Spots Sentence Examples
Spots flickered in her eyes as she leaned back.
Pick one of the spots Sasha identified.
The movement was strongly supported by King Humbert, whose intrepidity in visiting the most dangerous spots at Busca and Naples while the epidemic was at its height, reassuring the panic-stricken inhabitants by his presence, excited the enthusiasm of his people and the admiration of Europe.
Eureka was a dark Appaloosa with dark spots on white loins, quarters and croup.
The town was choked with visitors, some already staking out their spots with folding chairs to view the later festivities—the last hurrah of the holiday.
If you can't find a fixed rappel, you have to rig one, but at popular climbing spots, like in the ice park, there's lots of choices 'cause it's climbed so much.
The water moved silently over moss and lichen covered slabs of rocks, forming small pools in the low spots.
Dilophia, Rhytisma, &c. Moreover, variegations deceptively like these disease spots are known, e.g.
Brilliantly colored spots and patches follow the action of acid fumes on the vegetation near towns and factories, and such particoloured leaves often present striking resemblance to autumn foliage.
The latter appears mainly in Palestine, and has of late been considerably strengthened by immigration of European Jews, who have almost doubled the population of Jerusalem, and settled upon several fertile spots throughout the Holy Land.
AdvertisementBut the material was also subject to other defects, such as moisture lurking between the layers, which might be detected by strokes of the mallet; spots or stains; and spongy strips (taeniae), in which the ink would run and spoil the sheet.
Cleavage sheets are frequently disfigured and rendered of little value by brown, red or black spots and stains, often with a dendritic arrangement of iron oxides.
The outer surface of many of the species presents likewise the most exquisite sculpture, heightened by brilliant shades, or spots of green, red, yellow and bluish black.
Facing the crags on the south-west are the spots familiar to readers of The Heart of Midlothian, where stood Jeanie Deans's cottage, and between the crags and Arthur's Seat lies Hunter's Bog, used as a shooting range.
But of late years the beauties of the Rhine have become sadly marred; the banks in places, especially between Coblenz and Bonn, disfigured by quarrying, the air made dense with the smoke of cement factories and steam-tugs, commanding spots falling a prey to the speculative builder and villages growing into towns.
AdvertisementHe dried a glass carefully, studying it against the light for spots.
She was mostly white with freckles across her haunches and a few spots on her neck and chest.
The filly was mostly white with a few brown spots – almost the opposite of her mother.
Black spots clouded her vision as she grabbed the receiver, and then she fell.
Dusty's in Atlanta surveying spots for a new headquarters, and I'm staying right here for now.
AdvertisementThe Campidano and other fertile spots, such as the so-called Ogliastra on the east side of the island, inland of Tortoli, the neighbourhood of Oliena, Bosa, &c., produce a considerable quantity of wine, the sweet, strong, white variety called Vernaccia, produced near Oristano, being especially noteworthy.
In the choice of these spots two motives seem to have influenced him - the neighbourhood of a university or college, and the amenities of the situation.
These form what we term spots in the sun.
The record of the signals given by this instrument was an undulating line of fine perforations or spots, and the character and succession of the undulations were used to interpret the signals desired to be sent.
Leeches are usually olive green to brown in colour, darker patches and spots being scattered over a paler ground.
AdvertisementModern writers have perpetuated the error that the Cassiterides were definite spots, and have made many attempts to identify them.
Schinzia, which forms galllike swellings on the roots of rushes; Gymnosporangium, causing excrescences on juniper stems; numerous leaf Fungi such as Puccinia, Aecidium, Sep/one, &c., causing yellow, brown or black spots on leaves; or Ustilago in the anthers of certain flowers.
Spotted Leaves, &c.Discoloured spots or patches on leaves and other herbaceous parts are common symptoms of disease, and often furnish clues to identification of causes, though it must be remembered that no sharp line divides this class of symptoms from the preceding.
White or grey spots may be due to Peronospora, Erysiphe, Cystopus, Entyloma and other Fungi, the mycelium of which will be detected in the discoloured area; or they may be scale insects, or the results of punctures by Red-spider, &c. Yellow spots, and especially bright orange spots, commonly indicate Rust Fungi or other Uredineae; but Phyllosticta, Exoascus, Clasterosporium, Synchytrium, &c., also induce similar symptoms. Certain Aphides, Red-spider, Phylloxera and other insects also betray their presence by such spots.
The well-known "fire-flies" of the tropics are large click-beetles (Elateridae), that emit light from paired spots on the prothorax and from the base of the ventral abdominal region.
The pronotum and elytra are often adorned with bright colours or metallic lustre, and marked with stripes or spots.
Twenty years of experience and observation had revealed the defects of the earlier legislation, and had concentrated public attention more intelligently than ever before upon the problem of strengthening the weak spots.
Accordingly, whenever His presence and power were displayed in places where the Canaanite Baal had been worshipped, they came to be attached to these spots.
On the other hand, old deities still lurked in old spots which had been for centuries their abode.
The wings, which are not capable of being folded, are usually transparent, but occasionally pigmented and adorned with coloured spots, blotches or bands; the wing-membrane, though sometimes clothed with minute hairs, seldom bears scales; the wing-veins, which are of great importance in the classification of Diptera, are usually few in number and chiefly longitudinal, there being a marked paucity of cross-veins.
In addition there is in this particular genus, as indeed in many others, a long tubular spur or horn projecting downwards from the back of the lip, whose office it is to secrete and store a honeyed juice; the forepart of the lip forms an expanded plate, usually larger and more brightly coloured than the other parts of the flower, and with hairs or ridges and spots of various kinds according to the species.
