Spike Sentence Examples
Narrower at the top and surmounted by a spike it distinguishes the Assyrian kings.
Two diverse views of the morphology of the fertile spike in these plants have been entertained.
Oils of lavender and of spike are used as vehicles for painting, more especially for the painting of pottery and glass.
The mass of styles from the whole spike is pendulous from the summit of the sheaths, as in fig.
On the other hand, the spike has been explained as due to the elaboration of a single sporangium occupying a similar position with regard to the leaf as in the Lycopodiales, and evidence of considerable weight has been brought forward in support of this interpretation.
The spike of Helminthostachys corresponds to that of Ophioglossum, but in it the sporangia are borne on two lateral rows of branched sporangiophores.
Spikelets falling singly from the unjointed rachis of the spike or the ultimate branches of the panicle.
She turns to Emma's mom Spike for advice.
In British New Guinea alone is the mancatcher (a rattan loop at the end of a handle with a pith spike projecting into it) met with.
She has left Spike, and seems fickle, while Spike's love seem eternal.
AdvertisementThe plants of which the floral organs or perfect fruits are preserved include the amber-bearing Pinus succinifera, Smilax, Phoenix, the spike of an aroid, i i species of oak, 2 of chestnut, a beech, Urticaceae, 2 cinnamons and Trianthera among the Lauraceae, representatives of the Cistaceae, Ternstroemiaceae, Dilleniaceae (3 species of Hibbertia), Geraniaceae (Geranium and Erodium), Oxalidaceae, Acer, Celastraceae, Olacaceae, Pittosporaceae, Ilex (2 species), Euphorbiaceae, Umbelliferae (Chaerophyllum), Saxifragaceae (3 genera), Hamamelidaceae, Rosaceae, Connaraceae, Ericaceae (Andromeda and Clethra), Myrsinaceae (3 species), Rubiaceae, Sambucus (2 species), Santalaceae, Loranthaceae (3 species).
The spoons of the Greeks and Romans were chiefly made of bronze and silver, and the handle usually takes the form of a spike or pointed stem.
The horizon was full of peaks like the teeth of a saw, so numerous as to be nearly indistinguishable from one another, except for the occasional spike that rose above its companions.
All data were corrected for spike recovery using spiked reagent blanks.
Spike saw the revue several times and attended Noel 's farewell party.
AdvertisementSpike turned to see her sagging a bit against the doorframe.
Also learn how little crime i 'm or spike tv.
Due to his temperamental nature, he was named ' Spike '.
Drag the Warp Marker from 1.2 to the beginning of the spike in the waveform display where 1.3 was originally.
Finally, attach some sort of spike to the sign so that it can be stuck into the ground securely.
AdvertisementAfter being cast in small roles from 1989 to 1990, Halle's big break came in 1991 when respected director Spike Lee chose her to play the role of crack-addict Vivian in the film Jungle Fever.
Sophora Secundiflora - A low dense tree or leafy shrub, with ornamental foliage composed of neat rounded leaflets with a glossy surface, and strongly fragrant violet-blue flowers borne in a dense spike.
The latter is further remarkable for having the median area of the head-shield, the flabellum, produced into an anteriorly directed spike.
The original release had Spike swearing edited out to receive a U certificate, now presented uncut this release carries a PG cert.
Some of the redbrick workhouse buildings survive, turned into houses, along with the spike.
AdvertisementSpike 's ringing tones were only covered by the toll of the front door bell, reverberating through the house.
Scarify to remove unwanted material, spike and top-dress, seed in sparse patches.
Spritzer stirred at my mother 's feet, sniffed the air, and then snarled angrily at Spike.
Before applying the fertilizer, spike the lawn with a fork or with a spiking machine and water the area thoroughly.
People spike drinks for a number of reasons including wanting to sexually assault, rape or rob the person whose drink they have spiked.
The blossoms, at their best in September, are carried as erect spikes of about 4 inches, each spike holding about a score of small ivory-white flowers with reflexing petals and protruding stamens.
Kurdistan. C. spinosus is a quaint little plant like a small Apicra or Haworthia, with a rosette of flat, spoon-shaped leaves, each tipped with a spine, and a spike of yellow flowers in early summer.
