Specialized Sentence Examples
The classification into epithelial organs, connective tissues, and the more specialized muscle and nerve, was largely due to him; and he proved the presence of neuroglia in the brain and spinal cord, discovered crystalline haematoidine, and made out the structure of the umbilical cord.
People specialized, technology advanced, and as a result, men walked on the moon.
He specialized in them.
Highly specialized air-sacs are characteristic of all birds.
The drugs used by the physicians and apothecaries were purchased from the grossarii or sellers in gross, who were subsequently called 'grocers, some of whom specialized as druggists and others as chymists or chemists.
Finding specialized unusual scholarships can be a challenge.
They are unlikely to know the specialized vocabulary you use.
Like the Tavistock Institute's more specialized occasional group psychotherapy courses, the ' Midlands Course ' is not professionally validated.
The Diptera Orthorrhapha include the more primitive and less specialized families such as the Tipulidae (daddy-long-legs), Culicidae (gnats or mosquitoes), Chironomidae (midges), Mycetophilidae (fungus-midges), Tabanidae (horse-flies), Asilidae (robber-flies), &c. The Diptera Cyclorrhapha on the other hand consist of the most highly specialized families, such as the Syrphidae (hover-flies), Oestridae (bot and warble flies), and Muscidae (sensu latiore - the house-fly and its allies, including tsetse-flies, flesh-flies, Tachininae, or flies the larvae of which are internal parasites of caterpillars, &c.).
Highly specialized experts are a few keystrokes away and can be hired for just a few minutes or hours at a time.
AdvertisementExternal tympaniform membranes exist, with great variations, between the specialized one or two last tracheal and some of the first bronchial rings.
The Tracheophonae among the Passeriformes, the possessors of this specialized although low type of syrinx, form a tolerably well-marked group, entirely neotropical.
When Leland Stanford, Jr., University was opened in 1891 he entered with the first class and specialized in geology and engineering, supporting himself by working at various jobs in free hours.
The first figure is the generalized type, the second the male and the third the female specialized arrangements.
There are no specialized circulatory, respiratory or excretory organs.
AdvertisementIn specialized forms these pulmonary sacs are wholly or partly replaced by tracheal tubes.
Besides the Royal Infirmary there are a considerable number of more or less specialized institutions, two of the most important being situated at Craiglockhart.
Other museums are Sir John Soane's collection in Lincoln's Inn Fields and the Museum of Practical Geology in Jermyn Street, while the scientific societies have libraries and in some cases collections of a specialized character, such as the museums of the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal Architectural Society, and the Society of Art and the Parkes Museum of the Sanitar y Institute.
Besides the Government reference libraries at the British Museum and South Kensington there are other such libraries, of a specialized character, as at the Patent Office and the Record Office.
It appears to be primarily related to the organs of attachment and to have attained greater elaboration than the rest of the nervous system because the proximal end is the most specialized and most stimulated portion of the worm.
AdvertisementAs from the " pamphlet of news " arose the weekly paper wholly devoted to the circulation of news, so from the general newspaper was specialized the weekly or monthly review of literaModern ture, antigrities and science, which, when it included Magazines.
Periodicals have been specialized in Germany to an extent perhaps unequalled in any other country.
The snakes are the most highly specialized branch of the Sauria or Squamata, i.e.
The non-poisonous kinds of ground snakes are the typical and least specialized snakes, and more numerous than any of the other kinds.
The 1300 to 1400 species contain terrestrial, arboreal and aquatic forms, many of which are highly specialized.
AdvertisementThe "powers" (numina, not dei), which thus become the objects of worship, are spirits specialized in function and limited in sphere.
The epidermis is continuous except where stomata or spaces bounded by specialized cells communicate with intercellular spaces in the interior of the leaf.
Specialized articles focus on popular styles, including updosand bridal hairstyles.
Hair loss is specialized, and it is always best to consult an experienced physician before you investigate the realm of available drugs, supplements, and products.
Getting hair extensions is a time-consuming, expensive process, and many people feel more comfortable visiting exclusive hair extension salons for the specialized service.
This specialized product line is suited to thinning hair and employs a regimen of thickening, strengthening, and rejuvenating formulas to help combat hair loss.
It's a mistake to believe that an updo hairstyle requires a lot of specialized equipment or products.
In the middle Eocene formations of North America occurs the more specialized Uintatherium (or Dinoceras), typifying the family Uintatheriidae, which also contains species sometimes Restored skeleton of Uintatherium (Dinoceras) mirabile.
The relationship of the Hymenoptera to other orders of insects is discussed in the article Hexapoda, but it may be mentioned here that in structure the highest members of the order are remarkably specialized, and that in the perfection of their instincts they stand at the head of all insects and indeed of all invertebrate animals.
The true wasps have the fore-wings folded lengthwise when at rest and the fore-legs of normal build - not specialized for digging.
Finally, we have in the Pliocene of India the genus Tetraconodon, remarkable for the enormous size attained by the bluntly conical premolars; as the molars are purely bunodont, this genus seems to be a late and specialized survivor of a primitive type..
Though richly endowed with saving common sense, the queen was not specially remarkable for high development of any specialized intellectual force.
The question, however, remains to be settled how far the officials and their functions, which in the much more highly developed civilization of Babylonia came to be differentiated and specialized, can be strictly included under the functions of priesthood.
The relationship with Aepyornis of Madagascar is still problematic. Whilst the moas seem to have been entirely herbivorous, feeding not unlikely upon the shoots of ferns, the kiwis have become highly specialized wormeaters.
