Spaces Sentence Examples
A green is divided into spaces usually from 18 to 21 ft.
If you fancy growing your own vegetables but are put off by the thought of fields or large rural spaces for vegetable growing, now is the time to think again.
The atomist would say, "Yes, it is broken up into its atoms, and these are distributed throughout the spaces between the particles of water."
The rival philosopher, who believes water to be continuous and without spaces between its particles, has a greater difficulty in accounting for the disappearance of the sugar; he would probably say that the sugar, and the water also, had ceased to exist, and that a new continuous substance had been formed from them, but he could offer no picture of how this change had taken place.
A local realtor manages it and rents out the spaces for them.
Finally, if you notice long lines in a fast-food drive-through or the parking lot has no open parking spaces, find the first available space you can and walk the distance to the restaurant or building.
This electricity can then be used to power your home, heat water, stored to heat and cool your home throughout the year, power a car, and even distribute the sun's light through interior spaces.
Even when Designing for Small Spaces, you can create an inviting living area for your family and friends.
Due to their close proximity, the overall look and feel of these spaces should complement each other.
Most living rooms are comfortable spaces for family members to gather and watch their favorite television programs.
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The work with business owners, retailers, landlords, real estate agents and health care providers to create functional spaces perfect for today's business world.
She believes in co-creating the spaces with her clients to form the perfect balance of client/designer needs.
Carson Guest specializes in creating office spaces that are timelessly beautiful and functional.
Living rooms, kitchens and garages are just a few of the spaces re-structured and decorated by the guest experts.
AdvertisementSavvy Home Decorating - More advice on making small spaces work.
Their food was served and they continued to chat about unimportant things with awkward silences filling the spaces.
In Edinburgh, Glasgow, and elsewhere in Scotland, and in London (through the county council), Newcastle and other English towns, the corporations have laid down greens in public parks and open spaces.
It was never a compact city, being divided into districts separated from each other by open spaces.
Instead of presenting the appearance of a continuous band in which all the colors are represented, it is interrupted by seven vertical dark spaces.
AdvertisementIn some cases it shows, when submitted to a careful examination under the highest powers of the microscope, and especially when treated with reagents of various kinds, traces of a more or less definite structure in the form of a meshwork consisting of a clear homogeneous substance containing numerous minute bodies known as microsomes, the spaces being filled by a more fluid ground-substance.
Actual or projected routes for telegraph cables across the deep sea have also been sounded with extreme accuracy in many cases; but beyond these lines of sounding the vast spaces of the ocean remain unplumbed save for the rare researches of scientific expeditions, such as those of the " Challenger," the " Valdivia," the " Albatross " and the " Scotia."
In many birds the spaces between the metasternum and the posterior processes and again the spaces between this and the oblique process are filled up by proceeding ossification and either remain as notches, or as fenestrae, or they are completely abolished so that the breastbone is turned into one solid more or less oblong plate.
Vast and impenetrable forests, impassable marches and thickets, numerous lakes, swampy meadows, with cleared and dry spaces here and there occupied by villages, are the leading features of this region.
This disparity is partly accounted for by the facts that large spaces, notably in the Chinese city, are not built over, and that the grounds surrounding the imperial palace, private residences and temples are very extensive.
AdvertisementThere are considerable spaces where the strike, or axis, of the main ranges is transverse to the water-parting, which is then represented by intermediate highlands forming lacustrine regions with an indefinite watershed.
Eastwards of this the great Kashgar depression, which includes the Tarim desert, separates Russia from the vast sterile highlands of Tibet; and a continuous series of desert spaces of low elevation, marking the limits of a primeval inland sea from the Sarikol meridional watershed to the Khingan mountains on the western borders of Manchuria, divide her from the northern provinces of China.
There are no lacunar blood spaces with ill-defined or absent walls except for a sinus surrounding the intestine, which is at least frequently present.
It has been held that the condition shown in certain leeches tend to prove that the coelom and haemocoel are primitively one series of spaces which have been gradually differentiated.
Vezhdovsky has lately seen reasons for regarding the blood system as originating entirely from the hypoblast by the secretion of fluid, the blood, from particular intestinal cells and the consequent formation of spaces through pressure, which become lined with these cells.
On the other hand, it has been held that in these leeches there is no vascular system at all and that the entire system of spaces is coelom.
This latter, as well as the heart and the walls of the blood spaces, arises by the modification of mesodermal cells, and the body cavity is formed by the enlargement and coalescence of the blood channels and by the splitting of the fat body.
Special notes of the style are the central grouping of the windows, leaving comparatively solid spaces on each side, which gives the effect of FIG.
The lower order contains the flat pilastered portal with two panelled spaces on each side.
The genital products develop in intermediate spaces similarly limited by these dissepiments and alternating with the digestive caeca.
In origin the vascular system is due to a fusion of spaces which arise in the mesoblast of the larva.
Montgomery has also described certain spaces which may be coelomic lying between the alimentary canal and the inner longitudinal layer of muscles in the Heteronemertini.
Unfortunately the spaces still most open are the low grounds to N.E.
This mode has some disadvantages attending it; such sheets are difficult to handle; the crustaceous species are liable to have their surfaces rubbed; the foliaceous species become so compressed as to lose their characteristic appearance; and the spaces between the sheets caused by the thickness of the specimen permit the entrance of dust.
The Clos St Jean, a pleasant park, lies to the north-west, and squares and open spaces are numerous.
From the records of that period it seems that the present city is identical in the position of its walls and the space occupied by the town proper with Bagdad at the close of the 12th century, the period when this rapid decline had already advanced so far that the western city is described by travellers as almost in ruins, and the eastern half as containing large uninhabited spaces.
The city owned in 1905 about 290 acres of parks and "open spaces," the chief being Roath Park of Too acres (including a botanical garden of 15 acres), Llandaff fields of 70 acres, and Cathays Park of 60 acres, which was acquired in 1900 mainly with the view of placing in it the chief public buildings of the town.
