Spending Sentence Examples
Yes, I take it I'm spending the night again?
He was spending way too much on her.
I've been spending a lot of time here working with it.
She's coming for dinner and spending the night.
Now we're all spending a week together.
Thanks. You spending the weekend with your…friends?
She wasn't spending an eternity miserable.
I'm going shopping, then spending the rest of the day at the spa.
Come to think of it, that was why she started spending so much time with the babies.
His boss was over two-thousand miles away and, while he wouldn't be too happy about Keaton spending the night with her, he would certainly approve of any hours spent watching over her.
AdvertisementShe made his bed and stepped back, a thrill working through her at the thought of spending the night with him.
The idea of spending the day with a vamp instead of Jessi was unappealing.
Jessi smiled, surprised to find no part of her disliked the idea of spending a lifetime – or several – with him.
After spending a year in prison at Ofen, he was tried and condemned to four more years' imprisonment.
After spending four months at Autun, Napoleon entered the school at Brienne in May 1779.
AdvertisementMusk-rats are most active at night, spending the greater part of the day concealed in their burrows in the bank, which consist of a chamber with numerous passages, all of which open under the surface of the water.
He behaved with his usual quiet cheerfulness during his stay in the Tower, spending his last day on earth as he had intended to spend the following Sunday if he had reached it.
After spending a month in Paris, he walked on to Amsterdam, took sail to Hamburg, and so went back to Denmark in 1716.
This necessitated their constantly moving in search of fresh pasture, spending the spring and autumn upon the open steppe, the winter and summer by the rivers for the sake of moisture and shelter.
The agreement had hardly been concluded when Sir Frederick Roberts arrived at the Cape with io,000 troops, and after spending forty-eight hours there returned to England.
AdvertisementAfter spending a short time at Woolwich to complete his military education, he made a tour through Spain in 1787; and then, dejected by unrequited love for his cousin Georgina Lennox (afterwards Lady Bathurst), he sailed for New Brunswick to join the 54th regiment with the rank of major.
After spending a few months in England, and receiving the degree of D.C.L.
For a while she led at home the life of a recluse, speaking only to her confessor, and spending all her time in devotion and spiritual ecstasy.
After spending six years in Constantinople, where he published a Turkish-German Dictionary and various linguistic works, and where he acquired some twenty Oriental languages and dialects, he visited Teheran; and then, disguised as a dervish, joined a band of pilgrims from Mecca, and spent several months with them in rough and squalid travel through the deserts of Asia.
After spending some time in Rome he visited eastern Europe, and subsequently made the acquaintance of Segur Pardaillan, a representative of Henry, king of Navarre, afterwards Henry IV.
AdvertisementThe asceticism of Paulinus and his liberality towards the poor soon brought him into great repute; and while he was spending Christmas at Barcelona the people insisted on his being forthwith ordained to the priesthood.
They are described as an idle, depraved people, spending their time for the most part in loitering about the harbour, or carousing over the fine wine of Maronea.
The family was in the habit of spending the summer holidays at the coast of the county, commonly at Mablethorpe, and here Tennyson gained his impressions of the vastness of the sea.
The intolerable meanness advocated for the sake of the paltriest gains, the entire ignoring of any pursuit in life except money-getting, and the representation of the whole duty of man as consisting first in the attainment of a competent fortune, and next, when that fortune has been attained, in spending not more than half of it, are certainly repulsive enough.
In February, however,Bolivar formally resigned the presidency of the republic,at the same time expressing a determination to refute the imputations of ambition which had been so freely cast upon him, by retiring into private life, and spending the remainder of his days on his patrimonial estate.
In his boyhood Bertrand was a dull learner, spending his time in open-air sports and exercises, and could never read or write.
After spending some years in a hussar regiment, in 1854 he entered the diplomatic service without giving up his connexion with the army, in which he reached the rank of general in 1879.
In 1895 began a marked commercial revival, mainly due to the steady conversion of the colony's waste lands into pasture; the development of frozen meat and dairy exports; the continuous increase of the output of coal; the invention of gold-dredging; the revival and improvement of hemp manufacture; the exploiting of the deposits of kauri gum; the reduction in the rates of interest on mortgage money; a general rise in wages, obtained without strikes, and partially secured by law, which has increased the spending power of the working classes.
Several doctrines extracted from his works were condemned at Rome, and he was suspended from his priestly functions, spending the rest of his life in literary work.
After spending about a year in Calcutta arranging the report of his mission, Elphinstone was appointed in 1811 to the important and difficult post of resident at Poona.