The body-wall is highly muscular and, except in a few probably specialized cases, possesses chitinous spines, the setae, which are secreted by the ectoderm and are embedded in pits of the skin.
Such an agreement in the structure of so complicated and specialized an apparatus can only be the result of a community of descent of the families possessing it.
It is certain that the snakes have been evolved as a specialized branch from some Lacertilian stock, and that both "orders" are intimately related, but it is significant that it is only through the degraded members of the 1 For the etymology of this word, see Crocodile.
As we approach the tropics, the variety of forms and the number of individuals increase, the most specialized and developed forms, and also the most degraded, being found in the tropics.
Xenosaurus seems to be an offshoot intermediate between the Iguanidae and the Anguidae; a degraded form of latter is perhaps Aniella of California, whilst Heloderma and Lanthanotus are also specialized and isolated offshoots.
He especially pointed out the laws of the " extinction of the specialized " and " survival of the non-specialized " forms of life, and challenged Darwin's principle of selection as an explanation of the origin of adaptations by saying that the " survival of the fittest " does not explain the " origin of the fittest."
The trochus forms the powerful currents for locomotion, and for the supply of food material, while the cingulum produces a local current round the upper rim of the corona to bring the food particles direct to the mouth, which is displaced through a postero-ventral gap in the trochus to lie behind the disk, just as occurs in the more specialized Ciliata.
At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking.
These more specialized actions are most typically seen in the Divining Rod (q.v.; see also Table-Turning), which indicates the presence of water and is used among the uncivilized to trace criminals.
In the absence of cerci the Corrodentia are more specialized than the Isoptera and Plecoptera, but some of them show a more primitive character in the retention of vestigial maxillulae - the minute pair of jaws that are found behind the mandibles in the Aptera.
It was present in the ancestral mollusc, occurs in nearly all archaic types, and is only absent in the most specialized forms, in which it has evidently been lost; these forms are certain Neomeniomorpha, all the Lamellibranchia, various degenerate Gastropoda, and the Cirrhoteuthidae among Cephalopods.
The least specialized genus is Zapus, containing the jumping-mice of North America, with one outlying Siberian species, in which the five metatarsals are free, as are also the cervical vertebrae, the small upper premolar being retained.
Limnomys, from New Guinea, is a type less specialized for swimming, the hind-feet being much less twisted than in Hydromys, and not so fully webbed.
Still less specialized are Chrotomys and Xeromys, which include Philippine land-rats, while Crunomys, from the sane area, retains the third molars, and thus connects the group with the Murinae.
Many of them, like ungulates, are specialized for swift running, and have unusually long limbs, with ridges developed on the articular surfaces of the lower bones; the clavicles are more or less reduced; the thorax is more compressed than usual, with a narrower breast-bone; and there is a marked tendency to the reduction or loss of the lateral toes, more especially in the hind limb.
In the highly specialized mastoid region of the skull, the North American Oligocene Protoptychus approaches to Dipopodomys, while the contemporary Gymnoptychus and Entoptychus likewise appear referable to the Geomyidae.
The still larger North American Pleistocene Castoroides, known by one species of the size of a bear, and the allied West Indian Amblyrhiza, appear to be specialized beavers, although they have been referred to a family by themselves.
Whether there is any relationship with the Hyracoidea cannot be determined until we are acquainted with the forerunners of Arsinoitherium, which is evidently a highly specialized type.
One end of the body, through contact, during locomotion, with fresh tracts of medium and other forms of stimuli, has become more specialized than the rest, and here the nervous system and sense-organs are more densely aggregated than elsewhere, forming a means of controlling locomotion and of correlating the activities of the inner organs with the varying stimuli that impinge upon the body.
The yolk prepared by the latter is conducted by one or more specialized ducts to the oviduct and the point of union is distinguished by the opening of a " shell-gland " which secretes a membrane around the conjoined mass of ovum and yolk.
From such beginnings the evolution of the Turbellaria leads first through the Acoelous forms in which the central syncytium is partly differentiated into digestive, muscular and skeletotrophic tissue, then to the more specialized Rhabdocoela, and so through the Alloeocoela to the Triclads and finally to the Polyclads.
But it is probable that both he and his sister Freyia were really specialized forms of a divinity which had once been more widely known.
The trade with the Far East, which, though not very large for any one market, is important in the aggregate, is a good deal specialized, and since the 1 000 omitted.
As a group the Snipes are in several respects highly specialized.
Moreover, although the green portions of the flower do indeed perform the same office as the leaves, the more highly coloured and more specialized portions, which are further removed from the typical leaf-form, do not carry on those processes for which the presence of chlorophyll is essential; and the floral organs may, therefore, in a rough sense, be said to be parasitic upon the green parts.
There are no well-marked specialized ganglia in the central nervous system, nerve-cells being distributed uniformly along the cords.
According to Paul Pelseneer the Polyplacophora are the most archaic, the Aplacophora being specialized in (1) the great reduction of the foot, (2) the disappearance of the shell (Cryptoplax among the Polyplacophora showing both reductions in progress), (3) the disappearance of the radula.
A form which is primitive on the whole may show a more advanced stage of evolution in some particular system of organs than another animal which is on the whole more highly developed and specialized.
Among the schools which give specialized instruction, mention must be made of the admirable trade schools (ambachtsscholen) established in 1861, and the corresponding industrial schools for girls; the fishery schools and schools of navigation; the many private schools of domestic science, and of commerce and industry, among which the municipal school at Enschede (1886) deserves special mention; and the school of social work, " Das Huis," at Amsterdam (1900).
