Spare Sentence Examples
This list goes on, but I will spare you.
What else are you doing to fill in all your spare time?
But I shall spare her.
I have brought a spare uniform.
I only wish I could spare my brother the first moments.
Can you spare a few days get together?
They won't spare you.
Toward midnight Bolkhovitinov, having received the dispatch and verbal instructions, galloped off to the General Staff accompanied by a Cossack with spare horses.
Betsy was in it but I'll spare the details.
If you satisfy me, I might consider whatever you ask of me, but I will never willingly spare your world.
AdvertisementThe time of respite had been wasted, all attempts at national reformation had failed; how should Yahweh spare a nation which had shown no tokens of fitness to discharge the vocation of Yahweh's people ?
They feared to spare him lest he should report the matter to the king.
And should your Serene Highness require a man who will not spare his skin, please think of me....
While they were strong we didn't spare ourselves, but now we may even pity them.
Spare me and forget about it, drink Rosè.
AdvertisementLanguages he disliked, but he spent much of his spare time in reading history, especially Plutarch.
For more than forty years every moment that he could spare from his extensive practice was devoted to this end.
Women do most of the farm work and spend their spare time in knitting.
His spare time and great part of his nights were devoted to the experimental examination of the different bodies which he dealt with, and the study of the standard works on chemistry.
Immense damage was inflicted by these marauders on the subjects of the empire, who seem to have been mostly too peaceable to defend themselves, and whom the emperor could not spare troops enough to protect.
AdvertisementNicola enjoys jogging and mountain walking with family and friends in her spare time.
I do not see how he can ever die; Nature cannot spare him.
That doesn't necessarily mean the company with the biggest marketing budget; sometimes the low-key guys that put their spare dollars into finding better raw materials for their products have the best stuff.
Spare uniform - Having extra cheerleading skirts, tops, shoes, and other essential pieces of the uniform make it easier to recover from any wardrobe malfunctions like tears or spills.
This spare CD can go into the squad captain's cheerleading bag.
AdvertisementAlso, slip-on sandals are great for slipping on after practice to spare super white cheer shoes from getting any dirtier than necessary.
It bought the rights to Stimvak in 2003 and currently produces not only the Stimvaks themselves but also spare parts, such as brushes, gaskets and pumps, and cleaning solutions specifically developed for use in the Stimvak.
Not only can you find out how to fix your washer, but you can also locate spare parts and have them shipped directly to your home.
To further spare the wood of any damage, never pour your cleaning ingredients directly onto your floor.
This decorative box is the perfect size for Dad to store stamps, paper clips, or spare change.
List the things your mother likes to do in her spare time.
You may be using a spare bedroom and have plenty of closet storage, or you may have a corner of the basement and have no storage at all.
Measure out different lengths of spare grosgrain ribbon, a few inches longer than the width of the book you're reading.
If you already have workout equipment at home, you can easily outfit a spare room, basement or bedroom corner for a home gym.
Britney has also been spotted using the treadmill and the stair climber, and she runs in her spare time.
You may hold the side of the cable machine with the spare hand for balance, if you like.
Of course, in order to see those fabulous female abs you've developed with the help of the exercises above, you'll need to make sure to take off a layer of fat if you've got some to spare around your middle.
You can also use your spare hand to force out a couple extra reps by giving yourself a little boost.
Another option is to add oblique twists, where you use the spare arm to alternate between touching the floor and stretching straight up.
These workouts can be performed all at one time, or throughout the day as you have spare time for exercise.
These intervals will challenge your workout and help you target the spare tire sitting around your middle.
Of course, if you've got some cash to spare, you can also express your love by planning a trip to one of France's romantic places for you and your beloved.
So what does a gorgeous woman like Marisa Miller do in her spare time?
Waterproof undergarments are designed for men, women, and older children to spare them of the embarrassment and clean-up involved with an "accident."
With everyone involved in other bands and musical projects, they recorded whenever they found a spare moment in 2005.
Spend the amount of time and money on invitations that you can spare.
You'll want to make sure that your party will be able to be seated comfortably, and with plenty to leg room to spare.
In his spare time, he still has room for his first passion -- journalism.
The ambitious teen is also a member of a rigorous pre-professional dance group and enjoys dating and partying in her spare time.
The son of Croatian immigrants, Herjavec worked as a waiter by day, but in his spare time he created Internet Technology companies.
A love of designing and building birdhouses in his spare time.
The real estate agents featured on this show have confidence, flashy cars, and what appears to be money to spare.
Putting together a person out of spare parts, intending it to be a work of great beauty, he animates the construction, but is revolted by its ultimate appearance.