The goal, which is well preserved at the upper end, is similar to that at Olympia; it consists of a sill of stone sunk level with the ground, with parallel grooves for the feet of the runners at starting, and sockets to hold the posts that separated the spaces assigned to the various competitors, and served as guides to them in running.
The intermediate spaces are filled in according to information derived from various hunters.
In very limited spaces on other mountains there are scattered trees - the pinon (nut pine) and the juniper at an altitude between 5000 and 7000 ft.
The alpine rose (Rhododendron dauricum) clusters in masses on the higher mountains; juniper, spiraea, sorbus, the pseudo-acacia (Caragana sibirica and C. arborescens, C. jubata in some of the higher tracts), various Rosaceae - Potentilla fruticosa and Cotoneaster uniflora - the wild cherry (Prunus Padus), and many other shrubs occupy the spaces between the trees.
Its open spaces are lovely prairies, on which the Daurian flora flourishes in full beauty.
While governmental colonization studded Siberia with forts, free colonization filled up the intermediate spaces.
In Crania, where only indications of the lip-sinus occur, there are two other closed spaces.
There is further a great tendency for the endothelial cells to form muscles, and this is especially pronounced in the small arm-sinus, where a conspicuous muscle is built up. The mantle-sinuses which form the chief spaces in the mantle are diverticula of the main coelomic cavity.
For many experiments the field due to the earth's magnetism is sufficient; this is practically quite uniform throughout considerable spaces, but its total intensity is less than half a unit.
The coils and branches of the tube are packed by connective tissue and blood spaces.
The most important open spaces, however, surround Arthur's Seat (822 ft.).
It stands in public gardens; there are several other small open spaces; and some 70 out of the 217 acres of Victoria Park are within the borough.
The chiton, xcrcww, was formed by sewing together at the sides two pieces of linen, or a double piece folded together, leaving spaces at the top for the arms and neck, and fastening the top edges together over the shoulders and upper arm with buttons or brooches; more rarely we find a plain sleeveless chiton.
But towards the south the open grass-covered spaces increased in number and area.
Besides other open spaces there is Burger's park, originally planned, during the first British occupation, as a botanical garden.
In the normal thyroid there is formed and stored up in the spaces this colloid material.
The gland spaces vary in size and many may show marked cystic formation.
Thus Ludwig was of opinion that the lymph-flow is dependent upon two factors, first, difference in pressure of the blood in the capillaries and the liquid in the plasma spaces outside; and, secondly, chemical interchanges setting up osmotic currents through the vessel-walls.
The administration and acreage of parks and open spaces, and their provisions for the public recreation, fall for consideration later, but some of them are notable features in the topography of London.
The other most notable open spaces wholly or partly within the county are Hampstead Heath in the north-west, a wild, high-lying tract preserved to a great extent in its natural state, and in the south-west Wimbledon Common, Putney Heath and the royal demesne of Richmond Park, which from its higher parts commands a wonderful view up the rich valley of the Thames.
The outlying parts of the county to east, south and north are not lacking in open spaces, but there is an extensive inner area where at most only small gardens and squares break the continuity of buildings, and where in some cases old churchyards serve as public grounds.
The administration of parks and open spaces in and round London, topographical details of the principal of which are given in Section I., is divided between the Office of Works, the London County Council, the City Corporation and the borough councils.
The Office of Works controls the Royal parks, the County Council controls the larger parks and open spaces not under Government or City control, and the borough councils the smaller; while the City Corporation controls certain public grounds outside the County of London.
The London County Council's parks and open spaces increased in number from 40 in 1890 to 114 in 1907, and in acreage from 2656 to 5006 in the same years.
We have no materials to judge of the number of inhabitants before the Norman Conquest, but we can guess that there were many open spaces within the walls that were afterwards filled up. It is scarcely worth while to guess as to the numbers in Saxon London, but it is possible that in the early period there were about 10,000 inhabitants, growing later to about 20,000.
In all mercurial thermometers there is a slight depression of the ice-point after exposure to high temperatures; it is also not uncommon to find that the readings of two thermometers between the iceand boiling-points fail to agree at any intermediate temperature, although the iceand boiling-points of both have been determined together with perfect accuracy, and the intervening spaces have been equally divided.
Where the soil grains are quite free from each other the smaller grains tend to fill up the spaces between the larger ones; hence it might be concluded that in clays the amount of pore-space would be less than in coarser sands.
The amount and speed of movement of water by this means, and the distance to which it may be carried, depend largely upon the fineness of the particles composing the soil and the spaces left between each.
These form nearly 60% of its total area, private gardens, parks and open spaces occupying a further 13%.
The town is situated in low, malarious ground, and was originally buried in jungle, but the Russians during their occupation of the place in 1723-34 cleared much timber and jungle and made some open spaces.
In these spaces certain monks briefly noted the important events of the year.
The seventh is to hammer gold into the outlines of the diaper; the eighth, to hammer it into the pattern filling the spaces between the lines, and the ninth and tenth to complete the details.
Though there are great hollow spaces in the structure of the foundations, these appear merely to have been intended to save material, and not to have been put to any religious or other use.
The chief open spaces are Market Square in the west and Government Square in the south of the town.
The wide spaces of the Pacific lay behind him, he had fought a famous battle, but the southern waters of the world lay before him, behind loomed the Atlantic, and he knew that Britain's arm stretched far.
It is a remarkable geographical fact that on the rises and in the basins of moderate depth of the open ocean the organic oozes preponderate, but in the abysmal depressions below 2500 or 3000 fathoms, whether these lie in the middle or near the edges of the great ocean spaces, there is found only the red clay, with a minimum of calcium carbonate, though sometimes with a considerable admixture of the siliceous remains of radiolarians.
This fact, together with the extraordinarily rare occurrence of such remains and meteoric particles in globigerina ooze, although there is no reason to suppose that at any one time they are unequally distributed over the ocean floor, can only be explained on the assumption that the rate of formation of the epilophic deposits through the accumulation of pelagic shells falling from the surface is rapid enough to bury the slowgathering material which remains uncovered on the spaces where the red clay is forming at an almost infinitely slower rate.
