Sounding Sentence Examples
He pointed as he walked, indicating the dining room, the library, the reception room, and others, each sounding stuffier than the last and all marked by polished oak double doors.
How could I decline without sounding like a total turd?
Alarms were sounding, and lights flooded the river and area around it.
This is sounding more promising all the time.
A soft moan sounding nothing like her reached his ears, and then slowly, out from under the cover, emerged a huge wolf with bronze colored fur.
The newscast gave no details of the shooting and a call to the hospital netted nothing but a tired sounding know-nothing switchboard operator.
Some Chinese sounding herbs were supposed to increase testosterone.
In April 1849, when the Hungarians had won many successes, after sounding the army, he issued the celebrated declaration of Hungarian independence, in which he declared that "the house of HabsburgLorraine, perjured in the sight of God and man, had forfeited the Hungarian throne."
The western Mediterranean is cut off by a bank crossing the narrow strait between Sicily and Cape Bon, usually known as the Adventure Bank, on which the depth is nowhere 200 fathoms. The mean depth of the western basin is estimated at 881 fathoms, and the deepest sounding recorded is 2040 fathoms. In the eastern Mediterranean the mean depth is nearly the same as in the western basin.
One of the electrodes was attached to a sounding board capable of being vibrated by sound-waves and the other was held either by springs or weights in delicate contact with it.
AdvertisementWhen the sounding board was spoken to or subjected to sound-waves, the mechanical resistance of the loose electrode, due to its weight, or the spring, or both, served to vary the pressure at the contact, and this gave to the current a form corresponding to the sound-waves, and it was therefore capable of being used as a speaking-telephone transmitter.'
Actual or projected routes for telegraph cables across the deep sea have also been sounded with extreme accuracy in many cases; but beyond these lines of sounding the vast spaces of the ocean remain unplumbed save for the rare researches of scientific expeditions, such as those of the " Challenger," the " Valdivia," the " Albatross " and the " Scotia."
The outer membranes are spread out between two or more successive bronchial semi-rings, a distance from the trachea which is, in typical cases, devoid of sounding membranes; some Cuculi, Caprimulgi, and some owls.
The case A contains the registering wheelwork and a sounding bell.
So persistently does the human ear rebel against the division of the tetrachord into two greater tones and a leimma or hemitone, as represented by the fractions 9, 9, 26, that, centuries before the possibility of reconciling the demands of the ear with those of exact science was satisfactorily demonstrated, the Aristoxenian school advocated the use of an empirical scale, sounding pleasant to the sense, in preference to an unpleasing tonality founded upon immutable proportions.
AdvertisementFor the speedy removal of burning houses each ward was to provide a strong iron hook, with a wooden handle, two chains and two strong cords, which were to be left in the charge of the bedel of the ward, who was also provided with a good horn, " loudly sounding."
Among other things Hales invented a "sea-gauge" for sounding, and processes for distilling fresh from sea water, for preserving corn from weevils by fumigation with brimstone, and for salting animals whole by passing brine into their arteries.
At any point a sounding line would hang in the line of the radius of curvature of the water surface.
The earliest deep-sea sounding on record is that of cruise in the North Pacific, sounding out lines for a projected Captain Phipps on the 4th of September 1773 in the Norwegian Pacific cable.
The honour of first sounding really oceanic depths belongs to " Egeria," " Waterwitch," " Dart," " Penguin," " Stork," Sir James Clark Ross, who made some excellent measurements and " Investigator."
AdvertisementAll deep-sea measurements are subject to uncertainty because the sounding machine merely measures the length of wire which runs out before the lead touches bottom, and this agrees with the depth only when the wire is perpendicular throughout its run.
To the east of the Philippines a sounding of 3490 fathoms is found close to the Strait of St Bernardino and north-east of Talaut.
Captain Phipps in 1773 secured samples of soft blue clay in this manner from a depth of 683 fathoms, but as a rule when sounding in great depths the sample is washed off the tallow before it can be brought on board.
A simpler form of collector, now almost universally used, is a plain brass tube which is driven into the bottom of the sea by the weight of the sounding lead, and in which the deposit may be retained by a valve or other contrivance, though in many cases friction alone suffices to hold the punched-out core.
Red clay was discovered and named by Sir Wyville Thomson on the " Challenger " in 1873 when sounding in depths of 2700 fathoms on the way from the Canary Islands to St Thomas.
