South-american Sentence Examples
It is the type of the family Octodontidae, the members of which - collectively termed octodonts - are exclusively Central and South American.
Guanacos and Argentine hares are found in abundance in Neuquen, and to a lesser degree the South American ostrich.
By the peace of Ghent, December 1814, the United States and England mutually bound themselves to do all in their power to extinguish the traffic. It was at once prohibited in several of the South American states when they acquired independence, as in La Plata, Venezuela and Chile.
Its territory touches that of every South American nation, except Chile, and with each one there has been a boundary dispute at some stage in its political life.
On the temperate uplands of the southern states there are imposing forests of South American pine (Araucaria brasiliensis), whose bare trunks and umbrella-like tops give to them the appearance of open woodland.
The Indian population certainly exceeded the total given, and the white population must have included many of mixed blood, the habit of so describing themselves being common among the better classes of South American mestizos.
The Brazilian Company founded by Vieyra, which so materially contributed to preserve its South American possessions to Portugal, had been abolished in 1721 by John V.; but such an instrument being well suited to the bold spirit of Pombal, he established a chartered company again in 1755, to trade exclusively with Maranhao and Para; and in 1759, in spite of the remonstrance of the British Factory at Lisbon, formed another company for Parahyba and Pernambuco.
Dr Campos Salles had signalized his administration, not only by the settlement of disputes with European powers, but by efforts to arrive at a good understanding with the neighbouring South American republics.
In July 1899 President Roca had visited Rio de Janeiro accompanied by an Argentine squadron, this being the first official visit that any South American president had ever paid to one of the adjoining states.
Hubner estimates the mixed of all races at 93%, the highest among all the South American nationalities, and the creoles at 1% only; but this is clearly incorrect.
AdvertisementAs in the other typical South American edentates, there are no teeth in the front of the jaws, while those of the cheek-series usually comprise five pairs in the upper and four in the lower.
The coloration is generally sombre, but to this there are exceptions; the fruit-bats are brownish yellow or russet on the under surface; two South American species are white; Blainville's chin-leafed bat is bright orange; and the Indian painted bat (Cerivoula pieta) with its deep orange dress, spotted with black on the wing-membranes, has reminded observers of a large butterfly.
There are two submarine cable lines on the Peruvian coastthe (American) Central and South American Co.
On the coast, however, in and near the large cities and towns, it compares well with other South American countries.
The llama was the only beast of burden known to the South American natives before the arrival of the Spaniards and is highly serviceable on the difficult trails of the Andes.
AdvertisementIn Arum the blade is simple, as also in the so-called arum-lily (Richardia), a South African species common in Britain as a greenhouse plant, and in Caladium, a tropical South American genus, and Alocasia (tropical Asia), species of which are favourite warm-greenhouse plants on account of their variegated leaves.
In all the South American immigration the countries principally represented are those of southern Europe, especially Italy.
Ceratochelys insculpta of the Fly river, a chelonian peculiar to New Guinea, is remarkable in having its nearest affinities (as have the Papuan tortoises) with South American species.
The alpine flora, beginning at 6000 ft., is specially characterized by its rhododendrons, pines (Araucaria and Libocedrus), and palms, by numerous superb species of Agapetes (Ericaceae), and on the summits by an extraordinary association of species characteristically European (Rubus, Ranunculus, Leontodon, Aspidium), Himalayan, New Zealandian (Veronica), Antarctic and South American (Drymus, Libocedrus).
Scelidotherium is another genus of large South American Pleistocene ground-sloths, characterized, among other features, by the elongation and slenderness of the skull, which thus makes a decided approximation to the anteater type, although retaining the full series of cheek-teeth, which were, of course, essential to an herbivorous animal.
AdvertisementA much smaller South American species represents the genus Nothrotherium.
If this be so, we are still in complete darkness as to the stock from which the South American edentates are derived.
It would have been a miracle if the first generation of Mexican and South American history had not been anarchical.
In his family tree of HomoAmericanus Keane follows out such a plan, placing the chief linguistic family names on the main limbs, North American on one side, and South American on the other.
