Speaker Sentence Examples
There was great applause when the speaker sat down.
She faced the speaker and took a step back.
Subsequently he edited a weekly paper at Waltham, studied law and was admitted to the bar, his energy and his ability as a public speaker soon winning him distinction.
He was chosen speaker of the House in 1869 and served three terms. The House was the fit arena for his political and parliamentary ability.
On the reassembling of the diet, Count Albert Apponyi was elected speaker, and the minority seemed disposed to let the government try to govern.
Prince Andrew opened his eyes and looked up at the speaker from the stretcher into which his head had sunk deep and again his eyelids drooped.
At the opening of the Thirty-Fourth Congress the anti-Nebraska men gradually united in supporting Banks for speaker, and after one of the bitterest and most protracted speakership contests in the history of congress, lasting from the 3rd of December 1855 to the 2nd of February 1856, he was chosen on the 133rd ballot.
Horne, thereupon, by a bold libel on the Speaker, drew public attention to the case, and though he himself was placed for a time in the custody of the serjeant-at-arms, the clauses which were injurious to the interest of Mr Tooke were eliminated from the bill.
He had expressed an opinion that the true art of memory was not to be gained by technical devices, but by a philosophical apprehension of things; and the cardinal de Berulle, the founder of the Congregation of the Oratory, was so struck by the tone of the remarks as to impress upon the speaker the duty of spending his life in the examination of truth.
Sheffield, speaker of the House of Commons, were both sent to the Tower for complaining of his conduct.
AdvertisementHe was a member of Congress from 1893 to 1895, and from 1919 to 1921, being Speaker from 1911 to 1919 and minority leader thereafter; he was defeated in the election of 1920.
As a speaker Mill was somewhat hesitating, pausing occasionally as if to recover the thread of his argument, but he showed great readiness in extemporaneous debate.
He served as a Free Soiler in the Massachusetts house of representatives from 1849 to 1853, and was speaker in 1851 and 1852; he was president of the state Constitutional Convention of 1853, and in the same year was elected to the national House of Representatives as a coalition candidate of Democrats and Free Soilers.
In 1783, although he declined to re-enter the cabinet, he acted as Speaker of the House of Lords.
He also frequently came forward as a preacher and as a speaker in the House of Lords.
AdvertisementThe form may have been suggested by that of the Hebrew word for" wisdom."Koheleth, however, is employed in the book not as a title of wisdom (for" wisdom "is never the speaker), but as the independent name of the sage.
For a few months indeed Lamartine, from being a distinguished man of letters, an official of inferior rank in diplomacy, and an eloquent but unpractical speaker in parliament, became one of the foremost men in Europe.
He was, indeed, no mere orator or speaker to multitudes.
I place my hand on the hand of the speaker so lightly as not to impede its movements.
He became by a singular arrangement, only repeated in the case of Lord Ellenborough, a member of the cabinet, and remained in that position through various changes of administration for nearly fifteen years, and, although he persistently refused the chancellorship, he acted as Speaker of the House of Lords while the Great Seal was in commission.
AdvertisementHe signed a letter of complaint, with sixty-five excluded members, to the speaker, as also a "Remonstrance" addressed to the people.
But he was too little of a partisan, too widely sympathetic and candid, as well as too elaborate, to be a telling speaker in parliament, and was consequently surpassed by more practical men whose powers were incomparably inferior.
He declared himself a Tory, attached himself to Harley (afterwards Lord Oxford), then speaker, whom he now addressed as "dear master," and distinguished himself by his eloquence in debate, eclipsing his schoolfellow, Walpole, and gaining an extraordinary ascendancy over the House of Commons.
Like all the others near the speaker, Prince Andrew looked at him with shining eyes and experienced a sense of comfort.
When a female voice answered, he pressed the speaker button and the phone call became theirs.
AdvertisementLana turned to look at the speaker and craned her neck back.
In the early days of the Republican party, when the shameful scenes of the Kansas struggle were exciting the whole country, and during the campaigns of 1857 and 1858, he became known as an effective speaker and ardent anti-slavery man.
This Robert Livingston, founder of the American family, became in 1675 secretary of the important Board of Indian Commissioners; he was a member of the New York Assembly in1711-1715and 1716-1727 and its speaker in 1718-1725, and in 1701 made the proposal that all the English colonies in America should be grouped for administrative purposes "into three distinct governments."
He had married in 1905 Miss Ethel Annikin, who became well known as a speaker and writer on social subjects.
The acoustic properties of the theatre are extraordinarily good, a speaker in the orchestra being heard throughout the auditorium without raising his voice.
In 1737 he began his public career as a member of the Boston Board of Selectmen, and a few weeks later he was elected to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, of which he was a member until 1740 and again from 1742 to 1 749, serving as speaker in 1 747, 1 74 8 and 1749.
Sofia covered the speaker.
The Senate would choose its own president, and the House of Representatives its speaker; each house would make its own rules of procedure; in each, one-third of the number of members would form a quorum; the members of each must take oath, or make affirmation of allegiance; and all alike would receive an allowance of £400 a year.
In 1815 he became speaker of the house, being already recognized as the leader of the French Canadian party.
The electronic circuitry inside the speaker features a crossover.
The conference was headline by keynote speaker Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
He was nevertheless a man of respectable abilities, of an irreproachable private character, and a good speaker.
In 1843 Davis entered the field of politics as a Democrat, and exhibited great power as a public speaker.
In his later years he published an address read before the members of the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution (1868), one on Design in Nature, for the Christian Evidence Society, which reached a fifth edition, various charges and pastoral addresses, and he was one of the projectors of The Speaker's Commentary, for which he wrote the "Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels."
The operations of the army were extended in 1880 to the United States, in 1881 to Australia, and spread to the European continent, to India, Ceylon and elsewhere, "General" Booth himself being an indefatigable traveller, organizer and speaker.
In 1859 he was the Republican candidate for Speaker of the House, but was obliged, after a contest that lasted two months, to withdraw, largely because of the recommendation he had inadvertently given to an anti-slavery book, The Impending Crisis of the South (1857), by Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909).
He was elected to the lower house of the state legislature in 1858, and served four years, the last two as speaker.
In 1677 he carried an address to the king calling upon him to conclude an alliance with the United Provinces against Louis XIV., and when the Speaker adjourned the House by Charles's order Sacheverell made an eloquent protest, asserting the right of the House itself to decide the question of its adjournment.
In the judgment of Speaker Onslow, Sacheverell was the "ablest parliament man" of the reign of Charles II.
Here he served with distinction from 1855 until 1869, the last six years as speaker of the House.
The speaker system, which includes a subwoofer, is also much better than a laptop.
From 1835 to 1837 he was a member of the Virginia house of delegates; from 1837 to 1843 and from 1845 to 1847 was a member of the national house of representatives, being Speaker from 1839 to 1841; and from 1847 to 1861 he was in the senate, where he was chairman of the finance committee (1850-1861).
Having taken the speaker's chair and looked round in vain to discover the offending members, Charles turned to Lenthall standing below, and demanded of him "whether any of those persons were in the House, whether he saw any of them and where they were."
He carried on his duties as speaker without interruption till 1647, when the power of the parliament had been transferred to the army.
Lenthall and Manchester, the speaker of the Lords, headed the fugitive members at the review on Hounslow Heath on the 3rd of August, being received by the soldiers "as so many angels sent from heaven for their good."
But he put the question for the king's trial from the chair, and continued to act as speaker after the king's execution.
He was again chosen speaker, his former experience and his pliability of character being his chief recommendations.
In the second protectorate parliament, summoned by Cromwell on the 17th of September 1656, Lenthall was again chosen member for Oxfordshire, but had some difficulty in obtaining admission, and was not re-elected speaker.
Lenthall, however, had no wish to resume his duties as speaker, preferring the House of Lords, and made various excuses for not complying.
