Spacious Sentence Examples
This is a lovely home, so spacious and nicely decorated.
Xander watched them both as they sat across from him in the spacious living area.
The Roman Catholic church is a spacious building of the early 19th century.
First she opened the double doors in the kitchen and found the spacious dining room.
The restaurant is spacious and can hold large groups.
The spacious kitchen reminded her of Ully.s lab with its landscape of stainless steel.
Dressed warmly, she left her room and stood in the brightly lit, spacious hallway, not at all certain how to leave the stronghold.
It is better developed and more spacious in Lingula than in Discinisca.
The church of St Peter and St Paul is a spacious building in various styles of architecture, but principally Perpendicular.
The house was spacious and had rooms for the house serfs and apartments for visitors.
AdvertisementIt is irregularly built, with narrow streets, but has a spacious market-place.
A large proportion of the most prominent buildings are clustered round the spacious Schlossplatz, with its fine promenades.
The harbour is spacious, sheltered, and deep even at low water.
The bedrooms in my mom's new house are large and spacious, and ditto for the kitchen!
In the southern part of the monastery is the church of Sergius, beneath which are spacious rooms where 200,000 dinners are distributed gratis every year to the pilgrims. The bell-tower, 320 ft.
AdvertisementIt contains three churches, a spacious market-place and various educational and benevolent institutions.
On the whole, however, France is inadequately provided with natural harbours; her long tract of coast washed by the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay has sqarcely three or four good seaports, and those on the southern shore of the Channel form a striking contrast to the spacious maritime inlets on theEnglish side.
The Chaetopoda are characterized by a spacious coelom, which is divided into a series of chambers in accordance with the general metamerism of the body.
The interior consisted of a spacious court surrounded by a colonnade of ioo columns, into which five chambers opened at the eastern end.
The original entrance to the cemetery leads directly into a spacious corridor with no loculi, but recesses for sarcophagi, and decorations of the classical style of the 2nd century.
AdvertisementApart from the old quarter lying on the Mulde, the town is well built, is surrounded by pleasant gardens and contains many handsome streets and spacious squares.
Bizerta occupies the site of the ancient Tyrian colony, Hippo Zarytus or Diarrhytus, the harbour of which, by means of a spacious pier, protecting it from the north-east wind, was rendered one of the safest and finest.
He turned away from them, his gaze going upward and peering through the skylight in his spacious battle command center.
It was a beautiful bed, though, and the bedroom was spacious.
The public buildings include the palace of the governor-general, situated in a spacious botanical and zoological garden, the large military hospital, the cathedral of St Joseph, the Paul Bert college, and the theatre.
AdvertisementIt is described by the epithets KoLArt (hollow) and K11Tw€6aa (spacious or hollow), and is probably connected etymologically with MaKKos, lacus, any hollow place.
To this spacious and well-equipped group of buildings the faculty of medicine was removed from the college.
The town-hall, a large florid building of Classic order, stands on an eminence, and its clock tower forms a landmark; it contains the spacious Centennial Hall (commemorating the first Australian colonization here in 1787), and has one of the finest organs in the world.
The Covent Garden theatre is the principal home of grand opera; the building, though spacious, suffers by comparison with the magnificence of opera houses in some other capitals, but during the opera season the scene within the theatre is brilliant.
When you get here, you will see the pizzeria in the front and its spacious dining area behind it.
With a modern layout and spacious table settings, this streamlined restaurant is a complete escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
The restaurant's dining room is large and spacious, perfect for celebrations.
The dining room is absolutely gorgeous, and the restaurant has a spacious outdoor patio for fair weather.
They trekked back down the hallway to the family room and then into a spacious kitchen.
Returning to her designated room, she hung all her clothes in the cedar lined wardrobe and tucked her personals in the spacious dresser.
Instead of a small house between a street and a stable-yard, I began to occupy a spacious and convenient mansion, connected on the north side with the city, and open on the south to a beautiful and boundless horizon.
In the centre of the town stand the Place de la Republique, a spacious square overlooked by the hotel de ville, the museum, and the old cathedral of St Trophime, the finest Romanesque church in Provence.
There is a spacious cavity surrounding the gut and containing also bloodvessels, and to some extent the generative organs.
The Genoese were established in the spacious quarter of Galata and threatened to absorb the trade of the Levant.
In the business part the buildings are also for the most part imposing and the thoroughfares spacious, while the chief suburban streets are planted with trees.
Its commanding position at the head of the Gulf of Quarnero, and spacious new harbour works, as also its immediate connexions with both the Austrian and Hungarian railway systems, render it specially advantageous as a commercial port.
The Renaissance town-hall in the spacious market-place dates from 1570; it contains a library and a collection of antiquities.
With its numerous palaces, substantial houses, broad streets, and spacious squares, Trent presents the aspect of a thoroughly Italian city, and its inhabitants (24,868 in 1900, including a garrison of over 2000 men) speak Italian only - it is the centre of the region called Italia Irredenta by fervent Italian patriots.
All the main thoroughfares are spacious, and in two or three instances even imposing, but most of the residential part consists of monotonous stuccoed terraces.
It consists of a somewhat cramped old town, lying between the harbour and a sheet of water called Kleiner Kiel, and a better built and more spacious new town, which has been increased by the incorporation of the garden suburbs of Brunswick and Diisternbrook.
On one side of this, towards Hymettus, lay the open roadstead of Phalerum, on the other the harbour of Peiraeus, a completely land-locked inlet, safe, deep and spacious, the approach to which was still further narrowed by moles.
A new and spacious harbour, especially for the petroleum trade, was constructed in 1894-1900.