While the characters might be romantically involved in the source material, a het fanfic will, more than likely, spare no details of their sexual relationship.
Spare your face and use a moisturizing shaving cream or gel that will not only protect your skin but also gives you a smoother finish.
The result was Per-fekt Beauty, a lineup of multitasking products that promise to simplify life for busy, on-the-go women with little time to spare.
If you've got some money to spare, you can hire a professional to create fan pages for your business.
It's something that can be done at home, in one's spare time, and while the income might be small, it does actually pay.
They can be purchased relatively inexpensively, and you can keep a spare pair or even two at work so you can change on a moment's notice.
Important when it comes to any welding helmet, there are spare parts available for ESAB welding Eye-Tech™ helmets as well.
Having a few spare jerseys and breeches in the closet means that the practice uniforms can be clean but the best ones can be saved for the big game.
At once she became a valuable co-operator with him both in his professional duties and in the astronomical researches to which he had already begun to devote all his spare time.
The foundress-queen is now waited on by the workers, who supply her with food and spare her all cares of work, so that henceforth she may devote her whole energies to egg-laying.
They have generally the lofty brow, the regular features, the spare upright figure, and the calm aspect which might be expected in a race maintained in great purity yet upon a broad basis.
One of the most learned men of his day, he devoted his spare time to history, and discovered that many of the oldest and most cherished Scandinavian MSS.
This mass of work was done in the time he could spare from his professorial teaching in the university.
Thereafter he resided successively at Toulon, St Tropez and Antibes, doing useful work in fortifying the coast and using his spare time in arduous study of the science of war.
The regard of Napoleon for his consort was evidenced shortly before the birth of this prince, when he bade the physicians, if the lives of the mother and of the child could not both be saved, to spare her life.
In order to spare Gutrune's feelings it is arranged that his death shall appear as an accident in a hunting party.
The rival artilleries held each other too thoroughly to be able to spare attention to the infantry, whilst the Prussian cavalry, which had forgotten how to charge in masses of eighty or more squadrons, frittered away their strength in isolated efforts.
The part of Syracuse in general Sicilian affairs has been traced in the article Sicily; but one striking scene is wholly local, when the defeated Ducetius took refuge in the hostile city (451), and the common voice of the people bade "spare the suppliant."
Mehemet Ali and his son Ibrahim Pasha were, however, now committed to their conflict with Turkey for Syria and Asia Minor, and had no troops to spare for the thankless task of holding the Arabian deserts; the garrisons were gradually withdrawn, and in 1842 Fesal, who had escaped from his prison at Cairo reappeared and was everywhere recognized as amir.
To the older and more luxurious lyrics, as reprinted in 1842, Tennyson did not spare the curbing and pruning hand, and in some cases went too far in restraining the wanton spirit of beauty in its youthful impulse.
The pay of his rank was small, and his appointment on the quartermaster-general's staff made it necessary to keep two horses, so that he had to write mathematical school-books in his spare time to eke out his resources.
The Dutch, who had to pay subventions to their German allies, and to support a large army, could spare little for their fleet.
The force was inadequate, but it was all that Holland could spare.
Conscious that he must spare his small force as much as possible, he abstained from such vigorous attacks as he had made in 1672 and 1673.
All his spare time was spent in studying the early Fathers with Du Vergier, and laying plans for a reformation of the Church.
In 1703 Bengel left Stuttgart and entered the university of Tubingen, where, in his spare time, he devoted himself specially to the works of Aristotle and Spinoza, and in theology to those of Philipp Spener, Johann Arndt and August Franke.
After a visit to his uncle, the archbishop of Reims, he returned to St Sulpice to finish his preliminary training for the church, but in his spare time he read the works of Montesquieu, Voltaire, and other writers who were beginning to undermine the authority of the ancien regime, both in church and state.
Electricity is obtained by two gas engines (one spare) each of 75 B.H.P.
Lee had lost fewer, but could ill spare them, and Longstreet had been severely wounded (May 5-6).
Educated at Repton, whence he proceeded to Aberdeen University, he became in 1817 vicar of Little Horwood, Buckinghamshire, and devoted his spare time to literature and particularly to the study of Anglo-Saxon.
His career was soon after interrupted by the triumphant return of Sulla (82 B.C.), who ordered him to divorce his wife, and on his refusal deprived him of his property and priesthood and was induced to spare his life only by the intercession of his aristocratic relatives and the college of vestal virgins.
At the age of ten he was apprenticed to a tailor, his spare hours being spent in acquiring the rudiments of an education.