The opposition party of the Libertins succeeded in getting them both exiled in 1538, but, in September 1541, Calvin was recalled (Farel spending the rest of his life at Neuchatel, where he died 1565) to Geneva.
But his health was failing and he withdrew from politics, spending his last years as a benevolent and autocratic country magnate.
After spending over three years at the college, he went to travel abroad with a French tutor.
There they are represented as spending their time in constant fighting and feasting in his service.
After spending some time at Geneva and Frankfort-on-Main, he became professor of belles-lettres in the French school of Berlin.
After spending some time in Italy he returned to Germany and began to take part in the quarrel which had arisen between the emperor and the pope.
His contemporary, Cassiodorus (c. 480-c. 575), after spending thirty years in the service of the Ostrogothic dynasty at Ravenna, passed the last thirty-three years of his long life on the shores of the Bay of Squillace, where he founded two monasteries and diligently trained their inmates to become careful copyists.
The socialism of this body was not, however, advanced enough for his views, and after studying the programme of the, more violent Jura Federation at Neuchatel and spending some time in the company of the leading members, he definitely adopted the creed of anarchism and, on returning to Russia, took an active part in spreading the nihilist propaganda.
In 1814 he went to Constantinople as a student interpreter, and afterwards travelled in Asiatic Turkey, spending a year with the Maronites in the Lebanon, and finally becoming dragoman at Aleppo.
After spending a short time in Strassburg he was appointed lecturer in physics at Stockholm University in 1885, but in 1891 returned to Upsala, where in 1896 he became professor of physics.
When once the system was in operation it was found that a deacon, by spending an hour a week among the families committed to his charge, could keep himself acquainted with their character and condition.
The suggestion that Mother Shipton had foretold the end of the world in 1881 was the cause of the most poignant alarm throughout rural England in that year, the people deserting their houses, and spending the night in prayer in the fields, churches and chapels.
He was sent to travel in France, and allowed to occupy himself as he wished; and he had the happiness of spending some months in.
After spending some time in Friesland and in the Palatinate he was in 1570 taken into the service of William, prince of Orange, and in 1572 was sent as his representative to the first meeting of the States-general assembled at Dordrecht.
But in 1798 he gave up this appointment and travelled in Great Britain, spending a year at Edinburgh studying agriculture and physical science.
Neither does it proceed on estimates of the sums needed to maintain the public service, for, in the first place, it does not know what appropriations will be proposed by the spending committees; and in the second place, a primary object of the customs duties has been for many years past, not the raising of revenue, but the protection of American industries by subjecting foreign imports to a very high tariff.
For this reason he was censured at home and he promptly resigned, after spending only five months in the country.
Apart from his personal expenses such as postage, travelling expenses, &c., a candidate is prohibited from spending anything himself to promote either his nomination or his election, but he is allowed to contribute to the treasury of the political committee.
He was educated in his native town, and, after spending a few years in business, at the Wesleyan College, Richmond.
After spending the winter in Nicomedia, he proceeded in 219 to Rome, where he made it his business to exalt the deity whose priest he was and whose name he assumed.
The consequence was that, when not spending himself in vain attempts to solve the impossible problems that have always waylaid the fancy of self-sufficient beginners, he took an interest only in the elements of geometry, and never had any notion of the full scope of mathematical science, undergoing as it then was (and not least at the hands of Wallis) the extraordinary development which made it before the end of the century the potent instrument of physical discovery which it became in the hands of Newton.
After four years in London he travelled through France, spending some time at Paris and Montpellier, and taking his M.D.
It was found that although some irrigation works (especially in the Bombay Deccan) would never yield a direct return of or 5%, still in a famine year they might be the means of producing a crop which would go far to do away with the necessity for spending enormous sums on famine relief.
Though accused of avarice and pluralism, Phillpotts was generous in his gifts to the church, founding the theological college at Exeter and spending large sums on the restoration of the cathedral.
Ladies of the upper or middle classes lead a life of extreme inactivity, spending their time at the bath, which is the general place of gossip, or in receiving visits, embroidering, and the like, and in absolute dolce far niente.
From 1894 onward more attention was paid than had hitherto been possible to the legitimate demands of the spending departments and to the prosecution of public works.
Other ascents were made in 1834, 1848 and subsequent years, members of the Mexican geological survey spending two days on the summit in 1895.
It is to the water what the other weasels are to the land, or martens to the trees, being as essentially aquatic in its habits as the otter, beaver, or musk-rat, and spending perhaps more of its time in the water than it does on land.
Government proposed to distribute this money among local authorities and expend the balance in relief rates, but a clause was inserted in this bill giving burgh and county councils the option of spending the balance on technical education as well as in relief of rates.