Still more spacious valleys are the Antsihanaka country and the Ankay district, between the two eastern lines of forest.
There is plenty of room for the children to play on this intimate but spacious campsite.
Enjoy a spacious family room with breakfast and homemade cookies on arrival, starting from just £ 349.00.
I 've got a lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and there 's a hall so it feels spacious.
Jade emerged from the shadow world into the chamber.s spacious closet and stood silently, listening.
She occupied the largest suite in the structure, seven spacious rooms on the top floor.
She hadn't thought it so cramped, but it was, compared to Xander's spacious, airy condo.
The spacious transepts terminate in apses.
The moment he set foot in the spacious foyer, Toni's eyes found him.
The houses are well built, the market-places and squares handsome and spacious.
There are, however, numerous spacious harbours, especially on the eastern coast, which are referred to in the detailed articles dealing with the different states.
The castle of Helmond, built in 1402, is a beautiful specimen of architecture, and among the other buildings of note in the town are the spacious church of St Lambert, the Reformed church and the town hall.
It has direct communication with the sea by a ship-canal, greatly enlarged and deepened since 1895, which connects the Grand Basin, stretching along the north side of the city, with a spacious harbour excavated at Terneuzen on the Scheldt, 212 m.
Inside was a spacious foyer sporting a long graceful stairway.
The rooms were spacious twin bedded each with an en-suite bathroom, not exactly what were used to on diving trips.
On the north side the Ring-Strasse gives place to the spacious Franz Josef's quay, flanking the Danube Canal.
The Bay of Hakodate, an inlet of Tsugaru Strait, is completely land-locked, easy of access and spacious, with deep water almost up to the shore, and good holding-ground.
At the foot of the castle stands the modern residence of the governor, built c. 1830, with several spacious courts and gardens.
The intervening ground upon which the railway lines and buildings stood was sold for building sites, the sum obtained being more than sufficient to cover the cost of the majestic central terminus (the third largest in the world), which, in addition to spacious and handsome halls for passenger accommodation, has three glass-covered spans of 180 ft.
On the eastern side the parallel valley of `Asal el-Ward deserves special mention; the descent towards the plain eastwards, as seen for example at Ma'lula, is singular - first a spacious amphitheatre and then two deep very narrow gorges.
The hall was a very spacious apartment, measuring 83 f t.
It contains five churches, one of which (St Nicholas), built in 1446-88, is a good example of the late Gothic style as developed in Saxony, with its spacious proportions, groined vaulting, and bare simple pillars.
The pouch-shaped, landlocked bay is spacious and easy of access.
It has spacious squares and streets, among the latter the Palmaille, a stately avenue ending on a terrace about ioo ft.
The town has spacious and well-supplied bazaars and post and telegraph offices.
San Francesco, a spacious Gothic edifice begun by the Franciscans in 1278, was.
The same writer states that the country was spacious, populous and hard to be penetrated; that it abounded in dangers; that the paths and roads were beset with difficulties; and that the obstacles to conquest were more than could be expressed.
Among the most important public squares are the Opern-platz, around or near which stand the opera house, the royal library, the university and the armoury; the Gendarmenmarkt, with the royal theatre in its centre, the Schloss-platz; the Lustgarten, between the north side of the royal palace, the cathedral and the old and new museums; the Pariser-platz with the French embassy, at the Brandenburg Gate; the KBnigs-platz, with the column of Victory, the Reichstagsgebaude and the Bismarck and Moltke monuments; the Wilhelms-platz; the circular Belle-Alliance-platz, with a column commemorating the battle of Waterloo; and, in the western district, the spacious Liitzow-platz.
The streets in the older quarters are narrow, crooked and gloomy; but the newer parts of the city, especially those laid out since the removal of the fortifications about 1861, are handsome and spacious.
The old town still preserves its Hanseatic features - high storehouses, with spacious granaries and cellars, flanking the narrow, winding streets.
The castle, built in 1494-1515 by the master of the Knights of the Sword, Walter von Plettenberg - a spacious building often rebuilt - is the seat of the Russian authorities.
Until far on in the 18th century the malarial jungle and paddy fields closely hemmed in the European mansions; the vast plain (maiddn), now covered with gardens and promenades, was then a swamp during three months of each year; the spacious quadrangle known as Wellington Square was built upon a filthy creek.
The mouth leads into the (From Gegenbaur.) spacious stomach containing a, Marginal lappets hiding tenthe four conspicuous horse taculocysts.
The Aragonese castle and the Genoese walls have been demolished in recent times, and the town has a modern aspect, with spacious streets and squares.
Vigo owes its importance to its deep and spacious harbour, and to its fisheries.
In Pine Street is the Central railway station and the spacious Market House.
In the autumn of 1835 he married Miss Lydia Jackson of Plymouth, having previously purchased a spacious old house and garden at Concord.
With the exception of those in the older portion of the town, the streets are handsome and spacious, and the beautiful gardens and promenades between the suburbs and the castle add greatly to the town's attractiveness.
New quays have been made all the way from the old Immacolatella landing-place to the new and spacious Capitaneria di Porto, on the eastern side of which is a new harbour used mainly for the coal trade, and piers such that the largest liner can lie alongside the jetty.
It stands within grounds 92 acres in extent, half a mile north of Godalming, and consists of spacious buildings in Gothic style, with a chapel, library and hall, besides boarding-houses, masters' houses and sanatoria.