Strong bulbs will give three spikes in one season, eack spike bearing twelve to twenty pink flowers 6 inches across, with buds a deeper red, and opening in succession, so that the display lasts for some weeks.
Africa, has curiously formed small white flowers, which are disposed in a long slender spike, and the bright orange-scarlet blotches make them interesting when closely examined.
It is a profuse flowering kind, often bearing as many as six blossoms on a single spike.
The flowers appear late in the autumn on a one-sided spike opening from below upward, of a bright crimson color, resembling in form those of Tritonia aurea, and should be well grown wherever cut flowers are desired in winter.
If the central spike be removed, the side shoots will flower, and by thus cutting off the old flowers before they form seeds we cause fresh shoots to issue from the base, and to keep up a succession of bloom.
Z. lavandulaefolia (Zietenia) - Dwarf, creeping, half-shrubby perennial of a greyish hue, 6 to 12 inches high, with purple flowers in summer, borne in whorls, forming a spike about 6 inches long, with a slender downy stalk.
P. japonicum is a taller kind with long narrow leaves and a dense rounded spike.
From the centre of each tuft springs a stem 6 or 7 feet high, terminated in the flowering season by a close cylindrical spike 9 inches long, which is of dark olive, but changes to brownish-black as it ripens.
T. angustifolia is like it except in the size of the narrower leaves and spike, and of the two is perhaps the more graceful.
The flowers are four to six on a spike, and the plant varies from 6 to 10 inches high, according to the soil and warmth and shelter of the position.
The finest strain is the large flowering Pyramidal Ten-week, vigorous plants, each branching freely, bearing a huge main spike of double flowers and numerous branching spikes in succession.
Stud Flower (Helonias) - A distinct and handsome bog perennial, H. bullata being 12 to 16 inches high, with handsome purplish-rose flowers in an oval spike.
S. aloides is an interesting native water-plant with a compact vasiform tuft of leaves, from the centre of which arises in summer a spike of unattractive blossoms.
Other plants such as dracaena are tall and spike, and look best placed near the back or center of a container garden.
Just before going to sleep, melatonin levels typically spike in your blood.
It's a 2 on 2 matchup in Beach Volleyball where you bump, set, and spike your way through Arcade, Exhibition, Tournament, and training modes.
If you have ever played volleyball, then you know you serve the ball, volley/return the ball, spike it, or dig the ball.
The Florida Large Mouth, Red Eye, Small Mouth and Northern Spike Large Mouth are the four breeds you'll be fishing.
Perform an underhand movement to bump or set, and do an overhand swing to spike or block.
The most significant spike was during the second release.
Even though the search trends since then have recovered from the initial spike, the overall popularity of the search continues to climb - and this reflects the overall popularity and demand for High School Musical movies and products.
Blindness may develop, and the temperature may spike (rise rapidly) and fall unpredictably as the brain structures responsible for temperature regulation are affected.
The diagnosis of roseola is often made by carefully examining the feverish child to make sure that other illnesses are not causing the temperature spike.
He starred in the 2000 Spike Lee movie Bamboozled.
You can spike the sides or use gel to texturize and give a sharper contrast to the front, back, and sides.
Spike your hair just in the back and go for a shaggy cut in the back.
He doesn't spike his hair (in large spikes, at least) or dye it purple.
The fohawk (or faux hawk), with its signature miniature-size center spike, is popular amongst celebrities, and is a tamer variation of the punk mohawk.
If you'd rather err on the side of caution, a 4" wide mohawk can be worn in both a flat, conservative fashion, or in a classic wicked spike.
While mom was busy slicking back her children's hair, making sure every piece was in place, the spike became the rebellious choice, quite opposite of that perfectly groomed look.
For a classic spike look, apply a firm hold gel to wet hair, push hair out from the head as far as possible while separating the ends to create a pieced effect.
Liberty spikes are another staple of the punk scene and are a combination of the spike and mohawk.
A daring girl, such as hot topic 2009 mom Kate Gosselin, might even spike the back of a tapered bob for a sharp look.
For a spike-friendly cut, ask your stylist to either shave part of your head or leave it all long and spike accordingly.
While men most often sport a punk spike cut, many women have rocked this style and have paired it with a fashion hair color, including pink, blue and purple hues.
The Liberty spike is an extreme alternative to this already extreme look.
You can add lots of visual pop to your crazy style by varying the color of both the sides and the spike.
