Spark Sentence Examples
It was like watching a spark grow into a flame.
A spark of humor glimmered in his eyes.
The dark eyes lost their concern and gained a spark of humor.
Elihu Thomson blows on the spark balls with a powerful jet of air.
You have a spark your forefathers didn't.
When this is the case, if discharges are made across the spark gap oscillations are excited in the closed circuit, and these induce other syntonic oscillations in the antenna circuit.
And this is when he is carried out of himself, when the discordant qualities of his genius are, so to say, fused together by the electric spark of an immediate inspiration.
He was a good-looking intern, but there simply wasn't a spark between them.
In Saybolt's Electric Tester (1879) ignition is effected by a spark from an induction-coil passing between platinum points placed at a fixed distance above the oil.
The spark in her thoughts told her so.
AdvertisementThe transformer T has its secondary or high-pressure terminals connected to spark balls S1, which are also connected by a circuit consisting of a large glass plate condenser C, and the primary circuit of an air-core transformer called an oscillation transformer.
In series with the tube is placed a single voltaic cell and a telegraphic relay, and Marconi added certain coils placed across the spark contacts of the relay to prevent the local sparks affecting the coherer.
His transmitter consists of a nearly closed oscillating circuit comprising a condenser or battery of Leyden jars, a spark gap, and the primary coil of an oscillation transformer consisting of one turn of thick wire wound on a wooden frame.
The last spark of his old energy was called forth to secure the succession of Solomon against the ambition of Adonijah.
Any spark could easily ignite the fumes.
AdvertisementThe receiving arrangements comprised also an open or antenna circuit connected directly with a closed condenser-inductance circuit, but in place of the spark gap in the transmitter an electrolytic receiver was inserted, having in connexion with it as indicator a voltaic cell and telephone.
These were hard-headed men of affairs - men who would not lightly embark on joyous ventures, or seek for an ideal San Grail; nor were the popes, doomed to the Babylonian captivity for seventy long years at Avignon, able to call down the spark from on high which should consume all earthly ambitions in one great act of sacrifice.
She is seductive sensuousness, though also having in her a small spark of light.
Never put a naked flame near a charging battery nor allow any chance of a spark in the vicinity.
What spark has set my inmost soul on fire, What is this bliss that makes my fingers thrill?
AdvertisementUnder different conditions we obtain (a) a continuous spectrum most intense in the yellow and green, (b) the spectrum dividing itself into two families of series, (c) a spectrum of lines which appears when a strong spark passes through oxygen at atmospheric pressure, (d) a spectrum of bands seen in the kathode glow.
The salts have a faint pink colour, and show a faint absorption spectrum; the spark spectrum is brilliant and well characterized.
I then, in order to decompound as much as I could of the phlogisticated air [nitrogen] which remained in the tube, added some dephlogisticated air to it and continued the spark until no further diminution took place.
These gases agree with argon in respect of the ratio of the specific heats and in being non-oxidizable under the electric spark.
The growth of a tree, the spark struck from a flint, the devastating floods of a river, mean to him the natural actions of beings within the tree, stone or water.
AdvertisementDavid was a weak and incapable ruler, without a spark of his father's patriotic spirit.
Hence one of the field plates would always remain charged when a spark was taken at the transmitting terminals.
If two Leyden jars L, L were hung upon the conductors which supported the combs, with their outer coatings put in connexion with one another by M, a series of strong spark discharges passed between the discharge balls.
The majority of the krypton lines which Baly identifies with auroral lines require for their production a Leyden jar and spark gap.
During these operations care must be taken lest a spark should produce the inflammation of the chlorate on contact with any organic substance.
This being so, it was found convenient to revise the terminology of the past, and to include in the philosophical succession those who, though not philosophers, had cherished the sacred spark.
Gallium is best detected by means of its spark spectrum, which gives two violet lines of wave length 4171 and 4031.
It is, moreover, more exactly adequate to the actual situation, for the Principe has a divine spark of patriotism yet lingering in the cinders of its frigid science, an idealistic enthusiasm surviving in its moral aberrations; whereas a great Italian critic of this decade has justly described the Ricordi as "Italian corruption codified and elevated to a rule of life."
In another experiment he fired, by the electric spark, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (dephlogisticated air), and found that the resulting water contained nitric acid, which he argued must be due to the nitrogen present as an impurity in the oxygen ("phlogisticated air with which it [the dephlogisticated air] is debased").
His last chemical paper, published in 1788, on the "Conversion of a mixture of dephlogisticated and phlogisticated air into nitrous acid by the electric spark," describes measures he took to authenticate the truth of the experiment described in the 1785 paper, which had "since been tried by persons of distinguished ability in such pursuits without success."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was one of the great pioneers of electrical science, and made the evermemorable experimental identification of lightning and electric spark.
