Spell Sentence Examples
I think you put a spell on me, sweetheart.
The spell lasts twenty four hours, but it works.
The spell was broken like a dropped mirror on a marble floor.
Like Dracula, he was putting her under his spell again.
You have to stop putting that spell on them.
Be sure to run a spell check program as well.
He was too strong for her to place the spell on him without him agreeing at least in part.
She was quiet, weaving a second spell into the crystal.
The second spell will teach you mercy.
Tongan international flanker Johnny Tuamoheloa is now at Worcester and fly half Dave Harvey has returned to Australia after a spell with Coventry.
AdvertisementI stopped using it only after I had learned to spell the word on my fingers.
He loves to climb much better than to spell, but that is because he does not know yet what a wonderful thing language is.
The first team to correctly spell out the slogan wins the game.
If you want to spell out a message, use small metal letter stamps to imprint the soap bar.
But with Mediterranean diet recipes, this can spell disaster.
AdvertisementShe wasn't going to fall under the spell of Gabriel's strong body, his passion, his taste.
But even with those bleak thoughts swirling in her head, she felt herself slide under his spell once again.
Her demon stirred in lazy agitation, as if still under the spell of Jame.
The resident, Freytag, was not a very wise person (though he probably did not, as Voltaire would have it, spell "poesie" "poeshie"); constant references to Frederick were necessary; and the affair was prolonged so that Madame Denis had time to join her uncle.
The extent and glamour of his empire exercised a potent spell on western Europe.
AdvertisementSearch Spell uses actual misspellings entered into the search engines.
Edward could spell nearly all the words in his primer, and he could read quite well.
Everyone at headquarters was still under the spell of the day's council, at which the party of the young had triumphed.
You will need a Fortify Attribute spell.
If you want to make a rhyme, it's often easier to spell out the first word and find something that rhymes with the last letter.
AdvertisementYou could spell out "Dad" using alphabet foam letter or choose shapes to represent one of Dad's favorite activities, such as fishing or football.
You can spell out a name or favorite quote to make a personalized flower pot decoration.
On the right hand side of each page, use letter stickers to spell out the names of each of your child's friends along the top of the page.
Have each member of the family hold up a wooden letter to spell out a word such as PEACE, JOY, or LOVE.
An acrostic poem is a poem in which the first letter of each line works together to spell a word or a phrase.
Use tiny letter stickers to spell out names or seasonal words.
Whether you spell it lasagna or lasagne, this hearty casserole is popular with nearly everyone and can easily be made as a vegetarian entrée.
While dairy fats in moderation are fine, making an entire dish centered on cheese can spell disaster.
You avoid the extra calories here or there that can spell weight gain.
For a moment his warm lips felt reassuring, and then reality broke the spell.
She shook her head and the motion brought on a dizzy spell.
Back and forth, back and forth, in a way that left her skin tingling and her feeling as if she was falling under some sort of spell.
His presence was intense but calming, almost to the degree she had the urge to lean against him and let his huge hands roam her body, grip her from behind and pull her … Crunching from behind her broke the spell.
Her breathing was ragged, her body shaking from the effect of his bite as well as her effort to fight his spell.
An exactly converse process must now be glanced at, whereby, instead of growing out of it, prayer actually generates spell.
The raja was persuaded that these mysterious figures were demons under a spell, which might come to life and kill him as he slept.
But the highest developments of priestly influence are hardly separable from something of magical superstition, the opus operatum of the priest has the power of a sorcerer's spell.
At the same time the fact that the lovers are the helpless victims of the fatal force of a magic spell is insisted upon, in order that their career of falsehood and deception may not deprive them of sympathy.
His earliest teacher (omitting the legendary Scotchman Menzies) was the dyak, or clerk of the council, Nikita Zotov, subsequently the court fool, who taught his pupil to spell out the liturgical and devotional books on which the children of the tsar were generally brought up. After Zotov's departure on a diplomatic mission, in 1680, the lad had no regular tutor.
Lewes (q.v.), starting from the phenomenalism of Hume, fell under the spell of Kant and his successors, and produced a compromise between G.H.Lewes.
The last state now became worse than the first, as Alexander fell more and more under the spell of the infamous Cesare Borgia.