From that interest rate spike in 1981, mortgage rates have declined over time.
Ovulation indicator testing can detect a rise in certain hormones that spike during ovulation.
The predictor kits and fertility monitors work by testing urine for a spike in specific hormones associated with ovulation.
If your boy prefers creative creatures over talking trucks, you can give him Spike Jr., which is the miniature version of Spike the Ultra Dinosaur.
One of the most common types of birthday candle holder are the little flower shaped candle holders that are pushed into the cake with a spike.
Simple and Spiked - This is another very basic silver pillar holder that features a spike in the middle.
The spike is in place to secure the candle so it doesn't skid off of the platform.
You will often see volunteer numbers spike during the holidays and summer vacation - where people have more time to think and act.
Next, spike your hair and accessorize with a chain on the outside of your shirt and a Walkman clipped to your pant's waistband.
You can also add a Spike and Drusilla for a scary group of vampires.
Spike your hair up with hair gel to finish the look.
Most bulldog costumes come with an oversized mascot head with detailed features, a faux spike collar, plush body, mitts, spats and large foot coverings.
Be on the lookout, then, for a spike in time spent on the phone or a higher cell phone bill.
Spike the Ultra Dinosaur was recently released by Fisher Price and is a lot of fun for younger children.
Standing "tall" at 27 inches, you can use his accompanying remote control to make Spike growl, snort, light up and roar.
Spike is recommended for children aged 3 and up, but take caution with the younger set - Spike can be a little intimidating.
For a reptile a bit sweeter and friendlier than Spike, check out Kota the Triceratops by Playskool.
Spike TV debuted the fourth and final trailer during their Scream Awards on October 27, 2009.
While some studies report a drop in accidents as people stay home and out of the way, others show an unusual spike from car accidents to emergency room visits.
While the significant spike in sightings occurred in Puerto Rico starting in 1995, the sightings and attacks also become commonplace throughout Mexico as well.
Before long, the doctors realized that the spike in brain activity was real.
When gas prices spike, more people wonder where are the areas with cheapest gas.
As the name suggests, metal spikes are the hardest type of spike available and will give the best grip on the green.
Sometimes referred to as "nubs," these are the gentlest type of spike available for your golf shoes.
The heels actually look like spikes, and are often actually called spike heels.
Interestingly, certain golf shoes even feature removable studs, allowing the wearer to replace a worn spike or exchange rubber for metal (or vice versa).
Regardless, Mizuno's cleats are hot items when it comes to baseball equipment, so keep on the look out for this popular nine spike model.
Moreover, the spike on the end of a baseball cleat is also omitted with soccer cleats, due to the potential of injury.
If sexy is defined as spike heels, stilettos, pointy toes and glossy shine, then this company definitely delivers on its promise.
It could be Noah Newman on Y&R or Spike Lavery and Ian Slater over on All My Children.
Also, Las Vegas hotel rates tend to spike when there are large trade shows in town or events such as big name heavyweight boxing matches.
Marc Ecko's designs have been spotted on Spike Lee.
Definitely. Protect your investment with a good power surge device for $50-$50, but get a warranty, since computer chips resident in corded phones can be fried by any small power spike.
Eating too much sugar at once can cause a spike in blood sugar while leaving you full, but empty of nutrients and likely to gain weight, none of which will help your health problems in the long run.
Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body and can cause a spike in blood sugar as surely as sugars can, When eating a lot of carbohydrates, it is important to eat protein as well.
Good carbs do not cause dramatic changes in blood sugar level, while bad carbs cause a quick spike in blood sugar followed by a rapid drop.
Insulin counter-acts the sudden spike of blood sugar, but does so by effectively shutting down any fat burning activities and instead nudges your body into fat accumulation mode.
Less blood sugar spike equals less insulin response, which enables your body to keep burning fat.
Complex carbohyd rates are preferable because they provide a steady stream of energy that does make glucose levels spike as significantly as sugars do.
Ingesting soluble fiber also prevents a sudden spike in blood sugar, a danger for diabetics.
Your diabetic diet will help you stabilize your blood sugar by eliminating the foods likely to cause a spike in your levels.
Like eating cakes or baked goods, these products can cause your blood sugar to spike.
As an example, if you eat cold cereal for breakfast and feel your blood sugar spike as a result, you'll be hungry sooner.