The atoms, they said, do not fill up the universe; there are void spaces between them.
He made a business-like little notebook, ruled off spaces for the thirteen virtues and the seven days of the week, " determined to give a week's strict attention to each of the virtues successively.
The circlet is much wider and is richly chased and jewelled, and from it rise eight large leaves, the intervening spaces being filled with fleurs-de-lys of definite outline.
At intervals are circular spaces, called " glorietas," with statues (the famous bronze equestrian statue of Charles IV., and monuments to Columbus, Cuauhtemoc the last of the Aztec emperors, and Juarez).
It passes over equal spaces in equal times, but falls with an accelerating velocity according to the formula h = zgt 2, where h is the height fallen through, g the force of gravity, and t the time of flight.
Angus Smith determined London air to vary in oxygen content from 20.857 to 20.95, the air in parks and open spaces showing the higher percentage; Glasgow air showed similar results, varying from 20.887 in the streets to 20 92 9 in open spaces.
The corporation owns the Stray, and also the Spa concert rooms and grounds, Harlow Moor, Crescent Gardens, Royal Bath gardens and other large open spaces, as well as Royal Baths, Victoria Baths and Starbeck Baths.
The lines in the diagram represent the directions of a series of forces which must all be in equilibrium; these lines may, for an object to be explained in the next paragraph, be conveniently named by the letters in the spaces which they separate instead of by the method usually employed in geometry.
Thus we shall call the first inclined line on the left hand the line AG, the line representing the first force on the top left-hand joint AB, the first horizontal member at the top left hand the line BH, etc. similarly each point requires at least three letters to denote it; the top first left-hand joint may be called Abhg, being the point where these four spaces meet.
It has further been verified by Sir Oliver Lodge that even in very narrow spaces the aether is not entrained by its surroundings when they are put into rapid motion.
As might be expected, in thickened and highly embossed valves thin spaces occur over the visual organ.
Practically the whole of the north-east Pacific is therefore more than 2000 fathoms deep, and the south-east has two roughly triangular spaces, including the greater part of the area, between 2000 and 3000 fathoms. Notwithstanding this great average depth, the " deeps " or areas over 3000 fathoms are small in number and extent.
Open spaces of great extent are numerous within the walls, but for the most part they are defaced by mounds of rubbish and putrid refuse.
In the first decades after the establishment of independence the resources and energies of the nation were absorbed in the task of occupying the vacant spaces of a continent, and sub-, duing it to agriculture; and so long as land was so abundant that the spreading population easily sustained itself upon the fruits of the soil, and satisfied the tastes of a simple society with the products of neighborhood handicrafts, there was no incentive to any real development of a factory economy.
Nearer the Pacific coast the woods and open spaces are filled with flowers and shrubs.
There is government control of the spaces on the steamships in which the cattle are carried, and veterinary inspection prevents the exportation of diseased animals.
This plain, which intervenes between Chalcis and Eretria, and was a fruitful source of contention to those cities, is the most considerable of the few and small spaces of level ground in the island, and was fertile in corn.
Then let us suppose that the inter-lamellar junctions already noted in Mytilus become very numerous, large and irregular; by them the two trellis-works of filaments would be united so as to leave only a sponge-like set of spaces between them.
In Anodonta the blood is driven by the ventricle through the arteries into vessel-like spaces.
Altogether Salford has thirty parks and open spaces having a total area of 217 acres.
The structure of the corpora cavernosa consists of a strong fibrous coat, the tunica albuginea, from the deep surface of which numerous fibrous trabeculae penetrate the interior and divide it into a number of spaces which are lined with endothelium and communicate with the veins.
This action, at first sight somewhat obscure, is due to the extreme pupillary contraction which removes the mass of the iris from pressing upon the spaces of Fontana, through which the intraocular fluids normally make a very slow escape from the eye into its efferent lymphatics.
Altogether, the town probably did not contain more than seventy or eighty houses of any size, and large spaces were not built over at all.
The borough has in all about 350 acres of open spaces.
Palms, mangos and other trees grow luxuriantly in the gardens and open spaces, and give the town a picturesque setting.
The surface of the thallus often exhibits outgrowths in the form of warts, hairs, &c. The medullary layer, which usually forms the main part of the thallus, is distinguished from the cortical layer by its looser consistence and the presence in it of numerous, large, air-containing spaces.
The spaces between the walls and the outer fence are called " slips."
The central part of the house may be devoted to permanent plants; the side stages and open spaces in the permanent beds should be reserved for the temporary plants.
It may be practised for the purpose of changing a part of the tree, and is sometimes very useful for filling out vacant spaces, in trained trees especially.
Plant cauliflowers on a warm border in spaces such as can be protected by hand-lights.
The low-lying spaces at the confluences of the rivers, being readily laid under water, have been not infrequently chosen as sites for fortresses.
The spaces between the four rows of medallions are filled with six-winged cherubim.
Of parks and open spaces there are in the south, Brodie Park (22 acres), presented in 1871 by Robert Brodie; towards the north Fountain Gardens (7a acres), the gift of Thomas Coats and named from the handsome iron fountain standing in the centre; in the north-west, St James Park (40 acres), with a racecourse (racing dates from 1620, when the earl of Abercorn and the Town Council gave silver bells for the prize); Dunn Square and the old quarry grounds converted and adorned; and Moss Plantation beyond the north-western boundary.
The town suffered frequently from fire, as in 1702 and 1855, and the broad open spaces (Almenninge) which interrupt the streets are intended as a safeguard against the spread of flames.
The epidermis is continuous except where stomata or spaces bounded by specialized cells communicate with intercellular spaces in the interior of the leaf.
Their internal structure consists of cells, disposed irregularly, and sometimes leaving spaces which are filled with air for the purpose of floating the leaf.