The city consists of (I) the kreml or citadel (1550), crowning a hill, on which stand also the spacious brick cathedral containing the tombs of two Georgian princes, the archbishop's palace and the monastery of the Trinity; (2) the Byelogorod or White Town, containing the administrative offices and the bazaars; and (3) the suburbs, where most of the population resides.
On the south side of Dean's Yard is the Church House, a memorial of Queen Victoria's Jubilee (1887), consisting of a spacious hall of brick and stone, with offices for numerous Church societies.
The town itself consists of well-built and unusually handsome native bazaars, and of spacious streets devoted to European commerce.
The government offices occupy spacious buildings, once a royal summer retreat; the government is that of an ordinary provincial division (Monton).
In addition, there are spacious promenades in the north-east of the town.
The general aspect of the town is picturesque; the streets are fairly spacious, though ill-kept and filthy; the houses are all of stone, many of them well-built and four or five storeys high, with terraced roofs and large projecting windows as in Jidda - a style of building which has not varied materially since the Toth century (Mukaddasi, p. 71), and gains in effect from the way in which the dwellings run up the sides and spurs of the mountains.
Omar, Othman and Ibn Jubair had all a share in this work, but the great founder of the mosque in its present form, with its spacious area and deep ' The old kiswa is removed on the 25th day of the month before the pilgrimage, and fragments of it are bought by the pilgrims as charms. Till the 10th day of the pilgrimage month the Ka`ba is bare.
A house in Coalhill is thought to be the "handsome and spacious edifice" erected for her privy council by Mary of Guise.
There was something in this external dignity which went with Burke's imperious spirit, his spacious imagination, his turn for all things stately and imposing.
The spacious buildings at the back are devoted to the "Lehrbataillon," a battalion of infantry composed of drafts from different regiments trained here to ensure uniformity of drill throughout the army.
The only ports on the coast open to foreign trade are Salina Cruz and Puerto Angel - the first, the Pacific terminus of the Tehuantepec railway, with a spacious artificial harbour, and the second a deep but narrow natural harbour, the projected coast terminus of the Mexican Southern railway.
The "Palais Royal," with its parterre and fountains, and the spacious public park are fine pleasure-grounds, whilst in the ravines that lead down to the sea cluster the houses of the poorer classes.
The straight canals running at right angles to the river, the broad, straight treeplanted streets, the spacious squares, and the solid plain public buildings would not be unworthy of a town in the Netherlands.
From each end of the house a curved colonnade and a pavement lead westerly to a row of out-buildings which partially enclose a bowling green and spacious lawn with shaded drives and walks, and beautiful gardens (with trees planted by Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lafayette and others).
The town, which was founded in 1849, and first came into prominence as a port in 1863, has a spacious and sheltered harbour, the best in Nicaragua.
Between the inner town and the latter lies the magnificent Augustusplatz, one of the most spacious squares in Europe.
The head should be light and lean, and well set on; the ears small and pricked, but not too short; the eyes full; the forehead broad and flat; the nostrils large and dilating; the muzzle fine; the neck moderate in length, wide, muscular, and yet light; the throat clean; the windpipe spacious and loosely attached to the neck; the crest thin, not coarse and arched.
A spacious gateway, high and wide enough to admit the passage of a loaded camel, forms the sole entrance, which is furnished with heavy doors, and is further guarded within by massive iron chains, drawn across at night.
At the close of 1847 he returned to England as an Oratorian, and resided first at Maryvale (near Oscott); then at St Wilfrid's College, Cheadle; then at St Ann's, Alcester Street, Birmingham; and finally at Edgbaston, where spacious premises were built for the community, and where (except for four years in Ireland) he lived a secluded life for nearly forty years.
Stretching eastward as far as the Rosetta mouth of the Nile is the spacious bay of Aboukir, where on the 1st of August 1798 Nelson fought the battle of the Nile, often referred to as the battle of Aboukir.
This is a lovely home so spacious and nicely decorated.
The rest of the spacious apartment was decorated in an identical black and white color scheme as the bedroom.
She glanced around the tiny room, thinking of her spacious apartment in L.A. There was no kitchenette here, only a small bath off the main room.
All rooms are on the same level with a wood beamed lounge, spacious yet retaining that cozy cottage atmosphere.
All villas offer spacious living accommodation, with French windows leading to outside terraces.
I agree totally Stevie, Tate Modern is just so airy and spacious.
Through into a spacious double bedroom with quality furniture which includes alarm clock and hairdryer.
The school also has a spacious, state-of-the-art 180-seat auditorium for larger events.
Elsewhere, the feeling is contemporary and spacious, with wooden floors, navy blue banquettes and chocolate brown leather chairs.
Chestnut, on the ground floor of the converted barn, is very spacious for two people.
The original rondavels have been extended, with a spacious bathroom added.
Next to the terrace is a spacious double bedroom, is ideal for parents with small children.
The Caravans The three modern caravans are set among spacious lawns, surrounded by trees and shrubs and overlooking the brook.
The spacious Cerato has a sporty look to it, thanks to the modern styling and body-coloured bumpers, door handles and mirrors.
Formerly a stable block, now converted into a spacious bungalow.
Inside The spacious cabin, 48 inches, is accessed by gull wing doors.
Breaking the Laws of Physics, again, Monterey engineers added a spacious cuddy cabin to last years wildly popular 228 SI.
The Visitor Center features a spacious cafeteria, with panoramic views across the water and has a cycle hire service too.
This spacious room has thick dark blue carpet covering the circular floor.
The interior is extremely spacious and offers plenty of leg and headroom for all passengers, while the boot is positively cavernous.
The Longsword has a crew of two, although does have a spacious cockpit with other stations open.