As the arbitrary king alienated the Liberal Catholics, who were still more or less under the spell of the French Revolution, the Catholic provinces took advantage of the upheavals of 1830 to form the independent kingdom of Belgium.
Phoenicia now became part of the fifth satrapy of the Persian Empire, and entered upon a spell of comparative peace and growing prosperity.
The earliest anecdote of Pascal is one of his being bewitched and freed from the spell.
He prayed fervently against his idleness; he determined, as often as he received the sacrament, that he would no longer doze away and trifle away his time; but the spell under which he lay resisted prayer and sacrament.
The Hussite movement further weakened the spell of the Church.
The outcome of the long struggle with Prussia, which in 1866 finally broke the spell, and the proclamation of the German empire in 1871 left the title of emperor of Austria stripped of everything but a purely territorial significance.
The proud old civilizations of the Euphrates and the Nile might ignore it, but the ruder barbarian peoples in East and West, on whose coasts the Greek colonies had been planted, came in various degrees under its spell.
As Egyptian roots seldom exceeded three letters, there was no need for triliteral phonograms to spell them.
Coincidently with the persistence of the tonic contraction, the higher and volitional centres seem to lie under a spell of inhibition; their action, which would complete or cut short the posture-spasm, rests in abeyance.
Melanchthon felt the spell of Luther's personality and spiritual depth, and seems to have been prepared on his first arrival at Wittenberg to accept the new theology, which as yet existed mainly in subjective form in the person of Luther.
The dry season, which is called the verano, or summer, is also broken by a short rainy spell called the inviernillo (little winter) or " cordonazo de San Francisco, which follows the September equinox.
Nevertheless, Egypt seems to have enjo y ed a fresh spell of extended supremacy, and Rameses apparently succeeded in recovering Palestine and some part of Syria.
At last he struck off the head of Eustace, upon which the spell was broken, and the ship Scale of Feet 500 1000 1500 appeared.
Meanwhile his father, making a parallel campaign in Lorraine, had assembled his first brilliant court at Nancy, and when Louis returned it was to find the king completely under the spell of Agnes Sorel.
The burning of hazel nuts for the magical investigation of the future is alluded to by John Gay in Thursday, or the Spell, and by Burns in Halloween.
Three years later the triumph of the Jacobins brought with it the " abolition of Christianity," and a spell of violent persecution, which gradually slackened under the Directory (1795-99) In 1799 Napoleon became First Consul, and at once set himself to deal with the ecclesiastical problem.
So comprehensive were its methods, so self-confident its bearing, that those who had once fallen under its spell would never need to doubt or hesitate again.
One spell is stronger than another, one taboo more inviolable than another.
In the numberless transitions that, whilst connecting, separate the spell and the prayer we observe as the accompaniment of every mood from extreme imperiousness to extreme humility an abiding will and desire to help the action out.
Even Mahommedanism felt the spell of the same modes of thought.
Over the higher classes especially Hellenism had cast its spell.
Yanov began again in 1891, after a short spell of rest, and has left his mark as a permanent record in the valley of Sarhad (or Wakhan), between the Baroghil pass and Bozai Gumbaz.
Nevertheless, in its dimmed and blackened state, the portrait casts an irresistible spell alike by subtlety of expression, by refinement and precision of drawing, and by the romantic invention of its background.
In the countries in which the worship of Epona was said to have had its origin it was a common belief that certain beings were in the habit of casting a spell over stables during the night.
A contemporary of his earlier period, Paris Mumuleanu (1794-1837), wrote his Rost de poezie (1820) under Greek influence, but afterwards passed under the spell of Maior and Tzikindea, whose Latin propaganda he was one of the first to advocate in Rumania.
About this time he turned to philology, and fell under the spell of the Transylvanian school.
Proceeding afterwards to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he came under the spell of Sedgwick, and henceforth devoted all his leisure time to geology.
He had great influence on the course of Latin theology, partly through his own writings, but still more through the spell he cast upon Cyprian.
Wherever the noblest expressions of her mind are honoured, wherever the large conceptions of Pericles command the admiration of statesmen, wherever the architect and the sculptor love to dwell on the masterpieces of Ictinus and Pheidias, wherever the spell of ideal beauty or of lofty contemplation is exercised by the creations of Sophocles or of Plato, there it will be remembered that the spirit which wrought in all these would have passed sooner from among men, if it had not been recalled from a trance, which others were content to mistake for the last sleep, by the passionate breath of Demosthenes.