Later English writers allege that he died of starvation in the mountains; but Welsh legend represents him as spending a peaceful old age with his sons-in-law at Ewyas and Monington in Herefordshire, till his death and burial at the latter place.
After spending seven years in the employment of a bookseller he entered the theological school at Wymondley, Herts, now incorporated in New College, Hampstead.
In February 1374 he took the Dominican habit, and after spending some years in teaching, and in completing his theological studies, he was licensed to preach.
In 18 J9 he joined the revolutionary committee which paved the way for Garibaldi's triumphs in the following year; then after spending a short time at Turin as attache to the Italian foreign office he was elected mayor of Palermo.
Gathering a large and well-armed force, he took Norham and other castles in August 1513, spending some time at Ford Castle, where, according to report, he was engaged in an amorous intrigue with the wife of its owner.
The principal spending departments are those of war and marine, internal development, and finance.
After spending the winter at Florence and Rome, he left in the spring of 1823 for Munich, where he stayed for nearly a year, the prey of illness and isolation.
During these years Chile held the anomalous position of a country spending large sums annually to secure immigrants while at the same time her own labouring classes were emigrating by thousands to the neighbouring republics to improve their condition.
Af ter spending the winter in organizing a cavalry force, he made a successful incursion into Lydia in the spring of 395.
Ranulph, his first treasurer and representative at Ely, had been extortionate and dishonest, and the monks accused Nigel, probably with some justification, of spending the estates and treasures of the see in maintaining knights and gaining court influence.
In the Alleghenies, in 1799, he planned a settlement in what is now Cambria county, Pennsylvania, and bought up much land which he gave or sold at low prices to Catholic immigrants, spending $150,000 or more in the purchase of some 20,000 acres in a spot singularly ill suited for such an enterprise.
He was an assiduous student, commonly spending sixteen hours a day among his books; but his learning (to quote Justin Winsor's contrast between Increase and Cotton Mather) "usually left his natural ability and his education free from entanglements."
It would appear that he eventually betook himself to Pergamus, after spending some time at the island of Lemnos, where he learned the method of preparing a certain popular medicine, the "terra lemnia" or "sigillata."
Soon afterwards he left Cambridge, and after spending three years in Italy and other parts of Europe, settled in 1573 in London, where he practised as a physician with "great success and applause."
His father placed him in the military academy at Berlin, but he left it at the age of twenty and traversed Europe, preaching his revolutionary philosophy as an apostle, and spending his money as a man of pleasure.
After being ordained subdeacon, he went to Rome and became a Jesuit in 1573, spending some years at Briinn, Vienna and Prague.
He received the sentence of the traitor's death with the Te Deum laudamus, and, after spending his last days in pious exercises, was led with two companions to Tyburn (1st of December 1581) and suffered the barbarous penalty.
In 1847 he took his first journey out of England, spending a week in Paris with his brother and sister.
After spending a year and a half in England, during which time, besides his book on the Amazon, he published a small volume on the Palm Trees of the Amazon, he started for the Malay Archipelago, exploring, observing and collecting from 1854 to 1862.
He delivered a course of six Lowell lectures in Boston, and visited New York, New Haven, Baltimore, &c., spending the winter at Washington.
After spending three years at Rome, he was sent to the Jesuit settlement at Mondovi in Piedmont, where he studied and at the same time taught Greek, and, though not yet in orders, gained some reputation as a preacher.
Apart from the Tartarides, the Pedipalpi are large or medium-sized Arachnida, nocturnal in habits and spending the day under stones, logs of wood or loosened bark.
After spending four years with his new captors, he was ransomed by a fellow-countryman, a merchant of the tribe of Issachar.
In the same year he paid a third brief visit to Europe, spending the summer on the Rhine.
He remained in Europe, spending most of his time at Paris and holding blank commissions which he was authorized to fill in at his discretion in case the presence of a Confederate commissioner should seem desirable at any particular European court.
After spending the winter of 1793-1794 in Paris he took a command in the army under Jourdan, in which Kleber also served.
He soon essayed journalism, first spending a year and a half in the service of a publisher of two Boston newspapers, the Manufacturer, an organ of the Clay protectionists, and the Philanthropist, devoted to humane reform.
The distinctive note of the school is seen in the work of Rousseau and of Millet, each of whom, after spending his early years in Paris, made his home in Barbizon.
After spending a year in Namaqua Land, with the chief Afrikaner, whom he converted, Moffat returned to Cape Town in 1819 and married Mary Smith (1795-1870), the daughter of a former employer, a remarkable woman and most helpful wife.