On this basis, with other interesting morphological comparisons, Brefeld erected his hypothesis, now untenable, that the Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes diverge from the Zygomycetes, the former having particularly specialized the ascus (sporangial) mode of reproduction, the latter having specialized the conidial (indehiscent one-spored sporangiole) mode.
But we may refer generally here to certain phenomena peculiar to these plants, the life-actions of which are restricted and specialized by their peculiar dependence on organic supplies of carbon and nitrogen, so that most fungi resemble the colourless cells of higher plants in their nutrition.
The terms biologic forms, biological species, physiological species, physiological races, specialized forms have all been applied to these; perhaps the term biologic forms is the most satisfactory.
On each of these host-plants the fungus has become specialized so that the form on barley cannot infect the other three cereals or the wild grasses and so on.
The specialized use of the word as implying not only age, but consequently wisdom and authority, is analogous to that of "senate" (from senior), of "gerousia" (from yEpcov), and of "elder."
Of the more specialized public arboreta in the United Kingdom the next to Kew are those in the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh and the Glasnevin Garden in Dublin.
Polygordius differs from Protodrilus and Saccocirrus in the absence of a distinct suboesophageal muscular pouch, and in the absence of a peculiar closed cavity in the head region, which is especially well developed in Saccocirrus, and probably represents the specialized coelom of the first segment.
Under the New Empire, when Egypt was almost a military stte, the army was a more specialized institution, the art of war in siege and strategy had developed, divisions were formed with special standards, there were regiments armed with battle-axes and scimitars, and chariots formed an essential part of the host.
The Cutleriaceae exhibit a heterogamy in which the female sexual cell is not highly specialized, as it is in the groups already described.
The female sexual cell is represented by the contents of a cell which is terminal on ordinary or specialized branches.
In a whole series of Red Algae, the existence of a highly specialized auxiliary cell in the neighbourhood of the carpogonium is a characteristic feature.
They are, therefore, a specialized feature, which has only recently attained its full development.
In virtue of a Continuation Class code, technical and specialized education is given in day and, chiefly, evening classes in various centres, the principal being the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh; the Edinburgh and East of Scotland College of Agriculture; the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College; the Glasgow School of Art; the Glasgow Athenaeum Commercial College; the West of Scotland Agricultural College; the Dundee Technical Institute; Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen; the Edinburgh Royal Institution School of Art, and the Edinburgh School of Applied Art; but wellequipped classes are held in most of the large towns, and several county councils maintain organizers of technical instruction.
From the Mid-Miocene to the Oligocene of France are known several species of Palaelodus, Elornis and Agnopterus, which have relatively shorter legs, longer toes and a complicated hypotarsus, and represent an earlier family, less specialized although not directly ancestral to the flamingos.
It can scarcely be doubted that in spite of the powerful objections that have been advanced against examinations, they are, in the view of the majority of English people, an indispensable element in the social organization of a highly specialized democratic state, which prefers to trust nearly all decisions to committees rather than to individuals.
Statue-founding is a highly specialized department of metal-work, in which the artists of the middle ages excelled.
Nutand bolt-making machinery, both for forging and screw cutting, operates automatically, and drilling machinery is highly specialized.
The differentiation of queen and workers is correlated with the habit of storing food supplies, and the consequent permanence of the community, which finds relief for its surplus population by sending off a swarm, consisting of a queen and a number of workers, so that the new community is already specialized both for reproduction and for labour.
There are two pairs of specialized cerebral nerves innervating the praeoral lobe, and provided with peripheral ganglia placed near the termination of the smaller branches.
The specialized use of the word as equivalent to the management of the public expenditure and receipts first became prominent in France during the 16th century and quickly spread to other countries.
Each of the visceral ganglia is connected or combined with an olfactory ganglion underlying an area of specialized epithelium, which constitutes the olfactory organ, the osphradium.
In all the Phyllopoda the number of endites is six, and the proximal one is more or less distinctly specialized as a gnathobase, working against its fellow of the opposite side in seizing food and transferring it to the mouth.
When specialized as bearers of sensory (olfactory or tactile) organs, the rami are generally elongated, many-jointed and flagelliform.
In the Phyllopoda they are for the most part all alike, though one or two of the anterior pairs may be specialized as sensory (Apus) or grasping (Estheriidae) organs.
In certain divisions of the Malacostraca more specialized organs are found which have been regarded as auditory.
It is most typically developed in the most specialized Decapoda, the Brachyura, while the more primitive groups of Malacostraca, the Euphausiidae, Penaeidea and Stomatopoda, retain the primitive order of appearance C FIG.
In other respects, however, such as the absence of paired eyes and of a shell-fold, as well as in the characters of the post-oral limbs, the Copepoda are undoubtedly specialized.
The Cirripedia are so specialized both as larvae and as adults that it is hard to say in what direction their origin is to be sought.
On the whole, man's locomotive limbs are not so much specialized to particular purposes, as generalized into adaptation to many ends.
It educated men for the public works, accounts, railways and telegraph departments of India, and included a school of forestry; but it was decided, in the face of some opposition, to close it in 1906, on the theory that it was unnecessary for a college with such a specialized object to be maintained by the government, in view of the readiness with which servants for these departments could be recruited elsewhere.
Minor and less specialized industries are numerous.
Recent discoveries have, however, established the fact that there existed in the Palaeozoic era fernlike plants which produced true seeds of a highly specialized type; this group, for which Oliver and Scott proposed the term Pteridospermae in 1904, must also be included in the Spermophyta.
The theory has been vigorously opposed, notably by Semon (op. cit.), who saw in the holothurians a nearer approach to the ancestral form than was furnished by any calyculate echinoderm, and by the Sarasins, who derived the echinoids from the holothurians through forms with flexible tests (Echinothuridae, which, however, are now known to be specialized in this respect).
