Spermatic Sentence Examples
From this point there passes forward to the right side of the head a groove - the spermatic groove - down which the spermatic fluid passes.
To the right of the head is seen the muscular penis p, close to the termination of the vas deferens (spermatic duct) vd.
In males, this is the location of the spermatic cord.
In most cases, dissecting behind the sac will expose the spermatic cord structures at the lowest point of dissection.
Testicular torsion is the twisting of a testis (testicle) such that the spermatic cord becomes twisted, cutting off blood flow to the testis.
The testes are suspended in the scrotum by a single bundle of tissues called the spermatic cord.
Each testis receives blood through the spermatic cord.
When the testicle is not held firmly in place it can twist, creating a kink in the spermatic cord.
Scrotum-The external pouch containing the male reproductive glands (testes) and part of the spermatic cord.
Spermatic cord-The tissue that suspends the testis inside the scrotum.
AdvertisementTesticular torsion-A condition involving the twisting of the spermatic cord inside the testicle that shuts off its blood supply and can seriously damage the testicle.