His father, a Huguenot who had been one of the conspirators of Amboise, strengthened his Protestant sympathies by showing him, while they were passing through that town on their way to Paris, the heads of the conspirators exposed upon the scaffold, and adjuring him not to spare his own head in order to avenge their death.
She summoned him to declare his reasons for it in presence of the French ambassador and an assembly of the nobles; she besought him for God's sake to speak out, and not spare her; and at last he left her presence with an avowal that he had nothing to allege.
The last is liable to suffer from damp during winter, and some spare plants should be wintered in a frame.
Hence, for the basic process, spare converters must be provided, so that there may always be some of them re-lining, either while standing in the same place as when in use, or, as in Holley's arrangement, in a separate repair house, to which these gigantic vessels are removed bodily.
On the other hand, the increased knowledge of Gambetta's attitude towards European politics which later information has supplied confirms the view that in him France lost prematurely a master mind, whom she could ill spare.
They spare neither pains nor money in acquiring specimens, even from distant lands, to which they often send out expert collectors at their own expense.
In person Charles Kingsley was tall and spare, sinewy rather than powerful, and of a restless excitable temperament.
He had already shown a keen interest in the explorations of Layard and Rawlinson, and during the next few years he devoted all his spare time to studying the cuneiform inscriptions at the British Museum.
At this time Patmore's father became involved in financial embarrassments; and in 1846 Monckton Milnes secured for the son an assistant-librarianship in the British Museum, a post which he occupied industriously for nineteen years, devoting his spare time to poetry.
But when his own trial was discussed in the privy council, Pitt sensibly held that Political Justice, the work on which the charge could best have been founded, was priced at three guineas, and could never do much harm among those who had not three shillings to spare.
The latter did win and demanded that the Christian king should spare Seville.
Thenceforward for two years his advocacy of the cause of Socialism absorbed not only his spare time, but the thought and energy of all his working hours.
In the course of his progress through France he received orders from Henry to send back his secretary Gardiner, or, as he was called at court, Master Stevens, for fresh instructions; to which he was obliged to reply that he positively could not spare him as he was the only instrument he had in advancing the king's "secret matter."
In answer to his entreaties that they would spare his life, they insisted that he should either die by his own hand on shipboard or cast himself into the sea.
It is reported that Mahmud marched through Ajmere to avoid the desert of Sind; that he found the Hindus gathered on the neck of the peninsula of Somnath in defence of their holy city; that the battle lasted for two days; that in the end the Rajput warriors fled to their boats, while the Brahman priests retired into the inmost shrine; that Mahmud, introduced into this shrine, rejected all entreaties by the Brahmans to spare their idol, and all offers of ransom; that he smote the image with his club, and forthwith a fountain of precious stones gushed out.
When a boy he went to Paris and obtained a situation in a large drapery establishment, where he remained, occupying every spare hour in study, until he was in his twentieth year.
Most of his spare money he devoted to the ransoming of the numerous Russian captives detained at the Golden Horde.
Moslim, having met the expelled Omayyads at Wadi 'l-Qora, encamped near the city (August 683) and gave the inhabitants three days in which to return to obedience, wishing to spare the city of the Prophet and to prevent the shedding of blood.
Abdalmalik, on ascending the throne, would spare neither him nor his family, Yazid b.
He spent all his spare time in the study of classics, history, metaphysics and political economy, and in learning German, French and Italian.
He believed he had shut the doors fast against any ordinary attack, and he did not think that Conrad could spare troops for an offensive on the grand scale, or that, if he could, he would make his big effort in the Trentino.
But the transport difficulties were very great; Germany could not spare troops or material to make an unlimited effort on the Italian front, and the unexpectedly weak resistance of the Italian II.
His command was now increased to the strength of io divisions, six AustroHungarian and four German, and he did not spare his troops.
Accordingly he resolved to " devote all the force which he could spare to the work of deriving improved values of the fundamental elements and embodying them in new tables of the celestial motions."
After leaving Westminster school, he was apprenticed, in 1802, to his brother, an apothecary, with the view of adopting the profession of medicine, but his bent was towards chemistry, a sound knowledge of which he acquired in his spare time.
Such time as the officials could spare from the main object of enriching themselves by extortion and corruption was given up to endless official and religious ceremonies and to petty disputes of etiquette and precedence.
He found his professorial duties increasingly irksome, and feeling that the pressure of literary work left him no spare energy, he decided in 1880 to resign the post.
Here he argues that the more love we have for ourselves, the less we can spare for our Maker.
Castelar sent out to Cuba all the reinforcements he could spare, and a new governor-general, Jovellar, whom he peremptorily instructed to crush the mutinous spirit of the Cuban militia, and not allow them to drag Spain into a conflict with the United States.