The vegetation is everywhere most scanty, and scarcely anything deserving the name of a tree is to be found unless in the more sheltered spots, and then artificially planted.
The three pairs of pigmented spots show the position of the eyes on the dorsal surface.
Gymnosporangium sabinae, one of the rusts (Uredineae) passes one stage of its life-history on living pear leaves, forming large raised spots or patches which are at first yellow but soon become red and are visible on both faces; on the lower face of each patch is a group of cluster-cups or aecidia containing spores which escape when ripe.
Among the most celebrated spots are the Vallee de la Solle, the Gorge aux Loups, the Gorges de Franchard and d'Apremont, and the Fort l'Empereur.
Meanwhile, at other favourable spots in the Aegean, but chiefly, it appears, on sites in easy relation to maritime commerce, e.g.
As to the nature of histogenesis, nothing more can be said than that it appears to be a phenomenon similar to embryonic growth, though limited to certain spots.
Many of the species of these spiders, moreover, are very conspicuously coloured, being either wholly black or black relieved by fiery red spots, forcibly suggesting that they are warningly coloured.
Small red-brown spots appear on the bolls, gradually enlarge, and develop into irregular black and grey patches.
The ground colour of the coat is white with yellow spots.
The prevailing colour is tan with large black spots.
Along the banks of the Thames are several small havens whose names have remained to us, such as Rotherhithe, Lambhith (Lambeth), Chelchith (Chelsea), &c., and it is not unlikely that the Saxons, who would not settle in the city itself, associated themselves with these small open spots.
At first these are marked only by small brown spots; but the spots spread and fuse together, the skin of the grape is destroyed, and the flesh decays, the seed only remaining apparently untouched.
On the upper side of the leaf, where it is first visible, it forms pale green irregular spots, which become darker in colour.
The centre of the spots on the grapes becomes darker as the disease advances, and a red line appears dividing the dark brown border into an outer and an inner rim and giving a very characteristic appearance to the diseased plant.
The surrounding tissue enlarges, so that the spots appear as if sunk in depressions, and bear a considerable resemblance to hailstone wounds.
Later the spots on the leaves often drop out.
These, like the foregoing, are members of the Pyrenomycetes, while many other allied fungi have been described as causing spots on the leaves.
In the south of Spain, in some favoured spots where sugar-canes can be grown, they are submitted even to four successive crushings.
The leaves now ripen, indicated by a change from a dark to lighter green, and by the appearance of yellow spots.
Excessive humidity causes small dark spots to appear; these become confluent and the whole leaf may become dark and decay.
The central portion of Muttra district forms one of the most sacred spots in Hindu mythology.
In 1611 Johann Fabricius published his observations of sun-spots and describes how he and his father fell back upon the old method of projecting the sun's image in a darkened room, finding that they could observe the spots just as well as with the telescope.
In South and Central Africa, at any rate, " fly-belts " are usually met with in damp, hot, low-lying spots on the margins of water-courses, rivers and lakes, and seldom far from water of some kind.
Nor is this its only association with science; for it was one of the spots chosen by Sir Edward Sabine for his series of pendulum experiments in 1823.
Rhinophis sanguineus lives in southern India; it is black above with a bluish gloss, the belly is bright red with black spots, like the convex tail-shield.
One of these varieties is black, with a yellow spot in the centre of each scale; these spots are larger on the back, forming a series of tetrapetalous flowers; the head is similarly ornamented.
The people are industrious, and devote themselves to agriculture, but from the geological structure of the country, and from the insecurity of property, regular husbandry is limited to comparatively few spots.
The rent of average land is about £2 an acre, of very good land over £3; favoured spots, irrigated from running springs, are worth up to £12 an acre.
One park-breed has no spots.
The eastern Eskimo are dolichocephalic, the western are less so, and the Aleuts brachycephalic. On the North Pacific coast, and in spots down to the Rio Grande, are short heads, but scattered among these are long heads, frequent in southern California, but seen northward to Oregon, as well as in Sonora and some Rio Grande pueblos.
The colours are often brilliant; white spots and stripes being prevalent.
They include some of the most brilliantly coloured of all antelopes; the ornamentation taking the form of vertical white lines and rows of spots.
All the American species are of a nearly uniform dark brown or blackish colour when adult; but it is a curious circumstance that when young (and in this the Malay species conforms with the others) they are conspicuously marked with spots and longitudinal stripes of white or fawn colour on a darker ground.
Farther away from the granite the slates are not so much altered, but generally show small rounded or ovoid spots, which may be darker or lighter in colour than the matrix.
The spots contain variety of minerals, sometimes mainly white mica or chlorite.
The pollen grain bears numerous spines, the dark spots indicate thin places in the outer wall.
This species is larger than the two preceding; it is green, with minute blackish spots.
Towards the head and on the limbs the spots tend to become solid, but there is great local variation in regard to their form and arrangement.
Generally speaking, the spots on the under parts and limbs are simple and blacker than those on the other parts of the body.
The upper side of the tail is buff, spotted with broken rings like the back, its under surface white with simple spots.
The hair of the cubs is longer than that of the adults, its groundcolour less bright, and its spots less distinct.
The next event is a great growth in thickness of the gelatinous mesogloea, especially on the exumbral side; as a result the flattened coelenteron is still further compressed so that in certain spots its cavity is obliterated, and its exumbral and subumbral layers of endoderm come into contact and undergo concrescence.