AdvertisementThis was the society to which Luther spoke, and its discontent was the sounding board which made his words reverberate."
Sound,, The, below; (3) to test or measure the depth of anything, particularly the depth of water in lakes or seas (see Sounding, below).
In order that the ear may be affected by a sounding body there must be continuous matter reaching all the way from the body to the ear.
If, for instance, a note is struck and held down on a piano, a little practice enables us to hear both the octave and the twelfth with the fundamental, especially if we have previously directed our attention to these tones by sounding them.
Using this result Rayleigh found the correction for an unflanged open end by sounding two pipes nearly in unison, each provided with a flange, and counting the beats.
In the mercury experiment the sounding rod was sealed into the dust-tube, which was exhausted of air, and contained only some mercury and some quartz dust to give the heaps.
A " sounding tube," say an inch in diameter, and somewhat more than twice the length of the jet tube, is then lowered over the flame, as in the figure.
When the flame is at a certain distance within the tube the air is set in vibration, and the sounding tube gives out its fundamental note continuously.
The jet tube, for a reason which will be given when we consider the maintenance of vibrations, must be less than c a9 half the length of the sounding tube.
When a flame is just not flaring, any one of a certain range of notes sounded near it may make it flare while the note is sounding.
If the jet tube is somewhat longer than half the sounding tube there will be a node in it, and now the condition of equality of pressure requires opposite motions in the two at the nozzle, for their nodes are situated on opposite sides of that point.
Even the longer pipe may be effectively shorter than the corrected shorter pipe when sounding alone.
The most considerable areas over 3000 fathoms are the Aldrich deep, an irregular triangle nearly as large as Australia, situated to the east of New Zealand, in which a sounding of 5155 fathoms was obtained by H.M.S.
Kumasi was entered the same evening, a bugler of the war-worn garrison of the fort sounding the "general salute" as the relieving column came in view.
The position of the sounding board above the stage is apparent.
In May 1859 Ferdinand died, and was succeeded by his son, Francis II., who came to the throne just as the Franco-Sardinian victories in Lombardy were sounding the death-knell Frances 11.
One who feels pained or pleased, who feels hot or cold or resisting in touch, who tastes the flavoured, who smells the odorous, who hears the sounding, who sees the coloured, or is conscious, already believes that something sensible exists before conception, before inference, and before language; and his belief is true of the immediate object of sense, the sensible thing, e.g.
None of the lakes is of very great depth, the deepest sounding occurring in Vetter, 390 ft.
Similar examinations by means of the stop-valves on the mains are also made, and it often happens that the residual leakage (400 gallons an hour in the last case) recorded on the diagram, but not shut off by the house stop - cocks, is mentioned by the inspector as an " outside waste," and localized as having been heard at a stop-cock and traced by sounding the pavement to a particular position under a particular street.
The most notable of its class is the Lilia of Eystein Asgrimsson, a monk of Holyfell (c. 1350), a most " sweet sounding song."
Lakes of the broad type are of moderate depth, the deepest sounding in [[Victoria (disambiguation)|Victoria ]] being under 50 fathoms. Apart from the seasonal variations of level, most of the lakes show periodic fluctuations, while a progressive desiccation of the whole region is said to be traceable, tending to the ultimate disappearance of the lakes.
The vocal organs, of which there is a pair in the thorax, protected by an opercular plate, are quite unlike the sounding organs of other insects.
Second only to the compass in its value to the sailor is Thomson's sounding apparatus, whereby soundings can be taken in 100 fathoms by a ship steaming at 16 knots; and by the employment of piano-wire of a breaking strength of 140 tons per square inch and an iron sinker weighing only 34 lb, with a selfregistering pressure gauge, soundings can be rapidly taken in deep ocean.
He won't about the nightmares; at least to me, but the shrink must be a sounding board.
I told you everything I know! she wailed, sounding like a slobbering baby.
Having played the patient sounding board to the Council members for thousands of years, Andre was adept at discretion.
She displayed beautiful intonation and reached the Aflat5 without even a hint of shrillness, sounding like an angel.
Without sounding arrogant, do you expect people to like the book?
The one good thing about the way things are now is that artists are sounding more authentic, using their own natural accents.