The tick especially infests old huts and camping grounds and is nocturnal in habit, spending the day hidden in crevices of the walls or floor and coming out at night to feed upon the sleeping inmates.
He wasted his considerable military talents in a series of skirmishes and sieges which had no great results, and after spending countless treasures and harrying many regions, perished obscurely by a wound from a cross-bow-bolt, received while beleaguering Chlus, a castle of a rebellious lord of Aquitaine, the viscount of Limoges (April 6, 1199).
Unfortunately for England his ambition was to be tile mirror of chivalry rather than a model administrator He took up and abandoned great enterprises with equal levity; he was reckless in the spending of money; and in times of trouble he was careless of constitutional precedent, and apt to push his prerogative to extremes.
After spending some time in a house of canons regular at Hamersleben, in Saxony, where he completed his studies, he removed to the abbey of St Victor at Marseilles, and thence to the abbey of St Victor in Paris.
Here, too in du Tillet's splendid library, he began the studies which resulted in his great work, the Institutes, and paid a visit to Nerac, where the venerable Lefevre, whose revised translation of the Bible into French was published about this time, was spending his last years under the kindly care of Margaret of Navarre.
Demosthenes protested against spending strength, needed for greater objects, on the local quarrels of a despot.
He travelled in the south of France, spending nearly two years at Toulon, the climate of which suited him.
As early as the second half of the 5th century Enda, a royal prince of Oriel (c. 450-540), after spending some time at Whithorn betook himself to Aranmore, off the coast of Galway, and founded a school there which attracted scholars from all over Ireland.
Attracted by the fame of his countryman, Lanfranc, then prior of Bec, he entered Normandy, and, after spending some time at Avranches, settled at the monastery of Bec. There, at the age of twentyseven, he became a monk; three years later, when Lanfranc was promoted to the abbacy of Caen, he was elected prior.
In 1839 he went to the university of Berlin, where he studied till 1843, spending part of 1841 at Bonn, where he was a pupil of Franz Kugler, the art historian, to whom his first book, Die Kunstwerke d.
He was educated at Eton, and, after spending a short time at Cambridge, entered the diplomatic service in 1854, becoming in 1863 second secretary to the British embassy at Constantinople.
In fact, whilst in the Eastern Church the metaphysical ardour of the Greeks was spending itself in terrible combats in the oecumenical councils over the interpretation of the Nicene Creed, the clergy of Gaul, more simple and strict in their faith, abjured these theological logomachies; from the first they had preferred action to criticism and had taken no part in the great controversy on free-will raised by Pelagius.
While spending a part of his time writing vaudevilles and comic operas, he began to collect old essays and rare pamphlets by old French historians.
Here the Tien Wang established his court, and while spending his own time in heavenly contemplation and earthly pleasures, sent the assistant Wangs on warlike expeditions through the adjacent provinces.
After spending his youth in study, he entered in his twenty-fourth year the convent of the third order of St Francis, founded at Picpus, near Paris, by his uncle Jerome Helyot, canon of St Sepulchre.
Maybe he didn't know Alex was spending half his nights tending horses, or maybe he was realizing the impact it had on their relationship.
Of course, that might be uncomfortable, but surely he must know that spending so much time with her might prove uncomfortable later.
Cynthia was spending her third morning hugging the stool when someone knocked on the door.
Thanks. You spending the weekend with your…friends?
She'd planned on spending her Thursday evening in a raid for World of Warcraft or building her galactic empire in Homeworld, which Romas never approved of.
The vampire was returning home after spending the night with a beautiful woman he had picked up in the bar at a local hotel.
While spending the day with Cynthia Byrne was of itself a pleasant contemplation, accompanying relatives to identify corpses, especially those that had been under water for a week, was, in Dean's estimation, right up there with root canals and swift kicks in the you-know-whats.
No activity was more natural than spending the day like this biking the Pennsylvania countryside—with Cynthia Byrne.
Of course, she was spending it on things for him – going to the store for him in the car he purchased...
Jessi smiled, surprised to find no part of her disliked the idea of spending a lifetime – or several – with him.
To accommodate more guests, you could opt for spending less per head on the receptions.
Before spending a lot of money, they decided to contemplate buying second-hand.
The egregious mistake these couples made was not spending enough time seriously planning for a lifetime together in marriage.
New election spending limits plus a small expansion of present state funding would cleanse British politics from the unfounded accusations of sleaze.
One of the things Owen Rogers was accused of was spending too long in the village alehouse.
We were faced with a choice of drinking the water and getting amoebic dysentery or spending a rough night suffering from thirst.
I wish I knew of something similarly powerful for Windows (I'm spending a lot of time atm on a Windows laptop ).