Speaker of the senate, John Collins dying in 1822.
Speaker of senate, Haslett dying in 1823.
He was an indefatigable worker and speaker, and in order to facilitate his efforts in other countries and other literatures he learnt Arabic, Norse, Danish and Dutch.
In 1913 he was speaker of the Assembly.
He also excelled as a speaker, particularly at gatherings of an international character, for in addition to his native German he could speak English, French and Italian with fluency.
Called to the bar at Nancy in 1783, he presently went to Paris, where he rapidly acquired a reputation as a lawyer and a speaker.
In politics he allied himself with the Republican party on its organization, being a frequent speaker in presidential campaigns, beginning with that of 1856.
To Cornell University, a non-sectarian institution opened at Ithaca in 1868, the state turned over the proceeds from the National land-grant act of 1862 on condition that it should admit free one student annually from each Assembly district, and in 1909 a still closer relation between this institution and the state was established by an act which makes, the governor, lieutenant-governor, speaker of the Assembly and commissioner of education ex-officio members of its board of trustees, and authorizes the governor with the approval of the Senate to appoint five other members, one each year.
Their places, however, were taken by Andrew Hamilton, speaker of the Assembly of Pennsylvania and a lawyer of great reputation in the English colonies.
In large halls the words of a speaker are echoed or reflected from flat walls or roof or floor; and these reflected sounds follow the direct sounds at such an interval that syllables and words overlap, to the confusion of the speech and the annoyance of the audience.
He was elected again in 1882 and in 1883, and at the age of twenty-four was his party's candidate for Speaker of the Assembly.
As a public speaker his style was incisive, forceful and often eloquent, although he made no effort to practise oratory as an art.
On returning to Corsica he became the leading speaker in the Jacobin club at Ajaccio.
A gradual severance took place between him and his old chief, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, until in later years he became obsessed with the idea that Laurier's policy was fatal to the best interests of Canada and especially to Quebec. A speaker of extraordinary power and fascination, both in Parliament and on the platform, even Laurier himself could not sway the French Canadians as Bourassa could; and in spite of his extreme views he was heard with respect even in the strongholds of his opponents in Toronto.
The English version, taken from the account by Joseph Livesey in the Staunch Teetotaler, January 1867, is that one Richard Turner, a Preston artisan and popular temperance speaker, declared at a meeting about 1833, that "nothing but tee-teetotal would do."
On the retirement of Mr Brand (afterwards Viscount Hampden) in 1884, Peel was elected Speaker.
Throughout his career as Speaker he exhibited conspicuous impartiality, combined with a perfect knowledge of the traditions, usages and forms of the house, soundness of judgment, and readiness of decision upon all occasions; and he will always rank as one of the greatest holders of this important office.
He represented Lincolnshire in the parliament of 1559, and Northamptonshire in that of 1563, and he took an active part in the proceedings of the House of Commons until his elevation to the peerage; but there seems no good evidence for the story that he was proposed as speaker in 1563.
The Babylonian deity Nabu (in Old Testament Nebo) is a contraction from Na-bi-u, which thus corresponds closely with the Hebrew nablti a and originally signified the speaker or proclaimer of destiny.
In 1768 he was a delegate to the provincial convention which was called to meet in Boston, and conducted the prosecution of Captain Thomas Preston and his men for their share in the famous " Boston Massacre of the 5th of March 1770., He served in the Massachusetts General Court in 1773-1774, in the Provincial Congress in 177 4-1775, and in the Continental Congress in 1 7741778, and was speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1777, a member of the executive council in 1779, a member of the committee which drafted the constitution of 1780, attorney-general of the state from 1777 to 1790, and a judge of the state supreme court from 1790 to 1804.
Miss Royden became well known as a speaker on social and religious subjects, and in 1917 became assistant preacher at the City Temple, being thus the first woman to occupy this office.
For the seven years following he was the chief speaker among the small band of anti-Imperialists in the French chamber, and was regarded generally as the most formidable enemy of the empire.
His personal appearance was remarkable, and not imposing, for he was very short, with plain features, ungainly gestures and manners, very near-sighted, and of disagreeable voice; yet he became (after wisely giving up an attempt at the ornate style of oratory) a very effective speaker in a kind of conversational manner, and in the epigram of debate he had no superior among the statesmen of his time except Lord Beaconsfield.
He at once took a lively interest in politics, and from 1829 to 1833 served in the state House of Representatives, for the last two years as Speaker.
A parallel case to Automatic Writing is the action of the speech centres, resulting in the production of all kinds of utterances from trance speeches in the ordinary language of the speaker to mere unintelligible babblings.
Flournoy has shown that these utterances may reach a higher plane and form a real language, which is, however, based on one already known to the speaker.
In1785-1788he was speaker of the Pennsylvania general assembly (then consisting of only one house); he was a member of the Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787, and president of the state supreme executive council (or chief executive officer of the state) in 1788-1790.
After successfully establishing himself as a shoe manufacturer, he attracted attention as a public speaker in support of William Henry Harrison during the presidential campaign of 1840.
The unifying force of this complicated system of committee legislation is the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The American Speaker, who of course has a vote like other members, always belongs to the party which commands a majority, and is, indeed, virtually the leader of the majority party in the House of Representatives.
Of the committee on rules, which practically determines the order in which important measures come before the house, he was formerly chairman, and he had the power of appointing the committee; but on the 19th of March 1910, the house passed a resolution which increased the membership of this committee from 5 to lo, excluded the Speaker, and transferred the appointments to the house.
As presiding officer the Speaker exercises a right of discrimination between members rising to speak in debate, and can thus advance or retard the progress of a measure.
He was elected to the Quebec legislature in 1871, and his first speech in the provincial assembly excited great interest, on account of its literary qualities and the attractive manner and logical method of the speaker.
What is clearly erroneous or faulty may as clearly be intended, and therefore not to be removed by the critic. In Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" (3455, 3457) astromie is used for astronomie, and Noe and Noel (Christmas) confused, "Nowelis flood" (345 1, 3457), because the speaker is an illiterate carpenter.
In the German Reichstag he was the leading authority on matters of finance and economics, as well as a clear and persuasive speaker, and it was chiefly owing to him that a gold currency was adopted and that the German Imperial Bank took its present form; in his later years he wrote and spoke strongly against bimetallism.
He had strong, rugged powers, was a close reasoner and a forcible speaker.
The judge shall determine " whether the member whose return is complained of, or any and what other person, was duly returned and elected, or whether the election was void," and shall certify his determination to the speaker.
Both the judges who try a petition are to sign the certificates to be made to the speaker.
The report of the judges to the speaker is to contain particulars as to illegal practices similar to those previously required as to corrupt practices; and they are to report further whether any candidate has been guilty by his agents of an illegal practice, and whether certificates of indemnity have been given to persons reported guilty of corrupt or illegal practices.
The commissioner who tries a petition sends to the High Court a certificate of the result, together with reports as to corrupt and illegal practices, &c., similar to those made to the speaker by the judges who try a parliamentary election petition.
In 1521 he was appointed treasurer of the exchequer, and in the parliament of 1523 he was elected Speaker.
As a public speaker he had an inborn Irish readiness and vehemence of expression; and, though a thorough Liberal, he split from Mr Gladstone on Irish home rule, and took an active part in politics in opposing it.
From this time until the eve of the Civil War he held no public office, but his opinions on political questions continued to be sought, and he was much in demand as a speaker on public occasions.
His commanding presence, mastery of diction, and resonant voice made him an effective platform speaker.
He was active as a campaign speaker for the Republican ticket in 1856, and in 1860 was elected to the State House of Representatives as a Republican in a strong Democratic district.
On the fall of the latter in 1529, he was made chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and the same year speaker of the House of Commons, presiding over the famous assembly styled the Black or Long Parliament of the Reformation, which abolished the papal jurisdiction.