Her mother often accused her of sounding like a racist bigot, saying she ought to exercise more control over her thoughts.
And, without sounding boastful, I very nearly got it spot on.
It's hard to describe the book without it sounding boring.
And in the final stages of landing, you may hear a buzzer sounding.
I told you that what started those trumpets sounding was the angel taking the censer filled with incense and throwing it on the earth.
This CD changer interface adaptor together with your Alpine CD changer interface adaptor together with your Alpine CD changer will produce superior sounding results.
We do live in a seemingly chaotic world, a world in which the six trumpets are sounding.
How do we convince the audience of " Uncle Manny " sincere motives with out sounding cheesy.
Wine waiters need to be able to communicate their knowledge to the customer in a simple way without sounding condescending.
An American consul based in Algiers Robert Daniel Murphy was tasked with sounding out how cooperative the French army would be.
At the risk of sounding controversial it should not be forgotten that much of the damage is caused by ever larger agricultural machinery.
Without sounding too corny she is a wonderful person who deserves a good husband.
Also, at the risk of sounding corny, the opportunity to do the project was a bit of a reward in itself.
The tourist threat is often couched in high sounding good intentions which may well appear credible even laudable to the average person.
Praise Him with sounding cymbals; praise Him with loud crashing cymbals!
But he broke the chain, and now he is become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
Without sounding too defensive, isn't it a tad hypocritical to label atheists as arrogant while not extending that to the religious folks?
Sounding more rock than stoner rock dirge than they do on record, there's plenty of noise from the three members.
The 1974 album is a very fine soul offering, at times sounding not too dissimilar to the Reverend Al Green in parts.
Some lonesome harmonica was also thrown in, sounding eerie in the setting of the song.
I don't like working with many samples and try to keep things sounding fresh, with a dark edge.
It was, at the risk of sounding glib, the Pistols on Zoo Records!
She is clearly in a class with Sandy Denny and Dolores Keane in her ability to convey emotion without sounding merely gloomy.
Classical music requires a high degree of precision and skill before it rises above sounding grim.
Without sounding too much like a tourist guidebook, this areas has the best of all worlds.
It's also quite hypnotic; sounding a bit like rain falling on a caravan roof.
Forgive me if I have been sounding idealistic in all this.
If I'm sounding jubilant about this little victory it is not because I personally have anything against Uri Geller.
It just sounds too polite and it ends up sounding laughable.
The opening ' You Will Miss Me When I Burn ' is very affecting, very lonesome sounding.
Also sounding more low-tech, but good to hear again, is Fad Gadget, who gets a Best Of from Mute.
He immediately killed a tortoise and, hollowing out its shell for a sounding board, invented the lyre.
However, some of them were now sounding more metallic.
But he had not quite so much fun when the vehicle started slowing and the engine started sounding rather off-key.
Writers Forum, his curiously old-fashioned sounding imprint, brought out more than a 1000 items during his lifetime.
At the risk of sounding opportunistic in my argument, yesterday's Conservative Party is not what I'm taking my lead from.
There is every chance the next record will come out sounding the complete opposite!
Flatfoot Shakers - High heeled lovin ' machine The Flatfoot Shakers are an excellent authentic sounding Australian rockabilly outfit.
It has a catchy chorus, a gorgeous melody and even manages to throw in an orchestral break without sounding overblown.
I am a pedestrian and, without sounding picky, I was there first.
Sounding dustier than ever Gil's cracked honey voice still possesses an urgency of spirit that can make goose bumps prickle on your back.
But underneath, a dense maze of melodic and gestural underpinnings paddle furiously to prevent the material from sounding prosaic.
Words that involve violence are often quite punchy sounding.
This also meant they got to travel to Corsica in the summer and to Switzerland at winter, pretty neat sounding job I recon.
Soon, they were both fast asleep and the next thing they knew a trumpet was sounding reveille.
A simple song with a great piano riff, the whole band sounding like we were going to war.
In BERNE with great skill They work with a will To stop it from sounding too rude!
At the risk of sounding like an insurance salesperson rather than a financial planner, let's be straight about this.
The second approach focused on phoneme segmentation and blending in the context of sounding out actual words.
I kick myself afterward for sounding so silly in my opinion.
In it Paul is trying to save the life of an escaped slave without sounding too demanding to his owner.