The division into cold mist and warm ether first broke the spell of confusion.
When Destiny squealed and Jonathan laughed, it broke the spell.
She shook her head, the motion bringing on a dizzy spell.
Not expecting the dizzy spell, she staggered against the car, cringing away from Czerno as he snatched her arms and dragged her to the house.
Alex was the one who finally broke the embrace – and spell.
They say the Oracle put a spell on you.
Eden braced herself, uncertain how the first spell would affect him.
His presence was intense but calming, almost to the degree she had the urge to lean against him and let his huge hands roam her body, grip her from behind and pull her … Crunching from behind her broke the spell.
Every year, in the first really hot spell, the black bean aphid starts its regular invasion of the broad bean plants.
Could it be due to an ancient artifact or a magic spell going awry?
Any other spell cast upon the subject in the same turn has no effect.
Any character touched by the spell caster will feel that they have 24 hours of bed rest.
This will spell further catastrophe for many hard working families.
For this cruel land can cast a spell which no temperate clime can match.
The results could spell bad news for small businesses hoping to beat big corporates with a winning web presence.
I was struggling to find anywhere decent to bird from near the car and so returned for another brief spell at south Van marshes.
A weak link in the chain can spell disaster.
This spell will also cure any diseases the subject might have at the time.
A dispel magic spell will prevent its effect, since dispel magic affects all spells no matter what their subject.
Once free of the spell of market dogma, the answer appears under our noses.
Like many painters who studied in the early 1980s, Innes fell under the spell of figurative expressionism.
The claim that Muhammad did anything at any time without consciousness or under a spell is a sheer fabrication and hence devoid of truth.
They would have fallen on their prey with great ferocity had it not been for Valarien's spell.
The forecast suggests a spell of milder weather, possibly followed by high pressure, which could bring overnight frosts.
Hamilton came out in the second half and pulled a goal back in a lively spell for the home team.
This spell is the same as summon goblin but the troll created inflicts and is destroyed by three points of damage rather than one.
Short, tight hamstring muscles can spell disaster for many sports people.
Except for cancelation with other enchantments, this spell only affects humans.
This spell enables the target to see as well in the dark as this reptilian humanoid, that is to say 90 ' .
It all looks so splendid, and the authors assume that the spell check and the grammar check will make things immaculate.
Deafblind manual interpreters spell words into a deafblind person's hand using the deafblind manual alphabet or the block alphabet.
Or she may have jesses or leash attached which could spell a death sentence for her.
T-Bag would then kidnap Thomas from the shop, she would then put a spell on him to put him in her power.
Incidentally, those who predicted the smoking ban would spell the death knell of the Irish pub couldn't have been more wrong.
He then cast second spell releasing Trimus from the charm that had kept him from attacking the mage.
Could you spell out what you mean, however, in your reference to an " immigration morass "?
Spell Casting If you purchase necromancy, sorcery or theurgy, then you choose a single spell that you know.
Hamid bowled their Aussie opener in the midst of a really good quick spell of bowling.
A truly phenomenal spell of bowling from the Aussie.
A dedication to him survives and records his career which included a spell early on as primus pilus of VIII Augusta.
Posted by Melody on June 24 DOES THIS SPELL THE END FOR TV prankS?
First use a spell check on your computer and then proofread a printed out version.
The dark night of the soul in mysticism is just a prolonged spell of abreactive resentment or bitterness.
But Woozle is so scatty and absent minded he forgets to put a vital ingredient into the spell, with disastrous results.
Summer smog season commences The short hot weather spell toward the end of June prompted the first official summer smog warning.
It describes a virtuous maiden who is put under a spell by an evil sorceress.
Do not carry on if you are still feeling dizzy after a few minutes, or if you have a further dizzy spell.
Within a few hours of playing the game I'm trying to increase my sneak skill whilst learning a new illusion magic spell.
Adam joins us after a brief spell at London Welsh.
You cannot cast a spell, use a magical item, run, or attack for two seconds.
And like the profuse intertwining vines, this Garden of Eden weaves a magic spell that blinds love forever.
