Spies Sentence Examples
I guess I watched too many movies about spies to know how they really work.
Jenn is the chief of my spies.
He favoured the death penalty for spies, but after the war advocated amnesty for political prisoners.
He was surrounded with spies who reported, none too accurately, the minister's somewhat sharp criticisms of the emperor's acts; he had even had the supreme presumption to advise Alexander not to take the chief command in the coming campaign.
The obsession that the country was full of German spies persisted until 1918, although Federal officers had broken up German espionage early in the war.
They have spies everywhere.
In1895-1896the friars acting as spies for the government, obtained the banishment of many hundreds of natives.
Andre himself had ordered their exiles when it was revealed they were Sasha's spies.
That's probably a good thing. The last thing you want is Death's spies telling her you're coming to kill her.
Romagna, replied to these persecutions by assassinating the more brutal officials ans spies.
AdvertisementHe now caused them to build a great capital, Ecbatana, with a royal palace, and introduced the ceremonial of oriental courts; he surrounded himself with a guard and no longer showed' himself to the people, but gave his judgments in writing and controlled the people by officials and spies.
The priests remained behind in Jerusalem, and their sons Jonathan and Ahimaaz served as his spies.
Charles, upon whose head a reward of £30,000 had a year before been set, was thus for over five months relentlessly pursued by the troops and spies of the government.
For this he waited impatiently five years, keeping himself posted by spies of every stage of the king's last illness, and thus laying himself open to the accusation, believed in by Charles himself, that he had hastened the end by poison, a charge which modern historians deny.
For this step he was severely attacked in parliament, and was accused of fomenting rebellion by means of his spies.
AdvertisementThe elevator door opened to reveal the massive form of Travis, one of Jenn's spies on the local police force.
One of Dusty's spies found out the Others have a weapon they want to use, we think to open the gateway between the immortal and mortal worlds.
My … spies report that you can't keep dealers and have no idea what's going on in the underworld.
The success with which the conspirators concealed their plot from Salisbury's spies is indeed astonishing, but is probably explained by its very audacity and by the absence of incriminating correspondence, the medium through which the minister chiefly obtained his knowledge of the plans of his enemies.
Surviving spies, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy 's camp.
AdvertisementIt was his job to protect the CIA from penetration by Soviet spies.
Thus they will become converted spies and available for our service.
In practice, it was almost always members of the ST who actually arrested and interrogated enemy spies.
She was spotted by our fashion spies in Yarm when she was out shopping with her mum. more How do you like yours?
The goal is to conquer your enemies with your army, magic and spies.
AdvertisementIt's hard telling, but it turns out that Tiger's "indefinite break" form golf isn't faring so well as spies report that she's moving out of their home in Florida and back to her native Sweden.
Rather than just growing Red Delicious apples, an organic apple farmer might have Northern Spies or Rhode Island Greenings.
From Russia With Love puts you in the fancy shoes of the original James Bond, complete with Sean Connery providing the legendary spies' voice.
You can also use spies to find out enemy locations and even hire mercenaries to join your troops.
They are good for pretend play and help kids learn a little bit about the technology that real spies use.
For example, tell your young spies what areas of your home - and outside your home - are off limits for investigation.
If you have enough players, you can send out spies to see where the flag was hidden as well as look-outs to catch the spies.
These globe-trotting super spies bore only loose ties to the hospital, the closest being between Frisco and his brother Dr. Tony Jones.
Saving the world, however, soon became passé and the age of the super spies passed quietly to the likes of the Godfather as medical mysteries were supplanted with murder mysteries, crime sprees and sudden, violent crimes and shootings.
Gradually the Army began using the fortress to house Confederate spies and army deserters.
When you think of spy watches, you might think of James Bond, Remington Steele and other movie spies.
Lisa Wernick Spies is married to lawyer and Republican fundraiser Charlie Spies.
Lisa Spies is also a fundraiser for the Republican party, with most of her efforts going to Senator John Thune.Spies also works as an executive director for the National Women's Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
Against them are arrayed all the spies, sneaks, ghouls, orcs and other bad things that call the Dark Lord their ruler.
My … spies report that you can't keep dealers and have no idea what's going on in the underworld.
Absent one of those gizmos to see around corners or a newspaper with a hole in it to held high like all the really cool spies do, Dean tried the direct approach.
He's killed my last few spies.
In the conduct and detection of her correspondence with Babington, traitor was played off against traitor, and spies were utilized against assassins, with as little scruple as could be required or expected in the diplomacy of the time.
The country was flooded with spies, and a special Russian police force was created, the expenses being charged to the Finnish treasury.
The only executions were those of military ringleaders of mutinies or military spies, after due public trial and conviction by courts-martial; the total number of these executions was 63.
Andre's gift lent him great power and control over the mind, enough so that he had no problem recruiting spies as the others did.
If anyone, it was Tamer, whose isolation in Siberia and ability to outsmart Andre's spies gave him the ability to hide his actions.
Are you guys spies or something?
As the chief of the spies in this hemisphere, she'd been in a lot of really bad situations with nothing but her charm and mind control to keep her safe.