Maybe the district auditor might like to pay closer attention to what our alleged local government are spending OUR money on.
Yet in times of fiscal austerity maintaining levels of spending in programs relevant to women is an achievement in itself.
The Senate is expected to act next week on the defense authorization spending bill.
When they saw the prototype they began to take it more seriously, but still balked at spending money on development.
I want to know what thieving bastard has been spending my money.
James Watson seduced the public into spending billions on the human genome project by promising to reveal 'the blueprint for making a human being' .
I was getting desperate for work after a spending binge on the East Coast heading north from Sydney.
I met an American birder, a day visitor, who was spending a few days in NZ prior to heading home.
It might seem boring, but spending a few minutes checking your vehicle every day could save you a lot of problems and stress.
Sizing is the practice of eliminating bottlenecks by spending money to avoid having them in the first place.
Social services spending has been slashed by £ 4.2 million in this year's draft budget.
The modern businessperson must constantly be thinking of more efficient ways of spending money in order to compete with similar businesses throughout the world.
Spending time in natural surroundings is good for our heath and one of the best stress busters around.
Sunday Today I went to a family christening in Bournemouth spending the day in the sun.
Spending about 3.5 per cent of GDP on defense does not involve the American citizenry in any great sacrifice.
Spending out of a cape cod click on select.
Useless or counter-productive public spending cannot possibly justify the coercion involved in levying taxes.
The manufacturers of Pepsi Max are now spending more on marketing the brand than on any of their other colas.
He is spending his final days in typically combative style.
The canal boat scene is not commercialized, and you may even find difficulty in spending money!
The estimate is drawn from 23 different spending commitments made by Shadow Cabinet Ministers (Guardian, p.1 ).
The UK Spending Review 2004 announcements rightly drew condemnation from the civil service unions.
Naturally, this is a doctrine which high spending governments find rather congenial.
Sum to prepare is spending two graduation he camouflage futon cover picked.
A bit of sleep deprivation is a small price to pay for spending your Saturday morning on top of Table Mountain.
Is trying to spending in each county rules were colorado home insurance owner drawn eligibility determinations are.
Well, last year our winners got all the way to Hong Kong without spending a dime!
Social housing was a winner in the Comprehensive Spending Review of July 2000 expenditure will nearly double up to 2003/04.
As you enjoy the barbecue, get to know your fellow adventurers, before spending the last few moments in the city exploring downtown.
These results reflect a further downturn in DIY spending.
Why were those who once played the cem and ala drums spending their time in bitter lamenting?
We're spending nearly £ 600 million to improve the efficiency of the planning system.
They are designed to sound tough while imposing no constraint on his ability to ride an endless escalator of taxing and spending.
Some believed that a baby dying in Original Sin risked the possibility of spending eternity in limbo.
Reduce waste of spending e.g. what happens to old fire engines?
On Thursday I took 1 florin for my own spending.
Spending Review 2000 SDA targets 8. The SFO seeks to deter fraud.
Spending to much time together may cause friction in the relationship.
My saving grace is my unease at spending money!
Above all he now enjoys spending time with his two young grandchildren.
Most people don't have the patience and wants instant gratification rather than spending time to learn the dance.
My only grumbles are him sticking to Tory spending rules for the first 2 years.
I've got to 40, and now I'll be spending the second half of my life with wheels instead of legs.
The planned sharp slowdown in spending increases may feel like a screeching halt.
Icke fears that microchip implants are next, followed by the cashless society to control our spending.
Meanwhile, O'Toole has taken advantage of his enforced job status by spending the past few months traveling the tube network incognito.
You used my car whilst I was out of town, and feigned complete incomprehension when the spending summons came.
Spending on water and sewerage infrastructure is a major government priority.
Which they do preference inpatient and for example percent affect the spending.
The chancellorâs Pre-Budget Report statement may well signal to many departments an end to the public spending largesse.
Terri loves to travel and experience differing cultures whilst another favorite pastime is spending time with friends drinking latte and eating chocolate cake!
Because of the long lead times, funding allocations should extend beyond Treasury controlled 2-3 year spending cycles.
They think i'm spending and the administering lethal injections.
And we also make up for our general lethargy by spending a marathon 4 hours at the gym.
You can start spending on you store card as soon as youâve signed the dotted line.
Are you tired of spending long, hard hours putting together your text newsletters?
Alone for consumer march madness the state where the the product spending.
Aaah thats a bit better borris, with YA mates in the pub Been spending a little freely have we?
He even takes the mickey out of own spending habits in a new advert for the Post Office.
Are you spending almost as much in breath mints as you are in cigarettes?
