Spectacle Sentence Examples
You're making a spectacle of yourself.
While Dean enjoyed the spectacle of the exciting contest, he harbored no envy toward its participants.
As his plays show, the spectacle struck Antonio's observation, but he had to criticize with caution.
Clear transparent rock-crystal is used for optical purposes and spectacle lenses.
The crown prince, who was shaken by the spectacle of the battle, allowed himself to be drawn into a reply, and to be referred to Sir Hyde Parker.
The Olympic Games is the biggest sporting spectacle in the world.
I must have made quite a spectacle.
They were curious and thought she was quite a spectacle.
During the fifty years since Crawford's Tenure of Office Act was passed in 1820, the country had been growing more and more familiar with the spectacle of corruption in high places.
The extra converging power of a spectacle lens permits the eye to focus the image on the retina.
AdvertisementThey were curious and she must be quite a spectacle.
The uplands of Wales and the north presented another spectacle.
Not an edifying spectacle, and all the stranger given Moore's confidence of an anti-war vote turning out for a pro-war candidate.
Nothing will prepare you for this awe-inspiring spectacle; 8,000 life-sized model warriors, chariots and horses.
The show is a circus theater spectacle involving fire juggling, audience participation and a very tall unicycle.
AdvertisementAfter a forced absence last year, the spectacle of vintage speedway makes a welcome return to this year 's BMF Show.
And he will not have seen a great deal to worry him in what was fairly dismal spectacle.
A carpet was drawn across the ghastly spectacle, and the tyrant resumed his feast over the still quivering limbs of the dying.
Join us on a 400-mile voyage around the tip of Baja California and witness the thrilling spectacle of Gray Whales in their calving lagoons.
He therefore wrote out his message on sheets which were passed from hand to hand, and these, with the spectacle of his virtues and disinterestedness, soon produced a strong effect.
AdvertisementThe hills which form its shores are so steep, and the woods on them were then so high, that, as you looked down from the west end, it had the appearance of an amphitheatre for some land of sylvan spectacle.
These puffs of smoke and (strange to say) the sound of the firing produced the chief beauty of the spectacle.
Today, there is now the unusual spectacle of a modern glass precinct rising out above early 20th century walls!
Optometrists write a spectacle prescription that is given to the patient and passed on to the optician.
There is a wonderfully festive gala soiree for all the drivers and personalities on the Saturday before the spectacle of the races on Sunday.
AdvertisementThe most melancholy spectacle of all to my mind was, that the bridegroom was decidedly tipsy.
The appetite of the populace was inflamed by the spectacle of their martyrdom.
The spectacle presented by Nero's visit was unique.
The new decoration of the Premises contributed much to the magnificence of the spectacle.
What doleful sight, what ruthful spectacle Hath fortune offered to my hapless heart?
But this is n't a great theatrical spectacle, and it does n't pretend to be.
The Tour is sure to offer an unforgettable cricketing spectacle whichever matches you attend.
An Italian man by the name of Salvino D'Armate created the spectacle device.
For 85 percent of children with nystagmus, a spectacle prescription improves vision significantly.
The overall effect results in swim trunks that look terrific, but won't make you a spectacle on the beach.
More space should be used if the tree is large, while less space between the lights creates a spectacle of lights.
In his absence he left Lucrezia as regent, offering the astounding spectacle of a pope's natural daughter in charge of the Holy See.
There are ways of dealing with the unedifying spectacle of people being tried by newspapers and they should be deployed.
The scenery was also effective and well managed, linking with fabulous costumes to produce a glittering spectacle.
Small sized telescopes will show a dazzling spectacle, a myriad of glimmering stars fused to form a slightly flattened disk.
After a forced absence last year, the spectacle of vintage speedway makes a welcome return to this year's BMF Show.
Plus learn how to dress up as a mommy and distract your audience for a spookily spotless spectacle!
The displayed side shows 8 hand colored woodcuts, including the first known printed depiction of a spectacle wearer.
According to the most recent version of the legend, Veronica was a pious woman of Jerusalem, who, moved with pity by the spectacle of Jesus carrying His cross to Golgotha, gave Him her kerchief in order that He might wipe the drops of agony from His brow.