Otto Stoll's studies in Guatemala, Berendt's in Central America, Ernst's in Venezuela, Im Thurn's in Guiana, those of Ehrenreich, von den Steinen, Meyer in Brazil, or of Bandelier, Bastian, Briihl, Middendorf, von Tschudi in Peru, afford the historian of comparative sociology ample groundwork for a comprehensive grasp of South American tribes.
AdvertisementHe was then employed on the North American station, and later (1819), was made commodore and commander-in-chief on the South American station, where his able conduct came prominently into notice.
The kidnapping of natives for the South American and Australian labour markets was common.
The society's foreign agencies extend to China, Japan, Korea, the Turkish empire, Bulgaria, Egypt, Micronesia, Siam, Mexico, Central America, the South American republics, Cuba and the Philippines.
There have also been discovered the remains of a species of swan belonging to the South American genus Chenopis, and of the tuatara (Hatteria) lizard, the unique species of an ancient family now surviving only in New Zealand.
When it was remembered, too, that they had decided, at a council held at Lima, that it was inexpedient to impose any act of Christian devotion except baptism on the South American converts, without the greatest precautions, on the ground of intellectual difficulties, it is not wonderful that this doubt was not satisfactorily cleared up, notably in face of the charges brought against the Society by Bernardin de Cardonas, bishop of Paraguay, and the saintly Juan de Palafox, bishop of Angelopolis in Mexico.
Diplomatic relations were resumed with Spain, Germany, Italy and some South American states (1877), and France (1880).
But Miranda's desire - that all the South American colonies should form a federal republic - awoke the selfishness of provincial administrations, and the cause was believed to be hateful to heaven owing to a great earthquake on the 26th of March 1812.
On the southern side the ports of San Jose, Champerico and Ocos are visited by the Pacific mail steamers, by the vessels of a Hamburg company and by those of the South American (Chilean) and the Pacific Steam Navigation Companies.
The family, Chinchillidae, typified by the wellknown chinchilla, includes a small number of South American rodents with large ears and proportionately great auditory bullae in the skull, elongated hind-limbs, bushy tails, very soft fur and perfect clavicles.
The three remaining families of the Hystricoidea, of which one is African while the other two are chiefly South American, are very closely allied and often brigaded in a single family group. In the Capromyidae, which includes only the South American and West Indian hutias, the South American coypu and the African cane-rats, the tympanic bulla of the skull is hollow, the par-occipital process straight, the lachrymal small, and the cheekteeth rooted, with deep enamel-folds; the first front toe Leing occasionally absent.
It may be mentioned, however, that the distribution of these later Tertiary types accords very closely with that of their existing relatives; the families of South American hystricoids being represented by a number of extinct genera in the formations of Argentina and Brazil.
In 1881 Mr Blaine, then U.S. secretary of state, addressed an instruction to the ministers of the United States of America accredited to the various Central and South American nations, directing them to invite the governments of these countries to participate in a congress, to be held at Washington in 1882, " for the purpose of considering and discussing the methods of preventing war between the nations of America."
On the Spanish model concordats were arranged with various Central and South American republics, perhaps the most ironclad being that concluded with Ecuador in 1862 (abrogated 1878).
To this category belong Myrmarachne plataleoides, one of the Salticidae, and Amyciaea forticeps, one of the Thomisidae, which in India imitate and live with the vicious little red ant (Oecophylla smaragdina); also Myrmarachne providens, which mimics the red and black Indian ant (Sima rufonigra); and the South American species of Clubionidae, e.g.
In the above-cited historical instance of mimicry amongst some South American Lepidoptera which formed the foundation of Bates' theory, species of butterflies, belonging to the Ithomiine genus Itura and the Danaine genus Thyridia, both unpalatable forms, resemble each other.
Peruvian guano is obtained from the excreta of South American sea-birds, and fish guano from the waste of fish.
The Asiatic, African and South American varieties are, with the exception of those taken in the mountains, poorly furred and usually brittle and therefore of no great service.
The skins which are of the greatest interest to the European trade are those from North America, the South American species being small, coarse and generally brown.
But the rivalry between Brazil and Argentina, and the necessity of maintaining the balance of power among the South American republics, enabled Paraguay to remain independent.
In addition to the South American localities mentioned above, small diamonds have also been mined since their discovery in 1890 on the river Mazaruni in British Guiana, and finds have been reported in the gold washings of Dutch Guiana.