As a spell caster and professional psychic advisor, I have consulting many seeking spirituality and health.
For a spell, he stopped performing altogether, having developed stage fright.
Marinda ' s spell allowed the sunbeams to break free.
No sooner had the rogue removed the last of the sticky tendrils from his face then the mage cast another spell.
So says ambitious manager Paul Weeks, who has already overseen a transformation in fortunes during his short spell at the club.
Dirty sponges, warm fridges, dripping meat and under-cooked bangers all spell tummy trouble.
A parole violation resulted in a spell crossing America as a fugitive on the FBI's most wanted list.
Donald screamed a Fire spell at the whirling sword, creating a whirlwind of flames.
Voters, meanwhile, are hoping the upcoming presidential elections will spell an end to the economic downturn and their pension woes.
The spell must be written down to be used by its caster at the same time that he writes his gestures.
Softness of outline, warmth of colouring, a fine and almost voluptuous feeling for beauty of every kind, and a pleading and melancholy tenderness-such were the elements of the spell which he threw round the sympathies of his reader, and which his compatriots expressed by the vague but expressive word blanditia.
On tlFe other hand, there is reason to believe that the magical spell proper is a self-contained and selfsufficient form of utterance, and that it lies at the root of much that has become address, and even prayer in the fullest sense.
But a formula that depends for its efficacy on being uttered rather than on being heard is virtually indistinguishable from the selfsufficient spell of the magician, though its origin is different.
Charms and words of power being supposed to possess efficacy in themselves are guarded with great secrecy by their owners, and hence, in so far as prayer verges on spell, there will be a disposition to mutter or otherwise conceal the sacred formula.
The Babylonian syllabary which thus arose, and which, as the culture passed on to the north - known as Assyria - became the Babylonian Assyrian syllabary, 3 was enlarged and modified in the course of time, the Semitic equivalents for many of the signs being distorted or abbreviated to form the basis of new "phonetic" values that were thus of " Semitic " origin; but, on the whole, the " non-Semitic " character of the signs used as syllables in the phonetic method of writing Semitic words was preserved; and, furthermore, down to the latest days of the Babylonian and Assyrian empires the mixed method of writing continued, though there were periods when " purism " was the fashion, and there was a more marked tendency to spell out the words laboriously in preference to using signs with a phonetic complement as an aid in suggesting the reading desired in any given instance.
The influences which had inspired republican and Augustan literature were the artistic impulse derived from a familiarity with the great works of Greek genius, becoming more intimate with every new generation, the spell of Rome over the imagination of the kindred Italian races, the charm of Italy, and the vivid sensibility of the Italian temperament.
Francis was under the spell of Mary Stuart, and she, little disposed to meddle with politics on her own account, was managed by her uncles, the cardinal of Lorraine and the duke of Guise.
His name still remained a spell to conjure with, and the politicians sought to obtain the assistance of his approval for their schemes; but in general his last years were quiet and uneventful.
Constant repetition makes it easier to learn how to spell a word.
There is in this town, with a very few exceptions, no taste for the best or for very good books even in English literature, whose words all can read and spell.
Some students could not write, spell or punctuate simple sentences.
Anyone found supporting the Dalai Lama can expect instant and harsh retribution in the shape of a lengthy spell in jail or worse.
The sure and steady, funky riff and fate beat casts it 's spell and you succumb.
Will they rue not finishing the game off in this spell?
Confidential documents have been leaked which spell out Labor 's sell-off plans.
Meanwhile, Oxford defender Gavin Johnson faces a spell on the sidelines through injury.
It ai n't no slouch of a name to spell right off without studying.
But this might not necessarily spell economic doom - which so many would have us believe.
Covers creating documents, editing, saving, printing, formatting and spell checking.
A terrible lore that allows spell casters, both Arcane and Divine to rape the land of its very life to fuel their magic.
All new spell casting ability allows players to morph their monkey ball, cleverly using their newfound powers to progress through the game.
Atlantic fronts brought an unsettled spell from the 24th onwards.
A parole violation resulted in a spell crossing America as a fugitive on the FBI 's most wanted list.
At the same time, the only way Wilby can break the spell is to perform some virtuous deed.