In some cases there is only a network of filament-like cells, the spaces between which are not filled with parenchyma, giving a skeleton appearance to the leaf, as in Ouvirandra fenestralis (Lattice plant).
When the development of parenchyma is such that it more than fills up the spaces between the veins, the margins become wavy, crisp or undulated, as in Rumex crispus and Rheum undulatum.
Brisbane is well provided with parks and open spaces; the Victoria Park and Bowen Park are the largest; the high-lying Mount Coot-tha commands fine views, and there are other parks and numerous recreation grounds in various parts of the city, besides the admirable botanical gardens and the gardens of the Acclimatization Society.
It was not, however, of large size, as compared to the open spaces in modern towns, being only 467 ft.
At Pompeii indeed the streets were not wide, but they were straight and regular, and the houses of the better class occupied considerable spaces, presenting in this respect no doubt a striking contrast, not only with those of Rome itself, but with those of many other Italian towns, where the buildings would necessarily be huddled together from the circumstances of their position.
It having been found that considerable hollow spaces existed below the foundations of some of the piers, five bore-holes from the top of the roadway were pierced vertically through each pier of both barrages, and similar holes were drilled at intervals along all the lock walls.
Above this belt the firs gradually disappear and are succeeded by the shortleaved Pinus montezumae, or Mexican " ocote " - one of the largest species of pine in the republic. These continue to the upper tree-line, accompanied by red and purple Pentstemon and light blue lupins in the open spaces, some ferns, and occasional masses of alpine flowers.
Certain species are regularly found in the intercellular spaces of higher plants; such are species of Nostoc in the thallus of Anthoceros, the leaves of Azolla and the roots of Cycads.
The game was sought in the open deserts which border on both sides the valley of the Nile; but (by the wealthy) sometimes in enclosed spaces into which the animals had been driven or in preserves.
The Hymenoptera are also numerous, but less so than the Lepidoptera, with which the mountain slopes and sunny, open spaces seem to be literally covered.
After this the aria "Et in spiritum sanctum," in which the next dogmatic clauses are enshrined like relics in a casket, furnishes a beautiful decorative design on which the listener can repose his mind; and then comes the voluminous ecclesiastical fugue, Confiteor unum baptisma, leading, as through the door and world-wide spaces of the Catholic Church, to that veil which is not all darkness to the eye of faith.
It includes about 360 miles of easy road, with spaces where wateris scarce.
Nevertheless the Milky Way contains a fair proportion of lucid stars, for these are considerably more numerous in the bright patches of the Milky Way than in the rifts and dark spaces.
In A there is a displacer (D) which is connected (by parts not shown) with the piston in such a manner that it moves down when the piston has moved up. The air-pressure is practically the same above and below D, for these spaces are in free communication with one another through the regenerator (E), which is an annular space stacked loosely with wire-gauze.
Their origin is the fact that where the bars appear nearly to coincide the apparent gaps bear the greatest ratio to the dark spaces; i.e.
The clearance allowed between the points of teeth and the bottoms of the spaces between the teeth of the other wheel is about one-tenth of the pitch.
The new houses were limited in height, built partly of hard stone and protected by open spaces and colonnades.
Under the series system only the first anode and the last cathode are connected to the conductors; between these are suspended, isolated from one another, a number of intermediate bi-polar electrode plates of raw copper, each of these plates acting on one side as a cathode, receiving a deposit of copper, and on the other as an anode, passing into solution; the voltage between the terminals of the tank will be as many times as great as that between a single pair of plates as there are spaces between electrodes in the tank.
Norrmalm is the finest quarter of the city, with broad straight streets, several open spaces with gardens, and handsome buildings.
On or near such open spaces are collected all the villages.
Intercostal neuralgia is pain affecting the nerves which emerge from the spinal cord and run along the spaces between the ribs to the front of the body.
The vast spaces of the veld, the silence of the solitudes, the marvellous, varied and abundant animal life, the savage, half-weird character of the natives and the wild adventure of the early colonists have been caught with a true spirit of genius.
The town possesses 103 acres of parks and open spaces, the chief being Llewelyn Park of 42 acres in the north of the town near Morriston, Victoria Park (16 acres) and recreation ground (8 acres) abutting on the sands in the west, with the privately owned football field between them, Cwmdonkin (13 acres) commanding a fine panoramic view of the bay, and Brynmill (9 acres) with a disused reservoir constructed in 1837 and now converted into an ornamental lake.
Other features of these parks are a small botanical garden in Cwmdonkin, a good collection of waterfowl in Brynmill, and a small aviary of the rarer British birds in Victoria Park, which also has a meteorological station in connexion with the meteorological office, and a statue of Mr William Thomas of Lan erected in 1905 in appreciation of the work done by him in preserving and obtaining "open spaces" for Swansea.
The evidence to hand shows that on heights and in open country, especially in the north, there may be few or even no Schizomycetes detected in the air, and even in towns their distribution varies greatly; sometimes they appear to exist in minute clouds, as it were, with interspaces devoid of any, but in laboratories and closed spaces where their cultivation has been promoted Lhe air may be considerably laden with them Of course the distribution of bodies so light and small is easily influenced by movements, rain, wind, changes of temperature, &c. As parasites, certain Schizomycetes inhabit and prey upon the organs of man and animals in varying degrees, and the conditions for their growth and distribution are then very complex.
Apart from its commerce Stettin is comparatively an uninteresting city, although its appearance, owing to its numerous promenades and open spaces, is very pleasant.
The only open spaces are the market-place and two other squares, one of which, facing the citadel, is adorned with a granite column erected (1818) in commemoration of the defeat of Napoleon I.
As in the other Arthropoda, the circulatory system in Crustacea is largely 1 6/ lacunar, the blood flowing in spaces or channels without definite walls.
These spaces make up the apparent body-cavity, the ta, Stomach of common crab, true body-cavity or coelom having Cancer pagurus, laid open, been, for the most part, obliter showing b, b, b, some of the ated by the great expansion of calcareous plates inserted in the blood-containing spaces.