Any food containing sugar, natural sugars and sugar derivatives are extremely high in carbohydrates and cause an immediate and large spike in blood sugar.
While all grains are high in carbohydrates, whole grains tend to have less of an effect on blood sugar and cause less of an insulin spike than refined grains like white flour.
Eating carbohydrates also causes a spike in blood sugar, and insulin is released into the bloodstream to help normalize blood sugar.
According to Taubes, carbohydrate intake causes a spike in blood sugar, which in turn forces your pancreas to release insulin.
This is anaerobic training that increases your overall stamina and cardiovascular capacity, while also providing a good spike in your natural hormone production.
She co-hosted on Spike TV's "2005 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Special".
Following the album, the band played three legendary gigs at the Blackpool Empress Ballroom, Alexandra Palace and Spike Island.
Alvin and the Chipmunks, Spike Jones, and Tiny Tim are just a few of the artists represented.
Their first album, which is self titled but often referred to by fans as The Blue Album, was produced by Ric Ocasek of The Cars and the video for the first single off of that album, Undone - The Sweater Song, was directed by Spike Jonze.
In the 1940s and 1950s, funny song parodies rose in popularity, thanks to Spike Jones and Homer and Jethro, who wrote funny parodies to lampoon both the popular music and the styles of the day.
It first appeared on the soundtrack for Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, with a remixed version popping up on Public Enemy’s 1990 Fear of a Black Planet album.
The season's emotional stakes were raised with the arrival of vampires Spike (James Marsters) and Drusilla (Juliet Landau).
Spike was in town to find a cure for his weakened mate.
Drusilla later turned Spike to be a companion.
Spike returned to Sunnydale permanently, first as an Initiative prisoner and then later working with Buffy and her friends.
Riley left Buffy when she wouldn't choose him and Spike continued to stay in town, determined to protect Buffy and those she loved.
Buffy's death devastated all who loved her, including Spike.
Spike noticed and looked after her and the two enjoyed several passionate love/hate interludes.
In the meanwhile, Spike traveled halfway around the world to complete several trials and earn his soul back.
Spike elected to take the risk, willing to die for Buffy.
The final battle came at great cost to the lives of Anya, Spike and some of the potential Slayers.
During the four years Buffy and Angel were both on the air, the show's shared periodic crossovers involving multiple characters including Buffy, Faith, Spike and Willow.
After Spike's death during the series finale of Buffy, his ghost appeared to Angel.
After several episodes as an incorporeal being, Spike earns back his vampire form and begins a heroic crusade to rival Angel's earlier years.
The rivalry between Spike and Angel was a recurring theme that carried over from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Was it Angel, the vampire cursed with a soul or Spike, the vampire who chose to have a soul?
A final battle between the two seemed to indicate that it was Spike, but the Cup of Torment was a fake.
Angel (David Boreanaz) and Spike (James Marsters)play profound roles in Buffy's life.
Buffy manages to defeat him with Spike's help.Spike is Angelus' grandchild, the get of Drusilla who is a woman Angelus drove mad before turning her into a vampire.
Spike wants Drusilla away from Angelus and Buffy needs to stop him.
Spike returns in the fourth season of Buffy, angry with Buffy because Drusilla left him.
But unlike Angelus, it is the vampire Spike that is in love with the Slayer.
They become lovers for a time and Buffy struggles against the love she feels for Spike, because he's supposed to be evil.
You may indeed get a temporary spike in traffic, but these visitors won't stick around.
This terminates in a long spike thickly studded with white blossoms. The grass-tree gives as distinct a character to an Australian picture as the agave and cactus do to the Mexican landscape.
A small group of Australian genera closely approach the order Juncaceae in having small crowded flowers with a scarious or membranous perianth; they include Xanthorrhoea (grass-tree or blackboy) and Kingia, arborescent plants with an erect woody stem crowned with a tuft of long stiff narrow leaves, from the centre of which rises a tall dense flower spike or a number of stalked flower-heads; this group has been included in Juncaceae, from which it is doubtfully distinguished only by the absence of the long twisted stigmas which characterize the true rushes.
Some of the emperors wore crowns on occasion, as Caligula and Domitian, at the games, and stellate or spike crowns are depicted on the heads of several of the emperors on their coins, but no idea of imperial sovereignty was indicated thereby.