The shield seemed to waver for a moment, but the spell ended, and the shield recovered.
Making whiskey was supposed to be an Irish secret, stolen by the Scots who could n't even spell it properly.
By the end of his 5 overs spell Pitts had wrecked havoc.
However, Aladdin was still wriggling his legs, shaking them out of Imhotep 's spell soon enough sans him knowing.
The good wizard protected the temple with a spell to banish evil spirits.
The witch was known for creating a spell that animates the dead.
As an added bonus, these modern celebrity baby names are both easy to spell and pronounce.
Write one letter on each block to spell 'Welcome Baby' or put small baby items on each block, such as booties or a bottle.
Baby blocks-Use several sets of blocks to spell out baby's name, mom's name, and any other baby related words.
It is important to spell out the schedule of a live-in nanny as well as any overtime compensation for extra responsibilities and services.
Think ahead to the days your child will learn to spell his or her name, or later have to fill out forms.
Parents are still fully responsible for the monthly payments, so an agreement should be made between the parents and the teenager which spell out a payment plan that everyone can agreement on.
Inch thick shelves, quality woods and excellent craftsmanship will take a little extra time and money but may spell the difference between an heirloom piece and just another contribution to your community landfill.
Be sure to ask if the item description doesn't spell out the finish.
That modern kitchen you coveted in a magazine might spell calamity in your home.
In both your living room and dining room, Scotchgard your carpets and upholstery so any spills don’t spell disaster for your rugs and furniture.
In addition, the mascara is advertised as smudge- and smear-proof, hypoallergenic and suitable for contact lens wearers - all great traits that spell perfection as far as I'm concerned.
These should clearly spell out what the guidelines are regarding malfunctions, computer errors, and most importantly, how to settle disputes.
You can dress yourself up or down, so long as you spell out what you really want in the ad, and don't go too far to one extreme or the other.
With the traditional board game, players place their hands on a raised, triangle-shaped planchette that sits atop a lettered game board, and the spirit guides their hands to the letters that spell out responses to their questions.
Another unique family portrait idea is to have each family member hold pieces of paper with letters written on them that spell a word.
It is said that the word Mojito comes from the African word Mojo, which is defined as a spell...so, Mojito means to put a little spell on someone.
When he wasn't falling under the spell of the Mojito, Papa would bask in the glorious glow of the daiquiri.
Write one word of a phrase next to various photos or embellishments to spell out the saying artistically.
White candy wedding conversation hearts with red lettering spell love year round.
This creates a truly coordinated wedding.Women's tees sometimes use rhinestone studs or sequins to spell out the lettering or make a graphic, like a martini glass.
You can also use that approach to spell out words such as love or husband.
Verify that your note sends the right tone and message, and that you spell everyone's name correctly.
Spell out a word or phrase that reflects the reason for celebration with your cupcakes.
We're working on a feature-length screenplay, tentatively entitled The Third Spell about a young widow and her ten-year-old daughter who live in colonial America in 1706.
Out of desperation, they consult a witch for help, but her spell goes awry, and they become lost in time.
Her first, an extra spot in a lottery advertisement, led to several hours worth of intense excitement, hyperventilating and a near-fainting spell.
Does the average size of a Hollywood actress spell a healthy ideal or unrealistic expectation for women outside of the spotlight?
If a future celebrity is born with an especially long surname, or one that is foreign or difficult to spell, they may decide to shorten or simplify it.
In the digital age, having a name that's easy to spell is more important than ever to allow fans easy access to websites, videos, and other media through an online search.
Sigourney Weaver was born Susan Weaver, but opted for something a little longer and more difficult to spell.
Remember that spell check programs won't catch things such as transposed letters that still make legitimate words (e.g., form/from) or homonyms that are misused.
Most cruise lines spell out their liability - or lack thereof - explicitly in passenger ticket documentation or cruise ship job contracts.
In addition, an occasional colder spell can be acceptable, so long as it does not last more than a few days.
If you live in gardening zones 7 through 3, chances are good you'll have either a prolonged cold spell within this range or nights when the temperatures fall below 20 degrees.
The music staff serves as the background while notes spell out the name "Jesus" on a simple band.
Jewelry designer Mackenzie Miller handcrafts a beautiful mother daughter bracelet set using striking peachy pink colored freshwater pearls and round silver alphabet beads to spell out the chosen names.