A spacious two-bedroom duplex condo (two story house) with car port, with full air conditioning & heating.
Wide folding doors open into a spacious uPVC conservatory which overlooks the gardens, grounds and landscape view beyond.
Upstairs there are three spacious bedrooms, all benefit from glorious views of the rolling countryside.
Outside there is a graveled courtyard which leads to a sunny spacious grassed garden with meadow views, perfect for a barbecue.
Club for growth unless you've booked professional golf lectures with spacious royal Caribbean cruse open.
It has a bright spacious ambiance, natural pine flooring and furnishings set with silver cutlery and generous crystal wine glasses.
Contemporary, spacious bedrooms with king-sized beds and with welcoming touches such as fresh flowers, a port decanter and home-made biscuits.
It was a pleasant evening and we ate dinner on our boat's spacious back deck.
This elegant and spacious restaurant has attracted such celebrity diners as Bill Clinton, Bono and Ronan Keating.
This property benefits from neutral lounge and spacious kitchen diner with french doors to a secluded and very well maintained rear garden.
This is a 6-berth motorhome with six seat belts, a side dinette and a spacious wraparound rear lounge area.
French doors lead out from the living area onto the spacious terrace.
Behind the classical facade is a spacious contemporary foyer leading to an elegant lounge bar with comfortable traditional furnishings.
Spacious Double Fronted Wine Bar with wood strip floor, long wooden topped bar with brick facia, hot plate.
The sitting/dining-room, formerly two separate rooms, is very spacious with ornamental fireplaces at either end of the room.
The spacious bedroom is twin bedded with reclaimed wooden flooring.
The Castell Malgwyn is an extremely homely Georgian country house with river frontage and spacious gardens.
The tastefully furnished interior features an open-plan lounge/kitchen/diner from which French windows lead onto a spacious timber balcony.
There is a spacious lounge in which to relax.
Large checkbook wallets are designed with spacious zippered pockets on the inside.
An effortless shoulder bag with a classic shape and practical design, this purse boasts a relatively slim silhouette, yet is still spacious enough to hold all of the day's essentials with ease.
Despite its low price,Dell Inspiron 14 is equipped with a spacious keyboard.
Since the lower back is one of the widest areas of the body, it leaves plenty of room for the intricate and spacious design that the tribal tattoo is known for.
The hotel offers spacious suites that contain separate living and sleeping quarters.
Families love this New York City hotel primarily because of its spacious suites.
Rooms consist of a bed, sitting area, large windows overlooking the city, and a spacious dresser.
City or Tower Rooms offer the same spacious accommodations as a Deluxe Room, plus the addition of a marble topped bar, a separate dressing room, and a separate shower and soaking tub in the marble bath.
The Royal Three-Bedroom Suite is spacious and homey.
The Hershey Lodge is a 665-room family-oriented resort, with kids activities, golf, and a spacious pool area.
The house is furnished in 19th century antiques and room rates include a gourmet breakfast and use of the parlor, spacious deck, and kitchen.
The two spacious lanais are the site of frequent free concerts.
Four spacious and beautiful yoga studios offer more than 60 classes a week in the traditions of Iyengar, Vinyasa and Ashtanga.
Overall impressions were positive, with many reviewers praising the luxurious appointments and spacious interior of the car.
This vehicle has a uniquely spacious interior and has an available V6 engine.
It has a big V6 engine and spacious interior room.
To pull off a decent game you will need enough space to play - either a spacious backyard or local park field will do the trick.
There is also a spacious new foyer with a full-length glass wall.
Within the spacious and modern cabin, detailed design touches include a scented air freshener built into the high quality, stylish dashboard.
White sand beaches fringed with palms house 14 spacious beach bungalows.
I knew I wanted something funky, light, upbeat, modern and spacious, and we had to have parking for several cars.
Temporary Exhibition gallery This spacious, contemporary gallery may be hired for specific events or included in larger receptions during exhibitions.
We were ushered through the main front-door into what seemed a spacious hall, with seats arranged on either side of a center gangway.
The original farmhouse, renovated into comfortable and spacious accommodation for enjoying holiday get-togethers.
There is also a large, spacious hall which will encourage the children to engage in team games, especially in wet weather.
All cabins are air-conditioned and have spacious twin bunks with the exception of slightly restricted headroom.
Its spacious interior makes it ideal for group practice.
Purley remains a very leafy suburb in nature with the spacious Purley Downs golf course situated to the east.
Birkbeck Place, Dulwich, SE21 A spacious split-level maisonette situated on this popular residential road in West Dulwich.
Glen View is a spacious maisonette with own entrance on 2 floors with an attractive open outlook toward hills.
Cabins are comfortable and spacious, and alfresco dining for all 48 passengers ensures that mealtimes are fresh and convivial.
Of particular interest is the spacious master bedroom and the 20 foot third floor balcony overlooking this quiet mews.
Four attractive stone archways with double doors lead from a vine-covered pergola into the spacious living area.
Newcastle is a spacious, extended, infinitely populous place.
The spacious public areas include a themed pub and a brasserie.
Spacious with glass sash window and encased radiator below.
Spacious and comfortable, the rooms are well equipped with color television, refreshment tray, clock radio and hairdryers.
We offer a choice of 3 high quality, tastefully restored, well-equipped spacious holiday homes.
High-quality 16-bit digital reverb has also been included to beef-up the sound with spacious stereo ambiance.
There is a spacious air-conditioned salon with dining area onboard and a bar.
A table around which the entire crew can sit dominates the spacious saloon located in the middle of the yacht.
Spacious three bedroomed semi situated in a cul-de-sac position on the outskirts of North Derby.