The descriptions of South American scenery in Westward Ho!, of the Egyptian desert in Hypatia, of the North Devon scenery in Two Years Ago, are among the most brilliant pieces of wordpainting in English prose-writing; and the American scenery is even more vividly and more truthfully described when he had seen it only by the eye of his imagination than in his work At Last, which was written after he had visited the tropics.
The Messageries Maritimes Company use the port as a coaling station and provisioning depot for their South American trade.
On the other hand, such a decrease as has occurred in Tahiti and Tonga, can be accounted for only by an accumulation of outward causes, such as wars, massacres, and raidings for the Australian and South American labour markets before this traffic was suppressed or regulated.
The Guayas is one of the most interesting and varied of the South American river systems, and is of great economic importance to Ecuador.
Although the name llama properly applies only to one of the domesticated breeds, zoologically it is taken to include all the South American representatives of the Camelidae, which form the genus Lama.
In 1833 he was appointed teacher of mathematics on board the sloop of war "Natchez," and was so engaged during a cruise along the South American coast which was continued for about two and a half years.
The current coin consists largely of Mexican and Central and South American dollars; but little coin is in circulation.
It was made the capital of the viceroyalty of Nueva Granada, and soon became one of the centres of Spanish colonial power and civilization on the South American continent.
There are consulates of the chief nations of Europe, of the United States of America and of several Central and South American republics.
Viticulture And Wine-Making General Considerations.-Although the wine is cultivated in practically every part of the world possessing an appropriate climate and soil, from California in the West to Persia in the East, and from Germany in the North to the Cape of Good Hope and some of the South American republics in the South, yet, as is the case also with the cereal crops and many fruits and vegetables, the wines produced in countries possessing temperate climates are-when the vintage is successful-finer than those made in hot or semi-tropical regions.
Wines intended for consumption in France receive a moderate quantity of liqueur, but those for the Russian and South American markets, where very sweet wines are liked, receive more.
In 1820 he congratulated the new South American republics on having abolished slavery, but the same year the threats of the Southern states to destroy the Union led him to advocate the "Missouri Compromise," which, while keeping slavery out of all the rest of the territory acquired by the "Louisiana Purchase" north of Missouri's southern boundary line, permitted it in that state.
A large majority of the 198 genera peculiar to the South American temperate regions belong exclusively to central Chile.
The coypu, sometimes called the South American beaver, inhabits the river-banks, and is highly prized for its fur.
The Chilean post-office is administered by a director-general at Santiago, and has a high degree of efficiency and liberality, compared with those of other South American states.
In the aggregate, the commerce of Chile is large and important; in proportion to population it is exceeded among South American states only by Argentina, Uruguay and the Guianas.
The Chilean clergyare drawn verylargelyfrom the higher classes, and their social standing is much better than in many South American states.
It was this constant warfare with the Indians and the necessity for hard continuous work, owing to the lack of precious metals in Chile, that no doubt helped to produce in the settlers the strength and hardihood of character that distinguishes the Chileans among South American races.
The foreign policy of Chile, as indicated by this note, was considered by Argentina to be grasping and unconciliatory, and there were rumours of an anti-Chilean South American federation.
Its history in this respect is in marked contrast to that of the neighbouring South American states.
Like other South American states, Bolivia benefited greatly from the introduction of European animals.
The heavy losses sustained by the Indians during that outbreak, and their dislike and distrust of the colonial Spaniard, account for the comparative indifference with which they viewed the rise and progress of the 1814 colonial revolt against Spain, which gave the South American states their independence.
An almost uninterrupted warfare followed, from July 1809 till August 1825, with alternate successes on the side of the Spanish or royalist and the South American or patriot forces, - the scene of action lying chiefly between the Argentine provinces of Salta and Jujuy and the shores of Lake Titicaca.
Panicum, a very polymorphic genus, and one of the largest in the order, is widely spread in all warm countries; together with species of Paspalum they form good forage grasses in the South American savannas and campos.
The South American kinds contain a variable admixture of inferior barks, and the cultivated Indian barks comprise, under the respective names of yellow, pale, and red barks, a number of varieties.