On his return he took a curacy at Bath, and was speedily appointed to the Octagon Chapel, where his fame both as preacher and platform speaker continued to spread.
He was speaker of the House from December 1876 to March 1881, during a period marked by rancorous debates concerning the disputed Hayes-Tilden presidential election.
Hay was an excellent public speaker; some of his best addresses are In Praise of Omar; On the Unveiling of the Bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster Abbey, May 21, 1897; and a memorial address in honour of President McKinley.
He was a member of the lower house of the state legislature from 1814 to 1818, serving as speaker in the latter year; was attorney-general of the state from 1818 to 1822, and in 1823 was elected, as a Democrat, to the United States Senate.
He was acknowledged to be the finest speaker in the House of Lords.
He wrote a commentary on the first two gospels in the Speaker's Commentary.
He had become an eloquent and influential public speaker, and in 1840 and 1844 was a candidate on the Whig ticket for presidential elector.
He then studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1833, and rapidly acquired reputation as an able lawyer and a good public speaker.
Lysias excels in vivid description; he has also a happy knack of marking the speaker's character by light touches.
In 1714 Stacy sold his plantation at "The Falls" to William Trent (c. 1655-1724), speaker of the New Jersey Assembly (1723) and chief justice of the colony (1723-1724), in whose honour the place came to be called Trenttown or Trenton.
It was related how Seth had brought an accusation against Osiris in the great judgment hail of Heliopolis, and how the latter, helped by the skilful speaker Thoth, had emerged from the ordeal acquitted and triumphant.
He was not a man of exceptional inteffigence or remarkable powers of organization, but he was a fluent speaker, and could exercise some influence over the masses by a rude kind of native eloquence.
Charles Pinckney, the father, was long prominent in colonial affairs; he was attorney-general of the province in 1733, speaker of the assembly in 1736-1738 and in 1740, chief justice of the province in 1752-1753, and agent for South Carolina in England in 1 7531758.
Mr Gladstone was attracted by his vigorous ability as a speaker, and his evidence of sound political judgment; and in August 1892, though comparatively unknown to the general public, he was selected to move the vote of want of confidence which overthrew Lord Salisbury's government, and was made home secretary in the new Liberal ministry.
A few words follow as to the threefold way in which the speaker claimed to have grasped each of these Four Truths.
He was a powerful preacher and a good political speaker; from 1871 he was a member of the National Assembly, and from 1883 a senator.
Clay, who was speaker of the House of Representatives, and had for years assumed a censorious attitude toward Jackson, cast his influence for Adams and thereby secured his election on the first ballot.
In the same year he became president of the Virginia committee of safety, and in October was chosen the first speaker of the House of Delegates.
Among his many theological works may be mentioned An Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia (1877), The Spirits in Prison (1884), "The Book of Proverbs" (which he annotated in the Speaker's Commentary), the "Synoptic Gospels, Acts, and II.
He was a prolific writer, as well as a popular and eloquent speaker.
He was a "strong" speaker in his control of the proceedings, and he developed an organized committee system, making the majority of the Committee on Rules consist of the speaker and chairman of the committees on ways and means and on appropriations.
Cannon, were adopted on the 14th of February 1890; they provided that every member must vote, unless pecuniarily interested in a measure, that members present and not voting may be counted for a quorum, and that no dilatory motion be entertained by the speaker.
It was to be governed by a specially appointed committee of distinguished personages, the chairman being the Speaker of the House of Commons.
As a speaker, he was clear, logical and impressive, and on select committees his common sense was most valuable.
In1811-1817he served in the state House of Representatives, being speaker in 1815-1816, and in1817-1819was a United States senator.
Settling in Frankfort, he soon took high rank as a criminal lawyer, was in the Kentucky House of Representatives in 1825 and 1829-1832, acting as speaker in the latter period, and from 1827 to 1829 was United States district-attorney.
Reed on the third ballot in the Republican caucus for speaker of the House.
He was an able but far from brilliant campaign speaker.
Next year she supported the election of the Whig speaker, John Smith, but long resisted the influence and claims of the Junto, as the Whig leaders, Somers, Halifax, Orford, Wharton and Sunderland, were named.
They did not dream of verbal fidelity; even when they had more exact reports before them, they preferred to mould a speaker's thoughts to their own methods of presentation.
The method of direct speech, so useful in producing a vivid idea of what is supposed to have passed through the mind of the speaker, was used to give force to the narrative.
From 1837 to 1840 he was solicitor-general for the western circuit of his state; from 1843 to 1851 and from 1855 to 1857 he was a member of the National House of Representatives, becoming Democratic leader in that body in 1847, and serving as speaker in 1849-1851; from 1851 to 1853 he was governor of his state; and from March 1857 to December 1860 he was secretary of the treasury in President Buchanan's cabinet.
Henry Clay, the speaker of the house, being eager for war and knowing Calhoun's hostility to Great Britain, gave him the second place on the committee of foreign affairs, of which he soon became the actual head.
He was speaker from 1835 until 1839, when he retired from Congress to become governor of Tennessee.
He again served in the Kentucky legislature (1808-1809), was chosen speaker of its lower house, and achieved distinction by preventing an intense and widespread anti-British feeling from excluding the common law from the Kentucky code.
At thirty-four (1811) he was elected to the United States House of Representatives and chosen speaker on the first day of the session.
He thus served as speaker in 1811-1814, in 1815-1820 and in 1823-1825.
He was still living in 399 B.C. He came to Athens as ambassador from Ceos, and became known as a speaker and a teacher.
He was a member of the Vermont House of Representatives in 1854, 1855, 1857, 1858 and 1859, acting for the last two years as speaker, and was a member and president pro tern.
At the close of it the speaker (in Knox's own narrative) "said to those that were present, ` Was not this your charge to me ?
His style, if occasionally somewhat turgid, was elevated and passionate, and it always bore the impress of that intensity of conviction which is the most powerful instrument a speaker can have to sway the convictions of an audience.
The schools showed him an able and wise disciplinarian, and his patriotic orations and sermons prove him a speaker of great power.
In May 1919 he superseded Champ Clark (Democrat) as Speaker of the House, and in 1920 was a delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention.
His father was long prominent in Virginia politics, and became a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1764, opposing Patrick Henry's Stamp Act resolutions in the following year; he was a member of the Continental Congress in 1774-1777, signing the Declaration of Independence and serving for a time as president of the Board of War; speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates in 1 7771782; governor of Virginia in 1781-1784; and in 1788 as a member of the Virginia Convention he actively opposed the ratification of the Federal Constitution by his state.
His party came into power in 1801, and he was Speaker of the house from December 1801 to October 1807.
He had already shown his talents as a speaker at the funeral of Amy Robsart in 1560; and when Sir Thomas White, the founder of the college, was buried in 1564, the Latin oration fell to the lot of Campion.
Whigs, so that the choice of a Whig speaker could be secured only by the seating of the five Whigs from New Jersey rather than their Democratic rivals.
From his younger brother, Sir John Temple (1632-1704), who was speaker of the Irish House of Commons, Lord Palmerston descended.
He was a member, and several times speaker, of the Utah House of Representatives.
But the genius from which it came - the swift faculty of perception, the lofty imagination, the idealizing spirit enamoured of reality - was the secret source of all Emerson's greatness as a speaker and as a writer.
He served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1796-1797, in the National House of Representatives in 1797-1801, as district-attorney for Massachusetts in 1801, as speaker of the state House of Representatives in 1803-1805, as a member of the state Senate from 1805 to 1811, and as president of that body in 1805-1806 and 1808-1811, as a member of the United States Senate from 1817 to 1822, and as mayor of Boston in 1829-1832.
A man of refinement and education, a member of an influential family, a popular social leader and an eloquent speaker - at the age of twenty-three he was chosen by the town authorities of Boston to deliver the Independence Day oration - Otis yet lacked conspicuous ability as a statesman.