The difficulty of rearing the larvae in an aquarium towards the close of the metamorphosis may account for the slight information available concerning the stages that immediately follow the embryonic. Another difficulty is due to the fact that the types studied, and especially the crinoid Antedon, are highly specialized, so that some of the embryonic features are not really primitive as regards the class, but only as regards each particular genus.
The middle cavities were smaller, and the ducts from them came to unite with those from the anterior cavities, and no longer opened directly to the exterior; whether these cavities were already specialized as water-sacs cannot be asserted, but they certainly had become so at a slightly later stage.
The genital products were derived from the lining of the coelomic cavities, but it would not be safe to say that any particular region was as yet specialized for generation.
These constituted the arms (brachia), and five definite radial plates of the theca were specialized for their support.
The stereom and stroma become arranged in folds and strands at right angles to the sutures of the thecal plates; in higher forms the stereom-folds are in part specialized as pectini-rhombs.
The precise relation is not clear, but the order in which they are here placed is believed to be from the more primitive to the more specialized.
It is true that some specialized forms, such as the Brisingidae among starfish, A strophiura and Ophioteresis among ophiurans, contravene the usual diagnoses; but this neither obscures their systematic position, nor does it alter the fact that since early Palaeozoic times these two great groups of stellate echinoderms have evolved along separate lines.
Brief reference may also be made to the morphological importance of extraordinary length or shortness in the skulls of mammals - dolichocephalism and brachycephalism; both these features being apparently characteristic of specialized types, the former condition being (as in the horse) often, although not invariably, connected with length of limb and neck, and adaptation to speed, while brachycephalism may be correlated with short limbs and an abbreviated neck.
With the exception of the Cetacea, most of the Edentata, and the Sirenia, in which the teeth, when present, have been specialized in a retrograde or aberrant manner, the placental mammals as a whole have a dentition conforming more or less closely to the foregoing type.
In different groups of mammals the dentition is variously specialized in accordance with the nature of the food on which the members of these groups subsist.
In the omnivorous type, as exemplified in man and monkeys, and to a less specialized degree in swine, the incisors are of moderate and nearly equal size; the canines, if enlarged, serve for other purposes than holding prey, and such enlargement is usually confined to those of the males; while the cheek-teeth have broad flattened crowns surmounted by rounded bosses, or tubercles.
In the specialized forms the premolars tend to become more or less completely like the molars; and, contrary to what obtains among the Carnivora, the whole series of cheek-teeth (with the occasional exception of the first) is very strongly developed.
From the Insectivora the bats, or Chiroptera, are evidently a specialized lateral offshoot; while the Dermoptera ma y be another branch from the same stock.
The more or less specialized Litopterna and Toxodontia, as severally typified by the macrauchenia and the toxodon, are, on the other hand, exclusively South American.
With the primitive five-toed Amblypoda, as represented by the coryphodon, we again reach a northern group, common to the two hemispheres; but there is not improbably some connexion between this group and the much more specialized Barypoda, as represented by Arsinoitherium, of Africa.
So long, however, as our knowledge of these phyla is confined, as at present, to specialized forms, the nature of the relationship between them must remain to some extent hypothetical.
A highly specialized means of vegetative reproduction is seen in the tubers of Phylloglossum and the embryos of some Lycopods.
G, Portion of a mature plant showing the creeping habit, the adventitious roots and the specialized erect branches bearing the strobili or cones.
A natural classification of such specialized plants can only be obtained when the extinct forms are more fully known.
The highly specialized sporocarps are borne on the basal portions of the leaves, as a rule singly, but in some species of Marsilia in numbers.
In the earliest land vegetations of which we have any sufficient record specialized forms of Equisetales, Lycopodiales, Sphenophyllales and Filicales existed, so that we are reduced to hypotheses founded on the careful comparison of the recent and extinct members of these groups.
In the more primitive forms the appendage of every post-oral somite has a gnathobase and two rami; in higher specialized forms the gnathobases may be atrophied in every appendage, even in the first post-oral.
In higher specialized forms these branchial processes become first of all limited to five segments of the mesosoma, then sunk beneath the surface as pulmonary organs, and finally atrophied, their place being taken by a well-developed tracheal system.
The lateral eyes of Crustacea are polymeniscous, with highly specialized retinulae like those of Hexapoda, and unlike the simpler compound lateral eyes of lower Arachnida.
The Hexapoda are not only all confined to a very definite disposition of the somites, appendages and apertures, as thus indicated, but in other characters also they present the specialization of a narrowly-limited highly-developed order of such a class as the Crustacea rather than a range from lower more generalized to higher more specialized forms such as that group and also the Arachnida present.
The lateral eyes of Hexapoda, like those of Crustacea, belong to the most specialized type of " compound eye," found only in these two classes.
We can gather no indication of the forefathers of the Hexapoda or of the Chilopoda less specialized than they are, whilst possessing the essential characteristics of these classes.
On the other hand, the facts that the Hexapoda and the Chilopoda have triprosthomerous heads, that the Hexapoda have the same total number of somites as the nomomeristic Crustacea, and the same number of opisthomeres in the head as the more terrestrial Crustacea, together with the same adaptation of the form of important appendages in corresponding somites, and that the compound eyes of both Crustacea and Hexapoda are extremely specialized and elaborate in structure and identical in that structure, all lead to the suggestion that the Hexapoda, and with them, at no distant point, the Chilopoda, have branched off from the Crustacean main stem as specialized terrestrial lines of descent.
