in the spring.
The plant height ranges between two to six inches, spreading and rooting to an indefinite width.
The fixtures are generally low and shielded at the top to provide a soft, spreading light.
They are pretty well behaved in the garden and are more bushy than spreading.
This will discourage the roots from spreading out and cause a weak plant that is easily uprooted.
Spreading mulch in the garden helps in so many ways.
Further, dandelions have a very easy mechanism for spreading.
If plants are infected, remove and discard immediately to prevent it from spreading throughout the area.
Prevent tomato diseases from spreading by discarding sick tomatoes and plants and rotating planting areas.
You don't want all that hard work to go to waste by spreading weed seeds around.Another required task is to pull all the dead plants from your garden.
The pine straw mulch is easy to distribute in landscaping areas by simply spreading out.
While the pine needles do settle after spreading, they aren't compacted heavily with age which helps with air circulation around the garden bed.
If the mildew is on an item that can be brought outside, take it out and brush it outdoors to avoid spreading the spores in your house.
When spreading mortar remember not to cover any of the chalk or pencil lines you've established because you'll need them to align the tiles.
In small and difficult to access areas such as under cabinets you may have difficulty spreading the mortar with the trowel.
You can also cut away and remove old grout and caulk that's been stained with mold and mildew in the bathroom to keep it from spreading.
Spreading out the renovation slightly can also help to keep costs down.
Spreading good karma with their sunny disposition, organic t shirts, and earth conscious approach, Life is Good apparel appeals to all types of people.
This includes everything from weeding to spreading manures.
It's also odorless, so you don't have to worry about the effects of spreading poo on your garden.
This will keep the heap from spreading too much and looking unsightly.
I hope to expand my approach all over the country and have Instant Organic Gardeners in lots of cities, spreading the word.
Whether you are using a snow blower, a snow shovel or are spreading a layer of natural cat litter on your deck, stop immediately if you experience any chest pain and seek medical help right away.
Due to the spreading of an alien virus, the human survivors are becoming infected and turning into vicious monsters.
Ride a skateboard and jump to avoid obstacles, as you shoot hearts at Star Buddies, spreading your love.
He is a true 'eSports ambassador', spreading the word about the reality of gaming as a sport in an attempt to dispel the stereotypical presumptions still held by many people.
Now filled with guilt, the Emperor frees the heroes to stop the evil spreading in the Empire.
The Prince will eventually change into a "Dark Prince" due to the spreading of the Sands of Time.
Spreading the paste lightly over the red wine stain, keeps it from soaking into the carpet.
Signs of infection are swelling, redness, tenderness, throbbing pain, localized warmth, fever, swollen lymph glands, the presence of pus either in the wound or draining from it, and red streaks spreading away from the wound.
The increasing influence of the mass media in spreading and reinforcing gender stereotypes has also been noted.
A direct smear is made by placing a drop of blood onto a microscope slide and spreading it into a thin layer.
Transmission easily occurs by children not washing their hands thoroughly and spreading the infection to others.
Moro reflex-A startle response in a newborn, characterized by spreading the arms with the palms up and fingers flexed; the reflex usually disappears by two months of age.
A bandage over the sores protects them and prevents spreading the virus to other sites on the lips or face.
The highest risk for spreading the virus is the time period beginning with the blisters and ending with scab formation.
To keep from spreading the infection to other parts of the child's body or giving the virus to someone else, parents and caregivers should wash their hands and the child's hands often, especially after feedings and diaper changes.
Children should not share foods, utensils, beverages, etc. Hand washing after toileting or diaper changes should be undertaken with extra care to avoid spreading the infection to others.
Parent should educate their children about good personal hygiene to avoid spreading the germs that cause colds and bronchiolitis.
The United Nations expressed concern that unwarranted fear of the vaccine would begin spreading the disease in developing countries and ultimately in developed countries as well.
Spreading is usually from contact with droplets of material from the nose and throat of affected individuals.
Hand washing; never sharing towels, clothing, or stuffed animals; and keeping fingernails well-trimmed are easy precautions to take to avoid spreading the infection from one person to another.
Cellulitis associated with lymphadenitis should not be treated surgically because of the risk of spreading the infection.
Frequent hand washing, especially after contact with respiratory secretions, and the correct disposal of used tissues help keep the disease from spreading.
Providing separate washcloths and towels for each child will keep bacteria from spreading.
If untreated or if treatment fails and is not corrected, conjunctivitis may cause visual impairment by spreading to other parts of the eye, such as the cornea.
Mastoiditis-An inflammation of the bone behind the ear (the mastoid bone) caused by an infection spreading from the middle ear to the cavity in the mastoid bone.