It is by some said to have been a failure, but he satisfied himself, and he soon established his place as the most brilliant speaker on the ministerial side.
He was president of the Pennsylvania convention which ratified the federal constitution, and was a member in1789-1797of the national House of Representatives, of which he was speaker in1789-1791and 1793-1795.
During 1883-7 he was Speaker of the Assembly and in 1889 and again in 1891 he was for a time Attorney General.
In parliament he was no less successful as a speaker than at the bar, and in 1852 was appointed solicitor-general for Ireland in the first administration of the earl of Derby, becoming attorney-general in 1858, and again in 1866.
McClellan was a clear and able writer and effective speaker, and his Own Story, edited by a friend and published soon after his death, discloses an honourable character, sensitive to reproach, and conscientious, even morbidly so, in his patriotism.
With a patience foreign to his impulsive nature, he submitted to minute drill in elocution, and became a fluent extemporaneous speaker.
In 1842 he joined the Reformers in the cry for constitutional government, and from 1852 to 1854 was Speaker of the house.
Though neither a fluent speaker nor bold pleader, in a very few years he was at the head of his profession.
Thus may be explained the selection of an Eleatic stranger to be the chief speaker in the latter, and of Parmenides himself to take the lead in the former.
Though he possessed a fine and flexible voice, his manner as a speaker was ineffective, and his speeches were generally ill-arranged and destitute of oratorical point.
Gladstone that he included her, in an article in the Speaker, among the foremost English poetesses of the day.
He was a member of the Democratic party, and served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1805-1808, and in1810-1812for two terms as speaker, and was a representative in Congress from December 1808 to March 1809.
When they refused to accept the excuse, he dissolved parliament, but not before a tumult took place in the House, and the speaker was forcibly held down in his chair whilst resolutions hostile to the government were put to the vote.
The speaker, instead of deciding the question, submitted it to the judgment of the House, and it was ultimately referred to a select committee, which reported against Bradlaughs claim.
It was quietly terminated, in the parliament of 1886, by the firm action of a new speaker.
Mr Peel, who had been elected to the chair in 1884, decided that neither the speaker nor any other member had the right to intervene to prevent a member from taking the oath if he was willing to take it.
By close attention to his parliamentary duties, he obtained a wide knowledge of the rules and procedure of the House of Commons, and this fact together with his intimacy with Pitt, and his general popularity, secured his election as Speaker in June 1789.
The grandfather, Arthur Middleton (1681-1737), was president of the Council in 1721-1730 and as such was acting governor in 1725-1730, and the father, Henry Middleton (1717-1784), was speaker of the Assembly in 1745-1747 and again in 1 7541 755, a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1774-1776, and its president from October 1774 to May 1775, a member of the South Carolina Committee of Safety, and in 1775 president of the South Carolina Provincial Congress.
When a room has bad acoustic quality we can almost always assign the fault to Large smooth surfaces on the walls, floor or ceiling, which reflect or echo the voice of the speaker so that the direct waves sent out by him at any instant are received by a hearer with the waves sent out previously and reflected at these smooth surfaces.
Sometimes a sounding-board over the head of a speaker improves the hearing probably by preventing echo from a smooth wall behind him.
He opposed the South African War, took a prominent part in organizing the Second International in 1900, and from that date onwards was also active, both as speaker and writer, in advocating the grant of free institutions to India.
The unit of Icelandic politics was the homestead with its franklin-owner (buendi) its primal organization the hundredmoot (thing), its tie the gooorc5(godar) or chieftainship. The chief who had led a band of kinsmen and dependants to the new land, taken a " claim " there, and parcelled it out among them, naturally became their leader, presiding as priest at the temple feasts and sacrifices of heathen times, acting as speaker of their moot, and as their representative towards the neighbouring chiefs.
He lived in quiet days a quiet life; but he shows himself in his works, as Snorri describes him, " a man wise, of good memory and a speaker of the truth."
Already his fame as a speaker had spread beyond New England, and he was much sought after as an orator for public occasions.
He was a contributor to the Speaker's Commentary, the Pulpit Commentary, Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, and various similar publications; and he was the author of the article "Herodotus" in the 9th edition of the Ency.
The same tendency was indirectly exerted by the tolerance of Athenian juries (in the absence of a presiding expert like a judge) for irrelevant matter, since it was usually easy for a speaker to make capital out of the adversary's political antecedents.
He has that power of concise and lucid narration, of terse reasoning, of persuasive appeal, which is required by the forensic speaker.
There was a sitting of 22 hours and another of 41 hours, and on the 2nd of February [From Anglo-Norman Invasion] the debate was closured by the Speaker on his own responsibility and the bill read a first time.
The Speaker's action was approved by the House generally, but acrimonious debates were raised by Irish members.
The author believed that everything he wrote was in full accordance with the mind of Moses, and would contribute to the national weal of Yahweh's covenant people, and therefore he did not scruple to represent Moses as the speaker.
He attached himself at first to the constitutional party; but he was less known as a speaker in the Assembly than as a journalist.
He was a constant speaker at the Birmingham and Edgbaston Debating Society; and when in 1868 the Birmingham Liberal Association was reorganized, he became one of its leading members.
He was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in1834-1840- for the last three years as speaker, - and in 1840 was elected to the national House of Representatives as a Whig, serving from December 1840 to 1850 (with a short intermission, April-December 1842).
He soon became prominent and was speaker of the Thirtieth Congress (1847-1849), though his conservatism on slavery and kindred questions displeased extremists, North and South, who prevented his re-election as speaker of the Thirty-first Congress.
In January 1789 he was chosen speaker of the House of Commons, but he vacated the chair in the same year on being appointed secretary of state for the home department; about the same time he resigned his other offices, but he became president of the board of control, and in November 1790 was created a peer as Baron Grenville.
His violent language in Westminster Hall about the speaker and other public men led in the following July to his arrest and committal to Newgate, whence he was discharged, however, without trial, by order of the House, in October.
In 1863 he was appointed chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, declined the professorship of modern history at Cambridge in 1869, but in the same year accepted from Mr Gladstone the deanery of Ely, and until his death on the 27th of December 1893 devoted himself to the best interests of the cathedral.
Hitherto he had only been a vigorous opposition speaker, a trenchant critic and accuser of state officials.
There is no lieutenant-governor; in case of a vacancy in the office of governor the speaker of the Senate becomes acting governor.
The best editions of the book are Kneucker's Das Buch Baruch (1879); Gifford's in the Speaker's A poc. ii.
Dr. Van Dyke was an eloquent speaker.
Fitzgerald's entry was a flat trailer, pulled by a Jeep, bedecked with appropriate flags and bunting while a tiny speaker blared America the Beautiful.
The conference speaker list was augmented by a series of guest speakers from the commercial world.
Linguistics can tell us what makes the poem incoherent, how the "speaker" is multiple, but not who the speaker is.
Ten minutes was allowed for each speaker, so even this briefing was much abridged.
There used to be a crystal set, this went to a loud speaker set, which was done by charging an accumulator.
I also use a Warwick 150 watt amplifier driving a 12 " speaker.
On the other hand another main speaker, John Wiltshire of Guinness, was by no means averse to freight exchanges.
A colored vertical bar appears alongside the window of whoever is speaking, thus giving a visual confirmation of who is the current speaker.
Either the first or the third speaker, both of whom are right, could have been the opening batsman.
Distortion free output of truly biblical proportions from a speaker that can sit in the palm of your hand.
He is a regular speaker at Data Warehouse and Data Quality seminars held bimonthly at DRI.
Sovereign immunity and legal risk Speaker to be confirmed central banks, in pursuit of governmental business, frequently enjoy sovereign immunity.
Most noticeable has always been the high-frequency roll-off that resulted from limited speaker dispersion characteristics.
Michelle is a regular media commentator on consumer trends and an experienced platform speaker.
