Specialization Sentence Examples
In the latter a further specialization is shown in the fusion of the body segments.
And in this efficiency that is generated by specialization, wealth is created.
This expansion of interest has intensified specialization.
Specialization will come later once the fishery has developed, for at the moment it is all very exploratory.
Independent or specialized accreditation is offered by independent or private organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) with regard to programs that credential students in an area of specialization.
The whole subject of entrance scholarships at English schools and universities, and especially their tendency to produce premature specialization, has recently been much discussed.
The anterior antennae are fused with the anchoring attachment, whilst the posterior pair is vestigial, and the appendages of the mouth and body present various degrees of degeneration and specialization.
The MSc in Economics and econometrics, which has a specialization in advanced econometrics and a choice from a set of further econometrics options.
The trend away from mixed farming toward specialization reduced farmland biodiversity.
But today, trade is encouraged by specialization.
AdvertisementAt Clemson University, the core requirements for the MBA consist of 16 foundation and core courses, with the remaining required courses geared towards a specialization.
There are many prospective students who learn over time that a regular MBA is better suited for their needs, and the specialization in understanding the business of health care does not in fact further their career goals.
Differentiation means the development and the specialization as organs of various parts of the body.
The solid palpless mandible such as we now see in some Arthropoda is, necessarily, a late specialization.
Given the pastoral bias of the city's immediate hinterland, the most important area of specialization was leather manufacture in almost every branch.
AdvertisementIn the Oxalis genus there is much specialization of forms, which is geared to ensuring that outbreeding occurs.
The one-sided specialization and the peculiar metallic colouring of the lateral tail feathers mark them as the extreme terms of a degenerative series, whilst the symmetry, likeness of constituent parts inter se, and absence of specialized pigment, as well as the fact that they differ little from any average feather of birds in general, mark the contour feather as primitively simple, and as the starting-point from which the highly elaborated eye-painted tail feather has gradually evolved.
These indicate unusual capacity for crushing or grinding; while the last premolar is a crushing implement, which has reached the highest degree of specialization known in Rodentia.
Interior designers' salaries are often determined based upon not only their education and experience, but also on their specialization.
Some schools offer certificate and specialization programs for graduates who need continuing education but don't wish to earn an additional college degree.
AdvertisementThe school features 49 degree programs, 110 specialization areas and the top honors program in the state of Florida.
The typical requirements for a music major in any specialization are heavy in music theory and history.
The accounting MBA is a business administration degree that has an accounting specialization.
The doctorate demonstrates knowledge of business applications, management and specialization.
If the course is specialized, then students may be required to complete more courses that focus on the area of specialization.
AdvertisementEach specialization is geared towards a specific objective.
With so many fields that benefit from specialization in public health, the varying backgrounds can improve post-graduate success in their areas of concentration.
Depending on your career aspirations and previous education, there are several paralegal online degree programs available that provide in-depth descriptions of classes and areas of concentration and specialization.
Working for the Disney Cruise Line is similar to other cruise lines, but with Disney's added guest service specialization that can add an element of magic to every passenger's experience.
Starting in September 2005, MSU is offering a new specialization program in video games, in response to the ever-burgeoning video game industry.
On the other hand, if you are very technical and enjoy programming, you may want to consider a school that offers video game design specialization within a computer science curriculum.
Budding video game animations may want to look into the character animation specialization at Cal Arts in Valencia, California.
Based out of Taiwan, High Tech Computer (HTC, for short) manufactures a wide range of mobile handsets with a distinct specialization in smartphones and PDA phones that run in a Windows-based environment.
Broca suggested that people's handedness was the opposite of their language-specialized hemisphere, so that a person with left-hemisphere language specialization would be right-handed.
Between 70 and 90 percent of humans have language specialization in their left hemispheres.
The remainder may have right-hemisphere specialization or no real distinction between the two hemispheres in language specialization.
Choosing the proper product line is then just a matter of matching up the hair's properties to the line's specialization.
This particular chain is subtly male-oriented, specializing in efficient men's cuts and styles for both boys and active men, though with approximately 35 percent of the salons' clients being female, that specialization is not exclusive.
You can search by specialization or location and also receive email notifications with jobs you may be interested in.
Within the criminal justice umbrella of degree programs is often a specialization in crime scene investigation.
Kate and her team of instructors perform on-site training with a specialization in soft-skills.
This can be a very lucrative area of specialization for freelance writers who want to use their talents to help nonprofit organizations.
An artist may specialize in a certain style of tattoo, and that specialization may not be the same style you want.
Yoga teachers with new styles are in high demand, and baby yoga teacher training is a somewhat new specialization that allows instructors to become certified teaching babies and toddlers.
Whether you want to be registered, certified, or both, baby yoga is a new enough specialization that certifications and qualifications are few.
Completing a specialized baby yoga program allows you to add the specialization of baby yoga to your course offerings and to your areas of expertise.
There is a 100-hour teacher training preparation course, followed by the 200-hour certification and the 500-hour certification (both accredited by the Yoga Alliance), as well as specialization courses.
A teacher who specializes in a certain type of yoga instruction, experience level, or client should also give a concise description of this specialization, as it will set them apart.
