Sows Sentence Examples
Duroc boars are used as natural servers as a back up to AI, with all selected breeding sows reared at Harnhill.
Uses For the active immunization of sows, gilts, boars and growing pigs as an aid in the control of swine erysipelas.
According to Stanislas Julien a ceremonial ordinance was established in China by the emperor Chin-nung 2800 years B.C., in accordance with which the emperor sows the rice himself while the seeds of four other kinds may be sown by the princes of his family.
Many brood sows are fattened to greatest profit after the second or third litter.
I have 2 sows (female guinea pigs) avalible for sale both from different litters, but live together great at the moment.
In real oestrus, sows show the so-called standing response.
It was decided to slaughter piggy sows (a pregnant pig ).
Therefore, despite reducing piglet birth weight, offering sows salmon oil reduced pre-weaning mortality of piglet birth weight, offering sows salmon oil reduced pre-weaning mortality of piglets.
The back of one of the photos sows a short recap of the news item.
The sows, naturally sociable animals, are stopped from having any companionship.
AdvertisementFootage of pregnant sows reveals what was once a shed full of sow stalls.
It is carried out to minimize damage to the sows ' teats and to the cheeks of other piglets in the litter.
Yet, while these are essential merits of the book, its endearing charm lies deeper, in the sweet and kindly personality of the author, who on his rambles gathers no spoil, but watches the birds and field-mice without disturbing them from their nests, and quietly plants an acorn where he thinks an oak is wanted, or sows beech-nuts in what is now a stately row.
He who sows in hope shall reap in joy; therefore, dear reader, be thou strong, and very courageous.
In peaty or leaf soil sometimes sows itself.
AdvertisementOn warm soils it grows best and sows itself every year, surviving the winter, and growing much stronger.
It grows in any ordinary soil, but is not a perennial, though it usually sows itself where it is established.
The Virginian Stock, like many other annuals, does not show its full beauty from spring-sown seedlings, and where it sows itself in the gravel it is often welcome.
When once planted it sows itself freely, often becoming a weed.
The sows are quite as prolific as those of the Large White breed, and, as their produce matures earlier, they are much in demand for breeding porkers.
AdvertisementPregnant sows exhibit a grossly enlarged abdomen during the later stages of pregnancy.