The South American genus Homalodontotherium is often placed in the Ancylopoda, but reasons against this view are given in the article Litopterna.
This makes Colombia fourth in area among the South American states.
The South American bamboo (Bambusa guadia) has a very wide range, and is found nearly up to the limit of perpetual snow.
He had already granted commissions to Morgan and others for a great attack on the Isthmus of Panama, the route by which the bullion of the South American mines was carried to Porto Bello, to be shipped to Spain.
Thus many of the Australasian and South American tribes use only one and two; seven, for instance, would be two.
As regards the feet, a reduction in the number of digits from the typical five is a frequent feature, more especially among the hoofed mammals, where the culmination in this respect is attained by the existing members of the horse tribe and certain representatives of the extinct South American Proterotheriidae, both of which are monodactyle.
Among the exceptions are the South American squirrel-monkeys, whose eyes approximate in structure to those of the lemurs.
Whorls of hair, as on the face of the horse and the South American deer known as brockets, occur where the different hair-slopes meet.
Much uncertainty prevails with regard to the ancestry of the group as a whole, although some of the earlier South American forms have a comparatively full series of teeth, which are also of a less degenerate type than those of their modern representatives.
It is, however, important to mention that an extinct South American insectivore, Necrolestes, has been referred to the family last mentioned; and even if this reference should not be confirmed in the future, the occurrence of a representative of the order in Patagonia is a fact of considerable importance in distribution.
The more or less specialized Litopterna and Toxodontia, as severally typified by the macrauchenia and the toxodon, are, on the other hand, exclusively South American.
Dr Smiles, in his Memoirs of John Murray, tells of certain pamphlets on the brightening prospects of the Spanish South American colonies, then in the first enjoyment of emancipation - pamphlets seemingly written for a Mr Powles, head of a great financial firm, whose acquaintance Disraeli had made.
It is also applied to the strait between Mallicollo and Espiritu Santo Islands of the New Hebrides group, and the South American climbing plant Bougainvillea, often cultivated in greenhouses, is named after him.
Marine to a South American bird which, though long before known and described by the earlier writers - Nieremberg, Marcgrav and Piso (the last of whom has a recognizable but rude figure of it) - had been without any distinctive scientific appellation.
The disagreeable habit of spitting is common to all the group. In a wide sense the term "llama" is used to designate all the South American Camelidae.
Another and a very serious consequence was that England secured the Asiento, or contract, which gave her the monopoly of the slave trade with the Spanish colonies, as well as the right to establish factories that is to say commercial agenciesin several Central and South American ports, and to send one cargo of manufactured goods yearly in a ship of 500 tons to New Carthagena.
Skeat's inquiry (loc. cit.), whether the name may not after all be South American, is to be answered in the negative, since, so far as evidence goes, it was given to the North-American bird before the South-American was known in Europe.
In some species of the South American frogs of the genus Leptodactylus the breast and hands are armed with very large spines, which inflict deep wounds on the female held in embrace.
Species from the Pliocene of Texas and the Upper Miocene (Loup Fork) of Oregon were at one time assigned to Hippidium, but this is incorrect, that genus being exclusively South American.
He would play semi pro ball over the summer, and maybe, if he could get signed, Mexican or South American ball in the winter.
But these South American alligators are shy and rarely aggressive.
From the 17th century, quinine from the powdered bark of a South American tree was used to treat malaria in Europe.
The South American Brazil nut tree is dependant on carpenter bees for its pollination.
This vast South American country is dominated by rainforest and the Amazon basin is home to a wealth of exotic birds and animals.
Please also check out my website listed below, plenty of other South American dwarf cichlids av... .. .
Ongoing surveillance in formerly endemic Central and South American countries confirms that poliovirus transmission remains interrupted.
Regarding coca South American countries were presented as an example of where coca leaf chewing is legal and regulated.
In some South American field mice and the Scandinavian wood lemming, XY females are commonplace.
The noble figure of Simon Bolivar, the great South American liberator, has naturally been compared with that of George Washington.
But why don't these South American socialists openly embrace economic nationalism, if that's what they're really about?
On 12 Aug. 1819 he was appointed commodore and commander-in-chief on the South American station, with his broad pennant in the Superb.