The parks and open spaces include Wellington Park, Well Park in the heart of the town (these were the gift of Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart), Whin Hill, Lyle Road - a broad drive winding over the heights towards Gourock, constructed as a "relief work" in the severe winter of 1879-1880.
The dorsoventral and the parapodial muscles are much developed, whilst the coelom is reduced mostly to branched spaces in which the genital products ripen, Full-grown myzostomids are hermaphrodite.
The active surfaces in flying creatures are always greatly in excess of the passive ones, from the fact that the former virtually increase in proportion to the spaces through which they are made to travel.
She knows that if the wings are driven with sufficient rapidity they practically convert the spaces through which they move into solid bases of support; she also knows that the body in rapid flight derives support from all the air over which it passes.
When the wing is made to vibrate, its several portions travel through the spaces d b f, j k 1, g h i, and e a c in exactly the same interval of time.
In this figure the spaces between the double dotted lines (c g, i b) represent the down strokes, the single dotted line (h, i) representing the up stroke.
The tip and posterior parts of the wing are more active than the root and anterior parts, from the fact that the tip and posterior parts (the wing is an eccentric) always travel through greater spaces, in a given time, than the root and anterior parts.
They offer little resistance to the air when they are at rest, and when in motion the speed with which they are driven is such as to ensure that the comparatively large spaces through which they travel shall practically be converted into solid bases of support.
Among other statutes conferring powers or imposing duties upon county councils, mention may be made of such acts as those relating to sea fisheries regulation, open spaces, police MisceI superannuation, railway and canal traffic, shop hours, laneous.
A great number of other statutes confer powers or impose duties upon district councils, such as the acts relating to town gardens, agricultural gangs, fairs, petroleum, infant life protection, commons, open spaces, canal boats, factories and workshops, margarine, sale of horse-flesh and shop hours.
They form a region of salt lakes and stagnant marshes, relieved by wide flat spaces of open plateau country.
Hence quinine stops the process of diapedesis or emigration of the leucocytes from the blood-vessels into the tissues, and if applied to the, extravascular spaces it arrests the leucocytic movements there.
The ghost has now been brought back to much of true life again by the skill of the most scrupulous of all restorers, Cavaliere Cavenaghi, who, acting under the authority of a competent commission, and after long and patient experiment, found it possible to secure to the wall the innumerable blistered, mildewed and half-detached flakes and scales of the original work that yet remained, to clear the surface thus obtained of much of the obliterating accretions due to decay and mishandling, and to bring the whole to unity by touching tenderly in with tempera the spots and spaces actually left bare.
Among open spaces devoted by the corporation to public use that of Woodhouse Moor is the principal one within the city, but 3 m.
Such stones may be of any size subject to each of them covering only a small proportion of the width of the structure (in the Vyrnwy dam they reached 8 or 10 tons each), and the spaces between them, where large enough, must be similarly built in with smaller, but always the largest possible, stones; spaces too small for this treatment must be filled and rammed with concrete.
Since the reactions occur among gases and liquids in the nebulous state, vast spaces have to be provided in which the process may be carried out as completely as possible before the waste gases are allowed to escape into the outer air.
These spaces cannot be constructed in any other way than is actually done in the shape of the lead chambers; neither iron nor brickwork can be employed for this purpose, as they would be quickly destroyed by the acid liquids and gases.
This sheet of tissue is called the coenosarc. Its lower surface is clothed with a layer of calicoblasts which continue to secrete carbonate of lime, giving rise to a secondary deposit which more or less fills up the spaces between the individual coralla, and is distinguished as coenenchyme.
A modification of the method, corresponding with D of § ioi, is shown in G; the fact that the partial product 08546 is followed by two blank spaces shows that the figure 2 represents a partial quotient 200.
Originally the calcareous substance of the plates (stereom) was pierced by irregular canals, more or less vertical, and containing strands of the soft tissue (stroma) that deposited the stereom, as well as spaces filled with fluid.
The Lustgarten, the Wilhelmsplatz and the Plantage are open spaces laid out as pleasure-grounds and adorned with statues and busts.
The leaves have a single main bundle, and in the mesophyll are four longitudinal series of large intercellular spaces separated by transverse diaphragms. The sporangia, which are situated singly on the adaxial surface of the leaves, between their insertion on the stem and the ligule, arise from a considerable number of epidermal cells.
We find ourselves, when we try, compelled to lose our positive ideas of finite spaces in the negative idea of Immensity or Boundlessness, and our positive ideas of finite times in the negative thought of Endlessness.
Over the upper surface was stretched a white-dressed reindeer skin, and at the corners (so to speak) hung a variety of charms - tufts of wool, bones, teeth, claws, &c. The area was divided into several spaces, often into three, one for the celestial gods, one for the terrestrial and one for man.
Wollaston made the experiment in 1802, and perceived the spaces of colour to be interrupted by seven obscure gaps, which took the shape of lines owing to his use of rectangular slit.
There are numerous mosques, orishas (idol-houses) and open spaces shaded with trees.
The spaces between were closed in with rods (usually hazel) firmly interwoven.
Achilles, on the supposition that his speed is ten times that of the tortoise, must traverse an infinite number of spaces - 1000 ft., loo ft., to ft., &c. - and the tortoise must traverse an infinite number of spaces - loo ft., to ft., I ft., &c. - before they reach the point, distant from their starting-points III I y ft.
Conceiving that the simplest principle is the most likely to be true, he assumed as a postulate that bodies falling freely towards the earth descend with a uniformly accelerated motion, and deduced thence that the velocities acquired are in the direct, and the spaces traversed in the duplicate ratio of the times, counted from the beginning of motion; finally, he proved, by observing the times of descent of bodies falling down inclined planes, that the postulated law was the true law.
But the great work carried through by Mr Chamberlain for Birmingham was the municipalization of the supply of gas and water, and the improvement scheme by which slums were cleared away and forty acres laid out in new streets and open spaces.
C, The haemocoele (3) has become divided up into a number of spaces, the arrangement of which is unimportant.