His frame is shorter and more spare and wiry than that of his neighbour to the north, though generations have given to him too a bold and manly bearing.
In the preface to his fifth book he excuses his trenching on the region of political history on the ground of his desire to spare his readers the disgust which perusal of the endless disputes of the bishops could not fail to excite, and in that to his sixth book he prides himself on never having flattered even the orthodox bishops.
The governor of the fortress refused to spare any of his soldiers to increase the relief for Minorca, and Byng sailed on the 8th of May.
Attila, who knew the difficulty that he should have in feeding his immense army if his march was further delayed, turned again to the north-east, was persuaded by the venerable bishop Lupus to spare the city of Troyes, but halted near that place in the Catalaunian plains and offered battle to his pursuers Aetius and Theodoric. The battle which followed - certainly one of the decisive battles of the world - has been.
He declared to Northumberland, the kinsman and master of Thomas Percy, the conspirator, "as for the Catholics, I will neither persecute any that will be quiet and give but an outward obedience to the law, neither will I spare to advance any of them that will be of good service and worthily deserved."
Though the promise to spare his life was kept by the king who gave it, his son Henry VIII.
From an early age he exhibited marked scientific tastes and spent all his spare time in electrical and chemical experiments.
It was only, he assures us, at spare moments that he returned to the House Beautiful, the Delectable Mountains and the Enchanted Ground.
He could not spare attention for the matter, but gave Dermot leave to enlist auxiliaries among the turbulent barons of the South Welsh Marches.
This he was able to accomplish without any interference from the government at Paris, for the constable Armagnac, who had succeeded the captive Orleans at the head of the anti-B urgundian party, had no troops to spare.
In battle he was wont to bid his followers spare the commons in the pursuit, and to smite only the knights and nobles.
Just as much of Christianity is to survive as science will spare.
The Girondins wished to spare Louis, but were afraid of incurring the reproach of royalism.
As the country was favourable to guerilla warfare, and the government could not spare regular troops from the frontiers, the rebels were usually successful, and by the end of May had almost expelled the Republicans from La Vendee.
He worked with the village parson in his spare hours at classics and studied music under the organist.
The school grew in numbers, and Barnes occupied all his spare time in assiduous study, reading during these years authors so diverse in character as Herodotus, Sallust, Ovid, Petrarch, Buffon and Burns.
Of talent there was enough and to spare in the Assembly; what was conspicuously lacking was common sense and a practical knowledge of affairs.
The fact was kept secret in later years in order to spare the feelings of Theodora Cowper, who thought that her cousin had remained as faithful as she had done to their early love.
On the completion of his arts course, he nominally studied divinity at Edinburgh until 1787; in1788-1789he spent rather more than a year as private tutor in a Virginian family, and from 1790 till the close of 1792 he held a similar appointment at Etruria in Staffordshire, with the family of Josiah Wedgwood, employing his spare time in experimental research and in preparing a translation of Buffon's Natural History of Birds, which was published in nine 8vo vols.
Claude Adrien was trained for a financial career, but he occupied his spare time with writing verses.
The city was taken on the 29th of November, and after its capture Gordon had a serious dispute with Li Hung Chang, as the latter had beheaded certain of the rebel leaders whose lives the former had promised to spare if they surrendered.
Atli then once more offered to spare Gunnar's life if he would reveal his secret; but Gunnar refused to do so till he should see the heart of Hogni.
Even the spare horses had been lost in the raid.
His second-in-command and executive officer, Sasha, was in Europe, along with everybody he'd been able to spare.
Dusty had maybe a thousand Guardians assigned to North America remaining after he sent all he could spare to the European front.
I'm sorry I couldn't spare you or Jonny from all this shit, Bianca.
Dusty didn't think he had an ounce of sympathy in him, but he couldn't help wishing he could spare Bianca's brother the hell that came with being the Black God.
There's a spare, too, but you've been smoking something.
I had some old IDE caddies spare which I used for this project.
The accounting records showed that the claimant had 13 vehicles and spare capacity so that there was no loss of takings.
Dave had a Nife cell; a carbide lamp and some spare carbide while I had a carbide lamp and two water bottles.
He sailed through all the exams first time and helped to set up nuclear cardiology there in his spare time.
So you might need some spare cash to get started.
Spare a thought and some silver coinage for them next time you see a collecting box or a flag day.
Cut to a large but classic style with ribbed cuffs and collar, it has 2 buttons and a spare.
Joan - Nov 01 Ooo I'd love a cuppa if there's one going spare!