Rather than buy & live in a " deceptively spacious " 1 bed flat!
The center of the village is an exceptionally spacious square or green.. .
For a cottage, the house is surprisingly spacious.
The apartment is very comfortable and unusually spacious, especially for the center of Val d'Isère.
Wonderfully spacious with quality pine furnishings, Snow Country is the perfect traditional Canadian home in which to enjoy your catered ski holiday.
Executive Rooms are extremely spacious, with a generous average room size of 52 square meters.
This beautifully built detached family bungalow, offers spacious, comfortable living accommodation.
I've got a lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and there's a hall so it feels spacious.
The living room, spacious and comfortable, is given a regal air by the impressive curved marble stairway up to the mezzanine lounge.
Their brief was to create a vehicle more spacious, versatile and economical than the traditional North American station wagon.
Both have spacious first floor open plan living areas with exposed beams, natural stonework and log burning stoves.
You can visit the spacious studios to watch the glassblowers in action, and also the Glass Art Gallery where pieces are displayed.
It has 38 spacious rooms, including 5 suites and junior suites.
Private dining can be arranged in the comfort of your spacious suite or in the indoor or outdoor dining areas.
There are 12 spacious bedrooms, all en suite, including a bridal suite.
The fitness suite is spacious without compromising the amount of equipment on view.
The south-facing wooden summerhouse in the spacious garden provides a great place to sit by the barbecue summer or winter!
The private pool is surrounded by a spacious sun deck and landscaped gardens.
The cottage is double glazed, centrally heated, and has a spacious sunroom from which to appreciate the ever-changing beauty of the loch.
There are two double bedrooms, a very spacious lounge / diner with an archway to an equally spacious sunroom.
A spacious garden of mature palm trees and exotic plants unique to the island surround the private swimming pool.
Sitting in its own garden the Lodge has a spacious south-facing terrace at the rear.
On the first floor you will find 3 bedrooms, the main bathroom and spacious verandas.
Patio doors lead from the spacious living area onto the stylish wooden veranda.
Accommodation The main entrance from Queen Street gives access to the large vestibule, which leads to the spacious, fully carpeted outer hall.
It also has the advantage of a spacious ensuite end washroom.
The property has a spacious double living room wit...
The former palace, called the Augustusburg, built in 1664-1690, lies on an eminence near the town; this spacious edifice is now used as a military school.
The streets of the older and busier quarter of Clermont in the neighbourhood of the cathedral and the Place de Jaude, the principal square, are for the most part narrow, sombre and bordered by old houses built of lava; boulevards divide this part from more modern and spacious quarters, which adjoin it.
The centre of retail trade moved steadily eastward, crowding out the large houses with spacious grounds which had made Euclid avenue famous.
In the position shown in solid lines, these valves deflect the air and gas into the left-hand pair of " regenerators " or spacious heat-transferring chambers.
When the body of a Sipunculoid is opened, it is seen that the bodycavity is spacious and full of a corpusculated fluid, in which the various organs of the body float.
Seating up to seven adults plus luggage now - at least small adults, in the rearmost seats - it is substantially more spacious.
Spacious suites or stylish rooms, restful retreats or glittering towers.
The upstairs bathroom is a spacious room with a walk-in shower, WC, bidet and wash basin.
The bag is roomy enough to allow reasonable freedom of movement without being so spacious that cold spots are a problem.
Cozy enough for couples, yet spacious enough to easily accommodate 6 adults.
A security door leads into the spacious hallway of this elegant building with easy stairs to the 1st floor apartment.
Rather than buy & live in a " deceptively spacious " 1 bed flat !
The center of the village is an exceptionally spacious square or green...
Victorian Values Friday 19th November 2004 Victorian family houses are characterful and spacious, but not all have the spotless reputation you might expect.
Past a spacious chamber on the left through a low stony scramble into an unpleasant crawling passage strewn with flood debris.
The spacious, light and airy lounge with its stylish modern decor is very pleasing, and the large comfy sofas are especially inviting.
The 40 spacious bedrooms benefit from air conditioning and stylish furnishings.
There are 12 spacious bedrooms, all en suite, including a Bridal suite.
The south-facing wooden summerhouse in the spacious garden provides a great place to sit by the barbecue summer or winter !
The spacious sunbathing terrace around the pool enjoys a view across to the sea.
Formerly two farm workers cottages, tasteful renovation has created a superbly spacious abode.
Today 's visitors can use two spacious car parks adjacent to a wetlands nature reserve.
These are also valuable for homeowners with spacious accommodations who prefer to place units in different rooms.
The more open look will make the room feel more spacious than a heavy bureau with a cabinet on top.
However, many cat owners do not have the luxury of a spacious house, and so a larger litter box can become an eyesore.
These may be the best buys for people in small homes, since spacious rooms will still require more furniture items.
Visitors will also enjoy the spacious museum gift shop, loaded with Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired gifts, cards, furnishings, and artwork.
Combine that with a spacious, slant-back design and water jets and you've got the ultimate in luxury -- a whirlpool tub.
The first step in planning a game room is to pick a spacious spot in your home.
LoveToKnow Interior Design has some great techniques and tips to help you go from cramped and crowded to roomy and spacious.
Do not choose a big dresser for a small room, or a tiny bed for a spacious one.
Other rooms to use cool colors or white and neutrals would be in uncomfortably small rooms like laundry rooms, tiny bedrooms, and petite bathrooms which will become visually more spacious when painted a cool color.
This gives the room a more spacious look.
It creates a lifting effect and makes the room feel more spacious.