The upper part of the head and sides of the face are thickly marked with small black spots, and the rest of body is covered with rosettes, formed of rings of black spots, with a black spot in the centre, and ranged lengthwise along the body in five to seven rows on each side.
The lips, throat, breast and belly, the inside of the legs and the lower sides of tail are pure white, marked with irregular spots of black, those on the breast being long bars and on the belly and inside of legs large blotches.
The tail has large black spots near the root, some with light centres, and from about midway of its length to the tip it is ringed with black.
The island of Shikotan is remarkable for the growth of a species of bamboo (called Shikotan-chiku), having dark brown spots on the cane.
The whole island, composed as it is of various limestone formations, presents great diversity of surface, and the prospects from the more elevated spots are magnificent.
Of these the apple and the pear are now very inferior in Corfu; the others thrive well and are accompanied by all the fruit trees known in southern Europe, with addition of the Japanese medlar (or loquat), and, in some spots, of the banana.
Specimens vary considerably in size and colour, but the usual length is about 5 in., and the soft fur yellowish-brown, marked with spots of dark brown and black.
Professor Poulton long ago suggested, and supported the suggestion by experimental evidence on a lizard, that the larvae of two British species, C. elpenor and C. porcellus, are protected by the resemblance to the heads of snakes presented by the anterior extremities of their bodies which are ornamented with large eye-like spots.
But if we confine the meaning of the term Alps to those parts of the chain that are what is commonly called " Alpine," where the height is sufficient to support a considerable mass of perpetual snow, our boundaries to the west and to the east must be placed at spots other than those mentioned above.
Increased direct effect of solar radiation compensates for the cold of the nights, and in the few spots where plants have been found in flower up to a height of 12,000 ft., nothing has indicated that the processes of vegetation were arrested by the severe cold which they must sometimes endure.
The spots at which they were crossed are called passes (this word is sometimes though rarely applied to gorges only), and are the points at which the great chain sinks to form depressions, up to which deep-cut valleys lead from the plains.
They thus form a single connected whole as contrasted with the plains at their base, and nature has made no breaks therein, save at the spots where they sink to comparatively low depressions or passes.
In Switzerland there are Italian-speaking regions, as well as some spots (in the Grisons) where the old Romance dialect of Romansch or Ladin survives; while in Austria, besides German, Italian and Ladin, we havea Slavonic-speaking population in the South-Eastern Alps.
Beautiful bulbous plants, called mariposa lilies, requiring warm sheltered spots in rich gritty and well-drained soil.
They require warm sunny spots and rich gritty soil.
Gigantic umbelliferous plants, with magnificent foliage, adapted for shrubbery borders or open spots on lawns.
A South African genus of composites requiring very warm sunny spots and rich gritty soil.
Dwarf subshrubby plants well suited for rockwork, and called Sun-Roses from their blossoms resembling small wild roses and their thriving best in sunny spots.
Luciliae, 6 in., has much larger lilac-blue flowers, and is an exquisite rock plant for warm, sheltered spots.
They require rich sandy peat and warm sheltered spots.
Both require very warm, sunny spots and rich, sandy soil, and should not be disturbed often.
A warm, light, but rich soil in sheltered spots required.
If the lawn is thin in spots, these places may be raked over heavily and new grass seed sown.
The spots are not often so numerous as to do much harm to the leaves, but where the disease is serious diseased leaves should be collected and burned.
Olpidium Brassicae; others discoloured spots and even tumour-like swellings - e.g.
Some small wild cats, very poor flat fur of a pale fawn colour with yellow spots, are imported from Australia and used for linings.
Cheetah.-Size of a small leopard and similar in colour, but has black spots in lieu of rings.
Leopards have rings only and cheetahs solid spots.
The African are small with pale lemon colour grounds very closely marked with black spots on the skin, the strong contrast making a pleasing effect.
The fur upon the flanks is longer and white with very pronounced markings of dark spots, and this part of the skin is generally worked separately from the rest and is very effective for gown trimmings.
Is of the nature of a leopard and prettily marked with stripes and oblong spots.
Humboldt searched for them in the Urals on account of the similarity of the gold and platinum deposits to those of Brazil, and small diamonds were ultimately found (1829) in the gold washings of Bissersk, and later at Ekaterinburg and other spots in the Urals.
The Large Whites may have in the skin a few blue spots which grow white hair.
The colour is red or chestnut, with at times darkish spots on the skin.
It is a breed of mixed blood, and is believed to have originated from the "Big China" pig - a large white hog with sandy spots, taken to Ohio in 1816, and blended with Irish graziers in 1839, and with a breed known as Bayfields, as well as with Berkshires.
The rate of denudation in exposed positions is exceedingly rapid; while spots sheltered from the sand blast suffer a minimum of erosion, as shown by the preservation of ancient inscriptions.
The fur has, however, a tawny yellow or reddishgrey ground colour, marked with black spots, aggregated in streaks and blotches, or in elongated rings enclosing areas rather darker than the general ground-colour.
The climate is mild, the fig-tree and myrtle growing in sheltered spots and the soil, where cultivated, is productive.
Fossils are less common in the Upper Old Red Sandstone, though they are found - particularly fishes - in large numbers in certain spots, as at Dura Den, near Cupar-Fife.
