Southeastward Sentence Examples
The ancient market town of Hartlepool lies on a peninsula which forms the termination of a southeastward sweep of the coast and embraces the bay.
The Maitai beds include a thick mass of slates and sandstones, which form the bulk of the Southern Alps, whence branches extend southeastward to the coast.
The Aguarico also rises on the eastern slopes of the Andes north of Cayambe and flows southeastward to a junction with the Napo in about long.
Behind the line the ground falls away southeastward in a steep glacis that drops abruptly in the end to the Posina on the south and the Astico on the east.
The deposits of this sea are now visible in the large basin of Upper Cretaceous beds which stretches from Dresden southeastward through Bohemia.
They stand above the lowlands southwest of the Mournes that are characterized by southeastward trending drumlins.