The discs are then personalized with special engraving machines that spell out the selected names of loved ones.
The flipside is a decoupage of multiple languages that all spell out the word, "Peace."
You can buy these old-fashioned baby bracelets that spell out your child's first or full name.
This top is adorned with gray letters that spell out "Zoo York" in haphazard fashion and boast a spray-painted effect.
Unpredictable weather patterns can also spell confusion for women who aren't sure what to wear on a day-to-day basis.
An overabundance of any type of detail can spell trouble for women who prefer to use their attire to flaunt certain assets and conceal others.
Then bust out Secret of Mana and wait for the Dungeon Master start making the Encounter spell.
A spell book will randomly appear and when it does, you'll see a centerfold like picture of a blonde woman with a heart hovering over her butt.
The dog will not take up any of your spell slots, and he can be trained to be an attack dog that is useful in distracting enemies from charging after you.
Click on adjacent letters to spell words, then submit them to get points.
To defeat them, use the grid of letter tiles at the bottom of the screen and spell words.
The longer the word you spell, the more damage you do.
For example, the Bow of Zyx gives words you spell with the letters X, Y or Z more power, causing more damage to the enemy.
Spell long words to earn a colored gem, and to use the gem, simply incorporate that tile into a word.
When you reload the game, he will be normal size, but will still move as fast as the spell gives you.
Summon Skeleton was my most useful spell.
Excorcise - spell that expels demons from those who are inhabited by them, and Gargoyle, a spell that can turn opponents into stone.
Fortunately, the game does help you with spell casting and shows you where to interact with certain items.
You start the game with some rudimentary magic - a lightning attack - but you can use your experience points to purchase many other spells as well as spell upgrades.
In training, all you'll possess is the lighting spell, which will be assigned to the X button.
First you need to cast the Regen-All spell on your party.
You don't have to level up and find the secret scroll of Meteo high atop Mt. Highplace in order to cast that spell.
Draw up to 99 of each spell, from healing to status altering to damage spells.
Each unit you draw is one use, each time you cast the spell you effectively lose it and have to draw it again.
Spell casting is of course a large part of the experience and each game has a different repertoire for our hero.
In a radical departure from the style of the other four games, Quidditch World Cup focused on the fictional game of Quidditch, leaving spell casting and the traditional stories from the novels behind.
This time Harry and his friends work together in a multitude of quests using only their wits and spell casting abilities to aid them.
Find all 99 Dalmation puppies then talk to Pongo and Perdita to receive the Gummi Collection and an Aero Spell upgrade.
Cast the following spells on White Mushrooms three times in a row and they will drop Spell Arts, Mystery Goos and other items.
Collecting all of the Spell Arts will help in obtaining Goofy's Dream Shield from Merlin.
Each spell you can use in Kingdom Hearts has three levels of use.
For instance, Sir Galahad has a healing spell, a Holy attack and Haste.
Similar to the classic letter tile game Scrabble, Literati is a game in which players spell intersecting words horizontally and vertically on a grid-covered board.
Combat is turn-based, and you get to select what type of attack or spell you would like to use on an opponent.
Combat and spell sounds are really good as well.
Spell "OASIS" to be taken to a bonus stage for some helpful technologies.
Once the spell is cast, the affect will be permanent.
When she casts her Barrier spell, avoid her to prevent getting stunned or having your weapon damaged.
A useful spell to bring along on Sim dates.
Why not sit for a spell and sip wine while touring some of California's most beautiful countryside?
What this means is that a single button corresponds both to the letter Q and the letter W, and then the on-board algorithm takes its best guess as to what word you are trying to spell.
The LexSpell Spell Checker is a free application that checks your spelling as you go along, ensuring that there aren't any silly typos or other errors in the messages that you send.
The LexSpell Spell Checker is invaluable, in this sense.
A breath holding spell (BHS) is a reflexive response that occurs in some healthy young children, usually between the ages of about eight months and two years.
A typical breath holding spell lasts between two and 20 seconds.
If the child recovers before fainting, some physicians do not consider it to be a true breath holding spell.
About one-third of affected children have two to five spells daily whereas another one-third of affected children average one spell per month.