Hence the cause of the shock and spark when the jar is discharged, or when the superabundant or plus electricity of the inside is transferred by a conducting body to the defective or minus electricity of the outside.
Nollet (1700-1770) had successively suggested the identity of lightning and the electric spark, and of thunder and the snap of the spark.
The suspended key gave a spark on the application of his knuckle, and when the string had become wet with the rain the electricity became abundant.
Such an arrangement constitutes in effect a condenser, and when the two plates respectively are connected to the secondary terminals of an induction coil in operation, the plates are rapidly and alternately charged, and discharged across the spark gap with electrical oscillations (see Electrokinetics).
This in its simplest form consisted of a ring of wire nearly closed terminating in spark balls very close together, adjustable as to distance by a micrometer screw.
Others admire more the Mammoth Dome, at the termination of Spark's Avenue, where a cataract falls from a height of iso ft.
In the rational creatures - man and the gods - Pneuma is manifested in a high degree of purity and intensity as an emanation from the world-soul, itself an emanation from the primary substance of purest ether - a spark of the celestial fire, or, more accurately, fiery breath, which is a mean between fire and air, characterized by vital warmth more than by dryness.
The readiest method of obtaining instantaneous illumination is the electric spark, but with this Magnus was not successful.
The best effect is obtained when the light of the spark is somewhat diffused by being passed (for example) through a piece of ground glass.
The spark may be obtained from the secondary of an induction coil, whose terminals are in connexion with the coatings of a Leyden jar.
To this accumulation of inflammatory materials a spark was put in 1857 by an act of almost incredible folly on the part of the military authorities in India.
It does not burn in air, but explodes, under the action of a flame or the electric spark, when mixed with half its volume of oxygen, giving the oxyfluoride, POF 3.
The poll-tax was no more than the spark which fired the mine; it merely provided a good general grievance on which all malcontents could unite.
It was a difficult problem for Elizabeth to solve; to let Mary go to France was presenting a good deal more than a pawn to her enemies; to restore her by force to her Scottish throne might have been heroic, but it certainly was not politics; to hand her over to her Scottish foes was too mean even for Elizabeth; and to keep her in England was to nurse a spark in a powder-magazine.
Mary was detained in the hope that the spark might be carefully isolated.
The spark was put to the powder by the action of the war minister, General Linares, in proposing to organize a new field force by calling out the Catalan reserves.
His first book had been a failure, one critic even declaring that " Mr Cowper was certainly a good, pious man, but without one spark of poetic fire."
You're more than adequate, Kris. All of us look up to you. You don't have Andre's legacy as the family protector, but you'll find your way. You've lost your spark. Is this why?
By contrast, an unlikely spark can also cross the abyss unexpectedly.
Figures released later are expected to spark a furious backlash against the system.
You will notice a huge difference in the spark gap's ability to quench with and without spark breakout.
The hand pulling the weight down to ground level represents the action of the spark gap, periodically discharging the tank capacitor.
The census report helped to spark a national movement to end child labor in the United States.
A prototype 5.7-litre pushrod V-8 engine featuring hemispherical combustion chambers and two spark plugs per cylinder powers the Super8.
When the spark igniter is made conductive, the storage capacitor discharges the remainder of its accumulated energy.
Grace is like a spark in wet wood, that needs continual blowing.
Don't use matches or lighters to light gas cookers - spark devices, which you can buy from hardware stores, are safer.
Since all beads are a direct emanation from the Divine source, they still carry the Divine spark.
The spark will easily ignite a stove or barbecue, paper, dry grass or bark.
This combines traditional spark ignition with the sort of compression ignition a diesel engine uses.
Ceramic spark plugs, which are electrical insulators, have had a large impact on society.
A third sphere contained a small charge of gunpowder which could be set off by a spark from an external Leyden jar.
By results, ' truth flashing on the soul like a flame kindled by a leaping spark ' .
A high temperature from a match or spark etc., gives the reactant molecules enough kinetic energy to overcome the activation energy * .
Never use the spark coil in the vicinity of flammable liquids or gases.
The new NRG Power is built to make it easy to access the battery, spark plug and other mechanicals for quick maintenance.
A fiery, explosive mixture is now ready for the spark.
Meanwhile, Arun has noticed the spark of chemistry between Pat and Sheena and is quick to allow the green-eyed monster to surface.
The spark chamber shows clearly the tracks of charged particles - in this case, mainly cosmic ray muons from outer space.
This mood helped to spark the mutiny at Invergordon.
The number 1 cyl spark plug looks oily, and the others look evenly black. the car runs fine.
The battery was evidently fully charged as a large spark shot out when Paul jabbed his little penknife scissors into the contacts.
What should my spark plug gap be set to?
This has only served to spark mass protests, which quickly spread like wildfire across the country.
Yet there is always a catch; a few diamonds in the rough that spark some degree of excitement and draw in eager punters.