Will the speaker sometimes exclude all non-English constituency MPs, and other times only the Scottish, or perhaps only the Welsh and Scottish?
Promotion of consumerism to local business Three Guest speaker lunches are to be arranged to promote consumerism with local business.
Therefore, interactional listening is highly contextualized and two-way, involving interaction with a speaker.
Polish teacher is responsible for teaching grammar while native speaker works on students ' speaking skills, teaching mainly conversational language and vocabulary.
Connections are also available for external loud speaker and the Icom automatic antenna coupler.
An annual dinner is held in Stoke on Trent with a guest speaker of distinction.
A moment or two ago, Mr. Speaker, when you rightly disallowed the question from my hon.
Client Comments Bang & Olufsen UK have used Perry McCarthy on many occasions as a guest speaker for our highly discerning customer network.
Sir Robin ably and disarmingly referred to his own disinclination to be a public speaker.
As a native speaker, I highly recommend this book although I should mention some drawback for non-native speakers.
Over a hypnotic drumbeat, the vocals are split and phased, comin ' at you from each speaker in a double attack.
The two contending candidates were the former speaker of the state Duma, Gennady Seleznyov (KPRF ), and General Boris Gromov.
Simply clip one part over your phones earpiece and the loud speaker onto your sunvisor, .
Sometimes, when anything particularly low escaped from the mouth of the speaker, I heard exclamations of " how low!
In the 3rd quatrain there is a change of tone, with the speaker making a direct exhortation to his beloved.
World class speakers included Jeffrey Zeldman (keynote speaker ), accessibility guru Joe Clark and designer extraordinaire Douglas Bowman.
It has a silver colored fascia with 3 buttons and a small speaker on the left of the display.
Back to top The play reveals a fascination with language, which suggests much about a speaker's shrewdness or lack of it.
A single Webster will deliver stereo fidelity by just using one speaker!
The speaker, a preaching friar, was seen from head to heel.
Rohit Talwar is an internationally renowned futurist, award winning inspirational speaker, consultant and change agent.
A. Specialist foreign language teachers; primary generalists; Native speaker etc. etc. Q. Who are the pupils?
The findings also seem to suggest more confidence that a native English speaker can teach this form of pedagogic grammar.
Under the scathing criticism of the opposition the pent-up fury of the original speaker vented itself into a fiery harangue.
Honoraria will normally only be payable to speakers from outside Northern Ireland and the maximum honorarium payable to a speaker will be £ 100.
Each speaker has a different idiolect and discourse structures are varied to match this.
Aaron James is a sporting impressionist who has gained a reputation as a first-class after dinner speaker.
All Ecosse ' speaker ' cables exhibit low resistance (which together with low inductance) ensuring smooth, musically accurate performance.
Students are required to find out about a language of their choice from a native speaker informant.
The mesh filled speaker covering serves to allow the full sound volume to be heard as well as giving some protection against dust ingress.
The speaker of the House of Representatives, Dennis Hastert, says lawmakers would hold hearings on the recommendations in the coming months.
There is a free standing lectern for one speaker and a large C-shaped table, which is ideal for several speakers.
Thus he moves beyond purely linguistic concerns to examine speech acts, speech events and role and status of the speaker and hearer.
While the votes were being counted, design luminary Michael Wolff and keynote speaker at the event praised the teams.
Voice memos can also be played back via the built-in speaker.
Unlike the translator, the interpreter renders the message in his/her mother tongue, giving the flavor, tone and convictions of the speaker.
The speaker is muted automatically when the control room muted automatically when the control room mute is active, to prevent feedback.
Our speaker is an experienced, intrepid navigator who has sailed his boat through the Baltic sea to enter the Russian system.
On several occasions, House Speaker Tip O'Neill received 5 million pieces of mail in a single day.. .
Robert is a great speaker and his talk drew many interesting parallels between the open Source movement and Renaissance Italy.
He has the arrogant patter of the policeman combined with the careful delivery of the part-time public speaker.
Motivational & After Dinner Speaker Debra's overwhelming positivity and ' go for it ' attitude are contagious, while her modesty is endearing.
The first speaker was Professor Barry Ife, acting principal of King's College London.
Develop listening skills by slowing down the native speaker to hear the correct pronunciation.
The next speaker, Rev Giles Galley -a ringer with a rather racy reputation as a raconteur -did not let us down.
You are a convincing speaker, but are not especially receptive to the ideas and opinions of others.
Prof. Sawhney is a globally recognized scholar, teacher, consultant and speaker in strategic marketing, e-business and innovation.
There's cabinet resonator, too, which recreates the sound of an amplifier's speaker cabinet.
During this time they had occupied the speaker's rostrum and the area reserved for the Standing Commission.
Was our speaker being totally honest, or was he behaving like a second-hand car salesman?
Mr Speaker, Members, I am aware that the idea of giving every schoolchild a commemorative memento has been floated.
Moral talk rarely has much effect upon its audience, because its real purpose is to make the speaker feel even more self-satisfied.
This rack features 10mm glass, horizontal center speaker placement and adjustable internal shelving.
He is a regular speaker on the conference circuit, and lead the BQF workshops six sigma and business excellence.
This speaker is designed to be hung on rear or side walls in pairs to create the ideal rear soundstage for modern multi-channel systems.
Chinese native speaker, having good English language skills.
Paul Sloane Price range from £ 2000 - 4000 Paul Sloane is renowned as a thought-provoking, entertaining and motivational speaker.
Robin Cook was due to be the keynote speaker.
Each meeting will also have a guest speaker who will talk us about some of the topics related to our new babies.
Our after-dinner speaker was Trevor Kerry, Professor of Education, University of Lincoln.
Charles is a regular on Call My Bluff and is a witty after dinner speaker.
Ken Cole, the key-note speaker, gave a briefing on how the LCE was driving the efficiency agenda.
Acting as the stand so the unit does topple over is a large 6 watt subwoofer speaker that folds down away from the PSP.
Our guest speaker wore a tie like a glorious tropical sunrise lighting up a green field.
If it is too tangential, no doubt you will rule me out of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker.
Audio quality, on the other hand, is rather tinny from the mono speaker.
The methods investigated use word-level transcriptions, and information derived from models of speaker activity and speaker turn patterns.
The output transformer may be either mounted on the speaker itself, or on the receiver chassis.
His diverse experience, combined with his exuberant personality, erudition and often trenchant views make him a compelling and entertaining speaker.
Multiple bearings are then triangulated to obtain an estimate of the speaker's position.
Mrs Jones was presented with a smaller commemorative trophy to keep by the Speaker of the Council, Councilor Muhammad Khan.
A truly unique speaker, perfect for our Leading Edge Convention.
For example now is taken to mean some point or period in time that matches the time of the speaker's utterance.
He set out to create a speaker diaphragm from solid wood.
Hon. Robin Cook was unveiled yesterday by the Speaker, Rt.
Capacity for work brought him places on important committees - he was chairman successively of the committee on military affairs, the committee on banking and currency, and the committee on appropriations, - and his ability as a speaker enabled him to achieve distinction on the floor of the House and to rise to leadership. Between 1863 and 1873 Garfield delivered speeches of importance on "The Constitutional Amendment to abolish Slavery," "The Freedman's Bureau," "The Reconstruction of Rebel States," "The Public Debt and Specie Payments," "Reconstruction,'" The Currency," Taxation of United States Bonds," Enforcing the 14th Amendment," National Aid to Education,' and "the Right to Originate Revenue Bills."
He made one attempt to reconcile the disputes between the army and the politicians by a conference, but ended the barren discussion on the relative merits of aristocracies, monarchies and democracies, interspersed with Bible texts, by throwing a cushion at the speaker's head and running downstairs.
He quickly gained a high reputation as a preacher and as an eloquent speaker on political subjects.