With the exception of the Kej valley, and that of the Bolida, which is an affluent of the Kej, there are no considerable spaces of cultivation in Makran.
Archimedes contributed to the knowledge of these curves by determining the area of the parabola, giving both a geometrical and a mechanical solution, and also by evaluating the ratio of elliptic to circular spaces.
Besides the other spaces are definite rounded or oval vacuoles with a permanent pellicular wall termed by Schutt " pusules "; these open by a duct or ducts into the longitudinal groove.
For lager-beer cellars and fermenting rooms, for bacon-curing cellars, and for similar purposes, brick walls with single or double air spaces are used, and sometimes a space filled with silicate cotton or other insulating material.
In Canada air spaces are largely used either alone or in combination with silicate cotton or planer shavings.
The air spaces, two or three in number, are formed between two layers of tongued and grooved wood, and the total thickness of the insulation is about the same as when silicate cotton alone is used.
Ortoni (Penhallow), from the Devonian of Canada, the tubes are quite uniform, and there are no spaces or concentric rings.
The method for superposing the two spaces on one another was deduced by Sir David Brewster in 1856, but he does not appear to have dealt with the problem of range-finding.
The rooms are covered by acutely pointed vaults, the stones forming the sides of the vault being bevelled to the angle, and the apex being covered by capstones covering spaces of one to two feet.
The spaces between the vaults are filled with solid masonry, and above all is the roof covering, also of masonry, which is sometimes surmounted with an ornamental roof-comb.
In reverberatory and air furnaces used in the different operations of iron manufacture, where an extremely high temperature has to be maintained in spaces of comparatively small extent, such as the beds of puddling, welding and steel-melting furnaces, the temperature of the exhaust gases is exceedingly high, and if allowed to pass directly into the chimney they appear as a great body of flame at the top. It is now general to save a portion of this heat by passing the flame through flues of steam boilers, air-heating apparatus, or both - so that the steam required for the necessary operations of the forge and heated blast for the furnace itself may be obtained without further expenditure of fuel.
Due to the immense popularity, all available spaces for September have been taken.
You will need to omit any spaces or characters which are not alphanumeric.
The differences in performance create conditions that allow combustion byproducts to more easily enter home living spaces.
On this Advent calender are a series of dates which conceal explorable spaces.
Car Parking at Frenchgate Shoppers also now benefit from an extra 900 car parking at Frenchgate Shoppers also now benefit from an extra 900 car parking spaces in the new multi-storey car park.
The two six inch front castors rotate through 360 degrees enabling the power chair to access even the smallest spaces with ease.
The quantity and relative centrality of spaces allocated to different countries or classes of artifact also established hierarchies among the exhibits.
Following a section on normed linear spaces, we will consider periodic approximation using classical Fourier series.
We bring warm bedding and waterproof clothing, tents and living spaces of our own.
If we had a few more squares and open spaces they would greatly conduce to the healthfulness of the lieges.
In large towns, that can mean creating rooftop spaces or growing ivy and other creepers over concrete walls.
Nine parking spaces would be provided in the front curtilage of the site.
Enter ABC def using local cursor motions (not spaces) between the abc and the def.
The players ' checkers move in opposite directions on a board with 24 spaces.
Nests are frequently located in loft spaces, cavity walls, flower beds, garden sheds, rockeries and roof eaves.
Physical spaces The physical was intimately entwined with the digital.
Homotopy equivalence of spaces also has a relative version.
The scheme to replace the current town center eyesore with 65 new car park spaces should be completed by March.
The cereal eyespot fungus, Tapesia, forms specialized infection plaques in the tight spaces between leaf sheaths at the base of the plant.
The distended capillaries allow large molecules e.g. fibrinogen, red blood cells, to escape into the interstitial spaces.
These provide offices that range from grand open plan spaces on the principal floors to small one person garrets in the roof.
In their form and design, suburbs are also gendered spaces, shaped by assumptions about home, work and family.
Kittens can squeeze into tiny spaces and because they are so inquisitive, often end up in trouble!
The team has to lock the parks each night, dispose of needles and carry out playground inspections in 43 parks and open spaces.
Also limiting access to these spaces to spatial movement may improve social interaction.
Designed as a chamber production for unusual spaces, this production has thrilled audiences around the country with its intense intimacy.
The spaces for the floor joists can be clearly seen.
The scheme provides access to information through the use of touchscreen kiosks that are located in public spaces.
The spaces between characters are filled in by hand with genuine imperial red Chinese lacquer.
Mason Brooks, lettings manager at Hurford Salvi Carr in Limehouse Basin, advises landlords to concentrate on blank spaces.
The wheelchair spaces are integrated into our seating layout so that a wheelchair user can sit with their family and friends.
The 15-year lease for 48 car parking spaces is being let at a rent of £ 50,000 per annum.
These domestic spaces were separated from the drafting room and office by an open air loggia.
Parking spaces must be vacated by noon on the day of departure.
Cars spaces could then be arranged in chevron to get the maximum in and to look less obtrusive.
Apparently bees like more enclosed spaces for their nests and now I come to think about it, this hive looks pretty papery.
With small changes in lifestyle or minor readjustments to your personal spaces, dramatic reductions in exposure can be achieved.
With help from construction industry charity Crash, the newly refitted hostel provides 11 bed spaces in five self-catering units.
Some easy to remember sayings to help remember the lines & spaces.
Parks and Open Spaces nationally became shabby at best.
Some studios offer short-term lets and project spaces for specific projects, and these may be better suited to your needs.
They noted that from 100 samples, seven had either sinuses or epithelial lined spaces.
Lunch spaces You can pre-book a half-hour slot in one of our lunch spaces during your visit - please enquire when making your booking.
Shops are also seen as integral to housing communities and the spaces between dwellings appear much more sociable.
Gallery spaces offer an ideal venue for an evening soiree or special event with a capacity of up to 250 guests.
The flow and pressure changes in the vessels allow fluid, smaller solutes, and plasma proteins to pass into the tissue spaces.