The gunfights have some nice details, especially the way Rosette's bullets ricochet with a little crucifix spark.
Tommy 6 Which TV series features a boat called the Vital Spark?
It consists of special plugs that you install in place of the spark plugs, using silica gel to keep the chambers dry.
In October I removed all the spark plugs and cleaned them up, they were pretty sooty.
The first graph shows the effect of electrode spacing on the average firing rate of the spark gap.
Walking hand in hand, initiating exception, lighting the dark, igniting the spark.
Over the last few days some bright spark has wiped the Prague Candy board twice by filling it with messages.
Her personal interest is helping people awaken the spirit within through an awareness of holistic living, contrasted with the divine spark within.
Spark arresters can prevent spark arresters can prevent sparks from the flue landing on the thatch, however they must be cleaned regularly.
When replacing spark plugs take great care not damage the threads in the cylinder head.
It was running too rich, fouling spark plugs and we were unable to determine the cause.
Twin Spark ignition, as its name suggests, employs two spark plugs, but they are of different sizes and perform different roles.
All down to not fitting some spare spark plugs.
Low maintenance requirements are met by the incorporation of hydraulic tappets, automatic timing belt tensioners and longlife spark plugs.
Be a bright spark The fluff from a tumbledryer makes good tinder.
Imperceptibly at first, like a tiny spark landing on dry, forest tinder, his desire had ignited.
Although Ciren showed the occasional spark up front they looked woeful at the back.
Unfortunately his extremely zealous brand of police work means that Starsky burns through partners faster than his beloved Gran Torino goes through spark plugs.
The spark coil has a resistance about ten times as great as that of the electromagnet it shunts, and the wire of which it is composed is double wound so as to have no retarding effect on the induced current, which circulates through the spark coil instead of jumping in the form of a spark across the contact points.
It has sometimes been claimed that Edison's proposed elevated plates anticipated the subsequent invention by Marconi of the aerial wire or antenna, but it is particularly to be noticed that Edison employed no spark gap or means for creating electrical high frequency oscillations in these wires.
Branly was the first to investigate and describe in 1890 the fact that an electric spark at a distance had the power of changing loose aggregations of metallic powders from poor to good electric conductors, and he also found that in some cases the reverse action was produced.
There are three ways in which the antenna may be charged (i) It may be separated from the earth by a pair of spark balls which are connected respectively to the terminals of an induction coil or transformer, or other high tension generator.
Tesla effected this purpose by placing the spark balls transversely in a powerful magnetic field.
Up to that time an induction coil known as a ro-inch coil had sufficed for spark production, but it was evident that much more power would be required to send electric waves across the Atlantic. Transformers were therefore employed taking alternating electric current from an alternator driven by an oil or steam engine, and these high tension transformers were used to charge condensers and set up powerful oscillations in a multiple antenna.
Wien's method of impact excitation by employing a form of spark gap which quenches the primary discharge instantly and excites the free oscillations in the antenna by impact or shock.
The atomic weight of the element was determined by C. Winkler by analysis of the pure chloride GeCl4, the value obtained being 72.32, whilst Lecoq de Boisbaudran (Comptes rend us, 1886, 103, 45 2), by a comparison of the lines in the spark spectrum of the element, deduced the value 72.3.
If the knuckle is approached to the electrified tray, a small spark will be seen, and afterwards the tray will be found to be discharged or unelectrified.
In his optical researches, Optiska Undersiikningar, presented to the Stockholm Academy in 1853, he not only pointed out that the electric spark yields two superposed spectra, one from the metal of the electrode and the other from the gas in which it passes, but deduced from Euler's theory of resonance that an incandescent gas emits luminous rays of the same refrangibility as those which it can absorb.
In an attempt to make a spark gap quench at the first primary notch, several small gaps can be placed in series.
It seems so, yet Jerome states that its spark, ' was not quenched even in the heart of Cain '.
Wide static gaps, Resonant charging does not only apply to systems incorporating a rotary spark gap.
Soul Spark is a six-session course that opens up some of the riches of the Christian tradition to enable a deeper and healthier spirituality.
The gunfights have some nice details, especially the way Rosette 's bullets ricochet with a little crucifix spark.
They are exact replicas down to the tiniest detail except for tires, chain and spark plugs.
Attached to the top of the chimney is a final stage spark arrestor.
O Octane Number A measure of a fuel 's ability to prevent detonation in a spark ignition engine.
Spark arresters can prevent sparks from the flue landing on the thatch, however they must be cleaned regularly.
The external stimuli of a picture of a cat could spark off such emotive responses in you.
Now a new spark of divinity is busy forming inside this body.
Consequently, Anglia Polytechnic University 's Professor Stephen Heppell had a spark of inspiration, and was born.