Indeed, in some places it is almost too spare and too curt in its bald simplicity.
Everything that had once existed, like ' Spare Rib ', seemed to have gone defunct.
A few hours of spare time can make a huge difference to the lives of older people.
Say, don't you remember I'm your pal, Brother, can you spare a dime?
From the apparently disconnected elements of hunger, stick, banana, spare time, the chimp suddenly made a meaningful configuration pattern.
As someone who enjoys amateur dramatics in her spare time, she has relished taking center stage in the row over fat-cat pay.
The gloomy dungeons are also populated by the ghosts of the wretches whose spare parts have been used to manufacture the monster.
I wonder how many of us have also entreated God to spare us those things that scare us?
But many of us just don't have the spare time to get a classic bike fettled and ready to ride to France.
The 5 ms spare Galileo shutter speed will move the surface track 30m at closest approach, for the 6 km/s flyby speed.
I hope that the members of the legal fraternity can spare a few minutes of their precious time to advise me.
Diabetes yourself a leads spare fuses or just to.
Whether its an alarm clock or a 13 amp fuse, Spare & Repairs is the place to go.
The spare wheel is held in a secure cradle beneath the boot / gasoline tank which holds 10 imperial gallons.
Considering the amount of time he seems to spend jetting around the world saving souls, he must have the odd groat to spare.
There's a baby guillemot in a box in our spare bedroom.
There's a replaceable mech hanger, so pack yourself a spare one when you go traveling.
It will help to save lives and spare families heartache.
Easy, we can supply spare tow hitches to make a useful addition to all your bicycles.
I did some DJ-ing in my spare time, but didn't have enough time to practice and really hone my skills.
However, in his spare time he plays either hooker or flanker for his favorite local rugby team, Burnham United.
The farmers here are very industrious - growing crops on every spare piece of land.
Obtaining an interlocutory injunction on behalf of Ford against a spare parts manufacturer.
Find out how to prevent slow punctures, select tires and tubes of the right size and pack a spare inner tube for emergencies.
Annie begs Gilbert to spare Peter's life, but he refuses, consumed by jealousy and suspicion that Annie still loves Peter.
They might fondly think of Matthew as following Jesus around with a notebook, making little jottings whenever he had a spare moment.
Defense lawyers asked jurors to spare the defendants prison terms.
Our last essentials are a spare inner tube and a puncture repair kit.
But keep the kraken - secondhand it will not be worth that much, and nice to have a spare bike!
Keep up the good work matey and if you ever have any spare time, please draw me a Rick.
Cracking Up bursts with joyously melodic verve, while Blue Bottle takes a turn through spare acoustic blues melancholia to artfully naïve effect.
Had lunch on the move and moored on the pontoon above West Bridge alongside May Bee, as there were no spare moored on the pontoon above West Bridge alongside May Bee, as there were no spare mooring places.
However, has anybody got a spare mudguard for a Thunderbird?
Whilst you're around the back, lift up the spare wheel cover and have a good nosey at the boot floor.
In his spare time, Graham is an accomplished organist.
There is a supply of spare shin pads should they be needed.
Stephen Williams and Fred Scarlett, the spare men from Oxford Brookes, rowed a gutsy final to finish fourth in the coxless pairs.
The stern section has an iron wheel shaft and a large spare propeller, which has unfortunately collapsed.
I have a spare rad about 30% less in area do you think this would be worth a try?
He carries a rapier, the sword of a gentleman and again, even has a spare in the background of the image.
But I thought all the spare reindeer were in the hospital.
In any spare time, Jon enjoys playing his sport of wheelchair Rugby, music, film and travel.
In his spare time he is a keen sailor.
By now the green shaws will be coming through, so top up with spare compost.
Nick builds smokehouses in his spare time and uses his shed to cure and age hams.
Checking for sparks can be a problem if you don't have a handy plug spanner or a spare plug.
So please spare a thought for the two sets of workers involved in the disputes detailed below.
All down to not fitting some spare spark plugs.
The reel is supplied in a bag with a spare spool.
I had two unused sprue of plastic Uruk-Hai models lying around spare.
I took the spare three seater squab in correct moquette to Block & Son in Woburn Sands so he can find a suitable match.
Kelly Link has strangeness, charm and spin to spare.
You will need to bring swimwear, a towel and spare trainers.
The Kia retains its user-friendly top-hinged tailgate but the spare wheel is now carried internally.
Mr. Soames was a tall, spare man, of a nervous and excitable temperament.
First up was the BoBo platter for two (£ 16) that included beef teriyaki, BBQ spare ribs and so forth.
