Speech-disorder Sentence Examples
Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder caused by disturbances in neuromuscular control of components of the speech mechanism.
More than a million children in the public schools' special education programs have been diagnosed with a speech disorder.
The symptoms of a speech disorder depend heavily on the age of the child.
A lisp is a functional speech disorder that involves the inability to correctly pronounce one or more sibilant consonant sounds, usually s or z.
Lisping is a speech disorder characterized by the inability to correctly pronounce the sounds of s or z, known as the sibilant consonants.
The word "lisp," for example, would be pronounced "lithp" by someone with this speech disorder.
When a child cannot produce these sounds correctly, the condition is usually not considered a true lisp, but is a functional speech disorder.
Children can have a functional speech disorder as well as a developmental phonological disorder.
A functional speech disorder has no connection with a person's sexual orientation.