Twin spark plugs per cylinder also make for faster, more efficient combustion and cut polluting emissions.
The additional electrodes disturb the flow of gases around the spark plug tip and performance may even be reduced.
Replaced all of the spark plug wires and the coil wire, and have n't had the problem since.
Ignition - Digital electronic ignition, with one spark plug per cylinder, integrated with fuel injection system.
Squirt some oil in the spark plug holes a couple of times and after a day try to rotate the engine by hand.
In the context of the exceptionally tense confrontation over Kashmir, a small spark could trigger another war.
Good tinder will only need a spark to ignite it.
Scraping the striker down the flint generates a spark three times as hot as a standard match to ignite easily any dry tinder material.
It would spark violent unrest in the Muslim world.
Fuel vapors are heavier than air; a spark at ground level could cause a fire.
Holycross Spark then whelped here litter to Toms the Best on the 16th and all went well and all 9 pups doing very well.
In a test, wiz zes are looking for character (sense 4), ability, resolve, but most importantly that spark.
They offer far more brands than All Spark Fireworks (15 total, to be exact), and they ship to Arizona, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada and New Jersey customers who possess a fireworks permit.
In addition, they don't deliver to as many states as All Spark Fireworks.
If you can see the oil and gas levels easily and have easy access to the air filter and spark plug, your maintenance will be easier.
If you have a cat that just seems bored with his old toys and needs something new and exciting to spark his interest, give interactive cat toys a try.
Each can fascinate a child and spark his or her imagination as a toddler.
Whether you are looking for certain topics that spark a toddler's curiosity or for eye-catching illustrations you will both enjoy, consider the following titles.
Read kids' books online to enhance a child's love of reading, spark an interest in technology, and share a special moment together.
The interactive nature of the site can spark great interest in books for young readers.
Saponins, the active ingredient, increase blood flow, and it is thought that increased blood flow to the uterus may spark contractions.
The following catalogs are sure to have something that will light that little creative spark in your head.
Use stripes and blue or green tones to spark your creativity.
Still, for fragrance fanatics, it might spark some curiosity for more obvious reasons.
Most of these projects are quite easy and will spark ideas for pages, journals and books that you can create without much time and effort.
A teacher knows how to light that one special spark that makes each student shine.
Sights, sounds and even smells are enough to spark a memory of the living nightmare and cause anguish.
If you're looking for short lessons for youth groups that you can use today, here is one that will help spark your thought processes.
Candles spark the memory of the special day each time they are lit.
Consider the personalized winter coffee, snowflake bath confetti, Winter Wedding Cocoa Mix, silver spark snowflakes, winter chocolate take out boxes, silver kissing bells, and snowman snow globe favors.
In addition to the extensive listings of wedding day accessories, from napkins to unity candles to wedding ring pillows, supply catalogs often help spark a bride and groom's creativity.
Looking through bridal catalogues or sample galleries of unusual cakes can help spark ideas for creative designs.
However, they have only recently begun to spark dating rumors.
The sites are fun, creative and spark the imagination.
Married individuals looking to put the spark back into their relationships with God and their spouses often find a way to re-kindle their passion onboard a Christian cruise.
There are also appetite enhancing supplements to spark his appetite if he's a picky eater.
Hopefully the special dinner will spark their appetites.
Do you have any suggestions about what I might feed him to spark his appetite?
In the meantime, a little variety may help spark your dog's appetite.
There is something about gathering wood, splitting it, stacking it just right and watching that first spark catch into a hard-won flame.
Whether your interests lay in wine and grapes, or foxes and hens, look for tile images that spark your imagination.
If you're spraying in an area where there's an ignition source, like a pilot light or a piece of equipment that creates a spark, shut the equipment down prior to spraying the foam insulation.
On occasion it may spark some confusion and looks of puzzlement, but in general dressing business casual for men is really quite straightforward.
However, if monochrome is boring to you or if you're not concerned with looking taller, you can play around with color and add some spark to your look by wearing a skinny belt in a color that contrasts with your shirt.
However, sometimes adjustments in personality, habits, and routine may add a spark to your life.
All batteries with exposed terminals have the potential to spark, so don't use batteries with oxygen therapy.
Some of the other contacts in the FreshLook line enhance the natural eye color and add a shimmer or spark to cause the eyes to be more noticeable, but Vibrant Views takes an entirely different tack.
The hugely popular game went on to spark one of the biggest video game franchises that this world has ever seen.
That game went on to spark several sequels, not only on the NES, but also on the several Nintendo consoles to follow.
Whether that's because communities needed a scapegoat or a video game did spark the violence, it's clear that violence within a video game initiated a desire to cause destruction.
This makes them easier to distinguish and gives them a big spark of personality.
I'm told that the partners, Dan Phillips and Sara & Spark Marquis, have had a falling out, so they are dumping the wine.
