Spoonbills Sentence Examples
The fifth order (the third of the Dasypaedes) is formed by the Grallatores, divided into 2 " series " - (I) Altinares, consisting of 2 " cohorts," Herodii with I family, the herons, and Pelargi with 4 families, spoonbills, ibises, storks, and the umbre (Scopus), with Balaeniceps; (2) Humilinares, also consisting of 2 " cohorts," Limicolae with 2 families, sandpipers and snipes, stilts and avocets, and Cursores with 8 families, including plovers, bustards, cranes, rails, and all the other " waders."
The Ibididae are more nearly related to the storks, Ciconiidae, and still more to the spoonbills, Plataleidae, with which latter many systematists consider them to form one group, the Hemiglottides of Nitzsch.
Storks, cranes, herons and spoonbills are common.
These neossoptiles or first feathers bear no resemblance to those of the Anseriform birds, but agree in detail with those of spoonbills, the young of which the little flamingos resemble to a striking extent, but they leave the nest soon after their birth to shift for themselves like ducks and geese.
There were several stunning Roseate spoonbills, White Ibis, Great, Little Blue and Snowy Egrets, also.
There were several stunning Roseate Spoonbills, White Ibis, Great, Little Blue and Snowy Egrets, also.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian spoonbills.
Out on the muddy banks were African Sacred Ibis, 3 Glossy Ibis, and 8 African spoonbills.
These islets are a roosting site for Black-faced spoonbills, which were distant but conspicuous.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian Spoonbills.
AdvertisementOut on the muddy banks were African Sacred Ibis, 3 Glossy Ibis, and 8 African Spoonbills.
These islets are a roosting site for Black-faced Spoonbills, which were distant but conspicuous.