We've got the sad sounding ' Lying In The Snow ', another song of breath-taking beauty.
During the course of this we're treated to very artful dialog which gets across valuable information without sounding too stilted.
Be wary of sounding stuffy, pompous or arrogant â it will offend the reader.
In addition to sounding superstitious, there is no way to explain such an influence.
Technology has brought us a long way from the Dalek sounding delivery, typical of early efforts at speech synthesis.
Other excerpts are more unexpected, with Stephen Cummings sounding timeless on the shimmering rolling thunder of All For Love.
Musically, they are a twisted group with the ability to stay away from musical normality's, whist still sounding tremendous.
How do you explain it to a friend without it sounding slightly whacky?
There's a high-pitched continuous whistle, like a steam train sounding it's whistle, or a singing kettle.
Tongues were, he felt, to cease whenever the perfect should come; and the believer who spoke with the tongues of men and of angels, if he had not love, was no better than the sounding brass and clanging cymbal of the noisy heathen mysteries.
The instruments - current-meters, sounding apparatus, water-collecting bottles, thermometers, hydrometers, etc. - were all elaborated and improved.
For about half an hour great crowds of riders, hidden by dense clouds of dust, drifted aimlessly about the plain, till at length the charge of a single squadron of the Oldenburg Dragoons (who had joined in on their own initiative) delivered on the outer French flank, brought the whole mass into motion north-eastward, and, both sides sounding the rally,Ithe engagement gradually ceased.
It is also in many cases possible to follow with the eye the motions of the particles of the sounding body, as, for instance, in the case of a violin string or any string fixed at both ends, when the string will appear through the persistence of visual sensation to occupy at once all the positions which it successively assumes during its vibratory motion.
The displacement curve of the waves from a tuning-fork on its resonance box, or from the human voice sounding oo, are nearly smooth and symmetrical, as in fig.
The south transept contains St Mirren's chapel (founded in 1 499), which is also called the "Sounding Aisle" from its echo.
The whistle of the locomotive penetrates my woods summer and winter, sounding like the scream of a hawk sailing over some farmer's yard, informing me that many restless city merchants are arriving within the circle of the town, or adventurous country traders from the other side.
Late in the afternoon, as he was resting in the thick woods south of Walden, he heard the voice of the hounds far over toward Fair Haven still pursuing the fox; and on they came, their hounding cry which made all the woods ring sounding nearer and nearer, now from Well Meadow, now from the Baker Farm.
As I was desirous to recover the long lost bottom of Walden Pond, I surveyed it carefully, before the ice broke up, early in '46, with compass and chain and sounding line.
There are no longer sentinels sounding the alarm with their abdomens raised, and ready to die in defense of the hive.
In BERNE with great skill They work with a will To stop it from sounding too rude !
At the risk of sounding like an insurance salesperson rather than a financial planner, let 's be straight about this.
She casually remarked that I had " good vibes ", following this with a sheepish apology for sounding a little crazy.
This was something about which they should have been sounding the alarm.
We 've got the sad sounding ' Lying In The Snow ', another song of breath-taking beauty.
Market sounding brings learning into the public sector that is useful in a broader sense.
Imagine speaking with the voice of one of your favorite sounding characters from TV or film.
During the course of this we 're treated to very artful dialog which gets across valuable information without sounding too stilted.
Musically, they are a twisted group with the ability to stay away from musical normality 's, whist still sounding tremendous.
Even if you are stressed, don't use your child as a sounding board.
His breathing and purring, when relaxed, are sometimes a little congested/labored sounding, though he doesn't appear in any discomfort.
To make matters worse they can use words like "eco-friendly, "safe for the environment" or a host of other "green" sounding words when in fact, the contents contain toxic elements.
Phonics has three different modes to teach your child letters by sounding them out.
Phonics uses the tried and true method of sounding it out to teach reading.
To avoid unintentionally using fraudulent coupons, you should be wary of anything sounding too good to be true.
The zombie is a scary sounding drink whose looks are deceiving.
On a day to day basis, the RA is available as a resource and sounding board for residents of a floor.
Like sounding names can easily be misinterpreted by your dog.
Even though you don't need to be officially trained to play guitar tabs, you may not wind up sounding exactly like Clapton when you play.
With today's competitive global marketplace, overseas manufacturers are able to produce quality, professional sounding instruments at prices that would have seemed unheard of years ago.