Unless you have been studying a specific yoga specialization for an extended period of time, it may be best to go with a general or Hatha Yoga teachers' training.
Specialization may help a staffing business excel.
If you use a native French speaker, they should have a credential in the area of specialization, such as law.
Niche market specialization with Mercury allows for proper claims, underwriting and special needs of certain insured vehicles and companies.
Since they don't have to appeal to a mass audience, online stations can offer specialization you won't find on your local airwaves.
Podcasts offer the specialization of Internet radio stations to an even greater degree.
This is a great option for individuals who want to upload photos on a regular basis without extensive formatting or specialization.
For a site that relies on Google Services, this specialization might be a key selling point for your site.
The greater or less evolution and specialization of the metasomatic carapace appears to be the most important basis for classification - but this has not been made use of in the latest attempts at drawing up a system of the Trilobites.
Of the 33,104 farms in the state in 1900, 25,982 were farmed by their owners, 1373 by part owners, 314 by owners and tenants, 2424 by cash tenants, 2396 by share tenants, and 615 by managers; 637 farms had more than 500 acres, 3431 were between 260 and 500 acres, 5512 between 175 and 260 acres, 10,215 between 100 and 175 acres, 6513 between 50 and 100 acres, 3511 between 20 and 50 acres, and 3285 less than 20 acres; and dairy produce was the principal source of income of more than one-half of these (16,700), live stock the principal source of income of 7323 farms, and hay and grain of 2519 farms. The general sterility of the soil except along rivers and the bases of hills has made intensive cultivation always necessary, and the competition of new and rich western farm lands has made the agriculture of Vermont develop further toward specialization in dairying and raising live stock.
The specialization which accompanies the division of labour has important geographical consequences, for it necessitates communi 1 On the influence of land on people see Shaler, Nature and Man in America (New York and London, 1892); and Ellen C. Semple's American History and its Geographic Conditions (Boston, 3903).
While the insect fauna of European countries was investigated by local naturalists, the spread of geographical exploration brought ever-increasing stores of exotic material to the great museums, and specialization - either in the fauna of a small district or in the world-wide study of an order or a group of families - became constantly more marked in systematic work.
Once you reach the site, you can narrow down the job listings by zip code or even specialization, as with the case on Career Builder.
The nervous system is remarkably concentrated in some beetles, the abdominal ganglia showing a tendency to become shifted forward and crowded together, and in certain chafers all the thoracic and abdominal ganglia are fused into a single nervecentre situated in the thorax, - a degree of specialization only matched in the insectan class among the Hemiptera and some muscid flies.
Probably nursing has been elaborated to the inevitable point of specialization, and a somewhat different preparation is needed for different branches of the art.
In all, there is a wonderful amount of specialization, though perhaps in a very straight line from generalized forms; but the affinity to Australian or Polynesian types is in many cases clearly traceable, and it cannot be supposed but that these last are of cognate origin with those of New Zealand.
Unmolested by enemies (Harpagornis, a tremendous bird of prey, died out with the Pleistocene), living in an equable insular climate, with abundant vegetation, the moas flourished and seem to have reached their greatest development in specialization, numbers, and a bewildering variety of large and small kinds, within quite recent times.
Although the Philippines are commonly held to form an eastern extension of the Indo-Malayan sub-region, there is a large amount of specialization in the fauna of the islands eastward of the Palawan group. Mammals are scarce.
A large number of representatives of the group are known from both the Old and the New World; specialization displaying itself in the later ones in the development of dermal horns over the nasal bones, either in laterally placed pairs as in some of the early forms, or in the median line, either single or double.
In fact, the whole history of the Platyelmia is marked by a great specialization of the reproductive evolutionary history, accompanied by a simple somatic line of evolution.
A similar specialization has been observed by Marshall Ward in the Puccinia parasitic on species of Bromus, and by Neger, Marchal and especially Salmon in the Erysiphaceae.
A study of their geographical distribution has demonstrated that the islands may be divided into fairly well-marked groups, in each of which the birds show a degree of specialization closely correlated with diversity of environment and completeness and probable duration of separation from adjacent groups.
For the 18th century the only calendars are the Home Office Papers and the Treasury Books and Papers, the further specialization of government having made it necessary to differentiate domestic state papers into several classes.
The question as to the ethnic affinities of the pre-dynastic Egyptians is still unsolved; but they may be regarded as, in the main, Hamitic, though it is a question how far it is just to apply a name which implies a definite specialization in what may be comparatively modern times to a people of such antiquity.
The muscles of the limbs show a great amount of specialization, away from the fundamental reptilian and mammalian conditions.
The specialization of form in the constricted abdomen and in the suctorial " tongue " that characterizes the higher families of the order is correlated with the habit of careful egg-laying and provision of food for the young.
Such " workers " are essential to the formation of a social community of Hymenoptera, and their wingless condition among the ants shows that their specialization has been carried further in this family than among the wasps and bees.
The township's principal industry is the manufacture of cotton goods, the value of which in 1905 ($4,621,261) was 84.1% of the value of the township's total factory products; in 1905 no other place in the United States showed so high a degree of specialization in this industry.