Hay is never mown on the true alps save in spots which are not easily accessible to cattle (in very high spots it belongs to the mower, and is then called Wildheu), but hay-crops are made on the Mayens or Voralpen, the lowest pastures, situated between the homesteads and the true alps; these Voralpen are individual (not communal) property, though probably in olden days cut out of the true Alpen.
Those who supposed astronomy to inspire religious awe were horrified to hear the stars compared to eruptive spots on the face of the sky.
There are very few spots from which a spring of some sort is not accessible.
The story begins with Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, who became fired with zeal to fix definitely the spots where the great events of Christianity had taken place, and in A.D.
The colour is blackish, or of a dark olive-grey or brownish grey with round black spots or dots.
It varies much in colour, but it may be described as usually brown or blackish, with more or less numerous yellow spots, sometimes arranged in transverse bands.
But a year later, the second generation having reached sexual maturity, new broods were produced, and out of these some individuals lost their gills and dorsal crest, developed movable eyelids, changed their dentition, and assumed yellow spots, - in fact, took on all the characters of Amblystoma tigrinum.
It frequents swampy, shady spots, and wallows in mud like a pig.
The right to manufacture and the right to retail are both monopolies of government permitted to private individuals only upon terms. Distillation of country spirits is allowed according to two systems - either to the highest bidder under strict supervision, or only upon certain spots set apart for the purpose.
Buying and selling in their aspects most characteristic of India are to be seen, not at these great towns, nor even at the weekly markets, but at the fairs which are held periodically at certain spots in most districts.
To this day the most holy spots of Hindu pilgrimage are thickly dotted with little white pillars, each commemorating a suttee.
With this last instrument he discovered in 1610 the satellites of Jupiter, and soon afterwards the spots on the sun, the phases of Venus, and the hills and valleys on the moon.
It is covered with long hair, longest on the middle line of the back, where it is capable of being raised or depressed at will, of a dark-grey colour, with numerous transverse black bands and spots.
It is therefore perhaps misleading actually to class the sun with them; but it seems highly probable that whatever cause produces the periodic outbursts of spots and faculae on our sun differs only in degree from that which, in stars under a different physical condition of pressure and temperature, results in the gigantic conflagrations which we have been considering.
The fact that in former times the island was richly clad with woods is indicated by the name still employed by the Turks, Tchamliza, the place of pines; but it is only in some favoured spots that a few trees are now to be found.
There are a few fertile spots near the mountains, where mountain streams afford irrigation and potable water, and support small populations, but in general Tacna is occupied for mining purposes only.
The filbert is economically grown on the borders of plantations or orchards, or in open spots in woods.
But his name is chiefly perpetuated through his investigation of the motions of sun-spots, by which he determined the elements of the sun's rotation and made the important discovery of a systematic drift of the photosphere, causing the rotation-periods of spots to lengthen with increase of solar latitude.
The scenery of the Thuringian portion of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt attracts many visitors annually, the most beautiful spots being the gorge of the Schwarza and the lovely circular valley in which the village of Schwarzburg nestles at the foot of a curiously isolated hill, crowned by the ancient castle of the princely line.
It is somewhat larger than a fox, of a uniform reddish brown colour above, and whitish beneath, with two white spots above each of the eyes, and a tuft of long black hair at the tip of the ears; to these it owes its name, which is derived from Turkish words signifying "black-ear."
Fruit-trees are grown, mainly in the south and midlands; northward (as far as Hernosand) they flourish only in sheltered spots on the coast.
White spots are sometimes present below the eyes, and there may be white markings on the legs and back; and the absence or presence of these white markings may be indicative of distinct races.
Generally speaking, everywhere, excepting in the northern lowlands and in a few favored spots in the hilly districts, the vegetation is scanty.
The surface of the skin may be invaded by parasitic organisms and may exhibit spots, which are removed by something which will destroy the parasite, such as ointments containing mercurial salts.
In psoriasis the epidermis separates in flakes at various spots which have not been subjected to pressure, and to cure it ointment containing tar or other products of the dry distillation of wood is employed.
It grows within the tissues from central spots towards an ever-extending circumference, carrying putrescence in its course.
It is characterized by the curling of the leaves, which later show black A spots due to the production of numerous dark spores in patches on the diseased leaves.
A third fungus, Cercospora concors, also forms spots on the leaves and may be kept in check by the same means.
The tubers frequently show scurfy or scab-like spots upon their surface, thus greatly depreciating their value for market purposes.
Similar spots are produced on potatoes in America by the fungus Oospora scabies, and in both cases, if affected "seed" potatoes are steeped in a solution of 2 pint formalin in 15 gallons of water for two hours before planting, the attack on the resulting crop is materially lessened.
The irrigated areas are only little spots along the permanent streams. In 190o the farm area was only 2.7% of the total area of the state and only 0.31% was actually improved (including Indian reservations, o 35%; in 1906, 0.92% was cultivated); of the land actually under crops, 88.5% was irrigated.
Both, like the majority of herrings, are greenish on the back and silvery on the sides, but they are distinguished from the other European species Clupea by the presence of a large blackish blotch behind the gill-opening, which is succeeded by a series of several other similar spots along the middle of the side of the body.
Numerous places of interest and beautiful spots are to be found round Salzburg.
The readiness with which the young Mytilus attaches itself to wicker-work is made the means of artificially cultivating and securing these molluscs for the market both in the Bay of Kiel in North Germany and at the mouth of the Somme and other spots on the coast of France.
A very different animal is the spotted hyena, Hyaena (Crocuta) crocuta, which has the sectorial teeth of a more cat-like type, and is marked by dark-brown spots on a yellowish ground, while the mane is much less distinct.