Out of the bag the process will be quicker, but badges in confined spaces should last better for these reasons.
The green Flag Award scheme is the national standard for parks and green spaces.
Many cultural bodies can make use of performance and exhibition spaces in interlocking rhythms.
There should be greater public access to existing stadia, school facilities and open spaces.
Sleeping is provided in 12 double & 25 single private bunk spaces, including 6 private staterooms.
You place tesserae of the desired color in the spaces, cutting and fitting smaller shapes if neccessary.
Kennel operators often keep dogs tethered on short ropes or chains or confined to tiny spaces.
Cancellous Bone Cancellous bone has large open spaces (marrow spaces) and plates of bone called trabeculae.
Originally, the spaces between the columns were filled with delicate Gothic tracery, destroyed by the Puritans.
Level access to auditorium with 2 spaces for wheelchair / scooter users and 8 spaces for wheelchair transferees at back of auditorium.
Frequently the subdomain matches the linked phrase, with spaces replaced by underscores or hyphens.
By shutting down, what he deems unprofitable, it would increase demand on parking spaces.
Pie chart of memory card usage, free spaces are also displayed for the best of your convenience.
Patients with schizophrenia often show a small increase in the size of the fluid spaces in the brain called the lateral ventricles.
Introduction Pyramid is a multi-purpose arts venue, with eight spaces.
The strategic planting of shrubs and trees also define spaces and retain end-to-end visibility for pedestrians.
In these spaces the dramaturgical is prioritized over the purely visual in challenging and novel ways.
We have over 1,000 study spaces and provide group workrooms.
This enormous capacity for expansion and contraction is astonishing if we believe matter to be continuous, but if we imagine air to be made up of little particles separated by relatively large empty spaces the changes in volume are more easily conceivable.
Micrometers used for subdividing the spaces on graduated circles and scales have, in general, only a single pair of cross-webs or parallel webs moved by a single screw.
We have, in fact, in this instrument a combination of types B and C. Even in this apparatus if the slide on which the chariot moves is not perfect (and no slide is perfect), the azimuth of the axis of the microscope is liable to change in the course of movement of the slide, and thus equal spaces on the scale will not be represented by equal spaces on the plate under measurement.
In the skull there are always vacuities, or unossified spaces in the bones of the palate, while the "angle," or lower hind extremity of each half of the lower jaw is strongly bent inwards so as to form a kind of shelf, and the alisphenoid bone takes a share in the formation of the tympanum, or auditory bladder, or bulla.
In these annular spaces there are suspended by springs two light coils of fine copper wire, capable of being moved vertically, and connected in such a manner as to be traversed by the two variable line currents from the transmitter.
A richly chlorophyllous tissue, with numerous intercellular spaces communicates with the exterior by stomata, strikingly similar to those of the vascular plants (see below).
The important function of aeration, by which the inner living tissues of the bulky plant-body obtain the oxygen necessary for their respiration, is secured by the development of an extensive system of intercellular spaces communicating with the external air.
The latter is produced (except in cases of complete astely where a cylinder is never formed) after a number of leaf-traces have appeared on different sides of the stem so as to form a circle as seen in transverse section, the spaces intervening between adjacent bundles becoming bridged by small-celled tissue closing the cylinder.
In these we have (1) the evaporation from the damp delicate cell-walls into the intercellular spaces; (2) the imbibition by the cell-wall of water from the vacuole; (3) osmotic action, consequent upon the subsequent increased concentration of the cell sap, drawing water from the wood cells or vessels which abut upon the leaf parenchyma.
The inner surface of the intestinal caeca is ciliated, the caeca themselves are some times - especially in the UT hindermost portion of the body - of a considerably smaller lumen than the intermediate genital spaces; sometimes, however, the reverse is the case, and in both cases it is the smaller lumen that appears enclosed between and suspended by the transverse fibres constituting the muscular dissepiments above mentioned.
All these spaces contain a similar coagulable fluid with sparse corpuscles, and all are lined by ciliated cells.
Thus he proceeds in all his decorative work, avoiding studiously the exact repetition of any lines and spaces, and all diametrical divisions, or, if these be forced upon him by the shape of the object, exercising the utmost ingenuity to disguise the fact, and train away the eye from observing the weak point, as nature does in like circumstances.
A fine park more than 80 acres in extent lies to the south of the city, which is rich in open spaces and promenades, the latter including the botanical garden and the Promenade de l'Arquebuse, in which there is a black poplar famous for its size and age.
The government of Sir John Macdonald felt, however, that the future of the Dominion depended upon linking together the Atlantic and the Pacific, and in view of the vast unoccupied spaces lying between the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains, open to immigration from the United States, their audacity in undertaking the work was doubtless justified.
It was carried off in carts to open spaces, where an exposure of some weeks to the air was found to pulverize the hard rock far more efficiently than the old method of crushing with mallets.
The animal vigour and carnal enjoyment of Rubens, the refined Italianizing beauty of Vandyck, the mystery of light and gloom on Rembrandt's panels, the love of nature in Ruysdael, Cuyp and Van Hooghe, with their luminously misty skies, silvery daylight and broad expanse of landscape, the interest in common life displayed by Ter Borch, Van Steen, Douw, Ostade and Teniers, the instinct for the beauty of animals in Potter, the vast sea spaces of Vanderveldt, the grasp on reality, the acute intuition into character in portraits, the scientific study of the world and man, the robust sympathy with natural appetites, which distinguish the whole art of the Low Countries, are a direct emanation from the Renaissance.
In England the people are free to assemble as they please, to march in procession through the streets, to gather in open spaces, to listen to the harangues, often forcibly expressed, of mob orators, provided always that no obstruction is caused or that no disorder or breach of the peace is threatened.
Another objection was that even if bacteria obtained access through the stomata, they could not penetrate the cell-walls bounding the intercellular spaces, but certain anaerobic forms are known to ferment cellulose, and others possess the power of penetrating the cell-walls of living cells, as the bacteria of Leguminosae first described by Marshall Ward in 1887, and confirmed by Miss Dawson in 1898.