There are several lotions and creams on the market that remove urushiol oil from the skin and can prevent further spreading of the rash if oil remains, or even prevent the rash entirely if applied early enough following exposure.
Never compost or burn poison plants because of the potential of spreading the oil through the garden or air.
In some cases, it is used to slow the growth of cancer cells or to keep the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
Chemotherapy may be used in combination with surgery to keep a cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
Eating small, frequent meals and spreading carbohydrate intake throughout the day may help keep blood glucose levels from bouncing too high or too low.
People who are caring for someone with tonsillitis should wash their hands frequently to prevent spreading the infection to others.
To prevent infection from spreading from one part of the body to another, it is important to shower rather than bathe during the healing process.
Persons caring for these infants must also employ strict measures to prevent spreading the infection.
Children should be taught to wash their hands regularly to avoid spreading bacteria and viruses.
The doctor will ask when the symptoms started, whether this is the first time they occurred, whether the rash is spreading, whether the primary sensation is itching or burning, and how severe the itching or burning feels.
Pubic hair is getting darker and coarser and spreading to where the legs meet the torso.
Hemophilus infections are primarily caused by Haemophilus influenzae, a bacterium that is capable of spreading from the nasal tissues and upper airway, where it is usually found, to the chest, throat, or middle ear.
Lice are endemic in human populations, spreading through personal contact or contact with infested clothing or other personal items.
Boys who are bullies tend to resort to one-on-one physical aggression, while girls tend to bully as a group through social exclusion and the spreading of rumors.
Although boys are more often the perpetrators and victims of bullying, girls tend to bully in indirect ways, such as manipulating friendships, ostracizing classmates, and spreading malicious rumors.
However, treatment with erythromycin is still recommended, to decrease the likelihood of B. pertussis spreading.
Strawberries should be washed just before use, and any bruised or damaged berries should be discarded immediately to prevent the rot from spreading to other berries.
Like any other art form, hip hop dance is constantly growing and evolving, and the web is simply another effective way of spreading new ideas and techniques.
During the early to mid twentieth century, when Arthur Murray dance studios and others were spreading over the nation, these contests were well-attended and established.
Variations of the hustle, with other dance steps and arm motions added, began spreading around the clubs as well.
Spreading from Great Britain through Europe, Asia, and Australia, the installation of an American Harlequin dance floor is becoming part of a global standardization of dance surfaces.
The dance became incredibly popular, spreading through the working class to the point where street barrel organs would inspire impromptu dances in the slums of the Argentinian melting pot.
It was also between 1910 and 1920 that tango dancers and musicians traveled from South America to Europe, setting a tango craze off in Paris first, then spreading to London and Berlin.
If many other people are looking for a dance, or it's something that just started spreading through the line dance community, this is where you can find it and be sure you're looking at the most contemporary line dances.
During the '90s, hip hop dance moves were also used by pop dance groups such as N'Sync and the Back Street Boys, and the dance form started spreading out to clubs regardless of geographic location.
In the ensuing half-century, butoh has joined the other forms such as kagura, bon-odori, and others in spreading all over the world through movies, festivals, and touring performers.
Urban ballroom dance is one of the newer incarnations of the pastime, with organizations such as the Gentlemen of Ballroom spreading the joys and benefits of social dance to a wider and under-served inner-city population.
It is popular in rural areas, and recently has been spreading to larger cities.
Word first started spreading about a rally for May 4.
Feng shui is spreading throughout the United States, especially in the Southern region where bamboo and kudzu are abundant.
Wait several seconds for cream to expand before spreading.
If they have been infested, you can act quickly to treat the problem and prevent the lice from spreading to yourself and other members of your household.
While a man who has had a vasectomy has a very small chance of making a woman pregnant, his risk of contracting or spreading sexually transmitted diseases remains unchanged.
Fill only to the indicator line because as it heats up, kerosene expands and if overfilled, the liquid could spill out and result in a fast spreading fire.
Candles offer a convenient way of spreading a fragrance through the home and are an excellent way of dispersing natural fragrances such as essential oils.
Groups of children go from house to house, spreading holiday joy.
With advance planning and a costume purchase, you can discover the joy in spreading Santa's Christmas cheer.
Now that we are available everywhere, we have members from over 150 countries, and haven't yet done any promotion outside the U.S. It is truly amazing how powerful the Internet is in spreading new services.
The key to spreading the word about an engagement party is to send out the perfect invitations.
By focusing on timeless pieces that are consistently popular, Kay is able to offer the finest quality of those pieces without spreading their expertise too thin on different options.