A black coat with white spots distinguishes the Philippine spotted deer, C. alf redi, which is about the size of a roe-buck; while other members of this group are the Calamianes deer of the Philippines (C. culionensis), the Bavian deer (C. kuhli) from a small island near Java, and the well-known Indian hog-deer or para (C. porcinus), all these three last being small, more or less uniformly coloured, and closely allied species.
Of specially remarkable species Lygeum is found on the sea-sand of the eastern half of the Mediterranean basin, and the minute Coleanthus occurs in three or four isolated spots in Europe (Norway, Bohemia, Austria, Normandy), in North-east ' Asia (Amur) and on the Pacific coast of North America (Oregon, Washington).
The ghost has now been brought back to much of true life again by the skill of the most scrupulous of all restorers, Cavaliere Cavenaghi, who, acting under the authority of a competent commission, and after long and patient experiment, found it possible to secure to the wall the innumerable blistered, mildewed and half-detached flakes and scales of the original work that yet remained, to clear the surface thus obtained of much of the obliterating accretions due to decay and mishandling, and to bring the whole to unity by touching tenderly in with tempera the spots and spaces actually left bare.
Trade has enormously expanded; new centres of commerce have sprung up in spots which formerly were silent jungles; new staples of trade, such as tea and jute, have rapidly attained importance; and the coalfields and iron ores have opened up prospects of a new and splendid era in the internal development of the country.
They arise from combinations of smaller spots, or from nothing, in a short period, say a day.
The largest spots are easily seen by the naked eye, if the brilliancy of the disk is veiled; the umbra may be many - ten or more - diameters of the earth in breadth.
Other information about the spots is given below, in connexion with their spectra.
C. Carrington from observations of the spots, extending from 1853 of to 1861, from which he determined also the position of the sun's axis.
But conclusions from the spots are full of anomalies.
Maunder and Mrs Maunder found that different spots in the same zone differ more than do the means for different zones, while a long-lived spot settles down to give more consistent results than are furnished by spots of one apparition.
The irregularities incidental to use of the spots are escaped by comparing the relative Doppler displacements of the same spectral line as given by the receding and advancing limbs of the sun.
The spectrum taken near the limb of the sun shows increased general absorption, but also definite peculiarities of great interest in connexion with the spectra of the spots, which it will be convenient to describe first.
As to whether the spots are regions of higher or lower temperature than the photosphere, the best qualified judges are reserved or discordant, but recent evidence seems to point very definitely to a lower temperature.
Baden possesses several parks and is surrounded by lovely and interesting spots, of which the most frequented is the picturesque valley of the Helenenthal, which is traversed by the Schwechat.
The breast is of a pale salmon or peach-blossom colour, each feather in front bearing a roundish dark spot, but these spots lessen in number and size lower down, and the warm tint passes into white on the belly.
An Oxford Down ram has a bold masculine head; the poll well covered with wool and the forehead adorned by a topknot; ears self-coloured, upright, and of fair length; face of uniform dark brown colour; legs short, dark, and free from spots; back level and chest wide; and the fleece heavy and thick.
The colour of the fleece is white, with a few darkish spots here and there; the faces and legs are dark in the lambs, gradually becoming white or light grey in a few years.
Sailors capture the bird for its long wing-bones, which they manufacture into tobacco-pipe stems. The albatross lays one egg; it is white, with a few spots, and is about 4 in.
There are exceptional spots on the upland prairies composed of stiff clay, not as easily cultivated, but very productive when properly managed and enriched.
Guanaco also have favourite localities in which to die, as appears from the great heaps of their bones found in particular spots.
For example, where the high plateau of the Libyan desert descends into a longitudinal valley between Syrtis and the Nile delta there are a few spots where the water comes to the surface or is found in shallow wells.
In spring, while the wheat plants are still green and immature, the rust makes its appearance as orange-red spots or streaks on the stalks and leaves.
These coloured spots are due to the presence of a sorus or layer of countless numbers of minute brown spores, the uredospores of the summer fruiting form.
Several years before this appointment he had made himself a name by an elegant solution of the problem to find the sun's equator and determine the period of its rotation by observation of the spots on its surface.
The sides are bluish green above, violet in the middle, red beneath, variegated with oval spots of brilliant silver.
The volume of text gives descriptive details and measurement of the spots and heights of the mountains.
Some bright spots are visible by the earth-light when the moon is a thin crescent, which were supposed by Herschel to be volcanoes in eruption.
But these are now known to be nothing more than spots of unusual whiteness, and if any active volcano exists it is yet to be discovered.
The general colour is a delicate pale brown, with about a dozen and a half darker cross-bars, which are often connected by a still darker dorso-lateral streak, enclosing large oval spots.
On each side is a series of large dark brown spots with light centres.
The river fishes belong chiefly to the family Chromididae; many of them are of brilliant and bizarre appearance, with strongly contrasted colours in bands and spots.
Solar and lunar myths usually account for the observed phenomena of eclipse, waning and waxing, sunset, spots on the moon, and so forth by various mythical adventures of the animated heavenly beings.
Hoofddorp, Venneperdorp or Nieuw Vennep, Abbenes and the vicinities of the pumpingstations are the spots where the population has clustered most thickly.
The east breakwater scheme, which would have covered the Platter's rocks - still very troublesome - and the Skinner's, was abandoned for buoys which mark the spots.