Light My Fire Scout Firesteel is good for 3000 spark strikes at any altitude or wet weather.
Verizon has V CAST and Telus Mobility has SPARK, for instance.
Maybe you just want to add a spark of originality with some mobile phone's backgrounds?
This helps to customize your device as you see fit, giving it a spark of your personality and truly making the handset as unique as you are.
Ozone-A form of oxygen with three atoms in its molecule (O3), produced by an electric spark or ultraviolet light passing through air or oxygen.
You can use it to top steamed or sautéed vegetables or spark up your eggs.
Chi energy is found in all living matter and considered to be the divine spark of life that governs all of creation and recreation.
These black hair style ideas are sure to inspire, spark creativity and lead you down the aisle with a beautiful smile and a gorgeous head of hair!
Sure, they may not spark the same sort of enthusiasm as a hit song or a your favorite tipple, but there's no denying the allure of a strand or two of unexpected pink lacing its way through a mane of healthy hair.
The students will be challenged by other students who will spark the students' competitive nature.
Spark interest in paper crafts by finding origami patterns for children that kids can use to make simple origami projects.
Other animals seem to spark their interest as well.
Spark some interest in friends and family by giving them towel origami animals as a gift or by placing them in your bathroom when they are over.
Since fire is symbolic of the "spark of life," people with fire signs are passionate, assertive, spontaneous, and energetic.
Many maternity stores also carry a selection of gowns, robes, camisoles, and pajamas that can add a bit of spark to your love life.
However, that doesn't mean your relationship has lost its spark.
Sure it helps to have a muscular build and charisma in spades, but without confidence to spark the engine, the rest just falls flat.
Just prior to swimsuit season, many retail shops will get together and put on bikini contests in order to spark swimwear sales in the coming months.
You might find something to spark your fancy at one of the following websites or you can check your favorite swimsuit shop.
The transforming Tonka toys are an integral part of the company's contribution to playtime, and they continue to spark interest in collectors and kids alike.
If everything is set up properly, you should see a small spark.
Even unplugged, the smaller parts could break or spark, causing cuts, burns or eye damage.
Playing adult board games that are racy or risqué is a great way to add spark and excitement to your relationship.
Knowing the likes and dislikes of a gift recipient can help, but consider buying outside of a child's interests in order to spark kids' creativity.
Great for mantels, coffee tables, and bookcase tops, they add a special spark your home.
Kids who love to draw are asking for the Fisher Price Spark Art Easel.
The heat will dry out the tree, and a spark from a fireplace could ignite decorations or wrapping paper.
The tree itself won't heat up or spark a fire, but a short in the electrical system or in the lights could ignite wrapping paper and decorations.
Hopefully, one of the above costume ideas was able to spark your imagination.
Once your group is fully dressed, make sure to take a few memorable shots and reenact some of the scenes from White Christmas for a truly memorable experience that's sure to spark your love and anticipation for the warm holiday season.
Many couples find that wearing sexy Valentine costumes in the privacy of their own home adds spark to their romance.
Like the Spark Networks, it does charge a membership fee for people who want to send messages, but you can browse the personals for free and see if any of the members seem compatible.
This is actually a great date idea and a popular way to add a spark back into a sleepy relationship.
Whether you are struggling with a dilemma in a current relationship or simply need a boost to get you going on a starting up a new spark, we are here for you.
Add a new spark to your dating life with romantic dining.
The only way they can determine if there is a spark is if you write enough detail.
Although we are talking to each other, meeting each other, discussing this issue time and again, the spark is missing.
Use these ideas to spark your own creativity.
If there is no spark of chemistry during that first physical connection, the relationship may not continue.
What can we try to regain the spark that I know we still have for each other?
Before you regain the spark, you're going to need to address what is getting in the way of lighting the fire - lack of trust.
Even though sending these texts can keep the spark alive in your relationship even when apart, sending too many can quickly irritate someone.
There's nothing like receiving a little sensual message while you are at work or away from your lover to spark some romance in your relationship.
Take a minute to find the perfect one for your loved one to spark some romance in your relationship.
Sending free romantic ecards can put the spark back in your relationship.
The people you meet there (and in person) are likely to share your common interests, spark a connection, and lead to a much more fulfilling relationship.
Of course, an increase in gift giving could mean that your partner is trying to spark passion in your relationship by showing how much he/she appreciates you, so be careful jumping to conclusions on this one as well.
During a relationship, your partner may find your efforts endearing, but tacking your own elementary workings into your breakup note will not spark her amusement.
The only way to be certain of chemistry and physical attraction is to meet and see if there is a spark.
Typically, you'll have a group of people and everyone gets to spend a few minutes rotating around the room and talking to each other in the hopes that there is a romantic spark.
You share some laughs and occasionally may feel a little spark.