Legend has it that these mark the graves of spies who were buried alive.
The spies are younger, less jaded but equally cynical and still operating in a wholly amoral world.
Should we all carry a copy of the DM or wear a red carnation like spies in old war films?
As ninja were not only assassins but also spies they had to adopt cunning disguises so that they could pass into enemy territory unnoticed.
Gregory's main task was to compile dossiers of possible foreign spies living in London.
David spies an opportunity to make the errand less onerous and asks his mom to give him a lift.
He spies bat-eared foxes, porcupines, wildebeest, buffalo - oh, and a leopard tortoise.
The following day Parsons, Spies, Fisher and Engel mounted the gallows.
My new allies are expert scouts and spies, and may have already infiltrated your army.
Products driven by uranium rays had spies then reported.
Martin spies on Terry, who is cavorting in his hotel suite with a cute redhead PA, and has taken an unknown pill.
British and American spies are apparently on the ground inciting riot.
Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.
Traitors and spies had to be endlessly unmasked and fed to the never satiated gulag.
Spies emigrated to the United States in 1872 and settled in Chicago where he became a upholsterer.
Even those who from age or infirmities could no longer take an active part in the operations continued to aid the cause as watchers, spies, or dressers of food.
The country had heard much of the German espionage system, spies were suspected everywhere, and many acts of sabotage, arson, and violence in factories engaged in munition production were ascribed to them.
Having converted spies, getting hold of the enemy 's spies and using them for our own purposes.
His spies were naturally doubtful characters, because the profession does not attract honest men; morality of methods can no more be expected from counterplotters than from plotters; and the prevalence of political or religious assassination made counterplot a necessity in the interests of the state.
During the siege of Paris he left the city in a balloon and joined Gambetta, for whom he organized a system of spies through which General Trochu was kept informed of the strength and disposition of the Prussians around Paris.
A rigid censorship was exercised concerning the publication of information as to the production of munitions, measures of defence, bombardments, air raids, arrests, trials and executions of spies, etc.
The government tended to become more and more autocratic and to rely wholly on the all-powerful police, the spies and the priests; and, although the king showed some independence in foreign affairs, his popularity waned; the desire for a constitution was by no means dead, and the survivors of the old Carbonari gathered round Carlo Poerio, while the Giovane Italia society (independent of Mazzini), led by Benedetto Musolino, took as its motto " Unity, Liberty and Independence."
The parliament was now dismissed, and Ferdinand inaugurated an era of savage persecution, supported by spies and informers, against the Liberals and Carbonari, the Austrian commandant in vain protesting against the savagery which his presence alone rendered possible.
The country was flooded with government spies and informers, whose efforts were seconded by such voluntary societies as the Association for preserving Liberty and Property against Republicans and Levellers, founded by John Reeves, the historian of English law.
I'm out of ideas for dealing with my traitor issue, unless Dusty can send a few spies my way.
Walsingham's earliest extant communications with the government date from 1567; and in that and the following two yea.rs he was supplying Cecil with information about the movements of foreign spies in London.
The revolts of royalists and sectaries against his government had been easily suppressed, and the various attempts to assassinate him, contemptuously referred to by Cromwell as "little fiddling things," were anticipated and prevented by an excellent system of police and spies, and by his bodyguard of 160 men.
Some of them were double spies, sold to both parties, whose real sentiments are still conjectural; but Walsingham was more successful in seducing Catholic spies than his antagonists were in seducing Protestant spies, and most of his information came from Catholics who betrayed one another.
The plot was discovered by the regent's spies, and Armfelt only escaped from the man-of-war sent to Naples to seize him, with the assistance of Queen Caroline.
The reactionaries in power put off their promised reforms so persistently as to anger even Metternich; nor did the replacement of Bernetti by Lambruschini in 1836 mend matters; for the new cardinal secretary of state objected even to railways and illuminating gas, and was liberal chiefly in his employment of spies and of prisons.
The three main episodes are those of the twelve spies, the rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, and Balaam's mission to Balak.
It is allowable to deceive an enemy by fabricated despatches purporting to come from his own side; by tampering with telegraph 1112Ssages; by spreading false intelligence in newspapers; by sending pretended spies and deserters to give him untrue reports of the numbers or movements of the troops; by employing false signals to lure him into an ambuscade.
Desirous of some token of appreciation from Mary for his services, he entered into a long correspondence with her, which was intercepted by the spies of Walsingham.
Spies in every salon in Paris and every court in Europe kept the grim courtier informed of every change in his.
More than one plot on the part of Boers who had taken the oath of allegiance was hatched in Johannesburg, the most serious, perhaps, being that of Brocksma, formerly third public prosecutor under the republic. On the i 5th of September 1901 Brocksma and several others were arrested as spies and conspirators.
Picking up on his way such reinforcements as were available, he marched southward with all speed behind the Vosges, and in the last stages of the movement he even split up his forces into many small bodies, that the enemy's spies might be misled.
As far as we know. I didn't see her enter the portal, but one of our spies was in her fortress when she entered the chamber you indicated.