With a combination of plates in plane-polarized and plane-analysed light the interference pattern with monochromatic light is generally very complicated, the dark curves when polarizer and analyser are crossed being replaced by isolated dark spots or segments of lines.
Before the close of 1610 the memorable cycle of discoveries begun in the previous year was completed by the observation of the ansated or, as it appeared to Galileo, triple form of Saturn (the ring-formation was first recognized by Christiaan Huygens in 1655), of the phases of Venus, and of the spots upon the sun.
Encouraged by the flattering reception accorded to him, he ventured, in his Letters on the Solar Spots, printed at Rome in 1613, to take up a more decided position towards that doctrine on the establishment of which, as he avowed in a letter to Belisario Vinta, secretary to the grand-duke, "all his life and being henceforward depended."
A series of careful observations made him acquainted with the principalappearances revealed by modern instruments in the solar spots.
These appearances he referred with great acuteness to the slight inclination of the sun's axis of rotation to the plane of the ecliptic. Thus, when the earth finds herself in the plane of the sun's equator, which occurs at two opposite points of her orbit, the spots, travelling in circles parallel with that plane, necessarily appear to describe right lines; but when the earth is above or below the equatorial level, the paths of the spots open out into curves turned downwards or upwards, according to the direction in which they are seen.
Eclipse was a chestnut horse with a white blaze down his face; his off hind leg was white from the hock downwards, and he had black spots upon his rump-this peculiarity coming down to the present day in direct male descent.
Stockwell, who was a chestnut with black spots, was the sire of Blair Athol (1861), a chestnut, and also of Doncaster (1870), another chestnut, but with the characteristic black spots of his grandsire; and Doncaster was the sire of the chestnut Bend Or (1877).
Eclipse was a chestnut; Castrel, Selim and Rubens were chestnuts; so also were Glencoe and Pantaloon, of whom the latter had black spots on his hind quarters like Eclipse; and also Stockwell and Doncaster.
The extreme eastern corner is occupied by older Tertiary loam, which is used for making bricks, and upon this and the river-banks are the most fertile spots, woods, cultivated land, pastures, towns and villages.
The tiger-cat of the colonists, with weasel legs, white spots and nocturnal habits, is a large species of the untameable native cats.
The town was choked with visitors, some already staking out their spots with folding chairs to view the later festivities—the last hurrah of the holiday.
The filly was mostly white with a few brown spots – almost the opposite of her mother.
Polish is mildly abrasive and can help to remove stains and water spots.
Spots at this time were made from small circular pieces of black plaster which were firmly affixed to the cloth.
Designs such as the military, airplanes, tourists spots, sports teams, comic characters and universities also appeared on Zippo's lighters.
Bright spots include good quantities of fish everywhere, better hatches of aquatic insects and a summer weather regime which certainly suited the angler.
Early blight shows as distinctive dark brown spots, somewhat angular, with concentric rings and bounded by the leaf veins.
These included apparitions, cold spots and sense of presence experiences in a ground floor corridor area.
Whether spots or stripes form, according to the model, depends on the level of response of the bacteria to the chemical attractant.
Cotton wool spots, venous caliber changes including venous beading, and intraretinal microvascular abnormalities are present but mild.
If you use a razor then soften the beard first with soap and warm water and shave lightly to avoid catching the spots.
Interviews were carried out in 2002, near some of Argyll's top beauty spots.
Excess oil makes the skin shine and can block the pores causing blackheads and spots.
Tea Tree oil is a well known antiseptic that can be used to treat minor skin blemishes such as spots.
Black Spots Usually cosmetic blemishes in the image which are inherent in the production process.
Is there a need for CCTV on the back of certain vehicles to eliminate or reduce blind spots during any unavoidable reversing?
Few favored spots slight bobble in pit stops will.
If some of the spots are particularly bothersome, they can be made to shrivel up by using a laser or pinpoint cautery.
The dark spots on the scar, mark where the vascular bundles which carried the sap passed through from the twig into the leaf.
Virus diseases also affect camellias, producing light markings on the leaves and white spots and stripes on the flowers.
This is a small, black turtle that has a pattern on its smooth carapace with small yellow spots.
N.B. Do not breathe on the lead citrate at any stage as insoluble lead carbonate will form which produces dense spots over the sections.
The male can be distinguished from the female by his larger throat spots and large swollen cloaca (reproductive opening ).
Too many leaf variations to describe but flower corollas are white with no spots.
Soon a carrion crow which has been doing its rounds over the upland fields spots the spill.
However, if you apply a 3-sigma cutoff, you will have less and less spots as you get out to high resolution.
The country, tho not disagreeable, soon becomes wild and barren, but not without some fertile spots and pieces of wood land.
This BSE image of a zoned dolomite shows an electron microprobe traverse, outlined in red, with analysis spots at 2 µm intervals.
Everyone will enjoy consistently high-speed connections, everywhere in your house - no signal dropouts or wireless dead spots.
Pied is mainly white with brindle patches, no spots or ticking, and black eyelashes and eye rims.
He provides various factoids as the movie progresses but there are quite a few quiet spots where he has nothing much to say.
There are, it has to be said, good places to break down, and spots which are not so felicitous.
There are only a few spots of rust in the front fenders, which can be easily repaired.
He spots a patch of scales on her shoulder and she explains everything to him, including flashbacks to the prolog.
However, there were plenty of other fish including this flatfish with pretty blue spots who were quite happy to almost pose for me.
You may also experience bright flashes of light and / or showers of dark spots called floaters.
She wanted to know if I was seeing floaters; bright spots in my field of vision.