He was a terse, able and lucid speaker, master of wit and sarcasm, and a fearless critic. He gave liberally to Cooper Union, of which he was trustee and secretary, and which owes much of its success to him; was a trustee of Columbia University from 1901 until his death, chairman of the board of trustees of Barnard College, and was one of the original trustees, first chairman of the board of trustees, and a member of the executive committee of the Carnegie Institution.
C.R.," in his own handwriting; but they were not read by the Speaker, and were entirely neglected in the proceedings against the minister, thus emphasizing the constitutional principle that obedience to the orders of the sovereign can be no bar to an impeachment.
It may have been a consciousness of this fact which prompted a remark, made by the Speaker, that Mill's presence in parliament elevated the tone of debate.
Foraker (see 10.628), he was encouraged to enter state politics, and was early recognized as an effective speaker.
The latter is no separate dialect at all, but a mere brogue or jargon, the medium of intercourse between illiterate natives and Europeans too indolent to apply themselves to the acquisition of the language of the people; its vocabulary is made up of Malay words, with a conventional admixture of words from other languages; and it varies, not only in different localities, but also in proportion to the individual speaker's acquaintance with Malay proper.
But we have to remember that this is dialogue; that the speaker, Hortensius, represents a more dogmatic type of opinion than Cicero's own; that it is the maxims of " wisdom," not of any special school, which are described as unchangeable.'
At the bar Wedderburn was the most elegant speaker of his time, and, although his knowledge of the principles and precedents of law was deficient, his skill in marshalling facts and his clearness of diction were marvellous; on the bench his judgments were remarkable for their perspicuity, particularly in the appeal cases to the House of Lords.
He was an able, terse, forcible speaker, master of bitter sarcasm, irony, stinging ridicule, and, less often used, good-humoured wit.
The three weeks' contest over the election of a speaker in the House of Representatives, in December 1849, emphasized the sectional passions already engendered.
Miss Sullivan and others who live constantly with the deaf can spell very rapidly--fast enough to get a slow lecture, not fast enough to get every word of a rapid speaker.
Sonya! he again heard the first speaker.
That's what we were saying, replied the first speaker.
An old gentleman wearing a star and another official, a German wearing a cross round his neck, approached the speaker.
In the case at hand, the meaning of ' I ' would specify that the speaker is the referent of the term.
There 's cabinet resonator, too, which recreates the sound of an amplifier 's speaker cabinet.
A fluent Arab speaker who has himself served in the SAS, he retraced the footsteps of the patrol.
During this time they had occupied the speaker 's rostrum and the area reserved for the Standing Commission.
He is a regular speaker on the conference circuit, and lead the BQF workshops Six Sigma and business excellence.
Which is why I was pleased to discover that he 's to be the keynote speaker at NATE conference 2005.
For business and commercial purposes, advances in speaker verification and natural language understanding mean that new applications can be realized.
Flying cradle A metal framework which is attached around a speaker cabinet, allowing it to be safely flown.
Pound for pound it is often better bi-wiring because you can afford a much better quality speaker cable.
Then chances are you may already be part of our stellar speaker line-up.
The sound effects are also worth a mention, and are very authentic, for being pumped through a single tinny speaker.
The principal speaker at the Press for Change meeting has direct experience of presenting transsexual rights cases in the English Courts.
Multiple bearings are then triangulated to obtain an estimate of the speaker 's position.
The Speaker reported that Mr Ian Paisley Jnr had used unparliamentary language during Question Time on 23 October 2000.
A table of tongue positions for British English vowels (as uttered by one speaker, at least) is available here.
For example now is taken to mean some point or period in time that matches the time of the speaker 's utterance.
Using hyperbole can confuse the speaker's intended message.
Mary's wonderful elocution earned her the position of guest speaker for the event.
It was hard to stay awake as the speaker dictated such a long message.
The speaker's powerful rhetoric amazed nearly all of the audience.
The articulate speaker intrigued the audience with his message.
The dinner reception is going to have a prestigious speaker present during the meal.
Some political groups use a rabble-rouser to stir up the crowd before the main speaker comes on.
Author, speaker, educator, and parenting consultant Suzy Martyn has over 25 years experience caring for children.
Most baby monitors feature a speaker or speakers, and parents can easily listen to their child.
Surround sound speaker systems are vital to any home theater.
By the way, if you live in an apartment or condo complex, use speaker stands to raise the speakers off the floor.
The best phones require just a push of a one button and replacement of the receiver back onto its cradle to connect the conversation and engage the speaker.
Power meetings require a tabletop conference phone that can simultaneously patch in several phone lines and transmit the linked lines to a central speaker providing staff members sitting at the table to hear and participate.
Call any number, even your own cell phone, and put your call on the speaker.
A floor or tower speaker can carry sounds to the side, while a center-channel speaker will project dialog and vocals from above or below your television.
Don't let the speaker salesperson talk you into a set up that you don't need.
In the same line of thought, many retailers will trick you into thinking you're getting the best deal because they throw in "free" extras like a speaker set, an inkjet printer, or a monitor.
Bear in mind that you not only have to consider the width of the speaker (e.g., 5.25", 6.5", 6x9", etc.), but also its mounting depth.
As such to best enjoy your speaker purchase, you will need to buy an external amplifier.
Compare the ranges that each speaker offers.
The notary will also require that the terms of the contract can be understood, therefore a non-German speaker will be required to employ the services of an official translator.
Most of these type of GPS devices also have portable functions like touch-screens, internal speaker, and internal antenna.
Look for the speaker symbol for books that are available with audio.
The Urchin is a heavy-duty Bluetooth speaker is designed for outdoor enthusiasts who like to enjoy tunes during their adventures.
This speaker is a great option for boaters and beach-goers, as it is waterproof for up to five minutes of saturation.
The speaker comes with a suction cup that can be used for mounting to a dashboard or windshield.
The speaker will play for eight hours on a single charge.
The speaker charges with a standard USB micro cable; both a cable and power adapter are included in the box.
The speaker is a little over 2-inches thick, plus it's a bit over 6-inches long and almost 4 inches wide, so you'll need to be sure to account for its size when packing your gear.
Within this context, the speaker may also address some of the common causes of stress.
Stephen Covey is a motivational speaker and author of several books, including The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and The Eighth Habit.
One of the easiest ways to drift off or get side tracked is ignoring the speaker.
Other speakers may include the class president, school principal, and of course the guest speaker, who is typically someone with ties to the community who has gone on to achieve success in his or her career.
Theme-If several people are speaking, it is always a good idea to discuss the theme of each individual speaker's speech.
Of course you would, and even if you don't think of yourself as a prolific speaker, you can give a great maid of honor speech!
Even the most practiced public speaker may get flustered in this situation.
From an early age, it was clear that the child was a gifted speaker.
She also provided her voice talents for the film Farce of the Penguins and is a public speaker, discussing her meth addiction and recovery.
She continues to be an advocate for the Children's Miracle Network, the nonprofit she co-founded, and spends her time performing with her brother and being a public speaker.
Or, you can take a Christian cruise that features a specific speaker or seminar.
The '57 series of amps is available in different sizes and speaker configurations.
Here are some guidelines for speaker placement for an average "out of the box" home theater speaker system.
Place the center speaker directly above or below the television.
The center speaker should also be centered in relation to the television and not off to one side or the other.
Put the front speakers at the left and right side of the center speaker and television.
The surround sound back speaker is placed in the rear of the home theater, directly opposite and at the same level of the front center speaker.
They even sell a ceiling fan with a built-in sound system so you can listen to music through a high-definition speaker inside the fan.
Consider hosting a guest speaker to discuss safety on the playground.
There are usually a lot of bases to cover in a good speech, but there are certain things to look out for that will improve any retirement speech, regardless of whether the speaker is a natural or not.
From that point to the bottom of the cover is a large opening so you can hit the '1' and '2' buttons, see the Wiimote indicators, and hear the internal speaker.