If your bath is more spacious you can incorporate a few different design ideas--one for the floor, another for the backsplash and yet another for the shower or tub area.
Since basement laundry rooms are often more spacious, make the most of this feature.
Blanche Garcia has proven to be an expert in designing small spaces, and she shared several tips for making even the smallest room appear spacious.
With the tall cabinets, you can add rope lighting above them and then you've got an illusion of height, which makes the room seem more spacious.
Its spacious conference center boasts a full-service spa, which makes it a popular venue for weddings, meetings, conferences and other special events.
Not only is the seating spacious and comfortable, but you also have the advantage of greater ceiling height.
With their sharp look, modern appeal, and spacious passenger areas, SUV limos are a hot trend in limo rental.
The company, recognized for its modern home furnishings and accessories, carries an impressive selection of spacious floor pillows by the luxury brand, Missoni Home.
If your bathroom is typical, then it isn't overly spacious and has just enough space to accommodate the necessary bathroom fixtures.
The slightly larger Vision class are also older ships, though they are spacious enough to hold between 1,800 and 2,400 guests.
Older ships typically have smaller staterooms, though each vessel offers spacious and breathtaking public areas that make the ship even more open and luxurious.
Though newer ships have more spacious accommodations, floor space is limited, and most ships offer fewer balcony cabins than found with other cruise lines.
Holland America's fitness facilities are among the best at sea, with state-of-the-art cardio equipment and weight machines available in spacious, well-equipped gyms.
While crew cabins may not be spacious, they are equipped with TVs and DVD players as well as small refrigerators.
This spacious two-bedroom suite offers more than 1000 square feet of living space and can sleep up to seven people comfortably.
Spacious staterooms and junior suites are available, though accommodations range widely.
In addition to the spacious deck areas featured on the Twilight, passengers are also treated to historical narratives by the vessel's captain, who has navigated the Mississippi for more than 30 years.
The Carnival Freedom ship offers numerous activities, spacious staterooms and luxurious restaurants.
These windows can make a room look more open and spacious.
A small room can look larger; a cramped room can appear more spacious; and a cold room can feel warmer-all because of well chosen and well placed lighting.
Wall lanterns-Choose from smaller wall lanterns designed for backdoors and smaller porches or larger lanterns that are perfect for spacious front porches and front doors.
Poor lighting will make the room feel like it's closing in on itself, while natural light will make it feel and look more airy and spacious.
If your home has clean lines, little floor clutter and spacious, open floor plans, track lighting can be the perfect solution to your home's lighting needs.
Your jacket should fit you like a glove - not loose, not tight, but certainly more snug than spacious.
Meetings once held in the Elks Hall are now held in the beautiful, spacious recreational facility owned and operated by the organization since 1998.
They offer private entrances and stylish floor plans with spacious rooms and features like fireplaces and private patios.
Rooms are spacious and designed for families; in fact, many rooms have adjoining doors to accommodate larger groups.
In addition to the spacious two-bedroom suites, guest will also enjoy a complimentary cooked to order breakfast every day, complimentary cocktails and snacks at the nightly manager's reception, and daily delivery of USA today on weekdays.
Traditional lodge rooms are available for couples and small families, and those who want more spacious accommodations can choose villa or cabin facilities.
From the famous monorail to a spacious ferry boat, there are many ways to travel to and through the Magic Kingdom.
The hotel is spacious and includes a variety of amenities such as a spa, fitness center, shopping, an arcade and cinema.
The property offers spacious accommodations in a rural setting.
Contact your dealer to find out just how affordable this spacious Safari camper can be.
You can count on KOA sites being clean places to stay that feature spacious improved sites for tent and RV campers alike.
If there is no garage, basement, or attic, your spacious home could quickly become cluttered and tiny if you don't have enough room for all your belongings.
The rooms are European-sized, meaning they are not the spacious rooms and bathrooms you will find in an American-style hotel, but they are certainly comfortable for one or two guests.
Wandering around your spacious room will surely help you to work up an appetite, and at the St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco dining is at its finest.
The oven has a spacious 1.8 cubic foot interior, electronic touch keypad and a 14-inch turntable.
Right hand rings frequently leave open space in the band design giving a free, spacious feel to the metal.
A cathedral diamond ring setting doesn't even necessarily need the split to be reminiscent of the spacious interior of a grand cathedral.
The advantages of a briefcase over a messenger bag are clearly shown in this design, which is spacious enough to hold several textbooks.
This spacious bag is crafted out of terrifically fun waterproof rubber and proudly sports the Juicy crest.
Because he knows your resume isn't worthy of that spacious four-hundred dollar heap of Tuscan leather.
It's a lightweight purse, so it won't add bulk to your burden, and it's spacious enough to accommodate the essentials - and then some.
They're spacious enough to accommodate schoolbooks and other belongings with ease, and they often contain several compartments sized just right for smaller items.
Its shape is practical and its interior quite spacious, but it's the exterior that will grab all the attention.
With enough room for a 15 inch laptop, this spacious bag also has room for important documents, office supplies and other essentials you'd like to keep close at hand.
Even the smaller size is spacious, thanks to nearly 11 inches of height and 15 of width.
Roxy's Wheeled Upright Duffel in pink Hawaiian floral print is bright, fun, and spacious.
The Bellino Leather Travel Backpack offers a roomy separate compartment that is hidden underneath the top and the spacious main compartment is fully lined.
The larger area is spacious enough to hold your larger essentials.
Smaller in size, this bag houses a "telescopic" handle and gripped webbing, while the inside of the bag is spacious, with two extra side pockets.