The female also has two spots on the upper forewing.
A white horse may have the spots removed with the Spanish haematite or with aqua fortis or with.. .
Stylish hand inlaid sighting spots are complemented by a distinctive silver hallmark.
You pull out a white hank covered with black spots and the black hank covered with black spots and the black hank has white spots all over it!
You pull out a white hank covered with black spots and the black hank has white spots all over it!
Identify the trouble spots and take what steps you can to make the workplace more harmonious and enjoyable to work in.
Game Paks In a couple of really well hidden spots lie Banjo-Kazooie Game Paks.
Read the rest... Harte spots chance to end hoodoo - Phil Shaw Copy from The Independent of 24/01/2001.
This absorption would in part produce hot spots from near field radiation.
The second species forms inconspicuous red spots on otherwise unaffected leaves and the underside of the leaves carries an inconspicuous pink hymenium.
The bays, sandy coves and rocky inlets provide some of the safest spots for bathing, sailing and windsurfing in Cornwall.
The jokes over blue knickers, white spots on plimsols and school birthdays have been flowing ever since.
Wettest spots on earth a few heartbeats pond koa canoe.
Fungal foliar diseases and their control, including leaf blights, downy mildews, leaf blights, downy mildews, leaf curls, mildews, leaf spots and rusts.
The instruction leaflet offers various methods for getting out of tight spots.
Community cards came the talon lineup ultraviolet part of beneath the spots.
Individuals with wet macular degeneration may see a dark spot or spots within their central vision due to the blood leakage under the retina.
These beacons, called masers (the radio equivalent of lasers) show up as bright spots in the radio images.
I even saw a female merlin with buff and brown spots perched in a tree.
Sample two produced symptoms on Chenopodium quinoa (systemic chlorotic spots) and N. benthamiana (systemic mottle and distortion ).
The freely movable spots by Aura are focussed on the transparent displays.
The morning remained murky with visibility moderate to good with a few spots of rain from time to time.
Forceful or incorrect use of forceps by the attending obstetrician can cause serious damage in these soft spots.
We also saw a red baby octopus with white spots, not such a great camouflage!
Distinctive yellow spots can be seen as a result of dead palisade parenchyma cells.
Great care & attention is paid to litter collection, & lifeguards/police patrols operate in the most popular spots.
All but the smallest spots show a dark central portion called the umbra with a lighter outer area called the penumbra.
The black areas can become predominant giving a black ladybird with a few red spots.
Plaice have obvious bright orange spots and rows of small bony protuberances on the head.
Bleeding from tiny blood vessels in the skin may produce small purplish spots (called purpura) on the legs.
Cold spots or constantly having to bleed the radiators.
You need to be well rehearsed at all the tricky spots.
It has a natural gray dry rind with reddish spots.
Every website owner is rushing to the major ad networks which creates a scarcity of ad spots.
Select accessories with care to draw attention from trouble spots, such as funky jewelry and brightly colored scarves.
Sanjay and I followed at a more leisurely pace, and he spotted a sea snake, with yellow spots.
Too much sebum makes your skin oily and causes spots.
Lego Star Wars Prima Strategy Guide to navigate the trouble spots and find all the hidden secrets you might otherwise miss.
They reflect our blind spots so we can push beyond our own self-knowledge.
When planted in somewhat shady spots, the flowers will last longer than they would in the hot sun.
When correctly shimmed there should be no noticeable tight spots at any point, but with only the slightest trace of backlash.
The spots and finger marks disappear and the body becomes silvery in color.
Such spots are often your code's way of telling you not to be quite so sloppy, but the pain still exists.
Typically, this moth is whitish with black speckles and spots all over its wings.
Externally the bolts are exposed, avoiding potential weak spots where water may penetrate the timber.
You will have the chance to meet people and work in some beautiful, secluded spots.
He may have only one championship, but three runners-up spots, and a cup record that is simply second to none.
A number of picnic spots with parking are to be found on the east side by the road.
These metrics are critical to calculate the network performance and to help identify any trouble spots in the network.
From the minute she spots the handsome stranger, Lucy's world begins to change.
I put both rods out with Maple 8 boilies, fished with small stringers and a scattering of bait around the spots.
Leaf spots contained scattered black, undistinguishable stromata with conidiophores that were similar on all hosts.
Some of the play spots were a little over subscribed.
We may welcome bright tiger lilies and mimulus in our gardens but their spots were once considered synonymous with disease.
The emphasis is on easy access with wide doors and a split opening tailgate with its immensely useful boot chute for tight spots.
Jasmine spots Daz hovering close by, and she goes to check he's okay after noting that he looks tearful.
It was a fine trout with a greenish tint to its markings and bold, dark yellow spots.
Some people get tiny, red spots on their skin, especially on the arms or legs.
Bone scans use a tiny amount of radioactive tracer to show up ' hot spots ' in the bones.
The test measures immunoreactive trypsin (IRT) assays on blood spots.
This involves pressing a glass tumbler against the rash to see if the red spots disappear under pressure.
At rest it usually holds its wings closed, showing a pretty pale blue underside with very small black spots.
They had pale blue underwings with lots of spots.
Compared with conventional glass, the water also dries off very quickly without leaving unsightly " drying spots " .
Also, be on the lookout for unintended sniping spots, especially if they offer a vantage on a team's spawn area.
The rest were half this size, brilliant little gems with bellies of butter-yellow and spots of the brightest vermilion on their flanks.
