Sorting-out Sentence Examples
Dean usually devoted the solitary time behind the wheel to sorting out details of a case, putting little facts in their slots like letters in a country post office.
Few can doubt that, if not the whole cause, it is a very important factor in that operation; and that it must play a great part in the sorting out of varieties into those which are transitory and those which are permanent.
Is much of your writing a process of sorting out and confronting personal demons?
Damian Burrin had been busy sorting out his RAF traffic cone (now somewhat legendary ), complete with 38mm MMT and video downlink.
I decided to just fish stringers on my rods and set about sorting out the bottom rigs.
Other tips include appointing a water monitor, sorting out dripping taps and insulating water pipes.
And Natasha began rapidly and deftly sorting out the things.
Before arrival did have a couple of problems sorting out arrival details with the Lab but these were only teething problems.
Sometimes talking to someone who is not so emotionally attached to you (a school counselor, a professional therapist) can be really helpful in sorting out your feelings and expectations.
Getting a divorce and sorting out child custody issues is messy but the Spears/Federline divorce is turning out to be messier than most.
AdvertisementThe trouble with identifying the cheapest online MBA (Master of Science in Business Administration degree program) is sorting out the diploma mills from the accredited, high-quality degree programs.
As the unfortunate Baudelaires, you are given the job of sorting out where in the scene everyone and everything was.
As the renowned investigator, you are given the job of sorting out where in the crime scene everyone and everything was.
The only problem may be sorting out the types of updates you prefer!
Clean up your candle scraps by removing any dirt, trimming off any pieces of wick, and sorting out pieces that are a similar color and fragrance.