It was used by early South American Indians as a powerful healing poultice.
These were South American versions of their wild-west counterparts, making a rough, tough living, working on huge cattle ranches.
Worked with lots of styles of music including ska, reggae, jazz, soul and South American.
This is probably the time to go and stock up your wine rack with South American wine rack with South American Wines.
Another South American breed is said to be free from the hideous "caterwauling" of the ordinary cat.
The latter may, however, be split up into several sub-generic groups, such as Metachirus, Philander, Marmosa (Micoureus or Grymaeomys), Peramys, Dromiciops, &c. The small South American forms included in Marmosa, which lack the pouch, and have numerous teats, and molar teeth of a primitive type, are doubtless the most generalized representatives of the group (see Opossum; and WATER-Opossum).
At the same time Muller showed himself, his power of discrimination notwithstanding, to fall behind Nitzsch in one very crucial point, for he refused to the latter's Picariae the rank that had been claimed for them, and imagined that the groups associated under that name formed but a third " tribe" - Picarii - of a great order Insessores, the others being (1) the Oscines or Polymyodi - the singing birds by emphasis, whose inferior larynx was endowed with the full number of five pairs of song-muscles, and (2) the Tracheophones, composed of some South-American families.
The South American Missionary Society, founded by the ill-fated Captain Allen Gardiner, has much extended its work among the Indians of the interior of what has been well called " the Neglected Continent "; it has been specially successful among the Araucanians of Chile and the Paraguayan Chaco.
Including all these deer except one in the genus Mazama (of which the typical representatives are the South American brockets), the North American species constitute the subgenus Dorcelaphus (also known as Cariacus and Odocoileus).
What was has hard as wood when a young wine in France has become a big seductive South American beauty in its newest setting.
Mia 's Story Mia lives with her family in a small South American village beneath the snowy mountains.
Advising Underwriters in respect of non-disclosure defense in South American arbitration proceedings.
This is probably the time to go and stock up your wine rack with South American Wines.
Acai berries are purple-red fruits grown on the South American acai tree.
Stevia has been used for centuries in South American cultures to sweeten herbal teas and Yerba Mate.
It has been used in a number of South American countries for centuries as not only a sweetener, but also as a treatment for heart burn.
Other Costa Cruises itineraries include South American sailings, such as the CostaVictoria's cruise along the Brazilian coastline.
Fire Bush (Embothrium) - E. coccineum is a very beautiful South American evergreen shrub of the Protea family, hardy in warm parts of Britain, even without the protection of a wall.
The bodega is at the base of the Andes in Mendoza, Argentina and the label's image represents the moon either rising or setting over the South American mountain range.
In contrast, Asian, African, Central American, and South American countries are characterized more by community-centered cultures that focus on belonging to a larger group, such as a family, or nation.
The practice of "kangaroo care," first introduced by two South American neonatologists, is a method of skin-to-skin contact to promote parent and infant bonding especially for premature infants.
Of all the South American cultural dances, the Samba dance Brazil culture and music are one of the liveliest and most world-famous genres.
The history of Samba is rich and varied, with the Samba taking influences from several South American and African dance stles.
Tango has been called "the dance of the immigrants" because even though its roots are from the South American countries of Argentina and Uruguay, it developed in the seaport towns.
Several of today's most popular competitive dances have roots in South American movement, and that's only the start of these popular dances.
All three came from the melting pot of South American cultures, mixing the indigenous rhythms and the movements from other continents into an entirely new choreography.
Competitive ballroom is certainly the most visible and popular form of Latin dancing, but there are many other forms that are native to the South American Latin dance culture.
However, it's important to recognize that the dance known as "mambo" in competitive ballroom dance is not the same as the South American one.
Music may be traditional samba music, but ballroom samba dance mooves may be performed to the cha-cha, flamenco or other South American dance music.
De Young Museum - This museum, opened in 1895, houses a diverse collection of anthropological exhibits, particularly those featuring Central and South American cultures and a collection of American decorative arts and textiles.
After size, the second most striking feature of Brazilian bikinis are the wonderful colors and patterns of the materials used that serve as the perfect complement for all those rich golden tans so prized on South American beaches.
The sizing of Brazilian bikinis runs a bit smaller than in North America, generally because South American women tend to have a smaller build than their North American counterparts.