If you haven't talked to your ex lately and you miss him or her, spend some time reconnecting and see if there is still a spark.
For example, Christian Mingle is part of the larger set of Spark Network dating sites, but that includes sites like Catholic Mingle, LDS Mingle and Adventist Singles Connection, all of which are for more specific Christian faiths.
You can look for other people with the same or similar disability as yours, allowing you to trade information about your condition or spark up some romance.
Every year, a few celebrities spark fervent interest with their whirlwind romances.
Just like celebrity engagement rings, Hollywood engagement rings can spark trends in bridal jewelry fashion and design off the screen as interested fans draw inspiration from the movie world's happily ever afters.
Just as movies spawn new fashion trends, video games, and other merchandise, they also spark interest in new types of engagement rings and jewelry styles.
If you feel like your creativity is dormant, and you haven't had a new or original idea for days or longer, a writing prompt can help spark your imagination.
A solid colored bed spread may seem boring initially, but it is just the item to spark creativity in kids and/or parents on how to decorate a room.
Uniforms limit students' creativity, she writes, and denies the "spark" that is so vital for leaders and innovators.
You can read about the features of their FIRST SPARK PC line for children and even go into a local retailer to let your child try it out.
There's a certain magic about the movies, and new movies are a big part of that spark.
This classic movie trailer gives you a sense of this epic movie and might spark your interest to perhaps set aside the time to watch Charlton Heston in toga and sandals.
Based off of the popular Nicholas Spark novel, this book-to-movie title tells the tale of a young girl who falls in love with the most popular boy in school.
It may be better to consider the theory that knowing something before it happens or having a dream come true could be a little spark of the divine whispering those messages to your conscience.
Was it a clever ploy to spark traffic for an auction, or is there really some mysterious power attached to this work of art?
Real ghost stories and videos continue to spark the imagination, and many people plan trips abroad specifically to go ghost hunting.
Try to find some that will spark their imagination or let them get involved somehow, like "choose your own adventure" books.
The helpful addition of Hello Kitty pink stickers to your mannish boots provides a wonderful girlish spark to your otherwise androgynous attire.
If you're wearing a short dress, you'll add a spark of interest to your attire; that's much more appealing to the eye in most cases than choosing shoes in the exact color as your dress.
The bright color and retro design can spark conversation and carry you down the road to nostalgia, even if you weren't born when fun jellies first hit the footwear scene.
From the first moment viewers see Lorelai in Luke's diner, there is a flirty spark between them.
It takes four seasons for that spark to come to a first kiss, a first dance and a first date.
The positive buzz and plentiful gossip surrounding the show even manages to spark some curiosity today, years after the show's final episode aired.
The reaction is a flood of memories - some fond, others not so wonderful - but all spark pride in my journey.
The person is ground and the spark form the device jumps from the device to the skin removing tissue as it goes.
Maybe you attend yoga class three mornings a week to add a spark to your day, but need a way to release tension in the evening.
Books with repetitive words or rhyming ones may spark the interest of auditory learners because they have a rhythm and cadence that can appeal to the students' desire for sameness.
At the age of 2 ½ she was put into a structured teaching school, and it enabled her to not only overcome many of the particular challenges of her own autism but also spark interest in careers for people with autism.
The Son-Rise Program may be a great way to find the function of the child's behavior, and it may be a great way to spark social interaction.
While NASA has been the spark to keep imaginations alive of science fiction fans worldwide, the dream may soon become the reality.
It does not have to be a life story but should be interesting enough to spark the reader to turn the page and read your resume.
It should spark interest in a way that will make someone want to read your resume.
It may spark a conversation in the interview.
Spark Plugs - You could have loose or bad spark plugs.
If you check the spark plug wires that are connected to the distributor cap and they are secure and your car still won't start, you probably need new spark plugs.
After that, make a trek to the dealership and test-drive the vehicles that spark your fancy.
A vibration that gets worse at higher engine speeds can mean a problem with your spark plugs, fuel injector, or engine valves.
The ignition system involves the spark plugs, the plug wires, and sometimes even a distributor or fuel injection system.
Don't be shy about using science, English literature or the theatre to ignite your creative spark.
Cheerleading coaches should be encouraged to look outside the world of cheerleading to acquire themes and ideas that can give their squad's stunts and moves a spark of originality.
These books may include more ideas that you can either copy or use to spark your own creativity.
A news flash is sent to your computer every morning to help spark your motivation for day.
Clothes dryers catching a spark and bursting into flames.
Mesh--Playful and seductive, this is great for adding a spark to a relationship.
Woman may choose a single piece to add spark to their outfit.
It might be just the spark your relationship needs to bring the passion back to life.
What matters is what you and your partner like, whether you wear spicy intimate apparel only for special occasions or any time you want to add some sizzle and spark to just another day of the week.