You can adjust the screen's brightness and add headphones, which I would suggest since the single speaker doesn't put out the sound as well as the older systems did.
For example, when you miss a note, the "missed" sound comes out of the Wii Remote's speaker -- which is integrated into the wireless guitar -- rather than coming out of your television speakers.
The earliest PC games were basic (and sometimes written in the BASIC programming language) - often entirely delivered in text, built by a single person, and entirely silent except for an occasional beep from a speaker.
Simply turn down your speaker, and you can avoid this irritation without any problems.
In the middle of the remote is a speaker.
In both cases, the cell phone uses a small microphone, either attached to the earpiece or the speaker, to pick up the driver's side of the conversation.
Samsung, BlackBerry, and more, including Bluetooth headsets, speaker docks, and various power solutions.
In addition, it has the camera, the speaker phone, and the Web capabilities of the KATANA II.
Given the configuration of a motorcycle, it would not at all be useful to have a speaker mounted on the handlebars.
Instead, the Parrot Bluetooth kit for motorcycles places the speaker inside the motorcycle helmet and the microphone is placed much closer to the rider's mouth, not unlike a telemarketer's headset.
Depending on what you need, it may be more appropriate to consider a wired headset or a Bluetooth speaker instead.
There are openings for the microphone, speaker, and charging cord.
The speaker portion should be loud enough to hear over basic ambient noise, just as you would find with a regular speakerphone on a regular landline telephone.
If your cell phone is capable of using the Bluetooth A2DP stereo profile and you purchase a hands-free Bluetooth speakerphone that comes with similar functionality, it may be possible to stream music from your music phone to the speaker.
There are even some iPod speaker docks and other similar systems that come equipped with Bluetooth; they are designed primarily for music, but sometimes come with an integrated microphone too if you want to participate in a voice call.
While at home, some Droid accessories might include speaker systems for sharing your tunes with those around you.
Sometimes, things just go missing on a cell phone, like the vibration ability or a non-functioning speaker.
If a sound is heard by the child, then he or she turns toward the appropriate speaker and is rewarded by a visual stimulus, such as an animated toy or a flashing light, although video images have been used for older children.
The child is under the care of a non-English speaker.
Recently he was a guest speaker at Entertainment Gathering (EG).
This item of ballet vocabulary does have some sense to an English speaker; you 'assemble' your feet (bring them together) while you are in the air.
Well known author, speaker and feng shui expert, Angi Ma Wong, has written numerous books including eleven on the topic of feng shui.
This curriculum employs as much Spanish language theory as it does application, which is why the end product of a fluent speaker is possible with such programs.
However, the unemployment rate is around 12 percent, and it will be exceptionally hard for a non-German speaker to find employment there.
For example, a native Spanish speaker may tutor a junior high or high school student in Spanish.
Also, if you want to listen to your iPod or MP3 player, you can connect it to the projector and it will play your music from its internal speaker.
Listen to Christmas music online at home or work without interrupting others by hooking ear buds or headphones into the speaker system.
Not everyone who contributes to the site is a professional writer, or even a native English speaker, so the clarity of the instructions will vary, but you can at least get a sense of how the costume is considered and put together.
The hands are an extension of the words; they help the speaker to reflect their emotions.
The web cams, along with optional microphone and speaker, allow you to see and talk with your date.
Women will bend their body towards a speaker while a man will move his head to the side when listening.
Gemini shines as a public speaker (Think student government, debate, theater, etc.). Geminis are also very good with their hands, so cooking classes are a good place for you to meet that special someone.
The voice sounded so loud and clear that the investigators started searching the room for a hidden speaker to no avail.
If you want to save money and have an above-average system, you will need to do your homework and choose a high quality, budget-priced speaker system.
A tweeter speaker will enhance the high tones in the music you like.
Each speaker will require a separate channel of amplification.
Each speaker should be purchased from the same manufacturer to ensure compatibility and similar sound quality.
Suze Orman is also the host of a weekend financial planning show for CNBC called The Suze Orman Show, a contributing editor for O, The Oprah Magazine, and the top female motivational speaker in the United States.
Suze Orman is a financial advisor and motivational speaker.
The shoe, which features a rather conspicuous built-in speaker, holds up to 100 songs and boasts a six hour battery life.
Check with a native speaker to make sure you're not getting a mistranslation permanently inked on your skin.
This avenue requires a bit of research and work; it helps to enlist the help of a native speaker of Japanese to ensure the translation is accurate.
If you are not a native speaker of Japanese, then having your tattoo proofread by a person who understands the language before the needle hits is absolutely crucial to avoid a poorly translated tattoo.
The radio tuner combines with full range speaker, clock and alarm functions and a handy earphone jack to tempt discerning travelers everywhere.
Additionally, Khouri is a featured columnist for Yoga Life magazine and a much sought-after speaker and instructor at yoga workshops and retreats.
He made the cover of Time magazine in 1975, and continued to be a popular speaker throughout the world.
Inspirational speaker Lance Secretan explains in this video how and why his organization uses the expression.
He continues to be a driving force in the autism community as an educator and speaker.
Now a successful professor, author, and speaker, many of her books deal with the life of a child with Asperger syndrome from a first-hand perspective.
Each speaker has a unique perspective to offer, whether in the realm of psychology, medicine or real-life experiences.
Using a photo of yourself also builds an element of trust when people are looking for a professional such as a counselor or motivational speaker.
On some models, you'll find rear climate controls, power seats, a six to ten speaker CD stereo system and an auxiliary audio jack.
Learn numbers one to ten is a language lesson video with the English written before the viewer along with the French, while the speaker who is off screen pronounces the words.
If you use a native French speaker, they should have a credential in the area of specialization, such as law.
If you use a native English speaker, they must have special translation training in addition to expertise in the field.
This is a great opportunity to have students understand a native speaker.
On the other hand, if you need spoken language translated, then the translator's expertise be little more than being a native French speaker.
Learning simple phrases will never produce a fluent speaker but it can get you through a couple of weeks in France!
For the more advanced speaker of French, general game websites are a good option for bringing the French language into one's everyday life.
For the advanced French speaker, try the category Jeux de lettres.
If you're still yearning to learn to speak French like a native, why not seek out a native speaker and offer to barter practice time or lessons?
This is an excellent site for the more advanced French speaker, who may need to look up a word in a French dictionary and read about the French word in French instead of getting an English translation for it.
In addition, any time a fluent French speaker says these phrases, pay attention to his or her pronunciation so that you can try to copy it.
Of course, it is also a thoughtful gesture to wish a native French speaker a wonderful day in his own language.
The keynote speaker for SXSW music festival will be Neil Young, who will be joined by Jonathan Demme, director of a new Neil Young documentary, "Neil Young/Heart of Gold."
Available in almost ten models, the Zen even has a model that comes with a built in speaker!
The speaker then sits down while everyone who has blonde hair hops up and runs for a different chair.
The person who doesn't get a seat is out, and a new speaker is chosen and another chair is removed.
The next speaker might say something like, "I'm thankful for everyone who has a cat."
Still married to wife Bernadette, he has reportedly retired from the fire department and is pursuing a career as a motivational speaker.
She has her own clothing line for plus-sized women and has become a motivational speaker for nutrition and healthy body image.
Tali - 5'4", 190 lbs. Tali is a 26 year old artist and motivational speaker from New York City.
Matt has authored two books on dealing with life as a little person and, along with Amy, makes frequent appearances as a motivational speaker.
She has become an authority on all things real estate, and is currently an in-demand public speaker.
He stayed on in both roles, but only wanted to attend Sober House as a speaker.
A terrorist attack has destroyed the White House and killed the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House.
The sequel, Speaker for the Dead, published in the next year, also took both awards for best novel.
Ender's subsequent life, dealing with what he considers his 'crime', are told in Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind.