The later eyes are polymeniscous, with specialized vitrellae and retinulae of a definite type peculiar to this grade.
Perhaps the most valuable of all the medicinal applications of turpentine, and one which is rarely, if ever, mentioned in therapeutic textbooks - owing to the fact that gynaecology has been so extremely specialized - is in inoperable cancer of the uterus.
They also reorganized the Albert Agricultural College at Glasnevin for young men who have neither the time nor the means to attend the highly specialized courses at the Royal College of Science; and the Munster Institute at Cork is now devoted solely to the instruction of girls in such subjects as butter-making, poultry-keeping, calf-rearing, cooking, laundry-work, sewing and gardening.
Some of these creatures are highly specialized, while the curious aye-aye (Chirornys madagascariensis), an allied form, is one of the most remarkable animals known, forming a genus and family by itself.
In each country the same succession of the rocks is met with; over both the same specialized orders of reptiles roamedand were entombed.
The tribes of the upper Nile are somewhat specialized, though here, too, are found the cylindrical hut, iron ornaments, fighting bracelets, &c., characteristic of the Sudanese tribes.
So large a proportion of the trees still belongs to the flora of North America that one is apt to overlook the fact that among the more specialized plants some of the largest American orders, such as the Compositae, are still missing from strata belonging to the Cretaceous period.
Then what can be said about words so specialized that a general translation might not convey the exact meaning?
As well as its commercial body, Remploy provides direct support through its specialized employment agency - Remploy Interwork.
The client/server architecture gives organizations the opportunity to deploy specialized servers which are optimized for handling specific data management problems.
Andrew, a qualified barrister, joined the group in 1992 having specialized in commercial law.
University courses are very specialized, yet in certain respects they are also extraordinarily broad by British standards.
All proceeds will go toward the purchase of a much needed specialized four-wheeled carriage that will enable us to take wheelchairs more easily.
Henry Hadfield Cubley specialized in Welsh and Scottish mountain landscapes, often romanticized and featuring highland cattle.
The specialized intestinal epithelial cells are rapidly replaced by mature cells, so that immunoglobulins cannot be absorbed after 24-36 hours post-birth.
For example the free swimming cercaria and miracidia use highly specialized sensory organelles to locate their hosts.
Jane and Luke will be tackling the challenge on a tandem provided by Specialized.
This suggests that we have specialized mechanisms for detecting cheats.
The HEM 700 meets the requirements of highly specialized contractors who need a powerful, heavy mobile chipper for a variety of applications.
This specialized fabric will not stain and can be wiped clean with any domestic detergent.
The LT rejected the transactions by specialists and specialized clinics as being too different both in use and type of premises.
This creates an extremely attractive market for MVNO operators that can provide unique mobile communications services with various specialized features and multimedia contents.
The school has a wide range of photography equipment including specialized darkrooms for the pupils to use.
Afterward there is a fifth year to obtain a specialized diploma, or to do specific training to become a judge or notary.
Most scallops are caught by 10 to 30 meter vessels towing between four and 20 specialized scallop dredges from each side.
Here I use aero- and hydro-dynamic theory to investigate the energetics of this highly specialized foraging technique.
Keratinocytes from the skin epidermis are functionally specialized to protect against the damaging effects of external agents, including ultraviolet (UV) light.
In this standardization, one of the hallmarks of civilization, mathematical exactitude and specialized skill go hand in hand.
With our specialized expertise in both temporary and permanent staff we can assist you whatever your needs may be.
The cereal eyespot fungus, Tapesia, forms specialized infection plaques in the tight spaces between leaf sheaths at the base of the plant.
We have a wealth of knowledge in this specialized field gained through experience in providing a range of services.
The van is manned by wholetime firefighters who have received training on the use of the specialized equipment carried.
This is the most specialized deep-water fishery on the deeper parts of the slope to the west of the British Isles.
He is a chartered forester who has specialized in the native pinewoods of the Cairngorms area.
Vitreous enamel frits The formulation of the development of the specialized glasses known as vitreous enamel frits.
Brakes For over 40 years, Brakes has specialized in developing and supplying frozen, chilled and ambient food products to the catering industry.
The South West Office of Employment sees C-FAR as a specialized gateway into New Deal and is contributing funding support.
A wide range of modern, highly specialized instrumentation is available.
During this period the traditional intermixture of workplace and dwelling was replaced by a new pattern dominated by the specialized office building.
The bearing surface of all synovial joints is made up of a very specialized material called hyaline cartilage.
In that time Keith specialized in insolvency litigation and regularly appeared as an advocate in the Royal Courts of Justice.
A sheep liver fluke has six distinct stages in its life cycle, each specialized for a different way of life.
In addition, specialized products have been produced for patients with specialized nutrient requirements eg malabsorption, renal failure, cancer cachexia.
Specialized groups of cells, called meristems, retain the ability to generate new cells throughout the lifetime of the plant.
Bronze Age It is a highly specialized foundry using the lost wax method to cast works in bronze and other non-ferrous metals.
There was 80% agreement in the definition of BO (columnar lined esophagus containing specialized intestinal metaplasia on biopsy ).
More recent adult neuropsychology, imaging, and primate neuroscience yield many insights about processing in specialized areas beyond V1.
Also important for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a specialized set of cytochromes required for respiration in the low oxygen concentration found in legume nodules.
Organelle Just as bodies have organs, which are specialized tissues that do a specific job, so cells have organelle Just as bodies have organs, which are specialized tissues that do a specific job, so cells have organelles.
Reducing oxygen also reduces bone formation by specialized cells called osteoblasts.
Specialized weight training shoe which offers comfort and support during lateral movements through having a solid rubber outsole.