These instructions were communicated to the French, though not to the allies, Louis putting Dunkirk as security into possession of England, and the shameful spectacle was witnessed of the desertion by the English troops of their allies almost on the battlefield.
Yet, apart altogether from its independent value, by his speculative power and enthusiasm, by his revelation of the life and spectacle of nature, by the fresh creativeness of his diction and the elevated movement of his rhythm, Lucretius exercised a more powerful influence than any other on the art of his more perfect successors.
The Roman Catholics, while maintaining their religion, were willing enough to co-operate with them for this object; and Germany often saw the strange spectacle of princes rallying round the emperor for the defence of the church, and at the same time striking deadly blows at his political influence.
In the long and acrimonious debates that followed in the Reichstag itself the strange spectacle was presented of the chancellor fighting a coalition of the Conservatives and the Catholic Centre with the aid of the Socialists and Liberals.
Compared with this obscure process - this spread of the king's peace along the highways and through the distant forest lands of the 12th and 13th centuries - papal interdicts and jubilees, however impressive their spectacle, are but fleeting shows.
Artaud 's criterion of spectacle is sensory violence, not sensory enchantment; beauty is a notion he never entertains.
In practice, a reasonable lower limit for spectacle correction is + 1.50 dioptres (+ 3.00 ret. @ 2/3 meter).
Plus learn how to dress up as a mommy and distract your audience for a spookily spotless spectacle !
The clash of cultures, impoverished means and surreal spectacle of this area can be found traced through the company 's work.
Postmodernists who criticize Adorno for denouncing the tawdry spectacle of consumer culture have no conception of his vision of what things could be.
At Coombe Royal, in South Devon, it grows quite 20 feet high, and is a spectacle of wondrous beauty about the end of April or the beginning of May, when every twig carries a cluster of fiery flowers.
These labs manufacture lenses to fit in spectacle frames, and they may sell glasses directly out of their location for a lot less.
The holidays are a remarkable spectacle of beauty at Walt Disney World, complete with 1500 Christmas trees throughout the parks and environmentally friendly LED lights on the majority of the décor.
Add the specially designed laser light show, live theatrical performances and a little interactive video gameplay and you have an event that is more spectacle than concert and is selling out venues.
But if a child has become at least 0.25 diopters myopic at this age then there is a 60 percent chance that the child will require spectacle correction for nearsightedness by age 13.
The west coast throughout its whole length is covered to a depth of some miles with mangrove swamps, with only a few isolated stretches of sandy beach, the dim foliage of the mangroves and the hideous mud flats presenting a depressing spectacle.
None the less the emperor sailed on his Crusade in the summer of 1228, affording to astonished Europe the spectacle of an excommunicated crusader, and leaving his territories to be invaded by papal soldiers, whom Gregory IX.
He had not based his case against the Transvaal on the letter of the Conventions, and regarded the employment of the word "suzerainty" merely as an "etymological question," but he realized keenly that the spectacle of thousands of British subjects in the Transvaal in the condition of "helots" (as he expressed it) was undermining the prestige of Great Britain throughout South Africa, and he called for "some striking proof" of the intention of the British government not to be ousted from its predominant position.
These may be conveniently combined, as in Franklin glasses, where the upper half of the spectacle frame contains a weak lens, and the lower half, through which the eye looks when reading, a stronger one.
Oaks and wild prunus, wild vines and sumachs, various kinds of maple, the dOdan (Enkianthus Japonicus Hook.)a wonderful bush which in autumn develops a hue of ruddy redbirches and other trees, all add multitudinous colors to the brilliancy of a spectacle which is further enriched by masses of feathery bamboo.
He had been chosen to meet Hamilton in controversy, with a view to convincing him of his errors, but the arguments of the Scottish proto-martyr, and above all the spectacle of his heroism at the stake, impressed Alesius so powerfully that he was entirely won over to the cause of the Reformers.
Seen from the Adriatic, Monte Corno, as it is someti, mes called, from its resemblance to a horn, affords a magnificent spectacle; the Alpine region beneath its summit is still the home of the wild boar, and here and there are dense woods of beech and pine.