She moves around selectively between a few preferred spots in the house which combine the warmth of a radiator with real sunlight.
Haggis did a couple of spots with his gorgeous UV bull whip with some stunning visual effects.
Most blue whales are blue-grey and mottled with lighter spots but some appear yellowish underneath due to algae growing on them.
It is scarcely possible from the preliminary survey, with soundings several miles apart, to obtain more than a general idea as to the average depth along the route, while the nature of the constituents of the sea bed can only be revealed by a few small specimens brought up at isolated spots, though fortunately the globigerine ooze which covers the bottom at all the greater ocean depths forms an ideal bed for the cable.
It is somewhat artificial to classify these diseases according to the color of the spots, and often impossible, because the color may differ according to the age of the part attacked and the stage of injury attained; many Fungi, for instance, induce yellow spots which become red, brown or black as they get older, and so on.
Brown spots are characteristic of Phytophthora, Puccinia, &c., and black ones of Fusicladium, Ustilago, Rhytisma, &c. Both are common as advanced symptoms of destruction by Fungi and insects.
Many of the tropical American Elateridae emit light from the spots on the prothorax and an area beneath the base of the abdomen; these are "fireflies" (see above).
Ladybirds are often brightly marked with spots and dashes, their coloration being commonly regarded as an advertisement of inedibility.
The Riesengebirge has of late years been made easily accessible by railway, several branches from the main lines, both on the Silesian and Bohemian side, penetrating the valleys, and thus many spots in the Riesengebirge are a good deal frequented in the summer.
Examining the tiger or the leopard, in all the beauty of their symmetrical adornment, we do not see in any one example an exact repetition of the same stripes or spots on each side of the mesial line.
To the south is the valley of the Arve (descending from the snows of the Mont Blanc chain), which unites with that of the Rhone a little below the town; while behind the Arve the grey and barren rocks of the Petit Saleve rise like a wall, which in turn is overtopped by the distant and ethereal snows of Mont Blanc. Yet the actual site of the town is not as picturesque as that of several other spots in Switzerland.
Pebrine manifests itself by dark spots in the skin of the larvae; the eggs do not hatch out, or hatch imperfectly; the worms are weak, stunted and unequal in growth, languid in movement, fastidious in feeding; many perish before coming to maturity; if they spin a cocoon it is soft and loose, and moths when developed are feeble and inactive.
So too the bull of Apis frol dack animal with white spots) was during its lifetime regarded tra(reincarnation of Ptah, the local god of Memphis, and similarly not Mnevis and Bacis bulls were accounted to be the living in s Es of Etom of Heliopolis and of Re of Hermonthis respec- cen ly; these latter cults are certainly secondary, for Ptah of 1 iself was never, either early or late, depicted otherwise than 0th iuman form, as a mummy or as a dwarf; and Etom and Re Hoi but different names of the sun-god.
Hence above the spots there are vapours of temperature low enough to give the banded spectra of this refractory metal, while only line spectra of sodium, iron and others fusible at more moderate temperatures are found (see also Spect Roheliogra Ph).
Shallow sheets of water termed vleis, usually brackish, accumulate after heavy rain at many places in the plateaus; in the dry seasons these spots, where the soil is not excessively saline, are covered with rich grass and afford favourite grazing land for cattle.
There were very few spots of sunshine in poor Ginger's life, and the sadnesses were so many!
Or I could refer you to Ireland, which is marked as one of the white or enlightened spots on the map.
Spots appeared on his nose, the redness of which was evidently due to intemperance, and his mouth twitched nervously.
She ran up to him and, in the play of the sunlight that fell in small round spots through the shade of the lime-tree avenue, could not be sure what change there was in his face.
Having inspected the country opposite the Shevardino Redoubt, Napoleon pondered a little in silence and then indicated the spots where two batteries should be set up by the morrow to act against the Russian entrenchments, and the places where, in line with them, the field artillery should be placed.
The bell-shaped 5-petalled flowers are purple with brown spots, 5 cm across, and appear in clusters of 10-15 in May.
The first signs of the disease are reddening of the skin followed by the erruption of spots to form a rash.
The reseau marks produced opaque spots about 2 or 3 pixels square at separations of about 55 pixels.
The bag is roomy enough to allow reasonable freedom of movement without being so spacious that cold spots are a problem.
More... Q. A grayling had blood spots which seemed to be seeping very slowly from under some of its scales.
Some pike are silvery in appearance while others are dark and have vivid yellow spots.
Such spots are often your code 's way of telling you not to be quite so sloppy, but the pain still exists.
Select a topic I have a smelly green discharge I have small spots on my penis Was the condom safe enough?
Such physical sorceries are related to physical power spots - typically stone circles, specially constructed buildings or strange landmarks.
As a result the leaves become speckled with pale spots.
Closing the album, just as the first fine spots of rain reach me, is ' Standing Around '.
They were also perplexed by ' unseen hands ' knocking objects off shelves, stealthy footsteps on landings, ' cold spots '.
The underside is bright orange with black spots and the sides are stippled with tiny white dots.
The belly to be white but teat spots permissible.
Painful spots on the tongue Sore tongue Should I have my daughter 's tongue-tie surgically removed?
His own solo spots were received with tumultuous applause.
We are looking primarily at the underbelly of humanity here, not its bright spots.
Compared with conventional glass, the water also dries off very quickly without leaving unsightly " drying spots ".
Wooded vales, land carpeted in wildflowers, tranquil spots where birdsong fills the air - these are precious places which we must protect.