Within the limits of individual groups, it may be accepted as a general rule that increase in bulk or stature implies increased specialization; and, further, that the largest representatives of any particular group are also approximately the latest.
Instead of large continuous areas, in which local characteristics sometimes blend, it occupies widely dissevered territories in which specialization, intensified by long se1/2aration, hai mostly effaced the possibility of comparing species hnd even genera and compels us to seek for points of contact in groups of a higher order.
In the Coleoptera we have to do with an ancient yet dominant order, in which there is hardly a family that does not show specialization in some point of structure or life-history.
Mandibles present in pupa, vestigial in imago; maxillae suctorial without specialization; first maxillae with lacinia, galea and palp. Prothorax small.
Ancestral simplicity is more uniform, and does not co-exist with specialization and elaboration of a single organ.
Morphologically, the spiders are remarkable for the concentration and specialization of their structure, which is accompanied with high physiological efficiency.
Among still other causes are great bulk, which proves fatal under certain new conditions; relatively slow breeding; extreme specialization and development of dominant organs, such as horns and tusks, on which for a time selection centres to the detriment of more useful characters.
In 1905 it ranked sixth among the cities of the country in the amount of pottery produced, and third in the degree of the specialization of that industry.
The Hexapoda are not only all confined to a very definite disposition of the somites, appendages and apertures, as thus indicated, but in other characters also they present the specialization of a narrowly-limited highly-developed order of such a class as the Crustacea rather than a range from lower more generalized to higher more specialized forms such as that group and also the Arachnida present.
From the primitive uniform Systems. mass of undifferentiated assimilating cells, which we may conceive of as the starting-point of differentiation, though such an undifferentiated body is only actually realized in the thallus of the lower Algae, there is, (1) on the one hand, a specialization of a surface layer regulating the immediate relations of the plant with its surroundings.
Another chief feature is the extraordinary development of the cassowaries, the richness and specialization of the kingfishers, parrots, pigeons, honeysuckers and some remarkable flycatchers.
As regards the gradual specialization and development of the modern types, the following features are noteworthy.
The central authorities, which as early as the 18th century worked together in a common mother cell of the State chancery, became differentiated so soon as the growing tasks of administration called for specialization; in 1869 there were seven departments, and in the concluding decade of the Austrian Empire there were set up Ministries of Labour, Food, Public Health and Social Care.
Factorymade boots and shoes increased in value from $11,986,003 in 1890 to $23,405,558 in 1900, or 95.3%, the industry ranking first in 1900; but in 1905 there was a decrease to $22,425,700, the industry then ranking second; in 1900 the value of boots and shoes was 21.8% and in 1905 it was 18.1% of the total value of all factory products, and in no other state was the degree of specialization in this industry so great as in New Hampshire.
From a comparison of those Euchlorophyceae which have been most closely investigated, it appears probable that sexual reproductive cells have in the course of evolution arisen as the result of specialization among asexual reproductive cells, and that in turn oogamous reproduction has arisen as the result of differentiation of the two conjugating cells into the smaller male gamete and the larger male gamete.
When beetles, or medusae, or cats vary, the range of possible variation is limited and determined by the beetle, medusa or cat constitution, and any possible further differentiation or specialization must be in a sense at least orthogenetic - that is to say, a continuation of the line along which the ancestors of the individual in question have been forced.
Nevertheless, rhetoric and disputation, though at the present day strangely neglected in English schools and universities, are, within their limits, valuable instruments; and, as specialization in teaching does not necessarily imply specialization in learning, many of those who attended the lectures and the classes of a rhetorician or an eristic sought and found other instruction elsewhere.
Though the high specialization of this ancient group of plants renders the determination of their natural affinities difficult, indications are afforded by anatomy and the morphology of the strobilus.
If we obtained this ten-thousand-fold increase simply by allowing specialization and dividing work up among people, then what astronomical gains will we achieve by outsourcing that work to robots capable of working with unimaginable precision at unimaginable speed?
As in other cases where animal colonies are formed by organic union of separate individuals, there is ever a tendency for the polyp-colony as a whole to act as a single individual, and for the members to become subordinated to the needs of the colony and to undergo specialization for particular functions, with the result that they simulate organs and their individuality becomes masked to a greater or less degree.
Students of the Coleoptera have failed to agree not only on a system of classification, but on the relative specialization of some of the groups which'.
Indeed the genus Oedogonium exhibits a high degree of specialization in its reproductive system, considering that its thallus has not advanced beyond the stage of an unbranched filament.
The extension of the range of subjects to which mathematical methods can be applied, accompanied as it is by an extension of the range of study which is useful to the ordinary worker, has led in the latter part of the 19th century to an important reaction against the specialization mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
Our general conclusion from a survey of the Arthropoda amounts to this, that whilst Peripatus, the Diplopoda, and the Arachnida represent terrestrial offshoots from successive lower grades of primitive aquatic Arthropoda which are extinct, the Crustacea alone present a fairly full series of representatives leading upwards from unspecialized forms. The latter were not very far removed from the aquatic ancestors (Trilobites) of the Arachnida, but differed essentially from them by the higher specialization of the head.