He also recruits Speaker to Animals, a member of the Kzin species, and Teela Brown, another human whose importance is not at first made clear.
Since he's an envoy to human space, he is known as Speaker to Animals, the animals being, of course, us.
She has been featured at the National Press Club and is a faculty speaker at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.
He is also a popular keynote speaker, and recipient of prestigious awards, including the coveted Eli Whitney Award.
She has been fiercely committed to healthy skin, both as a speaker & educator and a creator of some of the best skincare products around.
While an MP3 player may make it easier to listen to a podcast, many websites now have added clickable links to their podcasts that allow you to listen to them right on your computer, as long as there is a speaker installed.
She peeked through the crack in the door to see the voice of the speaker.
The similarities stopped at their tanzanite eyes and chiseled features; the speaker's skin was as dark as night.
A'Ran's low voice came to her through the unseen speaker.
He relaxed at the familiar voice and spotted the speaker.
They turned in unison towards the speaker.
In Congress he joined the radical wing of the Republican party, advocated the confiscation of Confederate property, approved and defended the Wade-Davis manifesto denouncing the tameness of Lincoln, and was soon recognized as a hard worker and ready speaker.
Blaine was made a senator from Maine, the leadership of the House of Representatives passed to Garfield, and he became the Republican candidate for speaker.
In case of the death, resignation or other disability of the governor, the president of the Senate acts as governor, and in case of his incapability the Speaker of the House of Delegates; and these two failing, the legislature on joint ballot elects an acting governor.
Langen was more celebrated as a writer than as a speaker.
The charitable and penal institutions of the state are controlled by separate boards of directors, but all are subject to the general supervision of a board of visitors composed of the governor, lieutenant-governor and speaker of the House of Representatives, and a woman appointed by the governor.
By his directions Harrison then fetched in a small band of Cromwell's musketeers and compelled the speaker Lenthall to vacate the chair.
He obtained a seat in parliament; and in spite of Danby's endeavour to seize his papers by an order in council, on the 10th of December 1678 caused two of the incriminating letters written by Danby to him to be read aloud to the House of Commons by the Speaker.
The speaker seeks to make intelligible the appearance of art and contrivance in the world as a result of a natural settlement of the universe (which passes through a succession of chaotic conditions) into a stable condition, having a constancy in its forms, yet without its several parts losing their motion and fluctuation.
The verbal employment of vocatives and of the second person may have little or no personifying force, serving primarily but to make the speaker's wish and idea intelligible to himself.
He was a simple, fluent speaker, and was so successful that in 1767 he was enrolled, by John Wesley himself, as a regular itinerant minister.
After Khomiakov's resignation in 1910 Guchkov was elected speaker.
His manner was reserved, and as a speaker he was weighty rather than eloquent.
Henry Clay, the speaker, appointed him a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, of which John C. Calhoun was chairman, and for some forty years these three constituted a great triumvirate in American politics.
But he is sometimes guilty of inserting rhetorical speeches which are not only fictitious, but also misleading as an account of the speaker's sentiments.
Oldham wrote other satires, notably one "addressed to a friend about to leave the university," which contains a well-known description of the state of slavery of the private chaplain, and another "dissuading from poetry," describing the ingratitude shown to Edmund Spenser, whose ghost is the speaker, to Samuel Butler and to Abraham Cowley.
If he die in office, resign or be impeached, the officers standing next in succession are the lieutenant-governor, the president of the Senate, and the speaker of the House of Representatives in the order named.
The Greek ecclesiastes means one who takes part in the deliberations of an assembly (ecclesia), a debater or speaker in an assembly (Plato, Gorgias, 452 E), and this is the general sense of the Hebrew word.
In1823-1824he was governor of the state, in 1825 was a member and speaker of the state House of Representatives, and in1825-1831and again in 1841-1845 was a member of the U.S. Senate.
Among those which also include political and social topics, and are more particularly dealt with under Newspapers, may be mentioned, the Examiner (1808-1881), the Spectator (1828), the Saturday Review (1855), the Scots or National Observer (1888-1897), Outlook (1898), Pilot (1900-1903), and Speaker (1890), which became the Nation.
On the 29th the speaker received the thanks of the reassembled parliament.
He became well known at a comparatively early age as an active writer and speaker on the side of the Nationalist movement in Canada, and a leader of the younger school of French Canadians.
He was an eloquent speaker, and master of many subjects; and his proved royalism made it impossible for the ultra-Royalists to discredit him, much as they resented his consistent opposition to their short-sighted violence.
He was for many years an advocate of total abstinence, and a well-known speaker on imperial questions.
As an Opposition leader he also congratulated the Speaker upon his reelection.
In 1593 he was returned as member of parliament for his native county, and also chosen speaker of the House of Commons.
He practised in Boston, became active in politics as a Republican, was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in1875-1878and its speaker in 1876-1878, lieutenant-governor of the state in 1879, and governor in 1880-1882.
Douglas he took part as a speaker; and later in 1858 he was admitted to the Wisconsin bar and began to practise law in Milwaukee.
After his retirement from active politics Lord Rosebery continually displayed his great qualities as a public speaker by eloquent and witty addresses on miscellaneous subjects.
After 1854 she devoted herself almost exclusively to the agitation for woman's rights, and became recognized as one of the ablest and most zealous advocates, both as a public speaker and as a writer, of the complete legal equality of the two sexes.
House of Representatives, being speaker for the last three years.
But constituents were averse to paying their members, no Speaker was elected, the reform never came into being.
Moreover it is very improbable that he could ever have shone as a public speaker, and to this fact unfriendly critics have attributed, at least in part, his abstention from debate.
Tilden; and he was Speaker of the House in 1889-91, and in 1895-99.
Each estate was ruled by its talman, or speaker, who was now elected at the beginning of each Diet, but the archbishop was, ex officio, the talman of the clergy.
The landtConstitumarskalk, or speaker of the House of Nobles, presided tion of the when the estates met in congress, and also, by Estates.
Called to the bar in 1807, he was elected member of parliament for the Inverness burghs in 1807, and having gained some reputation as a speaker in the House of Commons, he was made a lord of the treasury in December 1813, an office which he held until August 1819, when he became secretary to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland and a privy councillor.
In February 1792 an allusion in debate by Toler (afterwards earl of Norbury), the attorney-general, to Tandy's personal ugliness, provoked him into sending a challenge; this was treated by the House of Commons as a breach of privilege, and a Speaker's warrant was issued for his arrest, which however he managed to elude till its validity expired on the prorogation of parliament.
He served in the New Jersey Assembly in 1873-1874, and in the New Jersey Senate in 1877-1882, and was speaker of the Assembly in 1874 and president of the Senate in 1881 and 1882.
Biographers have delighted to relate how painfully Demosthenes made himself a tolerable speaker, - how, with pebbles in his mouth, he tried his lungs against the waves, how he declaimed as he ran up hill, how he shut himself up in a cell, having first guarded himself against a longing for the haunts of men by shaving one side of his head, how he wrote out Thucydides eight times, how he was derided by the Assembly and encouraged by a judicious actor who met him moping about the Peiraeus.
Across the board over the internet speaker willie brown.
It was in July, 1805, and the speaker was the well-known Anna Pavlovna Scherer, maid of honor and favorite of the Empress Marya Fedorovna.
He heard the speaker addressed as Sire.
Incidents were related evidently confirming the opinion that everything was going from bad to worse, but whether telling a story or giving an opinion the speaker always stopped, or was stopped, at the point beyond which his criticism might touch the sovereign himself.
Pierre went up to the circle that had formed round the speaker and listened.
Those standing behind noticed what a speaker omitted to say and hastened to supply it.
Gary Skyner was the UK 's second thalidomide victim and in addition to being a comedian, he is an effective inspirational speaker.
While Luxemburg was the speaker and theoretician of the party, Jogiches complimented her as the organizer of the party.