They develop the physique evenly unlike some sports which require specialized use of certain muscles or muscle groups.
However among others the crosses are either unsuccessful or require specialized techniques to obtain the progeny.
He received his PhD in 1975 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he specialized in personality and experimental psychopathology.
A computing device may be either generally purposive, universal, or specialized.
A detailed knowledge of highly specialized radiology will not be required.
Object Type Watcombe Pottery were proud of their fine red clay and specialized in clean, classical shapes.
The Subs were formed in 1976 and specialized in sub three minute versions of punchy rock n roll.
Toward the monthly underinsured says Sean of specialized coverage remitting the proper.
But there was some form of professional shamanism, tho not specialized, since every old woman could shamanize.
About the Author Matthew Hutton is a non-practising solicitor (admitted 1979 ), who has specialized in tax for over 25 years.
McDougall's firm specialized in research findings and quality articles from the Indonesian media.
In the 1980's only five companies specialized in product placement, today there are over a hundred.
Bulgarian Move Ltd We are Bulgarian Move Ltd., a professional real estate agency specialized in serving UK buyers purchasing properties in Bulgaria.
Muscle Types Muscle tissue consists of fibers (cells) that are highly specialized for the active generation of force for contraction.
John has particularly specialized in the collection of stamps featuring orchids and has a wide renown for his collection.
This is our way to avoid being too specialized in a style and totally unaware of the remaining ones.
Overhead Cranes These are only found in fairly specialized warehousing operations such as metal stockholders.
Some you will no doubt want to refine by creating subclasses with more specialized behavior.
The dialog widget may be a BulletinBoard, which provides general behavior, or a specialized subclass.
Some areas of specialized knowledge such as water chemistry or radiation protection can be vital.
The main restaurant which specialized in British cuisine used bone china tableware with a narrow hop border printed in gold.
This is an area of very specialized products, including talc, industrial garnets, and zinc.
Here, because we have a more specialized form of annotation, we use more specialized terminology.
This multilingual terminology, which includes highly specialized set phrases, is the result of a laborious harmonization process among many countries.
I proved, for example, a generalized coverage theorem that specialized to both the known complete lattice and preframe versions.
The absence of specialized equipment, such as badger tongs, or delving rods for tracing tunnels.
Both bands specialized in chuggy, beefed up punk sounds but at the same time, extremely melodic and catchy toons.
Within the brain stem, the signals traveling through the trigeminal nerve reach specialized clusters of neurones called the trigeminal nerve nucleus.
Teaching takes the form of traditional lectures, specialized seminars in small and large groups, project work, and small-group tutorials.
In the second year the units become more specialized including marine vertebrates, benthic ecology and phytoplankton and primary production.
In others, however, the clogmaker was a specialized craftsman, concerned only with making wooden soled clogs.
In other cnidarian species, the planula is directly produced by specialized zooids near the stem base.
According to the latter, the early monotremes which became specialized into modern monotremes, gave rise to the ancestors of the modern marsupials; while the modern placentals are likewise an offshoot from the ancestral marsupial stcck.
With the bandicoots, or Peramelidae, we come to a family of polyprotodonts which resemble the diprotodonts in the peculiarly specialized structure of their hind limbs; an adaptation which we must apparently regard as having been independently acquired in the two groups.
This theory has been supported by the investigations of Dr Klaatsch, of the university of Heidelberg, who would, however, date Australian ancestry still farther back, for his studies on the spot have convinced him that the Australians are " a generalized, not a specialized, type of humanity - that is to say, they are a very primitive people, with more of the common undeveloped characteristics of man, and less of the qualities of the specialized races of civilization."
The origin of the Pteridophyta (q.v.) is very obscure, but it may be regarded as certain that it is not to be sought among the mosses, which are an extremely specialized and peculiarly differentiated group. Furthermore, both the hydrom and leptom of Pteridophytes have marked peculiarities to which no parallel is to be found among the Bryophytes.
Geography is a synthetic science, dependent for the data with which it deals on the results of specialized sciences such as astronomy, geology, oceanography, meteorology, biology and anthropology, as well as on topographical description.
Of the muscles of the stem or axis, those of the neck and tail are well-developed and specialized, while those of the lower back are more or less reduced, or even completely degenerated owing to the rigidity of this region, brought about by the great antero-posterior extent of the pelvis.
Since, however, although undoubtedly allied to the Diptera, they must have diverged from the ancestral stem at an early period, before the existing forms of Diptera became so extremely specialized, it seems better to regard the fleas as constituting an independent order (see FLEA).
Struthio alone still stands aloof, possibly because it is the oldest and most specialized form.
The one-sided specialization and the peculiar metallic colouring of the lateral tail feathers mark them as the extreme terms of a degenerative series, whilst the symmetry, likeness of constituent parts inter se, and absence of specialized pigment, as well as the fact that they differ little from any average feather of birds in general, mark the contour feather as primitively simple, and as the starting-point from which the highly elaborated eye-painted tail feather has gradually evolved.
The spiders are specialized and reduced in apparent complexity, as compared with the scorpions, but they cannot be regarded as degenerate since the concentration of structure which occurs in them results in greater efficiency and power than are exhibited by the scorpion.
Not only are the secreted juices of specialized cells thus set one against another in the body, whereby the various organs of the body maintain a mutual play, but the blood itself also in its cellular and fluid parts contains elements potent in the destruction of bacteria and of their secretions.
The influence of parasitism has so profoundly influenced its structure that its affinities are obscured by the development of specialized and adaptive features.
The mammoth pertains to the most highly specialized section of the group of elephants, which also contains the modern Asiatic species.