This type of breath holding spell also is called type 1, red-blue form, or cyanotic infantile syncope.
A breath holding spell is an involuntary reflex because it follows exhalation rather than inhalation.
A child over the age of two with daily spells may have learned that intense crying or a temper tantrum can trigger a spell.
Once a parent or caregiver has witnessed a breath holding spell the symptoms are obvious.
The spell may end at this point and the child resumes breathing.
It is the first time a child has had a breath holding spell.
The child has a first breath holding spell at four-and-a-half years of age or older.
An electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) that records the electrical activity in the heart may be used to check for heart rhythm abnormalities, such as long QT syndrome, in children who have had a pallid breath holding spell.
The child may be put in bed to rest after recovering from the spell.
Allow children to wake from the spell on their own.
A parent who cannot watch a child having a breath holding spell without intervening should leave the room.
If a child does not begin breathing on his or her own within one minute, it is not a normal breath holding spell.
From the late 1990s, research had shown that early speech and language disorders could lead to later difficulties in learning to read, write, and spell.
Changing the situation may restore tempers more readily than a spell of reflection.
Our ancestors did not necessarily spell their name the same way we might.
In fact, the same person might have his surname written differently on his birth certificate, marriage certificate, and death certificate simply because clerks and other officials tended to spell names based on how they were pronounced.
In the Charlotte Mason method, students learn to spell by reviewing passages from great literature.
Giving children words to spell verbally helps them commit the words to their long-term memory.
Sing, Spell, Read and Write - A very comprehensive curriculum that uses analogy based phonics instructions paired with multi-media presentation.
Sure, today's adults have word processing programs and spell check, but there are occasions when you need to know how to spell something correctly, such as on a job application.
Also, spell checks are not 100 percent accurate.
Making a common mistake such as not using the correct version of there, their or they're will not be caught by spell check.
Consistently focusing on a weekly list of words that the child should memorize and know how to spell will build her vocabulary over time.
Although knowing how to spell a word is important, knowing how to use that word in a sentence is even more important.
It won't do your student much good to know how to spell "bellwether" if he has no idea that a bellwether is a ram that leads the rest of the herd.
Point out unusual words in magazines, billboards and signs and ask your child to spell that word and use it in a sentence.
If you are in the car, have him spell from the back seat.
Choose the Teach Me button and the computer will say the word, spell out the word visually and with audio and say the word in a sentence.
The theory is that if you can learn to spell the words on this list you will be able to write with few mistakes.
Learning to spell is a combination of technique and memorization.
By using a variety of the tools available your child can easily learn to spell over time.
Kindergartners can trace or write the alphabet and spell their names.
Spell out "I LOVE YOU" or another message for added impact.
Malibu Strings is sexy and stylish, but that doesn't clearly spell out what you can expect to find when shopping the online site.
Secondly, the wand comes with a Cast a Spell book, which provides young wizards with spell-casting ideas, like making a cashmere sweater appear.
Scientists know that damaged coral reefs due to pollution or climate changes spell trouble for the local marine population.
Poor construction can spell disaster for your sweater coat over time - one run in the washing machine might destroy it, or it might not survive a rainy day too well.
Zombies 4 takes place in the woods, and the main goal of this game is to reverse the spell that brought the zombies to live originally.
For Wiccans, casting any spell means to acknowledge the rule of three.
So any spell that is cast can return to the bearer three times as strong (this discourages the casting of negative intent) and the Wiccan rede demands that all spells be benign, or non-harmful to others.
Once you have all of your tools for the spell collected, it is time to prepare for creating the spell.
Use words or symbols that represent what you want to achieve with this spell.
If the spell is to ward something away, place your hand in the center of the candle and push away the oil towards the top or wick end of the candle.
You may chant the spell at this point in the ritual.
Many Wicca practitioners will bury the candle in a secluded place after the spell has been cast.
This helps to charge the ritual tools with the energy of the person performing the spell, which makes a spell stronger..
Black is the preferred color of candle to use when breaking a candle spell.
Most endowments have specific purposes spell out how on how the money is to be used and may have specific restrictions for the organization to follow.
Foundations will clearly spell their specific requirements as well as what area they will grant funding to.
Make sure you know how to spell the recipient's name and that any birthday or anniversary dates included on the item are correct.