The spikelets are borne on a compound or branched spike, erect at first but afterwards bent downwards.
To save himself from the consequences of his double marriage, which had provided him with powerful enemies, Philip in June 1541 came to terms with the emperor, who thus managed to spike the guns of the league of Schmalkalden, although the strength of this confederation did not fail until after the campaign against Henry of Brunswick.
The membranous spathes have been cut and drawn aside, revealing the spike of fruit which bears the long silky styles.
A long leaf (spathe) borne immediately below the spike forms an apparent continuation of the scape, though really a lateral outgrowth from it, the spike of flowers being terminal.
The plants are generally herbs with a much shortened stem bearing a rosette of leaves and a spike or panicle of flowers.
This deposition of bony matter progresses very rapidly, and although in young deer and the adults of some species the resulting antler merely forms a simple spike, or a single fork, in full-grown individuals of the majority it assumes a more or less complexly branched structure.
Short spikes may fall from the culm as a whole; or the axis of a spike or raceme is jointed so that one spikelet falls with each joint as in many Andropogoneae and Hordeae.
The spike of an inflorescence bears whorls of flowers at each node in the axils of concrescent bracts accompanied by numerous sterile hairs (paraphyses); in a male inflorescence numerous flowers occur at each node, while in a female inflorescence the number of flowers at each node is much smaller.
In the young spike, which arises when the leaf is still very small, a band of tissue derived from superficial cells is distinguishable along either side; this sporangiogenic band gives rise to the sporogenous groups, the sterile septa between them, and the outer walls of the sporangia.
The sporangia themselves resemble those of Botrychium, which project from the ultimate subdivisions of the branched spike; each is developed from a number of cells, the sporogenous tissue arising from a single cell.
The position of the fertile spike in relation to the leaf corresponds to that of the synangium or sporangiophores in the Psilotales and Sphenophyllales.
Among the turgid wheats there is a frequent tendency in the spike to branch or become compound - a tendency which is manifested to a less degree in other forms. The Egyptian, or so-called "mummy" wheat is of this character, the lower part of the spike branching out into several subdivisions.
This multiplication of the seed-bearing branches might at first sight be considered advantageous; but in practice the quality of the grain is found to be inferior, as if the force that should have been devoted to the maturation of the grain were, in a measure, diverted and expended in the production of additional branches to the spike.
The harbour, which is defended by the Carlisle and Camden Forts at its entrance, and by Fort Westmoreland on Spike Island, can shelter a large fleet.
Spike, Rocky and' Haulbowline islands are used in the formation of a government dockyard, which with the adjoining victualling yard covers an area of 55 atres.
The flowers at the lower part of the spike have passed into fruit, those towards the middle are in full bloom, and those at the top are only in bud.
Elongated form (Spike), Plantago.
The inflorescence is usually a spike bearing lateral cones or catkins, arranged sometimes distichously, sometimes in a spiral order.
The organ figured is one of the catkins (about a centimetre in length) which were borne laterally on the spike.
The female inflorescences vary considerably in organization; in some species the axis of the spike bears solitary ovules, each accompanied by a few bracts, while in others the lateral appendages are catkins, each containing from two to several ovules.
Another slight annoyance is the occasional spike in difficulty.
Start up the corner until you can move slightly right round the arete to reach a good spike level with the large block.
A good spike belay can be found by scrambling some 20m further up.
On any section of spike, there are blooms in all stages, from unopened bud to full flower.
One man suffered superficial burns, rather than almost certain death had he still been holding the spike.
Can Molly escape the clutches of the sneaky Captain Spike?
Don't support a spike to tv when buster Douglas random chance that.
For nearly twenty years now, Spike Lee has been Black America's most prominent cultural figure.
But when Spike commits a terrible crime, Heaton decides to stand by him an act of astonishing, almost foolhardy loyalty.
Spike, the evil glint gone from his eyes, looked at me.
Mind you, I wasn't wearing spike heels at the time -- or have I at any time, for that matter.
Numbers slowly declined, but we finished with a quick look round Skaters Meadow, which had abundant water horsetail and spike rush.
Even the normally hyperactive Spike grew calm, listening to the night.
Spike catches the almost infinitesimal start Syd gives on seeing the mummies.