Bukovina, the chief abode of the Austrian Rumanians, which they shared with the Ruthenians, offered the spectacle of a German adminstration in which without any compulsion German was the official language and also that of society, and neither efforts at Germanization nor language controversies were to be found.
The principle of election by canons was repeatedly violated, and threatened to disappear; and at the end of the 13th century the spectacle was common of prelates, whether nominated or confirmed by the pope, entitling themselves " bishops by the grace of the Holy See."
From any vantage point, but especially from the sea, it presents a magnificent spectacle, while some 30 m.
The burial ceremony itself must have been an imposing spectacle.
The ensuing night in Cairo presented a curious spectacle; many of the inhabitants, believing that this envoy would put an end to their miseries, fired off their weapons as they paraded the streets with bands of music. The silhdgr, imagining the noise to be a fray, marched in.
Except the brilliant existences of Raphael at Rome and of Rubens at Antwerp and Madrid, the annals of art present the spectacle of few more honoured or more fortunate careers.
Of schools or colleges for the purposes of a higher education befitted to the sons of noblemen and the more wealthy merchants there are absolutely none; but the village school is an ever-present and very open spectacle to the passer-by.
Brooches are found in great numbers, both those derived from the primitive safety-pin ("Peschiera" type) and the "spectacle" or "Hallstatt" type found all down the Balkans and in Greece.
The fascination of pure study was so powerful, the Italians at that epoch were so eager to recover the past, that during the 15th century we have before our eyes the spectacle of this great nation deviating from the course of development begun in poetry by Dante and Petrarch, in prose by Boccaccio ism to and Villani, into the channels of scholarship and anti- - quarian research.
Italian society exhibited an almost unexampled spectacle of literary, artistic and courtly refinement crossed by brutalities of lust, treasons, poisonings, assassinations, violence.
As a matter of fact, the earlier and more democratic types of primitive society, uncontaminated by our civilization, do not present many features to which the modern conscience can take exception, but display rather the edifying spectacle of religious brotherhoods encouraging themselves by mystical communion to common effort.
The whole history of religion presents perhaps no more singular spectacle than the mosques of Bagdad in the middle of the 9th century filled with vast crowds of twenty and thirty thousand of the faithful, assembled to discuss the dogmas of the created and the un created Koran.'
A characteristic spectacle in winter is the tobogganing in the Humlegard on holidays.
It is certainly true that the same emotional temperament, dissolving in tears at the spectacle of the country's woes, and expressing itself to a great extent in the same or similar language, is noticeable in the author(s) of Lamentations i.-iv.
The spectacle of thousands of British subjects kept permanently in the position of helots, constantly chafing under undoubted grievances, and calling vainly to Her Majesty's government for redress, does steadily undermine the influence and reputation of Great Britain, and the respect for British government within the queen's dominions.
But through some neglect of orders, the prince one day encounters a leper and a blind man, and asks of his attendants with pain and astonishment what such a spectacle should mean.
History became the tragic spectacle of a game of dupes - the real movers being priests, kings or warriors.
The last named affords a magnificent spectacle from Bogota, its level top which is 5 or 6 m.
Andromede, with the later spectacle piece, the Toison d'or, do not call for comment, and we have already alluded to the chief merit of Don Sanche.
The spectacle of men so rash, and so incapable of controlling the forces which they seemed to have presumptuously summoned, excited in Burke both indignation and contempt.
The king, melancholy spectacle as he was, seemed indeed to suit that tragic hour when Orleans, the last bulwark of the south, was besieged by the earl of Salisbury, now roused from inactivity (1428).
Add to this that he was a virtuous husband, a kind father, a fervent Christian and a good-natured man full of excellent intentions, yet a spectacle of moral pusillanimity and ineptitude.
The spectacle of anarchy, and the stoppage in payment of taxes frightened the Republican deputies into some approach to sanity.
A naked short-sighted eye, which would be corrected for distant objects by a spectacle glass of - Io diopters, may approach the object up to about 4 in.