In fact, improvising using arpeggio sequences can make for better sounding solos.
The site also provides a fretboard guide, metronome and tuning guide to help keep your notes sounding great.
Add into the mix that pre-teen girls are highly attracted to jewelry with the Playboy logo, jewelry which is, after all, ensconced with glittery charms and bedecked with rhinestones, and the pairing starts sounding off alarm bells.
Another frightening sounding soil amendment is blood meal, which actually is dried, powdered blood.
If you are looking for new love, express interest, but avoid sounding overly desperate.
Don't let the official sounding name of Claflin Medical Equipment intimidate you, as they offer Eschenbach Clip-on Magnifiers.
Also try sounding out the phrase to see if anything clicks.
Speak clearly to your puppy and avoid using similar sounding words.
A linguist at the firm thought straw was too slow sounding.
Therefore, in lieu of sounding out each letter, students are taught blends and combinations of letters.
If sales representative outsourcing jobs are sounding better to you by the minute, here's a list of job duties that the positions may involve.
Obviously, once you've become best friends and partners, it's your pleasure and even prerogative to be there for each other in all moods and to be a sympathetic ear and a sounding board.
Acting and sounding tough online can actually come out as sounding conceited and narcissistic.
Avoid sounding desperate - This is more than avoiding a pleading tone of voice; it's also accepting their silence graciously.
If you have a professional editor that you already work with, you're probably all set here; but if you don't, your sounding board does not need to be a professional.
Since barely, rye, oats, and their derivatives are all natural foods, they can sometimes be listed under fairly innocuous sounding names.
Modern alarm clocks do so much more than simply telling the time and sounding an alarm.
Unplug earphones as these will also stop the alarm from sounding (unless you are wearing your headphones).
Ujjayi is sometimes called the "sounding breath."
Knowing how to answer structured interview questions can help you land the job by sounding more professional and prepared.
Rubber stamping is a simple sounding name for the great variety of stamps, inks, powders and other gadgets that are involved in this craft today.
Don't worry about sounding like a professional writer.
Remembering the mostly likely words these sounds will be seen in can also help make sounding out French words a bit simpler.
Alta Lang has a whole list of flirting phrases to avoid so you don't come off sounding like a dinosaur.
Before you know it, you'll be practicing your new vocabulary and sounding more French each day.
Marti's unique vocal abilities and surprising range enhanced by some stunning, fresh sounding instrumental work captured the attention of thousands of fans and resulted in the album hitting platinum status five times over!
The Scene Aesthetic doesn't always get it right - "So Peter, You've Become a Pirate" is a little earnest sounding (though it gets bonus points for having a really good title) - and it's not the only moment that goes that way.
Indie kids rejoice - one of the most influential albums by one of the most influential bands of the early 90s has been remastered, and if possible, is sounding better than ever.
Free music mixer downloads give you the tools to turn your demo into a more professional sounding recording.
Common's story starts out sounding like a lifelong love affair with a girl - all the ups and downs and changes and fashions and identities - and all the times she was bad to him.
Lucas' 'Force' as a concept is only mysterious and 'other' sounding to people of Western cultures.
Betsy asked, sounding disappointed.
His name is Merrill Cooms, Brennan stated, sounding as if I should know the man.
Both he and Daniel Brennan became sounding boards without being intrusive.
He won't talk about the nightmares; at least to me, but the shrink must be a sounding board.
My call was forwarded to a female with a mature sounding voice.
At the expense of sounding immodest, I must say I am one of those who can attain this state.
Dusty's suggestion to bring in every station chief for interrogation was sounding better.
After a nod of her head, Paulette's hand shot up and the auctioneer all but cheered as he looked about for another sucker, his voice sounding like an old Lucky Strike commercial.
Toby's description of her as a mega-bitch was sounding more and more accurate.
It was Jake Weller, sounding annoyed at the world.
Fine, but if you start sounding suicidal, I'm going to slap you around.
As Dean entered the house, Sherlock Holmes was lecturing Watson in a voice sounding very much like Basil Rathbone while a radio across the room was playing soft music.
How could she describe it without sounding like she had lost her mind?
Darian growled, sounding more animal than human.
You weren't about to take a chance that you lose her, Gabriel said, sounding baffled.