Trucks usually have the jack and lug wrench behind the seat or under the hood, with the spare tire under the bed.
It doesn't seem too tiresome - he spends the time sitting in a spare dressing room playing computer games.
Every spare minute I have I whip out the piece and have a little tootle, I think I'm getting a bit obsessed!
In his spare time he enjoys collecting useless trivia.
Arson target to come down Mental health review Parkside plans given final tweak Spare a drop?
The Met was contacted but was seemingly unable to spare an officer to come and pick the man up.
This syllabus includes an optional unit on Medical Physics called Spare Part Surgery.
In his spare time he worked unpaid in the natural sciences.
In your spare time either explore the region or simply unwind.
However, most ordinary villagers still had very little spare time.
No blame attaches to the Roman general, Marcellus, since he had given orders to his men to spare the house and person of the sage; and in the midst of his triumph he lamented the death of so illustrious a person, directed an honourable burial to be given him, and befriended his surviving relatives.
The arrangement and appropriation of the tracks in a station materially affect the economical and efficient working of the traffic. There must be a sufficient provision of sidings, connected with the running tracks by points, for holding spare rolling stock and to enable carriages to be added to or taken off trains and engines to be changed with as little delay as possible.
The author was soon discovered; and, as he absconded, an advertisement was issued offering a reward for his apprehension, and giving the only personal description we possess of him, as "a middle-sized spare man about forty years old, of a brown complexion and dark brown-coloured hair, but wears a wig; a hooked nose, a sharp chin, grey eyes, and a large mole near his mouth."
His normal working day at this time was one of fourteen or fifteen hours, and he refused to spare himself one hour of toil, though under the strain blindness was rapidly coming on.
Previously, ministers had tried to spare the queen all disagree able and fatiguing details.
Charles used his influence to carry through parliament the act of indemnity, and the execution of some of the regicides was a measure not more severe than was to be expected in the times and circumstances; but that of Sir Henry Vane, who was not a regicide and whose life Charles had promised the parliament to spare in case of his condemnation, was brought about by Charles's personal insistence in revenge for the victim's high bearing during his trial, and was an act of gross cruelty and perfidy.
Moreover, he did not spare his own estate, for in his Sexagesima sermon he boldly attacked the current style of preaching, its subtleties, affectation, obscurity and abuse of metaphor, and declared the ideal of a sermon to be one which sent men away "not contented with the preacher, but discontented with themselves."
A punctual arrival was made at the Moors Center in Danby, leaving me with 40 minutes to spare.
One old Irishman offered a purse of sovereigns if they would spare him but they were knocked aside and he was thrown over.
Argentine referee Horacio Elizondo, who will officiate England 's quarter-final against Portugal, enjoys writing romantic poetry in his spare time.
Repro Technology has in excess of half a million pounds worth of spare parts at any one time.
Have you a few spare hours to do a rewarding job?
In any spare time, Jon enjoys playing his sport of wheelchair rugby, music, film and travel.
The bible talks about " savage wolves " who " will not spare the flock ".
Still, it'll save you having to scour eBay for spare parts.
I was always scribbling away or drawing in my spare time during school holidays.
A spare room should be set-aside for the purpose.
He was an old man with spare, sinewy limbs and long strands of unwashed, unkempt hair.
Checking for sparks can be a problem if you do n't have a handy plug spanner or a spare plug.
Spare a thought for Geordie exile the mighty atom Lorna, her back went mid way during the L & D set.
I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.
A spare bulb is supplied, fitted inside the head unit.
Do n't forget to check the pressure of the spare tire.
With money to spare, Tony might consider various flight upgrade options and a private speedboat transfer from Corfu where they would fly to.
However we were unable to press home our advantage and in the dying light Totteridge squeaked home with a wicket to spare.
Spares It is a good idea to have a spare stylus in case you damage one.
Any spare money could be put in a tax-free mini cash ISA.
It does n't seem too tiresome - he spends the time sitting in a spare dressing room playing computer games.
Every spare minute I have I whip out the piece and have a little tootle, I think I 'm getting a bit obsessed !
In addition Atlantic has 14 spare Allison 501 turboprop engines.
A spare wheel and tire are mounted on an AL-KO underslung carrier, which frees up space for storage in the front compartment.
It is unwise to attempt to make brushes from spare blocks of carbon.
Spare ribs fresh not an exaggeration of west virginia and a vintage.
Seventy members spare two days in a month toward the management of apex body and Zonal cluster.
By purchasing a stronger model, you can spare yourself a great deal of anxiety.
They're rather plain, traditional-looking varieties and they aren't available in a lot of different colors yet, but if you'd like to spare yourself the trouble of planting new bulbs every year, these perennials can be a big help.