For example, the thong became very popular in the lingerie industry, and although its popularity never quite carried over to US beaches, it's a staple of South American and European swimwear.
The extremely exotic flair of Koala designs might make you think they came from one of the more daring South American collections, but Koala Swimwear is made right in the good old USA.
European and South American beaches are also often far less inhibited about beachside exposure, and your suit will likely be the norm, rather than the exception, in Rio or sunny St. Tropez.
Skimpy bikinis are looked upon as standard beachwear for those who hope to soak up the sun, a national pastime on sunny South American shores.
Traditional North American swimsuits are considered rather large on South American beaches, so if you dare to show off your behind in a string thong, you won't be alone!
Being from Rio de Janeiro, Paula is at ground zero of the South American swimwear revolution that brought us the ultra sexy Brazilian bikini that managed to make the standard string bikini look tame in comparison.
Acai supplements, made from the South American acai berry, are one of the most popular supplements meriting their own navigation tab.
In South American countries, like Peru, Christmas Eve is often more important than Christmas Day.
Could it be a native South American dog simply known as the Xolo, or maybe a hybrid of the two?
Jones is chased by South American aborigines, escapes death by blowdart, springs numerous lethal deathtraps and steals a horse to chase a truck convoy.
I thought that was a South American animal.
The numerous concordats concluded towards the middle of the 19th century with several of the South American republics either have not come into force or have been denounced and replaced by a more or less pacific modus vivendi.
It is the oldest existing European settlement on the South American continent, having been founded by Diego Castellon in 1523 under the name of Nueva Toledo.
The census of 1895 increased this total to 3,954,9 11, exclusive of wild Indians and a percentage for omissions customarily used in South American census returns.
The nearest island to the South American coast lies 580 m.
Bruce, the leader of the Scottish expedition, finds that there is a ridge " extending in a curve from Madagascar to Bouvet Island, and from Bouvet Island to the Sandwich group, whence there is a forked connexion through the South Orkneys to Graham's Land, and through South Georgia to the Falkland Islands and the South American continent."
Its closest connection is with the South American Andine.
The South American sub-region is perhaps richer in peculiar and distinctive types than either of the preceding.
While so many conspicuous Australian elements are wanting in New Zealand, one-eighth of its flora belongs to South American genera.
At first sight a South African Euphorbia might be mistaken for a South American Cactus, an Aloe for an A gave, a Senecio for ivy, or a New Zealand Veronica for a European Salicornia.
At the least there should be some consideration of four separate systems of discovery - the Eastern, in which Chinese and Japanese explorers acquired knowledge of the geography of Asia, and felt their way towards Europe and America; the Western, in which the dominant races of the Mexican and South American plateaus extended their knowledge of the American continent before Columbus; the Polynesian, in which the conquering races of the Pacific Islands found their way from group to group; and the Mediterranean.
Gulls and amphibious birds abound in large variety; three kinds of penguin have their rookeries and breed here, migrating yearly for some months to the South American mainland.
The large majority of the inhabitants live in the East Island, and the predominating element is Scottish - Scottish shepherds having superseded the South American Gauchos.
Other genera of South American ants - A pterostigma and Cyphomyrmex - make similar fungal cultivations, but they use wood, grain or dung as the substratum instead of leaf fragments.
Next stands the order Gallinae with 4 " cohorts "; (I) Tetraonomorphae, comprising 2 families, the sand-grouse (Pterocles) and the grouse proper, among which the Central American Oreophasis finds itself; (2) Phasianomorphae, with 4 families, pheasants peacocks, turkeys, guinea fowls, partridges, quails, and hemipodes (Turnix); (3) Macronyches, the megapodes, with 2 families; (4) the Duodecimpennatae, the curassows and guans, also with 2 families; (5) the Struthioniformes, composed of the tinamous; and (6) the Subgrallatores with 2 families, one consisting of the curious South American genera Thinocorus and Attagis and the other of the sheathbill (Chionis).
From them great steamship lines, notably the North German Lloyd, the Hamburg-American, the Hambuig South American and the German East African steamship companies, maintain express mail and other services with North and South America, Australia, the Cape of Good Hope and the Far East.