In their life-history the Homoptera are more specialized than the Heteroptera; the young insect often differs markedly from its After Weed, Riley and Howard, Insect Life, vol.
In other words, under the heading Sporozoa, as at present used, are included two entirely independent series of Protozoan parasites; the general resemblances which these exhibit are due to convergence brought about by their specialized mode of life.
You can buy portable storage, binders, portfolios and specialized storage.
Specialized classes might require extra supplies to complete the projects.
Known as Memory Keepers, the specialized collection includes coordinating guest books for showers or brag books for the grandparents.
During the late 1700s, the company expanded to include both iron and copper metal works and specialized in tools for farming.
Sizzix actually makes converters that are designed to make it easier to use other dies and embossers in their machines, although there is no need to buy the specialized equipment.
Making your own scrap paper is a great option if you need a very specialized motif for your layout.
This means you may have to buy a specialized scrapbook paper storage product in order to protect these larger sheets.
Luckily, in recent years, scrapbooking companies have begun to recognize this problem and come up with specialized storage solutions.
Most ski shops, especially specialized shops, offer adjustment of bindings.
Wisp offers specialized lessons that teach them the latest techniques and moves.
Freestyle skiing uses a specialized ski called a twin tip which allows the skier to ski forwards or backwards.
Although their regular ski and ride school has classes for all levels, at certain times of the year Squaw offers specialized clinics that are strictly for those with advanced skills who enjoy the resort's 16 steep bowls.
Meditation doesn't require specialized clothing, expensive equipment, or costly gym memberships.
Like teen girls, Teen boys get their own specialized department.
They may be more generic than specialized themes, but they can easily be customized for a specific school.
An orthodontist is a specialized dentist who treats people with teeth and jaws that may be misaligned.
There are all-around performing arts camps that do a little bit of everything, as well as more specialized camps for just one performing art, such as acting or dancing.
KidsCamps.com - This site offers specialized camps in every area of the performing arts.
A beach wedding demands specialized attire for the greatest comfort.
Another option is to generously space a smaller number of layers with longer columns or specialized wedding cake stands designed for greater height.
Specialty chocolatiers may even offer truffles in the shape of tiered wedding cakes, or other specialized shapes such as butterflies or shells may be perfect for different wedding themes and destinations.
These programs are for people who have serious abuse problems and who may need specialized treatments or drugs as part of recovery.
Women's addiction treament centers strive to provide a specialized, nuturing environment where women can work through their recovery and related issues under the guidance of qualified therapists and medical personnel.
These tend to be found at more specialized locations.
For a specialized decorating item like this, you will most likely have better luck shopping online.
For this reason, shopping for something as specialized as a boys' dress suit is sometimes better undertaken online.
Depending on the style of dress you need, you may only need to find a general fancy dress seller; for more specialized outfits, a pageant dress site may have what you need.
You can even find specialized frocks such as Bat Mitzvah dresses and pageant gowns.
Boutique shopping can open you up to a world of unique items, but these specialized clothing stores are not available in all areas.
Whether you go for the specialized online shops mentioned here, head out to the local children's clothing store, or shop a department store like Wal-Mart or K-Mart, keep your desired usage of the tights in mind while shopping.
You have adjustable sides and adjustable straps to make a specialized fit, and overalls usually last long enough to be handed down to family or friends.
They carry specialized merchandise and limited styles.
Your child's need for specialized tennis gear will also depend on the level and depth of her involvement in the sport.
Available courses range from general education requirements to specialized graduate courses.
Some scholarships are based not on applications and essays, but on contests or specialized quizzes, while others may demand portfolios or post-award participation in conferences or workshops.
Students of Hospitality High School in Washington, D.C. can take advantage of a specialized Pepsi Scholarship Fund.
Some schools specialize, so be sure to check out what specialized degree programs they offer.
The school features more than 34 undergraduate and graduate degree programs and 122 areas of specialized study. 29,000 learners from all over the United States and the world make up the student body.
Individual colleges within the university have specialized accreditation with different organizations.
Some programs require specialized testing for enrollment.
Students attending PPCC enjoy a high-rated education and numerous opportunities whether they are seeking career advancement, specialized training or general courses towards a higher degree.
Some programs have specialized admission requirements, particularly those in high-demand fields such as basic law enforcement training, truck driver training and the zoo and aquarium programs.
The north campus is 35,000 square feet and has space for classrooms, specialized education rooms, and career-preparatory centers.
Kirkwood Training and Outreach Services works with businesses to create specialized training programs for their workers.
For some, the idea of training for such a specialized field on the Internet might still seem a bit taboo.
Accreditation of a college is an accreditation of the overall school while program accreditation is an independent or specialized form of accreditation.
Independent or specialized accreditation is offered by independent or private organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) with regard to programs that credential students in an area of specialization.
Most colleges and universities that obtain specialized or independent accreditation will also be accredited regionally or nationally.
Reading and literacy is unique as a subject area because unlike more specialized topics, it is useful in almost every academic division, ranging from mathematics to the arts.
There are also a number of universities that offer specialized doctorate degrees such as Westbrook University.
If the course is specialized, then students may be required to complete more courses that focus on the area of specialization.
Graduate students are seeking specialized degrees in a variety of areas from business to psychology to education to medicine and more.
The more specialized a degree is, the more demanding the educational materials and assignments will be.
In addition to general topics, most online universities offer specialized certificate programs, associate's degrees, or vocational courses designed to train students in specific occupations.
That's partly because there are fewer doctoral students than there are bachelor's or master's students, but it's also due to a common need for doctoral students to be on site with access to research equipment or specialized resources.