Sometimes stores have tailors or spare coats, cufflinks, or shoes if the ones you ordered do not fit.
Have you recently found yourself muttering aloud in your spare time, "Where can I buy socks to make monkey characters?"
If you have room to spare, opt for a more comfortable elongated (oval) bowl that takes up two more inches of space.
Stacks and Stacks has several different types of laptop desks, from full-size adjustable standalone models to the smaller ones that you put directly in your lap to spare yourself from the heat of the computer.
You can make a space for her in a spare bedroom or guest bathroom.
For the cat that goes all over the house, contain him with his litter box to a small area, such as a spare bathroom to help retrain him that he needs to use the litter box.
You can even use a spare piece of fabric instead of cellophane and tie the neck of the bottle with a piece of ribbon.
Mail the payment with plenty of time to spare before the due date.
Amazon is partnered with Coinstar, meaning that you can trade in your spare change and choose to receive, in return, a gift card for that same amount that is good at
This approach helps spare both the divorcing parties and their children the pain of a lengthy courtroom battle.
Getting together with your spouse and carefully discussing custody issues before putting anything down in writing will most likely spare your children additional pain that could stem from frequently reshuffling their custody.
After you have a pattern, spare some thought to how your cushions will be embellished.
They can be elaborately carved and decorated, or spare and streamlined.
You can find furniture for small bedrooms, living rooms, and any other room of your home that doesn't have a lot of room to spare for overstuffed seating, large tables, and looming bookshelves.
Not every home has the space to spare for large bookshelves.
From building a tall base to allow for stacked drawers to keeping the lines simple and spare with no added storage, platform beds have lots to offer woodworking enthusiasts.
Washed glass jars make perfect organizers for office supplies or spare change.
It can be a spare room or a large corner in a room shared by another young child, if necessary.
Whether work is done in a den, spare room, loft or the corner of a living room, it's important to reserve a dedicated space for a home study.
You'll have to the hippest house on the block, and you'll still have money to spare.
Luckily for those of us without a spare $8 million to spend on a lamp, the Tiffany lamp shades have inspired millions of pretenders that are every bit as beautiful as the originals - although slightly more affordable.
Some dorms are strictly beds and a few spare drawers and a small closet.
If you have an adjoining smaller bedroom that you can spare, then use it to create an elegant dressing and lounge area off of your new bathroom.
All you need is some spare time, a workspace, and some simple materials to get started.
With a little ingenuity and an afternoon, you can craft your own cover for under $25.00 with fabric to spare.
No matter what your passion is, if you have an unused space in your house, such as a spare bedroom, garage, basement or attic, you can turn this space into something truly unique and special.
Not only do they spare your good underwear from unsightly stains, but they offer great tan lines, too.
Use spare lip brushes and mascara wands-not the brushes in the lip gloss-to apply.
If you have plenty of time to spare, you may opt to perform routine teeth whitening sessions at home.
This fragrance is billed as the embodiment of music and fashion; the girl that wears this fragrance is upbeat, prefers a guitar to a tiara and writes poetry in her spare time.
You, too, can build an eBay business in your spare time.
If you've got a few minutes to spare and want to waste it solving a puzzle or playing a shooting game, then continue reading to find out where those fun games are.
Whether you are in the market for a new camera or you just need a spare memory card, Big Apple photo shops aim to please.
The two most well-liked meat dishes are barbecued beef strips (pul kogi) and braised spare ribs in soy sauce and spices (kalbi-jim).
Do you have a craft room, a spare closet, or just a little space under a bed?
When they get covered with wax they get dull around the edges, so be sure to have a spare.
Before you hit the stores, think about what he likes or what he does in his spare time.
If he's the type to spend all of his spare moments playing computer games or mastering the newest Wii game, simply visit your local Game Stop for a list of items he can use.
If you have the luxury of getting to pick and choose the type of part-time job you want, consider your personality and the things you enjoy doing in your spare time.
With only 28 guests invited, we determined that a wedding video was an expense we could spare.
While it's true, you can't please everyone, the bride can spare a lot of bad feelings by allowing the women in the bridal party to have some input into the selection process.
Oscar de la Renta also inspires cakes with spring bridal designs, with plenty of ruffles and bows to spare.
He likes to drive race cars in his spare time.
He has a flat tire out in the middle of nowhere and discovers he doesn't have a spare.
In her spare time, Hathaway donates her time to her boyfriend's organization, the Follieri Foundation, administering vaccines to children in third world countries.
While attending NYU, she would go to various clubs and bars on open mic nights in her spare time, eventually dropping out of school to pursue her career in comedy.