Diamond solitaire scalloped setting rings are especially popular because couples can focus on the quality of one diamond and invest in a better stone rather than spreading their resources into multiple gems.
The beauty of a backpack-style purse is that it dismisses the burden from one shoulder, instead spreading the weight evenly and laying comfortably on the back.
Not only will it help with the number of outbreaks, but it can also keep it from spreading to the eyes or genitals.
After the fever breaks and the cold like symptoms subside, the child then gets a rash starting on his face around his mouth and then spreading to his torso and arms.
As his first pool of trained "instructors" began spreading the Silva Method to other recruits across the country, interest in his technique began to grow.
Silva's organization grew so quickly that eventually it even consisted of regional directors with learning seminars spreading across the entire world.
Terrified of the spreading madness, town hall officials brought in truckloads of mental health specialists to examine all 1,200 members of the populace.
Other stories are more recent, spreading like wildfire with the advent of the Internet.
The combination of new accessibility to Loch Ness as well as the ease of spreading news around the world culminated into a paranormal sensation.
By spreading out your shoe storage, you'll be able to maintain a healthy footwear wardrobe without overwhelming your closet, your life or your significant other.
Roxy - She's asked to rebuild the bar, and her mom finds out her cancer is spreading.
It's important to get medical help right away if the infection is spreading or is accompanied by fever, trouble breathing, or other whole-body symptoms.
If you already have an ankle tattoo, you can expand on it by spreading it to the top of your foot.
Typically, the best way to earn free or discounted air travel using one of these programs is to focus on building mileage awards in one particular program, rather than spreading out your points among several frequent flyer accounts.
However, there are enough naked yoga women enjoying and benefiting from the experience that the trend is spreading, with many yoginis expanding their training curriculum to include the practice.
From Mountain Pose, crouch down on the floor as though you're about to play leap frog, spreading your knees out to the sides just beyond your shoulders.
They are easy to clean by washing in warm, soapy water and spreading out flat in the sun to dry.
The organization's mission is to provide support for families and individuals affected by the disorder and to encourage spreading information about the conditions.
Autism Speaks is a prominent organization that has put forth great effort into spreading the word about autism.
Spreading the word that you're looking for business financing and passing out your business cards while networking can help an angel find you through an intermediary.
Use your local Chamber membership to your advantage but start spreading the word in October.
You'll need to strike a balance between spending money wisely and spreading the word to prospective customers.
Members of the squad have also toured some of the military bases in Iraq and Kuwait, visiting with United States soldiers and spreading some good old Eagles pep.
Spreading out too far can lead to wobbles and drops.
The corrosive nature of bleach can actually damage many surfaces if used in such high concentrations, but when it comes to health safety - replacing tile on a floor is preferable to spreading illness.
My grandmother made knitted Christmas stockings for all the grandchildren; now my mom is hard at work spreading the stockings to the next generation of babies.
Hand washing is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent illness and spreading germs to other people.
If you are getting all the nutrients you need from a healthy diet, you are spreading your nutrients out between a few meals and a few snacks - you're giving your body all day to absorb the nutrients.
A new routine or different type of exercise will work different muscles, spreading the benefits of the exercise throughout the body.
Instead of spreading peanut butter on bread, put it on celery sticks for a great tasting metabolic boost.
From workshops to teacher certification, the company is enthusiastic about spreading the word of the Pilates Method and instructing people in how to do it properly.
Puff pastry is a French layered pastry that is made taking a water and flour dough and spreading it with fat - usually butter.
Puff pastry is a French layered pastry that is made by taking a water and flour dough and spreading it with fat - usually butter.
The Turks brought with them their own cultures and cuisine, spreading this throughout the region.
By spreading your unique domain name and posting links to your site, you can generate potential clients who like to search the Internet for their insurance needs.
Do this by spreading out the nightgown face down on a table.
Corsets have been around since at least the 1500s, starting in Spain and spreading through Europe after that.
MySpace has become the online community for spreading the word about hot new music, and that includes hundreds of emo bands.
As part of its mission statement, LaCuerda.net does not post lyrics from English-language songs in the hopes of better spreading the culture of the Spanish-speaking world and encouraging the sharing of songs between countries.
Are you ready to start spreading the word about your next party?
Next, create a "red carpet" runway by spreading red material down the sidewalk.
Keep a nail brush and orangewood stick separate from your fingernail tools to avoid spreading bacteria.
It is always best to avoid scratching mosquito bites, as spreading the enzyme fluids across the surface of the skin may cause a brutal hive outbreak or a full blown allergic attack that may require medical treatment.