Their song "New York City" was covered by They Might Be Giants, and this did a great deal to spark interest, both critical and commercial, in the band.
Failing to spark interest with almost every record label they could talk to, they finally signed with CBS.
It came as a breath of fresh air even to those who hated punk and re-ignited the creative spark in the music community that would go on to create hip hop, post-punk, new wave, goth and more in the 80s.
Use the personalities and interests of the person (or people) being honored to spark ideas for choosing an appropriate invitation card.
At this point I feel I must make it known to readers that the Harry Potter films always spark a very, very strong emotion in me because I am so in love with the novels and the story as a whole.
In his mystique and oddness, she finds a spark of something she has never felt before.
The invention of HTML to electronically display information in a browser served as the spark that led to the electronic publication of other documents and information outside of academia.
These designers are the best of the best, and the style they use in their designs could spark some creative ideas that you could use in your own page design.
His was a smile that reached the eyes, where a spark of guarded humor glimmered.
In his hand he held a bowl of ice cream, and his eyes held a welcome spark of humor.
He really didn't want her to lose the spark of life he'd found as appealing as her body.
After all, that spark was why he fought so hard, so humans didn't turn into someone like him.
Despite her ordeals, she still had her spark.
He heard a slight intake of breath and wondered if she felt the same spark.
Those factors went together like sulfur and a spark.
It wasn't a flash of understanding, but a spark.
Jonny's dark eyes had taken on a new spark of intelligence, his air settled where it had been agitated before.
In order to get rid of hydrogen, some oxygen is added to the helium, and the mixture exploded by an electric spark.
It is recognized by its very characteristic spark spectrum.
Besides these we have in the same period the spark telegraph of Reiser, of Don Silva, and of Cavallo, the pith ball telegraph of Francis Ronalds (a model of which is in the collection of telegraph apparatus in the Victoria and Albert Museum), and several others.
In order to avoid this sparking, every local instrument in the British Postal Telegraph Department has a " spark " coil connected across the terminals of the electromagnet.
The spark recorder in some respects foreshadowed the more perfect instrument - the siphon recorder - which was introduced some years later.
On creating an electric spark or wave in the neighbourhood of the tube the resistance suddenly falls to a few ohms and the cell sends a current through it.
In conjunction with the above receiver he employed a transmitter, which consisted of a large induction or spark coil S having its spark balls placed a few millimetres apart; one of these balls was connected to an earth FIG.
The antenna wire, connected to one spark ball of the induction coil, must be considered to form with the earth, connected to the other spark ball, a condenser.
Before the spark happens lines of electrostatic force stretch from one to the other in curved lines.
These trains are produced by pressing the key in the primary circuit of the induction coil for a longer or shorter time' and generating a long or short series of oscillatory electric sparks between the spark balls with a corresponding creation of trains of electric waves.
If these spark balls are set at the right distance, then when the potential difference accumulates the antenna will be charged and at some stage suddenly discharged by the discharge leaping across the spark gap. This was Marconi's original method, and the plan is still used under the name of the direct method of excitation or the plain antenna.
These spark balls are connected either to the secondary circuit of an induction coil I, or to that of an alternating current transformer having a secondary voltage of 20,000 to 100,000 volts.
D and spark gap, has the same natural time period of oscillation as the open circuit consisting of the antenna, secondary coil and adjustable inductance.
Marconi causes the spark balls to move rapidly past each other or causes a studded disk to move between the spark balls.
His proposed radiator and absorber consisted of two wing-shaped plates of copper, the transmitter plates being interrupted in the centre by a spark gap, and the receiver plates by an inductance coil from the ends of which connexions were made to a coherer.
When the methods for effecting this had been worked out practically it finally led to the inventions of Slaby, Braun and others being united into a system called the Telefunken system, which, as regards the transmitter, consisted in forming a closed oscillation circuit comprising a condenser, spark gap and inductance which at one point was attached either directly or through a condenser to the earth or to an equivalent balancing capacity, and at some other point to a suitably tuned antenna.
Hence it will be seen that the difference between various forms of the so-called spark systems of wireless telegraphy is not very great.
One other instance may be given; the equation 2NH3=N2+3H2 represents the decomposition of ammonia gas into nitrogen and hydrogen gases by the electric spark, and it not only conveys the information that a certain relative weight of ammonia, consisting of certain relative weights of hydrogen and nitrogen, is broken up into certain relative weights of hydrogen and nitrogen, but also that the nitrogen will be contained in half the space which contained the ammonia, and that the volume of the hydrogen will be one and a half times as great as that of the original ammonia, so that in the decomposition of ammonia the volume becomes doubled.
The combination of nitrogen with oxygen was first effected by Cavendish in 1785, who employed a spark discharge.