The best physical education instructors make it fun for their students whether it's games in elementary school, or specialized instruction at upper levels, such as dance, gymnastics, weight lifting and more.
It can be difficult to find distance learning property management courses because it's such a specialized field.
If the spiritual focus of a Christian college is for you, taking advantage of both specialized resources and general college search advice will help you explore your options while you avoid wasting time considering unaffiliated schools.
Various "home colleges" partnered with CCCOnline allow them to offer a wide range of courses that can be combined to create specialized programs; advisors are on hand to help develop degree paths.
Many of the tasks that paralegals perform require specialized knowledge and education and, as such, many law firms who hire paralegals want to see that job candidates have the proper credentials.
It's meant to provide training and specialized education in the field, so depending on the program that you choose, you can expect to spend a number of years earning the credits.
The school combines general education courses with specialized technical instruction and professional training.
In addition to offering specialized courses in those topics, the Art Institute has a general education curriculum that is designed to give students a broad base of knowledge from which to work.
Specialized adventure sailings are also scheduled to exotic destinations, such as the Galapagos Islands, Antarctica, and the Arctic.
While standard aerobics classes are complimentary, specialized classes such as Pilates and yoga do require an additional fee.
Both Alaskan Cruises and Hawaiian voyages are specialized itineraries that focus on several ports of call within those destinations.
Furthermore, many ships offer additional services for children such as cookies on their beds at night, specialized children's menus, and a waterslide for hours of fun in the pool.
While specialized spa services are not included in the cruise price, many ships do offer a whirlpool, sauna, or other simple spa features for free use.
Prior to sailing, the cruise line will provide passengers with a suggestion list of specialized clothing and gear that may be necessary for them to fully participate in the destinations.
A small ship, on the other hand, will likely have the entire menu prepared from local recipes and ingredients specialized to each region it visits, offering guests a far more detailed cultural experience.
There are dozens of different types of cruise ship jobs available, including everything from highly specialized, demanding professional positions to more low key, entry level vacancies.
To find one of these specialized cruises, interested passengers should conduct online searches through reputable cruise agents.
Additional themes may focus on art, romance, specialized history, the Crusades, and other uniquely Mediterranean adventures.
While many lines travel at this time of the year, not as many do a specialized package.
What's more, the types of positions they are looking to fill are a bit more specialized than those offered on larger cruise ships.
Most pet supply stores offer specialized carpet and spot cleaners that help neutralize odors and remove any sign of a stain.
Over time you can accumulate the toys and specialized bedding, but you want to make sure that your dog's health and safety are always your first priority.
If the recipient has a favorite breed, specialized toy stores may be able to find that particular stuffed dog, while online stores and auctions may also have more unique choices available.
However, truly high grade dog food is very expensive to produce, and before the recall many dog owners weren't willing to pay the high cost per bag of a specialized brand.
These specialized service dogs are professionally trained to assist people with psychiatric conditions.
Assist in a medical emergency -Dogs may be trained to bring the phone to the handler, answer the door or even dial 911 through specialized K-9 rescue phones.
Humidity controls and heating or cooling systems are for specialized gardens or climates.
Add compost, soil amendments and specialized tomato fertilizer to prevent this disease and be sure to water tomato plants regularly and evenly throughout the growing season.
Guitar Center opened in southern California in 1959 as a music store that originally specialized in organs.
Unless you have an extensive background in woodworking, you're going to need specialized training.
One helpful site for specialized light systems is Rejuvenation.com.
Once the dealer takes the appropriate measurements, the unit is manufactured at a specialized factory.
Products purchased for these specialized applications can be marked and handled differently from residential or retail consumer plumbing fixtures and products.
Motion lights do not have to be specialized light fixtures.
Track lighting is an excellent accompaniment to general lighting, but is often too focused and specialized to provide the only illumination in a room.
These chain-style necklaces do not have a pendant or charm, but instead the birthstones or specialized beads are worked directly into the chain.
This may be a bit trickier with initial rings as the market is more specialized.
Celtic jewelry, including gem earrings, can be found at specialty boutiques and through specialized Celtic jewelry designers.
Claddagh bracelets and other Celtic jewelry can be difficult to find outside of specialized ethnic jewelry boutiques, but many online jewelry stores offer claddagh designs.
The Aristocrat offers a specialized Pantone Color System that has 929 customized color choices for your personalized bracelets.
If you've bought some really good stuff, donate it to consignment stores or specialized thrift shops like Out of the Closet.
Ames Walker also has specialized dress socks that give extra support to the calves or padding on the sole to help people who are on their feet a lot.
The company's site also has many helpful tips for saving seeds and specialized growing techniques.
This is particularly good way to find products that might otherwise be difficult to find, for instance for very specialized or regional products.
At the time, the store specialized in clothing for both men and women.
This eliminates the need for a specialized bra and the possibility of a bra not working with the top style you choose.
If you are a petite or tall plus size, look for retailers that carry those specialized sizes.
They need specialized mechanics to work with them since the many of the parts are electrical in nature.
Additional specialized training is required for many workers, such as forklift operators and individuals who work in confined spaces.
There are specialized communities for seniors located in many different locations.
Other nearby services may include specialized therapists and other health care professionals, shopping and restaurants, and parks with walking trails and play equipment for grandchildren.
Elder law takes its name from the age group of clients that specialized attorneys serve.
People who are interested in finding a specialized attorney for seniors have a number of options available to them.
As the population ages, there will be an even greater need for lawyers with this specialized knowledge.
Others enable patients to receive specialized assistance for a particular condition, such as Alzheimer's.