You are probably spending money you do not need to be spending.
It can help to find alternatives to spending money.
Failing to budget for those extra expenses can result in buying a camera just to find out it is not operable without spending more.
Instead of spending the Sunday in carnal ordinances, she passed it partly in idleness, partly in her common business.
An action plan is being prepared for each of the savings proposals, including the savings on police overtime against present spending levels.
So, now I have a useless paperweight not worth spending money to get repaired.
Only way you can jump from such an altitude without spending thousands of pounds becoming a freefall parachutist.
Yesterday he scored an absolute peach against Coventry where young Welshman Richard Duffy is currently spending his time.
I ended up spending 200 quid for a taxi to get us home, " an angry Brosnan remarked.
Already spending about the recent rand all come down over turn now.
We went from spending 2.4 billion reais on family farming to 9 billion.
Then why, he asks, don't we simply rearrange our spending patterns in these ways?
Spending was tight, but we did have the capital receipts which weren't being used for housing.
In Germany, government measures to tighten the reins on healthcare spending have resulted in an upsurge in cheaper imported medicines.
Central Government funding available for Local Authority PFI schemes Central Government allocates specific resources for Local Authority PFI projects through the Spending Review.
To some extent they have made public spending respectable once more.
With the housing market off the boil, people do not feel so well off and have become more restrained in their spending habits.
I know that you are calling on the Government to provide more money to housing in the forthcoming spending review.
Brown predicted he would continue to meet his fiscal rules without either reining in his spending plans or implementing further tax increases.
Matiz is the classic urban runabout for the small family or individual spending most time in town.
Apart from spending peanuts on an aging keeper, Ferguson will hardly have enough money to buy a couple of prawn sandwiches.
Thanks to the Council for spending our money No, that's not sarcastic!
One of the key areas to be affected by the slowdown in high street spending is spending on the home.
People are spending more of their lives living on their own -- through choice, through lengthening life spans and widowhood.
Be that as it may Abramovich made huge funds available for new players; a spending splurge which exceeded £ 100 million.
This massive spending spree is aimed at getting a very good deal with computer manufacturers.
So we celebrate Jesus ' birthday with the biggest spending spree of the year.
There is more to the spending spree than size, however.
Is the upgrade a temporary stopgap or a permanent solution, this obviously influences how much it is worth spending.
In the end Andy was actually staying there, like spending nights there, weird stuff, very weird.
Low tax economies can thus sustain better services, and higher levels of spending, than high tax economies.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London's Heathrow Airport.
I got hooked up with them by spending thousands of thousand of dollars out of the box to pimp out all my bikes.
It promotes thrift in spending and order to ones life, helping on to define goals.
But we can go fight the worlds war in Iraq spending trillions of our hard earned dollars... We won ' t go there.
I'm not spending half my life eating tripe to give you lot free entertainment.
International links in the Faculty Spending a period abroad as part of a degree program is an intrinsically valuable process.
Despite spending £ 2,000 on security measures the school has become a frequent target for mindless vandalism.
Spending money to make money - is AI version 2 economically viable?
Despite an increase in spending of £ 2.4 billion after inflation, NHS waiting lists have risen over the last year.
An analysis by Scotland's spending watchdog, Audit Scotland, shows 933 jobs have been moved or are moving.. .
Suddenly the prospect of spending the day climbing frozen waterfalls seems not very attractive.
Now normally the prospect of spending a weekend in a caving hut would fill mortals with fear.
Most of our domestic financial woes can be ascribed to military spending.
Despite spending over 40 years in direct contact with the ground, the original woodwork is in a remarkably good state.
After spending a short time in Paris, where he was disgusted with the excesses of the Jacobins, he settled at Marseilles and married Mlle Julie Clary, daughter of a merchant of that town.
If NATO is responsible for the bulk of the world's military spending and NATO no longer has the stomach for full-on war with modern states, then large-scale war seems less likely.
Many of my friends would be well pleased if I would take two or even one course a year, but I rather object to spending the rest of my life in college....
In the course of three or four years, when the country became adapted to agriculture, they built themselves handsome houses, spending on them several thousands.
This spending of the best part of one's life earning money in order to enjoy a questionable liberty during the least valuable part of it reminds me of the Englishman who went to India to make a fortune first, in order that he might return to England and live the life of a poet.
It can spend money enough on such things as farmers and traders value, but it is thought Utopian to propose spending money for things which more intelligent men know to be of far more worth.
And Prince Hippolyte began to tell his story in such Russian as a Frenchman would speak after spending about a year in Russia.
The princess is too kind to wish to deprive me of the pleasure of spending the evening with you.