The male inflorescence terminates on the uppermost spike branched arranged in a loose panicles.
Spike and Buffy end up in a passionate kiss.
The cow took a step backward then lunged forward straight at Spike.
Spike's in a church and speaking like he was when he was in the basement of the school, very slightly mad.
Spike shouted, " Right, old man, go for the nose!
He exchanged harsh words and occasionally fisticuffs with fellow mouthy mavericks like Spike Lee, Oliver Stone and producer Don Murphy.
And there was no sign of that Spike, or the other Watcher, or even his own minions.
Angel, if Spike wasn't very much mistaken, was singing the exact same song as when Spike had left.
If Spike is so tortured why did he get a perm?
Nikki the Slayer has the advantage as she sits on top of Spike, relentlessly pummeling the vampire.
Players toss a coin to decide who starts and take turns to throw all four quoits at the spike.
Spike saw the revue several times and attended Noel's farewell party.
Why did it have a ball and spike finial and why did it seem so slender?
People spike drinks for a number of reasons including wanting to sexually assault, rape or rob the person whose drink they have spike drinks for a number of reasons including wanting to sexually assault, rape or rob the person whose drink they have spiked.
Edna St. Vincent Millay This plant, with its very tall flowering spike, is commonly found along roadsides, and in fields.
He is a man carrying a loaded gun with a sharp spike on the end.
A bypass capacitor stores an electrical charge that is released to the power line whenever a transient voltage spike occurs.
The gangplank was hoisted on a post and fitted with an iron spike which would embed itself in the deck of an enemy vessel.
The fastest way to suppress cortisol is from the insulin spike cause only by a high glycemic carbohydrate.
We have the panoramic Spike Bar overlooking the 1st tee, the 9th hole and the 18th green.
Spike wondered if maybe he should have put a little more topspin on it.
Spike smiled to see the silent tussle over the keys, before she pushed Giles into the passenger seat.
The flat umbels are indispensable between all the spike shaped flowers in the garden.
Some shoots are sterile while others are fertile, bearing at the apex the so-called fructification - a dense oval, oblong conical or cylindrical spike, consisting of a number of shortly-stalked peltate scales, each of which has attached to its under surface a circle of spore-cases (sporangia) which open by a longitudinal slit on their inner side.
Shallow pools have yet another sundew, along with spike rush, bog sedge, and the spectacular bogbean.
I noticed Spike looking at the images nervously, and fingering his topaz pendant.
As far as acting is concerned, Mendes' goals are to work with and learn from filmmakers Spike Jonze and Steven Soderbergh, to name a few, to improve in her craft.
Poodles are just one example of what can happen when a breed receives a sudden spike in popularity.
The flower-stems are erect, from 6 inches to 9 inches high; the flowers deep blue, and in a close spike.
L. macrophylla is vigorous, with an erect stem nearly 3 1/2 feet high, and very large glaucous leaves, the yellow flowers borne in a long spike.
H. fimbriata has a long spike of lilac-purple flowers beautifully fringed.
They also rate fairly low on the Glycemic Index, which means less of a blood sugar spike than noshing on a candy bar or other sweet treats.
At one end of each rail the flange spread out to form a foot which rested on a cross sleeper, being secured to the latter by a spike passing through a central hole, and above this foot the rail was so shaped as to form a socket into which was fitted the end of the next rail.
The young involucre surrounds the female flower and the stalk supporting the spike of male flowers, and when ripe has the appearance of bluish-white porcelain.
It grows profusely on dry rocks and walls, especially on the western coasts, and bears a spike of drooping greenish cup-shaped flowers.
The grains of both are very small, only one half as long as those of common millet, but are exceedingly prolific. Many stalks arise from a single root, and a single spike often yields 2 oz.
The morphology of the fertile spike is a disputed question, upon the answer to which the systematic position of the Ophioglossaceae largely rests.
The spike is most simple in Ophioglossum, where it bears on each side a row of large sporangia, which hardly project from the surface, the vascular bundles occupying a central position.
His head was set on a spike and his quartered limbs were exposed in various places.
They however occur in a whole section of Andropogon, in Anomochloa, and at the base of the spike in Sesleria.
The plants are hardy herbaceous perennials with narrow tufted radical leaves and an elongated stem bearing a handsome spike of white or yellow flowers.