The law of averages says that the more spacious your bag is, the more you'll find to fill it.
Totes are practical for so many reasons, not least because they're extra spacious and are generally constructed with function in mind.
Though flatter than a traditional beach bag, it's spacious enough to hold the basic essentials for an adult.
Wide and spacious, the bag is everyday-appropriate, lending itself just as well to the office as to an after-hours date.
The interior, meanwhile, features a practical zippered pocket, a spacious cell phone pocket and a key hook.
This extremely soft, durable hide is soaked in a spacious drum during the dyeing process, which allows the color to permeate the material completely.
Minimal in design and available in simple colors, they're just spacious enough to hold your daytime essentials.
For conservative environments, try a no-frills tote like Vanderbilt; it features plenty of spacious pockets to hold small items with ease, and wears well with a professional wardrobe.
With that in mind, your purse - however unique it is - should first and foremost be spacious enough to store everything you need for the night.
This choice is best if you're in the market for something extremely spacious.
These totes unite style and function with their spacious interiors, thoughtful details and intricately designed exteriors.
Spacious enough to hold all of the day's monetary essentials, the wallet is built to perform.
It's spacious enough to accommodate all of the daily necessities with ease and, since it features so many different colors, it happens to play well with just about everything in a woman's closet.
In small and medium sizes, the company's Alley bag is a lean vertical bag that is spacious enough for a 15-inch laptop, yet still quite slender.
One led to a closet, another to a bathroom and a third into a spacious living area, off which was another balcony.
Aguilar "of the Frontier" was so named in the middle ages from its position on the border of the Moorish territories, which were defended by the castle of Anzur, now a ruin; but the spacious squares and modern houses of the existing town retain few vestiges of Moorish dominion.
The harbour, the largest in Spain after that of Vigo, and the finest on the east coast, is a spacious bay, deep, except near its centre, where there is a ledge of rock barely 5 ft.
Its general appearance is that rather of a spacious modern, than of a medieval city full of historical associations.
From Manchuria, it was assumed, the political influence and spontaneous infiltration would naturally spread to Korea, and on the deeply indented coast of the Hermit Kingdom might be constructed new ports and arsenals more spacious and strategically more important than Port Arthur.
The streets as originally laid out were wide and spacious, but being unpaved and undrained they were no better than mud tracks diversified by piles of garbage and foul-smelling stagnant pools.
They were certainly originally stone-quarries, and the hardness of the rock has made the construction practicable of wide, lofty of corridors and spacious halls, very unlike the narrow galleries and contracted chambers in the Roman cemeteries.
Lower Euclid Avenue (the old country road to Euclid, 0., and Erie, Pa.) is given up to commercial uses; the eastern part of the avenue has handsome houses with spacious and beautifully ornamented grounds, and is famous as one of the finest residence streets in the country.
The coast of Brazil is indented with a number of almost landlocked bays, forming spacious and accessible harbours.
This harbour, though spacious, is not much used by merchant vessels.
The principal street runs from the south or Kandahar gate to the market in front of the citadel, and is covered in with a vaulted roof through its entire length, the shops and buildings of this bazaar being much superior to those of the other streets, and the merchants' caravanserais, several of which are spacious and well built, all opening out on this great thoroughfare.
Beyond is a spacious outer harbour, built 1857-1868 and enlarged in 1905-1907.
Among the public buildings are a spacious town-hall in the central square, a club-house, an opera-house and a Greek theatre.
Amongst its benefactors were many Catholic Scots and English peers and gentlemen whose arms are emblazoned on the windows of the spacious refectory hall.
It has in Vineyard Haven (Holmes's Hole) a spacious harbour, much frequented by wind-bound vessels seeking a passage round Cape Cod.
It consists of an old town with narrow and irregular streets and the remains of a fortress and ramparts, and a new town which possesses regular and spacious streets and many fine houses.
The most interesting part of the town lies in the old quarter around the Place Salinis, a spacious terrace which commands an extensive view over the surrounding country.
The town is agreeably situated and has broad and handsome streets, among them the "Linden," a spacious avenue.
It has many domes and a spacious cloister, and its central court can be seen from the neighbouring streets.
The interior is spacious and contains some fine 14th-century sculptures, those of the high altar, which contains the tomb of St Donatus, the patron saint of Arezzo, being the best; very good stained-glass windows of the beginning of the 16th century by Guillaume de Marcillat, and some terra-cotta reliefs by Andrea della Robbia.
Costanzo stands in the spacious Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in the centre of the town.
Within this circuit there are various open areas - the spacious Ippodromo in front of the citadel, the public gardens in the north-east of the city, the Piazza Grande in front of the cathedral, and the Piazza Reale to the south of the palace.
The palace of the bishops of Durham, which stands at the northeast end of the town, is a spacious and splendid, though irregular pile.
On examining more minutely the course of the development, it is found that the ovum goes through the usual process of cleavage, always total and regular in this group, and so gives rise to a hollow sphere or ovoid with the wall composed of a single layer of cells, and containing a spacious cavity, the blastocoele or segmentation-cavity.
It contains many fine buildings, designed on the most modern lines, but its special feature is a series of spacious enlosures for large herds of bison and deer.
Having been turned out of other churches, he had leased a plot of land in 1759, anticipating the final withdrawal of his license, in 1763, and a spacious building was erected to which the people crowded from all parts on Sacrament Sunday.
The "spacious arches of stone and other vestiges of departed majesty," with which Ker Porter found it surrounded in 1818, were possibly remains of the college (medresseh) and monastery (zavieh) where Ibn Batuta found shelter during his visit to the locality.