I ended up spending 200 quid for a taxi to get us home, an angry Brosnan remarked.
Spending was tight, but we did have the capital receipts which were n't being used for housing.
It is expected to find ways to rein in current spending on Esol.
I decide it 's a bad idea, and resent spending £ 20 on the domain name.
They merely need to stop growing for retrenchment in private spending to occur.
Similar amounts of spending have brought about very different outcomes in run-down neighborhoods.
Chris and I have been spending time doing things that are not just run-throughs of the show.
Thanks to the Council for spending our money No, that 's not sarcastic !
Arrange for an occasional sermon (series) on how Christians should use their money -- earning, spending, saving and sharing.
Poor katy, spending her weekend with zombies in a shambolic chateau !
Supermarket shoppers are spending £ 470 a year - a sixth of their food budget - on packaging, a bbc report suggests.
Highlights of which are; sky diving in New Zealand, climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge and spending a year studying in France.
Achieving a low tax economy is n't about slashing state spending.
Part of the slowdown in spending is mirrored by the rise in the savings ratio in the fourth quarter of 2005.
Emap recalls the disastrous birth of Heat and just keeps spending and evolving editorial until the damn thing sputters into life.
Spending vast amounts of money to stake a claim in this fledgling market.
Spending on statin drugs, vital for treating heart disease was £ 113 million compared to £ 750 million today.
Only tavern owners were happy about the high spending on alcohol.
There is heavy spending on nationwide television publicity, and there are usually televised debates between the candidates.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London 's Heathrow Airport.
I 'm not spending half my life eating tripe to give you lot free entertainment.
The wrong approach would be to enter into a spending auction with the Government while leaving the essential structure of underperforming services unchanged.
The Guardian features the story of a German GP who is now spending much of his time working unsociable hours in Norfolk.
The Party has launched a review of public spending, under David James, which aims to identify wasteful spending across the public sector.
An analysis by Scotland 's spending watchdog, Audit Scotland, shows 933 jobs have been moved or are moving...
My utmost priority for the year is spending time with the people I love most dearly.
The insidious habit of spending too much time on social media quickly begins to have negative effects on the mind.
After spending a few days in the hospital and regaining her energy, Jenny was able to muster enough strength to walk in the 5k event.
Our reckless spending habits early in life led us to this financial fiasco that we are trapped in now.
I avoid spending money at companies that practice unethical business methods, such as employing child laborers.
Thomas is spending some time studying how thesemanticsof English relate to the Latin roots.
They loved spending time together in their quiet hilltop aerie, miles away from the nearest neighbor.
After analyzing our monthly expenses, I determined that our spending vastly exceeds our income.
I enjoy spending time with Susan, but Molly says she antagonizes the other members of our group.
If you want your savings account to prosper, you'll have to stop spending money on so many useless things every month.
Some companies, however, rationalize the expense as a growth necessity and keep spending to bring in more customers.
Investing in the brand can mean everything from spending money on traditional media advertising to social media efforts to public relations campaigns.
The important thing to remember is that whatever method you choose, you are spending time taking care of and loving your baby, and that is what she needs most of all.
As soon as you arrive home, plan on spending a few minutes petting your pet and giving him some attention.
Of course you'll be spending a lot of time caring for your newborn, but take advantage of quiet time by reading to your other child or snuggling on the couch to watch a video together.
There's lots of ways to have fun without spending a fortune.
Since you'll be spending most of your days at the hospital anyway, you don't have to worry about finding clothes.
Purpose. Many people have a misconception that singles live the good life, partying and spending money at leisure.
Parents may receive inadequate and even dishonest legal proceedings, spending lot of time and money without ever being able to adopt a child.
You can dress your little one in designer clothes without spending a fortune if you know where to shop.
If you find yourself spending countless hours worrying about your infant in a critical care unit, something as small as a diaper rash may not be high on your list of concerns.
Gymboree is a fantastic place to find adorably posh fashions without spending a bundle.
Instead of spending money on plastic rattlers, you can make your own out of baby jars.
This is also important for parents who will be spending time outside during baby's naptime.
Of course purchasing multiple units may mean spending more money, but this doesn't necessarily affect the quality of each monitor.
You can typically find monitors for the hearing impaired under $100, but if you want a monitor with video capabilities, plan on spending closer to $200.
There is, however, a great advantage to the considerable portion of time that you will now be spending with your toddler in that this season presents a great opportunity for introducing your child to the fundamentals of daily life.
Yes, outside opportunities do grant a child the ability to exercise different abilities, but it is doubtful that the early American colonists were spending summers carting their toddlers off to "Mommy and Me" pottery classes.