On all sides there were waste spaces with only stoves and chimney stacks still standing, and here and there the blackened walls of some brick houses.
Sometimes it seemed as if the black spaces were clouds.
You cannot use spaces or punctuation marks in field names.
Rapacious development must not be allowed to infringe green spaces in the Calder valley.
The masterplan has attempted to readdress the issue of creating defined urban spaces across the Site.
Restrictive legislation against smoking in public spaces came into effect on 1 January 2006.
In summer they roost in hollow trees or roof spaces of houses.
Now, several ' pinch point crossing spaces ' serve to slow traffic by reducing flow to a single lane.
Open Spaces There will be a clean up day in November.
The Green Flag Award scheme is the national standard for parks and green spaces.
In 1995, the Council cut down shrubs and strung lights in the trees to minimize the spaces in which sex participants could hide.
All these are topological spaces, whose topology is given by the subspace topology induced from the natural topology of R 3.
After all known survivable void spaces are searched, selective debris removal begins.
Local Threshers round corner. parking spaces available. £ 115 rent excluding bills.
Open & closed spaces The townscape character of the Garrison area is dominated by openness.
There is a shortage of parking spaces in many places, however, London has an extensive public transport network.
There are spaces in the trail for children to try out their art skills in response to the work found in the exhibition.
Parents have become almost paranoid in not letting their children out into open spaces unaccompanied by an adult.
The treatments contain elastic water-repellent polymers that bond to fabric fibers, leaving the spaces between open and breathable.
A white-haired shadow roaming like a dream, The ever silent spaces of the East.
Open spaces The wok roundabout should be installed by the time you read this.
Her tiny, supple body made it easy for her to squeeze through tight spaces.
Plan on designating about ten spaces for each day.
Some suggested needs might be assembling a crib, painting the baby's room, cutting the lawn after baby comes, etc. The invitation could feature dates and spaces for attendees to fill-in.
Pages to document birthdays and other holidays, including spaces for listing guests, presents, and special activities.
Below are some great ideas for maximizing small spaces while including outstanding décor at the same time.
Start by including a baby memories book that includes pages for the baby shower, the family tree, how the new parents first fell in love and spaces for footprints and photos.
Other basket items might include picture frames with spaces for each month of the baby's first year and a disposable or digital camera, depending on your overall budget.
Measure your spaces at home to see what you can fit in, and then measure the pieces of furniture you are looking at to make sure they will fit!
This is especially important for dryers that will be in smaller living spaces.
A quilted comforter contains its filling in spaces bound by the quilt stitching.
These "tandem" toasters are long and thin, instead of square and squat like traditional toasters, and they fit into narrow spaces.
At Best Buy, you will find several types of washers, including front-loading, top-loading and portable models for smaller spaces.
Standard office items like files, writing accessories and calculators have separate defined storage spaces.
Collapsible models can be useful in cramped spaces.
Did you know that you need different sized fans for different spaces?
The tiny spaces are filled with thick gases like argon for insulation.
The oil-based Bed Bug Killer Spray was designed to be used on heavy bed bug infested spaces such as baseboards, mattresses, wall-ceiling joints, baseboards and under the furniture.
Why must kitties poke their heads into even smaller spaces?
This sound will keep cats out of vegetables gardens, yards or other spaces they aren't allowed.
Cats like being in enclosed spaces where they feel hidden.
Target has furniture designed for small spaces.
Mixing and matching reversible cushion groupings also helps define separate spaces on a large deck or patio, and works well in establishing a more intimate dynamic without doing the difficult design work yourself.
Drop leaf dining tables are ideal for small spaces like apartments and condominiums with limited eating space.
Drop leaf dining room tables shouldn't be reserved specifically for people living in small spaces.
Small foldable sofa beds are great to have in small spaces.
With so many people downsizing and moving into small spaces, space saving furniture is becoming more and more important.
Adding lawn furniture cushions to outdoor pieces is the best way to add comfort and style to outdoor spaces.
Loft beds with desks underneath are a great option for small spaces.
There's quite a bit of information about how to decorate cozy and welcoming spaces, and there's no reason why the same principles can't be used to decorate an office.
Wood Zone provides plans for an eight-sided table featuring spaces between each seat which allow for ease of access and seating.
Finding the perfect compact furniture for small spaces, especially bedrooms, can be tricky.
LoveToKnow Furniture spoke with Maya Ben, Vice President of Operations for Hollandia International, to discover the best ways to make furniture for small spaces work.
Because of its small footprint, it is a must-have for maximizing small spaces and is widely popular among apartment dwellers looking to do just that.
Finding the right compact furniture for small spaces can be a breeze, even if you're looking for an extra bed for guests and have minimal space in an office or living room.
There's less of a likelihood of broken china, dinged furniture, and guests trying to maneuver through tight spaces with plates of food and drinks in their hands.
Ground water that is displaced from pocket spaces may also cause issues with resettling compaction and that cannot be undone.
Consider carefully if items and spaces can be repurposed, rather than replaced for a truly green mindset.
Regular composting programs can preserve existing landfills and reduce the need to create more spaces to hold waste.
Growing vegetables in containers is a great way to produce great tasting produce in even the smallest of spaces.
Americana rustic country style harkens back to our country's pioneer roots and great expanses of outdoor spaces.
Dorm rooms are famous for their small spaces and drab interiors.
Universal Hotel Liquidators - A large warehouse filled with furnishings suitable for small dorm spaces.
Residential Interior Designer - An individual who designs the inside spaces of houses.
Some help to design the interior spaces of offices, stores, and professional buildings.
With the rise of the personal computer, there has been a corresponding surge in the need for comfortable home office spaces.
Create multiple desk spaces with built-in stations along the walls and L-shape or U-shape desks filling the middle of the room.
This enables it to blend seamlessly into many rooms of the home, including some contemporary spaces.