The conversion of nitrogen into ammonia by electricity has received much attention, but the commercial aspect appears to have been first worked out by de Hemptinne in 1900, who used both the spark and silent discharge on mixtures of hydrogen and nitrogen, and found that the pressure and temperature must be kept low and the spark gap narrow.
By repeated fractionations he was able to divide yttrium into distinct portions which gave different spectra when exposed in a high vacuum to the spark from an induction coil.
From this group came the young Bosnian Serb students Princip, Cabrinovic, Graben and others, who murdered the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the Duchess of Hohenberg at Sarajevo on June 28 1914, and thus lit a spark in the European powder magazine.
Christ flew upward with his mother, and in their ascent a spark of light fell on the waters as Sophia.
Meanwhile the war with Muscovy broke out, and Chodkiewicz was sent against Moscow with an army of 2000 men - though if there had been a spark of true patriotism in Poland he could easily have marshalled Ioo,000.
The salts of praseodymium are green in colour, and give a characteristic spark spectrum.
And as the man thus formed was unable to move, but could only crawl like a worm, the supreme Power put into him a spark of life, and man came into existence.
Hence Adam is a discordant being, created in the image of Satan, but carrying within him the stronger spark of light.
Shelley in Triumph of Life, 201 seq., wrote, "And if the spark with which Heaven lit my spirit Had been with proper nutriment supplied," but the printed editions made it "sentiment."
The effects may be varied by altering the capacity and self-induction of the circuit which contains the spark gap. The insertion of self-induction has the advantage of avoiding the lines due to the gas through which the spark is taken, but it introduces other changes in the nature of the spark, so that the results obtained with and without self-induction are not directly comparable.
When the substance to be examined spectroscopically is in solution the spark may be taken from the solution, which must then be used as kathode of air.
We might define temperature in the case of a flame or vacuum tube by the temperature which a small totally reflecting body would tend to take up if placed at the spot, but this definition would fail in the case of a spark discharge.
The definition of temperature given above, though difficult in the case of a flame and perhaps still admissible in the case of an electric arc, becomes precarious when applied to the disruptive phenomena of a spark discharge.
But the molecules affected by a spark discharge are not in any sense in equilibrium as regards their partition of energy and the word temperature " cannot therefore be applied to them in the ordinary sense.
When we compare together electric discharges the intensity of which is altered by varying, the capacity, we are unable to form an opinion as to whether the effects observed are due to changes in the density of the luminous material or changes of temperature, but the experiments of Sir William and Lady Huggins 1 with the spectrum of calcium are significant in suggesting that it is really the density which is also the determining factor in cases where different concentrations and different spark discharges produce a change in the relative intensities of different lines.
Hemsalech have observed that the insertion of a self-induction in a condenser discharge almost entirely obliterates the air lines, and the same effect is produced by diminishing the spark gap sufficiently.
The explanation of these facts presents no difficulty, inasmuch as during the sudden discharge which takes place in the absence of a self-induction, the metallic molecules have not sufficient time to diffuse through the spark gap; hence the discharge is carried by the gas in which it takes place.
When the spark gap is small, the sudden evaporation of the metal has a better chance of filling the interval between the poles, even without the introduction of a self-induction.
Enhanced lines are lines which appear chiefly near the pole when strong spark discharges are used.
Their presence indicates the characteristic difference between the spark and the arc. The name is due to Sir Norman Lockyer, who has studied these lines and drawn the attention of astronomers to their importance in interpreting stellar spectra.
These lines in the case of the spark cannot be due entirely to the increased mass of vapour near the poles, but indicate a real change of spectrum probably connected with a higher temperature.
Hemsalech 1 have measured the velocity with which the luminous molecules are projected from metallic poles when a strong spark is passed through the air interval which separates the poles.
The photographs taken by Royds show the separate oscillations of each spark discharge even when the circuit only contained the unavoidable capacity of the leads.
While some of the phenomena seem to indicate that the projection of metallic vapours into the centre of the spark is a process of molecular diffusion independent of the mechanism of the discharge, the different velocities obtained with bismuth, and the probability that the vibrating systems are not electrically neutral, seem to indicate that the projected metallic particles are electrified and play some part in the discharge.
A tiny cry of his soul, and a spark reached out to her.
Signs spark row in Heartbeat land Sheep farmers anxious to save their flocks have put up signs turning away visitors from a tourist attraction.
Maybe it was inevitable at that point that some spark would set off the powder keg of Europe.
I know I can't prevent your doing so, but if you have a spark of conscience...
The initial ideas that inspire you to begin your book are the most important, because without them, you would never have the spark to begin your journey.
The spark will appear initially due to a chronic case of opposites attracting.
They are both committed to keeping the spark alive and understand that it requires both mates to put effort into their marriage in order to make it work.
Long known for their craftsmanship and educational toys, Melissa and Doug features a large line of wooden toys to spark your child's imagination.
Spark interest in the product, usually by quickly explaining the benefits.