The smiles and taps of the precision dance troupe, combined with incredible light shows and amazing sets, cast a festive spell over a live audience of more than two million throughout North America every year.
Trace letters to spell your name in black felt, flipping letters around so that markings are on the bottom side of letters.
Keep an eye out for various red flags that could spell danger.
Spell out the full formal names of the hosts and couple of honor, and use the full names of any guests you're inviting when addressing the envelope.
While she might not mind that at all, it may come out a little blunt to spell it out that way.
The agreement should also spell out the expected turnaround time for requested revisions and any limitations on revisions.
Each of these packages has a clean, open text window with basic tools such as spell checker and text formatting.
It’s not enough to rely on your computer’s spell checker as your sole editor!
One of the most standout characteristics of this style is that there are actual letters that spell out the brand name that are attached to a chain that hooked to the purse strap.
Use stamps that say thank you or even letter stamps to spell out the things for which you are thanking people for.
Kismet & Spill and Spell (ages 7 and up) - This two-in-one package features "Kismet", a strategy game, and "Spill and Spell", a fast-paced spelling game.
Additionally, a card game called "Match & Spell 3-Letter Word" is a toy designed specially for autistic children.
While some schools simply require students to dress in khakis and white button-downs, others spell out a variety of clothing regulations.
Spelling with Caillou will help children identify letters of the alphabet and spell simple words.
Use a pencil to spell it out and then paint over the pencil lines with a small paint brush.
The Sandman teams up with the Venom to try and spell the end of Spider-Man.
The numbers, when read backwards in the reflection, appeared to spell the words NO POPE.
It is thought that the spirit somehow uses the planchette to spell out messages.
A slightly rugged appearance is enhanced by the double buckle details, while the leather lining and thick rubber sole spell instant perfection.
Some might be smart enough to spell out the name, but you should also be aware of the correct color pattern.
Witches and spell casters like the soap opera Passions would not be considered outlandish.
Meghan created a spell so that Felicity could travel back in time to be with him, and even after more convincing and even Noel finally agreeing that he believes her story, Felicity knows that he is still not convinced.
Meghan gives Felicity a book on wicca when Felicity expresses a desperation to get back to Noel, and Felicity searches through the book herself to find the correct spell after Meghan refuses to help.
Although he could not break the magic spell that held her, he gave her a home within his own kingdom.
Many choose to take the sign very literal and spell out the world or use the literal sign.
Why spell it out when you can speak so beautifully and mysteriously with pure symbolism?
Use the wider expanse of skin to spell out a message or embody a character trait.
These are usually enough letters to spell out a name.
Videos with subtitles that spell out dialog on screen can be an excellent teaching tool for visually motivated learners because it pairs the written word with images.
For example, a child may have the alphabet memorized and may know how to spell many words.
A copy of the memo is sent to everyone directly affected by the news it bears, and the final paragraph of the memo should clearly spell out what each person is expected to accomplish in relation to the memo.
A good rule of thumb - never trust your spell checker.
Errant keystrokes sometimes add the wrong word spellings into your spell checker's database, so that these will be approved and missed by you, but not by the reader.
To get this kind of reversal, a customer has to clearly know what they want in a job and spell it out clearly beforehand.
Instruct each team to spell out a predetermined slogan.
When translating, it is easy for the original text's spelling to influence how you spell words in your translation, which can lead to spelling errors.
When we upgraded our spell checker, it has a special function that will spell check as you write.
Simply click on the spell check icon (ABC) in the editing toolbar on any article.
Before you purchase your policy, the website should spell out exactly what you are ordering so there are no surprises.
So long as you're not looking for something specific, just pajamas that spell a bit of danger in the way of skulls or another image that might normally keep you awake, you can find sleepwear that rocks.
Illegally downloading music not only is dishonest and cheats the artists, but it can also spell legal trouble for anyone caught doing it.
Glow-in-the-dark stars can be arranged all over the room for a sparkling surprise when the lights go out, and for an added twist, use the stars to spell out guests' names or initials.
Bracelets with bead letters that spell out "Grandma, Aunt or Friend" as appropriate.
Willow, Tara, Anya and Xander work together to resurrect Buffy from the dead with a powerful spell.