Will you use one enough times to make spending the money worthwhile, or would you be better off renting one for that occasional cross-country trip?
As your baby will be spending a lot of time in a crib, it is important to get information about your options.
Otherwise, you can end up spending money on a diaper service.
If you have a spending limit, you will save yourself much time and effort by knowing what it is before you shop.
If you're only going to be hiking once every two or three months, don't go overboard with spending a lot of money on boots!
Tired of spending hours upon hours doing your taxes by hand, or worse, paying someone lots of money to do them for you?
What many movie lovers don't know is that you can easily build a DVD library at home without spending tons of money.
Without it, you could end up spending big dollars on braces down the line.
Camping is great for getting away from it all, without spending a fortune.
Camping is great for getting away from it all without spending a fortune.
Therefore, spending some time in choosing a gift basket, with items your recipient really likes, will only increase his or her enjoyment.
As a result, you will be spending less money on service for the vehicle.
Consider all of this information, and it will give you a good picture of your vehicle spending preferences.
It makes a good choice for anyone who wants to get serious about online gaming and doesn't mind spending upwards of $400.
Free shipping is available at many online retailers simply by spending a specific minimum amount.
You don't have to be satisfied with searching through already made frames or spending hours creating the perfect frame from scratching.
Impulse buys may be exhilarating, but if you're going to be spending a significant sum of money, it's worth it to see what others had to say, determine whether a "deal" really is one, and search for coupons.
Spending a few dollars to have a professional install it may save you headaches in the long run.
If you plan on spending $199.99 or more, you'll get free fireworks, too, valued up to $289.96.
You can save money just buy spending some time comparing prices.
Increasing your collection at a good pace means spending less on swords; getting the best swords to add to your collection means purchasing swords at a slower rate.
Certain industries will fair better than others, like the car industry and housing market, but when it comes to spending money during an economic upturn, consumers will go for electronics like Plasma TVs and home theater equipment.
Spending $15 on a pool cue from Walmart is perfectly fine if your only desire is to just play the game to play the game.
You can often land great deals and find unique items that aren't easily found at retail stores without spending hours going from one store to another.
Normally, if the economy is doing well, then consumer confidence (how optimistic people are about spending money) rises.
Scoring a used trailer is nice on the pocketbook, but if the trailers aren't checked out thoroughly before you purchase, you could end up spending more to repair damages.
To maximize your spending, consider buying used or factory reconditioned models, utilizing a discount directly from Apple, shopping at tax-free authorized retailers, buying inexpensive Macs on eBay, or trading in your old system for a Mac.
You will end up spending money at some point, and hefty interest charges may apply.
Anticipating the high price tag of the war, politicians began to discuss ways to finance military spending.
They mainly carry computers and a small amount of accessories, but you'll be able to find a good selection of laptops and desktop computers without spending too much time locating Apple stores or smaller dealers.
This allows you to control your spending and budget the installment payments so you have manageable shopping expenses.
The best way to control your spending is to track all of your purchases carefully and mark down all of your monthly payments.
While buying tickets online is convenient, that convenience can translate into spending much more many than you would if you had to buy your tickets at a store.
It lets you set a budget, which can help you to keep your holiday spending in line.
You're spending your money, so they should be accommodating.
This outdoor mall located near Seattle gives you a nice woodsy feel while you move from shop to shop spending money or browsing.
Keep within your gift-giving price range and don't be tempted to upgrade or go beyond what you are comfortable spending.
Do they always write thoughtful cards, or are they the ones spending weeks putting a scrapbook together?
If you weren't planning on spending upwards of $50.00 on your pet's dinner bowls, then Tzarina has a wide variety of glazed cat bowls that are easily affordable.
Have you recently been spending more time away from her than usual, perhaps at a new job or on vacation?
He is an indoor/outdoor cat, although lately he has been spending much of his time indoors.
However, the following links will take you straight to some hilarious cat clips without spending hours sifting through millions of sites!
In that case you may find yourself spending very little time in actual conversation with the veterinarian.
By visiting the site and spending a minute or two browsing, you may find an offer for free product.
Spending a little extra time researching the perfect food for your cat and a few extra dollars can reap big rewards in the health and well-being of your favorite companion.
Parents can give their children the ultimate Christmas gift by spending time reading with them.
A detailed monthly transaction report allows parents to review their teen's spending.
Are you spending more money than you make?
It offers cardholders protection against fraud and the ability to select the type of spending for which they earn three points for every dollar spent.
This enables business owners to track and limit employee spending as well as reduce or eliminate the need to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket expenses.