It's not uncommon for people to think that they have no spare time at all but to find out that the opposite is true when they take a day or two to monitor their schedules.
However, if you bundle shore excursions with a cruise line you can save money and spare yourself the trouble of weeding through dozens of local tour options.
However, there are ways you can spare your budget when booking a Princess Alaska cruise.
Knowing the dress code on Royal Caribbean Cruises before you set sail on your dream voyage can help spare you from embarrassment and preserve your vacation budget.
Keep a spare leash and pair of comfortable shoes in your car.
This way you and your dog can sneak in a walk if you are in an area that looks inviting or you have a few spare minutes.
The Foxglove frequently blooms two years in succession; but it is always well to sow a little seed annually, and if there be any to spare, it may be scattered in woods or copses where it is desired to establish the plants.
Where there are forced plants to spare they may be planted out when they have done blooming, but will not make much show in the following season.
The Siberian Iris is very hardy and spare plants are easily established in ditches or damp spots.
Among the less planted kinds are carpinifolium, circinatum, Davidii, griseum, Heldreichii, insigne, Laetum, Loellii, macrophyllum, Myaboyii nikaense, opalus, saccharum, and Vol-zemi, worthy of a place where there is space to spare.
Some gardeners recommend planting marigolds in every spare space in your garden because they are so helpful.
If you have a spare room in your home, that could work also.
A finished basement space can be turned into a play room, family room, home office, spare bedroom, an exercise room, and or an extra bathroom.
This will save on materials and spare your back some extra work.
Create a truly random design with style to spare with ceramic and glass tiles.
Shorts are perfectly fine as long as you wear appropriate underwear to spare your fellow gym patrons from unpleasant sights while you lie down in the leg press machine.
Spare everyone the eye sore of a home-economic experiment gone terribly bad, and ditch those cutoffs for a great pair of men's madras shorts, which are sure to keep you looking and feeling nothing (too short) of cool.
Silk fabric will probably be imported, so look for natural dyes and processing practices that spare the lives of the silkworms.
When you buy your dress with time to spare, it gives you time to find accessories, and plan your makeup and hairstyle to complete your look.
Most plus size adult women will fit into their plus size white tights with room to spare.
If you have the time and energy to spare, volunteer your time with an organization you admire and want to see succeed.
This spare bedroom can be your safety net for when you have to get a good night's sleep and nothing else is doing the trick.
Because of this, it's a good idea to use high quality long-lasting batteries and bring along some spare ones.
You get the Rigel 3200 Pro goggles along with a conversion kit, two sets of spare batteries, flashlight, and laser pointer.
If you don't have a spare pair of glasses then try the following ways to repair them at home by yourself.
However, if you did not and would like to find spare parts to get your Ray-Bans back like new, check online for the parts and get them shipped to your home.
Most sites that sell the spare parts offer this option as well.
This online site sells spare parts for many different frames.
Another source for spare parts for Ray-Bans is The Glasses Center.
Check them out for spare parts as well as the tools you may need to make the repairs.
When ordering the spare part, check that it clearly states that the parts being sent are genuine and authentic Ray-Bans.
For a sleek look, try the Rydon in one of its six frame colors, then combine it with any combination of spare lenses you'd like.
For this reason, the backward compability of the Wii to the GameCube is only valuable if you already have some spare GameCube controllers.
If you own a Nintendo Wii and have some Nintendo Points to spare, browse through the Virtual Console.
Those fortunate enough to get the fully loaded system or have $100 to spare can rely on the 20 GB hard drive.
There are even plans for wine racks you can give as a gift, use as a spare counter top, and wall-mount.
While flushing the lines is the most important part of winterization, camper owners may also want to cover their RVs, including the spare tires.
If it isn't, remove the inlet hose from the pump and attach a piece of spare hose from the inlet valve and into the antifreeze bottle.
However, there are many others who are cell phone game addicts and truly enjoy using their phone to play games during any spare moment during the course of a day.
When there's a few minutes to spare, such as during a bus or subway ride, or while waiting for a red light to turn green, people are turning to their cell phone games to help make the time pass in a more entertaining way.
These can keep you entertained while waiting at the subway station, sitting in the dentist's office, or just any other situation where you have a few minutes to spare.
It's always good to have a spare or two on hand in a pinch, as well as extra wall chargers, car chargers, and other similar products.
These drugs interrupt the virus replication cycle and, therefore, spare the T cells.
While competitive level swing dancing obviously takes a high level of commitment to rehearsal, social swing dancing is simple enough that anyone can do it in their spare time.