Sphinx Sentence Examples
Then the sphinx threw herself down from the mountain.
The name of the sphinx in Egyptian was Hu.
The Great Sphinx dated to within a few years of 2500 BC.
Beside the great pyramids at Giza stands a giant sphinx (a lion 's body with a man 's head).
A new voice starts to speak from various sphinx statues.
Luxurious cruise ships ply the Nile River, offering itineraries that include Cairo, the Sphinx and the Pyramids, or extensions to Abu Simbel.
This 17-acre southern California adventure park offers a range of attractions for guests to experience, all wrapped in an intricate Egyptian theme from the very moment visitors pass the detailed sphinx guarding the entrance.
This is another 12-day cruise tour, boasting rare sights of Rameses II and Nefertari, temples, pyramids, the Sphinx and more.
You get to see the world's oldest step pyramid, the Sphinx, temples, statues of Rameses and Nefertari, and more.
The sailings travel the Nile River and include voyages through the Kingdom of Pharaohs, explorations of King Tutankhamen's artifacts and views of the Sphinx.
AdvertisementAnother cool thing about this game is that you can build giant pyramids, the Sphinx and other great monuments.
Admittedly, the architecture is fascinating; just picture the pyramids or the lonely Sphinx.
The Sphinx is a figure with the head of a man set upon the body of a human, and is perhaps the Egyptian version of the Celtic Griffon.
Amenophis reigned twenty-six years and left his throne to his son Tethmosis IV., who is best remembered by a granite tablet recording his clearance of the Great Sphinx.
The sphinx is common on Persian gems, and the representations are finely executed.
AdvertisementAn ancient female sphinx, but wingless, stands on the sacred road near Miletus.
It is curious that, though the sphinx (as also the gryphon) were thus common in the Mycenaean period, the words σφίγξ and γÏÏψ do not occur in Homer.
Sphinxes were represented on the throne of Apollo at Amyclae and on the metopes at Selinus; in the best period of Greek art a sphinx was sculptured on the helmet of the statue of Athena in the Parthenon at Athens; and sphinxes carrying off children were sculptured on the front feet of the throne of Zeus at Olympia.
There is also an Athenian vase from Capua in the form of a sphinx painted white.
On the other hand, he holds that the destroying nature of the sphinx was much older, and he refers to instances in both Egyptian and Greek art where a sphinx is seen seizing and standing upon a man.
AdvertisementAnd, whereas the Theban legend is but sparingly illustrated in Greek art, the figure of the sphinx appears more commonly on tombs, sculptured either in the round or in relief.
From this Milchhöfer seems to infer that the sphinx was a symbol of death.
The gateway is flanked by two huge blocks, each carved in front into the shape of a sphinx, while on the inner face is a relief of a two-headed eagle with wings displayed.
We got the idea of having a sphinx like cat on the cover from Chris's cat.
These winged creatures, probably winged lions with human faces, resembling the sphinx, formed a chair on which Yahweh was invisibly enthroned.
AdvertisementThe shape and size of those hills resemble what one might expect for eroded remnants of structures the shape of the Egyptian sphinx.
The great sphinx dated to within a few years of 2500 BC.
Beside the great pyramids at Giza stands a giant sphinx (a lion's body with a man's head ).
The most famous sphinx is the Great Sphinx at Giza.
A stone sphinx comes to life to wreak revenge upon a temple defiler.
Oedipus is also the subject of an anonymous medieval romance (15th century), Le Roman d'Odipus, fils de Layus, in which the sphinx is depicted as a cunning and ferocious giant.
His "Wrestlers" (1875) and "Fan and Dagger" (1882; a defiant Spanish woman) are in the Luxembourg, and other pictures of importance are "The Beheading of St John the Baptist" (1877), "The Sphinx" (1883), "Acis and Galatea" (1885), "Old Woman and Child" (1886) and "In the Bull Slaughter-House."
The above-mentioned anubis baboon, P. anubis (with the subspecies neumanni, pruinosus, heuglini and doguera), ranging from Egypt all through tropical Africa, together with P. sphinx, P. olivaceus, the Abyssinian P. lydekkeri, and the chacma, P. porcarius of the Cape, represent the subgenus Choeropithecus.
It is curious that, though the sphinx (as also the gryphon) were thus common in the Mycenaean period, the words ÃÆίγξ and ÃŽ³ÃÃÈ do not occur in Homer.
From this Milchhöfer seems to infer that the sphinx was a symbol of death.
This riddle of the Sphinx is, Do you believe in the gods?
First to Giza, where youâll stand in wonder at the huge Pyramids and see the enigmatic Sphinx.
We got the idea of having a sphinx like cat on the cover from Chris 's cat.