The new town has been regularly laid out with broad streets and spacious bazaars, and, situated as it is half-way between Meshed and Askabad on the cart-road connecting those two places, has much trade.
The cathammal areas may remain very small, mere wedge-shaped partitions dividing up the coelenteron into a four-lobed stomach, the lobes of which communicate at the periphery of the body by a spacious ring-canal.
It lies in a spacious plain - Blad el Hamra, "The Red" - about 15 m.
The size and character of this house, probably, at the time of its erection, the most spacious house of a subject in the kingdom, not a castle, bespeaks the wide departure of the Cistercian order from the stern simplicity of the original foundation.
The hall (2) was one of the most spacious and magnificent apartments in medieval times, measuring 170 ft.
The church of St Andrew is a spacious transitional Norman and Early English building, with later additions, and was formerly a chapel of ease to Waverley Abbey, of which a crypt and fragmentary remains, of Early English date, stand in the park attached to a modern residence of the same name.
A public park extending from the James to the heart of the city, a deep, spacious and well-protected harbour, a large shipbuilding yard with three immense dry docks, and two large grain elevators of 2,000,000 bushels capacity, are among the most prominent features; at the shipbuilding yard various United States battleships, including the "Kearsarge," "Kentucky," "Illinois," "Missouri," "Louisiana," "Minnesota," "Virginia" and "West Virginia," were constructed, as well as cruisers, gun-boats, merchant vessels, ferry-boats and submarines.
Buffalo to-day has broad and spacious streets, most of which are lined by trees, and many small parks and squares.
The streets of the Alstadt are mostly narrow and somewhat gloomy, those of the Neustadt more spacious and regular.
The town is for the most part well built, having several wide and handsome streets and a number of spacious squares.
The .- trunk contains a spacious body-cavity filled during the breeding season by the swollen ovaries, and the same is true of the tail if we substitute testes for ovaries.
The earl of Gowrie's palace, built in 1520, stood in spacious grounds near the river and was removed in 1805 to provide room for the county buildings.
The valley, at once spacious and definite, is a natural precinct, and it is probable that no artificial boundaries of the Altis, or sacred grove, existed until comparatively late times.
The finest of the modern thoroughfares of Milan is the Via Dante, constructed in 1888; it runs from the Piazza de' Mercanti to the spacious Foro Bonaparte, and thence to the Parco Nuovo, the great public garden in which stands the Castello Sforzesco.
This design was happily abandoned, and around the Parco Nuovo has grown up a new quarter of wide streets, spacious gardens and private villas.
In the position shown in solid lines, these valves deflect the air and gas into the left-hand pair of "regenerators" or spacious heat-transferring chambers.
The Riddersal, a spacious room, is covered with tapestry representing the various battles of Christian V., and has at one end a' massive silver throne.
A large new harbour, with spacious quays, has been constructed towards the south of the city.
Beyond this again, bounded on the south by the street known as the Strada dell' Abbondanza, is a large and spacious edifice, which, as we learn from an extant inscription, was erected by a priestess named Eumachia.
The portion now inhabited by the archbishops was erected in 1834 and fronts a spacious quadrangle.
The most interesting quarter lies in the east of the town, where the lofty houses which border the spacious squares known as the Grande and the Petite Place are in the Flemish style.
The Palazzo Municipale, built by Rocco Lurago at the end of the 16th century, once the property of the dukes of Turin, has a beautiful entrance court and a hanging terraced garden fronting a noble staircase of marble which leads to the spacious council chamber.
The town is well built, has many spacious squares and attractive public grounds, and contains a castle, a handsome town-hall, a gymnasium, &c. The old palace of the abbots of Kempten, dating from the end of the 17th century, is now partly used as barracks, and near to it is the fine abbey church.
A small gateway between two massive towers or pylons gave admittance to a spacious forecourt open to the sky, into which the people were allowed to enter at least on feast days.
The modern streets are spacious, and the houses well-built though monotonous.
It has a somewhat ancient appearance and possesses a spacious market-place.
The remains of the splendid foundation of St Martin's priory, of the 12th century, include the great gate, the house refectory, with campanile, and the spacious strangers' refectory, now incorporated in Dover College.
The principal church and chief building is the spacious cathedral of SS.
At Millbank, with its spacious solitary cells, the rule of seclusion was more and more strictly enforced.
Donatus, a spacious episcopal palace, and higher up is a tower, the Belvedere, with a fine view.
The strong fortifications which, with ramparts, bastions and wet ditches, formerly entirely surrounded the city, were removed on the north and west sides in 1895-1896, the trenches filled in, and the area thus freed laid out on a spacious plan.
The capitol, which is occupied by the executive and legislative departments, is an elegant and spacious building, erected since 1875.
The upstairs bathroom is a spacious room is a spacious room with a walk-in shower, WC, bidet and wash basin.
There is a spacious reception, a kitchen, a double bedroom, a bathroom and separate WC.
The spacious chancel is separated from the nave and aisles by a lofty carved wooden screen and contains some ancient and modem monuments.
Each of the 197 spacious, quiet hotel guestrooms offers soundproof walls and triple glazed windows for peaceful privacy.
The hotel is modern, comfortable and spacious with plenty of activities for all the family and is ideal for a beach based holiday.
Most of the rooms are spacious with movable furniture.
Some of the two-bedded rooms are more spacious with both beds normally double size.
The house is spacious with 4 double bedrooms, a bespoke fitted kitchen, has excellent parking and double garage.
California sunlight and an ocean breeze streamed in through open windows of Xander's spacious condo.