The Isiac mysteries were a representation of the chief events in the myth of Isis and Osiris - the murder of Osiris, the lamentations of Isis and her wanderings, followed by the triumph of Horus over Seth and the resurrection of the slain god - accompanied by music and an exposition of the inner meaning of the spectacle.
Even though it would be a short trip, it was an opportunity to photograph the floral spectacle, with the added opportunity to meet another participant in the Dawkins family chronicle.
It was an edifying spectacle, and all the stranger given Moore's confidence of an anti-war vote turning out for a pro-war candidate.
A surreal spectacle of this area can be found traced through the company's work.
Argaty is the perfect place to observe the spectacle of the Kites ' flying acrobatics.
Faudree compares the Young @ Heart spectacle to the thrill you get from watching acrobatics.
A Robin Hood festival takes place each summer, offering the spectacle of jousting, archery and falconry.
To further enhance this incredible visual spectacle, Headgate has incorporated the most stunning camerawork to grace any golf game.
Isolated individuals, united only by a passive contemplation of the spectacle.
Nearby at the new Eagle Lake reserve, we found some late wintering Bronzed cowbirds but the real spectacle were the herons and waders.
Here was a spectacle to excite the derision or pity of the gods.
The traditional design features fully waterproof multi-coated optics and retractable eyecups for spectacle wearers.
The dancers showed a high level of professionalism and excellent rhythm in a spectacle that ranged from modern type dances to classical flamenco.
All the blood & thunder, thrills & spectacle of a medieval joust.
Other attractions include koalas high in the treetops and the spectacle of thousands of Australian fur seals swimming and lazing on Seal Rocks.
Their dreams were dominated by the glorious spectacle of panic-stricken infantrymen flying before the sabers of a troop of mounted lancers.
There are also mongoose lemurs and brown lemurs to add to the spectacle.
For the larger wedding you may decide to hire another magician to ensure that everyone can join in the spectacle.
The noise, the spectacle, the looks on the faces of passers-by ranging from concern to blind panic.
Later that day there was a torchlight parade around the streets, what a spectacle that must have been.
This bizarre spectacle seems to confirm that America is becoming a military theocracy - again, a truly Medieval concept.
Outwardly the Reformation would seem to have begun when, on the 10th of December 1520, a professor in the university of Wittenberg invited all the friends of evangelical truth among his students to assemble outside the wall at the ninth hour to witness a pious spectacle the burning of the " godless book of the papal ecclesiastical state of which the bishop of Rome was head.
Rome, however, had greater dangers to cope with than the indignant reproofs of her friends the monks, and the opposition Growth of of the bishops, who were displeased at the spectacle of their authority waning day by day.
The faces in the crowd that gathered to watch this spectacle displayed various degrees of shock, curiosity, disgust and amusement- probably all of the responses Cohen hoped to provoke.
In Filelfo and Valla Poggio found his match; and Italy was amused for years with the spectacle of their indecent combats.
The women's coxed fours B category produced a messy spectacle.
Artaud's criterion of spectacle is sensory violence, not sensory enchantment; beauty is a notion he never entertains.
Whether you plan to watch a parade from the comforts of your own home or head out to see the spectacle in person, you should follow a few pointers to make the most of your parade experience.
In 306 the emperor Constantine the Great caused multitudes of Frankish prisoners to be thrown to the beasts here, and in 313 made a similar spectacle of the captive Bructeri.
Pico's works cannot now be read with much interest, but the man himself is still interesting, partly from his influence on Reuchlin and partly from the spectacle of a truly devout mind in the brilliant circle of half-pagan scholars of the FlOrentine renaissance.
Spectacle wearers Most binoculars today are fitted with soft rubber eyecups.
In retirement she could devote herself wholly to art and science, and the opportunity of astonishing the world by the unique spectacle of a great queen, in the prime of life, voluntarily resigning her crown, strongly appealed to her vivid imagination.
The sok presents a lively spectacle, especially upon Thursdays and Sundays.
The spectacle of an Eastern despot apparently advancing on the lines of European progress was in itself as astonishing as new.
The spectacle of the adoration of the pope at Bologna impressed him strongly in an anti-papal direction.