Does the Sphinx really have the body of a lion?
The shape and size of those hills resemble what one might expect for eroded remnants of structures the shape of the Egyptian Sphinx.
The most famous Sphinx is the Great Sphinx at Giza.
The Service is currently funding research examining the life history, captive rearing, and conservation biology of the sphinx moth.
It was also his rationality that allowed him to solve the Sphinx 's riddle resulting in his marriage with his mother Jocasta.
He set a curse to put the peasant with the priest, and lash the Sphinx 's face with sand.
Props such as buildings, pyramids, pagodas, palm trees, sphinx, dragons, Eiffel Tower and so much more are available to turn your room into a different place.
There are 13 featured excursions that include Cairo Museum, the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
These change constantly, leaving you to wonder why someone would be searching for things like "sphinx cats vermilion ohio."
The country was ravaged by a monster, the Sphinx; Oedipus solved the riddle which it proposed to its victims, freed the country, and married his own mother.
This building, the date of which is not yet finally settled, though its excavator believes it to be of the Old Kingdom like the temple of the Sphinx at Giza, is one of the most remarkable in Egypt, and the completion of its excavation is much to be desired.
The larvae of several nocturnal Lepidoptera feed upon the leaves of the willows, and the trunk of the sallow is often injured by the perforations of the lunar hornet sphinx (Trochilium crabroniforme).
In late times the priests of Denderah claimed Khufu as a benefactor; he was reputed to have built temples to the gods near the Great Pyramids and Sphinx (where also a pyramid of his daughter Hentsen is spoken of), and there are incidental notices of him in the medical and religious literature.
But it could hardly be of sufficient importance to cause Wykeham to play the sphinx, and the story is apparently due to the Elizabethan love of quips.
On his pages, close beside the Parthenon, the Sphinx, St Paul's, Etna and Vesuvius, you will find the White Mountains, Monadnock, Agiocochook, Katandin, the pickerelweed in bloom, the wild geese honking through the sky, the chick-a-dee braving the snow, Wall Street and State Street, cotton-mills, railroads and Quincy granite.
In the Saite period accordingly the figure of the sphinx was used as a hieroglyph for neb, " master," "lord."
Recumbent sphinxes were especially used in pairs to guard the approach to a temple, and it may be conjectured that the Great Sphinx was sculptured at Giza to guard the entrance of the Nile valley.
A falcon-headed sphinx was dedicated to Harmachis in the temple of Abu Simbel, and is occasionally found in sculptures representing the king as Horus, or Mont, the war-god.
They are not recumbent, and the hair falling from the head is curled, not straight, as in the true Egyptian sphinx.
A gloaming rush among papyrus reeds, Where Serapis goes to drink with the Sphinx.
West believed that the erosion of the Sphinx was not caused by the action of wind-blown sand, but by water.
First to Giza, where youâll stand in wonder at the huge Pyramids and see the enigmatic sphinx.
In that world some structure was still being erected and did not fall, something was still stretching out, and the candle with its red halo was still burning, and the same shirtlike sphinx lay near the door; but besides all this something creaked, there was a whiff of fresh air, and a new white sphinx appeared, standing at the door.
According to Suidas, he was the author of an historical drama named Sphinx, of an epic, Anthomeros, in 24 books (both lost) and a Strange History.
Here too was placed the curious column, with many flutes and an Ionic capital, on which stood the colossal sphinx, dedicated by the Naxians, that has been pieced together and placed in the museum.
The courage that is born of knowledge, the calm strength begotten by a positive attitude of mind, face to face with the dominant over-shadowing Sphinx of theology, were lacking.
The most celebrated example is the Great Sphinx of Giza, 189 ft.
The story of the sphinx's riddle first occurs in the Greek tragedians.
The Sphinx was bared to the rock-level, and the famous granite and alabaster monument miscalled the "Temple of the Sphinx" was discovered.
The king as a sphinx, in certain religious scenes, makes offerings to deities; and elsewhere he tears his enemies in pieces.
G.) From Egypt the figure of the sphinx passed to Assyria, where it appears with a bearded male head on cylinders; the female sphinx, lying down and furnished with wings, is first found in the palace of Esar-haddon (7th cent.
But even while he sings the song of the Sirens, he still hearkens to the barking of the Sphinx.
It was something white by the door--the statue of a sphinx, which also oppressed him.
The well known stele of the sphinx was cut by the latter king, to commemorate his dream there and his clearing of the sphinx from sand.
The sphinx, however, is a perfectly clear and well-defined type there, and is usually recumbent.
The Greek sphinx had wings and female bust, and the male sphinx of Egypt (wingless) is distinguished as "androsphinx" by Herodotus.